galraluver · 2 years
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Here's some cute/funny Galra pics for you all to enjoy
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formderptron · 4 years
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A reminder that the mice forced him to keep his eyes open as Coran hit this poor guy with a flying teabag.
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blofar · 5 years
my three favorites are purple and hot so i think i’ve got a type guys,,,
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anzaitea · 6 years
hi, yeah, your art is so pleasing and so nice and i love it so much💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓 you own all my uWus💕💕❤️💓💕❤️💓
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lmao someone screenshotted one of ur posts and put it on insta and i was rly shook bcuz like i know you!! and it was cool yeah💕💓💕💓
Make theeee post!!!!
I need to seeeee!!!!
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purplerubyred · 6 years
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Proud warriors, amirite?
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lonelygayturtle · 6 years
Name a more iconic duo, I’ll wait
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I wish someone loved me like Blofar loves his scarf
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dragonfoxstar · 6 years
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qnerdiarchive · 6 years
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"That's my girl." 💙
my favorite part of s7 was Zethrid and Ezor's totally canon wedding - it was very cute when Blofar and Coran fought over the bouquet.
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sepublic · 5 years
Voltron Season 8 Revision Ideas
Based on what I’ve seen, I’m DEFINITELY not the only person who was very unsatisfied with Voltron’s final season. And it’s not because of ships, either- There were just a lot of questionable plot threads, some of which were left empty, and other issues such as pacing. As I sat down afterwards and tried to figure out the exact issues I had with Season 8, I figured, why not make my own post on how things should’ve been handled? Because there ARE good things about this season, and I do feel that with some revisions, new scenes, cuts, etc., the finale of Voltron could just be a lot more satisfying.
Thus, I present my own modified version of Season 8. This is mostly a rough draft, and I’m open to other ideas and modifications to it!
-Episode 1
This episode is pretty much perfect, although one change I’d make is the ending. I won’t deny that this is me pretty much fan-servicing myself when I admit that the change is that Lance and Allura DON’T kiss, nor does their relationship get confirmed. Alas, I must admit that I’ve never cared for Allurance, and it certainly never helped that it felt rushed and at times one-sided. We see Lance do a LOT for Allura, but aside from showing him some tender affection, we never truly see Allura go out of her way to do stuff for Lance.
So in this version of the episode, after Lance gives his confession, Allura admits to him that she just doesn’t feel the same. She isn’t ready for this, she has a lot of doubt, it doesn’t feel right so soon after the whole Lotor incident… At first, Lance is unsure… but then he lets out a laugh of relief and admits that for some reason, this makes him feel relieved. He agrees with Allura that being just supportive friends with one another is all he really wants and needs, and he’s glad to get things over with. Thus, he and Allura hug things out.
Thankfully, for those who like Allurance, I’ve revised Season 8 so that it or any other Lance ship being canon, does NOT affect the plot.
-Episode 2
Again, this episode was almost perfect. However, this is where I make my first big plot adjustment- Namely, when Honerva arrives at Lotor’s ruined cruiser. Like before, she finds Kova… but she also finds Narti’s body, oddly still intact after all this time. With an idea, she takes Narti’s body with her as well.
When Honerva does her ritual to find Lotor and Sincline in the rift, the ritual involves her using Narti’s bond and deep loyalty to Lotor. And in this version, the ritual does NOT kill Kova (or Narti, for that matter). Then Honerva just stuffs Narti into a healing pod or something. Also, there are still Druids serving Honerva.
-Episode 3
This episode was basically perfect. Honestly, the only change I can think of making is making all of the preceding events a bit shorter, if only to have more horror movie shenanigans with the Super Weapon.
-Episode 4
This is where I make my first MAJOR revisions towards the season. If I’m going to be honest, this episode REALLY dragged on. It felt unnecessary to have all of this delay and separated flashbacks, to just show the Komar Robeast grabbing the cubes. Likewise, it really bothered me that the Olkari left the planet and never came back- At first I assumed it would be because the Robeast was going to suck the planet dry of quintessence… but it doesn’t.
In fact, all it does is break a lot of buildings -which IS bad, but not THAT bad- and then take the cubes. That’s it. It’s just… one city. On an entire planet- Why did they feel the need to abandon the planet completely? Why was the entire planet so gray? And it felt unsatisfying to never see Reyner and the Olkarions again, so as far as we know they’re still stranded in space on evacuation ships. Like, what? Additionally, the whole Weblum introduction dragged on a bit too long.
