#bloodborne archibald
synthwayve · 10 months
Also please get well soon
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Sorry this one took me so long! I had to do some digging for Archie. I like the idea of him constantly having staticky/floating hair because of how much they work with electricity! Also lightning Lichtenberg scars because yeah :)
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fantomette22 · 1 year
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5. Spark Hunter Badge
Badge crafted in secret by Archibald, the infamous eccentric of the Healing Church, for his friends.
Archibald was fascinated by the blue sparks that emanate from the hides of the darkbeasts, and dedicated his life to its artificial reproduction. in a style of inquiry that, incidentally, closely followed the methodology of Byrgenwerth.
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katyspersonal · 2 years
I want to know moooore about Archie, so 5, 6 and 9 for him!
( Asks from this ( x ) meme)
Whew! Funny that you asked about him now of all times, because just today I finally got to HIM in my list of Bloodborne characters' face refs, so I can even show him! (Yahar'gul hunters are next)
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Wellll... I did draw him before, but only in a meme xD
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To think of it, I do not have too much stuff about the guy to write down, the vibe I get from him is rather intuitive, but I'll try!
5) Social headcanons (what do they think of their friends/allies if they have any, what are they looking for in relationship, what people tend to think about them...)
Archibald tends to measure a person up very quick upon first meeting them, almost unmistakeably knowing whether they're smart, have potential, are reliable, all that. Not that he never been wrong, but usually his esteem is right, and he ends up forming contacts and investing only in people he considers "worthy" - be it them being useful in time of need, good helpers in his research, or even just good debate opponents to sharpen his mind with! All this is to say, he chooses his friends carefully and knows to not invest time, trust or emotion into "wrong" people. Him being involved with Healing Church was a calculated risk though, seeing how Laurence is "ends justify the means" person, but being under his wing while it lasted would benefit him.
He takes advantage of the impression of 'an eccentric weird guy who is better not distracted from his research' he gives to people, to not attract unwanted attention and instead observe others unnoticed. He knows about what's going on around him more than it seems, but his behaviour can fool even ones like Brador!
From how Archibald speaks of his connections, people often assume that he is a callous person without morality that will simply join the winning side during any conflict, but that is not entirely true! He often bends and adapts, yes, believing that 'he is more useful alive', but he has his limits and honorable values he will defend. In my story, he dies killing a very bad person devouring the already tormented Yharnam after Laurence passed away, after all! But Archibald won't reveal his vulnerable side, values and even people he cherishes easily, in fear of being easily manipulated over them.
Archibald is not relationships person at all, albeit able to fall in love. But instead of forming anything akin to functional relationship, he will simply look for someone equally curious, active and inventive to share a bond with. A type to only date a colleague, which in his case would be someone entirely caught up in research - a shared one or their own. But the idea of putting his best effort into 'feelings' and not inventing another mad thing is absolutely unspeakable for him!
He is, however, rather insensitive to things like peer-pressure and moral control unless abiding by them benefits his goals; he is an independent person. Thus, moral pressure Healing Church caused on "fearing the beasts" did nothing to him when he saw potential in studying them more. Again, him having 'just a little guy' public image helped him to avoid problems for that for a long time.
6) Psychological headcanons (tastes, fears, talents, regrets, how they deal with anger, just anything that comes to mind on the topic)
Archibald appears to be rather reasonable in emotionally charged situations, sometimes even pissing other people off by being "too calm" when he should not be, but the truth is, he is able to grip and control his anger very well. That though... applies to his other strong negative emotions too - staying a person who simply "tries to understand the situation uwu", he might be absolutely boiling with rage inside, or experience bone-chilling fear, but the only true hints will be his sweat or twisting an object in his hands nervously. When he plans to ACT on his negative emotions, he will probably not tell even to his closest friends, as he doesn't want to worry them. Like, the fucker will return all bloodied after having committed act of revenge and just write it down as falling into a blood puddle left after a hunt, and so on.
Acting on emotions IS easier for him than sharing them, yes. Talking about how much someone upset him with a close friend? Nahhhh. Go in complete secrecy to beat the hell out of that person, ranting out his frustration for their ears and their ears only? Hell YES!
