eohpmdsteams · 4 months
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Percy stepped back, more akin to a frightened deerling than a Bisharp. His brow furrowed and he tensed, almost as if he expected the thindle to attack him in some form. After a moment he cautiously stepped forward, just barely reaching out to inspect the thindle, his claws inches away from touching it. Just from the outside, it was obvious his mind was racing, trying to answer her.
 "I...can't...accept this." he spoke softly, slowly, clearly trying to articulate his thoughts accurately. "This is...really nice! And really thoughtful 'n all...i-it's really well made." 
Percy glanced away, fiddling nervously with his claws. "I...I don't feel the same way. About you. Like that. And..." There was a long pause. "I don't think...it would be fair...for either of us, if I said yes." He looked at her again, stammering, "B-But! But! We could uh, we could be friends? If ya want? Huh?"
Bluey felt her eyes grow wet hearing Percy's response, the fluttering feeling in her stomach twisting into hot shame as she closed her eyes and gave the best smile she could muster. She really didn't want to make him feel bad or let him see how she felt behind it. She'd hate to make him feel bad for not feeling the same. "I...I understand. I guess it was silly of me. I hate to have made you feel uncomfortable. But I am truly happy this doesn't affect our friendship. That was my biggest fear that stopped me from asking sooner." She said with a bit of a forced chuckle to keep her spirits up as she cupped her hands and with a firm squeeze broke the thindle in half with a light crunch of the wood and then deposited the fractured thindle into her pouch "But I acknowledge and accept your rejection. And as per tradition, I've broken it to respect your choice and I'll make sure it's properly disposed of. L-Luckily that a-also means y-you won't have to worry about me ever bringing this up again...heh heh..." Bluey swallowed hard feeling her voice try and slip out the sad disappointment building in her chest, "A-Again I'm really grateful you'd still be o-ok with being friends, I-I was afraid I'd ruin that between us. I'm...I'm really glad that's not the case but uh...maybe I best give you some space ey? Let you get back to your duties and let you enjoy your lunch? I-I'd hate to keep you further." She said keeping her eyes closed and a smile on her face as she slowly backed up, "Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoy the rest of your day." With that she gave a respectful bow of her head before turning heel and quickly walking away fanning her face with her hands to stop her eyes from watering, she really didn't wanna cry in public. It wasn't the answer she was hoping for, and she was truly sad to hear it, but she was grateful it hadn't gone worse. At least they'd still be friends and maybe she could bury her feelings with some of the sugary goods Bastion and Tuca made. She hoped these feelings would pass quickly.
Percy rejected the thindle.
Percy's response provided by Percy's owner their part and mine are seperated by the ---
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eohpmdsteams · 4 months
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Her heart was racing, pounding loud enough she could hear the thundering beats in her own head, every part of her face warm with anxiety and nerves. Bluey had spent over a year designing what she thought would be the perfect thindle to give to Percy and admit how she'd felt, what his reaction would be she wouldn't fully know unless she asked. She'd been so afraid to admit her feelings because she always feared she'd be rejected, but how wonderful would it be if he accepted her feelings? How wonderful would it be to possibly one day be welcomed into another family, even if it was a fractured one. As she walked around town searching for the familiar red shine of Percy's armor amongst the crowds she could feel her stomach turning and drool pooling at the back of her throat, her body's way of saying she was so nervous she was probably going to throw up. Bluey paused for a moment to rest her hand over her chest and relax, to give her a moment to settle her nerve and steel her resolve, 
"C'mon Bluey, choke it down, if your dad could do it so can you." She said under her breath, "after all the worse he can say is no, right? Doesn't mean you can't be friends."
Clapping her hands together she pulled them up to her face and gave a quick hard blow of air as she threw her arms out to her sides to expel the fluttering feeling in her stomach.
