#blurred collective picrews
blurred-pride · 2 years
System Picrews + Alter Information
Makowka Character Maker II 
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[ID: A square picture of a picrew of Roman from the Blurred Collective. She is a white, feminine presenting person with freckles across her face and on her neck. She has long, wavy brown hair, that goes down to her shoulders, and then disappears behind her back. On top of her head are light brown lion ears. She has green feline eyes, and a pink face-paint heart under her left eye. She is smiling with her teeth showing, which are pointed into fangs. Roman is wearing a red shirt under a wine colored cape. She is also wearing red teardrop shaped earrings and a black fabric choker with a bow tied in the front. There is a flower crown with green leaves and red, yellow, and white flowers on top of her head. The background of the image is a picture of the transgender flag, which has five stripes in the order of blue, pink, white, and blue, going vertically from top to bottom. Behind Roman is an off-white circle spanning from the tip of her lion ears to her shoulders. It is mostly obscured by her hair. On her right shoulder is a semi-transparent watermark of black text with a white outline. It reads “Makowka Picrew”. End ID.]
I thought maybe having faces and maybe a little information about the names and people that pop up on this blog might be nice for everyone, so here’s mine! I’m Roman, I use she/her/her/hers/herself, he/him/his/his/himself, and mrrrp/mrrp/mrrrps/mrrrps/mrrrpself pronouns. I like disney movies and music, mogai coining, swords, cats, and big cats, among other things. I occasionally need tone tags, and will use tone tags if asked, but I often cannot tell my tone, or forget to use them. /genuine  I currently use the labels bigender, transfeminine, transgender, isogender, and a label I plan on coining and posting here soon, biroyalflux, which is a subset of bigender where both genders are royal in some way, and they fluctuate between each other in amounts. I am demi-biromantic asexual, cupiosexual, queer, gay (for me this means gay as in any attraction I experience is gay, not gay as in homoromantic/homosexual. Technically a version of mspec gay, but I prefer this label instead.), ambiamorous, and romance and sex ambivalent. I am an age regressor as well. My current partners consist of Virgil, Logan, Patton, and Janus, all in my system, and I am unsure on if I will have more or not. Other in-system relationships consist of friends with the Sanders Sides fictives, and a brotherly/sibling relationship with Remus, who is my twin. I am open to making out of system friends.   I am part lion, and am sourced from a Sanders Sides Alternate Universe where everyone has animal traits. This causes me to have lion ears, feline eyes, fangs, retractable claws, and a lion tail, as well as gives me the ability to purr and hiss like a cat would. It also causes me to enjoy things like catnaps, sun spots, and warm blankets. /positive
I may add more or change this a little later, but I wanna coin more things right now and this is getting kinda long, so I’ll end it here, bye!!   - Roman (she/he/mrrrp) ⚔
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Flint Sterling (Cloudwalker Series)
Alright, you can all have a Flint. Let me know what you think of him! :) This is set a fair bit further along in the story (like a year). Word Count: little under 2000.
Warnings: Uh not much, contains biting, abduction/ restraints, a kinda intimate whumper for a few moments and a dirty joke. Yeah, I think that’s it. Avizon is trying to be intimidating but it’s a bit difficult with Flint’s dumbassery.
Picrew for Flint here
Avizon tossed and turned in his sleep. He knew something was amiss. He could feel it, enough to wake him. He dressed quickly and went to find his cloudwalkers, to check on them. He needed to know they were safe. Dyan was still fast asleep when he opened the door, but Ihuka was awake, feathers fluffed up and ready to attack… something. Ihuka snarled at him, but stopped as recognition struck.
Avizon put a finger to his lips, telling him to be quiet. He opened the door wider and let him pass “Search,” he whispered. Ihuka disappeared down the corridors, sniffing the air. Avizon turned to Dyan, who was waking. “Be prepared, I fear there is an intruder. Stay here.”
Avizon closed the door and went after Ihuka, hoping that he was wrong, that there was no one here. For one thing, Avizon should have been able to feel their presence, but it wasn’t as clear as usual. It was blurred, far away, hard to aim at.
Whatever it was, he could only hope it wasn’t dangerous.
Ihuka had heard the great clattering of something in a room, even if it was far away. He wasn’t sure if they had just fallen by themselves, but when his master came to his room, he knew it wasn’t just him that was worried. His feathers were fluffed to make him look bigger, his teeth were bared. “Search.” Had been his master’s order, and so he did, hurrying after the source of the noise to be sure the castle was safe.