He is very focused on his work, to the point of abandoning a lot of potential social activities and emotional needs, living in permanent fear that he does not have enough time in this world to complete all his plans and invent everything he is capable to. Archie has a strong fix on being productive and making his time 'count', but this is a hard tension. Even before the whole 'Yharnam is hardly real anymore and the world is doomed' turn, he missed out on many important events in lives of his friends and failed to be there for his friends when they needed him. You know, the whole 'you wasn't there when my child was born / you wasn't there at funeral of your friend' struggle? In a way, it counts, however; I headcanon that there are many unseen inventions and discoveries Archie made that we could never see within the game. We only find the weapons he invented, but there are many things that could advance the humanity back in his lab! If only times peaceful enough to reach and use them will EVER come in Yharnam, of course...
In regards to the previous paragraph, he does experience permanent hidden guilt and suffering for being 'a bad friend'. Occasionally, he even curses the fate for burdening him with the curse of "brilliant mind" that he feels obligated to use, unable to live normally.
It is kind of plain, but he IS a very smart person, IQ certainly goes further beyond 120. He also has extremely good orientation in the space once he figures even a minimal about it; once he saw a map of the area, he will never get lost in it again.
He gets rather impressed and at times even flustered by big, strong, masculine men that might squeeze him into a pulp with one hand even though he himself is a rather capable fighter; like something naturally balancing him being more brain than brawl. I think Micolash was one exception Archibald can recall in his entire life; Mico IS a twig, but his passion and madness were the strongest ones Archibald ever seen in his life, and that was enough.
9) Headcanons about their past
Archibald is a foreigner, however, not very far from Yharnam culturally - his family moved into one of the off-brand European countries even before he was born, hence British name! One of the things I like about Bloodborne is how history in that setting went different from our world's, while saving all the metaphors and social commentary. We get plenty of evidence that Yharnam is way more middle European than UK-inspired; however, I can't help but feel like Archibald DID come from off-brand UK!
He showed being gifted and developing faster than his peers since childhood, yet funny enough, the pressure to 'fulfill his potential' was not inflicted by him on parents or teachers. Instead, the development of his anxiety and obsession to use the gifts of his mind was triggered by being rather neglected as a kid. EXCEPT for the times when he was demonstrating his ahead-of-age mind capacity... That is not to say it is just the internalised lack of recognition that ended up driving him. In fact, a bigger reason is that as neglected kid, he had opportunity to stand aside and observe the society... with it's flaws and the obvious things they were lacking. That realisation that he could help and change things on larger scale is a more crucial motivation. Lack of acknowledgement was the battery, but wish to help is the charge stored in it.
Like I hinted previously, in the periods of being especially caught up in studying and research, he'd end up not being there in important events in his close people's lives. The life-turning ones, even. That guaranteed a long chain of getting friends and losing them a few years (or sometimes months) later. He lived his life known as 'a reclusive prick who ONLY cares about studying! :/' and departed in Yharnam without even having someone who would miss him! On the more positive note, the friends he would GET to keep were found in Yharnam!
He is the most 'had education and degrees prior joining Yharnam' character out of foreign ones I got, with Eileen being the second! My version of him is rather young but he had the capacity of skipping classes, thus having a bit more scientific knowledge under his belt than his peers.
Archibald was never an artistic person, nor he was able to have a pet. Thus, he tended to fill the emptiness by cooking, cleaning, patching ruined clothes and fixing broken furniture often. Sometimes he'd even ruin a thing himself just to check whether he could fix it! As result, he has fantastic practical skills. He might be caught into experiments and research, but is never in a bad physical shape or poor hygiene because of it!
Like Edgar in my 'official' timeline, Archibald arrived in Yharnam a little too late to join Byrgenwerth - something he resents deeply, because it seems like it was a PERFECT place for him to fit into. That only further cementer his permanent, instinctive fear of 'running out of time' - what could be a bigger hint that his life was turning the wrong way than being too late for an institution basically CREATED for him and how he approaches things? There was no way news about large monsters who naturally produce electricity could have travelled to him faster tho.