She continued eyeing between stalls and round the usual patrol route she'd seen his brother and him take when on the job, she wasn't sure if they were on patrol today but that would be the best place to look if they were. Spotting the familiar pale gold of his axe peaking from behind a stack of crates that blocked a portion of the alley, Bluey felt a tweek of excitement pass her lips before she paused again to straighten out her poncho and to last minute dust off her hooves to make sure she hadn't scuffed up the hours of polishing she did the night before to make sure she looked as good as possible. While she wished she had a prettier mirror like finish to her metal like bastion had, she thought she did a really good job making her mat-blue shine. Swallowing her nerves, she rounded the corner and gave her biggest brightest smile.
"Good morning, Percy! Good morning, Bramble!" She tweeded greeting the two brothers.
"Hello miss Bluey." Percy greeted back as his brother waved, "How are you?"
"I am doing splendid today, I brought you and Bramble some stew Bastion made last night for you and Bramble to enjoy for lunch if you're interested!" She beamed handing the bowl to Bramble, "I made sure all the veggies and meat were small enough and soft enough so Bramble could eat it with no hassle."
"Thats nice of you!" Percy smiled while looking at the soup, "Bastion always makes good soup!"
"We're always happy to share with you guys so I'm sure Bastion will be happy to hear if you like it. Although Percy if you have a moment do you mind if I ask you something in private? Just right over there by the trees, if that's ok?" Bluey asked while tilting her head slightly to the side as she scratched the back of her left heel with her right foot out of nerves.
"Is something wrong?"
"N-no nothing wrong just something that's better to ask one on one. It's a good thing though! Or well...I hope you think it's a good thing!"
Leading the other Bisharp over to the tree's Bluey could feel her metal rattle slightly as she vibrated where she stood, she wasn't a fan of how shaky she was, it must have made her look a lot less confident than she would have liked to look. Once Percy had walked over as well, she sighed before beginning.
"Well, ahem. Where I am from my city has a traditional gift to give called a thindle. If you really like someone you carve them a trinket you think best represents what they are like to you. It's something you give to someone if you really REALLY like them and want to initiate a courtship with. An if you give them a thindle they have three days to accept it or deny it. If they accept it, well then you are dating for as long as they keep it, if they wish to end the relationship then they just return the thindle. But if they deny it you have to break the thindle and you can never ask them out again unless they change their mind and ask you."
She gave a hard swallow as her face grew warm and crimson while she pulled out a necklace with a blue and red piece of wood carved to look like a berry with a gem serving as the leaf and another jewel like marble at the core of it.
"F-for the past year i-i've been working on this because I've really liked you alot since meeting you. I designed it to look like a berry because I know how much you like to try different foods, but I also wanted it to represent your family like your brother and your cousin who are grass types which is also why I made it out of wood. Cause I know your cousins and your brother are really important to you and I wanted to respect that and show that it would also be as important to me. And I made it blue and red because we are blue and red...But I am rambling...hehheh...The truth is I think you are really great and I would love to possibly earn the honor of being welcomed in your family one day."
Bluey took a deep breath and looked the other Bisharp in the eye with her face red as a Scizzor's as she stumbled her words,
"Percy Sharp, I-I Bluey B-Bella Bonozo, w-would like to ask if you w-would accept this thindle and g-go out with me?"
Will Percy say Yes or no? That answer will come soon.
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eohpmdsteams · 1 year
Ref Pages Updated
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Bluey and Bastions reference sheet pages have been updated! all information about them can be found in the sword dance tab including links to their character pages.
these new pages that can be accessed have:
1: These new ref sheets 2: personality breakdowns 3: relationship logs (for both in group and out of group relationships)
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eohpmdsteams · 1 year
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A red and orange Egg with a white stripe across the middle. It came from a different world. Congratulations, you got a Buzzwole egg!
Today on Pokemon Eve cannot draw for the life of her.
Baby swol.
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Bluey has several questions. The biggest one being what in the name of the gods is this weird ass bug in her yard?
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eohpmdsteams · 1 year
(Jordan's Dragonpult)
"Sorry but, why name them Maggot? Isn't that immature?"
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Bastion: GO ON! Tell them why! I'll wait!
