Check out this post… "The Diary of Jahanara Shikdar 🌹 khatunia jotsna".
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dchhinsley · 7 years
The Monumental Gift - Chapter 15
The hag reveals herself and Danaal gains some clarity and more questions #fantasy #blognovel
  The rippling looking glass began to show a dishevelled mid seasoned woman with beautiful white hair and sharp features.
“The elemental is here, I saw what he is capable of and it appears that he’s a magnificently powerful earth elemental, her admiration tinged with bitterness. However, he’s unable to control it. His tutor is what used to be Commander Balthar, he’s aged some. He also wise…
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loco-loco20190 · 8 years
It’s the one you have never felt like: Chapter 4 “Campfire Night”
Autumn has always been one of my favorite season, since it is very warm and the wind is so breezy and relaxing. My college experience has been far the best. All of my classes are fine, and I love people from the organization that joined. I joined my residence hall council which a student run organization that is the voice of students live on campus and also I really enjoyed my life at USC and being a part of honor society. As a part of our honor society programs, all of the new Freshmen honor student got invited to the amazing retreat at the beautiful retreat resorts by Savannah Lake Resort. You don’t even know, that resort is what you dream for. The resort is not only a place for a gathering, but totally a place for fun, it is also a water park resort. During that weekend, I had some of the most amazing times in my entire life. My quad-mate and also some other floor mates, we bonded so well.
We left USC campus on Friday afternoon, and it is about an hour drive from our campus to the resort. On the bus, we all has so much fun chatting, enjoying the music and just having our life.
Not to mention, I looked back of the bus, Matthew Forbes was also on the bus at the back sitting with the bunch of his soccer jocks. Carly was super excited and she can’t even breathe.
I was like “Are you okay, Carly?”
She answered. “yes, I am. No, I’m not!” And then she laughed.
Then I said “Carly, he’s literally sitting in the back of the bus. He can see you being crazy right now.”
“Okay, 3…..2…..1… breathe!” Carly said and started to act normal.
“WE’RE HERE!” Our Honor program director stood up and told all of us in the bus.
All of us quickly got out of the bus, grab our stuff and went into the resort main office to check in. It was so nice that all of us will be living in a cabin. There will be around 8 to 10 people live one cabin. So myself, Carly, Ashley, Lola, Laura, Linda and the other two girls, Lisa and Lauren. Lisa and Lauren are twins and they actually also live in Mary K. Hall as well. It was very nice that we got the cabin that have a balcony window that we actually can go out through the window and enjoy the view of the resort, and it was by the lake. How refreshing is that! We all started to unpack everything, quickly washed our faces, and headed to the resort restaurants to meet the rest. As soon all of us left our cabin, Danny and Josh said “Hey, guys, wait for us!”
We all said “Hey guys!”
I quickly introduced Danny and Josh to Lauren and Lisa.
I said “Lauren, Lisa, this is Danny and Josh, our friends who lives in our quad. And these are our cabin mate, Lauren and Lisa.”
They said hey to each other. Suddenly, we all started to have a chit chat on the road.
“Guess, who Josh and I share our cabin with?” Danny asked everyone.
“Who?” Carly replied.
“Zac Efron?” I said. And we all laughed.
“Yea yea Funny guys. It’s Matthew Forbes.” Josh said. “And Danny doesn’t like him already.”
“Why? He seemed nice.” Carly said.
“Only to girls, duhhh!” Danny said.
“Guys, we don’t really need to talk about this. It’s him, who cares.” I said figuratively.
A few minutes later, we all arrive and the main retreat center.  We started to have lunch and a welcome speech from our Director and we started to have the activities for the rest of the day.
Those programs were very much fun; it does very improve us a lot in different capacity. In the evening, we had scavenger hunt that all of the objects are hidden probably everywhere in the resort. Danny, Carly and I, we all teamed up and decided to explore the resort as well.
“This resort is quite amazed me a lot.” Danny said.
“Look at all of these beautiful things that they had.” Carly said.
“You know what special?” I asked.
“This resort?” Danny replied.
“Yeah, and the best part I got a chance to spend time with two of my favorite friends that I made in my freshmen year.” I added.
“Awww, Lexi. You’re the best!” Carly said. And she hugged me.
“Thanks, Lexi! You are an amazing friend to me too.” Danny said.