So, new change- Voltron arrives on the planet, but it’s COMPLETELY sucked dry and dessicated. Pidge does the flashback thing, only it has to happen, like… only twice. And at the end of the flashback, the Komar Robeast also drains Olkari’s quintessence. Reyner dies, because angst. Pidge mourns, and then the Weblum arrives- But the planet is so dessicated that it leaves, because THAT’s how drained and dry it’s become. Even the Weblum can’t make anything of what is left- Truly destructive.
In the remaining time of the episode, we also see Honerva peering further into the rift, and catching glimpses of the Rift Entity or something. While on the Atlas, the team is all solemn, and they’re all talking about their next plan of action. Keith says something clumsy, and Matt pointedly reminds him about the time Keith tried to do a kamikaze attempt. Everyone else is shocked, Keith is flustered, and everyone is forced to confront this fact, including Krolia and Kolivan. Kolivan at first admonishes Keith, before apologizing and lamenting his mistake. We also see Lance support Keith afterwards.
Perhaps to end off the episode, we cut to Merla, who thinks back to her own interactions with Lotor. Turns out, the two had a friendship similar to when Lotor and Ven-tar hung out.
-Episode 5
Basically, the entire episode is different. The crew of the Atlas is at a market for certain supplies, when they get ambushed by Ezor and Zethrid’s group (On a note, the two don’t have injuries from the explosion because that’s just mean). At first they’re very aggressive and there’s a brief clash, but then Acxa steps in to negotiate. Zethrid and Ezor get REALLY confrontational about her siding with Keith, who is there with Krolia. At this point Acxa decides now’s a good time to reveal the truth; She is Keith’s sister.
Everyone is shocked, and then Krolia mutters a name we don’t recognize, unsure. Acxa confirms it, and then we get some insight into Acxa’s backstory. She was Krolia’s original daughter, but her apparent death helped motivate Krolia to fight against the Empire as a Blade. Turns out- Acxa survived, and assumed a different identity. Her injuries were really bad, especially to her face, so she basically had to get a new one. Acxa ALSO had amnesia from the incident.
More backstory, and Acxa joins Lotor. She later meets Keith in the Weblum, and is disturbed by how he reminds her of someone she doesn’t know… Either way, she feels personally obligated to look out for him. During the three year period where Voltron vanished, she managed to get her memories back.
She admits that she was unsure about how to tell Keith and Krolia about this. Ezor and Zethrid are still baffled. Krolia just embraces Acxa, calling her by her real name, and Keith follows. Ezor and Zethrid now feel like they can’t exactly fight Acxa and her family, and Acxa mentions that they need help taking down Honerva, who they KNOW abused Lotor.
Ezor and Zethrid hesitate and decide to think about it. They call off their group and head elsewhere into the market. The Atlas crew realizes they still need the supplies and continue on, while Acxa awkwardly talks with Keith and Krolia.
Cut to Ezor and Zethrid, who are discussing with one another. Here, we get the chance to see THEIR backstories. After their stories, we also cut to Narti, dormant within her healing pod at Oriande, dreaming… And we see HER story as a chimera shock trooper created by the empire. We eventually cut back to the market, and the Voltron Coalition is boarding the Atlas when Ezor and Zethrid arrive, pledging their support. As a bonus, we also get an awkward interaction between Coran and Blofar, and the Holts and the Lizard Bounty Hunter.
-Episode 6
Basically the same. We also have Ezor, Zethrid, and Acxa trying to reach out to Lotor. When Sincline emerges, it touches Oriande and gets imbued with energy- In this version of the episode, the White Lion Guardian lives. The implication is that it, and other Lion spirits, have now become one with Sincline.
-Episode 7
Potentially the same, for now. I like the insight into Kinkade’s personality. Even if I decide to give this episode the boot in a future revision, I AM keeping in the Seok Jin tribute. That will remain, no matter what.
-Episode 8
This time, the episode starts off with the Atlas crew already at the Clear Day festival, helping out. Shiro is saying stuff, telling everyone to help out, and Burr kind of passively-aggressively confronts Shiro about their previous absence, being all ‘Look who decided to show up’ without actually physically confronting Shiro with body language or eye contact.
We basically get SOME of the carnival bit, but with stuff cut out. The whole Hunk and Keith thing is gone, we see more of N-7 and Curtis, Rolo is confirmed alive and well, maybe learn about Shiro and his past and family. Lance getting a prize for Allura is also a dropped subplot. If he DOES try to win a game, he does well, mostly because I really like this one headcanon someone else came up with about Lance learning how to win at those carnival games for his little niece and nephew.
The episode is mostly concerned about Allura, the Rift Entity, the Alteans, Lotor, and Narti. We have Allura staying behind on the Atlas when Tavo speaks up, only to die. Allura saves him, and removes the Rift Entity from Tavo. Tavo comes to and she and Tavo discuss it, and consider the very painful procedure of letting the other Alteans die, only to bring them back so they can be free from Honerva’s control. These Alteans consent.