Maybe not that much, but I think you get what the guy is like by now! Thank you for the ask! <:3 I needed a reason to put my ideas on him together in verbal form, haha
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rubia-peregrinart · 7 months
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the faceless : text-only appendices
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skleech · 2 months
I am genuinely so curious as to why killing Paarl leads to Djura becoming friendly with the player; like there has to at least be some connected lore between these two
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katyahina · 11 months
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Do people just start dressing up as themselves for trick-or-treating in the setting with nothing left to fear? 🤔
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irreverentizzyposting · 8 months
spot the difference
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jarognieva · 7 months
What are your thoughts on Archibald working for School of Mensis? This is implied quite strongly! Did Archibald have no choice, or School of Mensis simply offered more opportunities and freedom for his "weird" research, or he genuinely thought Micolash was better leader in general? Or was it Micolash himself that bribed Archibald to work with him instead, since his research provided weapons extremely effective against those blue Choir toddlers? Or maybe School of Mensis simply vulture'd his weapons and inventions for themselves after Archibald was gone?
I just think that he is the underrated Mensis Squad's fourth girl fsdfdds
These are more my thoughts and headcanons than serious theories:
1. My first thoughts were that Archie was imprisoned from start to finish, was there and had to create weapons against his will. He finally dug a tunnel to escape from prison. He encountered the closed gate of Old Yharnam, and there was no one to open it for it was already a dead city. Archie transformed into Dark Beast.
This theory also assumes that Archie and Paarl are the same person. But on the other hand, if Archie and Paarl are the same person, why are they two different names? Even if he didn't turn into this particular beast, it's still possible that he ended up as a beast, because that's what the cut dialogue suggests.
2. It is possible that he came to Yahar'gul because Mico encouraged him with his freedom of action. And everything was fine until some conflict occurred between them. That's why he was imprisoned.
3. I like to think that Archie is the evil version of Nikola Tesla :D After all, he is described as "infamous". Btw, Tonitrus is similar to a Tesla transformer! And fun fact, tonitrus means lightning in Latin. Archie was a foreigner (according to the cut dialogue) and of course a madman doing crazy and dangerous experiments with electricity. First he experimented on darkbeasts, then he learned to generate electricity himself. Both were extremely dangerous.
In this version of my theories, Archibald was never imprisoned, but Paarl, the escaped experiment subject, was imprisoned and eventually escaped.
The hunters were afraid of both electricity and Archie. He was madman and eccentric and they were never sure if he was going to do something dangerous around them. He even looked strange and suspicious. He looked as if he had just been electrocuted. All his hair was sticking out in a different direction and on top of that his strange, creepy smile made people around him (except Mico xD) feel uncomfortable.
Mico allowed him to work without restrictions in exchange for weapons. I like to think they worked very well together. They understood each other well as madmen :D Although they argued sometimes. Archie had some ideas that seemed useless to the School. He wanted to create certain inventions, such as an engine or a radio, but in such a rotten city as Yharnam, only blood and religious fanaticism mattered (and cosmic shit if we're talking about School of Mensis and Choir), not civilization progress (in the technical sense). Mico was only interested in weapons that could effectively harm the Choir. To be honest, Archibald didn't care about civilization progress either. He was simply very curious which of his ideas and inventions would work. That's why Mico had to remind him every now and then "hey, you were supposed to do something else!"
I like to think that Archie died in some pathetic way, e.g. he was eaten by some beast or electrocuted to death xD Or some experimental subject escaped and mortally wounded him as revenge. Anyway, I imagine how the scholars found Archie's corpse:
Micolash: Yeah, that's sad. Anyway...
Damian: Heaven gained another angel today 😭💔
Archibald in hell: WHERE'S LAURENCE
So yes, I can say he's Mensis Squad fourth girl xD
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bornetoblood · 2 years
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yharnam-is-a-fuck · 2 years
I love the way Hunter weapons evolve throughout the history of Bloodborne. It starts with Gehrman basically inventing his own. It's a bit sloppy but he wields it incredibly well. Then his apprentice has her Rakuyo from Cainhurst, also pretty sleek and takes skill to wield. The Beast Cutter is needlessly brutal and powerful, and gets refined into the Threaded Cane overtime. And the Beasthunter Saif was so broken in PvP they made everyone use Saw Cleavers instead.
