#bluebird-in-a-cagedrawing child
proxypuff · 2 years
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did @bluebird-in-a-cagedrawing​ oc Rosa, hope you like it my friend ^^.
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eminsunnytoons123 · 4 months
Disclaimer: this post has mentioning of naked bodies, And other stuff that arent really for kids. So if you're sensitive to them, skip this post right away.
@splashy900 @kxllboii @aquamarine-dream-queen @dayzsaclark @oscarandgrinchfan @moshywoosh @ilovescaredysquirrel2 @nuggetaubrey @sharkyy599 @nightkit92 @familyoffood @mysafespaceblog13 @thelazzyblogzz @sugar-miss1 @shrimpathizer @shypeachrunaway @iggyguyy @sayuri-does-skits @typical-sophie @peaceforpeople @ben5569 @itsmyaltaccountforshiitybloglol0 @ducktoonz903707 @artismeyou-12 @blackstar044 @acen402 @diego-r-the-artist-2009 @nia1sworld @rumplestiltsbear @s4gefr0g @beeware-of-lulu @leafith @bluebird-in-a-cagedrawing @muppet-fan-frr @thegroovyskull @blo0st4r @vickymcsworld @fancytigercupcake And @muppet-fan-real @cheezekennith
I'll say this again, And I hope y'all will respect my opinion. And I understand that some of y'all may not like some human anatomy because of your traumas, but respect my opinion still And i'll respect yours.
Theres nothing wrong with a naked body, but if its a naked body from a child And a minor (from a Baby to 17 year old to be exact), then thats not okay. Naked bodies are only okay if theyre coming from adults, sometimes not really.
And again, Im not saying to Artists who are minors to draw NSFW, this is just my opinion And a thing for my besties, Sisters, Brothers, pen pals, even my two girlfriends And my boyfriend to know.
I know you may wonder "but Emin? You're literally 13!" I DONT CARE IF IM 13. I actually knew whats rule 34 when I was like 9 years old, And yes it traumatized me when I saw Friday night funkin rule 34, And I never watched it again. But now that im 13, I wanna learn more about human anatomy like how they do in Art academys And colleges, for example they draw a model's naked body.
And also, with The cheddar man thing about his transgenderity And him having a female vagina, it is true in my AU. He has both a vagina and a dick, And yes I saw a vagina and a dick before, but it did traumatize me like Friday night funkin rule 34. But since Iggy @iggyguyy is kind of an NSFW artist, I'll go with his steps and not draw something that involves genitalia or an overly sexual scenario.
And I felt like this had to be Said because again, like how I made another first post about this subject, I had to tell this to all my besties, Sisters, Brothers, pen pals, my two girlfriends And my boyfriend to know that they shouldnt be afraid of People that draw NSFW or are sex workers, because not all of them are bad, most of them are bad but half of them arent. And ofcourse they should not allow proshippers, comshippers, pedophiles, zoophiles, necrophiles to their profile or to interact with them, neither I want proshippers, comshippers, pedophiles, zoophiles, necrophiles And even People that draw NSFW of minors to interact with me.
And again for cheddar man's transgenderity, he isnt completely an female due to the fact he still has a dick too, he has both a vagina and a dick. And Im not sexualizing him, this is just what I had in my mind to make for him. Dont go fucking Crazy. This is just in my AU And in AU I can change everything.
And again a message for all my besties, Sisters, Brothers, pen pals, my two girlfriends And my boyfriend... Dont be scared of NSFW Artists or sex workers. There are some of them that dont mean no harm to anyone, but there are some that do, so beware of them, And i'll protect y'all at every cost... Even if most of y'all are older than me. And I know that I used to put in my DNI list for NSFW People to not interact with me, but I now matured a bit And I now realize that some of them dont mean harm to anyone. And again, I DO NOT SUPPORT THEM, I'm just sharing awareness. And ofcourse, you should be aware of some NSFW Artists that make NSFW out of minors And some overly sexual scenes, that still stays.
Thanks for listening, y'all. 🧡💛
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furryfury496 · 6 months
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Pick your favorite to date 🤑🤑🥹😜🍇🍊🍉
1,Non-binary: Polestar the star sprite, Lumboo the light ghost, Carrot the bunny
2. Asexual: Luna the moon demon, Lonely chi
This is where they came from
3. Aromantic:Feliciano the intoxicated cat, Yoldeing the cat
4. Lesbian: Phoebe the blue fox
5. Bisexual: Fire Lily the demon
6. Gay: Staran the galaxy man
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obsesiveblue · 4 years
31. Would you ever adopt a child?32. What is one thing you’re embarrassed to admit you want to try?33. If you were a cake which cake would you be?34. What is the most important material possession you have and why?35. What is the most important memory you have and why?36. When was the last time you cried?37. How old was your mother when she had you? For who oc you want
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Thank you as always
Ask for Amatic ,Monsterrat and Verdana .
