tiktok-fan-club · 4 months
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Boltex | B, Bolt by Artology 🟢 https://lnkd.in/g_WFW3VW
For more information or project inquiries, contact me at: 📧 [email protected]
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6okuto · 1 month
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me when u reblog my posts. giggling and kicking my feets. like u like what I post?? what lil ol' me posts??? teeheee :333 I used to post my art on Instagram and I'm so used to liking and replying to every comment but I can't do that on Tumblr but I can send asks!!
also this >>>>
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OF COURSE!! always love mutuals' art and sillies.. i get it. replying to ig comments is/feels so much easier than replying to tags.. Idk what about tumblr interaction tires me out at the thought of ithdjebdbd buT hello and Ur welcome and Thank u 4 visiting. meow. awesome photo. Um. i have nothing that's the same but have thejse 🩷🩷
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gonemechaniic · 2 years
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Sooooooo tumble fukin' up, right?
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houseownerz · 1 year
Hey guys!!! Just wanted to say sorry for no updates at all for the askblog!!! I've been super busy making videos and stuff, I'll be back here soon I rpmose!!!
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oswednesday · 2 years
[explaining to you that jonathan crane is my doctor and the scarecrow is not so there's nothing unethical going on here]
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maudlxne · 3 months
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// I'm going to be working on the muse list here and making things look nice throughout the next week or so. I decided to keep this blog since, well, the new one is shadowbanned to all high hell and back. Plus I already have a good base to it. I will probably need a new theme and muse page too. So the blog will be under construction while I rework things and make a new promo. But I'm still gonna be active and writing.
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Brain | Medical Logo by Artology 🟢 https://dribbble.com/shots/23277087-Brain-Medical-Logo
Let's work together:
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Descubra como ganhar MUITO DINHEIRO com seu BLOG! Neste vídeo, eu revelo 7 formas comprovadas de monetizar seu site e gerar uma renda significativa. Desde marketing de afiliados até a venda de produtos físicos, aprenda estratégias comprovadas para transformar seu blog em uma fonte de renda passiva e constante.
❤️ Hostinger com meu CUPOM DE DESCONTO: https://fiqueisemcracha.com.br/melhorhospedagemytb
🎁 Baixe gratuitamente meu checklist para criar um site profissional: https://lp.fiqueisemcracha.com.br/comocriarsiteprofissional/
Comenta aqui qual dessas formas você mais curtiu e o que mais você quer aprender sobre site profissional comigo?
Curso que indico para aprender a trabalhar online: http://fiqueisemcracha.com.br/aprender
Ganhe MUITO DINHEIRO com seu BLOG! Hoje, eu vou te mostrar 7 formas comprovadas de monetizar seu site e ganhar muito dinheiro. Você vai aprender sobre marketing de afiliados, Google AdSense, posts patrocinados, venda de produtos digitais e físicos, parcerias, guest posts e muito mais. Vou compartilhar exemplos práticos e experiências pessoais que me ajudaram a transformar meu blog em uma fonte de renda incrível. Principais Pontos Abordados: Marketing de Afiliados: Como promover produtos e ganhar comissões (Exemplo: Amazon Afiliados, shopee, magalu, hotmart e outros). Google AdSense: Como colocar anúncios no seu blog e gerar renda passiva (Exemplo: Blog com tráfego alto). Posts Patrocinados: Como marcas pagam para você escrever sobre produtos/serviços Venda de Produtos Digitais: Criação e venda de e-books, cursos e mais (Exemplo: E-book sobre YouTube). Venda de Produtos Físicos: Venda de itens personalizados com a marca do blog (Exemplo: Camisetas e canecas personalizadas). Parcerias: Empresas que pagam mensalmente por conteúdo exclusivo e comissões por vendas Guest Post: Escrever para outros blogs como convidado e ganhar dinheiro (Exemplo: Artigo para blog popular).