Cut to Oriande, and Lotor wakes up and sees Honerva. He initially attacks in a berserk rage, but when he sees Merla, he calms down and realizes himself in mourning, asking who it was he killed.
Honerva interrupts him and dismisses Merla, noting that Sincline is impressive and seems to have reformatted itself while in the rift, now sporting a pair of wings. When she removed Lotor from Sincline, it split into five ships- The Torso Ship, the Arm Ship, the Leg Ship, the Wing Ship, and the Tail Ship.
Honerva marvels at the Sincline Ships and notes that they will be most useful in creating a permanent rift like the one in Daibazaal. Lotor is livid at this and refuses to help her, but Honerva reminds him that she has his colony hostage, as well as the truth of his experiments. And, to seal the deal…
Some Druids cart in Narti in her healing pod, Kova following. Lotor is shocked and the pod comes out, and Narti emerges, stumbling out. Lotor catches her, and Narti is at first confused- But then she remembers what happened and backs away from a hurt and conflicted Lotor. She notices Honerva and tries to strike at her, but Honerva basically flings her aside, causing Narti to crash into the Tail Ship. 
There’s a brief vision of the Tail Ship’s spirit, which disorients Narti- But then she’s frozen in place by Honerva. Kova is hissing at his former master and Lotor wants to do a lot, but it’s no use. Meanwhile, it turns out that Merla has still been there right outside the room, listening in, when Honerva also reminds Lotor of his second colony experiments, shocking Merla. She compares herself to Lotor, but Lotor defiantly explains just WHY he did the things he did- Before calming down and ultimately giving into his guilt and insecurity. Honerva has Lotor and Narti taken to separate cells, giving Narti a discarded Sentry head to talk with mockingly, and keeps a hostile Kova nearby.
Merla turns away, unsure and in intense thought- But then she hears Honerva heading to the room’s entrance and hurries away. Meanwhile, Honerva briefly struggles -It’s revealed that since the Oriande incident, she’s been flickering between past and occasionally future versions of herself- and keeps having glimpses of the Rift Entity.
-Episode 9
The Voltron Coalition analyzes the Rift Entity. Meanwhile, Lotor and Narti are in adjacent cells, with Narti angrily calling Lotor out on everything. Lotor is saddened and apologizes, and Narti begins to hear him cry from within her cell. Lotor admits that the security the power offered him seemed so tempting…
Suddenly, Merla comes in. Turns out, while eavesdropping on Honerva, Honerva told the Druids to take Lotor and Narti to a certain part of Oriande, instructing them to tell everyone else not to enter due to some other reason.
Merla reveals that she knows the truth, and Lotor’s head hangs down. She confronts him as well, before sighing and admitting that while she can never trust Lotor the way she used to, she can at least trust him more than she can Honerva- It’s clear what Honerva really wants, and she begins to suspect of her lies. Lotor confirms that no, Voltron is not evil, although hesitates to mention Allura. The trio hear the Druids heading near, and Merla gets away while Narti asks Lotor about the others.
Merla is mingling with the other Alteans, and we see how they’re living. She finds a trusted friend and secretly confides with him/her in secret what she learned. The friend is shocked at Lotor’s crimes, and Merla admits she is angry- But they have a greater issue at hand to deal with. She notes, carefully, that perhaps they should all be prepared to turn on Honerva, and suggests warming everyone up to the idea by pretending to innocently question why Honerva won’t let them see Lotor and whatnot.
Later that night, Lotor and Narti are asleep, as are Acxa, Zethrid, and Ezor. Cut to the garage, and the Sincline Ships suddenly glow. Cue the visions of Team Sincline with their respective spirits, and then suddenly they’re all in the Astral Plane with their spirits, and see one another, Kova included.
Lead to a VERY interesting reunion between the five. A, E, and Z are baffled at Narti’s return, and are also confrontational towards Lotor. Eventually, however, things cool down. Lotor apologizes, and although Team Sincline isn’t quite there at a proper reunion, things are better.
Lotor then questions how they’re here, when a heavenly, divine voice comes in from above, heralded by light. This voice announces them each as the Paladins of Sincline, gifting each of them bayards, whilst discussing the attributes of each Sincline Ship. Team Sincline is surprised and wary at this voice, and before they can ask more, the dream ends. Before it does, the voice tells them to instruct Voltron on contacting her again for guidance.
Team Sincline wakes up, and tells everyone the news. At first they’re unsure on how to handle this info, but Allura decides it must be real. After all, Sincline was made of the same ore as Voltron… Allura further hypothesizes that the White Lion spirit, as well as others, have now been imbued in the Sincline Ships, and wonders if this is how the Voltron Lions became sentient.