Amatic don't speak
Ana is an short for Verdana
Rat is an short for Monsterrat
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miss-fantasticale · 4 years
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Request ask by @bluebird-in-a-cagedrawings I hope you like it ^^ 💖💖💖(I make with colors Little miss Maroc and Lonely Child and Domie ray in black and white)
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eminsunnytoons123 · 4 months
Disclaimer: before I start, dont attack me for these headcanons. This is just in my AU And made for sake od enjoyment And creativity.
Sorry for tagging y'all again o///o;
@splashy900 @kxllboii @cheezekennith @muppet-fan-real @aquamarine-dream-queen @dayzsaclark @oscarandgrinchfan @moshywoosh @ilovescaredysquirrel2 @nuggetaubrey @sharkyy599 @nightkit92 @familyoffood @mysafespaceblog13 @thelazzyblogzz @sugar-miss1 @shrimpathizer @shypeachrunaway @iggyguyy @sayuri-does-skits @typical-sophie @peaceforpeople @ben5569 @itsmyaltaccountforshiitybloglol0 @ducktoonz903707 @artismeyou-12 @blackstar044 @acen402 @diego-r-the-artist-2009 @nia1sworld @rumplestiltsbear @s4gefr0g @beeware-of-lulu @leafith @bluebird-in-a-cagedrawing @muppet-fan-frr @thegroovyskull @blo0st4r
Heres now finally my class of 3000 characters headcanons!!! =^_^=
1st part: Sunny And his students
Number one, Sunny bridges
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28-29 years old|bisexual|personalities: sassy, laid back, sarcastic, sometimes arrogant, friendly, kind And polite
- Sunny has a very good sense of humor, even tho he can sometimes be extremely sarcastic and he makes very sarcastic jokes
- he is dating cheddar man a.k.a Charles, And they started dating after Sunny "BROKE UP" with Salieri after their first years of westley school, but they didnt really broke up, they just stopped interacting with each other but Salieri then broke up with Sunny for being "dumb" And "naive"
- he sees his students as his own kids he raised, And due to the fact that even lil' D, philly Phil, Madison, Eddie, tamika, kim And kam see him as their dad. And Sunny would never let anything bad happen to them even tho he is just their teacher, but maybe something more than just a teacher... A dad
- the reason why he is named "Sunny", is because he was born when a sunset was going up when he was born (thats just in my AU.)
- he hates, And I mean HATES oranges due to the fact he is allergic to them too. And once Salieri even tried to give him an orange cake, And he just threw it on salieri's face. And whenever someone would offer him an orange or anything with oranges, he would get annoyed
- he wears man heels And sometimes woman heels to look more like a "drag Queen"
- whenever he is with philly Phil, philly Phil is nearly his same height
Number two, lil' D
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12 years old|probably genderfluid 💖🤍💜🖤💙|personalities: confident, friendly, Bright, talented, tenacious when it comes to music, And sometimes sarcastic
- Even though he is a big fan of Sunny, he even sees him as his own dad just like how other six of kids do, And because lil' D never really met his dad
- he sometimes doesnt like cheddar man a.k.a Charles because he constantly calls them "brats" whenever Sunny isnt around, or when Sunny is around but then he just uses an excuse like "im just joking."
- sometimes People can mistake him for a girl And call him by female prounouns, but he sometimes doesnt mind.
- Big D is probably like his uncle, but not completely, its just because they have D at the end of their names.
- he, Madison, tamika, Eddie, kim And kam see philly Phil as their older Brother due to the fact he is older than them And kinda taller than them
Number three, madison
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12 years old|probably pansexual|personalities: optimistic, quirky, goofy, childish friendly, cheerful but even sensitive, naive and sometimes whiny
- she likes all the colors, but Purple is her favorite color, especially anything that has Purple color on it
- she can sometimes be whiny whenever she doesnt get what she wants, And she gets very sensitive when someone bullies her, ESPECIALLY tamika
- she sees cheddar man a.k.a Charles as her other dad just like how she, lil' D, philly Phil, Eddie, tamika, kim And kam see Sunny as their dad. But she sometimes cries when Charles is rude to them or calls them "brats"
- she likes eating Strawberry shortcake (the desert), And she likes anything with strawberries And even raspberries
- Nearly everyone call her "the flower child" or "optimistic lavender girl" but in a Nice And friendly way since she is an "flower child" And because she LOVES lavenders
- she likes any kind of jewerly, dresses And even hairstyles
- she sometimes has a crush on tamika even tho tamika often bullies her And teases her
Number four, Philly Phil
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13 years old|pansexual|personalities: briliant, clever, an oddball, friendly but even sometimes arrogant, sarcastic And sometimes easily annoyed
- philly Phil is the oldest And tallest one in music class of westley school, And he is nearly Sunny's height even tho he is literally 176 cm tall And Sunny is 183 cm tall.
