#bluey's honestly surprised
abluehappyface · 2 years
The fifth and final version of this theme, and the official end to the Yuugi Hoshiguma takeover. YEEEEES! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!! This is absolutely GORGEOUS!!! Do you hear the string SYNTHS!? Every time those echoey synths come in I wanna sing, but Walking the Streets of a Former Hell doesn't have any lyrics! AURGH! This version makes me so UNREASONABLY happy! I am trying so hard not to stim right now so I can finish typing this but I LOVE THIS TOO MUCH! It's JUST! J U S T! mmmMM YES! 💛💛💛💛💛
@motsimages @magicalgirlpropaganda @mango-frog@mayumijoutouguu @nucg5040 @caniscreamintoanabyss @castanets @lesserbeans @leafboy-the-great @lordterronus @k4ndi-c0spl4y3r @kinokomynx @just-a-rainy-child @he-was-beautiful @hecho-a-mano @funkyfrogofficial @dunkelfuerstin @seafoam-blues @semisentient-entity @siegesquirrel42 @sophie-i-guess13 @soulless-paper-bag @space-frog-boy @aoihibikii @pastelkonpeito @insertusernamethatsnottaken @the-cinnamon-snail @the-kneesbees @that-bastard-with-all-the-bones @reblogging-corner @rude-occurrence @womensrightsstegosaurus @22ndcenturyschizoidman @starri-collective @please-put-me-in-the-microwave
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youkaiyume · 5 months
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Surprise! Bluey's pupper has my whole heart! I think the Father is still up to interpretation, but I'd like to think it's Mackenzie. Anyway, couldn't resist cute Adult!Bluey and future family sketches!
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ministry-of-acid · 8 months
also bless the lady who saw me getting a bluey plush n said it was a nice show that taught kids morals, I didn't have the heart to say its a present for my homie who I saw buy a pinup of one of the dogs once XD I've never seen that show not high as fuck and wearing a tail
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foreverisntenough · 26 days
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‘OURS - The Epilogue'
Summary: A conclusion to what has happened in the ‘You’re Mine’ sequel 'Ours'
Index: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Warnings: This series is 18+ MDNI - if i miss anything please lmk!
Note: Thank you for reading! Please like, comment, or message what you think of the series. 🐑 🤍
Part 2 - 'Baby #3'
word count - 9.7 k
The soft glow of the screen illuminated the dim room, casting a warm light over Trent and you as you nestled close together in your seat. The sound of a football game played in the background, but your attention was divided between the match and each other. Your head rested on Trent with your hand comfortably entwined with his laying over your stomach. You couldn’t get enough of him lately and close was not close enough. The familiar scent and comfort of his cologne, creating a cozy, intimate atmosphere you never wanted to leave.
“I haven’t watched an adult moving in ages.” You giggled cuddling further into Trent in the cinema after an advert for a new film coming out soon flashed across the screen.  It was just after dinner, you’d eaten and finished your outing to the farm and after some showers and baths following it you were now happily in Trent’s arms watching the footie match while Teddy and Theo occupied themselves. You really hadn’t seen a proper movie you had wanted to in ages because of your babies. Honestly, you weren’t even sure what was out at the minute. It had been a lot of Bluey in your house and lately, naturally… Shaun the Sheep.   
“An adult movie, yeah? What kind of adult movies are you watching?” Trent teased you, squeezing your side a little as you laid tucked in his arms. 
“Oh stop! That’s not what I meant.” You playfully swatted at him. He gave you a smug smirk and raised his eyebrow if to say ‘really?’ “Stopp! What? Are you watching any?” You asked with feigned annoyance at his assumption you had been. You bit your lip looking at the mischievous glint in his eyes. 
“Yeah, baby.” His confessional answer took you by surprise. When did this man have time to watch porn without you knowing was really what you were thinking. “You make the best ones.” He continued with some cheek winking down to you before returning his gaze to the match. Of course, that’s what his answer was. Despite being his wife, despite being glued to him for more than half a decade Trent was always greedy for you and the spicy videos you’d make together or send to him were always a more than welcomed treat. 
“Oh my god!” You groaned, rolling your eyes. You tried to wiggle away from him but he wasn’t letting you go anywhere. He just held you tighter with a smug laugh and a few kisses. It was approaching your wedding anniversary once again and you really felt like things had never been better. Since you tied the knot, every year for your anniversary during the summer holiday you would take a trip to as many locations as years you’d been together. It was a sweet idea Trent came up with and this year you had landed on going to four islands in the caribbean for the four years of marriage. You did decide though that Teddy and Theo would join you on this one because you both wanted them to go to the destination.
“You think we’ll be able to find any sheep for Theo? He’s going to miss his little wooly friends.”  You teasingly asked after overhearing a squeal from Theo from the other room. Your eyes sparkling in the dim light as Trent chuckled, his laughter low and warm. He turned his head slightly to press a kiss to your temple, his arm tightening around you.
“We’ll find him some. I won’t lie, I'm a little over it. I’m team Ted now. The smell isn’t it for me but I’ll make it happen if that’s what you want, baby. I’ll find the only sheep on the island if it means making you and our little lad happy.” Trent teased but with a hint of sincerity in his voice. You laughed softly, your heart swelling with affection for him. Trent had a way of making everything seem possible, of bringing joy and adventure into your lives, even in the simplest of moments. As you sat there, you found yourself thinking about your kids and how much they had grown before Trent cut your blissful thoughts. “He’s so strange, baby.” Trent laughed to himself thinking about Theo’s surge of interest in farm animals.
“He’s not weird! He’s curious.” You feigned a faux pout to Trent. You knew he said it with cheek and didn’t mean it seriously but you pretended to be offended by his critique of your perfect baby boy.
“He’s curious and very funny. I love him, he’s goated.” Trent corrected himself with a bit more of a laugh and you rolled your eyes at his unintentional pun. Trent nodded, a proud smile tugging at his lips. “I just want to hold onto you forever, beautiful. My whole world.”  Trent muffled into your hair after a comfortable silence simply enjoying the closeness and the quiet murmur in the cinema around you interspersed with squeals and giggles from outside it. 
“Please.” You childishly cooed, squeezing him more. “Can you hear them?” You smiled hearing Teddy babble away about something to Theo. They were playing outside of the room. You could still hear them though, it just sounded like gibberish. Teddy was an amazing big sister and they would be fine alone for small bits of time so you let them play, more than okay with some time with Trent.
“What are they on about?” Trent asked like you’d know. You shrugged. There were few things as cute and as funny as your toddlers conversing. They were in their own reality happy as can be.
“Thank you for giving me my babies. They’re everything to me.” You sighed to Trent with a gentle smile.
“I loved every bit of it all, baby. Start to finish. Some parts were maybe harder than others but if it got us to right now, right here, I wouldn’t change a thing. Do it all again with you, with them.” Trent kissed your lips with a hum holding you tight to him. The game played on, but your mind drifted somewhere else. You bit your lip, feeling a familiar nervous flutter in your stomach. You shifted slightly, glancing up at Trent through your lashes. 
“So you know…” You sheepishly asked Trent. Your voice was vague, but Trent knew exactly what you meant. He had seen the signs before—twice actually. How you became even more affectionate, your desire to be close to him almost insatiable. How your need for him grew in these specific ways, the way you sought his warmth and touch. The signs had been unmistakable the second time and they were just as clear now to him.
“I’ve had a hunch.” Trent cooed gently, his voice low and full of understanding but then flashed a heartbreakingly beautiful smile. He turned to look at you fully, his eyes searching yours. There was a knowing smile on his face, soft and reassuring. Your cheeks flushed with a mix of excitement and a little embarrassment. You felt your heart race, a familiar blend of anticipation and tenderness filling you. Trent squeezed your hand, bringing it to his lips to press a gentle kiss on your knuckles.
“Well… and your hunch is…” You smiled at him with a twinkle in your eye. You laughed softly, your head dipping slightly in mock bashfulness. You leaned in closer, your lips brushing against his neck, your breath warm against his skin.
“Nah, come on Y/N, did you take a test or not. Don’t play with me. Are we having another baby?” Trent’s smile widened, his heart beating a little faster at your words. Your lips curled into a smile, tears filling your eyes as you nodded. You’d taken a test because of a hunch of your own the other day and were still trying to think of a cute way to tell Trent till now but he figured it out on his own. You could feel that he knew. He did. It wasn’t all that dramatic for him to find out this way, but it was romantic in the way that he knew you so well. He loved knowing you that well, how close you two were, how even after all these years, the spark between you never dimmed. He loved you. He turned his head slightly, catching your lips with his in a soft, lingering kiss. The warmth between you grew, the connection deepening with every shared breath. In that moment, nothing else mattered—not the game on the screen or the world outside the cinema. It was just you two about to embark on another adventure, wrapped up in each other, planning your future and cherishing the present. You felt a swell of happiness as you realized, once again, how truly blessed you were to have Trent by your side. “I love you, Y/N. More than anything in the whole world. I’ll never be able to understand what I did to deserve you but I promise I will never take what you or our…” He paused for a moment, beginning to smile.  “Three babies for granted.” Trent whispered as the kiss broke, Trent rested his forehead against yours in the soft darkness. You smiled, eyes shining with tears of joy. You sat there, wrapped in each other’s arms, dreaming of your next baby and the little life growing inside you, knowing that no matter where life took you, you would always have each other. 
“Dada? What doing?” Your moment of sheer bliss and emotion was sliced in half by the voice cutting through the room, one of your dogs trailing behind the little boy eager to find Trent.
“My favorite things, mate.” Trent smiled seeing Theo come stand in front of you two.  He looked so innocent. You just wanted to reach over and squish him. Eat his chubby little cheeks. He pulled at the sleeves of his Essentials hoodie covering his hands, making sweater paws like Trent did. Theo wanted to be just like him and he tried but what was funny, was that when he wasn’t trying, he was probably the most successful. Theo swayed thinking for a moment. You figured you’d just let them have their conversation, staring at the other version of themselves. 
