theblindlydominant · 3 years
It looks like the tumblr police terminated blindlydominant, so until I hear back from my appeal, I’ll be here.
Reblog this please to help my find my mutual.
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hellhighdominant · 3 years
Hey yall. This is blindlydominant again. Looking for my mutuals again.
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veronicathegoddess · 3 years
He's too old for you anyway.
i'm going to assume you're talking about Tyler here cause that's the only person this could be about especially with the amount of discourse that takes place here about him
firstly Ty is only 30 which isn't that much older than i am, just a little over a decade so the age gap isn't that big, stop making him sound like he's old enough to be my dad or something
secondly, i like older men, i've always been open about this so if i was interested in Tyler, he most definitely wouldn't be too old for me because he's in the range of older guys that i like
thirdly baby if i was with someone who was 30 years older than me, it's no one's business and no one besides me gets to decide how old is too old, y'all just need to learn to keep your noses in your own fucking business
god i'm so tired of you people, if you have something to say, say with your entire fucking chest and stop hiding behind grey faces because you're too scared to be a dick openly
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Happy birthday!
Tumblr media
alright, guys.. let's not make this a thing 😅
thanks tho man lol. i do appreciate it. ♡
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babydelilah · 3 years
Have any favorite Dom blogs?
Ohhhh I do!! Only a couple are coming to mind though, I’m tired and high 😅
There’s definitely more than this, and if you have any recommendations please message me! 🤩
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nikkinick · 3 years
Just seems cool i guess
yes!! he seems to have a really cool and awesome blog that is such a great space and totally needed rn in the community!
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alwaysbeenastormx · 3 years
My tumblr crush is @blindlydominant 🥰
Thanks for sharing!
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theblindlydominant · 3 years
One year ago today I made BlindlyDominant. Thank you to everyone who has made this past year enjoyable and for the friends and more i have made.
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veronicathegoddess · 3 years
If Tyler asked would you show him your nudes? Why are you two so close?
so starting with the last question first, why are the two of us so close?
because he was the first guy to ever treat me with basic respect and dignity on this hellsite. he literally only ever had the intention of being someone i could turn to when i'm in trouble or being harassed by someone here.
from there we learnt we had similar backgrounds and similar interests and bonded over them, we started talking and we just got close. i don't know why everyone is so suspicious of us having a platonic friendship with each other.
two adults can be friends with nothing going on between them and i've said it before and i'll say it again, even if there is something between us, it's no one's concern.
as for the first question, fucking hell why is that on your bloody mind. Tyler would never ask me for those kind of pictures and that's all I'm going to say on that.
honestly please just leave us alone because the last thing i want is for you people to break up our friendship because of the unnecessary drama that's consistently happening. and this is the last time i'm going to be so nice about this situation when people ask
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veronicathegoddess · 3 years
@blindlydominant is too good for you
oh i absolutely agree anon, he's wayyyyyyyy too good for me
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veronicathegoddess · 3 years
so you can get yourself off to him but not send him your nudes...that's ridiculous
or maybe it's just respectful. he's not going to pressure me into doing something i don't want to or send pictures i don't feel comfortable sending because he's actually a decent human unlike you who thinks that you're entitled to a woman's nudes because the thought of you gave her an orgasm.
whenever i want to send them to him, i will talk to him and make sure he's okay with it first before i do it because consent goes both ways.
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veronicathegoddess · 3 years
Hi. So I know that you're someone who is very close with @blindlydominant and I just wanted to say that I expected more from someone like you.
You talk a big game about supporting women and respecting boundaries yet you're friends with someone who talks to all women like they're submissive which is problematic and unhealthy because that's a big assumption.
And as a woman, you should do better and call him out of his behaviour but it's always people like you who are enablers and allow doms to get away with their bs.
As someone with a big following you should not be endorsing people like that knowing the type of person they but then again, most of you are only here for clout and think that you are above criticism because you're well liked on Tumblr. Both you and @blindlydominant are people I've been scared to criticize because of how popular you are but I'm not going to hold back because people need to know the truth.
Wow...okay this is a lot. So let's address this piece by piece:
♡ First of all, you just misgendered me. I do not identify as a woman, I am genderfluid. I am female presenting online but that does not mean that I am a woman. Also if you know so much about me and the type of person I am, you should know that I'm genderfluid. So I cannot as a woman do better, but I can do better as a person except not in this situation that I have no knowledge of.
