#bo burnham discography
boburnhamhistorian · 1 year
Hi, everyone!
Ever wonder why there isn't a Make Happy CD available on streaming? Or do you think you've listened to/watched all of Bo's songs and want to see if you might have missed anything?
Well I have the perfect primer for you!
I've broken down Bo's entire discography, starting with Bo Fo Sho and going all the way to Inside Deluxe!
I've also included a section about Bo's rare songs (like his collabs with T.J. Miller) and those he's performed but has never officially recorded.
Here's a goodie that you should definitely listen to if you're a new fan: Oh My God.
It's basically a mix of Channel 5 News with From God's Perspective, and it features some of his most insightful lyrics—"my real collection plate is an empty cup held by a homeless guy" 🥺
As I said in the primer, this song has a semi-official recording thanks to Bo performing it at Just For Laughs in 2011, which you can listen to here.
Enjoy the primer, and stay tuned for more fun!✌🏼
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dykeseesgod · 7 months
if you see me adding some cringe ass shit to my playlist dont say anything im just regressing to a primitive state
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scary-ivy · 2 years
Maybe I should have tried to see Elvis Costello on our birthday....idk I love myself too much to do that. He was playing on his birthday tho I guess he's old+doesn't care. I did a Beatles radio show on my birthday so I'm one to talk. But I draw the line at driving for hours to hear misogynistic standup on my birthday. Still going to a concert just not on my birthday.
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hey hi just wanted to come on here and say that dazai's fav music artists would most definitely be bo burnham and conan gray
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oneinchfrog · 1 year
hermie unworthy playlist? here you go (pulls up bo burnham discography)
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lovelylotusf1 · 4 months
9 albums that are a peek inside my brain
Tagged by @wisteriagoesvroom, thank you my lovely friend🫶
(Beware, my music taste is ... something. idk either)
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From left to right, top to bottom:
Spirit Phone, Lemon Demon
Nature Tapes, Lemon Demon
Micro Songs 2 (or rather the whole discography), Justan Oval
Micropop, Jack Stauber
Big Dumb Idiot, Tom Cardy
Artificial Intelligence, Tom Cardy
Inside (Deluxe), Bo Burnham
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - The Themes, Arcade Player (this is symbolic for all the Pokemon Themes & Remixes I listen to)
Dreamers, Charles Leclerc & Sofiane Pamart (representing my obsession with piano in general)
I know that sharing your music taste isn't always the easiest thing to do (it certainly was hard for me), so I won't tag any more people. But if you see this and want to share some albums then feel tagged!!
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storm-and-starlight · 2 months
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Top Nine No Skip Albums (as tagged by @heronfem), organized in favorite album order! I just straight up don't listen to music by album (and am also truly ridiculously picky about stuff) so this was. a lot harder than I was expecting! (this isn't so much "top nine no-skip albums" as "literally the only nine albums I can think of that I don't skip any songs on" lmao)
Tagging anyone else who'd like to do this, just tag me back so I can see!
How to Train Your Dragon OST by John Powell HTTYD my best beloved. I watched this movie when I was seven years old, got Test Drive stuck in my head and Forbidden Friendship stuck in my heart and haven't gotten either of them out since. I know it's not teeeeeeechnically an album, but I love it anyways and it holds an incredibly special place in my heart. Favorite song: Forbidden Friendship
Save Rock and Roll by Fall Out Boy The yearning... the yearning. Something about the nostalgia and the ache and the... the everything about this album sank into me. Alone Together is the song that got me to actually start listening to Fall Out Boy's entire discography, and we all know how that went. Favorite Song: Alone Together
Love Run by The Amazing Devil I just. I love this album so much, with all its motifs and melodies and intertwining songs. It's chaotic and beautiful and I will never get over how every single song but the last is about love going wrong in some way and yet the chorus of the very last song is love's worth running to. Favorite Song: Love Run (Reprise)
Vices & Virtues by Panic! at the Disco A collection of Absolute Bops and also The Yearning (Panic! version) and it's just. It's fun! The music clicks exactly with my brain in both a melodic and emotional sense, and that is extremely rare for an entire album to pull off. Favorite Song: This one's from the bonus songs that I think you can only find nowadays on Youtube, but it's Stall Me!