And then the pre-Powder Kegs arrive, probably drunk or on fire or both and just scream GIANT EXPLODING HAMMER and never have a single good idea for the rest of history. Rifle Spear is literally just a "hey can i borrow your homework" of the reiterpallasch, the Whirlygig Saw is just funny, and the Stake Driver is wildly impracticle.
The Church weapons are all a bit boring, but it makes sense why. Ludwigs Holy Blade (not Ludwigs Moonlight sword, just the one that mimics it) and the Kirkhammer are basically the same idea but with a different attachment. And while the swords arnt exactly the same ingame, its pretty easy to assume that the Church was mass producing them. They also did their own "can I borrow your homework" with the Church Pick. The Logarius' Wheels are actually pretty interesting. They're also incredibly insane and weird, but I don't think they actually became Trick weapons until the Vileblood Massacre, where they were imbued with cursed spirits.
Some weapons are just totally unique and random. The Beast Claw, Tonitrus, Amygdalan Arm, Simon's Bowblade, and the Bloodletter don't have that clear of a point of origin besides some person (aka Izzy and Archibald) inventing it, or this unique NPC just having it because... they just do.
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fantomette22 · 8 months
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So following this drawing with Ludwig and Maria i wanted to add a couple of characters to join! (Gratia & Izzy)
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Don’t worry Archibald, this is Izzy’s way to express affection! Oh lucky for you. And the other lad is a younger version of the bestial hunter that i headcanon to be Izzy’s brother (i named him Oto for now).
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katyspersonal · 2 years
I know everyone loves (and hates) Archibold’s cut dialogue’s *exagerrated lip-licking* bit, but I think it is worth just as much attention that he tells you things like ‘Stop this unkindness’ and ‘You are not a decent now’ on the occasion that is 99% when you attack him XD I feel he would be a kind of person that like... miraculously dodges a bullet that was meant to kill him and his only reaction is ‘Stop being mean! :(’ sdfhfhsdh Definitely worth to elaborate in his portrayal xD
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bellringermal · 11 months
I've wanted to see Maria, Gratia and (female?) Izzy drawn together since forever, you basically made my dream came true dsjhdhgf ;-; Does your Izzy have Loran descent? Other two characters associated with Loran (Henryk and Suspicious Beggar) are brown too, so I thought...? Would make sense for her (?) to be so interested in those beasts if it is essentially reclaiming lost heritage, not to mention the NPCs 'Successors of Izzy' are roaming Loran too!
Hi Kat ;)
Thats an interesting idea! But no, Izzy in my fic actually comes from the same land as Eileen. And since I decided to use the Dark Souls geographical names for the purposes of worldbuilding (Yharnam for example is located in Carim, a land of pale-skinned people whose knights fight without shields) I arbitrarily chosen Jugo as the name of the land. In DS2, Jugo is a desert land famous for its seductive sorceresses and pyromancy but by the time Bloodborne rolls around, that past has been long forgotten. Izzy was forced to leave Jugo as a child and grew up in the slums of Yharnam where she ended up mixed in with the wrong crowd. While Eileen has a strong grasp on the culture of her country (especially when it comes to funerary customs, she is truly appalled by how Yharnam disposes of their dead) Izzy is a Yharnamite through and through.
My Izzy does indeed explore the ruins of Loran alongside the Byrgenwerth scholars tho! And she and Archibald end up working for Mensis after leaving the college. In Yahar'gul, they continued their studies on the Loran Darkbeasts.
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skleech · 2 years
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showed off my Caryll and Rom designs, thought i’d show off my designs for Archibald and Izzy :]
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katyahina · 8 months
Who are Yahar'gul hunters? (compiled reference and observations on 7 obscure NPCs)
Like the title suggests, I decided to cover whatever could be said or speculated about a group of NPCs in Bloodborne in one post as despite suffering from not having unique names or at least titles (save for Antal), they are distinct enough to have the characters and lore nonetheless in Soulsborne's trademark nonverbal fashion! They are a valid part of overall Bloodborne cast and I've found out they offer plenty to work with!