“Like whats?” Theo asked as he moved to awkwardly try to get onto the seat. His tiny hands gripping the cushion with all his might. His chubby cheeks puffed up in concentration as he huffed a tiny breath, his brows furrowing in a serious effort. He lifted one leg high, almost too high for his own balance, and placed a wobbly foot on the edge of the couch. For a moment, he teetered on the brink of toppling over but managed to steady himself with a comical sway. With a grunt of exertion, he pushed himself up, his other leg dangling off the side as if unsure whether to follow. 
“Watching footie, having a cuddle with mummy.” Trent told Theo extending his arm out to help drag him up. Theo kicked a few times, trying to find some leverage, and finally, with a burst of clumsy enthusiasm, he flopped his whole body onto the couch with Trent’s help.
“Oh… like those too. My favorite too, dada!”  A giggle escaped his lips as he landed, face first into the cushions, his legs still hanging off the side. He wriggled and squirmed, using his pudgy little arms to pull himself up further.
“Yeah? C’mere then. Watch with me.” Trent smiled at Theo dragging him towards you and him. Trent loved that Theo loved footie. Watching matches with his son was surreal. They’d sit and talk about the game for hours it felt like. Theo asked all the questions Trent was dying to answer for him.
“And give mama kiss.” Theo tacked on telling Trent that was as equally as important as the game unfolding. Trent hummed, agreeing.
“Is that my Theo?” You cooed gently bringing him into a tight embrace. Theo mumbled a ‘hi mama’ into your warm skin. “My best and prettiest boys.” You cooed kissing Theo’s hair and then another to Trent’s chest.
“Dada like football and mama?” Theo asked Trent wriggling in your hold to pick his little head up to look at his dad with naive innocence.
“Like both but I think mummy just edges it though, huh? What about you?” Trent asked him, running his hand over Theo’s freshly braided hair.
“Yeah huh.” Theo giggled squirming to get Trent’s hand off him sillily. “Like mama more but like footie toos.” Your little boy confirmed.  Trent confirmed his statement once again with a quiet ‘agreed.’ He smiled looking at Theo knowing he was a mummy’s boy and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Teddy girl, where are you, baby?” You called out into the room trying to see where she was after assuming she would’ve tailed Theo into the room. “Thank you, baby for picking me over footie. I know you love footie.” You whispered, kissing Theo’s cheek as he moved to wrap his little arms around your neck with a nod. 
“Daddy! Guess what!!” Teddy was quick to run into the room with information for Trent after hearing your call, her eyes sparkling with happiness. She jumped on the sofa and immediately squished herself against him. Her face lit up with a big, joyful smile. She clambered further onto his lap, wrapping her small arms around his neck and nestling her head against his chest. Trent looked down at her, his heart melting at her affectionate gesture. He wrapped his arms around her little body, holding her close as he pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her head. Teddy giggled softly, feeling safe and cherished in her daddy’s arms. She looked up at him with pure love. You had no idea what she had to say but you were excited to hear whatever it may be. 
You were due soon. Boy number two, baby number three on the way. This pregnancy had been calm, almost chill. This had been different from the start. With your first two, you had experienced so many ups and downs—morning sickness, restless nights, constant fatigue and of course the chaos that followed in postpartum. But this time around, everything felt smoother, almost serene. The little life growing inside you seemed to bring a calm that you had never felt before, and you embraced it with open arms. This little baby was your peace. Trent noticed it too. He had been worried when you first found out, remembering how challenging your previous pregnancies had been. But every day, he saw the peacefulness in your eyes, the gentle glow of your skin, and the ease with which you moved. It was as if this baby had come with a promise of tranquility, a soft breeze in your otherwise bustling life. You had once worried about how you would manage it all—raising two energetic children while carrying a third—but you soon discovered that you had more help than you could have ever imagined. Teddy and Theo were a dream. They seemed to sense the change in their mum and had grown into their roles as big sister and brother with an almost surprising maturity. Teddy, always the little helper, would sit next to you, her small hands patting your belly with gentle care. You would smile, her heart swelling with love. You softly would brush Teddy’s hair back and kiss her. You were so grateful for her sweet nature and her ability to fall into her big sister role with ease. Theo, on the other hand, had become even more of a cuddle bug. He would climb onto your lap, nuzzling into you, content just to be close. He was still his silly, curious self, but he seemed to understand that things were a bit different now, and he was more than happy to be part of this new chapter. On one afternoon of the many days that had now blurred together as you were sitting on the sofa, Theo wiggled his way under your arm, pressing his face against your belly.
“Baby is in there. I cuddle, too.” Theo muffled, in his adorable, innocent voice. You laughed softly, your heart nearly bursting with joy at how naturally your babies had adjusted to the idea of a sibling. Teddy was particularly thrilled she was still going to be the only girl when she should out it was another boy. Very adamant that you and her were the only ‘Alszander Arnal girls’ as she would say.
“Yeah, sweetheart, baby is in mummy’s tummy. He’s so lucky to have a big brother like you.” You kissed the top of Theo’s head. “You’ll be a little brother and a big brother like how daddy is. You’re just like daddy, huh?” You cooed gently. Theo was gassed anytime he was told he was like Trent so he beamed hearing a new way he could be like him more so. Trent smiled looking on from the otherside of the couch with Teddy. He often found himself watching your family with a mixture of awe and gratitude. He was relieved and thankful that this pregnancy was going smoothly, but more than that, he was overwhelmed by the love and support that surrounded you. He’d never seen you happier or more at peace, and it was all thanks to the little family you’d built together. He got up from the couch plopping Teddy on the ground. He walked into the out of the room quickly and then returned back to you. Trent sat down beside you, wrapping one arm around you. His smile was warm and full of love as he handed you a box. 
“For mummy and our newest baby.” He said softly, his eyes sparkling with joy. Before you could even start opening it, Teddy quickly climbed up onto the sofa alongside Theo, both of their little hands reaching out. 
“Mama! Need helps with daddy’s present?” Teddy asked you, her eyes wide with excitement, while Theo nodded enthusiastically with her, liking the idea of getting to open a present whether or not it was for them or not. You couldn’t resist their enthusiasm. 
“Course, you can help me.” You laughed, handing the soft orange Hermès box in your lap over to them. They eagerly opened the lid with the kind of frenzied energy only children could muster, tissue paper flying everywhere. As an Avalon blanket was revealed, their faces quickly turned from excitement to confusion. 
“A blankie, mama?” Theo asked, clearly underwhelmed and confused. Teddy leaned over to get a better look inside and frowned slightly, not quite understanding it either. You couldn’t help but laugh softly at their innocence. 
“Yeah, it’s a really special blankie.” Trent explained gently followed by a chuckle, rubbing Theo's back with his condolences that it wasn't a more interesting gift in their opinion. “It’s not just any blankie though, lad. Daddy has given one of these extra special blankets to mummy every time we’ve had a little baby. One for Ted, one for Tees, and now one for our new baby so mummy can have a cozy cuddle with each of you.” Trent explained with a warm smile, his voice tender as he pulled Theo into his lap for said cuddle. Trent looked at the soft, luxurious cashmere fabric inside the box. The blanket was exquisite, as it always was, each time. The beautiful, soft cream color of baby number three’s was embroidered with your surname once again. It wasn’t just the blanket itself that made your heart swell; it was the tradition behind it, the thoughtfulness of Trent in keeping up this gesture for each child.
“Yeah, they're so special to mummy. I love these so much because I have one for each of my babies.” You cooed, kissing Teddy and Theo’s heads. “My little Baby Alexander-Arnolds.” Your voice quivered, getting emotional. As you gently lifted the blanket out of the box, you couldn’t hold back the tears that began to well up in your eyes. The reality of this new life growing inside you, the love Trent showed in his own unique way, and the excitement of sharing this tradition with your children — it was all so overwhelming in the best possible way. 
“Mama, tays?” Teddy asked worried after she noticed your tears first, looking up at you, concerned. Her small hand reaching out to touch your arm, scooting towards you on the seat. You nodded, sniffling through the tears. 
“Yeah, my Teddy bear. Thank you for asking. This is just so special to mummy. You Theo and daddy just make me really really happy that’s all.” You cooed softly struggling to get words out. Trent leaned in closer to you, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you into a gentle embrace. 
“You’re everything to us, baby.” He tucked his face into the nape of your neck and whispered just to you, kissing your warm skin. Theo clumsily attempted to push Trent off your body to get to you. Trent laughed and let him move him. 
“I like blankie if make mama happy.” Theo softly explained adorably. Theo wrapped his arms around you best he could, still not quite understanding the gift but wanting anything to would make his mummy happy. He laid his head onto you with the intention to nuzzle impossibly further into you. 
“I like blankie too, mama. I like happy mama and I like um… our family.” Teddy told you, looking between you and Trent. Her sweet remark eliciting a real cry. You were so emotional and pregnant, you couldn’t help it. Trent breathily and sympathetically laughed at how sweet the past thirty minutes had been. He pulled you into his embrace once more, reaching out his arm to drag Teddy along as well. You held the blanket close to your chest, you let out a soft laugh amidst your tears, feeling the warmth of your family around you. As you nestled closer to Trent, you realized just how precious these moments were — how they formed the fabric of your family, much like the blanket that would soon wrap your newest child in love.
“Thank you, baby for everything you do for our family. You’re amazing, you know that?” Trent softly kissed your temple. His voice filled with love. “We love mummy so much, yeah?” Trent spoke out into the room. Teddy and Theo noddingtheir confirmation. You leaned into Trent, a content smile on your lips. 
“No, thank you. I couldn’t do it without you, T. I was really nervous at first, but now... it’s like everything is just falling into place.” You rested your head onto his shoulder. Trent kissed the top of your head, feeling an overwhelming sense of relief, gratitude, and happiness. As you sat on the couch, comfortably cradling your baby bump, he held you close, you watched Teddy and Theo move to go create some sort of game to play together on the carpet. This pregnancy was a gift, a calm amid the storm, and you couldn’t have felt more blessed. Your family was your greatest treasure, and you knew, no matter what. The future looked bright, and you were ready to embrace every moment of it. 
