#bob floyd hcs
ddejavvu · 2 years
ghostface bob where he is more confident when wearing the mask? “the mask stays on”
trick or treat!
this post is 18+, minors dni. cw masochism/slapping
"Please," You whimper, Bob's thick, gloved fingers mercilessly circling your clit while the other hand pumps through your cunt, "I want to kiss you! Please, Bob, I need it."
"No," He breathes, voice raspy, "I want it on."
"But Bob," You whine, crying out as your belly caves when his fingers prod just below it, "C'mon! I- I just want your mouth on me," You rake in a heaving breath, "Just for a sec-"
The second your fingers slip beneath the mask, white plastic thick in your fingers, he snaps. He pinches your clit hard, fingers flying out of your cunt to smack you across the cheek, "I said no! The mask stays on."
You stare at him, wide-eyed; breathless. The carved plastic had turned your sticky-sweet, caring, considerate boyfriend into a masochism machine. Your cheek stings where his hand fell across it and you nod dumbly, mouth hung open as he checks for confirmation.
"Yeah," You hum mindlessly, more of a breath than a word. He seems satisfied with your answer, and as your eyes rove the soulless face before you the fingers in your cunt become impossibly more appealing, "Yeah, mask- mask stays on."
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roosterforme · 9 months
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THANK YOU to everyone who sent in a headcanon request! Please comment or reblog and let me know how you feel about some of these. And if you can think of any other details you'd like to know more about, let me know!
Roo and BG
1. How do you imagine their perfect date?
Roo and Baby Girl are pretty chill on their date nights. Usually a beach walk with Tramp after some pizza is what they want. But a perfect date for them might include Roo taking BG back up to Del Mar to visit the hot sauce restaurant and the silent disco from their first date. 
2. Who is the most likely to cry when watching a kids’ movie?
Baby Girl is going to be the one in tears saying, "Why the fuck did this stupid movie make me cry?" while Roo chuckles and rubs her back.
3. Each of your pairings have a different vibe in the bedroom. I’m curious what is each roo-nicorn’s (and Bob’s) favorite position?
Roo likes hitting it from the back. I would venture to say that having sex in the kitchen with his now wife bent over the kitchen counter might be his favorite. He loved the way she fills out her khaki uniform pants from the very first moment he first saw her, so I think he really likes her ass. 
4. Where does Roo see himself in ten years? Where does BG see herself in ten years?
I love this question. Roo probably sees himself in a bit of a different role as an aviator. Perhaps dividing his time between flying and teaching. I've touched a little bit on him being a guest teacher at Top Gun, but I think that's a role he could eventually be really comfortable with. Baby Girl's career goal is to be the head of her own lab. I think she'd be happy to stay in San Diego for her whole career since she established her place there even before she met Roo. But I think I can speak for both of them when I say that in ten years, they would love to be parents. 
5. We know Roo and BG’s wedding song, but what would the song be for your other couples?
Everywhere by Fleetwood Mac
6. For your headcanon party... How many kids do Bradley and BG have?
Bradley and Baby Girl have [REDACTED]. And we will get into that even more in Always Ever Only You. 
7. Roo and Baby Girl: what are their dream vacations?
I think they would love to go back to Hawaii someday and relive their honeymoon. I also think a hot sauce/spicy food trip through South America or Asia might be in their future. I could also see them in a cabin on a snowy northern California mountainside, enjoying a bit of peace and quiet. 
Beer Boy and Sugar
1. A little Heady for Beer Boy and Sug. Favorite place to have sex in the frat house?
Kitchen counter or on the beer pong table. 
2. How many kids do Beer Boy and Sugar want to have or do they not care how many they have?
Beer Boy would probably have as many kids as Sugar wanted. But I don't see her getting pregnant again after this. It's a one and done for her, because she is very serious about her career. Peep more of this in the upcoming Grateful Dad part 2.
3. Who is more possessive, Sugar or Beer Boy?
Beer Boy. I don't think Sugar is very jealous, and that plays a big part here. Beer Boy on the other hand has shown himself to be possessive of his Sugar when it comes to certain fraternity brothers of his and certain coworkers of hers. 
4. What do you think would have happened if Beer Boy and Sugar had run into one another when she was in grad school?
Wow, okay. If Beer Boy and Sugar had run into each other while she was still in grad school... I think they would have had that instant chemistry again. I think it would have felt a bit like the beginning of Right Girl, Wrong Time when they spent the night together after their ten years apart. But I don't think either of them were at a place where they could have really made it work out, even if they wanted to. Bradley was still all over the place with the navy, and Sugar was still working at such a crazy pace to get her PhD. And I think that if they ran into each other after four years apart, they wouldn't have had that same opportunity they got after ten years. 
5. How do you imagine their perfect date?
Their perfect date is a night at the movies where they just make out through the entire thing. 
6. Who is the most likely to cry when watching a kids movie?
I actually don't see either of them doing this!
7. What is Sugar’s favourite work snack?
Beer Boy packs Sugar's school/work lunches when he's not deployed! I like to imagine that he packs her a little bento box with different things in it. I think her favorite snacks would be the fruit and nuts portions that he lovingly packed, knowing she would need some 'brain food' to get her through her day of teaching math.
8. What do Sugar and Beer Boy end up naming their future kiddo(s)/how many do they have?
Just you wait for The Grateful Dad part 2. We will learn more about [REDACTED] Bradshaw. 
9. Each of your pairings have a different vibe in the bedroom. I’m curious what is each roo-nicorn’s (and Bob’s) favorite position?
Beer Boy loves when Sugar rides him when he's sitting down. He also knows how much she likes riding his thigh and leaving him with a marked up pant leg. And surprise: he likes it, too.
10. What would be Sugar's reaction meeting Maverick after Beer Boy told her about him pulling his papers?
I think Sugar will always be a little wary of Maverick. She met Bradley when he was still pretty fresh from the catastrophe of having his papers pulled. She saw how much that (along with losing his mom) affected his time in college. Sugar would be cordial to Maverick as long as Bradley told her that they were on good terms again, but I don't think she'd ever be a big fan.
11. I know this is so random, but for your HC party, I need to know, is/ was BeerBoy the frat bro who played cornhole or the frat bro who play disk golf?
Just beer pong.
12. What would Sugar have done with her degree if she hadn’t become a teacher? What was her second choice for her career?
Sugar always intended to be a college math professor. I think that was her goal early on when she realized just how freaking good she was at math, calculus in particular. If she didn't go into academia, I think she could have worked for NASA or Boeing or even a federal research lab!
13. Does Sugar plan to keep teaching after Jerry Garcia Bradshaw Bean is born? Or have they gotten that far yet?
Sugar does plan to keep teaching. She loves it a lot, and she doesn't want to take too much time off. She's kind of lucky she got a tenured position at San Diego State University, so she can at least take a little bit of time off after being pregnant (I could go on about how the structure of the American workforce and economy is designed to negatively impact women and minorities, but I'll just leave it right there).
14. Is Sugar her honorary call sign with the Daggers? I know they all have called her that, but she’s the only one who can call him Beer Boy, so do the same rules apply? Or is she just universally known as Sugar?
Nat knew all along that Bradley called her Sugar and that he was still in love with her when he started flight school. I think she would let Nat get away with calling her Sugar, but I also think that Nat is the dagger that she is the closest with. The two women fell into a fast friendship as soon as they met!
15. Is Bradley gonna be Beer Dad now, or just the grateful dad?
You know, I think he'd gladly answer to either one of those if Sugar said it! But he is forever the Grateful Dad. 
16. We know Roo and BG’s wedding song, but what would the song be for your other couples?
Beer Boy and Sugar: Easy to Love You by Grateful Dead
17. I know deployment is covered a lot in your stories. How does Beer boy and Sugar handle it? I mean yeah they’ve been apart for 10 years but I’m sure after that it’s kind of hard for them to be separated from each other. How do they handle being separated again?
I think Sugar is a bit of a loner by nature. Being on her own doesn't particularly bother her, so she does pretty well without Bradley. She still misses him like crazy, of course, and she has a countdown to the minute he returns to her. But she spends her time alone being productive at work and having fun with Nat. Beer Boy is the one who kind of goes to pieces. He worries if Sugar is going to eat well without him at home, or keep the house clean, or remember to sleep. And he has a million photos of her over the past ten plus years on his phone that he spends all of his free time looking at. 