The coalition muses over this, and the three members of Sincline remind them of the voice’s message. Deciding that Voltron is the key, the team forms together in the original configuration, with Shiro and Allura in the Black Lion, and are taken into the astral plane. Realizing they need to ascend even higher, the team goes through a very spiritual journey of sorts, trying to reach the voice as they hear more of her.
Meanwhile, Honerva tries to get Lotor to activate Sincline for her, even as she has construction of her own mech begin. Merla and her friends succeed in turning favor against Honerva in an innocent manner, with Merla at one point being asked by an Altean child if Honerva can be trusted- Merla pretends to be baffled by this question, before considering.
The Druids report this to Honerva, who is getting angrier at Lotor- Only the Torso Ship is responding to him. Honerva gets angrier and flickers into her pre-corruption state, stating she is Lotor’s mother, and a shocked Lotor shakes his head and denies it. Honerva has Lotor dragged back to his cell, deciding that she can make him do it when the time is right. As the Druids tell her of the Alteans and their musings, Honerva brushes it aside, clearly struggling. At one point she flickers to herself as a child, and her past self and current self briefly clash before she goes back to her regular form. Exhausted, Honerva goes back to her quarters.
At the end of the episode, the Paladins go beyond the Astral Plane with the power of the Lions, and are in some other place with strange souls mingling about… They question where they are, when they get separated. As they wander, they come across individual souls… And then see the original Paladins of Voltron, sans Zarkon.
-Episode 10
The Paladins are shocked, wondering how this can be. The previous generation is also confused, although Alfor is happy to be with Allura and vice-versa. They embrace one another.
We then cut to the original stories of the three other paladins, and Alfor likewise reminisces on his past with Honerva. Meanwhile, Ezor, Zethrid, and Acxa discuss trusting Lotor again, and they once again recall the times they met him. They hesitate.
The Paladins reunite and realize that they’re in some sort of afterlife, a spiritual realm… As they travel, Shiro is reunited with Adam, and the two make amends over their previous conflict and gain closure, kissing for one last time. The Paladins also meet Ven-tar, who wants them to tell Lotor that he doesn’t need to be guilty about his failure, and that his original colony still loves him. The group keeps traveling, and we get cameos of other deceased characters such as Antok, Sanda, etc. Soon after, they get attacked by the soul of Myzax, who is later joined by Sendak and Zarkon, and perhaps others.
The team form a spiritual Voltron and fight Zarkon’s spirit-mech, defeating him. Out comes innocent Zarkon, until Allura reminds him of his crimes. Zarkon cries in remorse (Sendak is also purified, sort of) and Allura notes that if he truly feels sorry, he should help.
Zarkon does help, and with the strength of the past and current generations of Voltron, they finally connect to the voice. We see a bright light manifest, and she reveals herself as the Lion Goddess- The same one that the Arusians had mistaken Allura for.
The Paladins are all fazed and asking questions, but it’s worse when the Lion Goddess decides to take a form they are more comfortable with, and becomes Melenor. Now Allura and Alfor are REALLY baffled, and LG explains.
The Lion Goddess is one side in an eternal conflict between life and death, creation vs entropy, etc., and her enemy is the Rift Entity, whom she notes tempted Zarkon and Honerva, and nearly seized Lotor as well. She explains how the two have attempted to tip the balance in their own favor, and now the Rift Entity seeks to do this by having Honerva tear open an even bigger, permanent rift to let it enter this reality.
By destroying this reality, the Rift Entity will be able to tip the balance, leading to a chain of events that will result in the total annihilation of existence. LG admits that she’s clashed with RE many times, in different battlefields, or realities, the two sending their own chess pieces against one another.
To find help, LG took the form of an Altean and traversed this reality until she met Alfor. Smitten with him, she married, and the two seemed happy… Until the trans-reality comet, AKA Voltron, one of LG’s warriors, was struck by the Rift Entity. Wounded, it fell and accidentally pierced the fabric of reality, opening the rift and allowing RE a chance to enter.
Alfor notes that it was ‘Melenor’s’ help that helped him find Oriande. He and Allura are really confused and unsure how to feel, and LG apologizes, genuinely mournful, for her manipulation. She continued to guide Alfor and the Paladins into creating Voltron and beating back RE, but RE managed to keep its sway on Zarkon and Honerva.
LG admitted that she wished she could have done more to stop THAT tragedy, but she was limited. She only operated, separate from reality, through the avatar of Melenor, unlike RE which was able to enter reality more tangibly. LG nevertheless explains the role of Voltron -as well as SINCLINE, she reminds them- in helping her keep RE from tipping the balance.