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kormokodranas · 2 years
MAN ATRODO, kad jūs dar nesusipažinote su mano nauju kambarioku! turbūt apie buvusią kambariokę daug yra prirašyta, kaip ji žvengdavo iki 2 nakties, tada keldavosi 5 eit į darbą ir trankydavo duris. you go, girl!
mano dabartinis kambariokas irgi nėra rožėmis klotas, bet daugeliu atvejų geresnis nei kiti kambariokai.
vienas dalykas, ką aš turiu daryt su visais kambariokais, vis dėlto, yra rūšiuot jų šiukšlytes, nes nei vienas nesugeba praskalauti panaudotos pomidorų skarbonkės, ką jau kalbėt apie išmestus puspilnius pesto stiklainius. Tai aš rytais atsidarau šiukšliadėžę ir krapštau sueplijusį pesto iš stiklainiukų. Šiaip gal ir nereikia taip daryti, bet aš įsivaizduoju, kad perdirbimo vietose truputį legviau, kai stiklainiai nėra pestuoti.
nu ok, čia tokie su niuansais dalykai, žmonės gal nežino.
bet kai buvo kovidas, mano kambariokas susirgo ir visus savo testus (panaudotus) išmetė į perdirbimą. visas nosines irgi.
kai įsikrausčiau, jis man gyrėsi, kad 'uoj, aš tai beveik nenaudoju žinok tos juodos šiukšliadėžės, viskas pas mane perdirbama" :DDDD
dar dažnai randu, kad maisto atliekų šiukšliadėžę irgi laiko atidarytą (žiemą-vasarą), nors blet dirba su drozofilom (tom mažom musikėm, kur prisiveisia... MAISTO ŠIUKŠLIADEŽĖSE) . Visada grįžtu namo ir uždarau, nes pvz vasarą tai visur pilna buvo vikšrų. mm.
o dabar pasiruoškite fuj! daliai, perspėju iš anksto, kad fu - parsivedė jisai mergą, ir šiandien kai dėjau savo išrūšiuotas šiukšles į didelį konteinerį, radau, hm, pobūvio su merga (kurį aš puikiai girdėjau, beje, labai ačiū plonos sienos) pasekmes.
aš blet nežinau, kaip jam pasakyti, kad panaudoti prezikai nėra perdirbami.
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gonemechaniic · 2 years
My goal today is to queue up some drafts and random oldie but goodie starters for new and old moots along with cleaning/queuing out my inbox for?? I'm gonna say the majority of Feb. Prepping for a con in March ( entering the cosplay contest as Eurydice from Hades OwO ) So Imma put all my focus into that as soon as my supplies come in. As always I'll be on disco ( feel free to ask for it ) and Wire for tiny things, but I might be reasonably distracted. Whatever happens you guys are amazing. Thank you for putting up with my random... randomness XD 💛💛
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undergroundpiner · 2 years
Greenland gaming blogo
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Be Like Elite Gamers – We Have A Surprise For YouĪre you not new on the battlefield? Do you want to revamp your logo to create an impactful image in the fierce competition? Hold your search here because we have experts on board addressing requests of every gamer. Believe in our work and purchase from us that best-fits your channel or team. What else you want to get noticed in public? Our team of experts has unique ideas for restoring the brand image. We adopt an easy yet creative approach to match your expectations as perfectly as we can. You can also get your gaming brand new identity by choosing us today. The Design Expert has worked on many similar projects. Interesting Gaming Logo Design Reflecting Your Game Theme These samples will help you in deciding which style to follow or else you can come up with your own unique idea. We deliver a brand new work against every request and it consists of promising features beyond the expectations. You can choose from our samples that reflects your gaming theme and style. We make creative logos consisting of impressive visuals and artistic fonts that goes perfect with your brand name. It’s time to rank your team above everyone. Get Custom Gaming Logo Design In Just A Few Clicks Order from us now and see the change yourself. It’s the time to impress the world with your cool gaming logo design. Request us a perfect design that gives your game brand a motivational boost. We aspire to craft more logos and achieve trust and satisfaction of the valued clients more than before. Our online designing company brings impressive gaming logo design in the spotlight. Do you want to give your team a thrilling identity? Take our assistance now and see the whole world raving about your impression. We have worked on tons of projects and today we are ready to serve the entire gaming industry. Our designers only take a few minutes to capture the idea and transform it into unbeatable logo design. We don’t believe in working for hours on one simple design. Super easy is our customizable options which guarantee remarkable work in the nick of time.
No matter what shape you want and which color theme to follow, our experts are pro in fulfilling your expectations. Choose from our variety of samples that suit your team. We are a famous gaming logo design company providing an amazing experience of putting you on the top of the competition. Get a fantastic gaming logo design made in minutes at.