Bluey: My childhood nickname was Bug....whats wrong with Maggot? It's cute!
Bluey: It's not my fault she liked Maggot more than Shyla.
Bastion: YOU were the one who told the healers to call her that before I decided if I was gonna adopt her. IT IS YOUR FAULT!
Bluey: Ok, well...at least she likes it right?
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eohpmdsteams · 1 year
( @ask-the-rose-court )Darby@Bluey: So tell me darling what is your relationship status with Bastion? Is a merely a ally or something deeper?
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Bluey: Well if you are curious as to if he's single well you'd be happy to know he is! I've been trying to get this guy in the dating game but not everyone speaks poke-sign. But at least he's got me to try and help him communicate. It's what besties are for right?
(also for those curious most characters are open for outside blog relationships!)
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eohpmdsteams · 1 year
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Late to the party but mama Bluey brings her large and imposing baby boy to make some friends and bring Lunch a gift! Lunch opens the gift to find...
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A Princess Kissy Wissy My Lil Rapidash toy!
Twinkie hopes that Lunch likes his gift ‘cause Kissy Wissy is his favorite. @lunchbirthdaybash​ | @askvekpa​
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eohpmdsteams · 1 year
⏩ for bluey?
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Bluey: I'm off to gather some firewood from the vile wilds. I'll be back in a bit!
???: You're taking the little ones with you?
Bluey: Yeah! I wanted to give this brood bag a whirl! Plus I don't like to be separated from them for terribly long.
???: Do you want me to go with you? Just in case?
Bluey: If you'd like to but don't worry I'll be fine!
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eohpmdsteams · 1 year
PMDS| M5 P4 | Revelations
“We Yield.”
And with those words, the madness of the fighting around them seemed to stop. Bluey was honestly shocked that these guardians appeared to give up their pursuit as quickly as they had started it. However, with them explaining their desire to keep the library from being destroyed and finally calming themselves enough to hear out the guilds it started to look like this day was taking a turn for the better.
As the leaders discussed their mission objective with the guardians Bluey turned to Bastion and frowned looking at his wounds which only made her wince at the pain from her blackened eye. Not liking the sting of her own cuts and the condition of Bastion’s own Bluey reached into her pack and pulled out 2 Oran berries, one for each of them.
“Here buddy.” Bluey smiled handing Bastion the blue fruit, “To close up those cuts. I uhm. I’m sorry I had to hit you literally below the belt. How are you holding up?” -I’ll live. But when I get you back the pain will be tenfold what you did to me. And you won't see it coming.- He signed with a frown as he popped the berry into his mouth, the medicinal properties of the fruit closing the bleeding wounds on his body. “Yeah, that's…fair I guess?” Bluey said as she ate her own berry to close her wounds, “Do you think those Guardian things will actually keep their word when we go in?”
-They’d better. I’d hate to see what else you’d do to the Blue one for its transgression. - He smirked.
“Trust me there is a lot I wanna do to that thing. None of it at all kind after what it did.”
-It was defending a sacred place. You can’t be too mad.-
“After what they made us do to each other I’ll be as angry at them as I’d like It made us turn on each other, like you and I haven't had enough of that in our lives.” She frowned as she glared Azelf down from where she stood.
After what felt like hours it appeared the guardians finally listened to reason and allowed the guilds entrance so long as they behaved themselves. As Bluey and Bastion approached the door she looked over to where her mother's unconscious body should have been laying but all that was left was the mask. “Where did she go?” Bluey said furrowing her brow and looking around the area
“She will return for it. Yamasks always return for their mask.” Jenga replied after examining it, “She must have slinked off to lick her wounds. Let’s not dwell on it too long. Now we have to chance to find a cure for her.”
Jenga then made his way inside the library with Bastion following closely behind him. However, despite her better judgment Bluey slowed and turned to face the trio as she passed them. Looking to grab Azelf’s attention.
“Hey.” She said with a flat tone loud enough to make Azelf turn and eye her.
