overtake · 2 months
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tumblr post | thread for some of these pics
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hazbingirliexoxo · 2 months
*On the phone*
Reader: I wanna do bad things to you~😏
Valentino: Oooo yeah? Like what, amorcito?~😈
Reader: Like break your FUCKING NECK and gouge your eyes out and RIP-
Valentino: 😶 *hangs up*
Angel: *recording in the background, dying of laughter*
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ofmd-ann · 2 months
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David Jenkins posted! via Twitter 🐄
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ygsunflower · 1 year
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You cannot tell me in this scene where Sarah told Alba and Kristina to “just do your thing”, not only we got Alba’s amazing close up of “Ava longingly looking at a freewheeling Beatrice” per uncle Simon’s “I NEED THE LONGING!” shot request, we also got KTY’s Beatrice tempted to kiss Ava… 🥹
The Warrior Nun team is truly the dream team.
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90108s · 7 months
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[alt txt below!]
[START I.D.: A digital drawing of Hua Cheng from Tiān Guān Cì Fú (Heaven Official’s Blessing). It is dark and there is a fire behind him, in reference to the scene in the novel that retells the time wherein he burned the thirty-three gods’ temples and shrines to the ground in one night. He holds E-ming in one hand, looking back over his shoulder, his eye glowing red. He is surrounded by what seems to be fallen debris. END I.D.]
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pyotrkochetkov · 26 days
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the beard is bearding
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nartothelar · 1 year
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eliteseven · 2 months
What are your thoughts on Shadowheart in terms of her character? Her feelings towards Tav and her self-esteem?
Shadowheart: Self Esteem & Feelings towards Tav:
Short(er) version:
Shadowheart is complex and so interesting. She can be caustic, witty, dry and seemingly detached- or she can be the most loving person you've ever known. She's confident- we now know much of that was born of her Sharran upbringing, but she's willful because of her parents. She's defiant, playful around those she trusts, and has a great capacity for love. She's a healer at heart- though honed as a weapon, there is no greater joy for her than being able to mend wounds, to take away pain, even though it's all she's known for so long. She's broken, at times, but healing beautifully now.
Her relationship with Tav is founded upon trust (and a LOT of physical attraction, to boot). Tav is the only person who managed to breach her walls while she was still serving Shar. Tav has laid her own life on the line for Shadowheart (and her parents) countless times. Shadowheart plays coy and flirtatious, but there is a deep internal voice that tells her she's lucky Tav considers her worthy of her love. Romantically, Shadowheart is absolutely enamored with Tav. The more she learns about Tav's upbringing, the more protective she becomes. I think she's keenly aware of the fact that she and her parents are Tav's only true family, aside from her mother all the way in Cormyr.
Long (writer's) version lol:
I think Shadowheart is a layered, complex character! We have “Jenevelle”, if you will, at her core. Traits she picked up from her parents, even if she doesn’t inherently remember everything: her kindness, her proclivity to caring for animals and the weak, even her sense of humor (finger guns after the night orchid joke lol). I feel like life in the cloister had her suppressing these traits to an almost painful extent. Her memory may have been wiped, but her instincts do not change so easily. She’s witty, she’s even fun-loving, she’s outspoken. She’s willful, stubborn, and often sees the best in people.
And then we have “Shadowheart”- or the traits she developed as a result of life in the cloister. Some are actually beneficial, some not so much. Life in the cloister makes her cynical, sly, defensive, secretive, even if also incredibly adept at defending herself. It gives her “bite” to her personality, as well as a sense of arrogance.
In the first Acts, we see more of Shadowheart, but Jenevelle bleeds through. It’s clear by Act 2 that she’s developed enough of a rapport/trust with Tav that her true nature begins to show.
I think when she was a practicing Sharran, she lived under the guise of false self-esteem. She ascribed worth to herself based on how well she could heed the Dark Lady’s orders. Now that she’s free, she struggles with reconciling deeds she’s committed in the past. Though it isn’t her fault explicitly, I think she carries much guilt for what she became. Now, living her life in service to her parents, to all their animals, and to her beloved Tav- I think she sees her life as simple, bucolic, but worth so much more. She can be proud of this life, without shame. She can reconcile Jenevelle and Shadowheart, and be the best of both of them.
Her Feelings towards Tav:
Tav is a vital piece to Shadowheart’s overall growth. Initially, she’s attracted to Tav and thinks little of her or that fact- beyond staring when she thinks Tav isn’t looking. Just another pretty girl who's surprisingly good with a blade, in her eyes. In the early weeks, they argue. A lot. Shadowheart is particularly vicious when she gets wind that Tav came from nobility. And then something strange happens- Shadowheart finds herself looking forward to arguing with Tav, just to spend more time with her. She watches Tav give her own food and water to Tiefling refugees- She rolls her eyes at the “weakness” displayed and then goes to hide her smile in her tent and repent in prayer.
Tav is the most selfless person Shadowheart knows. Tav cares more about Emmeline and Arnell than Shadowheart can fathom. She’s constantly looking for ways to make up for lost time, constantly looking for ways to help Shadowheart’s memory. She doesn’t sleep if Shar’s mark is causing Shadowheart pain. Shadowheart has never been the love of anyone’s life-until now.
Shadowheart is madly in love. Tav’s her best friend, her partner. Tav helped speak sense into her, helped her see reason, light, love in the midst of Shar’s scheme for her. Tav saw through her, saw Jenevelle and Shadowheart, and gave herself completely to both of them.
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accio-victuuri · 6 months
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xiao zhan - ralph lauren ( ralph’s club pop up shop activity photo )
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denkisauce · 2 years
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polycule!!!!!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
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charles-edwin · 7 months
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the photos look even more aesthetic in the magazine 🥺
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its-raining-here · 9 months
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for the @yearoftheotpevent august prompt “au of your choice” i chose my neglected as of late figure skating au and did oakson :V
pair skater darryl wilson, separated from his former partner carol wilson (both on and off the ice) when she makes the switch to singles skating, decides to also make a change and teams up with ice dancer henry oak, whose partner and wife mercedes oak-garcia has recently retired from competition and taken up coaching. sparks fly. chaos ensues. figures are done.
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Hua-Cheng/Crimson Rain Sought Flower 🦋/ San Lang ❣️
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antelephant · 7 months
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Thank you for being human when we needed that the most!
RIP Matthew Perry aka Chandler Bing. ❤️‍🩹💔✨⭐️🐥🪿👏🏼 Thank you for being our youth.
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p-oisn · 5 months
happy new year woohoOoo !!! i hope everyone has a spectacular n fun year ahead <33
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kelsiers · 1 year
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doodled some wayhaven ladies 👉🏼👈🏼😳 ladies if you read this im free on thursday night and would like to hang out, please respond to this and then hang out with me on thursday night when im free
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