marypickfords · 1 year
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Boardinghouse (John Wintergate, 1982)
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splatteronmywalls · 2 years
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gotankgo · 1 year
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sailordrunkmoon · 1 year
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Boardinghouse (John Wintergate, 1982)
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britvarama · 4 months
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gutachter · 2 years
Boardinghouse in Kaufbeuren ist ganz anders als geplant
Kaufbeuren: „…Freilich wusste der Unternehmer, der seit 25 Jahren einen Maler- und Bausanierungsbetrieb in Bad Wörishofen leitet und dort auch sein erstes Boardinghouse eröffnet hat, auf was er sich einlässt. Er habe insbesondere in München schon viele Denkmalschutzobjekte saniert und kenne entsprechend das Zusammenspiel der verschiedenen zuständigen Behörden und auch die Tücken dieser…
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xpastelsweetsx · 4 months
Davey: hey no no no Race we’re not upset that you’re gay. You being gay is totally fine.
Jack: You being gay with spot conlon on the other hand? Not allowed.
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nerdie-faerie · 2 years
The boardinghouse is a full on labyrinth and yet we only get see like 5 rooms no I'm definitely not salty about it
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marypickfords · 1 year
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Boardinghouse (John Wintergate, 1982)
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goryhorroor · 4 months
Hey there! Regarding your latest set - I haven't heard of or considered Shot-on-Video as its own genre, and I'm not sure what it entails or what it means. How would you define the genre? Is it shot with analog cameras? Thank you and have a great weekend!
it was pretty much no budget horror films shot on camcorders, cassettes. it was huge in the 80s when rental stores became huge because it was allowing anyone to make a movie and put it on rental store shelves. usually though they’re very gory, overly sexual, can sometimes fall under extreme horror
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19burstraat · 7 months
I noticed on my duology reread that Wylan and Kaz's first days in the Barrel are really closely paralleled. Like, really closely. Obviously they both have to swim to escape, but once they're out of the water, Wylan refuses to close his eyes because he'll never open them again; Kaz physically can't go to close Jordie's, because he'll drown if he goes back into the water. Wylan still has a good amount of money that Van Eck gave him, wet but spendable; Kaz mugs a kid for pennies and some sweets. Wylan hides in the boardinghouse for days until he's hungry enough to venture out, where he buys some kind of fried potatoes and eats so fast he burns his mouth; Kaz has starved for so long that he gets the stolen liquorice and eats it so fast he immediately throws it all back up. He buys one bread roll with the pennies and is given a second 'just to stay away'. Wylan wants to do 'honest' work, and Kaz immediately starts working in gambling halls, fighting, and doing jobs for gangs. Both are driven into the arms of the Dregs by the antagonistic 'father' figure— Wylan won't join until the letters from Van Eck start arriving, and he realises he needs to make real money to be able to disappear, and Kaz won't join because he doesn't care, until he knows Hertzoon is really Rollins, at which point he realises he needs a gang.
Similar boys, different provenance, different outcome. Who's to say Wylan wouldn't have immediately become like Kaz, if he hadn't had the money? Perhaps with more time and more desperation, once the money was gone and the letters were piling up, he would have done. But, importantly, Kaz doesn't let him stay in the Barrel long enough to find out. It's hard to know how much of his meddling in Wylan's fortunes is due to him consciously noting their similarities (and how many of the similarities he actually knows is also up for debate), but Kaz DEFINITELY puts a foot in the door, so to speak, whatever he might think his reasons are.
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gotankgo · 2 years
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«Some March, 1984 memories of the NYC area
3-2-84 -BOARDINGHOUSE - 42nd Street showing at the Lyric
3-8-84 - the R-Rated version of FORCED ENTRY with Tanya Roberts. The Lyric had it on 42nd.
3-23-84 - ALLEY CAT - At the Cosmo, Essex, Amboys, and many other theatres - one of Film Ventures' final releases.
3-23-84 - THE BLACK ROOM showing at the Empire on 42nd. The Avon will join up with the World 49th and Eastwood theatres in it's final days as XXX.»
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ashlynredonovitch · 9 months
Secrets In The Street
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Warnings: none
Prompt: “basically y/n is a poor girl on the streets and pickpockets/shoplifts to survive, and she does that to willy but he’s super kind to her instead of telling the police on her. Then they fall in love.” - @riordanness (THANK YOU!)
