#bloomsbury bunch
pookachuka · 3 months
i've been having the time of my life making these actually
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jennyandvastraflint · 5 months
You know who I want back* in Trespassers 3??? That's right! The Bloomsbury Bunch!!
*next to our usual Gang all back together and truly themselves
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sapphic-sith · 11 months
Vella gives me strong Lae'zel vibes. I love her it.
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Bit late to the Heritage sweep but thankfully I was finally able to listen to it all before Trespassers 1 comes out!
All the emotions made me need to draw 😭
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bogwaterrr · 10 months
listened to photograph to remember again and i forgot how much i love the bloomsbury bunch sm
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athena-85 · 6 months
Imagine being a major publisher in charge of one of the most popular romance/fantasy novels currently on the market.
Now, imagine giving information to Major magazine and entertainment news outlets that contradicts the plot you are setting up in your book.
The casual reader is GOING to question your integrity and question the author and editors of the magazine you are supposed to be working with. (The author will look dumb)
The ACOTAR series are not books that are making profound cultural statements, they are for HAPPY ENTERTAINMENT , and you are supposed to be guaranteeing a happily ever after.
There is no way that Bloomsbury did not approve TIME magazine article, indicating that Azriel and Elain are going to have their book together. They also directly compared it to Nesta and Cassian. ( who are endgame and got their HEA)
This allows the consumer to know what they are buying. They feel safe and confident in spending their money.
Consumer confidence is so important when you have a business that employs a bunch of people, you make sure you secure your income you don’t get other people fired and you keep your job.
The Time magazine article confirmed that Elain and Azriel are endgame in my opinion.
Otherwise that is a huge blunder in the PR department at Bloomsbury.
The best way to deal with the negativity is to mute or block people that are talking about the other ships. I understand it puts you in an echo chamber, but its already over. After that article there is no point in suffering through their lack of evidence theories because it will just upset you and provide no discourse about what the book and plot will look like.
If you’re spoiling for a fight, then go ahead, but it’s just gonna make you upset and drain you.
Be around fountains not drains!
To be clear if it was a smaller magazine, I would understand the misdirection, but the magnitude of the statement in THAT entertainment magazine (TIME) was confirmation for me.the stakes are too high and the magazine would look so stupid if their authors did not know how to read and comprehend “young adult” books.
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Of interest to a whole bunch of flavors of nerds following me, but there's a really good interview on the New Books Network with the author of a new book on translations of Tolkien into Chinese, which addresses a bunch of fascinating questions like "what do you call an 'elf' in Chinese (and how do you distinguish Tolkien elves from Tinkerbell or a Smurf)?" and "why is 'doom' so hard to translate?" and "is Lord of the Rings wuxia?"
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throneofspicybooks · 8 months
Two thoughts I’ve had since finishing HOFAS
Will sjm go on tour for HOFAS? I think it’s weird that we didn’t get a tour edition but also considering how bad the marketing around the book was, I think they might have just given up/whoever was doing the marketing on her previous books left. I know at one stage she was supposed to be in London with Fane (I even saw the listing on their website and had plans to buy tickets even tho I live in Australia) but that got cancelled and has been confirmed with Bloomsbury that it’s not happening.
I just think it’s so odd that we’re not even getting a virtual tour or anything?? Like we even got a livestream for the Barnes and Noble release of HOSAB but not for one of the most anticipated books of the year?? It’s all very disappointing but it gives me a sliver of hope that she might actually go on tour. At this stage tho, I think there’s about a 20% chance she actually will.
This is just a side note but why didn’t we get any preorder incentive?? Because they already had so many preorders?? They would’ve known how many posters they had to make. Honestly it just kinda feels like greed to me but idk
My other thought is a very scary one: we won’t be getting a new sjm book until 2026. Obviously I have no confirmation on this and am just speculating. But I know Bloomsbury has said that no special editions of HOFAS can be made until 2025 and the only reason I can think for them doing that is that there won’t be any new book released next year. If you think about it, we didn’t get any new book last year but we got a bunch of special editions from different companies e.g. Fairyloot, Illumicrate to keep us ‘entertained’ for lack of a better word until the new release. I think the same thing will happen next year, too.
That thought is definitely not a pleasant one and it’s honestly spiking my anxiety like crazy. 😬😬 Also if you’re going to reference that article that said Sarah would be having 7 new books this year maybe just go back and have a little reread. She was contracted for 7 new books on top of what she was already contracted for, not 7 for this year. The article also called Samantha Shannon a ‘new author’ soooooo
BUT please let me know your thoughts! I need someone to pull me off the anxiety ledge that I’m currently sitting on 😭
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acourtofthought · 24 days
Do you think that is possible that Nesta and Eris end up together?