The closer you go to the end of the pregnancy the atmosphere in the house grew more expectant and filled with excitement. Winnie had come to visit, eager to help out and spend time with your family, her family. She loved her niece and nephew,  and couldn’t wait to meet the next addition. Tonight, she found herself curled up on the couch with Teddy, who was nestled in her arms. The soft glow of a living room lamp cast a warm light over them. Teddy’s sleepy eyes were fixed on a bedtime story Winnie was helping her read. George had just come over as well. He had stopped by to check on you and catch up with Trent but it was clear that Winnie’s presence was a pleasant surprise for him so he stuck around offering to help out. Theo welcomed his stay with open arms, squeals and giggles. George had always harbored feelings for Winnie, but he had kept them to himself, especially after hearing about her breakup about a year ago from Jadon. It wasn’t messy or bad per se, they just didn’t work. Winnie was finding she wanted more, Jadon had known he wanted less, no one wanted to compromise. Ultimately it might've been maybe more of a physically driven connection that lasted longer than they each expected but it was meant to end. George typically didn’t press about things but he genuinely cared for Winnie. Seeing her now, so close and yet so distant, stirred something in him. Later that evening, you and Trent had gone out to enjoy a quiet dinner together before your baby's arrival, thankful you could leave George and Winnie in charge of putting Teddy and Theo to bed. The house fell into a serene quietness once they had. With Teddy and Theo tucked in and the night settled, George and Winnie found themselves alone in the living room, the silence between them both comforting and charged with unspoken emotions. George leaned back in his chair, watching Winnie with a soft smile instead of the TV. 
“So, I haven’t had a chance to ask but how are you really doing, Win? I know it’s been a while since the breakup, but… you know, those things take time.” George asked Winnie gently, his voice low and sincere. He wanted to know, genuinely. Winnie sighed, her gaze drifting down to her hands in her lap a little embarrassed. She was well aware that George probably knew more about her breakup than she would have liked via you and Trent. 
“I’m doing okay, I guess. It’s honestly fine. It really is. It was meant to end. It’s just… I’m finding out I’m not so great at being alone. You know when you get out of a relationship and you just are sitting on a sofa and are thinking to yourself now what…” Winnie explained examining her manicure to not make eye contact but she flashed her eyes up to George to see if he did know what she was talking about. He did not. “Of course, you don’t.” Winnie laughed. “I’m just saying I miss a cuddle, you know? The intimacy of it all. But I’m learning to be okay with it. With it just being me.” Winnie softly admitted with a hint of sadness. You growing into a family of five and Winnie recently single really stung a lot. She felt it every time she entered her one bedroom apartment, she felt it everytime you facetimed her with Teddy and Theo. George’s heart tightened at her words. He had always admired her free spirit and independence, but he also knew how much she valued connection and affection. He wasn’t sure if Winnie even knew how much she needed that.
“I know you don’t need anyone but if you ever need a cuddle, I’m here.” He sheepishly told her with sincerity. “Just as a friend, you know.” He clarified his offer hoping it wasn’t something Winnie would be taken back by. George sweetly looked at her. He meant it harmlessly, genuinely not trying to make a move. Winnie looked at him, surprised by his offer but not shocked by his kindness. Without thinking too much about it, she scooted closer to him on the sofa, allowing herself to lean into his side. George wrapped his arm around her shoulders, holding her gently, dragging her in closer. The warmth of his body against hers was comforting, and for a moment, they simply sat there in silence, enjoying the closeness. But as the seconds ticked by, something shifted. Winnie turned her head slightly, her eyes locking onto George’s. In that moment, caught in the tenderness of his gaze and the safety of his embrace, she felt a sudden, overwhelming urge to kiss him. She leaned in, her lips brushing his softly. George pulled back, a look of surprise and conflict on his face. He gently held her shoulders, creating a bit of space between them.
“Win, I’m sorry. You know I like you, I do. So much. I just can’t be a momentary comfort for you. Not for you. Please. Don’t do this to me.” George haphazardly spoke to her. He was soft but firm, his voice filled with emotion “You know I like you, Winnie.” He repeated to make it clear this wasn’t a rejection because he wasn’t interested. He was saying no because he was too interested. Winnie’s heart ached at his words, the realization of his deep feelings settling heavily in the room. She hadn’t meant to hurt him with her kiss; she just got caught up in the moment. 
“George, I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to make you feel that way. It’s just…” Winnie sighed, embarrassed. It was a rarity that she ever got rejected but this hurt a lot because she knew George liked her and it occurred to her that she had always liked him but purposely chose a more dangerous option time and time again. He didn’t need to say he did because if she was really honest with herself she’d known since she met him. “You know I’ve always found you attractive though. That wasn’t intended to be a momentary comfort.  I guess I didn’t know how to handle things before. I thought I wanted something else, but I was wrong. I know that now. I was just… I needed to mature, to understand what I really want in a man. And…sorry this is stupid.” Winnie paused, turning her head away from him feeling something she rarely felt, fear. George kept his eyes on her though. He reached out and cupped her cheek, turning her face back to him. Winnie took a deep breath. “I want you, George.” Winnie’s voice trembled slightly as she spoke. She was earnest, eyes wide with emotion. George’s breath hitched, his eyes searching hers for sincerity. He had hoped for this moment for so long but never imagined it would happen this way. He could see the honesty in her expression, the vulnerability she was showing. His grip on her softened, his fingers brushing her skin gently.
“Win..” George cautioned her. Of course, they had good chemistry but he didn’t want to mess things up. Not now. They were friends. “You're not just saying that or… just missing what you had?” His voice was full of hope but uncertainty. Winnie shook her head, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. 
“No, G. I mean it. I’ve realized that what I thought I wanted isn’t what I need. I want someone who truly cares about me, who’s kind, smart, and patient… but hot….someone like you.” She shyly smiled. George tried his absolute hardest not to grin at the complement. “I just was being ignorant before, and I’m sorry it took me so long. I don’t expect you to do anything. I don’t know. Now you know but I definitely understand why you..” Winnie tried to keep explaining that she accepted the rejection but George cut her off before she could go on.
“Shhh. Just shhh, Win.” George felt his heart swell with hope, a slow smile spreading across his face, he couldn’t hold back any longer. He leaned forward, resting his forehead against hers before letting their lips collide eliciting a feeling neither of them expected. “I just want to be there for you, however you need.” George muttered trying to make sure they weren’t making a massive mistake before their lips drew together creating the perfect rhythm.
“You. That’s all I need.” Winnie whispered as her lips pulled off his as they curled into a smile, her hands moving to cup his face gently. The room had gone dark besides the glare of the tv on them. Their gaze on eachother was heated. Winnie’s eyes went even darker than room, lids gone heavy. This is what she was good at. She was confident now. Soon they were breathless in a makeout that was the best thing either had felt in a long while. This hook up had feelings behind it. Winnie moved from his lips and began kissing down him. George’s head fell back onto the sofa cushion. He’d thought about this alot. Winnie smirked, relishing in the sounds she was able to draw from someone who was normally so composed. When you and Trent got home unbeknownst to you things were heating up further in your living room. You went upstairs right away when you arrived back to check on Teddy and Theo. Trent on the other hand walked into quite the scene. He suddenly stopped when he heard George groan as Winnie gagged. Trent’s eyes widened and he spun on his heel immediately changing directions, running to find you. He literally almost physically ran into you on the stairs torn between the excitement and shock of his discovery.
“Is George like that?!” You asked Trent through a giggle as you both sat on your staircase after Trent relayed what he heard; George with a commanding ‘just like that’ had shocked you both. George was just so unassuming it caught you out. You stayed there not wanting to interrupt them but you also didn’t go upstairs yet. You were close enough to know what was going on but not close enough to gross yourself out and hear too much. 
“I don’t know! I’ve never like heard him, baby.” Trent looked at you like you were crazy for thinking Trent would know that type of information but then fell into a laugh when you started to giggle. You hid your face in Trent’s neck blushing at the entire situation.  “I feel like low key Winnie’s always held a torch and well we knew George did.” Trent kept talking and you agreed with both sentiments. As much as Winnie loved to say she wanted a bad boy, someone who liked to party, you knew Winnie preferred to be the wild one in a relationship and come home to someone to take care of her. After 20 minutes of you and Trent giggling, you got bored and just wanted to go upstairs and get up to your own antics. After an hour or so Trent received a text message from George asking if he could crash at the house. Trent laughed knowing what the incentive behind the text was but he played it off naively with a ‘course, mate.’ Needless to say George and Winnie were about to have themselves a good night in a guest room on your first floor. 
Late into that night or really it was well into the morning you stood in the dim kitchen, rummaging through the walk in pantry with a growing frustration. Your pregnancy cravings had been all over the place lately- craving crisps one minute, ice cream the next, and on some days, the distinct taste of Percy Pigs or the following day it’d be pepperoni. Tonight, your stomach growled with a hunger that couldn't quite be pinned down, making you even more restless. As you fumbled around in the dark, you heard soft footsteps behind you. The overhead kitchen light flicked on, casting a warm glow over the room. You turned to see Trent standing there, a soft sleepy smile playing on his lips.
"Number three keeping you up, pretty girl?" He asked, his voice thick with sleep. His eyes were gentle, full of that mix of concern and amusement he often had when he caught you in the midst of your midnight cravings. You gave a sheepish shrug, half-smiling. 
"I'm just... I don't know what I want," you admitted with a frown, still scanning the shelves as if the answer might suddenly appear in front of you. "I thought maybe some crisps, or maybe something sweet, but now I just... I'm not sure." You sighed. Trent chuckled softly and walked over to you, his bare feet padding quietly on the kitchen floor till her got to you wrapping his arms around you and gently swaying you back and forth in front of him. He let you go after a kiss to your cheek to go get himself a drink of water.
"Well, tell me what you fancy, and I'll help you find it." He offered. "Or I could go out and grab something for you." His offer was sincere, but you could see the sleepy haze still clinging to his features. You turned about to say no when you watched Trent as he stretched his arms above his head, a lazy, broad stretch that made the muscles in his chest and arms flex. Your gaze followed the movement, catching sight of his toned abs contracting and the waistband of his shorts dipping just low enough to reveal that tantalizing V shape that always drove you wild. Your mouth watered instantly, but not for anything in the pantry. A completely different craving took over, one that had nothing to do with food. You felt a sudden, undeniable pull toward him, your body reacting instinctively to the sight of him standing there, half-asleep yet effortlessly sexy. "Actually..." you dragged out the words, your voice dropping to a sultry whisper as you turned to face him fully. "I think I've just figured out exactly what I want." You cooed with a mischievous glint in your eyes. Trent's sleepy smile turned into a knowing grin as he caught the change in your tone and that look in your eyes. 