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“Hope you keep those scars to remember me by. Because I surely won’t forget what happened today.” “I suggest you proceed,” Azelf responded with a twitch of its tails before turning back to face its own subordinates.
Bluey chuffed and followed her companions into the library. And it was overwhelming with how large it was. She searched a bit aimlessly trying to see if she could find Bastion and Jenga once the guilds started to dig through the many old scrolls and books. When she had no luck finding him, she turned to a shelf beside her and began to flip through the books to see if she could find anything that may be useful. “These are medical books. Might be smart to jot down some notes from these to help Bramble with the journey back through the mountain. Let me see if I can find one about preventing and treating hypothermia in grass types.” She said to herself as she slide her new fingers gently over the books. Searching cover by cover while also being just a tad fascinated with her new digits.
Bluey spent a good forty-five minutes reading through the old medical book and scribbling down useful notes including how to treat the burn on Bastion’s back.
While she scribbled away she hardly noticed the voices talking to her. “Bluey! Yoohoo the world to Bluey!” Jenga said a little louder startling her. “Oh, there you are Jenga! Where did you guys wander off to?” She said as she finished writing down the last little bit of this passage.
“We're in the section of books detailing the lives of each individual of the Painted Sands.”
“The what?” She said looking up from her book. “Yeah, the Library has scrolls that detail your life. Bastion has been reading into our family's scrolls. For closure I suppose or maybe to see if all those stories Parapet used to tell him were true.”
Bluey sat there thinking for a moment “you said Pappy was still alive but left, right? Do you think if he is still alive the scrolls would tell me where he is?” “I believe they would yes. Did you want me to show you where it is?”
“If you could please.” She smiled standing up and following the old Sableye.
After about 15 minutes Jenga brought Bluey to a small outcrop of book and scroll shelves that had a short table with pillows around it and sitting at the table with a scroll rolled out across it, was Bastion reading away.
“I’ll let you kids do what you gotta do. I am going to go help the other ghosts tidy up the place a bit after all the fighting. If you need me just call.” Jenga smiled and scurried off to help put books back in their respective places.
Bluey turned to Bastion and sat next to him looking over the scrolls, “Find anything good?” -Currently reading over my grandmother’s scroll and I always thought she may have over-exaggerated some things. But from what I’ve been reading it seems this little psycho really did do all of the things she claimed she did. No wonder Grandfather, Rampart said she was the only Pokémon he felt intimidated by.-
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Bluey chuckled and stood up walking over the scroll shelf and digging through them, “Dag….dag….dag….AHA! Daggermaw!” She chimed before sorting through the scrolls in the cubby, “Rosi, Olive, Emerald, Blanc, Magenta, Scar-” She paused looking at the scroll with her mother’s name on it. She hesitated but pulled it out and held it in her left hand while she continued to dig before finding her grandfather’s scroll. Once she had both of those, she snooped through the B column until she located the Bonozo family and pulled out her own scroll as well as her father’s.
She made her way back over to the table and set the scrolls down before curiosity made her snoop over Bastion’s shoulder reading over his family history with him. However, there was something she spotted further down the scroll that caught her attention. “By the great father, Bastion look!” She exclaimed while pointing to two names written on the scroll, “Your Sisters Barbican and Palisade are alive!”
Bastion stopped what he was reading and snapped his focus over to the part of the scroll Bluey was reading and gestured for her to read it aloud, to which she complied.
“Barbican Alora Cavalier was declared official sheriff of Painted Sands after serving as a temporary sheriff in her grandmother's place after the events that transpired on the 3rd of Summer. Her sister Palisade Gala Cavalier’s name has been changed to Palisade Gala Moor following her marriage to Brono Emmit Moor.”
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Bluey then gasped before jabbing the scroll with her finger, “And that's not all! Bastion look, you’re an uncle!” He stared at the area Bluey pointed at in shock as she continued to read, “Palisade and Brono currently have 3 eggs incubating with 5 already hatched offspring Durin, Roseli, Razz, Leppa, and Oran. Oran is now the second recorded blue Pawniard birth in Painted Sands, since the birth of Blue Bella Bono- Your nephews just like me! Bastion that's amazing you have nieces and Nephews! Oh, we gotta go back to Painted Sands at some point!” Bluey then started to dig through her family's scrolls while blabbering on about her excitement over Bastion’s family as his shocked face melted into one of excitement as he looked down at the names.