Some shared observations
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(Description are always taken from Last Protagonist's retranslation document ( x ) to not miss out any nuance)
1) Yahar'gul hunters are Healing Church hunters, rather than Old Hunters (the hunters of Gehrman's type) or Yharnam hunters (simple citizens who, albeit trained by Ludwig, don't count as Healing Church hunters)! Not only five out of seven of them use Healing Church weapons (six out of seven if you count Archibald's weapons as such) and not only School of Mensis is another faction of "nerds" of the Healing Church but also some visual hints can be seen:
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^^^ For example, the metal helmets of Yahar'gul Hunters are the same as what Executioners (enemies) in Hunter's Nightmare are wearing! These Executioners are likewise staff of the Healing Church, or used to be in the times of the past. It is up to interpretation if their caged helmets were to contain those eldrich tentacles and School of Mensis simply took the design to honor their roots (like they honored their Byrgenwerth roots with uniforms), or if those Executioners were given to the Healing Church BY Micolash/Mensis to begin with, or the secret third/fouth/fifth thing! I just think the design implication being here to begin with is interesting
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(The images of Church Giants are from this ( x ) page in Bloodborne Wiki (that awesome one created all by the same person))
^^^ Healing Church staff also seems to have a knack for ropes tied around (and the Madmen, former Tomb Prospectors, repeated the idea by tying long empty phantasms shells in a similar fashion)! Yahar'gul Hunters are said to use it as both restraint for kidnapping and... yeah, as 'lucky charms'.
2) It is rather interesting that they are, functionally, doing the same as what Snatchers (big Pthumerian guys with a sack) do - kidnap people for School of Mensis! My headcanon is that School of Mensis worked primarily with their hunters as kidnappers, and Snatchers were doing their own thing but simply shared living space with School of Mensis! Moreover, they do not aimlessly kidnap people long after Mensis Scholars "ascended", but need people for their own ritual of attempting to create an Amygdala, which is The One Reborn. It is a long rabbithole, but internal name of Amygdalae is 'evil god' and internal name of The One Reborn is 'failed evil god' ( x ). But alternatively, School of Mensis worked with the hunters and only afterwards was able to get Snatchers to help them! Regardless of interpretation, at least at some point in timeline, Yahar'gul Hunters were School of Mensis' tools for kidnapping.
3) Five out of seven of Yahar'gul hunters are not white. More specifically, one of these hunters (the Hunter's Nightmare one) is distinct, when other four are similar 'type' of model (not sure what to call it) with Henryk. Yeah, from game developing standpoint, devs probably just used Henryk as a base for creating Yahar'gul hunters, and naturally DLC hunter would look unique. But for all we know, it could also be an implication! Like how Heir Rune that Henryk drops is also found in Yahar'gul! At the same time, out of shown covenants of the characters, proportionally Yahar'gul hunters have the biggest amount of not white people. Yharnamites believe foreigners caused the plague of beasts, and Yharnam is very much Slavic: Czechia+Poland inspired, mostly with white people of course. Maybe people who were visibly foreigners had the hardest time whenever bias against foreigners began, and so these hunters had to turn to School of Mensis: a faction that takes in everyone, needing simply people willing to do crimes, and also provides opportunity to hide from the public eye.
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4) Yahar'gul Hunters are the only type of Hunters in the game to use Archibald's weapons!
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Archibald is not necessarily against the normal Healing Church; he is referred to as 変人 (a weirdo), unlike, say, Powder Kegs that are called 異端 (heretics). But, the items associated with him (Tonitrus, Tiny Tonitrus and Spark Hunter Badge) are all found in School of Mensis! One Yahar'gul hunter uses Tonitrus, one other uses Tiny Tonitrus, and Bolt Papers are dropped by one of the Yahar'gul Hunters and Snatchers, and also found on corpses all over School of Mensis! But maybe it was him being fascinated with "magic" of beasts instead of straight up denying all about them, or the fact that bolt harms Kin (who used to be an important deal for Healing Church) that earned him the weird looks. It further feels like Micolash was collecting various rejects by his side, sure that they'd do every mad thing he needed while having no choice, and Yahar'gul Hunters rather joined because of hard situation. Heck, there are two Yahar'gul hunters that defected from School of Mensis!