We all continued our walk and search for the hunt. It was really fun doing this hunt and finding things in a place I’ve never been in before. The day started to get darker, the beautiful sun has started to set and its sunlight started to fade away little by little. We all decided to go back to the place where everyone had campfire. While we were walking back, Carly realize she left her phone at the place where we found the heart rock shaped. So, we all went back together to find.
“Found it. But, it’s down there.” I said.
I went to get it and suddenly slipped myself down the hill.
“Ahhhhhhhh….” I screamed and I sprained my ankle.
“Lexiiiiii!” Danny and Carly screamed.  And they started to find a way to get down to help me.
A moment later, I heard the step of a person walking. “Danny?” I said.
“No, it’s me. Matt” Matt said. “What happened to you?” Matt also asked.
“I slipped down the hill while I was reaching for my roommate’s phone.” I replied.
“But, I’m fine.” I added.
“No, you’re not. Don’t life.” Matt said.
Then, he started to pick me up and walked me back.
“Lexi….” Danny and Carly said.
“Hey guys, I am fine. Don’t worry.” I said.
“Hopped on my back, you can’t walk.” Danny said.
“It’s okay, Danny.” I said.
“Come on!” Danny insisted.
So, I decided to hop on his back. I heard a conversation behind me.
“You’re Matt right? We’re in the same class. I’m Carly and also Lexi’s roommate.” Carly said.
“Oh hey, Yea I’m Matt. Yea, I think I saw you in class. Nice to see you here again.”
On our way back to the retreat center, I can feel Danny is very worried about me. Although, he looks tired but he still said he is fine. On top of his back, I can feel he has used so much energy just lift me up and walk with all of his muscles. I quickly glanced at Matt. He seemed to enjoy the talk he had with Carly.
A moment later, we were back at the retreat center. Carly quickly went to tell our Honor Director and brought the aid kit. Danny tried to massage my ankle while Matt was helping with the aid kit. A while later, I started to feel better and my ankle was not hurt anymore. Everyone was so relieved and we all went outside for the campfire.
Matt brought his guitar and started to play a chord.
“Ladies and gentlemen, let’s get this campfire started.”
The music started to play by him. Unforgettable was the song that he sung.  
The sound of the music and his beautiful voice made this campfire night became so majestic and wonderlust. Those beautiful and soulful voice of Matthew has captured everyone’s heart and feelings. Those two gorgeous blue eyes and his jawline have made everyone stared at him all the time. My pain started to relieved now and I thought it was because of the music that Matt played has healed this sprained ankle.
This campfire night has been such an amazing memory for me. However, best days always went by just like the speed of light. The three-day weekend is just like you slipped one page of a book to another. In fact, we were going back to class already.
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cynstories · 9 years
¿Quiénes serán cuando las circunstancias los lleven a la cima? ¿Qué será lo correcto, cuando las reglas del juego se pongan en su contra y lo único que sepan sea obedecer?
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beingobserver · 9 years
Human beings are inherently attracted to simpler solutions. We have a brain that’s so complex that we are yet to figure out the details of its working. But whenever faced with a choice between a complex solution and a simpler one, we prefer to choose the latter. The argument goes as follows, a simpler logic is comprehensible by a large amount of people, thus it should be adapted and be used in practice. It works at times, well perhaps most of the times, but not all the time. This inherent attraction to simpler explanations causes generalizations to rise among the human populace. The outliers that do not fit those generalizations are considered as marginalized entities. They are picked by the societal bodies, one by one, to be pruned out of the branches. The conviction held by the greater segments of the race, prevails and crushes the odd voices.  This cycle of mass hegemony had been ruling the human conscience for ages. We had been satisfied by the beliefs held by the most. We had been satisfied with the answers backed by the most. We are doing good in that regard, if I can say so, putting aside the innumerable number of blunders of human history (world war, nuclear bombs, climate change, destruction of nature et al). However among this confident tramplings for centuries, we had been to our knees many times. We crawled in front of a representational structure in search for the almighty. We could never be sure of his existence. Neither could we claim the non-existence. This question had haunted us and is doing so till now. But in whatever form we had imagined him (the popular opinion says it is a ‘he’ not ‘she’, thus), he is benevolent. He forgives. For our sins, for our double standards, for our cruelty, for our greed, he forgives us. Well, we can’t be sure about that too, can we? What if we have disappointed it to so many levels that the option left to it is to eliminate us all. Our extinction, right at this moment, is the only available solution. What if it comes down on us, tonight? And if it does, how exactly would it be? How would we react to this attack on our ego? As the most intelligent species ever, to grace the face of this blue planet, would be able to survive the test of survival? Would we accept our fate or fight against it?    