-I can’t believe it. Lisa’s a mom…and- he paused what he was signing before shouting, “BARBI’S A KINGAMBIT?! THAT'S BULLSHIT!” “Oh, I didn’t even read that part! Y’know Barbi always did come off as the kind of girl who’d look great with that mustache, I could never pull it off. By the gods, she must be HUGE! She was always really tall even as Pawniards.” Bastion grumbled a bit about how now he had to play catch up with his older sister as Bluey chuckled and began reading through her family's scrolls. Starting with her grandfather. Reading through his life she smiled reliving all the stories he used to tell her about when she was little. Though he seemed to have left out how much of an obnoxious man he was in his youth with what he told her. As she continued to read she smiled reading over a line of text about the current year. “Bastion look! My Pappy is alive! And look at this it says he’s living in the remains of an ancient alpha Wailord skeleton. That's what that crazy Zoroark meant when she told me to go to where a giant once fell! She must have been talking about my Pappy! And look at the coordinates, he’s only a two-day journey from here! Bastion, we have to go!” Bastion was caught a little off guard by her excitement but smiled with a nod of agreement.
-We can do that so long as we go to Painted Sand’s at some point. This scroll says my Grandfather Rampart and Grandmother Parapet are making their way back to Sands and the surviving members will all be in the same place in a few months.-
“Oh yeah, we have to go to back Sands at some point. I can’t believe we still have families out there.” Bluey said getting a little misty-eyed as she read through her mother’s scroll.
Bastion quickly noticed Bluey's dip in mood as she read the scroll and he reached out and set his hand over hers in an attempt to comfort her.
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“Sorry man I didn’t mean to bring the excitement down I just got to the part of my mom’s scroll about what happened the day she turned. Though the scroll is just incoherent nonsense really afterward. It doesn’t give me much to work with and even confirm if she even had slivers of memory left. I was hopping it might tell me.” she said wiping her face before opening her father’s scroll. -Should you be reading these ones Bluey? They only seem to be upsetting you.- “I want to. While I don’t like thinking of the sad bit it makes me feel better to read about them…and how much they loved each other and how much they loved me. It’s nice to read about them outside that day y’know?”
Bastion nodded and wen’ back to reading over his family's scrolls and getting to learn a little bit more about his nieces and nephews and what they are like. He’d smile hearing Bluey’s occasional giggles while reading over her father’s scroll or giving the occasional awe. “Look at how much of a love-sick fool my dad was for my mom when they were kids. He really was just smitten with her out the gate.”
-Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree considering how you view Percy.-
“I wish. Seems my parents had a lot easier of a time communicating and expressing their feelings despite the fact dad was deaf.”
Bastion shook his head and continued to read. The two sat there for another 15 minutes reading in silence before Bastion’s attention was snapped from his scroll by Bluey’s voice.
“Bastion?” Bastion tilted his head at Bluey hearing a tremble in her voice as she looked up at him. “My dad’s alive.” She said pointing to the page, “He’s a Drifloon! Traveling with Pappy. All this time My dad’s been alive as a ghost! I-I can’t believe it.” She said getting water eyed as she gripped the scroll tighter. Bastion reached out and gripped her shoulder to comfort her before furrowing his brow at the scroll and pointing at the passage at the end of the scroll.
-What’s that say?-
Bluey looked up at him before moving the scroll over so she could read. She then stared at the scroll in complete shock as if she couldn’t believe what she was reading.
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“I have a little sister.”
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eohpmdsteams · 1 year
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they are stupid your honor
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eohpmdsteams · 1 year
*hands you Percy for the kiss meme* have fun!
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Shy kiss was rolled!