He found a man stuffing a sack full of shiny things, expensive things. That wasn’t allowed! They belonged to his master! Ihuka silently flew up to the ceiling of the ball room, using his height to stay hidden until he was directly above the man. Then he swooped down, just as he would for a hunt. He grabbed the man by the arms and lifted him into the air.
He screamed loudly, and in a higher pitch than Ihuka had expected, making him accidentally drop him. He wasn’t far off the ground, so he fell with a thud. “What the fuck are you?” he cried, eyes wide with fear. He scrambled back and tried to get up to run away but Ihuka pounced again landing on his back, pinning him down. “Get off me!” he yelped. “No, no, no! I don’t have time for this- get off me, you oversized pigeon! Back! Sit! Oh, come on!” Ihuka was struggling to hold him, but his master soon appeared to see what he caught.
“Good bird,” he said with a smirk. “Very good bird.”
Ihuka beamed, but he had to focus on the wriggling man. He was strong, but Ihuka wouldn’t let him go.
Avizon watched him for a moment and remarked, “Are you finished, thief?”
The man stopped struggling, panting, and Ihuka slowly relaxed. A mistake. As soon as he did the man used a gush of energy to throw him off.
No, Ihuka was not going to lose him. With a yap, he jumped on him again and bit him on the back of his shoulder.
“Ow!” he yelped. “Ihuka, back!” Avizon ordered calmly. “I doubt he’ll be able to get far now.”
The man groaned and tried to crawl forward, toward the window. Avizon stepped on his back, pushing him down with one foot. "You're either a fool, or incredibly brave to dare come here. I haven't decided which yet," he murmured. Ihuka watched him and tilted his head, licking the blood off his lips. Human blood wasn’t the best. He much preferred the meat from rabbits and deer, even from the cattle his master gave him
“T.that… is rude,” the man slurred, “C.could have at least bought me a drink first...”
Avizon rolled his eyes, “Oh, you’re one of the brave jokers,” he mumbled. "I've made up my mind. You're a fool. Ihuka, go and get the antidote. I want this one alive.” Ihuka frowned, but did so. When he returned with a bottle which he was sure was it if his letters were right, he found his master had tied the stranger up. His hands were behind his back but tied to that his arms were crossed and kept together, his wrists at the opposite elbow. And his ankles were tied to his thighs. 
Avizon picked him up like he were a hay bale and dropped him onto a chaise. He took the bottle from Ihuka, checked it, and praised him. Praise always made him happy, it made him as giddy as the liquorice root he ate. He knelt and waited for Avizon to force the unconscious man to drink it. Ihuka was glad he'd brought a pipette now. It made things a little easier.
"Well then, now our guest isn't dying, I fully intend to go back to sleep. Go back to bed, Ihuka, it's safe now. You did very well, I am proud of you. You've earned a reward tomorrow."
"Thank you, master," he peeped.
Avizon watched Ihuka leave and then turned his attention back to the thief. He was a pretty thing, he had to admit. With lush red hair and emerald green eyes that had stared so wildly at him. The white line of face paint beneath his eyes seemed to pull even more attention to them. He smirked, he wasn’t used to thieves being so bonnie-faced.
Avizon was able to see, now that he was still, that he had a small part of the top of his left ear missing as if it had been bitten or cut perhaps. That didn't stop him from wearing an earring in his ear lobe. Perhaps a piercing had been the cause of the injury. He had a scar on his freckle-covered cheek and small shaved lines in his eyebrow.
Speaking of injuries, he would have to treat the wound Ihuka had left. He went to collect some salves and turned the thief onto his side. He rolled his shirt up to apply it. He paused seeing a tattoo, and not just any. This was a magic tattoo, a rune of protection, invisibility. No wonder he'd struggled to locate him. To most magic users he'd have been untraceable, but he was more powerful. Still, this was an ancient rune. He hadn't seen this for a very long time. "The Northern Mountains… you are a very long way from home, thief," he mumbled.
The wound was small, and with the salve, it soon stopped the bleeding, acting almost like a seal. It would do. He wanted him alive, but that didn't mean he particularly cared about him. As long as the venom didn't kill him that would be enough.
