autisticyugi-mutou · 6 months
anyways y'all need to be careful who you reach out to, especially in a fandom from the '90s. even the youngest of us OG fans are in our thirties, yours truly included. Please please PLEASE be careful who you reach out to, okay? not cause I think you're all kids but because I want you to be safe.
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toadstool32 · 8 months
7 movies 7 tags!!!
Tagged by @turnon-turnoff hi Emmmm tyy 4the tag!!! I don't watch movies so this is hell for me <3 (EDIT: I STARTED DOING THIS WHEN I WOKE UP BUT I GOT DISTRACTED BY MINECRAFT IMMEDIATELY LOL ANYWAY)
Evil dead 2 (silly goofy)
Saw 5 (i like, the coffin)
Little miss sunshine (cry everytime)
2001: space odyssey (hal did NOTHING wrong)
Patema inverted (aughhh)
Shock treatment (SILLY GOOFY PART 2)
The digimon movie (come on)
It's so difficult to think of 7 movies I've watched lol anyway tagging @fat-butch-dyke @justapalspal @orpheusofthestars @clannfearrunt @queeriboh @future-circuit @blipblorpsnork AND YOU, THJEW READER, ARE ALSO TAGGED, no pressure tho mwah kisses
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villainsquirk · 3 years
💖 for Sero from goldenrod-eyes? shippy or platonic is fine~
“Yo, Denki!” Hanta calls out with a grin, wrapping his arm around his friend, the movement natural to the both of them. Denki was one of his best friends. Someone funny, a little weird, with a good heart. Plus, Hanta himself knew his friend wasn’t nearly as dumb as some people liked to think. Denki was good people. Nice, friendly. Not the type to crush someone’s heart in rejection if they confessed. 
So why was Hanta so damn nervous? He knew this wouldn’t really mess up their friendship. They were too close for that. Or well. He hoped. As much as he just wanted to rip the bandaid off, get things over with, he hesitated. The chocolates in his backpack waiting to be brought out. 
Man, what was he even thinking? Denki probably wasn’t even into guys. Hanta himself only heard Denki talk about girls, and well while Hanta definitely was into both guys and girls, Denki might not be. 
But wouldn’t it be easier to confess if that was the case? Just an unfortunate case of heterosexuality and not anything personal? Like the fact that Hanta was kinda plain, kinda boring. Just kinda....there? Especially when it came to his loud, funny, incredibly hot group of friends. He knew he had his merits. He was funny, pretty smart, tried his best to be helpful. But he wasn’t anything special. 
Honestly, he normally wasn’t so filled with self doubt and self-deprecation. He usually felt pretty good about who he was, what he had to offer the world. But today, with the chocolates in his bag, looking at his best friend. He just wasn’t sure. Was it worth it? Or should he just give up?
And at that, Hanta ran his free hand through his hair nervously. “So, uh. Valentine’s day. You get any confessions yet, dude?” 
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tuesdayinthedas · 5 years
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D2. Look at all them chickens
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olderthannetfic · 4 years
blipblorpsnork reblogged your post “A New History of Fandom Purges”
Oh? Which Star Trek site was that, @blipblorpsnork?
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justapalspal · 5 years
blipblorpsnork replied to your post: d10shipping actually is like…… a fun name how did...
that’s a good fucken name tbh
!!!! YES!! And it takes both of their nerdy dice interests into account!!!!
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metfell · 5 years
  you guys are really sweet :’) i want to do so much...
hey absolutely take your time. you are under no time constraints on your art or your writing or even on doing asks and replying to people. i struggle with it a lot too but even if an ask has been sitting around for months people are excited to see a reply. take care of yourself; you being okay is way more important than catering to someone’s impatience <3
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aaaaaaaa thank u love
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rockflavors · 6 years
@blipblorpsnork​ replied:
Can we maybe not pick on that stuff? Like nine times out ten people who each things they shouldn't are mentally ill, have a specific type of eating disorder, or are autistic or varying other divergences.