Coach and Kitten
1. Who says sorry first in an argument? Who can hold a grudge longest?
Kitten says she's sorry first. She will fold under that kind of pressure. After spending so many years with Danny, she turned into a bit of a people pleaser, but she's getting better about it now. Luckily Coach would never try to force her hand in an argument. He's quite patient and even tempered for the most part.
2. What about Coach and Kitten and their favorite sex position?
Coach loves going down on her. He's a pussy eating king. I'd say his favorite thing would be eating her out until she cums and then fucking her missionary until he cums. 
3. How do you imagine their perfect date?
Their perfect date is probably a night out at the batting cages with Everett. If they can get some time alone (if Bob and Molly watch Ev), a bottle of expensive champagne on the beach followed by some stargazing would be a perfect night.
4. Between Coach and Kitten, who is the "discipline" adult when it comes to Ev?
Kitten is the disciplinarian. Coach Bradley is the fun one. However, if Ev really, really needs to be disciplined because of something more egregious, I think Coach would step in. And I think Ev would definitely learn his lesson.
5. Who is the most likely to cry when watching a kids movie?
Kitten. I can see Kitten and Ev both scared or crying during a movie while Bradley has one arm wrapped around each of them.
6. So, we know Coach loves Kitten in leopard print. However, would Coach ever give Kitten a glimpse of him in leopard print? Ya know, maybe a leopard print banana hammock (iykyk)? I think Kitten would really enjoy that.
I am kind of speechless. He would look hot! I think Kitten would love it, too! And Bradley would find it kind of funny to wear it for her, but of course as soon as he knew she was into it, the thing would be on the floor. 
7. Each of your pairings have a different vibe in the bedroom. I’m curious what is each roo-nicorn’s (and Bob’s) favorite position?
I answered this one above... Coach loves going down on her. He's a pussy eating king. I'd say his favorite thing would be eating her out until she cums and then fucking her missionary until he cums. 
8. Sooooooooo, we know that Coach and Ev are getting a Phillies man cave, and it’s also the guest bedroom. Would Coach and Kitten ever consider breaking it in?
100% they broke it in before the baseball decals were fully stuck to the walls. That's their favorite spot for a quickie. 
9. What's Coach's favorite part about living with Kitten and Everett?
Coach loves that he feels included. They all take care of little things for each other that make up the big picture. He also loves when Kitten packs him lunch in a brown bag with little hearts on it. He also loves helping Ev with his homework, because he gets drawings to take to work in return. 
10. Has Coach ever told Kitten about his mom and dad? What memories has he shared about Carole and Goose if he has?
Coach told Kitten all about Goose and Carole. And he told her that he was a little afraid that he was going to fail at being a good parental figure for Ev. But Kitten assured him that he was more than enough. I think that Coach told Everett about going to Phillies games with Goose when he was tiny (he even has a photo of it). And about how Carole got him the stuffed Phanatic after Goose died. And he told Ev that he's in charge of taking care of the Phanatic now. Also, Ev starts referring to Goose and Carole as his grandparents when he asks questions about them, and it makes Bradley cry (Grampa Goose and Gramma Carole).
11. I need to know everything the Coach fam does on their vacays to Philly, including but not limited to stalking Citizens Bank Park. I also need to know how many days start with a pork roll, egg, and cheese. (If it’s not everyday then I have some concerns)
Every day starts off with a pork roll, egg and cheese bagel. They visit the Liberty Bell and do all the touristy stuff in Old City. The boys laugh at how it looks like Ben Franklin is peeing off the top of City Hall. They visit the oldest zoo in the country. Then they eat soft pretzels and tomato pie for lunch. Kitten tries some water ice. Then when they get to Citizens Bank Park for the game, they are all decked out in their Phillies gear. Coach drinks a Yuengling. Kitten has a Yards Pale Ale. The three of them share cheesesteaks and crab fries. The Phillies win, and it's fireworks night. It's the best day of their lives. 
12. We know Roo and BG’s wedding song, but what would the song be for your other couples?
Technically, Coach and Kitten's first dance was to Take Me Out to the Ball Game. But their song is Just Like Heaven by The Cure 
13. Kitten walking in on Ev when he has a girl in his room and he thought he was home alone.
Kitten would panic! It could be totally innocent. Like 16 year old Ev with a crush on their neighbor. But Kitten would absolutely panic and have a full family conversation about it that night. And then Bradley would end up having a conversation about sex with Ev which would make Ev want to die. But at least he would walk away knowing all about condoms and how to use them. 
14. Coach and Kitten: we all know that Kitten doesn't want to have another baby, but do you think that the two of them would ever consider adoption? Or is it just no more kids, period?
I don't know that adopting a child would be in their future. Kitten is so happy with Everett as an only child, and she wouldn't want to start over again with another baby. However, under certain circumstances, perhaps they would adopt.
Daddy and Princess
1. We already know that Daddy and Princess can’t get enough of each other…would pregnancy change that?
I think Daddy's hands would be on Princess constantly. He'd definitely have a bit of a breeding kink, and I think he'd love it if she were pregnant. It would probably also make him even more possessive. 
2. How is Daddy reacting if he ever runs into Greyson or the other two dimwits?
Punch in the face on sight. KO'd. 
3. Headcanon for Daddy and Princess. What is a date night like for them without Noah?
Without Noah, Daddy is going to take Princess out to a restaurant that she thinks is too expensive, but he's going to tell her a million times that nothing is too good for her. 
4. Who says sorry first in an argument? Who can hold a grudge longest?
Daddy apologizes first. Princess can hold a grudge, especially if she knows she is right. 
5. How do you imagine their perfect date?
Their perfect date with Noah would be taking him to the children's museum and then to the beach. Their perfect date without Noah would be a fancy dinner and then drinks at a speakeasy. 
6. Who is the most likely to cry when watching a kids movie?
Princess cries at all of them.
7. Between Daddy and Princess, who fell in love first and what happened to send them head over heels?
Daddy knew he was in love first. He was falling steadily in love with her as soon as he met her, but it took him a while to catch on. And he was ready to say it with intent after he rescued her from Greyson's frat house. Princess held out a bit longer, but then she just tumbled over the edge into love shortly after Bradley came clean about Meredith and the lawsuit. She was still surprised to hear him say the words, but she knew she was in love, too. 
8. What is Princess’s favourite book to read to Noah?
This is tough, because honestly she spends a lot of time reading to Noah. I think fairy tales, because Noah called her the Princess from so early on! 
9. Each of your pairings have a different vibe in the bedroom. I’m curious what is each roo-nicorn’s (and Bob’s) favorite position?
Daddy likes taking Princess so many ways. Missionary so he can watch her pretty face. Standing up in the shower is a favorite with him holding her against the wall. He also likes to make her squirt, and he knows how to do it like a pro now (overstimulation is key). 
10. Would Daddy ever consider having another baby? This time with Princess? I know they both love Noah to pieces, but is it in the cards for them?
Would Daddy consider another baby? Sign him up right now. The man is thinking about it all the time now that he's really with Princess. He'd start trying to get her pregnant tomorrow if she indicated that's what she wanted. Noah would be an amazing big brother. 
11. Do Bradley and Noah attend Princess’s graduation? Does Bradley push to the front row of seats so he’s certain she’ll see them?
Well now this is absolutely a headcanon. Thanks!
12. We know Roo and BG’s wedding song, but what would the song be for your other couples?
Daddy and Princess: Fade Into You by Mazzy Star
13. Does Princess have a favorite trait of Bradleys? And vice versa.
Princess loves the things about Bradley that perhaps he's not exactly crazy about himself? She loves that he's kind of technologically inept and likes to do things the old school way (she's kind of an old soul herself. She's very mature). She loves how bad he is at cooking, because slowly but surely, he's getting better. She loves the way he loves Noah. She loves how gentle he is. Physically, she loves his hands and his smile and the fact that he has a few gray hairs. Daddy first and foremost fell in love with the way Princess just seems to fit with him and Noah. She and Noah were like two peas in a pod, and Bradley could tell his son trusted her. He loves that she's smart and sweet, but she's not a doormat. He loves that she gives people a second chance. He loves the way she takes care of little things that he wouldn't remember to do. Physically, he loves that she looks innocent, and he loves how perfectly she fits next to him in bed. He loves that she tells him she feels safe with him.