I don't. Not only did Sarah make a point to tell us that there was no longing that Eris had for Nesta, just calculated lust (meaning he had no feelings for her and only wanted her for her power) and not only did she tell us that she avoided pairing Nesta and Lucien together because they'd be a poor match (then realized the second Cassian sat down at the table with her that was it for the two of them) but it would be against the rules of the genre. Sarah and Bloomsbury marketed these spin-offs as traditional stand alone romances, each featuring a new pairing (with an overarching plot) which means each book has to end with a HEA. It cannot mean that Nesta and Cassian received their HEA in SF but we're going to see Nesta receive a second pov later and end up with Eris. That's not within the rules of standalone romance and would lead to a bunch of readers who are up in arms at Bloomsbury and SJM for false marketing. HEA means that Nesta and Cassian are it for one another. That doesn't mean they won't still have disagreements or things to deal with as the series continues but in terms of their love lives, Sarah can't turn around and switch who Nesta ends up with.
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sgiandubh · 10 months
Well hello one more time tonight it is Caitriona Anon again. I love when you get fired up. But 1) I'm not an Anti, I'm a shipper I just happen to be one who's disillusioned with Caitriona who I now find cold. I've been here since Sam was cast, I no longer have a blog because I'm trying to wean myself off of this and it's easier for me this way. I do believe they are together despite whatever irritation I might have with either of them at any given time. 2) I'm not Russian or German, I'm an American and I guess my grammar failed me tonight, apologies. 3) I didn't understand and I wanted to ask questions which I thought was the point of having an ask box and a comment section so that people can get to the heart of what you are saying. Despite you not caring if you are understood, after this post, I do. 4) I was sincere in my questions and appreciate your answers no matter how fiery they are.
Dear (persistent) Caitriona Anon,
You managed to bring a smile, after all, remembering my (shipper) mom's exasperation: 'stop doing your American lawyer schtick, we're eating, for the love of God!", every single time I get fired up, as you say. Yes, same shipper mom who is a C-mainly ('so beautiful! so elegant!') and who told me ' I will not comment on that boy, he is blonde' (it's true, the women of my clan are persistently attracted like flies by dark strangers).
Speaking of C also made me remember a lazy August afternoon, on the Nong Khai-Bangkok sleeper train. I was trying to read something about Virginia Woolf's Bloomsbury gang (a filthy paperback I had poached at the Khao San Road bookstore, between the 7-Eleven and the smiling Burmese tailors who made me a couple of wonderful tussah outfits). At the other end of the open dining car, an old American Hippie guy was explaining to a bunch of bewildered Australian flashpackers how that same Khao San Road changed and became 'such a nonsense' since the glorified days of the Banana Pancake Trail. That included the somewhat lewd recollection of his paramour, a fierce Valkyrie, the story ending with ' ah, she was beautiful. Beautiful and gone.'
So is C. Beautiful and gone. She came, she conquered, she left. But what is good to bewilder Australian flashpackers on a balmy Siamese summer night is crappy nonsense when and if you consider a life and a career after OL. So yes, even if I have trouble believing your story, I could reasonably understand why you are disappointed or angry or (you name it) with S, C, S&C.
I am not, because I set my bar very low on design. I have no moral right to ask anything of These Two. I have no intention to pressure two overly stressed individuals who still must figure out what the hell happened to them (yes, after all these years), just to satisfy my ego or be avenged. I am taking it as it is, one tango step and one day at a time. I know what I know and that is enough, because what I know I found out or figured up by myself: the rest is confirmation, solidarity and a beautiful story of collective friendship.
Wean yourself off? Wow, the ambition. This is worse than tobacco! And you still have a sock account just to lurk? Make no mistake, you didn't go anywhere, if you told me the truth. And neither did Moo, or CRT and their respective beggar's courts: they are still here, like dragonflies in amber, and despite all their loud, vile, venomous protestations. It's next to impossible to leave, when the sideshow is more enticing than Season 4.
You are always welcome to ask questions and I will always answer. But I think that you might want to consider this POV, too: how about finding yourself propelled in a world where people literally scream every single time you walk into a room? how about trying to have a life when you sometimes feel that hundreds of prying eyes are lurking near your bed? how about finding balance when every single word you ever uttered is analyzed to oblivion on blogs or is turned into a gif which spins lackadaisically in cyberspace? how about living with a sword above your head, called Non Disclosure Agreement? how about finding yourself insulted by nobodies with a keyboard? what would YOU do?
So what if they don't want to be seen, heard, mentioned, in a giant FUCK YOU ALL, shippers and antis and fencers and God knows who else?
Do I think this is the best way they could have managed it? Absolutely not. But my position is comfortable: the love of my life is not regularly considered an illiterate snake oil seller for a geriatric bunch of groupies. I am not that guy Richard Madden ostensibly humiliated in public, when he was bartending in London, and who, suddenly, is aware he became a global fantasy.
Would he lie for her sake, for their sake? I believe he would, and more. Would she accept the unthinkable? The woman who answered the 'what was the most foolish thing you ever did' by 'I got married' totally would.