So Avizon used his powers to lift him and carried him downstairs to the old dungeons. They'd been empty for a long time, but it seemed they still had their uses. He put the thief in a cleaner cell, leaving him on the old stale bed and untied his legs before leaving, locking the door behind him. He heard the thief groan, but he paid it no attention. He was going back to bed.
Avizon woke early but he felt rested enough to go downstairs, check on his birds and serve them their breakfast. He ate his own meal and only then did he go to the dungeons.
It seemed he'd timed it well; the thief was only just starting to wake up.
"Ow…" he mumbled, still half asleep. "Shoulders… what…" "Wake up, thief," he called impatiently. The man yelped in alarm and tried to turn over, succeeding in falling off the bed with a painful thunk. "Ow…"
Avizon couldn't suppress a smirk. He watched the man turn onto his back and strain to sit up. He paused, seeing him standing there.
"Um… hello?" he gulped. "Don't suppose you feel like untying me? Not the most comfortable thing in the world."
"And why should I untie the man who tried to steal from me?" Avizon raised an eyebrow. "Do you even know where you are? Who I am?" The thief stood up with difficulty. "You don't have wings like those other things so I'll wager you're human- and very good at tying knots," he grunted trying to wiggle out of the bindings.
"Those 'things' happen to be cloudwalkers, and they deserve the respect of a human. Then again, you are from the Northern Mountains. Cloudwalkers aren't native to that land," he grumbled.
"H.How did you know that?" he gulped. "Your tattoo." "My… oh. Right. Magic people tend to know about magic things…"
Avizon struggled to hide his smile. It was strange seeing someone so naive near him. He appreciated the change, but this man needed to know who he was dealing with. He needed to fear him as everyone else did. He wasn’t used to talking to anyone any differently.
"An astounding deduction. What's your name, thief?"
"Ma always taught me not to share my name with people who could kill me, sorry," he answered warily. "Even if I untied you?" Avizon raised an eyebrow. He thought for a minute. "That's… fair."
Avizon opened the cell door, watching as the man stuck his chest up, raising his chin.
He grabbed him by the arm and turned him around, pinning him against the wall with a hand on the back of his neck. “Steady on!” he exclaimed, but Avizon ignored him. He kept his focus on the knots, unpicking them and unravelling some of the rope but not all of it. “Well?” Avizon said. “The name’s Flint Stirling, I’d call myself a master thief, but I’d feel a bit stupid considering you’ve caught me… Who are you then?”
Avizon smirked. He grabbed the two ends of the rope and pulled them tight in one hand, while the other reached around, grabbing Flint by the neck and jaw, pulling his head up close to his. Flint froze, but Avizon could practically hear him thinking, planning, scheming.
Avizon leaned in close to his ear, “I believe in the north they call this castle the Palace of Everblood, the place where the rivers flow red...” Avizon felt the man stiffen in his grip, felt him try to get his arms free, and he couldn’t help but get some satisfaction out of it. He felt him gulp in his hand. The bottled up panic.
He leaned in a little closer. “Ah, familiar with the name? I wonder what stories made it so far north.” Flint shuddered in his grip. “I am Avizon the Terrible, killer of Royals, destroyer of Kingdoms. And you had the gall to try to steal from me.” Flint gulped, “How silly of me,” he murmured, his breath hitching. Avizon saw him grit his teeth. “That a knife in your pocket or are you enjoying yourself, Mr Terrible?”
Avizon was unable to hold back a splutter. He had not expected for him to say that. Avizon couldn’t lie, he enjoyed holding him, having that control, but it had been becoming too intimate and now far too awkward. He shoved him away in disgust.
“It was liquorice root, thank you very much,“ he retorted. He couldn’t quite find his words. This one had courage, that was for sure. “This time, I will let you go free. Let it be known, Flint, that no unspeakable amount of money is worth even a drop of life. Don’t waste yours.”
He stepped back and allowed Flint to wiggle out of the rest of the ropes and cautiously walked past him to the door. “Tell me,” Avizon said, unable to resist the question. “What did you plan to steal from me last night?”
Flint hesitated at the doorway. “Anything I could get my hands on… Let’s just say I’m in a lot of… debt.”