14. If Princess could plan the perfect date for Bradley what would it look like?
She would joke that she's going to take him out to play BINGO and have a senior citizen early bird dinner at 4:00 pm. But in reality, she would plan a night at home. Sexy cooking lessons where she's dressed in basically nothing while she teaches him how to cook something, and then they eat it together. They probably have sex at that point before heading to the living room couch to snuggle and watch a movie.
15. Does Princess have a place that she'd love to show Daddy and Noah?
I think Princess would absolutely love to take the boys to Disneyland! She knows Noah would have a blast, and Bradley would probably grumble a bit before he conceded that he was having fun.
16. Princess walking in on Noah when he has a girl in his room and he thought he was home alone.
Princess would probably just ask them exactly what was going on, making both of them blush as they responded. She would stand in the doorway with her arms crossed until they both shuffled out of the room, and then she would have a long discussion with Noah. She'd also tell him he needs to keep his bedroom door open.
17. Rooster and Princess: what was the moment that they knew that whatever was between them was love?
I think for Daddy, watching one of the interactions between Princess and Noah was the first time the word LOVE was triggered in his mind. I think for Princess, the first time she heard Bradley say he needed her, she could feel it start to bloom inside her.
Bob and Molly
1. As a Mobaholic, I must know…how do you think Bob would react to seeing Molly in maternity lingerie?
Bob goes literally bonkers over the way Molly looks, even when she's wearing her scrubs after a work shift. So lingerie is going to make his jaw drop. Maternity lingerie is going to make him feral, because he is SO excited to be a dad and raise a child with her.
2. Why is Molly so insecure about Bob? Why does she have so low self esteem?
Molly is very outwardly secure with herself. She's beautiful, and she kind of knows it. Guys like her. They always have. But as far as relationships go, she always thought she didn't have much more to offer beyond a face and a body that got the job done very well. She never had a guy appreciate how funny and smart she is until she met Bob. And that made her feel very insecure inside. She was instantly afraid that the other shoe was going to drop at any minute, and that Bob would realize that Molly was just a pretty, disposable thing without real substance. Because she never really gave herself the credit she deserved as far as her personality and spirit were concerned. But let me count the ways... Molly is: hilarious, caring, honest, trustworthy, intelligent, hard working, loving, loyal, strong, empathetic, warm and so many other things besides physically pretty.
3. How do you imagine their perfect date?
Bob feeding Molly sushi in the bed of his truck at an outdoor concert just after sunset.
4. Who is the most likely to cry when watching a kids movie?
Molly sobbed at the Lion King with Ev, so I'm going with her!
5. Each of your pairings have a different vibe in the bedroom. I’m curious what is each roo-nicorn’s (and Bob’s) favorite position?
Bob's favorite position is whatever Molly feels like treating him to. She's adventurous in the bedroom, and he didn't know how much he was going to love that until he experienced it. If he had to pick, he would say he likes it when she rides him cowgirl. He also likes uniform time and domming her.
6. We've seen a little bit of Molly and Kitten's family life in both The Batting Practice and the Curveball. And we've met Piper and Bob's sister and family as well. But what was Bob's childhood like? How has that changed what he looks for in a romantic partner?
Bob grew up on a ranch in Wyoming before his family moved to San Bernardino, CA. He's the baby sibling behind Rebecca and Rachel, and he was always a little bit of a reserved misfit. He liked being outside and keeping himself company more than anything else. As far as what he wants in a romantic partner as an adult... I'd say Bob is used to being overlooked. When he catches someone's eye and they let him know he's something special, that really is a surprise to him. So being with someone who wants to show him off and tell him how wonderful he is makes him happy. He's also going to look for someone who is smart and honest. I'd say those are his top two non-negotiables. 
7. We know Roo and BG’s wedding song, but what would the song be for your other couples?
Bob and Molly like to argue about this. She thinks All Day and All Of the Night by The Kinks. He thinks You Really Got Me by The Kinks. Same band, different songs.
8. Bob and Molly: what was the thing that first attracted them to the other?
If we are being completely honest, Bob almost fainted the first time he looked at Molly. He just thinks she's that beautiful. And then she was looking right back at him, coining the term Coach Cute Glasses right away. So he was surprised to find that beautiful Molly was biting her lip and grinning at him. Molly thought Bob was adorable. Tall, strong and handsome, but so gentle with the tee ball kids. And when she could make him blush a deep crimson without doing much of anything, she was hooked. 
1. What do you love the most about Baby Girl/Kitten/Molly/Sugar/Princess?
What I love most about Baby Girl: She is so unapologetically smart. And she lets herself feel all of her emotions and form her own opinions. She is a good friend. She doesn't change anything about herself to fit what someone else thinks she should be.
What I love most about Kitten: She is the best mom to Everett, even though she doesn't give herself enough credit. She juggles so many things so elegantly. She takes care of the people she loves. She works hard.
What I love most about Sugar: She knew what she wanted in her career, and she really went for it. She is reserved and thoughtful, but she's still bold. She works tirelessly as a college professor, because she cares about her students. She gives second and third chances. She is fair and loyal.
What I love most about Princess: She is sweet and gentle. She is instantly likeable. She is young but not immature. She's an old soul. She can take whatever she's given and work it into something special. She has a great imagination. She always tries to find the good in people. 
2. Each of your pairings have a different vibe in the bedroom. I’m curious what is each roo-nicorn’s (and Bob’s) favorite position? Also, I wouldn’t hate it if you answered this question for BG’s Jake, too.
Okay, okay. Alright. We haven't seen this from Jake per se, but I can tell you a little bit anyway. Jake in the Roo and BG universe has a bit of a reputation. He's a rake, similar to how Roo was. He has hooked up with a lot of the women on base, and he's not really trying to hide or deny anything. In bed, he likes to sit back and enjoy things. That's not to say he's not an active participant, but he definitely is one who is going to make his partner feel like the star of the show. He talks a lot in bed and is encouraging. He prefers his partner on top. He also likes doggy style, getting his lips and his encouraging words right next to your year. "You're doing great, darlin'."
3. We saw roo get a bit more dominating in part 4 of “a love you don’t find every day” (which is one of my favorite scenes across your series’ ). do you think any other universe bradley’s would ever try this with their respective partners? or would roo ever try that again with bg?
Hey! I loved that chapter! Roo would absolutely try that again with BG. I think Daddy would love to get a little rough and demanding with Princess, too. I would love to explore that. (We have also seen how much Bob loves to dom Molly in The Curveball).
4. OMG what are the coaches' walk up songs???? And Everett’s?? And Kitten and Molly’s if they had one???
This is so important to me:
Coach Bradley- Panama by Van Halen
Coach Bob- Raise Your Hands by Bon Jovi
Kitten- Centerfield by John Fogerty
Molly- I Want Candy by Bow Wow Wow
Ev- Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO
Thanks to @mak-32 for the banner and @beyondthesefourwalls for helping me with this. Check my other Roo and BG HCs here. And check my masterlist for more! Tagging some usual suspects and those who sent in asks:
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Give me the randomest detailed little headcanon for each of the dagger squad! As silly or as mundane as you can think of, anything goes, but it has to be a small detail
Oh, Sam. You spoil me. You know I could talk about the Daggers forever and even before I start this, I know I'm going to go wild with it 😂
This is going to be long so my random HCs for each member of the Dagger Squad plus Mav is below the cut.