Masterharper of Pern by Tania Opland So this is a published CD of filk music based off the songs and poetry from the Dragonriders of Pern books, and. look. I like medieval-inspired folk. That's what this is. It's also about a book series that was extremely formative for my love of dragons, so just like. It's good. I like it. Favorite Song: Star Stone
Inside by Bo Burnham Every single song on this album is simultaneously an Absolute Banger and an Absolute Mood (which is everything Bo Burnham writes, really, but this one especially). That Funny Feeling is the best example of what it's like to be alive when it feels like the world is collapsing down around you that I've ever found. Favorite Song: That Funny Feeling
Ola Gjeilo by Ola Gjeilo Ola Gjeilo is probably my all-time favorite choral composer -- he does such fun things with harmony without being boring like some people (*cough* Whitacre *cough*) can be. Favorite Song: The Lake Isle
PTX, Vol. III by Pentatonix I went through a massive PTX phase in middle school (I was a preteen choir kid, what were you expecting), and this is one of the albums that stuck around. Favorite Song: Rather Be
Artificial Intelligence by Tom Cardy Every single song this man has ever produced is absolutely fucking flawless and I have nothing else to say. Favorite Song: Read Between the Lines
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music4afilm · 5 months
dudee what happened to all of bo burnham's discography !!!! this happened 2 years ago too :(((
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indominusregina · 2 years
Tag meme!
Shuffle your library and list 10 songs and tag 10 people
I was tagged by @shiny-good-rock and I meant to do this on my computer but I completely forgot because it wasn’t right in front of me so here goes on mobile! Also this is from my liked songs on Spotify which doesn’t include much of what I’ve been listening to lately because that’s been just the Amazing Devil discography
1. On my Way by Phil Collins Listen I really love Brother Bear and also Phil Collins
2. Glorious (ft. Skylar Grey) by Macklemore it’s a vibe
3. I’ve Been Waiting by Lil Peep, ILOVEMAKONNEN, and Fall Out Boy this is because I’m a slut for FOB
4. RAIN by Ben Platt he’s queer, I’m queer, it slaps
5. No Roots by Alice Merton the bass line in this one is just 🤌 but she does use the G slur so I’m not sure how I feel about it
6. Space girl by Frances Forever I am not immune to tiktok songs
7. Biden by Bo Burnham bc this is my mood for the next election. Again.
8. Save Rock and Roll by Fall Out Boy (ft. Elton John) as I said, I’m a slut for FOB
9. Ticking Bomb by Aloe Blacc shockingly good recommendation from my coworker. Not shocking that it’s good, just shocking that he had decent taste.
10. That’s What I’ll Be by ChesterSee I cry almost every time I listen to this song but it’s my best friend song
And also anyone else who wants to do this because again, mobile.
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ragnarachael · 1 year
I also fell out with Paramore for a while. Started listening again during the "After Laughter" era. Stopped listening as much after I graduated high school. Started again last year when they released "This Is Why," the song, not the album. Now they're on a lot of my playlists again. If you want I could recommend some new songs of theirs.
It's really rad that you got to see Ethan's show! How was it? ~🥰
i was just thinking of doing a relisten of their entire discography! that way i can curate a playlist with all my faves and just shove it on shuffle. but i wouldn't complain if you shot me a list!
and it was FANTASTIC. it's been a year now, and i very obviously have so much going on in my life currently that i don't even remember this morning, BUT. i do recall enjoying it a tremendous amount. it was very bo burnham-eqsue while still being ethan himself. i would love to see him live again if he did another live show. i just hate that people posted spoilers constantly after he begged and begged for people not to.
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gogtopia · 1 year
just saw a greg heffley kinnie playlist with half of lovejoy’s discography on it and also steven universe, dear evan hansen, lemon demon, and multiple songs from bo burnham’s inside
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i wish bo burnhams entire discography and all his specials would blow up and be wiped from existence
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omohole · 6 months
expectations vs reality when it comes to having specific character introjects are hilarious dude.
"oh yea we have a wolfwood introject, he enforces three meals a day and bedtime by 9pm. his taste in music is poor man's poison, tom cardy, and fucking bo burnham. hes incredibly kind and has helped us get through really tough days without getting hurt. hes great"
still caught up on the bo burnham though if im being honest. he keeps looping the entire discography.
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bitch-pontification · 11 months
bo burnham, normans, and white guy whimsy
after having revisited another one of his songs today, the fire has been rekindled and i have once again been compelled to bitch and whine on the internet about shit that doesnt matter
so i was watching a video about old growth forests when I noticed all of the interviewees were fifty-something-year-old-white guys. not that i have anything against the titular everyman, ofc. the vast majority of professionals in almost every field are said white guys who began their careers in the 80s and 90s.
and of course, neurons fired and i was remined of bo burnhams 1985.
a song about the favorable socioeconomic conditions that allowed white dudes in the 80s get ahead where other demographics faced (and still face to this day) a litany of systemic hurdles
but then i see bitches all up in the comments thinking the song is about dads??????? and not even a minority, ALL OF THE COMMENTS ARE BITCHES TALKING ABOUT THEY FATHERS
like ????????????hello?
im sorry(im not), how fucking media illiterate can you be
takes like these plague the rest of inside's discography as well, and it makes me feel like im fucking crazy.
every single song has its meaning completely ignored by its primary consumers. it kinda scares me a bit actually, especially when burnhams work is so transparently a social commentary . what hope do we have if the majority of people consume content this way, especially as the content we consume becomes our only window into the wider world.