Alfor, distressed, calls out his wife, demanding to know if he and Allura were really loved, or just pawns in this game. LG mournfully agrees that she asked herself this question, which is why she has no intention of trying to tip the balance in her favor once RE is stopped. As far as she is concerned, she only wants to help everyone defend reality. Actually tipping things in her own favor, she may not even bother in any more.
Alfor and Allura are shocked by everything, and everything is quiet… Suddenly, the connection wavers, and LG reminds the Paladins that they hold a part of the RE on their ship. Concerned, the Paladins decide to return to their reality, but not before Allura, Alfor, and Melenor have one last hug. The OG generation bids the new one luck, especially a repentant Zarkon, who offers some advice about Honerva’s personality to help.
The team’s consciousness returns to this reality, when the Rift Entity’s fragment breaks from the Atlas and heads into space, attacking Voltron. A brief fight ensues, but Voltron easily wins. However, Allura worriedly notes that they still have to stop Honerva, and questions if Voltron can challenge the entirety of the Rift Entity. In response, one of the others notes that they won’t be alone- They have Sincline.
(There’s also a brief bit where Lotor dreams again and is attempting to solidify his connection with the Torso Ship. It fails at first, until he has the same test he had in Oriande. Instead of fighting, he accepts the Lion spirit into himself, and when he wakes up, we see a shot of the Torso Ship briefly lighting up the way the Lions’ eyes do.)
-Episode 11
Honerva believes Tavo and his team are dead, which provides an important advantage. With Zarkon’s advice, as well as help from Merla and the dream-collaborating Team Sincline, the Voltron Coalition forms a plan.
They know Honerva is planning to use Sincline to open the Rift- If that doesn’t work, it turns out she’s can use the Olkari cubes to launch a blast of energy at Sincline, causing its ore’s reality-splicing properties to activate enough for Honerva to use, regardless. And sure enough, the Olkari cubes have been incorporated into Honerva’s new mech.
The protagonists form a battle plan that involves sneaking Romelle and Coran into Oriande and rallying everyone against Honerva. After the planning, Allura also makes sure to tell Lotor about Ven-tar’s support, which leads to a very emotional and profound moment for himself. Meanwhile, Honerva attempts to open cold interaction with Kova, who just hisses. Unimpressed, Honerva transports Oriande to Altea’s coordinates at the time of its destruction, but is also struggling with her time-warping. The Rift Entity reaches out to her and promises to bring her all-knowing and, best of all, the love and appreciation of her family.
Romelle and Coran manage to fly into Oriande with a stealth ship, sensors overlooking them at Merla’s sabotage. Using their camouflage abilities, they sneak about, trying to figure out how to get Lotor and Narti with their ships, along with the rest of Team Sincline.
Things get sabotaged when Honerva catches the two in front of the entire colony. The colony calls Romelle and Coran traitors, but they speak for themselves and tell the truth. Merla remains silent, just in case the protagonists need her to keep doing inside work.
As the colony gets confused, Honerva prepares to kill them, siccing the Druids on the two. To everyone’s surprise, Coran proves himself quite capable, actually managing to kill a Druid with a luxite blade, noting their absorbing properties, before slashing the mask of one off. Coran is at first horrified at the face like always, until the Druid darkly wonders if he’s THAT unrecognizable…
To Coran’s horror, he recognizes the Druid as one of his colleagues back on Altea, and it’s revealed that the Druids were all Alteans who followed Haggar and served the Galra Empire. Their overexposure to Quintessence and experiments ravaged their forms- Although Honerva’s connection with the Rift Entity kept her somewhat stable and recognizable, the others… not so much.
Coran is so horrified that he fails to notice Honerva, who impales him from behind with an energy blade. As Romelle helps a wounded Coran, Honerva tells them that this is the end, even as she flickers.
The Alteans are REALLY beginning to doubt Honerva, when Lotor and Narti suddenly barge in with the Torso and Tail Ships, firing at Honerva and the Druids. At the same time, a wormhole near Oriande opens, and in comes the Atlas, Voltron Lions, and the rest of their gathered allies.
Lotor denounces Honerva in front of the colony, who turns on her- But Honerva simply goes to the top of Oriande with her Druids, more or less barricading that area off as she prepares her own mech.
It activates, and she begins opening the rift, even as Druids operate the Komar Robeasts against the coalition. A battle ensues, and Voltron attempts to fight Honerva in her mech. Meanwhile, the rest of Team Sincline reunites, with Allura in tow- Allura decided that she NEEDED to be there for her people, and so let the team take the original configuration with Shiro in charge while she deals with the situation in Oriande.