♡ You are working on the assumption that I knew about whatever happened between you and Tyler, when I didn't. The first I heard of it was when I got this ask. But assuming that I know and that I'm okay with that type of behavior and attacking me off of an assumption is wrong. And I think there is a lot things wrong in trying to state that I have a part in this and that I knew about this and I am allowing it to happen and coming to close to blaming me for a situation that I had no part in.
♡ Speaking to every woman like they are submissive is wrong and if you felt like he did that, I will not invalidate how you feel and I will not hesitate to say that if Tyler spoke to in that manner, he was wrong to do so. I'm not going to condone that type of behavior because he is my friend.
♡ Now let's address your behavior, if you were the person this happened to, I'm very sorry that it did. But telling me that I'm an enabler and that I allow doms to get away with things like this is not okay. You don't know me and you don't get to say that about me. Furthermore, I would never excuse doms who disrespect,manipulate, or abuse subs. As someone who was in a relationship with an abusive dom, I would never ever condone that. And I would never know that someone who I am friends with is doing that and encourage it or even continue my friendship with them
♡ Additionally neither Tyler not myself believe that we are above criticism. As you rightfully said, we are persons with platforms and followings and I can assure you that we don't assume in anyway that we are above any form of criticism from people who interact/follow with us because we know that our actions/things we say will reach a lot of people. If you felt scared to criticize us because of our following, that's something that we can't do anything about because we have never said that we’re against criticism or told out followers to attack people who criticize us.
♡ I don't think that this incident speaks volumes about Tyler's character. Obviously if it happened, it's something that he would need to work on but implying that he's this horrible person because of it, is a bit too far. In all of my personal interactions with Tyler, he has always been nothing but respectful and kind towards me. He has never spoken to me in any sort of submissive manner or tried to engage me in any type of sexual conversations or anything of the sort. I spoke highly of Tyler based on my interactions with him and no one can say that I'm wrong for that. 
♡ I also firmly believe that he's a good person, he's just a good person who just has something that he needs to work on, like the rest of us. We're all flawed humans and we make mistakes and I'm sure this is something he'll strive to fix if it happened. Saying that you want people to know the truth but then painting me as an enabler of abuse and Tyler as this horrible dom and terrible person is very very far from the truth.
♡ Also we come back to the fact that I am not Tyler's sub, or girlfriend or friend with benefits so why are people's issues with him being brought to me. If he has a pattern of abuse/manipulation, it should be brought to my attention for me to stop interacting with him but one isolated incident is not something to attack me about and call me an enabler etc. If you have a problem with Tyler, please address it with him, but do not try to accuse me of being okay with something I don't know about like I know everyone who he interacts with.
♡ That's all I have to say, please don't send me any other asks about the situation because I've said what I had to say and prefer to not be involved in something I don't even know about, thank you very much.
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veronicathegoddess · 3 years
petition for a Tyler blog takeover
i love Tyler but no, not gonna happen
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veronicathegoddess · 3 years
what do you think about Tyler and what does he think about you?
idk what he thinks about me, i'm not in his head, why do you people keep asking me what he thinks. i'm a psycho not a psychic.
but i think he's great. he's intelligent, kind, respectful, absolutely hilarious, cute, has a great personality and is a great friend. a top tier human honestly.
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veronicathegoddess · 3 years
Was going to post on not anon but with how crazy people are going im scared to get an influx of anons like this.. uhm what? Can people literally fuck off you and him are friends. Some of these anons are crazy and way out of line and I am sorry to see this. You seems like an amazing person that I'll follow after I send this but it's so sad to see how fan girls will attack his own friend because he didn't chose them... I am sorry and don't let these anons get to u
thank you for that, i really appreciate it and please send me a message so i can thank you privately. um idk why people jumped to these conclusions and why they're so mad that they're fantasies weren't real or why they find it necessary to attack me over Tyler when he himself has stated that we are just friends.
people are weird and crazy on the internet and I was just responding to these as a joke, i didn't know people were going to take this so seriously but they are clearly which is stupid because they don't know either of us.
thanks again for your kindness and to Tyler's fangirls, fuck off.
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veronicathegoddess · 3 years
why were you thinking about @blindlydominant when making those audios
the first one i was having a conversation with him about breeding and he just ended up being on my mind when i made the audio
the second one he gave me the idea for it and idk my coochie was like Tyler so i was like okay and i thought about him
really and truly its best not to question these things sometimes
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