Avizon inclined his head. “You might find work in the village.” Avizon hoped he took the hint that he wasn’t welcome to stay here. “Is there nothing I can do for you here? Please, there has to be something. I’m desperate-”
Avizon shook his head. “Go. Out the door, up the stairs and then left. Be grateful you’re leaving with your life.” Flint’s posture deflated. “Yeah… lucky me.”
Avizon frowned, but decided against arguing with him. He let him leave and assumed that would be the last he'd see of him. He sighed to himself. He was getting too soft.
So yeah, lemme know what you think of the boyfriend to be XD
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Hello, my name is Fred Crowe, and I am Idan’s messenger raven.
Because I carry messages for Idan, I have traversed many different parts of the system and met a lot of cool people we haven’t even gotten in touch with, so I probably came into the Collective Consciousness to help ease us into system discovery stuff. 
Or I just happened to show up cause we got blurry yesterday. Which is cool, fine, and totally dandy too. 
Some interesting fun things you might want to know about me are:
- I am from the Garden House (subsystem).
- My pronouns are he/they (trying out the they/them part currently) 
- I have the second worst posture after Agony (it’s probably a raven thing)
- My best friend is Chris who I also first fronted with (he’ll introduce himself in a minute)
- Although I am fully a raven, I can also shift fully into a human form which I’ll include a picrew I did with Agony and Idan’s help for!
*Transition Time*
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[Image description: Stock photo of a raven perched on a dead branch. End ID]
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[Image description: Picrew of Fred Crowe’s human form which depicts a pale boy with shoulder length spiky dark hair, with an upper undercut moving their hair to the right and purple hairclips throughout pushing it back. He has thick eyeliner around large yellow eyes, with purple makeup creating a drip effect underneath them. They wear a checkered shirt with a mesh top under a spiky black jacket, with purple earbuds in pointed ears, holding out a live taser on the left. Multiple pairs of black raven wings come out of their head, neck, and shoulders with a blurred black and white heart background behind him. End ID]
Picrew link: https://picrew.me/share?cd=Jceqh8RMAZ
-Anyway, Crowe out!
(Don’t feel afraid to say hi, I don’t peck!) 
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
'Captured': New chapter for "Redemption in a Spirit in a Cold War" is out!
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"I hope that you're not afraid of the dark, Grigoriev, you will get used to it!""
Chapter Summary: The mission with the SAS took a horrible turn when Yirina & Zasha got captured after the train crash and things aren't going to help them...
Link of the Picrew here!
To read it on AO3, click here!
Words : +3200
Taglist : @snowgoldwaylon , @clxudtea , @efingart
I tried to understand what happened in my mind but it all came so quickly that I wasn't able to process everything, the crash into the train, me trying to see if Zasha was okay...before getting knocked out by...Sarah...Sarah...her...she was kidnapped by Perseus and I saw her dressing in Stone's outfit...why? I couldn't understand and know why but they didn't let me breathe one second more, getting dragged over the floor and briefly seeing Zasha also getting taken over, her & some soldiers taking us away from the crash scene. My mouth wanted to open to scream, to call for help but it was hopeless, only whispering about it as my body was giving in, and what they injected me to take over and caused me to close my eyes...
Suddenly, I found myself back in my old apartment but instead of being on a couch or that seat, trying to relax, I was looking a bit running around to prepare things in the living room. The outfit I was wearing was my KGB uniform with the vest off along with the tie, keeping the green kaki buttoned shirt with a button away at the top of it while the pants were looking crumpled than in perfect, the black shoes not-so shiny but the most important here was the thing I was preparing than my own clothes.
I was moving between the living room and the kitchen, going to prepare the table and I only took 2 plates with two sets of covers, meaning that I was having a close dinner tonight by looking at the tile outside the windows of the kitchen and the living room. Right now, the only thing that I was unsure of...was about myself, mixed between been excited...or scared of the person's reaction that will come...must be very important if I'm like that, can't be like this if it's with friends...
While I was making another entrance in the kitchen, grabbing two glasses inside the kitchen drawer above the sink, I almost jump scared with the glasses in my both hands when I start to hear the phone in the living room ringing, causing me to come back inside the living room and putting the glasses on the table before going to grab the phone, picking it up in a fast motion, at a few seconds of the last ring.
"Yes?" I started, picking up the phone in my left hand.
"It's Zasha, your friend," The voice said, recognizing Zasha's perfect voice through the phone and it gave me a little smile in fact.