"Oh yeah?" He asked, stepping back to you, his voice low and teasing. "And what might that be, beautiful?" He gave you a devastatingly handsome smirk. You reached out, fingers grazing his bare chest, feeling the warmth of his skin under your touch. 
"You," you said simply, letting your hand trail down his torso, fingers dancing over the firm lines of his stomach. Trent's grin widened, his eyes darkening with a mixture of amusement and desire. 
"Well, I can help you satisfy that craving.," he murmured, stepping even closer until his body was almost flush against yours. He dipped his head down, capturing your lips in a slow, sensual kiss that sent a shiver down your spine. You melted into him, your craving for food completely forgotten as you wrapped your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.Trent's hands moved to your waist, pulling you against him, his grip firm and possessive. His mouth moved against yours with a hunger that matched your own, and you couldn't help but moan softly into the kiss. His lips left yours and traveled to your neck, planting soft, teasing kisses along your skin. "You know, baby." He murmured between kisses. "If you keep waking me up like this, we're going to have to invest in some midnight snacks of a different kind." Trent whispered. You laughed softly, but the sound quickly turned into a sigh of pleasure as his hands slid under the hem of your shirt, fingers tracing the curve of your back. When you groaned, his heart leapt in his throat while simultaneously his dick hardened in his shorts. 
"Maybe I just have a taste for you, Trent Alexander-Arnold." You whispered, tugging him closer.Trent pulled back just enough to look at you, his eyes filled with that familiar spark of playful mischief. 
"Then let's make sure Trent Alexander-Arnold’s wife is satisfied." He said, his voice low and teasing, sending another thrill through your body. His hands glided over the curve of your ass. He lifted you effortlessly onto the kitchen counter, his mouth finding yours again in a deep, hungry kiss. As his hands began to explore your body with a slow, deliberate intensity, you knew that this was one craving that wouldn't go unsatisfied tonight. “Can you be a good girl and be quiet f’me?” He cooed as he pulled out a chair at your kitchen island to take a seat in front of you. You nodded as he pulled your legs apart as you sat on the marble countertop. You slid one foot down the cold surface spreading your legs further apart for him  “Did I ever tell you how fucking much I love our kitchen.” Trent spoke quietly, not looking at the kitchen at all. He moved to place a feather light kiss onto your ankle working them up your leg, purposefully skipping over where you wanted him most, continuing down your other leg.  Subconsciously, your thighs widened more for him. You whined desperate for him but very aware that he was not going to let you close your legs now. You complained about his playful kisses, feeling a deep desire building within you, heat radiating to your core as your arousal intensified and your clit began to pulse. The gentle brush of his stubble against your bare skin was utterly sensual. “Such a good girl f’me always so wet, baby.” His eyes lit looking at your glistening pussy. He was quick to place his thumb over your clit, rubbing it gentle circles keeping his eyes locked on you. Trent wrapped his arms around your thighs and pulled your core to his face. He dragged his middle and index fingers through your folds and then dragging his tongue in his wake making your head drop back. He moved his perfect plump lips to focus on your clit as he gently slid his index finger into your warm, wetness, groaning at how turned on you were. You stifled a moan as the feeling of just one of his fingers inside you ignited your desire. His tongue danced around your clit, teasing and licking the area, deliberately steering clear of the exact spot you craved his mouth the most. You tried to arch your hips off the cold countertop beneath you desperate to find more fiction. Trent grunting attempting to reprimand you as his arm laid across your hips holding you down. He knew you were growing impatient. He added another finger, and then another, moving and furling in and out of your throbbing pussy. He flattened his tongue against your clit. 
“Fuck fuck fuck.” You groan and tried to stifle your words. Trent tried to shush you but couldn’t help his laughter just vibrating against you only amplifying your pleasure. You inhaled sharply. You knew he was holding back on you because when he got into it an you weren’t trying to muffles the sounds of his impromptu late night kitchen eats from Winnie and George from hearing, he could ravish you like you were his favorite meal. His lips sucked on your bud and parted your folds with his tongue, the tip frantically teasing you mercilessly, circling as his finger pumped in and out, hitting the spot he knew would have you reeling and moaning your name. “T… I can’t! Oh my god.” You whined but Trent was quick to try to lessen the noise he was evoking from you. His arm across your hips moved to bring his hand up to your mouth, seamlessly and sexily.  When his lips closed around your clit, sucking on it, you became a begging mess.
“Such a good fucking girl.” He muffled into you smug as can be.Trent loved to find himself in between your thighs, lapping his tongue through your folds. Hearing and feeling you falling apart on his tongue was the best trophy he could ever win. You were clenching uncontrollably around his fingers as his sucked on your clit with just enough pressure. “Cum f’me, baby. Cum now.” He demanded quietly as you felt your thighs begin to quiver. In low warm lights sprawled from Trent in your quiet kitchen your back arched as you fell into an earth shattering orgasm courtesy of the man who would always take care of you. You twitched as he dragged out your high. The risk of being caught out fucking in your kitchen at god knows what hour of the morning had you feeling unreal. He moved from sucking at your sensitive throbbing clit before he dragged his tongue back through your folds lewdly slurping the slick from your pussy. He kept his fingers thrusting inside of you, going a little slower as he worked kisses up your body. His lips on your neck, the slick on your skin and post orgasmic feeling sending a shiver down your spine. 
“Can you give me one more?” Trent asked you, desperate for more of you and you weren’t going to be the one to deprive him of that.  Hell, he had come all the way downstairs to help with your midnight snack. You were ready for him to fuck you on this counter so you could wipe it down after and happily hand him his breakfast on it tomorrow. He gently laid you back against the marble. He kissed your jawline up before bringing you into a passionate kiss. You sat up on your forearms as he cupped your face.
“Fuck me, T, please,” you begged, sounding some how even more desperate then before. His cock twitched hearing your voice. You blinked up at Trent with doe eyes after your orgasm continued to linger. He pulled his hard cock out stroking it and teasingly dragging the tip through your folds as he pulled you into another steamy kiss. You whined, unable to wait any longer. He lifted your hips a little for him to push into you both of you gasping in a breath. He slid his hand up your body up to your exposed tits. Trent's eyes glazed over seeing your tits bounce as you laid back for him as you whined out. His big hands slid up your body coming to play with your hard nipples. You hiccuped a little as he picked up the pace, hitting deeper, drilling into both of you fighting your hardest to bite back the moans you were dying to let out. 
“God, I fucking  love you, baby, so much.” He was able to get out a strained whisper, feeling the warm pulsations as he eased in and out of you. You wrapped your legs around his waist, dragging your heels down his muscular back. Your body was being rocked against the surface beneath you when Trent slipped his fingers into your mouth. Flustered by his pace you gaged around them, drooling, sucking desperately before he dragged them down to rub perfect circles on your clit.
“You’re gonnna make me cum. Please T. Just like that. Please baby.” You begged him as the knot in your stomach tightened just before it snapped. You clenched tighter around his throbbing cock. He took his fingers off your clit as he leaned forward to kiss you.
“Yeah? I make you feel so good, huh? You love cumming on my cock, beautiful. Look so good cumming for me. I’m gonna fucking cum, hmm?” You nodded desperately. His cock twitching deep inside you seconds before he came, painting your insides, filling you up. “I know, baby, I know,” he mumbled, silencing you with a kiss. You whimpered at his words, your walls clenching around him as if your body understood what he wanted as he voiced it.Your eyes squeezed closed, a whimpered moan accidentally escaping you lips. You knew it was just as hard for him to stay quiet too. Honestly, this was as quiet as you two probably could get, so it was impressive that you both had to manage to pull it off.
The kitchen then was filled with quiet, post-craving giggles as you and Trent tried to compose yourselves. Your bodies were still pressed close together, both of you breathless and flushed from your late-night adventure. Every time you made eye contact, another wave of laughter threatened to spill out, and you had to bite your lip to stifle it. Trent pressed his forehead against yours, his eyes gleaming with amusement.
“Shhh,” you whispered, your shoulders shaking with silent laughter. “We’ve got to be quiet, or Winnie and George will hear us.” Trent chuckled softly, his warm breath tickling your cheek.
 “You’re the one who couldn’t keep quiet,” he teased, his voice a low murmur. He pulled you even closer, his arms wrapping around you in a tight, comforting embrace. “But I’m not complaining,” he added, pressing a gentle kiss to your temple.
“Stop! You made it hard to be quiet.,” you replied, your smile widening as you leaned into his warmth. Despite your teasing words, there was nothing but love in your voice. You swayed gently in his arms, moving in a slow, lazy rhythm as if you were still caught in the afterglow of your midnight rendezvous. You exchanged a few whispered “I love you’s,” each one filled with the depth of your affection and the quiet joy of this stolen moment together.Eventually, Trent helped you off the counter, his hands lingering on your waist as you both reluctantly pulled away.
“Come on,” he whispered, giving you a soft, playful nudge. “We should get back to bed. You need rest after all that” He cheekily told you. You nodded, still grinning as you slipped your hand into his, letting him guide you back to your bedroom. The two of you tiptoed down the hall, stifling giggles every step of the way, feeling like mischievous teenagers sneaking around in your own home. The next morning, the house was filled with the comforting smell of breakfast. You were at the stove, humming softly to yourself as you flipped pancakes, a content smile on your lips. You were ready to tease Winnie about her own evening, eager to see her reaction. Trent sat at the kitchen table, entertaining Teddy and Theo with stories while they waited for their food. Just as you were about to make a cheeky comment, Winnie strolled into the kitchen, George trailing behind her. She stretched her arms above her head with an exaggerated yawn and then dramatically dropped them, smirking at Teddy and Theo. 
“Did mummy and daddy wake anyone else up last night?” she asked, her tone teasing. Teddy’s eyes went wide with curiosity, and Theo, ever the observant one, scrunched his nose in confusion. 
