the-witness-sys · 11 months
okay i kinda feel like this alter but with a different age. so are they an age slider or am i just a completely different guy
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banesberry-anomoly · 1 month
Transferred all my images on our phone to an SD card and now all the metadata for the dates attached to everything is fucked up and I cant fucking figure out how to either reverse it or find the original creation dates of the files to resort and its pissing me the fuck off cause I kept track of certain things esp attached to some of the art and I dont wanna have to backtrack and search my blog of like 8 diff places on disc to find the original fucking date I made/downloaded/whatever the images
Gonna fucking break something I SWEAR TO GODS why the fuck did it even do this
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godgavemenoname · 5 months
I just want all doctors, nurses, and anyone who works adjacent to them to stop and reflect when they find themselves bitching and moaning about how patients are so mean to them. They should consider if those patients are just responding to their own cruelty, which they do not perceive as cruelty in themselves because they think that it's justified when patients are inconvenient or ~unrespectable~ marginalized people.
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atypi-cals · 10 months
agh our old, extremely transmasc host booked us an appointment with our gender Dr last night. sometimes the push you need is an incredibly dysphoric 14 y/o fed up with your avoidant shit ig
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I loveeee seeing Achlys and Valac say the grossest shit to each other, try killing each other, and send each other death threats.
Because EVERY SINGLE TIME they act like nothing happened after and are best friends.
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v01c3s-mp3 · 2 years
More like no
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liminal-reblogs · 3 years
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there is a glitch. where when i hover over the like button fast enough, or click it and dont hover back over it, the little tag stays there when i scroll down. he has returned to haunt me
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the-witness-sys · 11 months
oh boy the host does not talk like that but i don't really feel like trying to figure out who i am right now
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banesberry-anomoly · 8 months
i just wanted to say sorry for what I did not for forgiveness - haze ( also please don't post this )
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Go away :)
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godgavemenoname · 2 months
tbh it's fucking bleak that the only posts i see on here about moral or harm ocd that aren't essentially demonizing it as just an excuse to dodge accountability are self-deprecating jokes. absolutely none of them are funny to me. like I am genuinely glad your ocd tells you things that you can turn into jokes on the internet for clout. mine does not. most people's ocd does not. if your obsessions arent actually seriously disturbing then good for you, believe me I would never wish my life on you or anyone, but maybe think about how it feels for the majority of us when theres an expectation that we laugh about it, and an assumption that we're panicking over stupid chronically online bullshit instead of a deeply traumatic living nightmare 🤡
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godgavemenoname · 3 months
the most annoying part about DID is knowing that previous alters had some cool and useful skills that none of us current fronters remotely possess
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the-witness-sys · 1 year
kind of glad we're not an introject-heavy system, with the way fakeclaimers treat them ....
the brain, holding a bucket full of fictive fragments: :)
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the-witness-sys · 1 year
am i acting like rain because i am rain, or am i acting like them because she's the host and my default is to mask as them? who knows
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godgavemenoname · 4 months
to me, fuckhead male splatterpunk authors who base their stories off real rape/torture/murder cases (always ~coincidentally~ of either actual little girls or conventionally attractive young women btw!) and women who do their makeup to those same stories are the same genre of person:
the kind that i think i, and every other rape and torture and attempted murder survivor, should legally be allowed to maul with my hands and teeth like a dog.
i hope each and every one of them go to hell when they die and experience every bit of other people's trauma they ever exploited, down to the last detail. i hope they experience mine, too, just for making me see this shit after spending all day crying about these exact traumas.
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godgavemenoname · 4 months
I think I can get back into star trek... I think I'm ready...!!!
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godgavemenoname · 1 year
slow painful death upon all misogynist white men who live for literally nothing but the joy of using their power to hurt others.
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