Mav once asked Carole to marry him. It was years after Goose had died and Mav had basically moved in with Carole and Bradley when he wasn't deployed. He was gone so often that they had both agreed that it was silly for him to pay for his own place when he was hardly ever there. Besides, when he was stateside, he spent almost ever moment he could with Bradley anyway. There was never anything romantic between Mav and Carole. He never tried to stop her or talk her out of dating anyone else, but in his head, she would forever be Goose's girl. But Mav did love Carole like family just as he loved Bradley. One night when Bradley was at a sleepover with a friend from school, Mav took Carole out to a bar to let her enjoy herself and her one night off from mom duty. Penny had just broken up with him (again) a few weeks before and he wanted to drink his sorrows away anyway. So, they both drank-- a lot. And by the end of the night, Carole was lamenting about her latest attempt at dating and how no one would ever be able to accept her baggage with Goose or the fact she had a young son. She just missed being a wife, missed having someone who knew every part of her, missed having someone who was the other piece of her heart. And while she knew she could never replace Goose (not did she want to), she just wished she could find someone with whom she could have a relationship even half as strong. To which Mav in his extremely drunken state responded, "How about me?" Carole was shocked but Mav continued. "I already know you almost as well as Goose did and we both have our own baggage when it comes to him. Plus I couldn't love Bradley more if he were mine. And it's not like I have anyone wanting to be with me. So, what do you say? You wanna get married?" Gently taking Mav's hand, Carole softly said, "I appreciate the offer and you looking after me but Mav, honey, you're drunk. Tomorrow you'll realize why that's not what either of us would want. I love you to death and I know you love me, but not in that way. So, thank you, but no." Mav just shrugged. "Ok. It was just an idea." And he went back to his drink. It wasn't until the next morning when he reluctantly drug himself out of bed to find some aspirin that he remembered what he did and was mortified. He tried to apologize to Carole when she got home from picking up Bradley, but she just laughed and waved it off. But as she was headed into the kitchen, she added, "How about this..... If neither of us are married by Bradley's 20th birthday, then we'll do it." Mav smiled. "Sounds like a plan." Neither one of them could have known then that by Bradley's 20th birthday, Carole would be gone and Mav would be cut off from the only remaining connection to her.
When the movie came out in 1996, Bradley stole a copy of Fly Away Home from the local Blockbuster. As a boy of 14, he knew the movie was not targeted towards him but from the moment he saw what it was about, he knew he had to see it. The next time Carole went to work and left him alone, he watched it. Halfway through he had to call Mav sobbing and ask him to come over because he was a complete emotional wreck (luckily Mav was on leave at the time). Mav comforted him and they agreed to finish the movie together. Carole came home hours later from work to find them both clinging to each other and crying like babies. Bradley never watched the movie again, but he put it in a box of his dad's things and still has it to this day. *in case you aren't familiar, Fly Away Home is the story of a young girl who is living with her estranged father who is an inventor. One day, she finds a nest of abandoned goose eggs and she helps them hatch, they imprint on her, and she raises them. Then when they are old enough, the dad builds a small aircraft so that the girl can show the geese how to fly south for the winter since usually the mother goose does this. Major events along the way include the weakest of the goose slamming into the girl's craft and plummeting to the forest below, lthe dad crashes his own aircraft (he lives), and the girl and her day talking out their issues and repairing their father-daughter relationship. In a scroll at the end it is revealed all the geese flew back to their farm the following spring to be with their "mother" (including the one who crashed in the forest).
Jake has a tiny scar on his tongue. It is really hard to tell because of the size and where it is located but for the few people who do notice, he always tells them it is from a piercing attempt in high school that went wrong. In reality, when he was trying to teach himself how to flip a toothpick in his mouth (he thought it would impress girls) and one time he stabbed it deep into his tongue where it got stuck. It took almost a full day to stop bleeding and he lost some of his sense of taste for almost three months. He never told anyone what really happened, not even Javy and he considers it one of the most embarrassing things he has ever done.
Natasha and Javy have an ongoing friends-with-benefits agreement going on that started when they were both at Top Gun together the first time. They don't advertise it but they also don't deny it so the ones closest to them know about it. Everyone constantly tells them it's a bad idea or that one of them are going to get hurt, but so far there has never been any issues. Neither one has any romantic feelings towards each other, they just know that dating is difficult while on active duty and sometimes you just need to scratch that itch. And it doesn't hurt they are both extremely attractive. But over all, it is very much an "end of the night and neither one of us picked up anyone so let's go back to my place" situation. There is never any expectation or hurt feelings if they end up not doing anything, it just is what it is. During training for the Dagger mission, they hooked up several times including the first night in town, in the showers after the beach football match, when Nat got out of the hospital after the bird strike, and the night before and of the mission. Jake walked in on them after the football match but he just rolled his eyes, grabbed his shampoo, and grumbled, "This is still going on?" as he left (normally, he would have tried to take more of a peek, but he respected his best friend too much and feared Nat's wrath too much to try it).
Bob isn't a dog or a cat kind of guy. He's a fish guy. And not just any fish but specifically goldfish. His grandmother bought him one for his fifth birthday and it became the only pet he ever wanted. As soon as he would come home from school, he would drag his bedroom chair over to his dresser so he could scamper up on it to stare eye-to-eye with Goldie (yes, Goldie). He would spend the better part of an hour chatting away and telling Goldie all about his day. Then he would climb down from the chair and go about his afternoon until it was time to feed Goldie. then, his mom would help him sprinkle in just the right amount of food (she was extra careful since the time Bob poured half the bottle in the bowl for a single meal). Goldie lived five years and Bob was absolutely heartbroken when he died. However, that didn't stop him from taking his allowance down to the pet store and buying two new goldfish, a larger tank, and a few accessories to decorate the bottom of the tank. While at this point he was no longer giving long speeches to his pets, he still greeted Bert and Ernie every morning when he woke up, and told them goodnight every evening when he went to bed. Even while in the Navy, he still has a few goldfish to keep him company when he is stateside. His niece takes care of them when he is deployed or away for any period of time and he bought her a pair of goldfish of her own from Christmas after she told him how much she loved taking care of his.
Ever since he was a kid, Javy has sleepwalked when he is under a lot of stress. Later he found out it also happens when he has too much to drink. It is the sort of sleepwalking where he just sort of shuffles around but is also very susceptible to others' suggestions or will answer questions (though his responses are often too slurred or mumbled to make out and they usually don't make a lot of sense). The first time it happened back at the Academy, Jake nearly had a heart attack when he heard something and barely opened his eyes to see his roommate standing over his bed. His panicked scream of "What the fuck, dude!" was enough to wake Javy up and he reluctantly explained what happened. After that, Jake would sometimes stay up when he knew Javy was extra stressed or had one too many beers that night just hoping it might lead to another episode. When it did, he would find creative ways to mess with him. For example, one fall Javy woke up in his pajama pants and old t-shirt in the middle of a cornfield with just a crudely drawn map and a walkie-talkie with him. Jake took his sweet time helping him get out. Another prank involved strapping a life vest on a sleepwalking Javy and telling him to walk into the Academy pool. That was definitely one way to wake him up. Yet despite Jake loving to mess with his best friend, he never did anything cruel or that he knew would embarrass Javy (not too much anyway). Because of that, Javy put up with it and even secretly enjoyed it after the fact (he was usually pretty mad in the moment). And sometimes he would pretend to be sleepwalking just to then mess with Jake in return.
Everyone assumes that Reuben probably played basketball in high school or college because of his height. However, he actually was never really into playing any sports. Instead, he took dance classes for about six years. He was very talented in ballet and had actually considered perusing it as a career before deciding to go to college for an engineering degree (he didn't join the Navy until after he graduated college). However, he never lost his love of dancing. First, he used his skills to pay for his college education (ballet was not the only kind of dancing he knew). Then once he graduated and joined the Navy, he loved going out dancing every chance he got. He was always the star of the Naval Balls and always had a line of people wanting to get their turn to dance with them. Once the Daggers were formed, he tried to offer to teach a few of them how to dance, but it soon became clear it was a lost cause. Rooster had his own..... unique style of dance already. Bob was always a flustered mess who stared at his feet and muttered "one, two, three.." under his breath as he moved. Hangman was more interested in standing at the bar talking to girls than trying to dance with them. Phoenix was the one exception. Her parents had forced her into cotillion as a teen and she had hated it with a passion. However, she still remembered the dances they taught her and Payback was able to help her brush off some of her rusty skills.
Mickey ran into William Shatner in a Starbucks when he was in California the first time he was at Top Gun. Growing up, his grandparents had lived with his family and every day when he came home from school, Mickey would get a snack and watch TOS reruns with his grandma. It was this show that not only sparked his obsession with pop culture but also made him want to fly when he grew up. So seeing Captain Kirk standing in front of him ordering a grande cappuccino was a completely surreal experience. Luckily, Mickey was in his khaki uniform. It had his ribbons, Naval aviator pin, and his last name but it did not have his callsign on it. He signed in relief. He did NOT need his idol to have seen that. However, he forgot that he had placed a mobile order and he always used his callsign on his app so when the barista called out that there was an order ready for "Fanboy", Mickey froze. Glancing out of the corner of his eye, he saw that Shatner had also stiffened at the name and his eyes were darting around the room trying to see whose order it was. Mickey decided he was just going to pretend it wasn't his order, but unfortunately, the barista recognized him. She stared pointedly at Mickey and repeated that his order was ready. Reluctantly, Micky stepped forward and took his drink. With his eyes on the floor, he hurried out of the building but not before muttering, "It meant a lot. Thank you." as he passed Shatner. When Mickey made it back to his car, he burst into tears out of embarrassment and the pure emotionality of the situation. He didn't go back to that Starbucks for over a week. However, when he eventually returned, the same barista was there as last time. She handed him his drink once it was ready and also slipped him a large envelope with a wink. When he opened it, he found an autographed picture of William Shatner that said, "For a true Fanboy. Live long, and prosper-- Captain Kirk". Once again, Mickey left Starbucks in tears.
