#Commander Throk
galraluver · 5 months
Royal greetings honey, (sorry) it's me again
It's 2 a.m., and I had a crack-idea: do you know these period belts that simulate period cramps??? How would galran men react to the pain?
Imagine some merciless, strong warriors laying on the floor like a shrimp, I'm crying
Thank you darling, good night!
Oh yes, I know what they are. I've watched a few videos of men trying them and it's hilarious 😂. I would be happy to write your request 😁
~ Throk ~
~ Every month when you get your period Throk scoffs when you're in pain; he doesn't necessarily mean it in a mean-spirited way, but he doesn't see how you can be so affected by what he thinks is just a little pain
~ After a couple of months of him downplaying your pain you buy a period cramps simulator from the space mall
~ Throk scoffs again when you challenge him to see if he can stand feeling how much pain you go through, luckily he's always up for a challenge
~ Before you two start you try it on yourself to see what setting is closest to what you experience every month
~ Then it's Throk's turn to put the little patches on his lower abdomen
~ He really does think that the pain won't be all that bad, galra are capable of withstanding all kinds of pain
~ *cue to Throk laying on the couch looking like he can withstand anything*
~ You start off with the first two settings which aren't so bad, Throk still has a cocky grin on his face thinking he's right about you overreacting every month
~ That's when you turn the dial up to the setting that matches your monthly cramps
~ Throk practically yowls in pain when he feels how bad it is, he's never felt anything like it before
~ He's never felt so much pain in his lower abdomen before and while the controls are on it doesn't end, instead it keeps coming in what he can describe as waves
~ He nearly rolls off of the couch in the process, thankfully he doesn't because he doesn't want the little wires to get damaged
~ Tries to keep a straight face after that but fails, Throk is willing to tough it out even though he wants to curl up in a ball and cry
~ However, as soon as you turn the dial up to the highest setting Throk begins to actually cry because the pain is so bad
~ He curls up into a ball as much as he can because he wants to find a position that eases the pain just a little bit; he doesn't find one, though
~ How are you able to survive such pain? And every month? He legit feels bad for criticizing you for something you can't control
~ Needless to say Throk has way more respect for you after he feels what you go through every month and he never complains again, instead he takes care of you every time you get your period and makes sure you're as comfortable as possible
~ Ranveig ~
~ It's no secret that Ranveig's one of the toughest galra commanders in the entire galra empire, it's why he's in charge of one of the most dangerous territories, although because he's so powerful he thinks that he can withstand anything
~ He doesn't necessarily downplay your pain when you're experiencing period cramps, although he's definitely thought that you were overreacting during some of your worst periods
~ When you both come across a period cramps simulator at the space mall you decide to buy it so that you can see if your significant other can actually experience cramps without being affected
~ Ranveig agrees to try it the next day because he doesn't think it'll be so bad, little does he know what he's about to experience
~ You try it out first the next day so you know what setting is closest to what you feel on a monthly basis
~ Ranveig sits on the couch when you stick the little patches to his lower abdomen; he looks so confident and you're ready to bring him to his knees
~ He doesn't feel the first two settings but he feels a little bit of the third one and says it tickles
~ That's when he gets cocky and subtly mentions how human women are weak
~ You get angry and turn the dial up to the highest setting without warning him first because you're pissed, if he thinks that human women are weak for suffering from period cramps then he has another thing coming
~ Ranveig's eye widens and he actually squeals when he feels the pain rippling through his lower abdomen in waves, he never expected the pain to be that bad
~ Believe it or not you actually bring Ranveig to his knees, he slides right off of the couch so he can sit with his legs folded beneath him while he slouches in pain
~ He can't even talk because the pain is so bad, he legit regrets saying what he said
~ Like, imagine Ranveig curled up while failing to work through the simulated version of the worst period cramps in the entire universe
~ When you think he's had enough you turn the dial to zero and kneel down in front of your large boyfriend/husband
~ Ranveig apologies as soon as he catches his breath, then he admits how wrong he had been for thinking period cramps weren't painful
~ From then on Ranveig has the highest respect for human women, he believes that anyone who can go through all that pain, bleeding and other highly unpleasant symptoms must have some kind of incredible power
~ Branko ~
~ Branko can be pretty cocky and thinks that he can handle anything, but unlike Throk he doesn't downplay your pain every time you get your period
~ However, he doesn't think it's all that bad and that he could easily handle it
~ That's when you order a period cramps simulator; if your significant other thinks that he can handle period cramps then you want him to prove it
~ Branko thinks it's cute and kind of hilarious when you dare him to try the simulator, since he thinks that he can handle it he humors you by agreeing
~ He has to wait for you to read the instructions and try it out so that you know which setting comes closest to what you experience every month, then you detach the patches from your lower abdomen and stick them on his