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Check out this post… "the diary of jahanara shikdar, khatunia jotsna, novel, blog literature".
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loco-loco20190 · 8 years
It’s the one you have never felt like: Chapter 3 “That was him!”
I went back to my room, and told Carly about the story.
“Wait, who’s Matthew?” She asked.
“Matthew Forbes???” I said
“No way, you study with Matthew Forbes, the son of the Forbes engineering company???? For real?” She shouted.
“Wait, whutttttttttttt? Seriously?” I said in shocking way.
“Dang, he is like perfect 10 out of 10 honey, he got the look, the family, the height, the body, the knowledge, well he is super smart.” She said excitedly.
“Calm down, Carly.” I said
And I thought to my mind. “Still a random person, those types of people you not gonna fit in with them.”
So, I went to take the shower and did some homework before I went to sleep.
Everyone started to busy. Day by day, I started to enjoy what I had, my class, my friends, and my roommate. I realized that life isn't always easy if you have a lot of great people around you. One day, it was slightly showering, I left my room without taking the shuttle, so I pulled out my beautiful blue umbrella and walked to class. It was actually pretty nice to walk and enjoy the raining. I know that some people feel the rain, but others just get wet. I was thinking about that it was raining outside and inside with the love of your life making love by candle light, which is probably very romantic to me. Along the way, the stream was flowing straightforwardly and passing the rock which made a very great scene of view. The rain fell onto some of autumn flowers in the garden was creating the wonderlust smell that you've never smelled like before. Suddenly, my bottle of water was dropped to the ground, it rolled over about 6 feet from me. I ran quickly to pick up, however there was a stranger who also picked it up which made us bump to pick it up at the same time. When I stood up my umbrella was also lifted up from my face too, at the same time we all did that. He also had a blue umbrella which was pretty fabulous. I didn’t see him exactly because of that stupid umbrella thing. Then we all smiled. A moment later, we all walked opposite horizontally. I walk to the east side of the building, whereas he walked to the west of the building. After a few steps of walking, I realized that I forgot to say Thank You. So, I quickly turned back and shouted "Excuse me!” He turned back so beautifully, just like you were calling Zac Efron and he turned back by touching his hair.
"Thank you!" I said!
"It's okay!" He said back and smiled.
So, then I walked back and just thinking that was just one amazing moment. As you know, there are like 7 billion people living in this world, DUH!!!! And I started to realize he look familiar. He wore red Nike shoes and that was the only thing I saw. So, I walked to class.
Everything happened today was so beautiful, It was just like what it was written in the book. Around 4pm, I went to eat and I saw Matthew and exactly that the red shoes was like the mysterious guy wearing. He didn’t see me. So, I finished eating and went back to my room.
The clock ticked exactly at 9, I finished some of my Calculus homework, so I’ve decided to go down for a quick walk in the park and sit by the lagoon to stargaze for a while.
“Well, look at you! Sitting all alone!” Someone said behind me.
He walked to me and sit next to me.
“Hi, Matthew!” I said.
“Hey, what brings you here?”
‘Oh, just nothing, this is what I’m doing every day to release my stress.” I said.
“What brings you here then? I ask him.
“I’ve been here every day too.” He replied.
“Wait, so that was you on the first day of school too?” I asked.
“Yeah, that was me, and you were the girl?” He replied.
“It seems like we met a lot, didn’t we?” I asked him.
“Maybe I think, the bottle of water thing for example.” He said.
“That was you also? For real?” I was shockingly surprised.
We chit chatted for a bit of a while, and I decided to go back since it was kinda chilly as well, the weather was drop to around 55 Fahrenheit degree, I didn’t have my sweater.
“Take mine!” He said.
“Are you sure?” I asked him.
“Well, I’m a guy with this muscle body I will be fine.” He said and we were all laughing.
“Thank you!” I said.
“Will we be ever meeting like this again?” He shouted.
“I don’t know, look at the star.” I replied.
“How do I contact you?” He said.
“When we have class group project, you know how.” I replied.
I walked back to my room, I took a glance at him staring the stars. I looked up to the sky, well there were two stars and it were close to each other. After that, I just went back to my room, did more homework and went to bed.