Lotor bows to her and admits the truth of the second colony, even as Allura steps forth and announces herself as the rightful queen of Altea. She asks the Alteans, unlike Honerva, if they will take her… and they all agree. While feelings are mixed towards Lotor, he doesn’t care- Allura is back with her people. Meanwhile, Honerva watches from afar and is less than pleased.
The coalition tries to stop Honerva, but she manages to seep her claws into Voltron and hijack its energy. The rift is opened, and out comes the Rift Entity itself. 
-Episode 12
A triumphant Honerva announces the end of this reality, noting she will only save a few certain parts of it for herself. RE bonds with her and her mech, creating a massive titan of destruction with Honerva at the core. Honerva is lulled into a blissful illusion of a reality where she and Zarkon never turned evil and raised Lotor happily, with Sendak there as well.
Voltron is at first easily repelled by RE, and Atlas attempts to clash with it when the lions split. Team Sincline all get into their ships, and are forced to ask one another if they can truly trust each other. A heartfelt moment is had, and Ezor, the heart of the group, rouses the team together. They get into their ships, even as Merla takes Coran to be healed. Lotor asks if the generals are sure, and they agree. Genuinely happily, Lotor chuckles and tells them to follow him, and the Sincline Ships fly off.
Atlas is badly wounded against RE, who tosses it aside. Voltron reforms to fight it and has problems, until the Sincline Ships arrive as reinforcements. At first it works, but it’s not enough, and so Lotor calls his team to fly in formation, and form Sincline!
Voltron and Sincline, the latter of whom has upgrades thanks to the bayards, fight, and Voltron unlocks its upgrades from the rift once more against RE. Meanwhile, Krolia, Kolivan, and Lahn rally the fractured Galra Empire, giving proof to Lotor’s return, and notes that the fleet must give aid. (We get cameos of familiar Galra such as Throk, his glowy-clawed friend, and Morvok)
Back in Oriande, the rebels such as Matt and whatnot join Merla and the other Alteans in fending off the Druids within. Voltron and Sincline are doing fine at first, but then more Druids and their Komar Robeasts make things harder.
Suddenly, in flies the ENTIRE Galra fleet, just about every ship in what was the empire! Rallying under Lotor, they fire on the Komar Robeasts full force, pinning them down under their combined fire power. Voltron and Sincline continue their fight against RE, and to keep it from killing everyone else, they push it and themselves into the rift.
They battle in a special area within the quintessence field against the RE, and with the power of the Lion Goddess flowing through them, Voltron and Sincline fuse, with Allura acting as a conduit of LG’s power and a link between the two mechs.
The Warrior of Light (it’s a working name) thus goes into battle against the Rift Entity.
-Episode 13
WoL does a fantastical battle against the Rift Entity, against a gorgeous backdrop. As WoL inflicts more damage upon RE, with the two teams within working in coordination, we cut to Honerva. She’s busy minding herself, enjoying her paradise, when suddenly there are cracks. Glitches. Empty, missing holes. Things start shaking, and we briefly cut and flicker to reality as Honerva’s blissful lie falls apart.
Cut back to WoL, which keeps fighting with some of the best fight choreography in the series- Like, a lot of budget is sunk into this. Eventually WoL manages to cleave open RE’s chest and plunges its sword into its core. This links the minds of Team Voltron and Sincline with Honerva, and they both appear in the Astral Plane.
Honerva, snapping back to reality, is now VERY pissed at the Paladins for disrupting her fantasy. Flickering between different states of herself, and even different realities, Honerva is becoming all the more unstable in every sense of the word. The Paladins of Voltron and Sincline fight Honerva in a non-mech fight on the Astral Plane, combining their skill sets together, with Allura leading the offense and gradually overwhelming Honerva, forcing her to use all of her strength. Keith also gets the chance to go full Galra.
Finally, Allura lands a powerful blow on Honerva, who staggers- Then screams with a resounding force, sending the Paladins flying. Cut to the quintessence field and WoL is sent flying back, sword free from RE as RE recuperates and heals the wound. Distorted by Honerva’s rage and insanity, it morphs into an even more terrifying, avian/dragon form and continues battle.
Back in our reality, Oriande is quickly being seized. The Druids make a final stand, and Krolia and Kolivan manage to avenge the deaths of so many Blades who died.
Cut back to WoL’s battle against RE. RE is lashing out with greater intensity, but the Paladins refuse to give up, even combining the abilities of Voltron and Sincline in ways they could never have imagined. With cunning wit and coordination, the Paladins manage to cleave open RE and pierce its core once more.
Back to the Astral Plane, but Honerva is REALLY messed up now, even more so than ever. Her soul seems to have taken a form inspired by the Rift Entity, a demonic, abstract ghost that provides even more of a challenge. Once again the Paladins keep fighting, and finally Allura lands another big blow.
