fictionkinfessions · 5 months
noncanon character love:
shout out to my noncanon italian daughter i took in as shiro (blue exorcist). my sons fucking loved her and she was a firecracker and a half. she slipped through the door w me and refused to go back, man. i had to protect her, somethin was goin on.
maybe i stole a kid, shut up, who cares. she had a happy life (mostly. probably. idk man i fuckin died lmao) she beat hoes up sometimes and that was only half rin's fault i think but she was a good kid lmaoooo she swore so much, that shit took forever to fix (wonder where she got that from lmfao)
imagine u see a lil, long haired, bright eyed blonde. about a barstool tall. and she looks up at you and goes "hows ur shit goin!" shes like 8. "youre fuckin tall" child... LMAO
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Hello, Amaimon here from Blue Exorcist looking for anyone, especially Mephisto. Doubles are fine, so please leave me a heart and I'll send a message your way! 21+ preferred but I'm happy to talk to anyone!
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kin-squad-finder · 7 years
hey i'm rin okumura from blue exorcist, looking for literally anyone honestly. I have zero canonmates and i recently confirmed so i don't remember a whole lot, hoping ppl can jog my memory. like this post and ill get back to you??
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kinhelping · 7 years
This user is Yukio Okumura and is gay
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Here you are.
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loveofkin · 7 years
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Aesthetic for Amaimon (Blue Exorcist)!
Gosh it’s been forever since I’ve watched your source, so I hope this still ends up working! This was really fun though! Please let me know if you need anything changed, and thank you for requesting~
-Mod Tamaki
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Heya, its Rin Okumura from Blue Exorcist here. I'm looking for everyone, but I'd especially love to find my family (Shiro, Yukio, and Kuro) and Ryuji (Bon) who I was in a relationship with. At first, I thought I was way too canon divergent to ever find anyone, but when the second season came out about the period of time that occurred directly after everyone learned that I was the son of Satan.. It matched up with my memories perfectly. I figured it'd be worth a shot, at least. Doubles are okay!
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I really miss Mephisto and Amaimon, like a ton. Awesome guys. Teased me relentlessly but I cared about them so much. I don't think I'll ever find them with decreased interest in Blue Exorcist, but this Rin will never stop looking.
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canoncalled · 7 years
i'm kin to yukio okumura from blue exorcist (ao no exorcist), and i'm mainly looking for rin, but anyone is welcome to message me. i remember rin somehow gave me ears and a tail like him after an argument and my canon follows the manga. i'm not comfortable with doubles. message me @ sleepyashkin.
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secret-kin-calls · 7 years
hi, im rin okumura from blue exorcist, and im looking for my brothers yukio, amaimon, and mephisto who remember beint poly with me. I'm 18 so no minors. Like this and i'll contact u!
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sleepyashkin · 7 years
i'm kin to yukio okumura and i'm sending out a canon call.
i'm mostly looking for rin, but anyone else is welcome to message me.
i don't have many memories, but rin had a lot of influence over demons.
at one point, after getting annoyed by me telling him to hide his ears and tail (for the hundredth time), he managed to give me an identical set of pointy ears/pointy teeth/a tail.
needless to say i stopped telling him to hide his tail.
if this sounds familiar, please message me.
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fictionkinfessions · 5 months
I remember forgetting the fact that we were Hip Deep In A Danger Beyond Comprehension for just long enough to take a quick photo of Amaimon's broccoli hair lmfaooo. I have an auditory memory and a couple of us trying very fucking hard not to laugh at it, especially after Shima had called it broccoli skdjskf.
Also, there should be (and possibly was, at some point?,) a groupchat for all of Satan's kids. Just for shits and giggles. Possible group therapy reasons via traumadump as well lmfao.
But yeah! I remember like... Mephisto was the most similar to our "father" personality-wise. Can't remember how I figured that out, though.
But, yeah! Slowly figuring stuff out, and I'm pretty sure I was another one of Satan's kids, but I don't know the details around it. I think I might've been from Gehenna originally? And was around Mephisto a lot, growing up? That's all I've got so far. But very interesting!
- blue exorcist kin
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kin-squad-finder · 7 years
Hello! I'm shiemi moriyama from blue exorcist!! I'm looking for everyone, except doubles of me;; I specially want to find yukio, rin and shima, I have memories of us being really good friends!! Anyone under 18 is fine by me!! Thank you so much!
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kinhelping · 7 years
canon call? possibly? im rin okumura and i had a really bad falling out with yukio. we never made up and i really want to find him and apologize. i will contact whoever likes this post. thank you so much.
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2019 and i still cant drop suguro.. guess im just a permanent blue exorcist kinnie
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fictionkinfessions · 5 months
Weird anons aside (bombastic sideye), I wonder who I was? My physical shift was very obviously demon-related, there's really nothing else I could've been, but like... Who? Was I canon? Noncanon? I'm not sure! I don't have any memories aside from eating ice cream and noodles (which is very funny to have as first memories imo). I thought maybe I was Rin, but... I don't know, for some reason that doesn't feel exactly right. Not entirely wrong, either, which is what's messing me up. But I know I'm definitely not Yukio, so the whole "huh maybe it's some sort of Twin Effect" option is out the window. Unless we were triplets in my canon? Which. Is a whole new can of worms I'd like not to open until I'm sure lol. I remember making a fanfic the first time I watched BE, maybe if I manage to find it, there will be some kin sprinkles waiting for me lmfao. We'll see I suppose
- blue exorcist kin
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otherstim · 8 years
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Stim toys for Mephisto Pheles (Blue Exorcist)
Chewable bat pendent // Chewable bangle
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