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wirepolh · 2 years
Greenland gaming blogo
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#Greenland gaming blogo tv#
AND NOW THAT WE’VE GOT ALL THE EXPLAINERS & DISCLAIMERS OUT OF THE WAY… HERE’S MY LIST OF 25 Super Nintendo GAMES THAT ARE STILL FUN TO PLAY Today: And this Super Nintendo list also takes into consideration what was added to my Sega Genesis list ( which is why you won’t find many SNES sports titles listed here). This is just a list of games that I still find personally enjoyable to play as an elder millennial in the 2020s + it should be noted that I don’t really care much for fighting games or button-mashing beat ‘em ups / shoot ‘em ups or turn based RPG games ( no matter how ‘critically acclaimed / loved’ they may be). Please keep in mind that this list is not really in a ranked order and it is definitely not an attempt at creating a “best Super Nintendo games ever” list ( so prepare to adjust your “how could you not include _?!” outrage appropriately). So since I also did a lot of searching for “best snes games” or “most underrated snes games” or “best snes games that are still worth playing today” once I was done googling the “how to hack a sega mini” queries that have been directing people to my blog lately, I figured I should re-hash my ‘best games to add to your hacked Sega Mini’ lists and put together some console specific lists ( as my previous lists combined games from different consoles). More recently, I’ve been noticing that my most visited website pages, month after month, were my blog posts about retro video gaming, and most of those visits were coming from Google’rs. I guess that’s why they say hindsight is 2020. And once one goes down that online retro video gaming rabbit hole, one eventually realizes that one could have been playing any old retro video game right on one’s old iMac the whole time.
#Greenland gaming blogo tv#
This was heavily influenced by me ordering a Sega Mini to hook up to the tv I won at a Super Bowl party right before the world went on a never-ending lockdown quarantine, but the thing that really kicked the new hobby up a notch was realizing that that Sega Mini could be hacked to add any old retro video game from any old retro video game console. South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands (USD $)Ģ020 was the year I got back into playing retro video games from my youth.
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tonkimemphis · 2 years
California conservation corps blogo
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Be able to fulfill the essential functions of the assigned work with or without a reasonable accommodation (reasonable accommodations will need to be requested to the USFS staff or partner contact after hiring).Social Security number or have applied for a valid Social Security number Provide or be able to obtain a work permit as required under the laws of the applicant’s home state.Be a US citizen or permanent resident of the United States, its territories, or its possessions.Be at least 15 years of age at the start of enrollment and must not reach age 19 before completion of the program.20% of work week focused on educational, career exploration and service-learning activities.Local jobs mostly residential programs available at select Forest Service units.Earn Federal minimum wage or the state minimum wage, if higher.Youth work on projects designed to develop an ethic of environmental stewardship and civic responsibility such as: building and repairing trails, preserving and repairing historic buildings, removing invasive species, helping with wildlife and land research, and leading environmental education. Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) is a summer youth employment program for teenagers, interested in l work experiences on national forests and parks, wildlife refuges, and fish hatcheries.
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protecttonki · 2 years
California conservation corps blogo
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Then the van rolled into the intersection, where it was broadsided by a 40-ton gravel truck and trailer, killing three corps members and leaving another with catastrophic brain and spinal injuries. 2, 2016, a van carrying members of the California Conservation Corps paused at a stop sign on a country road near the Central Valley town of Reedley. A Conference on Online Gaming, May 22, 2014Įarly on Feb.Health Care: California – September 23, 2014.California Health Conference – September 23, 2015.A Conference on EDUCATION, November 12, 2015.California Votes: 2016 Ballot Measure Forum, Sept.CALIFORNIA HEALTH CONFERENCE, SEPT 15, 2016.A Post-Mortem of the Election – November 10, 2016.A CONFERENCE ON IMMIGRATION – NOV 9, 2017.CALIFORNIA CANNABIS CONFERENCE, MAY 24 2018.A POST-MORTEM OF THE 2018 ELECTION – NOV.CALIFORNIA HOUSING CRISIS, February 28, 2019.ACCESS: HEALTH CARE, SEPTEMBER 26, 2019.A CONFERENCE ON HOUSING POLICY – MAY 26, 2021.California’s Mental Health Crisis, October 6, 2021.CALIFORNIA VOTES: A 2022 Election Preview, May 26, 2022.The Top 100 Party, Tuesday, August 9, 2022.Roz Wyman: Bringing the Dodgers to Los Angeles.George Skelton: The Dean of California’s Capitol Press Corps.Richard Ratcliff: The Lobbyist Who Listened.Don Novey: The Prison Guards’ Man in Sacramento.Edwin Meese III: Reagan’s Attorney General.Phil Isenberg: Challenging Conventional Water Wisdom.Diana Dooley: The Years with Jerry Brown.Abby Abinanti, Chief Judge of the Yurok Tribe.