“Wake ups?” Teddy echoed, looking between you and Trent. “Whys? What doing last night?” She asked slightly worried she had potentially missed out on something. You felt your cheeks heat up instantly, a burst of laughter escaping you. 
“Winnie!” you exclaimed, trying to sound scolding, but failing miserably as you started to laugh. Trent chuckled, shaking his head as he stood up from the table. He walked over to you and wrapped an arm around your waist. Winnie just grinned, clearly enjoying herself. She winked, making her way over to the table to sit down.
“Nothing, cute girl. Did you sleep okay?” Winnie cooed, dragging Teddy into her lap who nodded her answer. George laughed.  As you served breakfast, you couldn’t help but shoot a playful glare in Winnie’s direction, but the smile on your face never wavered. It was just another morning filled with love, laughter, and a little bit of teasing—exactly the way you liked it.
Another night came, this one without Winnie and George. It had passed Teddy and Theo’s bedtime, it was approaching yours. The house was finally quiet. The kids were asleep in their rooms, the soft hum of the baby monitor the only sound breaking the silence. You and Trent were getting into bed, the glow of two bedside lamps casting a warm light over you both. It was one of those rare moments of calm where you could just be together, without the usual chaos of family life. Trent had been quiet for a while, his arm around you as you leaned into his side, your head resting against his shoulder as you scrolled on your phone. You could feel the steady rhythm of his breathing, the warmth of his body grounding you. He turned slightly, and you felt him shift so he could look at you more directly, you hadn’t noticed that he had been staring at you the whole time. There was something in his eyes—an intensity, a depth of emotion—that made your heart skip a beat.
 “YN, I need to tell you something.” Trent softly muttered out. His voice filled with emotion. Trent had been watching you closely all evening, his eyes filled with a tenderness that was impossible to miss. He took a deep breath, his hand finding yours beneath the blanket, and gently squeezed. You turned to face him, your heart suddenly aware of the seriousness in his tone. 
You looked at him, a little puzzled but intrigued, sensing the depth in his tone. Trent took a deep breath, his eyes searching yours as if trying to find the right words. “I just… I don’t think I tell you enough how much you mean to me.  Every single day, I watch you with our kids, the way you care for them, love them, teach them… and I’m just in awe. You’ve given me this beautiful family, a life I didn’t even know I could or wanted to have.” His words struck a chord deep within you, and you felt your throat tighten with emotion. Trent reached up, brushing a strand of hair away from your face, his touch tender. “Lately, I’ve been thinking back to when we first started this whole thing… this relationship. I was so nervous, so unsure of not how much I loved you but if I was good enough for you. But you… you bought in. You took a chance on me, and it changed my life. You changed my life, YN.” Trent’s voice broke slightly. You could feel tears welling up in your eyes, the weight of his words sinking in. He squeezed your hand, his thumb gently stroking your skin. “I don’t know where I’d be without you. I don’t even want to think about it. Because with you… with our kids… I have everything. I have a home, a family, a love that’s deeper than anything I ever imagined. And it’s all because of you. You make me a better man, a better father. I’m so thankful, every single day, that you’re mine.” The tears spilled over, and you couldn’t help but smile through them, overwhelmed by the depth of his love. He shifted closer, his thumb brushing over your knuckles as he gathered his thoughts. His eyes were misty, his voice carrying a mix of admiration and concern. "Just thank you, baby for trying so hard to persevere. I know it hasn't been easy, dealing with everything you've gone through... your struggles. I can't imagine how hard it's been for you, but I just want you to know how proud I am of you." He cooed gently. You felt a lump form in your throat, the sincerity of his words hitting you deep. Trent reached out, cupping your cheek with his hand, his gaze unwavering and filled with love. "All I could ever want is for you to see yourself the way I see you. I wish you could see the way our babies look at you, baby. The way their faces light up when they see the most beautiful mummy in the whole world. They adore you, YN. They see you as this stunning, loving, strong woman who means everything to them… just like I do." 
“T…” You whimpered, unable to get anything else out. You weren't prepared for this monologue. Tears were streaming down your face at this point. His words wrapping around your heart like a warm embrace. Trent's own eyes were glistening, his emotions raw and open.
"God, I love you so much. Sometimes I still can’t believe how lucky I got, meeting you by chance in New York. How you kept talking to me, even though I was just some lad from across the ocean. I can’t believe you took a chance on me, on us. That you flew all the way to England just to visit me... it feels like a dream sometimes.” Trent babbled with a trembling voice. Frankly you always thought it was more insane he gave you the chance so your pouty lips curled a little bit of smile. He paused, his voice catching in his throat as he struggled to find the words. You could see the depth of his feelings in his eyes, the love and gratitude that overflowed from him. "I’m so incredibly grateful for you, YN. For everything you’ve done, everything you are. You’re the strongest person I know, and I just… I want you to see that. I want you to feel that. Because you are everything to me, to them. Everything." He leaned in, pressing his forehead against yours, his eyes closing as he took a shaky breath. You could feel the warmth of his breath on your skin, his words lingering in the air between you.
"Trent, I… I love you too. So much. More than I can even say." Tears continued to stream down your face. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him close as the tears fell freely. Trent held you tightly, his embrace firm and full of love. You could feel his heartbeat against your chest, steady and reassuring.
“I will always, always take care of you and our family. You have my heart forever, baby. I’m here and I’m yours and they’re ours. Always” Trent whispered against your hair. In his arms, you felt a sense of peace, a calm that only his presence could bring. You knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you had each other. And that was more than enough.
“T, I… I don’t even know what to say. You’ve given me so much. You gave me a life I actually wanted. You are my best friend, my confidant, my partner in everything. I love you so much.” You hiccuped through the words as he pulled you closer, his forehead resting against yours as he closed his eyes, savoring the moment.
“I love you more than anything in this world, YN. More than words could ever say. Thank you for everything. For being the mother of our children, for being my partner, my best friend. For being you.” He whispered, echoing you. You wrapped your arms around him, holding him close, feeling the steady beat of his heart against yours. In that moment, surrounded by the warmth of his embrace, you knew you were exactly where you were meant to be—loved deeply and completely by the man who meant everything to you.
Thank you for reading! Please like, comment, or message what you think of the series. 🐑 🤍
Part 3 out now |The Final
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I’ve been seeing a lot of analyses of Helluva Boss in the days following The Full Moon, and I’m really surprised I haven’t seen anyone mentioning one thing:
It was Stolas’—very important, I might add—book which Blitz stole that started all of this. It belongs to Stolas, and he is well within his rights to put any price he wants on its use. Blitz can (and did) choose whether he wants to pay it.
“But Blitz neeeeeds the book!” No, he doesn’t, because he doesn’t need to run an illegal assassination business in the human world. Stolas did not take anything from Blitz, or withhold anything that belonged to Blitz, or threaten any sort of retaliation against Blitz if he didn’t agree to the deal.
Honestly, when you think about it, it’s a pretty cut-and-dry case of prostitution. Notice Stolas’ wording when he says “this transactional thing between us,” because it’s not a relationship; it’s a transaction. Stolas ended it because he wants a relationship, but Blitz doesn’t believe that, because Blitz doesn’t believe anyone could actually love him. Given their respective backstories, the way The Full Moon went down makes total sense.
Sometimes, traumatized people act traumatized, and it sucks. It’s brutal, and it’s messy, and it hurts, and it’s refreshing to see a show actually portray that instead of shying away from it. If you want a cartoon that tackles heavy themes while modeling healthy relationships and communication for you, I’ve been hearing good things about Bluey.
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thefallennightmare · 5 months
I know that you usually do the headcannons on Monday's and you were thinking of moving it to Tuesday, but I was wondering if you would consider do a special Mother's Day one for this coming Sunday with Noah? I would love to see how Noah and Kenji would surprise Angel on Mother's Day.
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@thescarlettvvitch @mitchhbitch @missduffsblog @hayleylatour @sleepyomens @loeytuan98 @artificialbreezy @marvelousmal @bngurngheart @lma1986 @dsireland86 @wild-child-7747 @calleyx13 @illmakeyousaywow @jaded-and-hollow-souls @exitwoundsx @shayzillaaaa @lookwhatitcost @badomensls @princesspeach-00 @burning-outx @shadowseve @collective-heartbreak @klutzy-kay24 @sorrowsofsilence @sweetlittlekitsune @shilohrosechicken @itsafullmoon @toospooktocute @niicoleleigh @thatchickwiththecamera @hoe-for-daddywise @whenthesummerdies @cookiesupplier @concreteemo @thisbicc @sammyjoeee
Please enjoy this special edition Mother's Day headcannon! It takes place in the Miracle Universe!
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"SHH!" Kenji's loud voice came from down the hall. "You're going to wake momma up!!"
Noah chuckled. "Buddy, your mom slept through a fire. She can sleep through us making her breakfast."
"Wait," your four-year-old blinked. "Momma was in a fire?"
"Shit," Noah muttered under his breath while running his hand through his hair.
Kenji was too young for the story of how your crazy long lost brother tried to kill you in a fire. And how Noah walked through literal fire to save you.
"Sorry, it's an expression," Noah said while flipping the pancakes.
"What's an expression?" Kenji asked while taking a finger and dragging it through the bowl of pancake mix.
Even though he was four, your son Kenji was smarter than he looked. He did take after Noah after all.
You awoke in bed just in time to see Noah and Kenji walk into the room with a tray full of food, Kenji trying to carry the cup filled to the brim with orange juice.
Your heart lept in your throat when you noticed they were wearing matching Bad Omens sweaters and they were sporting the same hairstyle.
Noah had grown out his hair again, along with Kenji, and they both had it pulled back into buns.
"Happy mofers Day!" He yelled when he saw you were awake.
"Thank you my loves," you sleepily smiled at them.
Noah kissed you before setting out the large spread of food in front of you, both of your boys taking their fair share.
You didn't mind. You never did.
"So," Noah popped a grape in his mouth. "What do you want to do for your special day angel?"
"Honestly? This sounds perfect. Laying in bed with you two," you admitted.
The thought of going out in public with large crowds made you nervous, especially now.