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Tagging a few people who might enjoy these: @lorecraft, @green-socks, @nerdysuperchick, @heart-0n-fire, @blue-aconite, @mayhem24-7forever, @wildbornsiren, @colerambles, @ryebecca, @wkndwlff, @tavners, @sunshineflowerchild789, @topguncortez, @@straightforwardly, @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy, @srry-itshockeyszn, @slightly-psycho-multifan, @fantasticcopeaglepasta, @marvelandotherfandomimagines
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d4r32bstup1d · 2 years
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top gun characters as shit i have saved on my phone pt. 1/?
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garfield-mug · 6 months
A/N: Written for Liz's (@sailor-aviator) Christmas Challenge! There was too much shit happening the past few weeks for me to write full fics, so please enjoy these fluffy headcanons instead!
Pairing: Bob Floyd x fem!Reader
Word: Lights
Warnings: none
bob did really enjoy christmas.
since he was little, it had been his favorite holiday. he enjoyed the presents and cookies and seeing extended family, sure, but his absolute favorite part about christmas were the lights.
every year on christmas eve, him and his siblings would pile into the car with their parents and slowly drive through the streets of a few different neighborhoods in town to see the lights.
some houses had no lights, others changed out their porch lights to bulbs of red and green. a few were completely decked out, strings of vibrant, dazzling lights from rooftop to driveway, all blinking in time to whatever christmas song was playing at the time. if little bob had to guess, he'd say those people had miles and miles of string lights wrapping their homes (as an adult, he can't comprehend the sheer cost of their electric bill). there was one house that had a lawn completely filled with different blow-up lawn ornaments. bob didn't really like that one, he thought it was much too busy.
his favorite house, by far, every year was a one story cape cod. it wasn't the most flashy, it didn't have all the bells and whistles. the trim of the roof and the pillar supporting it over the front porch were lined with soft, delicate vintage bulbs, casting a soft yellow glow across the drive and front yard. it was simple in its beauty. it was like the house knew (and the people living in it) that it didn't need to be bright and flashy to be beautiful. bob thought it was absolutely enchanting.
he found his mind drifting back to that house every christmas after he moved away and joined the navy, forever at the beck and call of uncle sam.
he pictured that house when he was on long deployments and craved a moment of peace and quiet. a tranquil winter scene played out before him: the golden glow of the lights gently washing over him as he closed his eyes, leaning into the feeling of the chilled air around him, enjoying the serene silence that winter brought every year.
when he opened his eyes, he was back on the aircraft carrier, but he was also a touch calmer, a touch more grounded.
it's a lot like how bob felt after he met you.
one fateful day during fleet week, and one guided tour later, bob landed your number and a date.
thankfully, it worked out and now you're coming up on your second christmas together.
you knew bob loved the christmas lights every year, and you had every intention of going all out in your apartment, but things just did not go your way.
life was life-ing.
work was extra busy in the weeks leading up to the holiday. longer hours meant less time to do things around the house and more time to dwell on how things weren't going how you planned.
you somehow managed to get the tree up just in time for your next date night, lights on, and ornaments in a bin for you and bob to put on together.
despite all the last minute decorating, you still didn't find yourself in a particularly festive mood.
frustrated, a little bit sad, and a lot exhausted, you decided to lie down on the floor, head under the tree. bleary eyes looked up through the fake branches, watching the vintage bulbs twinkle and sparkle.
so lost in your thoughts, you didn't hear bob come through the door and call your name.
"honey?" he calls again, confused, as he walks into the living area.
bob didn't know what he was expecting, but it certainly wasn't his girlfriend lying on the floor with her head under the tree. a bit of a strange sight, but a smile spreads across his lips as he watches you for a moment. he knows this time of year can be tough on you.
he shrugs off his jacket and makes his way over to your spot on the floor, taking your lead as he lays beside you, crossing his arms over his chest.
"what are we doing?" he asks, voice soft and sweet as he turns to face you.
"lights." you vaguely gesture to the tree above your heads.
you grab his hand and lace your fingers together.
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jackiequick · 1 year
What If The Dagger Squad Were Teachers Headcanons… 👩‍🏫📚👨‍🏫
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! 📓
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—> If you haven’t seen the last post yet, it was What If The Daggers Were YouTubers 🎥
— Starting this out by saying Iceman is the Principal while Slider is Vice Principal of Top Gunner High School 🛩 and Maverick is one of older teachers there, also the Driver’s Ed instructor as well. Now onto the Daggers!
Mr Rooster Bradshaw ~ Music Teacher 🎶
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Mr. Bradshaw classroom is a pretty chill environment but it can get kinda chilly due to the AC being on or windows being open sometimes. It’s a very simple set up with posters on the wall, instruments played neatly in alphabetical order and plenty of notes on his write board with the lesson plan.
Bradley easily a very tough but patient teacher, always trying to be very gentle and patient with his students even if they can roughly annoy him sometimes. He’s tough and will call out a child if they’re not being best behavior with the others students, he wants everyone to be treated fairly in his classroom!
In the very front of his classroom, nearby the whiteboard and SMART board, Mr Bradshaw has a gorgeous black cherry one of a kind piano. And he will play that thing every single Friday for his students as everyone sang ‘Great Balls Of Fire’ as loudly as they want! They also has his students play songs on the piano and other instruments too of course.
Rooster tends to take a lot of requests from his students and staff for songs to play everyday they come into the classroom. He labeled it ‘Bradshaw School Playlist’ as hooks it up to the speakers every time he can.
Speaking of song requests, Rooster always takes songs from the suggestion box in the front of the classroom and depending on the song, that will be the song they analyze that day for class.
Mr Hangman Seresin ~ Gym 👟
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One of the youngest P.E./Gym teachers in the school and he takes that with pride. He knows he’s one of the young teacher for standard stereotypical ones are supposed to look like but he doesn’t care. Since Hangman a lot more active he’s able to keep up with the young students physically, mentally and emotionally!
He knows all about jokes and fun Tumblr fan pages the students created about him & Mr Rooster. Hell, he encourages it! His students laugh and tease the teachers for their tension haha. Especially the winks Jake leaves Bradley with sometimes during the school week.
Anyways, back to teacher stuff! Jake is a simple and fun gym teacher, every three weeks he has his students playing all the sports and games he can think of. Volleyball, baseball, mini basketball tournaments, hockey, tennis, ping pong, football games outside in the field and etc.
And if you wonder about Time Of The Month, Jake totally understands! He grew up with sisters, a sweet southern mama and a few girlfriends to know how annoyingly painful periods can be. He will let the girls sit on the sidelines of the gym if needed.
Mr Phoenix Trace & Mr Bob Floyd ~ Social Studies & History 📕📗📘
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These two have their classrooms next to one another, so it made it easier to keep track of each other’s students while also popping in to chat. Sending their students into classrooms to collect or swap sheets with.
Social Studies with Phoenix is a fun one, she tends to challenge, joke around and teases her students with questions during class to see who was paying attention and who wasn’t (You know who you are!!). She wants all her students to pay attention and treat people with plenty of respect.
Phenix is very helpful as a teacher and always listens to her students. She’s very open to hear them out and give them suggestions or cut them some slack if needed. She’s the Mama Bear of the teachers, cause she has such a big heart!
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History with Bob is pretty a chill one, he tends to play music in the background as the students work on their classwork (and whatever was leftover sometimes will be homework on Fridays). Bob always has his eyes and hears on high alert, so he might catch you quickly, if he sees your doing something your not supposed to be doing.