I’m actually familiar with pica, as well as the neurodiverse people speaking up during the Tide Pod Discourse. I’m autistic myself, and the entire reason it was horrifying to me was the ungodly crunching sound, which provoked a Bad Sound reaction.
Being aware of neurodiversities, whatever category pica falls into, and the Tide Pod Discourse (as well as the “Tide Pod Challenge” videos) is the entire reason that I frequently add “Do not eat this” disclaimers to posts. I mentioned the video in the first place because the person who showed me said “Hey, this made me think of you” and I thought it’s something my followers would be interested in. (This person is also autistic and also had the Bad Sound reaction to the crunching rocks.)
I run this blog in part because I see these rocks and my lizard brain goes “bright colors, good texture = candy = EAT THE ROCK”.
I generally try to avoid making non-rock related posts on here for this very reason. I want this to be a fun place for all sorts of people, and I try to handle things as delicately as possible, but due to my own neurodivergences, that doesn’t always come through.
My followers are wonderful, and I trust that they’ll understand that no harm was meant. :)
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trashboatprince · 6 years
  How come my cuphead art isn’t in the tags? :o...
If your blog has ever been flagged nsfw, you use hyperlinks to external sources, or cross source with certain tags, none of your shit will show up in tags. Tumblr is fucking people over royally over this purge and it’s getting worse
This is weird, my blog isn’t flagged as such, and I can see art from one of my side blogs in tags, but here on my main? Nothing! >:O But my bf and I talked about it, we think tumblr’s just doing it’s typical dumb thing where it doesn’t know what it’s doing and things that wouldn’t be affected are.
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luckyredeyes · 6 years
I don't know if anyone else is experiencing this but I see your most recent posts on my dashboard and they don't show up on your blog. I'm on mobile (have tried restarting it etc) and I've seen other people have this issue too due to the purge and bugs etc. The most recent post I see is Ko responding to Ro that the bedroom is off limits. (blip)
Weird. I can see everything on my end and nothings appear to have been flagged. Must be a bug. Sorry!
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duelingstreetrat · 6 years
blipblorpsnork replied to your post: Break: "I love you." (FS)
br8k the friend who br8ks the muse B3c
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eleonorpiteira · 6 years
blipblorpsnork replied to your post: “I got a Daily Deviation!!!” :
tiashepard replied to your post: “I got a Daily Deviation!!!”:
Congratulations! ��
lunaemoth replied to your post: “I got a Daily Deviation!!!”:
Congrats! It’s well deserved. =)
batpop77 replied to your post: “I got a Daily Deviation!!!” :
That is so cool!!!! :D :D Well done! It’s a lovely piece too so I’m not surprised!
Thanks guys!!! <3333 :’) 
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m0kuba · 6 years
blipblorpsnork replied to your post[ ooc // h…headcanon? ] Mokuba has a bunch...
I absolutely adore this headcanon, 10/10. (kuribohnbon mun btw~~)
       [ ooc ] he’ll do it all with a straight face too. Super Professional.
       “Hey Mokuba can you hand me your pencil?”
       “yes of course I just need you to sign here, here, right here, and here- and on this page, here, there-”
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tuesdayinthedas · 5 years
yugi, watching atem watch a storm, soaking in all of the small details of the lightening against his dark skin, the way it highlights the gold in his hair, the way he looks so pensive and beautiful when he's in his own head... :3
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I couldn’t stop thinking about this
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justapalspal · 5 years
blipblorpsnork replied to your post: isisishtar replied to your post: ...
wow thats a lot of. nothing but uh. hmm.
:”) its not even tagged and. i swear its reposts but im not even venturing back
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metfell · 5 years
blipblorpsnork replied to your post “*crawls into bed and uses my burning mac laptop as a heating pad for...”
g o d why is this such a mood and I also hope you feel better soon :<
laptops are a coal burning pure hellfire but when ur curled up in a ball they sure do help
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