5) Back to Loran implications, because there are some!
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Remember how Henryk is implied to relate to Loran? Further in cut content as his set used to be called Hunter of Gremia Set (Gremia used to be name for Loran ( x )) This is also the case with Suspicious Beggar, who straight up can turn into a unique beast that comes from Loran and isn't anything spawned by Healing Church's antics. Loran is very desert-inspired, so.. heck, appearance of Yahar'gul Hunters + Archibald exploring Loran electric beasts can also be useful for interpreting this cast of characters. Maybe Archibald specifically searched those with Loran heritage as part of his interest in Darkbeasts and School of Mensis had to comply for like... Archibald being to Micolash what Ludwig is to Laurence. Or maybe people with Loran roots were shunned not by Yharnamites in general, but by Healing Church itself, all over suspicion that they were more subjected for giving into beasthood than everyone else. :/ *insert 'This place is reserved for Whites' meme again*
6) In two out of three cases where you meet these Hunters, they fight as a group in which members also mutually balance each other with their skills. You'll see what I mean when I describe each hunter individually! But yeah, they group by compensating for each other's weak points, as opposed to, say, normie Church hunters that group by 'a cool person and their bodyguard' system (like the girls at Research Hall or Forgotten Madman and his escort for example). Really efficient.
Alright, I think I am done with overall review of the cast, and like I said, I am going to bring up each individually under Keep Reading! I just figured general observations were needed first! Will also be using screenshots of their face data that I recreated in game to have references, face sliders are datamined by Zullie the Witch! (( x ) ( x ) for videos and ( x ) for extremely handy compillation on the same cool Wiki)
The Defectors
I group these characters together as it is easier! They are Antal and a Yahar'gul Hunter that we meet in the Hunter's Nightmare, in Underground Cell! Both of them are using Church Pick, and both are actually against Healing Church by what we can conclude. I've heard that before Zullie datamined these hunters, people used to assume they were the same character 🤔
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He is the only named Yahar'gul Hunter and is a summon against The One Reborn and Darkbeast Paarl! His weapons are Church Pick and Flamesprayer! He doesn't excell in any stats, nor there is anything remarkable about his build.... and I also used to think he had a tiny mustache because of that shadow just above his lip, but turns out he doesn't have facial hair fhdhfds Let's say he has it shaved or something.. Also, Antal is apparently young, both by feature sliders and actual age picked for him. I assume early balding working under Micolash is normal.. -_-"
With his summon locations, it is up to interpretation whether he is dead (since some summons do raise from the grave to hunt) or simply prefers to work against School of Mensis "from inside", helping the kidnapped if he crosses paths with them, rather than straight up leaving. At the very least, IF he died, he betrayed School of Mensis before his death, as the title suggests! Also according to internal files ( x ), Antal had an unknown occasion to appear in Hunter's Nightmare that was cancelled. It isn't clear whether it was as a hostile NPC or as a summon, but, having it cut is interesting because there IS another Yahar'gul Hunter there in the final game:
Yamamura's boyfriend Yahar'gul Hunter from Nightmare
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OKAY OKAY but hear me out fdhfsdh This is the hunter we find in the Underground Cell in Hunter's Nightmare, where people that learned too much about the Healing Church's secrets are thrown to die!
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It is quite a bold move for someone who worked for School of Mensis of all things to be considered someone that learned too much, right? I think that an intention to betray had to be the factor, then 🤔 Yamamura is a summon not only against Living Failures, but also in Yahar'gul for Darkbeast Paarl and The One Reborn! Summon locations indicate the characters' backstory, so Yamamura once was at Yahar'gul. I think it is a logical conclusion that this hunter had helped him to run away... or maybe was convinced BY Yamamura to consider his life choices and to run? Was Antal helping the two as well but didn't make it out alive, or he chickened out to run with them and did stay as "passive" rebel? What do you guys think?