~ He barely feels the first two settings, although he starts to feel a little something by the time you turn the dial to the third
~ Branko wonders why you make such a big deal about your monthly cramps until you turn the dial up to what your cramps are like when you get them
~ You smirk as he grits his teeth together and assures you that he's fine even though he's obviously in pain
~ Since you sort of get satisfaction from proving your point you slowly turn the dial up a few more notches
~ Branko can tell that you're enjoying yourself; he's kind of proud, but at the same time he's in more pain than he originally thought he'd be in
~ The sudden burst of pain at the beginning was a whole new sensation to him, although the way the cramps increased with each turn of the dial had him writhing in pain on the couch
~ By the time you have the dial on the highest setting Branko is forcing himself to stay seated on the couch while tears spill down his cheeks, he never imagined that human women could experience such pain
~ In the end Branko learns his lesson and thinks that all human women are tough in order to be able to deal with their periods every month
~ After the whole ordeal he needs a few minutes to recover; in the future he makes sure to take care of you better when your period comes, it's the least he can do as your boyfriend/husband
~ Lotor ~
~ Lotor understands that people of every species has to deal with some kind of reproductive organ related bodily function at some point during their lives, so naturally he knows you're not overreacting to your period cramps
~ In order to better understand what you go through every month Lotor orders a period cramps simulator
~ When Lotor proudly tells you about his most recent purchase you're a little speechless; on one hand it's sweet of him to want to understand what you go through, but on the other hand you feel bad for what he's about to experience when it comes in
~ On the day the package gets delivered to his ship he puts Acxa in charge while the two of you head straight to the habsuite you both live in
~ His generals already know all about the period cramps simulator, so they know not to disturb you and Lotor
~ Lotor thoroughly reads the instructions before you test it out first, that way you know what setting is closest to what you go through every month
~ When it's Lotor's turn you stick the patches on his lower abdomen and stand in front of him, and you make sure that he's ready before you turn the dial on its first setting
~ Lotor's body jerks and he lets out a loud gasp when he feels the first twinge of pain, he assures you that he's fine though
~ You apologize and asks him if he needs to to stop, but Lotor reassures you that he's fine
~ As you slowly turn the dial up to the level that matches your monthly cramps you notice how your significant other is on the verge of crying from the pain
~ Lotor's never experienced pain in such a way before, he respects you even more now than before, and he's always respected you
~ The way the pain wracks through his lower abdomen and the surrounding areas has him gritting his teeth and squeezing his knees as he tries to keep himself upright
~ He doesn't even make it to the highest setting before he has to stop, the waves of intense pain are too much for him to bear
~ Cuddles are ensured aftwards; Lotor always cuddles with you when you have period cramps, so you do the same to comfort him after he experiences them for himself even though they were only simulated
~ Lotor decides to use the period cramps simulator as an interrogation tool in case he ever needs it, that way he doesn't have to result to violence to get the answers he needs if the situation ever presents itself
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shine-and-chrome · 4 days
Throk time! :3
Clip compilation of all his scenes
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What’s in a Name | Part 3 | Ruffthrok
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Other Articles in the “What’s in a Name” series:
(Minlout | Heathlegs)
So yeah, this got started far later than what I had intended. I apologize. Got sidetracked, busy, and the usual excuses. But now we’re here — the final article of the “What’s in a Name” series!!! How exciting! I don’t know about you, but I’ve been having a blast figuring out the name meanings of these characters! XD
So first off, let me say that Ruffnut’s name meaning took me a LONG TIME to deal with because Ruff- and -nut had A LOT of meanings! So I basically had to pick and choose the ones that most fit Ruffnut — which was pretty much everything that’s on the chart! I have to say that DreamWorks named her well! 
So yeah... at first, I thought that they were willy-nilly with the name, but upon coming across these meanings, it turns out that Ruffnut couldn’t have been better named than this! lol XD
Needless to say, that’s pretty much it on Ruffnut, since, you know... there’s not really anything new or interesting or surprising, considering that we pretty much knew this from the get-go. 
But... what DID surprise me was Throk’s name!
It was pretty difficult to find. In fact, since this was an original name DreamWorks made, I honestly didn’t think I’d be able to find it and just originally assumed that they borrowed it from Hrok, Thor, Thror and/or other Old Norse names, and didn’t think much about it. 
That is... until I came across this on the Old Norse dictionary site I found (the link to it is here):
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þrek — or threk — could possibly be where “Throk” originated — if Throk, as a name, existed at all.
(Of course, due to how hard it was to find this, it’s highly doubtful that DreamWorks knew about this, since the show has VERY rudimentary level of Old Norse and the like, period. It’s more likely that they made the name as a variant of “Hrok” or “Thror” or some other Viking name.)