I came back to my room. Carly was all excited to tell me how she met Matthew and she expressed her feeling that she has a crush on Matthew. Hearing those kinda made me uncomfortable since I can feel that I am very close to Matthew when we meet every time. So, I tried to hide my feeling from her and decided to act like nothing happen when she started a conversation of Matthew’s topic.
“Oh My god, he plays piano, I just found out!” Carly said.
“Wow, really? I plays both piano and sings.” I said.
“I do too, but he’s a guy you know.” Carly said.
“Okay, go on!” I replied to her.
“He’s a freshmen in Biomedical engineering the same as you, wait yeah you have calculus class with him, so you can be my messenger. He’s 6’2” tall and yes of course he is muscular though. Guess in which team he’s in?” Carly said and questioned.
“Basketball? Volleyball?” I told her.
“He’s in USC soccer team DUH!!! He’s everyone dream of.” Carly told me.
“Not me.” I clarified.
“When you met him, you will know, he is so down to earth and everything.” Carly told me.
“How do you know all of these stuff?”  I asked.
“Well, kinda stalking him a bit and observe it.” Carly said with an evil laugh.
“Well, just go to sleep. I’m not gonna tell everyone.” I said.
“Promise me, you keep an eye on him and make sure that he’s not looking at anyone, okay?” She told me
“Fine, Good night!” I said.
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loco-loco20190 · 8 years
It’s the one you have never felt like: Chapter 2 “Just a random person who appears in my life”
I walked back from the park to my Mary K. hall, the wind was blowing, I kept looking at the star but had to go back to room getting ready for tomorrow. I came back, using my ID card to open the door and went straight to the elevator. I heard the step of a person walking, so I block my hand at the elevator’s door.
“Thanks!” He said.
I said “It’s okay”
“He’s cute.” I thought in mind. And then I smiled at him.
“Hi, I’m Matthew, but you can call me Matt!” He suddenly introduced himself.
“Hi, I’m Alexis, but just called me Lexi. Nice to meet you.” I responded.
“Are you a freshmen?” He asked
“Yeah, I am. I’m majoring in Biomedical engineering. And you?” I replied
“Cool! I am a freshmen too, I’m majoring the same as yours too.” He said.
“That’s awesome.” I said
Ting ting, the elevator arrived at my floor.
“Nice talking to you, have a good night.” I said to Alex.
He said “Thanks, and you too.” He smiled.
The elevator door closed, then Lola the girl live next to my room came.
“Who are you talking to?” Lola asked me.
“Oh, that was Matthew. A stranger and random person I met in the elevator.” I replied.
“Interesting yet mysterious.” She said
I looked at her with a question mark expression. And she said “Good night”.
“Okay”, I said. “Have a good night!” I added.
So, I went to my room and prepare stuff for my class tomorrow. I was so excited. I was really pumped u. Carly and I were jumping up and down on our bed and said “I’m in college, I’m in college, I am a freshmen.” And we were doing some crazy dancing.
The flick of the Sun has shined into my room, it was around 5am, when the sun started to rise. I was always wanted to see the dawn time moment. I finally got a chance to see it, the sun started to rise at 5:35am, the moment was just perfect. I hug my body pillow and sightseeing the view beautifully. For about an hour, I went back to sleep for another 2 hours. I woke up at 8am, since my class started at 9am. My first class was Calculus class, I had to take Calculus as a B.S requirement. I felt pretty good about studying Math, let’s just say I loved every subject in school. Walking and taking the bus to class were one of the amazing thing in college during this type of weather. The leaves were falling down, the sun was flicking the light and the wind was blowing. I put on my blue dress that was actually fit to the weather, as you all know I am a dress type.
Going into class, surprisingly, the elevator guy last night was in the same class.  Well, I remembered people clearly but he did not, I think. I looked at him, and he kinda looked unsure. Well, so I went and sat down in the second row. My math professor walked in and said “Hello everyone, welcome to class. My name is Jack Gerbil, I will be your Calculus professor……..bleh blah…bleh……blah. He started calling attendance, John Amso…….And then my name “Alexis Morrison”, he said.
“Yes, but just called me Lexi.” I shouted out.
“You’re the only girl in the class.” He said
So, I looked all around and saw all male student. Suddenly, the elevator guy came to sit next to my row. And he was asking “Was that you in the elevator last night?”
I replied “Yes.”
He said “Nice to see you here again, looking forward for this semester.”
Then the professor called out Matthew Forbes. “Yes, sir!” He said.