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eohpmdsteams · 1 year
Todays random character facts. What do they sound like? Bluey's voice sounds like this! Bastion's voice sounds like this! Tombstone's voice sounds like this! Morte's voice sounds like this!
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eohpmdsteams · 1 year
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got a WIP sneak peak of something I’m working on.
Making some animations with the gang and here is Bluey’s model so far! She’s not uv unwrapped yet (this is needed to properly color and texture her) but soon she will be as well as fully rigged to animate. I’m just very very proud of the model so far and wanted to share!
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eohpmdsteams · 1 year
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Bluey is struggling with that lonely nature of hers which loves to not so kindly remind her of how lonely shes been. And how much lonelier shes been feeling since seeing her mothers ghost and seeing Bastion take Maggot as his own.
Blueys been missing being part of a family and seeing Bastion reunite with his and build his own by adopting the child he found has only made her start to miss it more.
Part of her feels like she doesnt deserve a family again since the gods decided she didnt deserve her first family.
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eohpmdsteams · 1 year
Sooo what characters of yours are open for shipping? And if you're willing to tell, what are their ideal types? For science of course
Currently Bluey, Bastion, and Verde! Tombstone has a gf, Morte is engaged, and Rampart is married. But there will also be future characters on the blog who will join their teams that will also be open for shipping! the crossed-out names are their current crushed but nothing has been set in stone in terms of a relationship outside of friendship developing.
Percy Bluey is looking for a male from the human-like egg group with many qualities similar to her father, Riddle. Those qualities are that they have to be sweet/kind to an extent and HAVE to be family-oriented/ok with kids because Bluey wants kids. She wants a partner who will be a good dad and who isn't afraid to tell his family that he loves them and wants to spend time with them. Bluey's primary love languages are words of affirmation and Quality Time. She wants someone who is ok with affection but doesn't mind if they are not a fan of PDA. Someone who will push her to be her better self and who isn't afraid to challenge her stance a bit when she's being stubborn. She also likes silly little guys and is more likely to be attracted to someone who's a little skinny and scrawny when it comes to body type. She isn't one to be automatically impressed by big rippling muscles.
Bluey. Bastion is looking for someone, be they male or female, who is incredibly affectionate and down for PDA. Bastion is very touched-starved and wants a partner who will hold him and kiss him without making a fuss if it's in public, and he is 100% on board with the idea of them not keeping their hands off of him. Bastion's primary love language is physical touch. He'd like for them to appreciate and notice the little things he does for them or even larger favors he does for them because another of Bastion's love languages is acts of service. He wants a partner who would be considerate enough to do little things here or there without needing to be asked and who would appreciate him doing the same. The biggest hurdle a possible partner will have is getting Maggot to approve of them. Bastion will always choose what's best for Maggot regardless of his own desires.
Verde honestly isn't truly looking for anyone after the death of his wife, Copper. He loved her so much, after all, they had a child together and even a grandchild. And the way she was taken from him wasn't the way either of them wanted that bond to end. For someone to be a good partner for Verde is probably best if they are older. After all, Gramptus is in his late 60's. It would have to be someone who is patient with him and willing to take things slow and ease him into the idea that it is ok to move on. It would also be important that this person has a positive relationship with Bluey. If you treat his Blue Bug poorly he will turn you into his personal pin cushion. Verde's primary love languages are quality time and gift giving. After all, he is old and doesn't know how much longer he's got on this ball of dirt, he'd want someone who'd spend the last of his days in his company and who'd kept all the little things he'd give them to remember him by.
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eohpmdsteams · 1 year
⛈ Bluey?
🌧- For a heavy, emotional secret even tho it's not Monday I'll answer it.
Bluey hides how ugly she feels she is. Even though she is pretty, her scar, her birthmark, and her being the only Pawniard in the history of her town born a weird blue color, skews how she views herself. She struggles to view herself in a positive light. She struggles with seeing herself as desirable and has developed a nasty little brain bug that tells her "You deserved to have your family taken away and will never deserve a new one."
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