What makes this such an amazing discovery is that its meaning is “fortitude or strength”, which fits Throk to a T (literally)!! Even more interesting is that Throk could be a variant of the name Thor, who is a god of thunder and strength, conveniently enough. And “-rok”, if Anglicized into “rock”, would be even more convenient, since, rocks are known for their fortitude and strength, which further strengthens (pun intended) the meaning and logic behind the Old Norse “threk” being the source of Throk’s name.
As you know, strength and fortitude might as well be Throk’s right and left arms at this point. Heck, even his middle name (even though Vikings never had middle names, even to this day [talking about modern-day Icelanders, not modern-day Scandinavians])! Throk, since his introduction in the RTTE series in the final episode of Season 3, has always been shown as an individual full of strength and fortitude — as one would need to be as a Chieftain’s second-in-command and general-cum-bodyguard.
So yeah, discovering the meaning of Throk’s name has really made me fall in love with Throk as a character even more! Can’t wait to implement this in some Throk-centric fanfics!! ^_^
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this final installment of the “What’s in a Name?” series. With this done, I shall do more articles on these three pairings in the near future. Thank you again for reading, and again, apologies that this took so long to finish.
Keep Calm and Ship Ruffthrok!
— Minlout & Heathlegs & Ruffthrok Fan
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crystaldragonette · 2 years
Imma do short stories, all you have to do is pick characters from this list, then pick an emoji and/or theme word. I'll type it up! Trying to get rid of writer's block.
Steve Harrington
Robin Buckley
Eddie Munson
Wayne Munson
Dustin Henderson
Nancy Wheeler
Mike Wheeler
Ted Wheeler
Karen Wheeler
Holly Wheeler
Lucas Sinclair
Erica Sinclair
Sue Sinclair
Charles Sinclair
Max Mayfield
Susan Mayfield
Neil Hargrove
Billy Hargrove
Jim Hopper
Joyce Byers
Jonathan Byers
Will Byers
Tommy Hagan
Chrissy Cunningham
Grant (unnamed freak)
Sam Owens
Steve's Mother (I've named her Patricia)
Steve's Father (I've named him Richard)
Altean Lance
Pidge (Katie Holt)
Matt Holt
Sam Holt
Colleen Holt
Slav ( First dimension, Crazy)
Slav (Second dimension, Crazy but actually does field work)
Galra Keith
Princess Allura
King Alfor
Emperor Zarkon
Kova (Haggar's alien cat)
Keith's Father
Space Mice
Space Caterpillar
Laika (Yupper, Basically a really really big alien that acts like a dog)
Commander Iverson
Rover (small pyramid flying Galra robot that Pidge reprogrammed to help her)
Beezer (Robot)
Xiavon (an bird reptilian alien OC that is basically a father figure and was a prisoner with Lance in a story I wrote)
Danny Phantom
Samantha "Sam" Manson
Tucker Foley
"Jazz" Fenton
Jack and Madeline "Maddie" Fenton
Box Ghost
Dark Danny
Ember McLain
Fright Knight
Ghost Writer
Johnny 13 & Shadow
Pariah Dark
Nicolai Technus
Vlad Masters / Vlad Plasmius
Valerie Gray
Danielle "Dani" Phantom
Dipper Pines
Mabel Pines
Grunkle Stan
Jesus Alzamirano "Soos" Ramirez
Wendy Corduroy
Stanford Filbrick "Ford" Pines
Candy Chiu
Grenda Grendinator
Fiddleford Hadron "Old Man" McGucket
Sheriff Blubs
Deputy Durland
Bill Cipher
Gideon Charles Gleeful / "Li'l Gideon"
Pacifica Elise Northwest
Robert Stacey "Robbie" Valentino
Trainer Red
Trainer Blue
Trainer Green
Trainer Ethan/Gold
Rival Silver
Train Lyra
Of course most of the pokémon as well
Recovery Girl
Tomura Shigaraki/Tenko Shimura
Dabi/Touya Todoroki
Himiko Toga
Jin Bubaigawara/ Twice
Mr. Compress
All for One
Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead
Toshinori Yagi/All Might
Hizashi Yamada/Present Mic
Nemuri Kayama/Midnight
Yuga Aoyama
Mina Ashido
Tsuyu Asui
Tenya Iida
Ochaco Uraraka
Mashirao Ojiro
Denki Kaminari
Eijiro Kirishima
Koji Koda
Rikido Sato
Mezo Shoji
Kyoka Jiro
Hanta Sero
Fumikage Tokoyami
Shoto Todoroki
Toru Hagakure
Katsuki Bakugo
Izuku Midoriya
Minoru Mineta
Momo Yaoyorozu
Itsuka Kendo
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Neito Monoma
Mirio Togata
Nejire Hado
Tamaki Amajiki
Hitoshi Shinso
Mei Hatsume
Emi Fukukado/ Mrs. Joke
Yo Shindo
Inasa Yoarashi
Camie Utsushimi
Enji Todoroki/ Endeavor
Keigo Takami/Hawks
Kugo Sakamata/ Gang Orca
Taishiro Toyomitsu/Fat Gum
Kai Chisaki/ Overhaul
Hari Kurono/ Chrono/ Chronostasis
Naomasa Tsukauchi
Oboro Shirakumo/ Loud Cloud
Masura Bakugou
Mitsuki Bakugou
Inko Midoriya
Hisashi Midoriya
Jagged Stone
Lê Chiến Kim
Felix (but like original concept for Chat Felix, not canon gremlin Felix)
OOT Link
OOT Zelda
BOTW Zelda
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the-baddest-of-batches · 11 months
Announcement - Fanfic Coming Soon!