- other kids in music class of westley see philly Phil as their cool, oddball And briliant big Brother, but he doesnt really mind
- he is allergic to red ants, And he gets disgusted by them
- he has a crush on both kim And Eddie, And he doesnt really wanna admit it because he sometimes gets nervous about what would others say, even sunny
- he dislikes cheddar man a.k.a Charles, And he calls him a "cheddar jerk" when he And Sunny arent around
- its Unknown why he has braces, but I gave him braces because thats kind of my thing to give nerdy And oddball characters braces, but philly Phil doesnt have an overbite like Brooklyn Bill
- he is an chocoholic, And he likes anything made out of chocolate, And he sometimes doesnt like being an chocoholic (but he doesnt eat too much chocolate but he still sure is quite addicted to it)
- he has two cuddly plush toys just like on the Show, called 'mr giraffe' And 'mr raccoon' And he sometimes gets embarassed if some of his friends would see it, because he wants to look mature for his friends And Sunny, but they actually wouldnt judge him for it
- he is even autophobic (fear of being alone), but he sometimes likes being alone but not completely
Number five, tamika And number six, Eddie
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First tamika
12-13 years old|bisexual|personalities: stubborn, rude, arrogant, sarcastic, sassy And tough
- tamika is probably the second oldest along with philly Phil And she is nearly as tall as him, but philly Phil is still the oldest one because tamika is Younger than him a few months
- she is considered as "the toughest girl in school", And some students are afraid of her, but not really her friends, sometimes Madison can be scared of her but mostly liking her too
- she likes the color cyan and blue just like how cheddar man a.k.a Charles does
- she sometimes really hates cheddar man a.k.a Charles, And whenever he is rude to them, she protects her friends, And sometimes slaps him or punches him right in the gut or on the lips
- even tho she has slight longer nails, she still plays the harp
- she is with Eddie And she often teases him And flirts with them, even gives him kisses on the cheek
Second Eddie,
12-13 years old|bisexual|personalities: greedy, sassy, Nice, friendly, polite but even spoiled, sometimes arrogant, sarcastic
- Eddie can sometimes brag about being rich And spoiled, but not always just to not annoy others
- he madly has a HUGE crush on tamika, but he is even in a relationship with her
- Eddie knows philly Phil has a crush on him, And he gets flattered by it And he sometimes teases him, leaving tamika to feel suspicious And jealous
- he often calls others "dear" or "Sweetheart" for sassiness And that stuff
- he has five pets. A poodle named "Maya", two persian cats named "Michi" And "Rose", a big parrot named "Rodrigo" And an pet horse named "Gus"
Number seven, Kim And number eight, Kam
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First Kim,
11 years old|still questioning her sexuality|personalities: Nice, friendly, sweet, cheery And sometimes tomboyish and sarcastic
- Kim has a great sense in Fashion just like Madison, And she finds any Fashion And hairstyles beautiful
- she sleeps with a stuffed toy Rabbit because she is scared of the Dark And doesnt like being in any Dark places
- just like on the original Show, she often fights And argues with kam, even tho Kam starts it first, And she hates when her twin Brother Kam brags about being the smartest kid in class And even school
- she And kam are the youngest in class, but kim is the shortest one in class, only her twin Brother being a few inches taller than her
Second Kam,
11-12 years old (presumably 12 years old)|still questioning his sexuality|personalities: smart, inteligent, most mature, sarcastic And arrogant
- Kam is usually the one to start the fights And arguments between him And Kam
- he always calls himself "the most mature" in the class, And he gets easily annoyed when someone ignores him or when his friends do something Stupid or childish
- Kam sometimes tries to make his sister Kim not do dangerous things just to keep her safe, And that makes her be annoyed by him
- he and Kim can sometimes speak their national Language, And others sometimes dont understand them
And also, i'll always make small or medium posts with more of the characters' infos because I'm still thinking about more info for them. Not only Sunny And his students' headcanons/infos, but even other characters' too
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obsesiveblue · 4 years
🗝 to force my muse to talk about a topic they never want to speak of - Caribi, Lora, Frisk and Arial
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(For any mistakes I'm sorry )
Caribi is an young teenage (13y)
Lora is still an child (9y) - the doughter of the lord Garamond-
Frisk is an child ( 10y) - red eyed children-
Arial is an teenage (16y) - resurrected skeleton-
Thank you for your ask OwO ✨
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