“Come back here you!” A woman’s voice yelled from behind, as you sprint down an alley, a bright, crisp apple in hand from her cart.
You weren’t a runner, not in the slightest, so being chased by a woman for having an apple -well, stealing an apple- wasn’t on your list of things to today. You couldn’t help it, you were hungry. The woman wasn’t even around, you had no clue how she saw you.
You hear the woman groan from behind and turn around just in time to see her give up and walk away. Who knows some other person on the streets could’ve stolen more of her produce.
“Oh well, at least it’s something,” you muttered as you trailed along the darkening alley, holding it carefully so you can keep it safe for later. Walking in the direction towards the bench you spent most nights.
It was obviously nothing special, but no one dared to take your bench. You had a raggedy blanket that you stole from someone a while ago. A little bag with a few things of clothes you found that others had gotten rid of, and that was it.
You had heard of Mrs. Scrubitt's boardinghouse when you first arrived, but initially said no when Bleacher had came up to you. He came to your bench many times, and he eventually stopped insisting after many denials. After everything you had heard through the chain of the Galeries Gourmet, you were glad you hadn’t taken his offer though. At least there was a chance of something out here, better than being stuck in a laundry house for twenty-something years.
Nothing new ever happened in the Gourmet, the same Chocolate Cartel shooing everyone away, you had heard of one man getting through though. Willy Wonka, you had heard of his name. Apparently some magic chocolates? Even though the idea seems preposterous, you were intrigued. You, however, had heard from the gossip that his looks had caught the attention of many along the streets too. So, it apparently wasn’t only the chocolate that had gotten people interested.
Carefully hiding your apple, you started your walk towards the way of the Gourmet, wanting to investigate this new Wonka chocolate yourself.
“It’s certainly grand,” you say, as you walk into the store with the velvety magenta curtains, with a chocolate-looking tree as the centerpiece of the store, “I’m impressed.”
“Hi, I’ve never seen you around here,” a man with a can walked up to you, a top hat on his head, wearing a pleasant smile on his face.
“My name is y/n, y/n l/n, I don’t hang around the Galerie Gourmet much, not really my place of adventure.” You muttered as you look at all of the hanging candy around you, children brushing past you, trying to reach for different sweets.
The man nods his head, as he takes in your appearance, “I get it, I lived on a boat for seven years. My name is Willy, Willy Wonka”
You were not expecting that, he lived on a boat for a while, this interesting looking man who owned this place. You tried to send a brief smile in his direction, “so you’re the one who I heard sent the chocolate-trio to jail, I’ve heard a lot about you.”
Wonka looked out the windows, to the places where the old chocolate stores resided in the Gourmet, now empty, as he quickly smirked, “well it had to be done, they were breaking the law, it was just a matter of time.”
You chuckled as you saw the man’s face beam towards a woman and small child who was excitingly grabbing a chocolate bar, “I have to go, it was nice meeting you, y/n.” Wonka said as he smoothly strides over to another family to talk to them.
“Likewise,” you whispered as he was already gone. You felt awful, you wanted to try his chocolate, people here have talked ‘it’s the best chocolate I’ve ever tasted’ many have claimed, and now you wanted a bite. How do you steal from someone who seemed so nice?
The trick to being a pickpocket though, is not getting caught, and you’ve had your own share of the situation going both ways. You quickly grab a little wrapped chocolate and pretend to exam it, glancing to make sure no one else is watching, before quickly stuffing it in your pocket.
“Hey!” A voice yelled, you turned to see if anyone was there, and was met with a small, orange man? You had never seen anyone, if it was a human at all, like it.
“Lofty?” You heard Wonka yell as he came running towards the area your standing in. Bolting quickly, you dodge the running kids and chasing parents, as you try to weave your way to the exit. Just about as you were at the doors, a cane came in front of your middle, stopping your motions rather quickly, “and what do you think you’re doing?” Willy asked, you were close, so close.
“Nothing, I don’t know what that man was talking about, I don’t have anything I promise.” You say as you did a little circle to prove your innocence.
“Why don’t I believe you?” He asked, as an audience formed around you two.
“I don’t know, I didn’t steal anything, Mr. Wonka, I assure you that.” You muttered, wishing everyone would ignore you two, you just wanted to try his chocolate.