Bad Omens were even bigger than they were before Kenji was born. Every time the three of you went out, someone recognized you guys and there had been a few times where you caught people taking pictures of Kenji.
Noah rubbed your back, working out the kinks of a restless night's sleep. "It's whatever you want, Y/N."
"Thank you," you rested your hand on his shoulder as his hand rubbed at your stomach; your ever-growing stomach.
Being nine months pregnant was another reason why you didn't want to go out.
It was a hot day in California and if there was a chance you could sit inside with air conditioning, you took it.
This pregnancy was a lot rougher than Kenji's. And with the previous miscarriages, you and Noah were taking a lot of extra precautions.
Your doctor ordered you on strict bed rest two months ago and Noah, who had tours and media planned, canceled it so he could stay home with you.
Something you tried to fight.
But even if Noah wasn't the one to cancel it, Matt would have because he didn't want anything to happen while they were on the road.
"So is my sister or broffer coming today?" Kenji asked once he finished scarfing down his pancakes.
Like he did every day since you told him six months ago.
"Soon bud," Noah ruffled his hair when Kenji squished himself between the two of you.
The three of you watched Bluey for a while until the baby in your womb began dancing around; right on your bladder.
You and Noah wanted to be surprised so didn't know the gender.
"I have to pee," you grunted while rolling out of bed.
Suddenly you stepped in something wet and when you glanced down, you felt your stomach drop.
"Did you spill something momma?" Kenji asked looking over the bed. "Momma peed!"
Noah immediately sat up in bed, his eyes locking on yours. "Did your-?"
You nodded. "My water just broke."
Less than thirty minutes later, Uncle Jesse and Uncle Jolly were at the house to watch Kenji while you and Noah rushed to the hospital.
You would have been perfectly fine with the gift of breakfast in bed for Mother's Day.
But eight hours later, as you lay in the hospital bed watching Noah do skin-to-skin with your daughter, you let out a lone tear.
"Best Mother's Day ever," you sighed.
Noah kissed your daughter's head. "I've got two angels now."
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callsignfate · 1 year
Valeria x Chaotic wife pt.5
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(Hi, I just wanted to say thank you for all of the likes and attention people give this series! It means a lot because, honestly, I'm new to Tumblr, and I started writing (publicly) for a hobby. Thank you, and don't worry, I have no plans to end this anytime soon. Enjoy!)
Part One/ Part Two/ Part Three/ Part Four/ Part Five
Part Six/ Part Seven/
R/N: I'm tired.
Valeria: I told you to go to bed last night. You don't NEED to sit on your phone for an hour or more before you go to sleep.
R/N: ...I do it's a part of my process to fall asleep.
Valeria: At least it's not bluey anymore.
R/N before you say it, it's not a kid show. It tackles serious topics.
Valeria: for kids sure.
R/N: You watched it too!
Valeria: And if you ever tell anyone that I will deny it, then never let you leave again.
Valeria: Do you really need another one? You have like a hundred and I'm pretty sure I've seen that exact one.
R/N holding another squishmallow: This one is different it has a hat!
Valeria: Did you finish the last five books you bought?
R/N: Sort of...
Valeria: Let's go to- what are you doing?
R/N: What?
Valeria: It is almost midnight and you are drinking an energy drink?!
R/N: They taste good..
Valeria: You are either going to kill yourself or me way younger than I want either of us to die.
R/N: ...Want one?
Valeria: I left her with your for 5 minutes! How in god's name did she scale the building and get stuck on the roof IN FIVE MINUTES?!
Valeria's men: We don't know we turned our back for like a second..
Valeria: (cursing under her breath in Spanish as she gets up from her desk to go help you down from the roof)
Valeria: With the amount of trouble and situations you get yourself in.. I'm genuinely surprised you're alive.
R/N: Oh, me too, I think it's like a super power.
Valeria: I wouldn't call it a superpower, but alright.
Valeria: Why is there a ton of games downloaded on my computer?
R/N: ...
Valeria: What is wizard 101??
R/N: A game where your a wizard.. and you have to go to different towns and do different things..
Valeria: ...tell me.. do you do these things with the intent to annoy me? Or just do it and think 'no, Valeria won't care if I delete files to download A WIZARD GAME'
R/N: I'll take avoiding this question for 500.
R/N helping Valeria with paperwork: GOD THIS IS BORING AND DRY. Can't their be some hot woman or man in this?
Valeria: It's finance paperwork not one of your dark kink romance books.. which is starting to make me wonder because some are about Mafia or Cartel leaders...
R/N: Intresesting because (R/N sprints away)
Valeria: I'm trying to work.
R/N: and I'm trying to annoy you while you work to get you to stop working so we can do something.
Valeria: ...
R/N: Anyways as I was saying, then Edward says 'this is the skin of a killer bella' and honestly it's kinda fun-
Valeria: Why are my men saying your doing something stupid?
R/N: That's incredibly rude of them, I'm not doing anything.
Valeria: Then unlock the door and let me in.
R/N: We both know I can't do that.
Valeria: and why's that?
R/N: I tried to see if I could do this trick where you get your handcuffed arms from behind you to infront of you..
Valeria: You handcuffed your arms behind your back again?!
R/N: ...help.
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Bluey's episode "Surprise" and a discussion on the surprise
One of the first things I did when I woke up this morning was watch the Bluey episode "Surprise". I had three thoughts for most of it 1.) Yeah two kids and two different games is gonna get chaotic. 2.) I feel sorry for Bandit. All my man wanted to do was watch the race. Poor guy will definitely wake up tomorrow covered in bruises. 3.) This feels like a generic episode... why air it after "The Sign"? Like what makes it the better season finale. Then I got to the end.
Spoilers below the line
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Adult Bluey. She looks great! I am not gonna lie though she maybe looks a little to young. Someone said she was older now because she has grey in her fur. Maybe I am just bad at guessing dog ages but I thought that was just texture to show her fur had gotten longer/thicker over time. I would have honestly believed that she was 18 and visiting home for the first time after going away to college.; particularly since Chili says Bingo is still at home. Then i remembered Bingo is hinted to have an intrest in the medical field/want to be a doctor, so maybe she stays at home longer to save money while working on her degree. But there is one thing to hint Bluey must actually be in her mid to late 20's at this point....
Her little child. Again I am not the best guess of the characters ages... I am going to guess this kid is around 5 based on them only being about a head smaller than Bluey was when she was 7 and played this trick on Bandit (also I just do not think you give a ball shooter to a toddler. Imagine Muffin with one).
The main topic surrounding this little pup right now seems to be who is the father. I understand the shippers want to know, But I am an adult viewer who really does not have that much interest in ships in a children's show. And there are other things I think people should be asking. First do we think this is Bluey's son or her daughter. They look a lot like Bluey, but also a lot different from her. Plus this show is pretty good at not necessarily making all the girls look exactly like their moms: both Bluey and Socks resemble their fathers and Bingo looks as much like her aunt as she does her mom. Other than that the dogs do not wear cloths and we do not hear a name or voice to help us guess. So really they could be either.
That drives me to my next point. I really want this pup to have a name. I definetly believe that Bluey's child would have a name that starts with "B" to carry on the little tradition from her childhood house. Since we do not know if they are a boy or a girl I have decided to christian them by the gender neutral animal name: "Bean". "Beanie" and "Little Bean" are affectionate names family members will call them. Their favorite breakfast food is biscuits with jelly, because then they will be asked "Jelly Bean?" which makes them laugh so hard they almost roll off their chair
here is a picture of Bluey's child ("Bean") , that I took off the official wiki, without the toy gear.
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They have less jet black fur and more purple/dark blue than it originally looked like they did when they were wearing the toy. Personally I think they look like a blue/grey version of Brandy. Genetics are fun. It is much harder to say looking at this picture if they are a Blue Heeler/Border Collie mix or a Blue Heeler/ Black lab mix. Wiki says this is on purpose as both mixed breed dogs can look fairly alike and that the pup has traits that could come from either Bluey's friend Mackenzie or her Friend Jean Luc. So you heard it here. The creators intentionally left the breed/father of this pup ambiguous, and you are not wrong for believing either one of them is Bluey's husband/ the father.
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murdermepeacefully · 9 months
Brahms Heelshire Headcanons
Honestly I'm not sure why it took me so long to do Brahms, given I've been writing him since mid 2022. But I've been really vibing Slasher Headcanon posts lately, and today, it's his turn!
As always, these are of course my own personal opinion, but feel free to reblog, add onto them, ask questions about them, or add them to the ones you accept yourself! I absolutely love hearing from others on their thoughts.
Headcanons from the Movie:
The Greta doll [Or the Nanny doll, for fics or content where the nanny is an OC or the reader] was never intended as anything dark/kinky/etc. It was simply Brahms mirroring how he'd seen affection shown towards him. I went into this in more detail on this post, if you're interested.
While he doesn't have the ability/time to do things like take care of his hair or shave, he does shower when the nanny is outside doing the rat traps.
When he can risk it, he'll sneak his clothes in with the laundry, but that became more difficult once his parents left. He's sometimes able to manage it by putting a few things in with sheets/blankets, but more often than not he'll simply use the clothes his dad left behind when he needs something clean to wear.
Def a clingy boy. Likes being able to have some form of physical contact with his partner, or at least be able to see/hear them if he can't do that.
Sometimes doesn't understand things that one would expect an adult to know, simply because his parents didn't teach him. The best way to address moments like this is to correct any mistakes gently, and teach him what he needs to know. [This does not mean to treat him like a child, just be patient and don't use a judgmental tone.
Occasionally has trouble processing emotions, especially negative ones, due to his father having a 'men don't cry' mindset.
Headcanons from Fanfic or Fandom Interactions:
Once he's ready to do so, he's okay with being seen without his mask. Respecting the boundary of letting him decide when that happens is a great way to show you care/trust/love him.
Definitely nervous about leaving the property, but he can manage if he's not alone at first. Once he's been out with someone he trusts enough to adjust to things like the crowds, levels of noise, and the environments, he's ok with splitting up for short periods of time.
When he goes out, he wears a cloth mask to cover the lower half of his face, so that the scarring will draw less attention.