It's that time again. I'm in the mood, got the writing juices, and I really need more of Headshot giving Kian crap and vice versa (and maybe some Commander Fox cameos??) So IM WRITING ANTOHER FANFIC. Yep, you heard me. Get your fireworks, you're watermelon, and your fanfic reads ready cause July 4th I'll be posting my newest work on Wattpad and AO3.
Murder mystery, Political pawns, Kian and Commander Fox trying not to commit murders of their own, oh yeah and Headshot's there too.
Star Wars: Hand Of Fate will be up tomorrow!
To see when it drops, follow me on
Wattpad: TheBaddestBatch
AO3: TheOwlWrites
For now...enjoy a sneak peek of Chapter 1!
Sneak Peek of Star Wars: Hand of Fate
"Who knew one human being could contain so much blood?"
Headshot milled around the room. Kian stood by the door. Annoyance pricked at him as Headshot continued commenting over the private commslink. Kian chose to focus on the rest of the chatter.
Senator Giano, or rather former senator Giano was nothing more than blood and viscera painted on the walls of his gaudy hotel room. Intel said Giano was here for the conference happening tomorrow. Not surprising. Plenty of senators were in town, and plenty more in this very high rise hotel.
So why Throk? The Nexrulli was, according to the reports and the HNE news stories Kian had taken the time to peruse, a quiet and mild-mannered senator. He had a wife and child back home. A girl, no older than maybe 6 months. She'd never see her father's face again.
The room was crawling with troopers, and Coruscant guard alike. The Coruscant guard should've been able to sort this out alone. It clearly looked like a hit. Why? Kian couldn't begin to know.
But General Nidor was apparently friends with this man. So here Kian was, assisting, which for now looked a lot like doing nothing at all.
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kristina-goupil · 4 years
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Commander Throk from Voltron: Legendary Defender
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chibi-pix · 4 years
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Throk: Yes, I managed to capture a paladin. This one may be small, but they’re tricky and has given everyone the most trouble. Pidge: **proceeding to pick Throk’s pockets for the keys to her cuffs**
Hey all! So while looking up ideas, I saw this thing, I guess it’s one of those “draw your ----” sort of things. I sadly couldn’t find its original. So, here be the ref. I hope whoever the original creator of it is doesn’t mind.
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Anyway, showing it to some others in a group, @rueitae​ suggested this being drawn with Haxus or Throk. Because I don’t think I ever drew Throk before (I actually was gonna a long while back, but I didn’t because reasons), I chose him. First off, what even is this lanky boy’s anatomy?! Second, best choice ever. Just look at him! And Pidge being a sneaky gremlin. I’m loving it!
Well! I hope y’all enjoy! Until next time!
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swordwing2117 · 4 years
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My work for the Scorpius zine.
There is a hidden message in the picture, I wonder if anybody finds it :D 
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marvacu · 5 years
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These (except for the Throk in yellow with green BG) are extras from the @scorpiuszine, thank u all those who purchased a copy💜✨💜✨
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galraluver · 6 months
Throk: *laughs evily* Tis the season to be naughty!
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shine-and-chrome · 7 days
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Little Throk pic :D
+ Bonus Version by @otbye, who was sure, that Throk has no crest. He has a flat head. Or a dent... like a vase... with tulips
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apathforaquest · 4 years
*gets a mental image of Throk singing death metal*
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crownofwhispers · 5 years
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Throk and Throt
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mionart · 5 years
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Just a sketch
I really really love this kitty ~
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scorpiuszine · 5 years
The digital zine features:
- 19 illustrations by amazing team of artists
- 5 fanfictions by amazing team of writers
- 9 animated illustrations
Get it on Gumroad!
The zine will be available until March 28th
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lucius-deahrel · 6 years
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Me as Lotor with my Galra family on Connichi 2018 (Germany) and cosplay progress! Acxa - Sarah De'Ahrel Narti - James Franzose Zarkon - Owa Robert Salbach Throk - Marik De'Ahrel Haggar - Shadowflame.yu
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