I didn’t notice anything. I just concentrated in class. But, well you know, I stared at him sometimes. And thinking in my mind:
“Those gorgeous blue eyes and that buzz haircut, who is not dreaming to be with him.”  
“Focus Lexi!” My mind spoke to me.
So, after the class ended. He said “Goodbye, see you later.”
I said “See ya!”
So, I rush walking to another class and surprisingly Danny was in that class “General Chemistry” the same mine too. Danny and I really get along, I feel very happy whenever I was with him. He is such a nice guy and super sweet.
After the class finished, we all together walked to our room.  Coincidentally, I met Matthew again for the second times a day and at the elevator.
I said “Oh, Hi!”
He replied “hey, how’s it going?”
“You two know each other?” Danny interrupted.
“Oh, Matthew and I are in the same Calculus class.” I answered!
“Hi, I’m Matthew!” Matthew said and shaking the hand doing their bro thing
“Hey, I’m Danny.” Danny said and doing the same thing
After that, the silence moment came in, that was like the most awkward 10 seconds of all time. I arrived at my floor and I said bye to Alex.
And then Lola came in and asked again:
“Wait that was the same guy as last night?”
“What last night?” Danny asked and looked at me seriously.
“Oh, that was Matthew, I met him in the elevator last night too and then I had class with him and now I met him again, that was pretty much it.” I replied quickly.
Lola added “3 times in a row, don’t you think the thing get more on purpose or accidentally.”
Danny look pretty sad at the moment. I was shocked, so I asked him “Are you okay, Danny?
“I’m fine!” Danny said and walked to his room.
I was like oh okay, and then Lola was kinda brought up thing again,
“Seem like Danny does care about this thing and you, obviously, is him…….?” Lola said
“I’m going to my room.” I said
“It’s just a random person who appears in my life, okay?” I added.
“Calm down, I didn’t say anything.” Lola said. So, we all walked separately to our room.
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loco-loco20190 · 8 years
It’s the one you have never felt like: Chapter 1 “Autumn Star”
It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining brightly, the wind was blowing softly and the leaves were falling down the tree randomly. I was walking along the street to my house after a long day of work. I worked part time and Target. As I was walking, I let myself went with the flow of the wind so I can relax myself.
I realized that today was the last day of summer and tomorrow is the first day of autumn as well as my first day of college at University of South Carolina. I lived in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. Mount Pleasant is one of the major city in South Carolina and it is a very peaceful to live. I always spent my time reading in the gleeful park because it is very beautiful and made me feel fresh and happy as it name all the time.
"Lexi?" My mom called me.
"Yes, mom" I replied.
"Would you mind helping me moving your stuff from your room?" She asked.
"Ben and dad went to Walmart, so please come down!" She added.
"One second, mom. I'll be there." I answered back.
So, then we all moved my college stuff from my room to the living room.
And suddenly, my mom hugged me and said "My only girl is going to college."
She also said "I'm so proud of you, Lexi. You and Ben have never disappointed us."
I said “Mom, I have a question. What do you think will happen for full 4 years at college?"
 She giggled and replied. "It is gonna be fun. I met your dad during that time, remember?"
I interrupted. "Mom, let's not talk about love."
She replied. "You said you want to hear my story. Don't worry, Lexi. Just have fun and study hard, something will happen. Just remember to be nice to everyone."
"I hope everything's there will turn out well." I replied with a sigh emotion.
The next day began, the sun was shining once again beautifully. It was a very wonderful day. We all started to move my stuff to dad's car. After we finished, I was on the lawn and looked around the neighborhood for another time. Along the way, I put some music to enlighten up the mood for everyone in the car. About 1h30mn later, I saw a sign "University of South Carolina in 8 miles."
My mom said to me. "We're nearly there, are you excited?"
I replied. "NO!!!! I'm kidding. It's kinda so-so."
About 10 minutes, we all arrived at USC. The campus is very beautiful and very big. My dad drove a bit around the campus. After that, we drove to my residence hall. It is very beautiful, seems like it's the newest one. It is an honor residence hall, called Mary K. Hall. Since, I was an honor student so I preferred living with other honors. I went straight inside and I suddenly ran into my roommate.
"I'm so sorry." I apologized.
"It's okay. That's my bad." She said.
"Are you Carly Mckinly?" I asked.
"Yes, I am. How do you know?" She asked back.
 "I'm Alexis Morrison. But, just called me Lexi. Your roommate." I said.