“Come with me y/n, we can talk back here.” Wonka guided you towards a room in the back, something that looked like an office of sorts, “I know you took a piece of chocolate.” He sat down in his chair, prompting you to sit down on the one opposite the desk.
You felt defeated, you hadn’t ever actually gotten caught by someone, “I’m sorry.”
Willy quirked his brow as he stared at you across the desk, “so you admit it? Surprised, honestly, I didn’t think you would.”
At that you got upset, “listen I might’ve tried to take chocolate, but I’ve heard everyone talk. People say it’s the best chocolate they’ve ever had. I’ve only had apples or other stolen things to eat for a year and a half. The chocolate cartel knew me well, they would stop me at the door cause they knew I couldn’t pay for it. So do it, call the new chief of police, at least in jail I’ll have a bed.”
Willy stood and put his hands on the desk examining you, transferring his weight, “no.”
“I’m sorry, no?” You were shocked, he caught you stealing and isn’t going to call you in?
“No, there’s something about you. You intrigued me when I first saw you walk in. I’m not going to call the new chief of police. I’m actually going to give you twenty silver sovereigns.” Willy said as he opened the drawer with the money inside of it.
Flabbergasted, shocked, surprised, there weren’t any other words to describe it. You were stealing from him, and now he was giving you money? What kind of man is this? Well…a cute one, but that’s besides the point.
“I can see your shock, my mom raised me well before she passed. If you want to steal a small piece of chocolate, you must be desperate, please take it.” Willy said handing you the sovereigns, a pink flush presenting high upon his cheeks.
“Of all the times to be caught,” you whispered, glancing up in time to seem him removing his coat and hat, “at least it was by someone nice.” A faint blush forming on your cheeks as well.
Willy smiled as he walked around in front of you, “I don’t want you sleeping wherever you are, you can work here, there’s an extra room, we could put a bed in there or something.”
“I can’t believe you’re offering me anything, you could’ve had me arrested.” You told him, examining his brunette curls framing his face for the first time.
“I was taught to help someone in need, and you seem like a good person, you just need a little help. No shame in that, I was caught by Scrubitt and Bleacher when I first arrived. I needed help too. Look at this place, I have more than enough sovereigns to help you out right now.” Willy whispered inching closer to you, as he held out his hand.
Your eyes welled up with tears, no one had been this kind to you in a while, “you have no clue how much this means to me.”
“Well, then you’ll just have to stay here until I know.” Wonka smiled as he leaned in to press his lips to yours.
Let’s just say, you never had to worry about sovereigns or spend another night on that bench ever again.
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britvarama · 4 months
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workingclasshistory · 2 years
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On this day, 4 February 1924, around 175 radical Industrial Workers of the World union members took on the Ku Klux Klan, patrolling the streets of Greenville, Maine, after the KKK tried to threaten IWW union organisers. Logging workers in the area were organising for better pay and conditions when around 40 Klansmen had visited a boardinghouse where IWW members (known as Wobblies) were staying and ordered them to leave. Local wobbly organiser Bob Pease charged that the KKK was doing the bidding of lumber companies, and told the local Press Herald that they opposed the IWW “because we want good wages, eight hours a day in the lumber camps and clean linen on our bunks". The IWW was also ordered to leave the town by local authorities, but they defied both the government and the KKK, and instead organised and took to the streets, declaring “We are going to stick, and if the Klan wants to start something, the IWW are going to finish it”. Learn more about the IWW in our podcast series: https://workingclasshistory.com/tag/iww/ https://www.facebook.com/workingclasshistory/photos/a.296224173896073/2202503223268149/?type=3
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thetooclevermartian · 8 months
I was thinking about this line from crooked kingdom chapter 23- "That night, he arrived back at the boardinghouse to find the first letter. The only words he recognized were the name of the sender: Jan Van Eck."
what a haunting thing it is that the only words wylan can read is his father's name. how many times had he seen it? how deep was the shape of the name seared into his brain, to be the only words he could recognize? Jan's ghost can follow him wherever he likes.
imagine- you can't read a thing no matter how hard you try, and as you try all it does is remind you of the shame your father nurtured you with. and then years later, once you can remove the shame like the cancer it was, still the only thing in the world you can read is your father's name.
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