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mainsdiva · 2 years
Wrecking ball blogo
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#Wrecking ball blogo how to
#Wrecking ball blogo crack
Jon Dolan of Rolling Stone felt that it " the hunger and confusion that make great coming-of-age pop." Writing for AllMusic, Heather Phares considered the track to be a standout from Bangerz.
#Wrecking ball blogo how to
Although he found the song "predictable," Evan Sawdey of PopMatters gave it an overall positive review and complimented its production and the build up to its chorus, calling it "the kind of broad mainstream song that shows how you how to properly build up to a chorus before hitting us over the head with it. Club, Marah Eakin provided a favorable review, calling it a "solid ballad" and describing it as "a modern day ' My Heart Will Go On' that discussed a deteriorated, shortlived young romance." Kitty Empire from The Observer opined that "the heartbreak section of Bangerz mostly repays your attention" and mentioned "Wrecking Ball" to be a part of it. "Wrecking Ball" received mostly positive reviews from music critics. Cyrus said that "Wrecking Ball" was inspired by " OneRepublic, and the way Timbaland used to do those big ballads." Critical reception BMiriam Coleman of Rolling Stone noted that it begins with a minimalist keyboard instrumentation, which puts emphasis on Cyrus "anguished vocals", and also described it as a "heartbroken counterpoint" to "We Can't Stop". Cyrus' vocals span from the low note of F 3 to the high note of B ♭ 4. The track is written in the key of D minor and follows the chord progression Dm–F–C–Gm, but the chorus is in F major. "Wrecking Ball" is a pop ballad According to the sheet music published at by Kobalt Music Publishing America, it is set in common time with a tempo of 60 beats per minute. Problems playing this file? See media help. Cyrus performed "Wrecking Ball" during several live performances, including the iHeartRadio Music Festival, an episode of Saturday Night Live and the "TikTok Tailgate" before Super Bowl LV. Adding to the video's success, Cyrus won the award for World's Best Video at the 2014 World Music Awards in Monte Carlo. At the 2013 MTV Europe Music Awards, Cyrus took home the award for Best Video and the award for Video of the Year at the 2014 MTV Video Music Awards. "Wrecking Ball" previously held the Vevo record for the most views in the first 24 hours after its release with 19.3 million views. Critics were divided in their opinions of the music video, feeling that it was more provocative than the clip for her previous single " We Can't Stop". It features close-up scenes of Cyrus tearfully singing, reminiscent of the clip for " Nothing Compares 2 U" by Sinéad O'Connor, interspersed with footage of a nude Cyrus swinging on a wrecking ball. Īn accompanying music video for "Wrecking Ball" was released on September 9, 2013.
#Wrecking ball blogo crack
It is Cyrus' only song to crack the Billboard Decade-End, doing so at number 99. Outside of the United States, "Wrecking Ball" topped the charts in Canada, Hungary, Israel, Lebanon, Spain, and the United Kingdom, and peaked within the top ten of the charts throughout much of continental Europe and Oceania. As of January 2014, "Wrecking Ball" has sold three million copies in the United States. Nine weeks later, the track returned to number one, and consequently had the largest gap between number-one sittings in Billboard Hot 100 history within a single chart run. "Wrecking Ball" debuted at number fifty on the Billboard Hot 100, and subsequently became Cyrus' first number-one song on the chart after the release of its controversial music video it retained the peak position during the following week. "Wrecking Ball" is a pop ballad which lyrically discusses the deterioration of a relationship. Luke and Cirkut, who also served as the producers, credited as co-writers along with David Kim. The song was written by Mozella, Stephan Moccio, Sacha Skarbek, with Dr. It was released on August 25, 2013, by RCA Records as the album's second single. " Wrecking Ball" is a song recorded by American singer Miley Cyrus for her fourth studio album, Bangerz (2013).
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