Bob takes participation very seriously as he likes if everyone can communicate, interact nicely and understand the lessons. Sharing thoughts and answering questions. Even coming up to the SMART Board to explain and demonstrate certain topics of history. Bob doesn’t tolerate misbehavior and rude people in his classroom, especially if a teacher or fellow students is presenting something to the class. So be nice! 
Mr. Fanboy Garcia ~ Science teacher 🔬
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One of young nerdy science teacher, he tends to try to dabble in teaching a bit everything over the years. But the ones the schools will give him are Biologically and Earth Science, with some Chemistry too.
Fanboy always treats his students with care and respect, expecting the same thing in return. If there’s no respect or everyone is misbehaving in his classroom, you wouldn’t get the happy and somewhat loud teacher. He will be quiet and annoyed, everyone will get memo to act better.
He’s the teacher to nerd out about certain things in between class and if he’s able to incorporate his love for fandoms into the classroom he would. Fanboy will joke around and mention Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Star Trek and etc during lessons to get the point across. Some students will catch onto it and smiles, others might be confused until he explains it in between the lessons.
Those tricky science tests? Well if the class is good enough and depending on the exam, they will be an open book test with notes. Fanboy wants to see who’s actually paying attention and taking notes, and who’s not. So he can re-teach and go over certain topics later on.
Mr Payback Fitch - English teacher 💻
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This man one of the chill teachers in this school. So in result his classroom tends to be be very relax and entertaining for his students. Payback tends to have books to read, notebooks to use, sheets of papers in his closet, pens and pencil in the front of the classroom and etc. Along with posters on the wall to help with tips and tricks for writing and reading.
He’s very causal with his students and treats them plenty of patients and support during lessons. He expects the same in return, to have respect and patience with him.
Payback enjoys teaching his students all about writing stories, reading chapters of books their using to the class, explaining themes and ideas, the passion and mindset behind a character, points of view and the list goes on.
He tends to play movies in his classrooms usually they were related to the lessons but sometimes they were used as talking points. As for projects, he has one very specific project he enjoys doing, Shakespeare Fair! Each grade is given a Shakespeare book to reads, have lessons based on and a project to do. This is where he gets to see the creativity of all the students in the school shine!
Mr Coyote Machado - Art Teacher 🎨
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Get your sketch books and art supplies out because you will be taking note here. This man is cocky, sweet and a gentlemen, he will joke and call you out on your shit if he notice something ain’t fitting the vibe to the grooves of the classroom.
Coyote is the type of teacher that encourages creativity and critical thinking. His classroom is where students can experiment, make mistakes and learn from each other. Use that mind of theirs!
Each month he puts up two interesting fact about Art to impress and inspire everyone. He doesn’t want his students to give, he wants them to try and try until they feel satisfied with them. Or to at least say they tried!
His art class consist mainly of class projects and assignment reflecting a certain degree of styles. Painting, pop art, cubism, contemporary, fantasy, impressionist and etc. He tends to encourage his students to use the supplies and examples in the room to help with inspiration. Also well as the music Coyote tends to play from his speakers from his computer. He usually takes music requests!
Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy it and happy Teacher Appreciation Week 👩‍🏫👨‍🏫
Tags: @mandylove1000 @gaminggirlsstuff @t-nd-rfoot @fanboygarcia @topgun-imagines @rooster-84 @hangmanbrainrot @bradshawsbaby @gcthvile @msrochelleromanofffelton @hanlueluver @starkleila and etc
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fyrewalks · 12 days
TAGGED BY: stolen from @dereiserne TAGGING: @itsbuck @lvebug @heartsbreaking (gracie) @karmasainted (emily) @hauntboxed (jake) and you, the cutie on the dash reading this!!
Compassion : 9 / 10 bob, at his core, is a compassionate person. he is jewish and was raised with the belief that if there is something you can do to help someone or to bestow some kindness, you do it. (you can read more about his jewishness here and here.)
Bitterness : 6 / 10 bitterness is similar to bob's anger; it's not that he never feels it, but it takes a considerable amount of annoyance and frustration to get him to outwardly show it. if people know him well enough, they can read which silences are just him being quiet and which are him biting his tongue, holding back. he's a bit more of an open book then he'd like to be sometimes, though. and as we saw in the movie with his quips towards hangman and simpson, he doesn't always hold back, either.
Anger: 7.5 / 10 bob inherited his father's anger, the kind that flashes hot and quick, gone a few seconds after it started, but still scathing with burns left behind. it dissipates and is smoothed over with the barest apologies in favor of passiveness and just moving on with whatever choice needs to be made. bob just feels more anger than most people expect, a lot of it stemming from his older sister's unexpected passing, how his family struggled to cope, and how the ripples of her death still affect his life today, nearly twenty years later.
Happiness : 7 / 10 bob would describe himself as content over happy. it's not that he considers himself unhappy or anything, it just feels like happiness is restricted to moments rather than his entire life right now. his life is good, he likes what he has, he just feels it could be better.
Politeness : 9 / 10 bob was raised with good manners and high expectations; he minds his p's and q's, uses the proper honorifics/ma'am's and sir's, and wishes people a good day.
Chivalry : 8.5 / 10 chivalry is tied to politeness for much of the same reasons, bob is just inherently awkward about it.
Pride : 5.5 / 10 pride is a difficult thing for bob. where as his compassion, his quiet, mild-mannered personality, and his kindness towards others are very much intrinsic traits of his, his pride is more variable. it's easier for him to express pride for others than for himself. what pride he feels for himself is generally tied to his achievements - going to mit, becoming one of the younger wizzos to be invited to top gun, etc. then there's the pride he feels as a gay man: bob has never, and will never, shy away from his sexuality, but he's also aware he is not as 'outward' with it as he might be if he weren't in the navy.
Honesty : 7.5 / 10 bob's honesty is difficult to rank. he might be quiet, but he does speak up if there's reason too. then there's the social awkwardness he's prone to, voicing observations people would rather not hear said in a room full of people. and then there's the meat and potatoes of it all, bob carefully talking around his dead sister. he won't outright lie and pretend she never existed, but he regularly sidesteps questions about sibling counts and goes vague on the details of family stories and memories.
Bravery : 9 / 10 listen, you don't end up the backseater in a fighter jet without a healthy dose of bravery. also, he was one of the few out gay teens in school and among the base families so that required a lot of bravery too.
Recklessness : 9 / 10 again, there's the fighter jet of it all. there's also bob, who spent a good chunk of his summers on his grandmother's ranch in montana, with too little supervision and too much access to giant tractors and such. he got into some shit. then there's the more unsavory nature of how much his drinking got out of hand the first two years or so of college - bruises he couldn't account for, nights he can't completely remember, hooking up with people he shouldn't have. there's a reason he doesn't drink now (more so in social gatherings, he'll sometimes have a glass of wine with shabbat dinner or if there's a good pairing with food - he's kind of a food snob, okay - but that took years and complete sobriety to achieve).
Ambition : 8 / 10 ambition is an easier feeling than pride. focusing on flight school and his career also helped bob in his first years of sobriety. he was also raised with the expectation of doing well in school and for himself, though neither parent wanted him in the navy.
Loyalty : 10 / 10 bob is very loyal to the people cares for and it influences why he's so passive. he and his sister can get in a brutal fight and he'll pretend it never happened days later in favor of being able to talk again. it's why he and his parents still have a relationship after they cut him off when he joined the navy. he knows what it's like to loose someone so he values relationships and standing by them.
Love : 9 / 10 bob's love comes across in cooking and ensuring people are cared for. his love is like glue, tiny little acts that foster connection. as for romantic love, bob's always looked up to his parents, how much they've endured and stood by each other through everything. (even if now he's old enough to be a little freaked out that they both way too young to have gone through everything that they have.)
Sense of family : 8.5 / 10 this is another score that's difficult to quantify, one that bob probably ranks higher out of a sense of denial and optimism. there's his older sister's death - his dad drawing inward and silent, his mom's depression, and bob, only ten years old, desperately trying to handle everything once his dad was back on deployment. there's gracie's, his younger sister, gymnastics career that over shadowed a lot of bob's life as they both got older. there's his maternal grandparents in new jersey, who mourned stevie's death by spoiling their grandchildren rather than fostering actual connection (and bob forever equating her death with them since it happened during a visit there). there's his parents - who were so scared of loosing another child, that they kicked him out and cut him off when bob told them he signed up for the navy rotc at mit. they've since rekindled their relationship, but bob still finds it hard to really share his life with them. the only familial relationship that bob finds easy to define is with his paternal grandmother in montana. oddly enough, helping out on the ranch during the summers was the most 'normal' he felt. it's the reason a lot of his identity is tied to those western influences. tl;dr - bob questions where and how exactly he fits in with them all, but loves them all dearly and does what he can to make it work.