Honerva’s soul backs down… And once AGAIN it lashes out, suddenly slamming tendrils of dark energy into the faces of all of the Paladins. The corruption of the Rift Entity begins seeping into them as they all fall to their knees, one by one. RE appeals to each person’s insecurities, their desires, offering ways to fulfill them through the power it grants. All the paladins are engulfed as the Lion Goddess tries to call out to them, and only Allura is left…
She gets visions… Little paradises cleverly woven by the Rift Entity. Promising her a reality with Altea, with Alfor, with a Melenor that actually fit what Allura believed in. All so tempting…
Allura is actually swayed at first, and she closes her eyes… But then she opens them and asks of her friends, one by one. RE attempts to sway Allura by promising them, but then Allura keeps mentioning different people, even as she remembers. And then, there, she decides she will not fall prey to the same fate that befell Honerva and Zarkon. With the power of the Lion Goddess flowing through her, she purges the Rift Entity from her system, even as she reaches out to Lotor.
Lotor, who is clinging to the illusion of power because he hopes it will bring him safety, hears Allura’s call and remembers that he doesn’t NEED nor want the Rift Entity’s influence. And soon, he breaks free. Lotor then calls out to another Paladin, and so forth, until everyone is freed, each person making a declarative statement that summarizes their character development, values, and the bonds they share with their team (Probably the same quotes from the Season 8 trailer).
The dark cloud enveloping the Astral Plane bursts, clearing to free the Paladins. All that’s left is Honerva’s distorted soul. At first the others want to continue fighting the conventional way, but Allura realizes that their method won’t work- It’ll just be a never-ending cycle of WoL attempting to take down RE, with the Paladins fighting Honerva in the Astral Plane, and her forcing them out, and so forth. There’s only ONE way to end this forever, to right the balance and end the conflict…
She reaches out with her hand, even as Honerva lunges, and light engulfs the two. Suddenly we see regular Honerva, surprised, looking around, yelling at the paladins, promising to destroy them, when she sees her young self. Surprised, the two interact, and her young self asks her innocuous questions about her ruthlessness, about what she’s doing, the point of it all.
Honerva attempts to justify herself by stating that she’ll know better, only to see the other past selves linking her innocence to now, all of them asking the same question, none knowing why. Honerva realizes then and there that she DOESN’T know… and maybe never will. Sure enough, Allura’s influence shows her the most tender parts of her life, the things that made her decide knowledge was worth seeking…
She remembers her hopes. Her times with Zarkon, preparing for Lotor’s birth. Honerva realizes that she keeps wanting to END the cycle of pain, to explain it all the way… but never does, and Allura arrives and confirms this.
Allura reaches her hand out, and Honerva reaches out for it… but in her mindscape, everything darkens as RE attempts to reassert its grip on her. Honerva hesitates, looking back and seeing the reflection of Haggar… and up ahead, she sees the person she used to be.
Honerva, as she is in season 8, is the neutral alignment trapped between the two fates of what COULD be her, as is reflected in her appearance. And as she realizes what could happen, what she COULD do… somewhere, from beyond time and space, beyond reality, beyond everything itself, a voice calls out…
And at that moment, Honerva knows.
She takes Allura’s hand.
A bright flash of light, and suddenly WoL is standing in front of a collapsing, boiling RE. Allura wakes up to see a surprised Honerva there (Within WoL, all of the Paladins operate in a singular core room where they can interact). Honerva and Lotor share looks, but don’t say much else as what’s left of RE regathers itself and attempts one final barrage of power. Yet, it is no match- The Paladins, Honerva, they fire back with a beam of energy, and they soon think of all of the people they know, loved, and so forth, and they, too, subconsciously give their energy to the beam until it completely overwhelms the Rift Entity, finally destroying its excess hold on the scales and setting the balance back.
We cut back to our reality as everyone nervously awaits for the paladins to return, wondering what is happening as they peer into the rift… And then suddenly it widens, and out comes the Warrior of Light!
As everyone cheers, the Warrior of Light turns around and seals the rift, even as the Lion Goddess thanks the Paladins and gives them her eternal blessing. Allura, exhausted, lets go of the connection, and Voltron and Sincline unfuse, drifting through space, exhausted. Allura and Honerva are seen floating between the two mechs.
...Cut to some time later.
Allura is the new Queen of Altea, with her advisors Coran, Romelle, and Merla (whose clothes resemble her DotU incarnation). The colony has now accepted Allura, and have a new home on a planet rechristened New Altea. The royal palace is none other than the repurposed Oriande.