"Oh hey, Zed, how it's going?" I asked them with curiosity as I do.
"All fine, all fine," They replied with a good voice. "You're sounding a bit anxious in your voice, Yirina," They remarked, having used on my side the anxiety I was having right now.
"Yeah, I'm...dealing with something important here," I told them, taking a look at the front door of my apartment as if someone could knock at any moment. "A birthday," I chuckled.
"Oh?" I heard Zasha gasp through the phone, surprised by that.
"Freya's birthday," I clarified, moving the phone to hold it between my right ear and on the top of my right shoulder as I passed my hand over the dress the phone is, removing the dust on it.
"It's her birthday, today?" They whispered in a curious voice.
"Yes, the 29th of February and honestly, it's strange to organize something like that," I confessed, feeling the unneeded stress of the situation inside of me. "It's the first time doing that,"
"Always, she's not here for her birthday, away from me or it's Perseus himself doing it," I explained, taking the phone back into my hand, my eyes staying on the door. "And I'm telling you, Perseus ain't the best at organizing parties," I added with a funny tone to maybe destress a little.
"I'm sure of that, Yirina," They scoffed as if they knew how it was doing with Perseus. "So, like today, you're celebrating her birthday..." They muttered, their voice a bit
"Of course, for the only time she's here with not Perseus around us," I affirmed, smiling about it before something about Zasha's voice came to me in my head. "You...you needed me for something?" I demanded.
"Well...Uhm...I was planning if you wanted to get with me, Dedov & Portnova out of town, you know but as I heard, you have a birthday to do," They revealed to me, suddenly feeling bad for them.
"I'm sorry, Zasha, if I knew," I apologized to them about it but neither of us couldn't know of each other plans for the day.
"No, I should have known that," They said, sounding to take the blame on them but in fact, none of us should take it. "You don't have to apologize and...yeah, if you got the chance to be with Freya for her birthday, do it then," They exclaimed, sounding better in their voice, making me smile a little.
"If you want, we can do that another day," I proposed.
"As you wish," They told me before my door start to make some noises, meaning that someone was knocking on it.
"I think she's here, Zed," I supposed, my left hand getting away from the dresser to redress normally. "Listen, I have to go now, we'll talk later, okay?"
"Ok, I hope you'll have a good night, Yirina, bye," They declared.
"Bye, Zed," I breathed before I hang up the phone, taking a deep breath to get to the door but then, I stopped as if I forgot something. "Wait, two minutes," I ordered, going back on my track and going inside my bedroom.
I stepped inside of my bedroom and I went directly to kneel at the right side of my bed, my hands going under it to grab a present that was like a medium-sized box, sliding it to get it out of the bed, taking it with me out of the room before I put it on the small table in front of the couch, taking another deep breath, seconds before I joined up my front door, unlocking it and opening slowly to perceive Freya in front of me, civilians clothes &...wow...
"Wow..." I literally expressed my surprise when I saw Freya with a different haircut than before: a sort of mohawk one with no hair on the sides, all on the top as she got a braid behind her. "That's...you're looking cute," I said, almost speechless at her sight.
"Thanks," She blushed at my remark, passing her hand through her face to hide it. "So..." She started to look behind me.
"Wait, close your eyes," I demanded.
"You've got a surprise for me?" She asked even if she comply with my demand and close her eyes on her own before I took her softly by the arms.
"I did my best about everything so it's maybe not perfect," I commented, guiding her towards the couch and she was letting herself be guided away by me. "Here, sit," I whispered, putting her down on the couch.
"It's good, now?" She questioned me, keeping her eyes close as I move on the other side of the table, standing up.
"Open your eyes, it's okay," I told her and in a second, she got her eyes looking at me, standing up in front of her before she got them down on the table, seeing the present.
"That's for me?" She breathed, her mouth slightly opened, pointing at the present with her left hand.
"Go on, open it up," I suggested, gesturing towards the box before she got her hands on it, taking it over her lap as I was feeling a bit unsure of what I got in here for Freya, was she going to like it or not?
"Well, well, well, that's interesting," She proclaimed, taking out of the box a knife looking silver-plated, very shiny with a black whip. "Hunting knife?" She presumed.
"I know that you loved hunting with a shotgun as Perseus learned to us so...here's for you," I explained, scratching the back of my head, wondering to myself why did I offer a knife for a birthday...