Attractiveness : 7 / 10 bob ranks himself a 7 on a good day; a 5 or 6 when he's feeling particularly insecure around the navy gymrats.
Agility : 8.5 / 10 bob's a runner and has muscles honed for ranch work, rather than gym vanity muscles. also, being in a fighter jet requires a certain level of fitness and coordination.
Sex drive : 9 / 10 quiet on the streets, freak in the sheets ayyyyy. (bob once bemoaned to his sister that the worst part of being a gay man in the navy is being surrounded by hot men and not being able to do anything about it.)
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callsign-daydream · 8 months
Payback: Where did you come from? Bob: I was hiding behind the drapes. Payback: What is this? Hamlet?
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sebsxphia · 2 years
pussy inspection anon you have my heart <3 no but jake filming your ruined orgasm 😵‍💫 idk why but the idea of getting or giving a ruined orgasm to jake or bob makes my head EXPLODE. thank you for giving me this incredible thot
@urtheoneiwant omg tell me about it i haven’t stopped thinking about it 😵‍💫
jake would give you a ruined orgasm because he wants to film it and loves seeing the way your pussy clenches around nothing. he could come from thinking about his cock inside of you.
bob would give you a ruined orgasm as a punishment. he lures you into a false sense of security and then pulls away at the last minute. he loves to hear your pathetic whines and mewls and how you clench your thighs together to try and relieve some of the feeling. extra points if he ties your legs up so you can’t :)
but then giving them a ruined orgasm? oml. i know they can both be complete subs when the time is right. they’ll be gripping onto the bedsheets and begging you. what they’re begging for they don’t even know anymore. they’re too cock drunk themselves.
thank you so much for this incredible thot my love!! 💌
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kryptonitejelly · 2 years
More Jake thoughts!!!!
Buying a new house together and him building ikea furniture! But he definitely doesn’t look at the instructions and is silently cursing to himself in the bedroom because it’s been hours and the bed frame still isn’t built. Meanwhile you’ve put together half the living room and office.
But also silently thinking about Bob putting together furniture for his house and every room being completed in 4 hours because he’s efficient and reads the instructions!
LINDS 😭🥺 WHY (also, I don’t look at the instructions either and hate myself while struggling ha ha ha.)
(also, also, small bonus bob portion below because ily)
He doesn’t look, at all, and you leave him be when he proudly tosses a side the instructions, telling you “babe, it’s ikea, i think i can handle it”
You’ve tackled the office, and half the living room, when you hear a curse coming from the bedroom.
You peek in to see a devastatingly handsome blonde, now shirtless, hair sticking up, staring at the still deconstructed frame in front of him a screw driver in hand.
“Need some help there?”
“Ok then,” you vanish back around the door, amused. You are used to Jake by now - man is as stubborn as a bag of rocks, and sometimes, it’s better to let him work through it himself. You learnt that early on.
You do however, spot the instruction manual lying at the corner of the room, and you subtly give it a kick back centre on your way out.
You get through the next quarter of the living room, slowly, when you hear a triumphant shout from the bedroom.
You venture over to see Jake with a third of the frame assembled, instruction sheet opened at his feet.
“Finally decided to use the instruction sheet?”
“Barely,” he would retort, “just you know, opened it for 5 seconds”
“Ok babe,” you’ll let him have it, but you know better.
“I’ll order pizza” - you tell him, and Jake hums agreement. You know it’s going to be a few hours more ahead of you both.
Now BONUS BOB - he would definitely read the instructions, even before he dives into it. He’ll gather the tools, make a plan, start with the biggest object first, and then the smaller ones, room by room.
You’ll have your house done in 4 hours, with minimal effort from you - because Bob is meticulous, smart and efficient - he knows the benefit of planning, being precise.
Bob will have your house set up in another 2 hours - mattress in, sheets on, pillows up, essentials plugged in (all easy to find because he would have packed sensible and well with planning). He’ll definitely have time to take you out for a casual dinner after before you both spend your first night at your new home <3
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hangmanapologist · 2 years
Bob’s mom used to cut his hair in the kitchen and still does whenever he’s home
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minilpark · 2 years
you getting your laundry mixed up with bob's while you two are on the navy carrier together, not noticing you have a couple shirts of his until you wear one for pajamas and they're quite large on you. he doesn't realise he's missing some items until he happens to pass by you in the hall and notices you in his clothes but he's too shy to tell you and instead tells phoenix, your roommate. she laughs at the situation and the next day lets you know whose shirt you were wearing. later on, you knock on the door to his shared room and try to give him back his clothes but he just politely declines and stutters out, "i- it's fine you can keep them. i-if you want of course! frankly, i think it looks better on you than me-" and then he realises he's said too much and you chuckle and give him a kiss on the cheek simply thanking him for the shirts and letting him know to meet you for dinner at the cafeteria later.
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wildbornsiren · 1 year
Bradley and Bob going to visit Bob’s family and it’s just so cute because they’re so welcoming and Bradley chokes up because it feels like home
Fe. Fe. FE. A brilliant explosion of color lined the road, the fall foliage on display everywhere he looked. Bradley glanced over at Bob, who was humming along with the song on the radio as he drove. One hand on the wheel, the other holding Bradley’s. Thumb smoothing over the back of his hand. It was still all so new, despite being together for nearly a year now, and when Bob asked him to come home to meet the family, Bradley panicked. Bob had put up with it all. The silence, the nerves, the eight million questions when Bradley decided that yes, he would go home with Bob to Tennessee. “You alright?”
The soft question startled Bradley out of his thoughts. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. It’s gorgeous out there.” “It’s gorgeous in here too.” Bob grins, and Bradley’s heart skips a beat. He squeezes Bob’s hand gently. “Last chance to back out,” Bob says softly, turning down a dirt road. “I’m ready.” The drive widens slightly, winding along. Immense pastures spread out as far as he can see, the sunset setting everything ablaze in shades of oranges and reds. There’s a slight dip in the road, Bob taking a hard right, the crunch of gravel giving way to concrete. The drive ends in a loop with a sprawling ranch house. Bob pulls up next to another truck. There’s a blonde woman, a child on her hip talking to man who has an identical child on his hip while two more race around the truck. “My sister Ellie, and that’s her husband Jeff.” Bob says softly. “The twins are in a Dr. Seuss stage and only answer to Thing One and Thing Two. The boy with the cowboy hat is Jensen, and the little girl is Aubrey.” “We like Jeff?” “We like Jeff.” Bob repeats. “Margret is on the porch, and her boyfriend is probably in the house.” There’s a blonde woman standing on the porch, laughing as three dogs escape out the front chased by two more children, a teenager following lazily after them. “The two little kids belong to my cousin.” Bob says, “They’re staying with momma while Rhett’s working the circuit. The teenager is Charlie, he’s Margret’s.” Bob startles when there’s a thump to his window, turning to see a third woman with her face pressed against the glass comically. “That’s Cassie.” Bob says as Bradley laughs, seeing the slow realization in her eyes that Bob isn’t alone in the cab of the truck. “You ready?” “Absolutely not.” Bradley says with a soft laugh, but he’s got his hand on the door release. His feet hit the ground, and there’s a moment of quiet. He can feel all eyes on him, taking his measure. And then Bob gets out of the truck. He slams the door closed, walking over to Bradley taking his hand. “Behave, all of you.” There’s another moment of silence, broken by a thunderous crash, or the call of a very large bird of prey, Bradley’s not sure. The two kids who had been running around the other truck turn and barrel straight into Bob, taking him down while the dogs, and two other younger children join in. “Ellie,” the woman with a toddler on her hip, offers her hand. They shake, and he grins. “Hold this,” She hands Bradley the toddler. “Robert Floyd you didn’t tell me you were bringing your boyfriend?” Ellie takes a foot to her knee and she joins the dog pile as Cassie knocks into her. There’s a whole lot of wrestling and yelling and hysterical giggles. “Are you Thing One, or Thing Two?” Bradley asks the blond toddler who blinks brilliant blue eyes at him. The kid holds up two fingers, before there’s a tiny hand slapping against his mustache. “Pleased to meet you Thing Two.” Bradley murmurs and is rewarded with happy laughter. “It’s safer inside.” Jeff tips his head toward the house, Margret was moving down the stairs zeroed in on the mass of bodies rolling around in the dirt. They head up to the house, Bradley’s stomach rumbling when he smells something delicious coming from the kitchen. “Welcome to the chaos.” Jeff says with a smile. “Go find Nanna, tell her Uncle Bobby and his boyfriend are here.” He sets one twin down, and takes the other from Bradley. It’s warm and noisy, there’s toys strewn about, shoes piled up in the entry way. A television is playing cartoons, there’s music coming from the kitchen. Bradley feels his shoulders drop, the last bit of nerves evaporating from his belly. He hadn’t felt like this in years, and it was something that he had missed deep down in his cells. Home. The door bangs open behind them, bringing with it a gust of chilly autumn air. Bob’s draped on his back, Bradley supporting his weight, feeling himself blush when a soft kiss is pressed to his cheek. “Come on, let’s introduce you to Momma.”