Enough said. Let's say good bye, for the moment, with a nice pic from a calmer world, where the gong of the nearby wat wakes you up at 6 AM. And then you go and have the best coffee in town at The Scandinavian Bakery, round the corner:
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nikethestatue · 2 months
Everytime there’s discourse or fandom drama it always make me resent sjm/Bloomsbury a little bit more cause let’s be real, this shit would still be around but wouldn’t be near as bad if they would just fucking announce something anything. They don’t even have to give a specific date but the more they are silent and the longer it goes on the more I feel the fandom eat itself and sjm dig herself into a hole that frankly, is probably past due climbing out of. No matter what ship she goes with now, even if it’s ACOMAF level, it’s gonna be a shit show. This’ll be her second release after getting BIG big and after how shit HOFAS was I feel like the hole Bloomsbury/sjm dug themselves by keeping quiet will halt her upward momentum. She’ll always be popular and have her fan following but if she doesn’t deliver on the next book she’ll be quickly eclipsed if not already by other authors her show is already losing momentum from the popularity of the series and as others discover other books than hers with authors being more open people will just move on idkkkkk I don’t expect a book a year or for her to churn them out but it really feels like she just don’t give a fuck anymore or Bloomsbury is trying to capitalize on a “twilight” strategy with Team this and team that but it’s backfiring
I don't blame her and BB for the assholes in the fandom. She wouldn't be able to help that even if they announced the book. If people want to pick fights, they will, regardless of anything she or BB do.
I mean, even AFTER the book is written, I am quite sure there will be a bunch of naysayers. Look at Nessian--it's been years, but people are saying that they have a fake bond and she belongs with Eris and Cassian will die. So I mean, you can't cure stupid sometimes.
As for her popularity--yeah, it's a weird gamble they are taking. Not sure what the deal is. Unless we are for some super major shock that no one expects and it will blow all of our minds, I don't know why certain things about the book cannot be shared.
At the same time, I think being in the fandom warps our perception. It's important to remember that. BB is a company with lots of moving parts--do they really care that some fans on Reddit or IG want to know who the next FMC will be? I doubt it. I think the way they see it, they delivered a book this year, only 5 months ago and like, what else do you want?! We aren't going to get books and announcements every 2 months. I think in their minds, there is no pressure.
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pookachuka · 5 months
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i think they just deserve to rest actually. all of them :)
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jennyandvastraflint · 4 months
Little fic snippet to a fun project I started! (Don't ask how many active fics I have rn... Please don't..)
On wood and a silken cloth, there slept a woman, her body arranged as though she were dead, her orange dress rustling only in the faint breeze coming in through a window somewhere.
Two people stood over her, both with faces unlike hers, and the two exchanged worried glances, continuing arguing for and against, until the stockier figure yielded to the the will of his lover. "Then we have decided," the taller said, glancing over at their ancient friend. "We need Madame Vastra's help."
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sapphic-sith · 11 months
I see all the "Vella is Vastra's jealous ex" headcanons and I raise you: " Vella fell in love with Vastra when hearing about The Great Detective's exploits and figuring out she was also a silurian. But got jealous when she learned that not only was Vastra married, but married to a human and now is just super jealous of Jenny and that's why she's so hostile towards Jenny."
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Which characters can you request for the Paternoster Drabble Exchange 2024?
I thought I would give you a list of the characters I have now selected as available to request!
Of course you can request Madame Vastra, Jenny Flint, and Strax, the gang themselves, and the Jenny/Vastra relationship tag (as well as the Jenny & Vastra platonic tag) and any combination of friendship tags between them and Strax.
Apart from that, I have also added the Bloomsbury Bunch, a trio of characters from the Paternoster audios, to be requested. This includes Thomas "Tom" Foster, the Sontaran Stonn, and the Silurian Vella. All of these can be requested in platonic tags with the members of the Paternoster Gang, or even just the three of them (If you do want to request these, I would recommend requesting the Gang in the other so participants unfamiliar with the audios can still write for you, but I will try to match everyone accordingly if possible!)
You can also request The Doctor (to be specified in the Optional Details section if you want a specific regeneration), River Song, and Missy. For these, you can also select the platonic tags for Vastra and the Doctor or River, and the Gang as a whole & Missy.
Of course you can add other characters you would like to see in the Optional Details section! The focus should, however, still be placed on the members of the Gang (or the characters from the audios at least if you are interested in for instance Tom/Stonn)
For writers, you can of course add more characters to the works you gift to someone, so long as you heed their DNWs and adhere to the word counts!
Looking forward to the exchange and hoping we have a good handful of participants! <3
Don't forget that the sign-up will open on 1st July, and will stay open until 14th July! If you want to be tagged in the Sign-ups post, please send me a DM!
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adventure-showdown · 10 months
What is your favourite Doctor Who story?
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synopses and propaganda under the cut
The Greatest Show in the Galaxy
The Seventh Doctor and Ace head for the Psychic Circus on the planet Segonax, where they meet a disparate group of performers and visitors, including a self-centred explorer named Captain Cook, his companion Mags and a biker known as Nord.
The circus itself is dominated by the sinister chief clown and his deadly troupe of robot clowns, who organise a talent contest in which all visitors take part.
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
A Photograph to Remember
The Paternoster Gang are shocked to discover a rival group on the streets. A Sontaran, a Silurian and a human – only their intentions are not quite so noble as Madame Vastra and friends.
And when the recently-photographed dead begin to return home, strangely altered, will this 'Bloomsbury Bunch' be more of a help or a hindrance?
a lovely story about the gang with the first appearance of my beloved Bloomsbury Bunch (anonymous)
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