"That's perfect, Yiri," She smiled at me, looking closely at the knife as she could see her reflection on the blade. "It's a great gift," She added to it, putting it down on the small table before her eyes went back inside the box. "What's this?" She muttered, grabbing something in her hands: a piece of paper... "To this day, Freya Helvig has been reinstated to..." She stopped herself, looking at me in shock and keeping the paper in her hands. "You...what did you do?"
"4 years ago, the NIS brandished you as a traitor to Norway and you didn't take it well," I started, trying to explain myself while having her eyes on me. "You're a patriot, Freya, you're...you're not doing all of this for the Collective but because you might think that Scandinavia can be hit in case of a war...and also because of me," I continued, joining my hands together as I go to sit next to her. "Thanks to Perseus & some contacts, we...managed to clear your records in the NIS and they're willing to take you back," I finished.
"You...you want me to...go back to the NIS?" She whispered, showing me the paper tells that her actions against the NIS were forgiven. "After...after what happened?"
"It's stupid, I know but...it can maybe allow you to...not getting involved so much in..." I was trying to say before she interrupted me by cuddling me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders.
"Thank you," She thanked me, giving me a kiss on the cheek as a surprise was the word that could describe my state right now. "Thank you," She repeated in a good & broken voice, reinforcing her softly hold on me, making me smile again before I decide to hug her too...
"Hey, watch out, we need her alive!" Suddenly, I was feeling extirpated from that dream with Freya as a muffled voice spoke up, my mind slowly awakening but my body wasn't following the same mood, my eyes' vision all blurred but I could only perceive that I was still on a wet dirty ground, the back of my head on it. I wanted to speak but I was so weak that no sound could go out for the moment before I start to get dragged on the ground. "I told you to get cautious, damn it," The voice repeated again.
"Not my fault if she and Krypto are fucking sleeping beauties," Another voice called the first one, sounding more like a man one and supposedly, one of the people dragging me as I could feel a hold on my left hand going away from me.
"Ain't my fault if you're the one who gives them the dose, Bellamy," Another man's voice stepped in, sounding with a german accent, holding me by my right hand as I couldn't react and move freely as if I was paralyzed. "They're going to be knock out for the night,"
"Knocked out? Really?" The first voice, getting clear for me, said to the second guy as I could see Sarah without a mask, still dressed in Stone's clothes going next to me. "She got her eyes opened, she's awakening," She stated.
"And Krypto?" The first man...Bellamy...asked, resuming to put his hands around my left wrist.
"Looks like they're still sleeping," A third man replied, my eyes trying to find him around and briefly seeing him inside a blue van...someone...Zasha laid down on the floor of it. "What should we do now?"
"What do you think, Lukas?" Bellamy sighed, reinforcing his hold on me to make sure that he was controlling me. "We got the two to their cells underground and we see what to do," He told them before his head turned around to look at the other man near me. "Come on, Beck, must be much easier than playing with explosives, isn't it?"
"Shut up, Bellamy, ain't funny," This Beck...this Ingo Beck sniffed before he complied, feeling my body moving away from the spot I awake as the two were dragging me inside a building...
My eyes were still slowly recovering, my vision blurred along the way and I couldn't identify anything that could help me to know where I am but...it was...for me...looking like a sort of warehouse but I couldn't really say a concrete thought, my state becoming a priority for me, the feeling of having fucked up and got me & Zasha captured...the others killed...by Perseus. I should cry but even here, my body was too weak, my state was in the same shape that even crying was impossible.
I tried to focus, thinking about things that could help me but it was hard, my face was hurting me, feeling some bruises & cut because of the train crash, my chest was in a big pain along with my face and it got worse when my body starts to go down some stairs, sometimes hearing this Beck arguing with Bellamy to be soft with me instead of going down like an asshole as he stated, should find it funny...but here...my situation...nothing was funny, I fucked up...Park wasn't here to save me...we're in an unknown place...
The two continued to drag me away until one of them open up a metal door, revealing a room whose walls were losing their paint, the place looking so old that the building could crash down on us, the ground not cleaned up...with dried up blood on the right corner of the room. Other than that, there was nothing in the room about comfort: no windows, no bed, no sink...nothing. An old light above the ceiling was in bad shape according to the building and it's in the middle of the room that the two dropped me.