Random Headcanons:
He's 100% the big spoon, regardless of a partner's size. While he does enjoy being held, he prefers to do so when he's holding his partner at the same time.
Really loves having his hair played with, especially if combined with kisses or cuddles.
Dog person [Cats are too aloof, and he enjoys the energy dogs can have. They're also a good way to get him going outside in the fresh air again]
18+ Headcanons🌶️🔞:
Spicy Headcanons:
This man does not know his own strength, so do not be surprised at all if you have bruises in the shape of his hands.
Definitely a switch, because he can enjoy both being the one in control and the one being controlled.
Age Regression Headcanons: NOTE: I am not intending to say that age regression on it's own is spicy or kink. However, I feel it best to keep it under the 18+ cut.
One of his favorite modern children's shows is Bluey. This is partially due to the characters being dogs, partially because of the parenting dynamics shown, and partially because there are heavier/more adult topics addressed in a way that's easy to process/understand.
To add onto the above, if a nanny/partner sees him upset and prompts 'Checklist', he will recite off Chilli's checklist from the episode The Show, while allowing himself to do the items on it. It started as a way to help him address his emotions in a healthy way, but soon became something that helps both him and his nanny/partner, as he can do the same thing with them.
The checklist is as follows: ✓ Have a Cry ✓ Pick Myself Off ✓ Dust Myself Off ✓And keep going.
Likes doing coloring pages or other simple crafts, and will often proudly present his partner with the end result.
Loves it when they put it on the fridge where it can be on display.
They turn his childhood room into a 'Littlespace' room for him to go to whenever he like. This means painting the walls a soft, comforting color, putting soft rugs on the floor, adding prism window clings to the window to cast rainbows all about the room, a permanent pillow fort, and a TV with a DVD player and VHS player on a wheeled table that can be moved anywhere in the room, with a bookshelf full of movies from their childhood, as well as more modern ones.
One of their shared favorites is Quest For Camelot.
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abluehappyface · 2 years
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Omg look!!!
I just got 150 followers! That's 150 (supposedly) real people! How did this happen!?
Thank you guys so much! Big shout out to all my mutuals! I love you guys more than I could ever express! /gen
So as a celebration of sorts, how about a Q&A session? Ask me any questions you want and I'll answer accordingly! I may even ask you something in return!
Have a great rest of your week!
@motsimages @magicalgirlpropaganda @mango-frog @nucg5040 @bip-po @caniscreamintoanabyss @castanets @lesserbeans @leafboy-the-great @lixiesbabyhands @lordterronus @k4ndi-c0spl4y3r @kinokomynx @just-a-rainy-child @he-was-beautiful @hecho-a-mano @funkyfrogofficial @seafoam-blues @semisentient-entity @superchocovian @siegesquirrel42 @sophie-i-guess13 @soulless-paper-bag @space-frog-boy @pastelkonpeito @insertusernamethatsnottaken @the-cinnamon-snail @the-kneesbees @that-bastard-with-all-the-bones @reblogging-corner @rude-occurrence @womensrightsstegosaurus @22ndcenturyschizoidman @starri-collective
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sillimancer · 6 days
so I've been watching Bluey and I'm on episode 37/52 in series 1 so I feel like I've seen enough of it to have genuine thoughts (I skimmed the wikipedia page too)
the reason I started watching it was because of its reputation among millennials with kids who have been swearing up and down that it's basically free therapy for our age group. I'm definitely in the market to having my brain chemistry altered but after 37 episodes, I don't know that I'm there yet. there is still a lot of show left to go though, and some of the most-circulated clips I've seen on social media have been in episodes I haven't come across yet, so that is subject to change.
what I CAN say is that Bluey is objectively a very good tv show that 100% deserves its Peabody award. it's thoughtful, fun, and honestly funnier than it has any right to be. I've laughed out loud more than once. Joe Brumm made the show with the intention of it being entertaining for both kids and parents and he absolutely nailed that balance, I think. in that way, it's not a kid show; it's a family show. and I like that (and I'm pleasantly surprised by how well it works!).
I haven't been a kid for a long time so it's hard for me to put myself in the shoes of a child, especially in a world that is so drastically different from mine. I think this is the first kid show I've seen that prominently features things like smartphones. I know those shows exist--the new Blue's Clues is a good example of how things have been updated to suit modern audiences--but it's something that caught my eye as an Old Fart (in internet years). Not as a bad or good thing, just as a "wow I'm getting older and it's getting harder to relate to or even understand childhood" kind of way. Maybe that's why people want to be parents so badly. To reconnect with that. I can sympathize with that feeling.
the show focuses a lot on Bluey and her sister and friends navigating the world through imaginative play, which I love and has a solid backing in child developmental psychology. I actually just started learning a little bit about play therapy (I follow a play therapist on tiktok who kinda got me into it, I love her), so I feel like I've been getting a little bonus bit of enrichment out of the show for that. it's like when you're watching a movie that's partly in another language and you don't speak the language but you recognize it and can maybe pick out a couple words? it's like that.
I think Brumm really captured lightning in a bottle with this project. you can feel the love it's made with. the storylines are grounded with just the right touch of an almost magical or fantastical quality that really makes you feel childlike wonder even as a cynical and deeply depressed 30-something. There's conflict and mess, sure, but built on a foundation of safety and community, and I think that's probably what's resonating with (american) millennials. we inherited so much instability and pain from our previous generations that it's hard to believe a world or even a family unit like Bluey's could exist. parents who love each other? who are active in their children's lives? who apologize when they do something wrong? COULDN'T BE US!
all this to say I'm enjoying the show, it's heartwarming, it's charming, it's delightful, and I hope Joe Brumm lives forever. but it's also very much designed for children so like. I worry the millennial parents crying over this show on tiktok may be overselling it.
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alexblakeisgay · 2 months
Bluey Mom (Ch. 4)
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Ship: Alex Blake/Emily Prentiss
Summary: Today's episode of Bluey Mom is called Boy/Girl Party.
(The adventures of Emily Prentiss as she navigates running the BAU, being a wife and mother, and her relationship with gender.)
Word Count: 1033
“Earth to Emily?” Alex said, waving a hand in front of Emily’s face to get her attention.
Emily shook herself back to awareness and realized that she’d missed a significant question. She offered a faint apologetic smile.
“Nervous?” Alex asked for the second time.
“Why would I be nervous?” Emily asked as if she were trying to convince herself.
With a little sigh, Alex wrapped her arms around Emily’s waist and rested her chin on her shoulder. “Because in spite of what you tell yourself about not needing your mother’s approval, you’ll be cut very deeply if she doesn’t show up for DJ today...”
She sighed, feeling mildly petulant about the fact that Alex knew her so well as to almost read her mind. “You don’t always have to be right,” she muttered, though there’s no heat behind it.
Alex just smiled softly, kissed her wife’s cheek, then said, “Well, let’s get this show on the road, then, Chili.” She pressed the orange onesie that was her Bluey’s Mom costume into Emily’s hands. She was already wearing the Bluey’s Dad costume. “I have to put the finishing touches on the cake, but whenever you’re ready, DJ wants to talk to you.”
And with that, the whirlwind that was Alex Miller preparing for a family get-together blew back out of the room without a single word of further information.
“Knock knock,” Emily said, pushing open the door a slight bit so she could speak to DJ. “Requesting permission to come aboard?”
“Hi, Momily,” DJ said, which she interpreted to mean permission to approach.
DJ said in the chair in front of her vanity, waiting for Emily to help brush her hair. One of the things that Emily had wanted most in her entire life was long hair, so when DJ had asked to grow out her hair, Emily had agreed, with Alex’s blessing. And one of their mother/daughter bonding rituals was Emily helping her do her hair for special events.
As she brushed DJ’s hair, she said, “Are you nervous?”
DJ shook her head, ever the fearless creature Emily wished she could be. “Nope! I’m just excited!” she said, meeting Emily’s gaze in the mirror and offering her an excited and gap-toothed smile, as she’d lost three teeth in short order.
“I’m so proud of you, Pickle,” Emily said, putting the girl’s hair into a milkmaid braid. “You’re the bravest person I know.”
Today, they were throwing a ‘gender reveal’ party to announce that she was nonbinary. It had been a very powerful decision for DJ to make at seven years old and Emily could hardly believe she’d made such a self-assured and deeply insightful daughter as to know herself that well.
“Do you think Grandma Liz will come?” DJ asked quietly.
Emily sighed heavily. “I don’t know, honey. I wish I could tell you that she will, but I honestly don’t know for sure.” When they’d invited Elizabeth to the ‘gender reveal’ party, Emily had made it quite clear to her that if she didn’t show up for DJ, she would no longer be welcome in their lives...but threatening Elizabeth never seemed to work out the way they’d anticipated.
“Hey...” Alex said gently, settling on the porch swing next to Emily. “You’re missing all the fun. DJ is trying to convince your mother to play that cookie face game...”
Emily barked out a laugh at the image.
Surprising, well...everyone...Elizabeth actually showed up for DJ’s party. She didn’t seem happy about it, but she came and that was the important part. At least, in Emily’s mind, given that she genuinely hadn’t expected her to come at all.
Alex rested a hand on Emily’s knee and said, “Penny for your thoughts...” Emily just shrugged vaguely, either not having the words or not wanting to say them. Studying her for a few moments, Alex eventually spoke, “It’s okay to be jealous...”
She sputtered for a few moments, before she managed to form coherent speech...a lame, “I’m not jealous!” A beat. “Jealous of who?”
“Why would I be jealous of my own daughter?” she asked, seeming genuinely confused.
With a gentle smile, Alex said, “Because your mother showed up for her in ways she’s never shown up for you...” Emily’s smile fell and Alex knew she’d hit the nail on the head. “It’s okay for you to have mixed emotions today – I know you’re proud of Deej and want to support her, but you’re also hurt. And that’s okay.”
Emily surprised both of them by bursting into tears. “I’m sorry,” she said between sobs, “I didn’t want to make this about me, but...” Wordlessly, Alex pulled her into a tender embrace. “Why couldn’t she do this for me!?” Emily sniffled, “All I ever wanted was mother who loved me and supported me...”