Well, the potential backstory aside.. This guy has blond hair and blond (shaved) beard and eyebrows, which I like for an interesting design! He is shaved, not bald. His built sliders are quite big, especially arms at 245 and the chest area at maximal 255. Among other NPCs he excells at Strengtht with 45 (third place amongst NPCs shared with Brador and Yamamura) and Skill (second place, shared with Yamamura and Bestial Hunter). He uses Church Pick and Repeating Pistol; both are Church weapons, like Antal! He is also my favorite Yahar'gul NPC because he is totally forming Detective Gang with Yamamura, Gratia and Simon trust me guys my uncle works at Fromsoft fdhfdhshfd xD
But yes, I think if Antal's cut appearance in Hunter's Nightmare is of any indication, developers decided to make two characters instead of one in the end! Good for them!
Cathedral Ward Hunters
They are the two guys that you fight when approaching the 'normal' entrance to Yahar'gul - a chapel where Patches directs you towards! Just the outside guards of the Yahar'gul. If you also follow there with Henriett summoned, she will help fighting them.
CW Hunter with Tonitrus
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He is really frail and old, as you can see. He uses Tonitrus and drops 4 Bolt Papers! I'd say he is the most 'electric' hunter out of everyone we meet, heheh; He is also the only NPC to use Wooden Shield, others who use it as Yharnam Huntsmen enemies!
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As it is not an effective thing against the beasts, he maybe simply chosen it because his purpose is to fight people, not beasts. Maybe he also does originally come from regular citizens, and Tonitrus was simply something he took after starting working for Yahar'gul when normally we'd see him with a pitchfork or alike. Finally, he has one of the lowest Bloodtinge stats amongst all NPCs (9), as third weakest, so maybe using shield instead of a gun was a necessity from his blood being too weak to reliably use for the bullets (which are created from the user's blood!). I favour the latter version particularly and I'll also explain why soon!
CW Hunter with Rifle Spear
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Okay, well, this Yahar'gul Hunter uses generic placeholder data, and this is what it looks like xd So his appearance is entirely up to interpretation. He uses Rifle Spear and Ludwig's Rifle, and drops 10 Quicksilver Bullets! I like the fact that both of his weapons are able to shoot! Furthermore his most excellent stat IS Bloodtinge: 35, that puts him on 6th place amongst NPCs (shared place with Brador and Simon). It is very clear what his specialization is, in contrary to his hunting partner! They're like opposites x)
The three Hunters ambush you in Yahar'gul
I guess anyone who had a Skill Issue (like me т.т) remembers THESE guys. I've found them challenging to kill, but at LEAST they do not respawn. Also, in the area where we fight them a previously accessible Lantern is completely smashed after Rom is defeated and can no longer be used! I think it should have been them who smashed it... Maybe after seeing the Moon turning red, they simply knew what was going to happen? Not sure whether they protect Micolash's secrets even past his disappearance or have their own motivation; like I said, it is also possible that after Mensis Ritual the remaining people in Yahar'gul were doing their own thing!
Beast Claw Yahar'gul Hunter
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Uh... So yeah, he shares all sliders and stats with the Tonitrus Hunter from Cathedral Ward! I personally like to simply take this idea and make them be twins! But even this aside, his sliders make a lot of sense for me!
Amongst Yahar'gul Hunters, he is the only one wearing a variant of Yahar'gul Helmet without the hood. Moreover, it is the only piece of attire he is wearing, otherwise naked (if you don't count underwear lol)! He uses only Beast Claw and drops the Clawmark Rune (also dropped by Gilbert). What I like about simply reusing these stats is that his physical weakness might be either the result of continuously turning to beasthood or, better yet, the reason why he has to turn to beasthood! If him and Tonitrus Hunter are twins, there might be some physical weakness (or even sickness) shared genetically, and both have to compensate for it somehow!
Despite sharing face data, they have different stats, with this hunter having stronger stats in everything. Most of them could simply be because he is a later game NPC that must be stronger, but the one that stands out is Bloodtinge which is significantly bigger compared to Tonitrus Hunter: 38, that puts him in 5th place amongst other NPCs and is a place shared with other two from the same trio. Super sold on the idea that it is also because of beasthood; he'd need to consume a lot of blood to awaken it, so...