Lotor has reclaimed the Galra Empire as his own. He knows that the Altean Colony may not ever forgive him for what he’s done… But as far as he’s concerned, he’s fine. Because they’re happily living, free for the first time in generations. And that’s all he really ever wanted. (As a plus, he also has his Altean Marks permanently visible)
The Paladins of Voltron? They’ve basically retired, thanks to Sincline having their backs. Now, they’re pursuing their dreams;
Shiro is still Captain of the Atlas, and continuing to do what he loves best by exploring space- But not before having the biggest, longest, most relaxing and self-servicing vacation EVER.
Pidge is with her family, collaborating on the latest technologies.
Hunk acts as both an ambassador AND a chef, catering to others and helping with the engineering of the Atlas.
Keith and the Blade of Marmora are helping rehabilitate the Empire and reteaching it its lost ways, culture, history, etc.
Lance is a pilot, exploring space and tending to exotic space gardens with his family on the Atlas.
...Okay, the Paladins haven’t ACTUALLY retired, nor split up. They’re still having adventures together on the Atlas, occasionally arriving back at Earth to rest. But they’re together, right? And the universe, is at peace…
Team Sincline now takes priority as the new defenders of the universe, and Keith helps his sister Acxa on the whole being a paladin thing. Should the occasion call for it, Voltron could also be reformed… but at the same time, the opportunity for the MFE cadets becoming the new paladins is also open as well. A big speech is held with Lotor and Allura as they look forward to a new dawn of the universe, an actual, happy ending…
Finally, we find out what happened to Honerva- Lotor chose to spare her, not necessarily out of kindness. She is being kept in the ultimate, maximum-security prison. Purged of the Rift Entity’s influence, she is powerless and no longer a threat.
Allura reminds Lotor that he’s not obligated to forgive Honerva for what she’s done, and Lotor reminds her that, no, he hasn’t. But he admits that having time to sit down, and reflect… Has done many things for himself, and he feels it can do the same for others as well.
Honerva dwells in her cell, reflecting on her actions, before smiling- She has had her fair share of regrets, undoubtedly. But now, it seems that Lotor, at least… can now be happy.
And on the anniversary of that final battle, everyone is hanging out at a big celebration. Ezor and Zethrid? Totally an item. Same goes for Veronica and Acxa. Keith and Lance sit together to talk things out, noting how one has always been there for the other…
At that moment, the sky lights up as everyone looks up in wonder, and they see a constellation light show sent to them by the Lion Goddess as a final tribute to the Paladins. Everyone celebrates, and as the light show goes on, Keith and Lance lean in and kiss, thanking one another and saying a final, really sentimental line or something.
Cue end credits! But at the very, VERY end is a final scene… of Bob literally just watching all of this on an old TV with Norflox, remarking on how that was a GOOD show, and whatnot. Then he wonders what else there is to do, and Norflox makes a lame suggestion. Bob sighs, and decides it’s a good idea, before signing off to the audience, personally addressing them.
The end.
...So, what do you guys think? This is my idea for a potential rewrite/revision of Voltron Season 8. It basically has everything I actually wanted in Voltron’s final season, but if anyone has any ideas or modifications they’d like to make, I’m all ears!
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galraluver · 7 months
‘Can I copy your Homework?'
Regris: Yeah, I can help you with it!
Hepta: Yeah, sure!
Throk: HAH Homeworks for NERDS
Antok: LOL, nope
Blofar: Wait, we had homework??
Sniv: *Read 5:15pm*
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formderptron · 4 years
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blofar · 6 years
I need to find out who voices Blofar
i’m asking for,, for a friend,,
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slytherthicc · 5 years
Song Tag!
tagged by @girl-intheshadows thank u 
The Rules: using only song titles from one artist/band, cleverly answer the questions and then tag ten(ish) people
I chose Nirvana bc I haven’t listened to them in a while and I feel guilty about it 
Gender: Radio Friendly Unit Shifter 
How do you feel:  Dumb
Describe yourself: Negative Creep
Describe your family/home life: Drain You
If you could go anywhere: Big Cheese
What you want to be: Jam 
Your best friend:  Heart-Shaped Box
Favourite time of day: Pennyroyal Tea
If your life was a tv show: Where Did You Sleep Last Night? ik it’s by Leadbelly but Nirvana covered it, shut up
Relationship status: Stay Away 
@bakugou-klancey-lance @bluutailor @systematicslytherin @gryffindeku  @grangerr @ilymyhoneybee @a-fan-of-almost-everything @obsessedgrapes @oboe-wan-kenobie @blofar @deanwaterkeep @hgthephoenix
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Uwu 💛💓💓💓❤❤❤
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purplerubyred · 6 years
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