(of course extrapolating the general cultural consensus on a work from youtube comments, even ones at the top of the list, isnt exactly a rigorous form of assesment. but wtf, yknow.)
tiktokification is upon us,
stay safe out there
og thought :
"throughout tonights whole ordeal, "look whos inside again" has been playing on loop. i thought itd be funny in a kind of ridiculous/pitiful way to die listening to fucking inside. in fact, its still looping as i type this here foundation of my yas queen girlboss manifesto"
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milfmacbeth · 2 years
would you also like to share top ten (or however many) songs that have rewired the good ol brain chemistry~?
(in reference to this post)
i tried to keep this short (lol) but here’s a list of songs roughly in order of how insane they make me
bo burnham - all eyes on me
this is the undisputed number one. this song gave me an existential crisis. this song gave me a hug. this song stabbed me in the gut and then gave me a kiss on the forehead. this song gently cradled my face and told me there’s nothing left to save. you’d think that after the billionth time hearing: you say the ocean’s rising, like i give a shit. you say the whole world’s ending, honey, it already did. you’re not gonna slow it, heaven knows you tried. got it? good. now get inside would lose its impact but i feel like i need to go lie down on the floor and remember how to be a person every time i listen to it, which is often.
(i thought ‘can’t handle this’ fucked me up, and it did. ‘all eyes on me’ is ‘can’t handle this’ but more)
the mountain goats - no children
goddddd. the rage. the love. the ‘fuck everyone who isn’t us’. the ‘i will drag you to hell with me because i can’t bear to let go of your hand’. this song violently pulled me off all my hinges. (not to mention it’s the sexiest character dynamic which places no children on like half of my playlists.)
the amazing devil
literally all of their discography. all of it. 
the quiet misery of it’s daylight again and you look like i’ve failed you, the defiance in the face of everything of i promise you i’m not broken, the power of our voices collide with each howl of the tide singing all hell and its fire waits for us, the feral whispered rip my rib cage open and devour what’s truly yours, the tired rage of and i walk, knowing every last one of them is painted in light as i make myself acquainted with the saint of never getting it right, the just @ me next time of all my steps too far keep telling me “this is who you are”. i should go home. i’m not lonely, i just like being on my own 
they’re so poetic and wild and real and i am so bisexual about them
pim stones - we have it all
we have it all is this haunting melody about selling your soul to the devil and regretting it and it is one of like 2 songs pim stones has released and i would kill for pim stones to release an entire album
slipknot - snuff
i’m not as big of a metalhead as i used to be but slipknot remains a top favourite. slipknot doesn’t do bad albums but ‘all hope is gone’ is special to me and to this day hearing i only wish you weren’t my friend, so i could hurt you in the end makes me feel like an eagle is pecking at my liver
also corey taylor is probably my favourite singer because hhhnnnnggg voice
the spiritual machines - don’t fear the reaper (cover of blue öyster cult)
i like the original but this slower, more cinematic version is everything. the piano at the beginning transitioning into all our times have come and the song picking up speed halfway through is just so *chef’s kiss*
linkin park - shadow of the day & leave out all the rest
i know all the lyrics to every linkin park song i spent my high school years going insane about them and i still love them
daughter - smother & shallows
the entire album is a masterpiece but in the darkness i will meet my creators. and they will all agree that i’m a suffocator and let it all rain down, from the blood-stained clouds. oh come out, come out to the sea my love and just drown with me hit entirely different
hans zimmer - the kraken & what shall we die for
i watched pirates of the caribbean when i was like 12 and i haven’t been normal since. no movie soundtrack goes as hard as this one.
explosions in the sky - your hand in mine
8 minute long instrumental song. this is what i imagine love sounds like. 
my chemical romance
all of their stuff but particularly disenchanted (you’re just a sad song with nothing to say), thank you for the venom (give me all your hopeless hearts and make me ill. you’re running after something that you’ll never kill), the end (when i grow up i want to be nothing at all), and the light behind your eyes (so long to all my friends. every one of them met tragic ends)
simon and garfunkel - the sound of silence
i know it’s been memed into oblivion. i don’t care. it’s one of the most songs ever.
kansas - carry on wayward son
do i really need to explain this one? i watched supernatural in its entirety. i’ve been on this hellsite for years. i cannot listen to this song without taking psychic damage but fuck if it isn’t an absolute banger
poppy - meat honestly i’m not even sure why i put this here it’s so not what i usually go for but it’s like nothing else i’ve ever heard. this song has a story and requires a content warning for… everything. (it's about aliens farming humans for meat). it’s genuinely disturbing. i discovered it while making playlists for the magnus archives entities and it just stuck in my brain and wouldn’t leave.
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pamesjatterson · 2 years
ive been listening to my spotify wrapped from last year for the past 3 days and I gotta say. someone should've stopped me from listening to bo burnhams entire discography on loop
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