"Your new place to live, Grigoriev," I hear Bellamy talk to me after he released me, my back against the ground, looking up at the ceiling and avoiding the light as I try to cover my eyes from it with my hand only with a slower pace. "See, they'll be sleeping the night," He scoffed, looking at Beck and taking back his words.
"Hey, I'm not into that drug bullshit, you do," Beck protested, turning around to look at Bellamy. "I was just presuming," He added.
"Like you were before your accident years ago?" Bellamy told him, crossing his arms at him as my eyes start to have better sight and a better view of the two. Beck...he was having a black leather jacket and some glasses while Bellamy...he was having a tactical military outfit still on him, the two facing each other without a word before Beck got his eyes away from him. "You can leave now," He ordered.
"What about her?" Beck demanded.
"Let me with her, Sarah & Lukas will be busy to get Zasha up, you should join them if you want," He ordered in a clear voice, his eyes staying on Beck as he gestured at him with his head to get outside.
"As you want," Beck sighed, taking a look at me and seeing me like this, not having an expression on his face before he walked away from the cell, keeping the cell's door open.
"Grigoriev, Grigoriev, Grigoriev," Bellamy turned his body to look at me, repeating my name three times as I was trying to gather a few of my strength to redress myself away from the middle of the room. "What the odds for us that you'll be the one to take the bait," He announced, slowly moving my hands on the ground to get my back off the ground.
"Fuck...you..." It was the first words I could say, sounding low in my voice, taking some deep breaths to stay up & better. "Bellamy, just...go fuck yourself," I repeated, my head looking down, seeing the state of the blue uniform I was still wearing, some cuts on the sleeves and on the legs part.
"Not the best thought & words to have now," He stated as he walk next to me, not removing his eyes from me, managing during that to get my back against the wall, sitting against it on the ground. "You're not in the position to say to me go fuck myself," He added, kneeling next to me on one knee.
"What should I....should I say?" I said, looking up at him, my hands on the side of my legs, my eyes narrowing slowly as if the envy of sleeping was going to take over me. "You tried to kill my friend...ain't going to be nice with you," I reminded him, remembering the day he tried to kill Portnova at the university.
"I didn't know that she was alive but now, not only her but also Krypto themselves," Bellamy pointed out at this detail before I could hear a scream outside the cell...a loud scream that send me chills inside my body...
"STOP...LET ME GO!" That's what I heard...Zasha's voice...screaming..."STOP...YIRI..." It continued before I hear a door getting hardly slammed, cutting the screams...
"Zasha..." I whispered, getting stress flowing inside of me and trying to move away before Bellamy put his hand over my chest, stopping me to try to move.
"Heard that?" He scoffed, keeping a smile on his face. "Ain't that our Krypto screaming for their girlfriend?" He supposed, looking ready to laugh at my face about it. "Stupid, pathetic...fucking Krypto," He added before with some of my strength, I managed to gather some blood that I was still having in my mouth to spit it right on his face, hitting him right between the eyes & the nose. "FUCK!"
"Ain't that...funny...you son of a bitch," I cursed, looking at him going up from his spot to get in the middle of the room, cleaning up the blood on his face with his hands.
"You bitch, you're just a bitch," He yelled at me, turning his head at me as he clenches his fists, ready to land a punch at me, seeing his fingers getting ready before he stops clenching them. "No...ain't going to hit little shit like you," He declared, starting to walk away from me to reach the door. "And besides, we all going to have some fun to torture you & Zasha during the following days, I'm not going to break the other's pleasure," He announced as he got out of the room, keeping his eyes on me as the light inside the cell goes off, only seeing him with the light of the hallway behind him, me staying at my spot. "I hope you're not afraid of the dark, Grigoriev, you'll be used to it," He proclaimed before he shut down the door, finding himself in the complete darkness.
I could move in the room but no light could guide me here, nothing could show me the way, there was no bed in here and the floor...is supposed to be my bed...I should...I should not...I'm scared...I fucked up and now, I'm in a cell, wearing a badly shaped SAS uniform, my body exhausted and wanting to scream its pain away as I manage to lay down on my side on the ground, trying to think of something positive: good moments, Zasha, Portnova, Park...shit...I fucked up...it's because of me we're here now...I feel so bad...Park...I'm sorry...
I fucked up...Park...I'm fucking stupid...Help me...Help us...
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