"Oh MY GOD!. Lexi? You look so beautiful." She flattered me.
"Come on. Stop it. You look beautiful too. Anyway, I have to check in." I interrupted.
"Oh yes! And our room is very beautiful." She added.
A few minutes later after I checked in, my family and I started to move my stuff to the room. They met Carly and they all seemed very get along. Carly was very nice and sweet too. She left me a gift on my desk which was really kind of her. After we all had our stuff in our room, my dad asked me and Carly to have a photo together.
"1! 2! 3! Say USC!!!!!!!!!!!" My dad shouted while holding a camera.
Everyone was kind of emotional, we hugged each other and I said goodbye to them. And, they all said "Study hard, Lexi!"
"I know you will, sis!" Ben said and hugged me tightly. Ben will be a sophomore in a few days away. He went to University of Florida. He is a really smart guy, but he always admitted that I was smarter than him. Ben studied Aerospace Engineering. He's always been wanted to work with NASA sine he was a child. Ben has always been one of my inspiration since I was in high school. He is my brother as well as my best friend.
A few minutes later, the room started to be silent, only I and Carly were in the room. We all started to unpack our stuff and design our room. Later tonight, there was a floor meeting. I live on 5th floor and our RA (Resident Advisor) name Melissa, she was very nice. She will be a senior when school start. Everybody started to introduce themselves. I got a chance to start it first.
"Hello, everybody! My name is Alexis Morrison. But, just called me Lexi! I'm studying Biomedical Engineering, because I want to invent medicine to cure people sickness." I introduced.
"Oh! And one more thing, I like Waffle!" I added.
Carly was next. "Hi! I'm Carly Mckinly. I'm a freshmen and Lexi is my roommate. I'm studying Biological Sciences. And I also like Waffle." She said.
Then everyone continued. There were Linda, Alex, Daniel but I called him Danny, Molly and Sally the twins, Lola, Josh, Scot, Ashley and Laura.  Josh was the funniest guy in this unit. Danny was the sweetest I think. Everyone who live in my unit were really great people. In my quad, there were 12 people living in that including me and surprisingly all of us were all freshmen.
After the meeting was done, all of us went to have a dinner together. As a large group having dinner, it was so fun. I can felt the enjoyment and happiness we had on our first day. We all chit-chatting and getting to know each other more.
Around 9pm, everyone went back to their own room. Tomorrow will be the welcome day for every freshmen as well as welcome back students to school.
I woke up around 7am and I rushly went to the shower and get prepare for a big day. Around 8:15am, everyone was ready and we all took a shuttle to the main building of USC, Glamorous hall, where the event will be held. First impression, when the blue shuttle was getting near the hall, I was like "WOW!!!!!" Look at those people, it was like a thousand of people standing in front of the hall. A few seconds later, we all got off the shuttle. As always, it was another beautiful day. I was breakout with my dress. As you know, I am a dress type, Carly too. Carly and I shared a lot of the same stuff. We both like blue but we like white dress. Dr. Kelly, the president of USC was giving the speech. In the end, he said "You are going to have fun at USC, just remember we are all here for all of you." Later on, the music has been put on and some people had picnic basket and everything. Well, not only them people from my unit, we all prepare something too. We all sat down, brought out the food, drinks and everything. Then we all walked around the organization fair, met some new friends, talked, danced. The best moment when they put the song The nights by Avicii. Everyone was all getting up and dancing. About when the beat of the song dropped, the staff turn on the water fountain. Everyone was all cheering, dancing and having fun before the school start. It was one of the best moment so far. Best day won't last very long, just so you know. Fun has been faded away. The sun has set, the darkness has spread over South Carolina. I decided to come out alone, walk around the campus, enjoy the nightlife and I went to the park about 5minutes from my place. Not so many lights have been turned on, so stars have started to appear continuously. Amazingly, there was one star sparking like a diamond reflecting in the light. Suddenly, I got a text of my mom.
She said "If you see the one star sparkling, that's you sweetie! If you see another one sparkling, you'll know what it mean. :)"
A few minutes later, another star started to appear brightly at the same time as one stranger guy came in to the park. It was dark, so I didn't know him anyway. I just felt the connection of me and the star so much. Later on, you are not going to believe what happened, there was a shooting star. Most people don't believe in it, but I do. So, I just made a wish of it. It was one of the beautiful night in autumn, I have never ever felt like.
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