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^^^ Interestingly, his weapon yet again is related to the Darkbeasts ('black beast' refers to them in this file)! Although not electric, but it is still fitting to use for someone from Yahar'gul since Paarl is there too!
That rat around the corner Yahar'gul Hunter with the Cane
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I honestly remember this guy much more from how he sneaks up on you from behind when you approach the other two hunters from the trio and also spams Tiny Tonitrus attacks than from him using Threaded Cane (and Flamesprayer).. but Cane is what he is commonly referred to with. Also the second Yahar'gul Hunter, together with Antal, that isn't shaved. His built is average, but he has a very strong, visible stripe of a scar on his left cheek. Also rare case of Yahar'gul person that has eyebrows o_o Unacceptable!!!
There isn't much else to say about him, other than the scar is interesting. Also, this trio of hunters mostly shares the stats, with each of them being weaker than the other two at something, and this hunter's weakest stat is Strengtht (14)! Guess he doesn't need it much, since his weapons are long-distance combat! Or maybe he started being very careful after receiving this scar somehow... Or, maybe, he is the smartest one in the trio (he even drops Madman Knowledge) and the Beastclaw Hunter baiting the Paleblood Hunter while he ambushes from the corner was HIS idea. ...and maybe smashing the Lantern was his idea too? Yes, I like the idea that he is just the smartest amongst them and takes the lead as a strategist, and also the most careful.
Yahar'gul Hunter with the Cannon
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Okay, this NPC I actually never forget for one minute because he has THE most buff buld amongst ALL NPCs! He is the only character that has chest, abdonmen, arms and legs all at 255! What, you guys thought that Alfred had the biggest tiddies? Compared to this Hunter, Alfred is just a pathetic twink!!!!!! Just look at HIS build for comparison:
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(aww he got a belly tho :3 )
But yeah, anyways, this Hunter uses Cannon and Rifle Spear. Very, very powerful shooting force that drops 20 Quicksilver Bullets, and damn, that Cannon is heavy. I am supposed to say "interestingly how both of the weapons he uses are made by Powder Kegs", but....
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..turns out that localization team made a MISTAKE, and for some reason attributed it to Powder Kegs! When even the original Japanese script says かつて医療教会の工房が試作した大型銃 ('a large gun that was once invented at the 'medical church' workshop'). Sighhh.... it even makes perfect sense because you do not get the ability to buy this weapon by obtaining Powder Keg hunter badge, you just find it! It makes EXTRA sense because there is a weapon CHURCH CANNON, that was remodelled FROM the original Cannon! AAAAAA WHAT WAS THE POINTTTTTTTTT-
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Okay OKAY I am calm now
Yes, all in all, the guy is also very interesting! As an artist I also love that his hair is very dark, almost black, but his eyebrows and beard are brighter brown (darker blond?). I like small details like this! He is also amongst people with THE lowest Arcane stat from all NPCs (8, the last place) and has a very tiny mole on his left side of the nose that is invisible because of the color chosen for it. Awesome.
Yeah, I think I've covered whatever observations and ideas I've had on these guys. I just really wanted to because Bloodborne is still rich with easily-overlooked NPCs even ten years later! And honestly, not giving them the names is what made it so bad in my opinion... Like for example, imagine how easier it'd be to communicate about and ship the two female Hunters at Research Hall had they only been named internally? Someone could argue that Yurie is "loreless" character, but since she has a name it is easy to identify her, and thus pin down lore implications and make a story. @ Fromsoft please stop giving your obscure NPCs enough to work with and then not give any way to instantly tell them apart besides what weapons they use ;-;
In any case, these guys were kinda hard simply because there is many of them, but at this point I can easily distinguish them 🤔 Maybe someone else will find this post useful or interesting!
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irreverentizzyposting · 11 months
Quick Archibald doodles
maybe one day I’ll do a full blown art piece of him but I haven’t made any full pieces since art fight. We shall see
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