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Dagger Squad's Ugly Christmas Sweaters
Before everyone leaves Top Gun for the holidays, the squad gathers at the Hard Deck for one last drink together wearing their favorite ugly sweaters....
Rooster shows up wearing the sweater and everyone has a good laugh about it. However, halfway through the night, he gets hot so he takes it off to reveal the shirt underneath and those laughs turn to playful groans.
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Hangman came wearing the same sweater he wears every year. And as always, he is ready to fight anyone who tries to tell him that Die Hard is not a Christmas movie.
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Phoenix and Bob:
Bob picked out their sweaters and Phoenix begrudgingly agreed (she can never say no to Bob). She wore the green one while he wore the red one.
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Though he is more of a Trekkie, Fanboy also has a deep love for Star Wars. And when he saw this sweater, he just had to get it. (side note: I may or may not own this one personally as a shirt)
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As the tallest one on the squad, Payback has heard all the comments and jokes so he decided to lean into it. Of course, his outfit wouldn't be complete without the matching headpiece!
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Coyote originally wasn't planning on wearing a sweater, but after seeing everyone else getting into it, he changed his mind. He also showed up with a plate of gingerbread cookies.
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Iceman and Maverick (back in the day):
Carol bought this for Ice and Mav the first Christmas after their time at Top Gun. They tried wearing it for a while, but their height differences caused a few problems... (guess which one was which 😉)
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hangmanbrainrot · 1 year
Sieeee I’m so sorry for the brainfart I’m sharing but I can’t stop thinking about the Daggers with a partner who has opposite personalities as them. Hangman with a major introvert? Bob with a major extrovert? Rooster with…Idk I’m too tired to think of who could be opposite Rooster
Do with this what you will, I just wanted to share it with someone 😭
MY DARLING ANNA, pls never apologize. I love you & your mind. Always share any and every thought with me.
Okay, so here is about to be my first attempt at writing hc's! Talk to me nice. <3 I wrote these with gn pronouns.
the dagger squad & their partners
I feel like Bradley is a textbook definition of an ambivert; that or he's social when he strictly needs to be. Otherwise, he's content not to be the star of the show or the person with the loudest laugh in the room. This makes him able to be incredibly adaptable to his partner's needs, no matter what their personality type is like. Quiet, shy, reserved partner? He's at home with them, catching up on the show they've been waiting weeks to binge together because he's finally home and making sure they have a ton of snacks. Outgoing, super gregarious and affable partner? He's helping them play the role of the perfect host, mingling at the many holidays and parties hosted at their shared home, and practically fucking dazzling every at every social outing.
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He gives me major life of the party vibes, for sure. Bradley and Jake were squabbling like an old married couple and he didn't have any trouble being like 'anyway.' So, for as much as I love Reuben, I feel like he'd struggle the most with a partner who was opposite from him in terms of personality! He would absolutely, fully commit to the bit, drag them out of their shell, kicking and screaming. He's belting out along with the radio in the grocery store and making everyone laugh, he's the fun uncle who dresses up in a Santa costume for the kids, like Reuben just seems so fun and larger than life, to me. His person, 100%, has got to match his energy.
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I don't know how else to say this besides she's just so fucking cool, man. People perceive her as standoffish, I think, but I'd rather think of her as observant. So, Natasha is likely, like Bradley, very much an ambivert. Though, instead of electing to find a partner who's opposite of herself, I think Natasha would prefer to be with someone who, like her, can match the energy of a room. Much more than that, Natasha's partner has to be smart as a whip and really able to keep up with some healthy banter. I think having to shoulder a conversation on her back with her potential person would be super irritating for her; she likes someone who can keep up. No matter what their personality type, they've gotta be able to keep Nat on her toes.
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Being best friends with Jake has sort of equipped Javy to be able to deal with every sort of personality type, so Javy is another person who I think is often perceived as a little more reserved, but absolutely isn't. He's just used to his little green-eyed Ken doll friend making a spectacle of himself, is all. Javy is absolutely the kind of person who can have fun with his person in a museum, whispering commentary on what they saw, as to not interrupt the other patrons, and making note of specific works to discuss later over coffee, but also down for karaoke in a sweaty, crowded bar, just to profess his love for his partner in a room full of people he's never met but that absolutely need to know how special they are.
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Mickey is literal sunshine personified. I believe this completely. Like, he was very much well-liked in school, class president, had a ton of different friends. I feel like Mickey has an uncanny ability to make any and everyone like him, no matter what their differences are. He just gives me that FEELING. So I feel like Mickey would end up in a sunshine x sunshine protector dynamic with his partner, in which said partner is maybe a little rough around the edges but will threaten harm to anyone who dares try to dim the light of their Mickey. This is one of my favorite ship dynamics and it suits Mickey so well.
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He's not quite pushy, but he's definitely leaning on his partner to open up a little bit and be a little more sociable. Like, he's a real "take them dancing and show off some flashy moves" type, but only so everybody can see how absolutely captivating his person is, and how lucky he is to have them on his arm. Despite how big and loud his personality can be, I think he'd definitely be the type to respect his partner's limits; he'd be so in tune with them that he'd know when they've had their fill of social interaction and be ready to spend some quality time curled up on the couch, especially when he knows this is their preference. But, if Jake is with someone whose personality is bigger than his? They're absolutely always trying to playfully one-up each other, and see who can be more endearingly, ridiculously annoying or boisterous. I imagine Jake with a partner whose personality is similar to his is just on level 500 energy-wise, and they're always laughing together.
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My secret hc is that Bob is only shy with the Daggers because he doesn't know them like that, oops! So, his partner fully expects someone shy and, he is but like only for the first few weeks of dating. After that, I think Bob would start to reveal his true personality, which is like singing full-throated in the kitchen while making his person breakfast and striking up conversations with fellow patrons in the Starbucks line (but like in the least obtrusive, least annoying way possible). Bob has such a soothing aura and vibe that people just feel like they can trust him and strike up small talk with him in public spaces. With this in mind, I think his ideal partner is already fairly extroverted, but they're completely shocked by his 180 once they're out of the 'getting to know you' phase.
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talktomegooseman · 1 year
Phoenix and her siblings are adopted! She’s got a twin brother and a young sister. Grew up playing ball with her brother and def talked about boys with her sister even if they were 3 years younger than her.
Hangman is the baby of 4 kids. Dude has 3 older sisters and doesn’t mind one bit. Coyote is basically his brother. Let's be real here.
Coyote has two younger brothers, and an older sister. Def known to torment his sister and wrestle in the house with his brothers. Hangman dated his sister in high school.
Fanboy has 3 sisters and 2 brothers and he’s in the middle. So specifically it goes sister, brother, fanboy, brother, sister, sister
Payback has 2 younger brothers and sometimes wants to strangle them but loves them nonetheless
Bob has 2 younger sisters and would kill for them. He loves them so much they get a little annoyed.
Rooster. Oh Roo in canon has Amelia let’s be honest. Man loves that kid more than life itself. Now if Goose lived, Rooster would’ve grown up with at least 3 siblings. 2 of which are twin sisters and then the baby of the family is his little brother. Loves them to death and will fight them and for them. No one is allowed to tease his siblings except him.
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