“I know,” Alex soothed, rubbing a gentle hand up and down her back. “You deserved that and it’s not right or fair that your mother couldn’t hold space for you in that way. But DJ will never for a single second experience that because she has the best Momily in the whole entire world.”
Pulling back from the embrace slightly, Emily met her gaze and asked, “Do you really think so?”
She nodded. “That kid idolizes you. Watching you two together fills my heart with joy because I know she has the kind of relationship with you that every child deserves. It’s an honour to be witness to it.”
Blushing, Emily leaned in for a quick kiss. “She’s pretty lucky to have you too.”
Alex just laughed, kissed her again, then stood, drawing Emily to her feet too. “Now, let’s get back in there because if anyone is going to convince your mother to look ridiculous playing that cookie game, it’s DJ and I have a feeling you won’t want to miss it.
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birdsagainsthumanity · 11 months
Some time ago now, I wrote a fanfic.
It was for the Bluey fandom.
Now, I know that's a whacky start. As someone who loves this show, I was somewhat surprised - and yet not - about the state of Bluey fanfic. It was all aged up, messed up relationships, strange adult things. But this story isn't about Bluey, not really. It's about little connections in this world.
The story I wrote was a rare one in this fandom, apparently. The characters being the ages they were in the show. A somewhat show-friendly version of a deep and serious mental health issue - rejection sensitive dysphoria.
I wrote this fic for a few reasons. Prinicipal was because I had presented those symptoms, as a child, and not found out what was going on until well into my adulthood. I had lived with this awful condition, and just - thinking it was normal, that I had to tolerate this.
I churned out most of the fic in a day, and then it sat, untouched on my laptop, for over a month. I couldn't think of an ending. But this thought, of this kid's show with it's open discussions of trauma and challenges, of presenting this story here, it wouldn't leave me alone. I tacked on what I thought was a weak ending, flung it into the world, and left it to be. And so it was. An occasional kudo or small comment, but nothing major.
Then one day, months after posting, I get that little ping from Ao3, and open an email to a wall of text. This person has read my fic. They've realised, through this, through this kid's show fanfic connection, that it's what they're going through. In fact, they've come back, to leave me a comment, to say, hey, thank you. Thank you for this. Thank you for giving me a name for it, thank you for helping me identify it, realise I'm not broken.
And this comment now, it's going to live with me forever. Fucking forever. This honestly from someone I don't know, who doesn't know me, who found a thousand words in a small fandom buried amongst strange and fascinating and baffling thing, and who is changed because of me saying hey - I want someone else to know.
This is a long post, but I just - felt the need to talk about it. Never doubt the work you're making has purpose. It's always better to put something into the world than to be so obsessed with perfection that nobody else experiences it. You might change someones life.
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crowleybrekkers · 9 months
creations from every month of 2023
tagged by @ajcrowleys and @girlbutcherwife thank you!! this seems fun
starting from april because i started gifmaking in march but i only made one set in march. my gifs from march to june are god awful so i apologize 😭
march most popular: genya safin favorite: only made one set so same
april most popular: the marvels favorite: same as most popular
may most popular: gwen and miles favorite: beetlejuice: the musical
june most popular: rapunzel and eugene favorite: colors of tangled
july most popular: bluey (i'm honestly so surprised at how popular this got) favorite: rapunzel
august most popular: show omens + book omens quote favorite: crowley and aziraphale + lyrics
september most popular: crowley and aziraphale + lyrics favorite: same as most popular
october most popular: good omens parallels favorite: crowley, aziraphale
november most popular: doctor who children in need special 2023 favorite: crowley and aziraphale + lyrics
december most popular: the crows favorite: crowley
tagging @crowley-anthony @bazkrekkers @crowleyanthonys @muldery @samwwise @evansgarfield
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chrisevansonly · 2 years
Little Ducks Aren’t Allowed Boyfriends Headcannon
Arlie had started attending a daycare in your neighbourhood a few months ago, wanting to get her exposed to new kids, and an environment that could somewhat mimic what school would since she was starting this September
You and Chris had vetted about 6 places until finding this one not too far from your home, and the staff and caretakers were absolutely amazing
Drop off was at 9am and pick up was at 3:30pm, though somedays she got picked up early or was able to stay at home
Arlie was so excited for daycare, bringing home a new craft, story, or special toy from her group everyday
Chris honestly was still trying to come to terms with the fact that his first baby was growing up and getting older, and you’ll never forget the day she came home and said she had a boyfriend
You’d picked her up and were getting her snack ready as she watched an episode of Bluey and unpacking her backpack which was no doubt filled with more art, you’d need a bigger fridge at this point
“Little Duck can you come to the table for a snack please?”
“Comin Momma!!”
You chuckled at her enthusiasm, she turned off the show on her own and came to meet you in the dining room, her plate of snacks waiting for her
“yummy momma, thank you!”
You kissed her forehead and sat down
“you’re welcome baby, how was your day?”
You watched her stuff a blueberry in her mouth before giggling
“momma guess what?”
“what baby?”
She giggled again and you couldn’t help but laugh, her little cheeks tinting with a blush
“i got a boyfwend”
Arlie whispered the word like it was a sin and you covered your mouth in faux surprise
“you got a boyfriend? what’s his name?”
You smiled as she kept eating her snack, Chris making his way down from finishing up some meetings with his team, this was going to be hilarious
“Hey there little duck!”
He leaned down to press a few kisses to her face before pressing his lips to yours and sitting next to you
“Why don’t you tell daddy about today?”
“What happened today?”
Arlie laughed covering her mouth with her hands as Chris furrowed his brows in confusion
“guess what daddy?”
He narrowed his eyes slightly, a bit skeptical
“what princess?”
“I got a boyfwend”
Chris tensed beside you right away, and you looked at him, his expression blank, but there was a hint of that constant protective dad swirling behind those eyes of his
“Oh you do huh? What’s this punks name.”
Arlie crossed her arms
“He not a punk daddy!”
“Sure he is.”
You rolled your eyes placing a hand on Chris’s knee
“Do not get your daughter into a tantrum please”
Chris’s expression remained the same, him and Arlie in a stare down
“His name Miles, he nice daddy!”
“Mhm, i’m sure he is duck”
Arlie continued munching on her snack quietly for a few moments
“As long as he’s not kissing you on the playground, or sharing your snacks, or hugging you all the time…or-or”
You laughed leaning onto Chris’s shoulder, reaching to rub his back soothingly, you could definitely feel how tense he still was
“Well Arlie, i’m glad you made a new friend baby, that makes me so happy!”
She smiled at your praise clapping her hands before laughing once more
“oh momma?”
“Yes sweet love?”
Arlie leaned over and whispered
“he gave me kissy on cheek like daddy gives you!”
You laughed shaking your head and Chris caught exactly what she said
“Son of a-”
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nerdforestgirl · 1 year
I think this is the tenth years I've written an Amy's birthday story on my birthday. Enjoy if you feel like it.
“Stay in bed,” Sheldon yelled at his wife just as she started to put her feet on the floor. She wasn't quite sure how he knew she was awake and starting to get up, but she stopped questioning exactly how he seemed to just know everything a long time ago. This was just life with Sheldon.
Amy Farrah Fowler was fairly certain that Sheldon had some kind of surprise planned for her birthday, but it was also a normal work day for her. She did need to get up and get ready for work. Plus she had to drop Leo off at daycare on the way. Still, she never minded being a little spoiled by her husband, so she slid her legs back under the covers and waited.
A few minutes later, Sheldon walked in with a tray. It had a pile of pancakes, bacon, eggs, and orange juice. Following him, in the cutest tiny chef's hat and apron was her son Leo. He was toddling behind his dad with a bowl of fruit in his hands. He stopped to eat a strawberry before he continued on and right into Sheldon's legs.
Sheldon just looked down and smiled at the boy. Leo could get away with murder in Sheldon's eyes, and touching without permission was honestly right up there in severity of crime. Still, Sheldon just placed the tray of food on Amy's lap. Then he picked up Leo so the nineteen month old could place the bowl of fruit on the tray with the other food.
“Can you say 'happy birthday, Mama?'” Sheldon asked his son. Leo didn't try, but he did smile at his mother, and to Amy that was just as good.
“Did you two wake up early to make me breakfast?” Amy asked them.
“Yeah!” Leo shouted. He didn't have a lot of words yet, but that was one he had down pat. He was such and enthusiastic and kind child that Amy could not feel any luckier every single time she interacted with her son.
“I need to get ready for work,” Sheldon told Amy. “Do you want to keep him or should I put him in front of a Bluey?” They didn't use screen time often to distract Leo, but it certainly came in handy on occasion.
“He can stay,” Amy said. Amy was debating just calling in to work and staying in bed with Leo all day, but she couldn't really justify it.
Sheldon kissed Leo on top of his head and put him on the bed next to Amy. Then he left to shower and get dressed for the day with a wish of a happy birthday to Amy.
“Thank you for making me breakfast,” Amy told her son. Then she started picking the strawberries out of the bowl of fruit. It wasn't like she didn't love strawberries. They were her favorite, but they were also Leo's. She also cut up some of the pancakes for her son. Giving to him always felt a little like giving to herself.
Leo was happy to snack on his mom's special birthday breakfast with her. He took off his chef's hat and leaned against Sheldon's pillow. Amy made a mental note to change the sheets because she was certain that the boy was getting juice and syrup on the sheets.
“Baby like strawberries?” Leo asked.
“Maybe. She just eats what I eat right now just like you did,” Amy explained as she rubbed her belly. They had only told Leo about the new baby two weeks ago, but he seemed to understand and was even excited about his little sister.
Leo handed over one of his prized strawberries for Amy to eat.
“For the baby?” Amy asked.
Leo nodded.
“Thank you,” Amy said. She was holding back tears, but mostly failing. How had she gotten such a sweet son? Part of her had always been a little afraid that her son would be too much like Sheldon. Then Amy remembered that Sheldon had made her this breakfast and brought it in for her to eat in bed because she was pregnant and it was her birthday even though he hated eating in the bedroom. Maybe Leo was like Sheldon. Like that side of him that mostly only she got to see.
Leo wiped away his mom's tears with very sticky fingers.
“Thanks, bud,” Amy said.
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