#bobby seurat
randomestfandoms-ocs · 2 months
Val, Sav & Bobby season 3 prom?
Val (dress one in the colour of dress two):
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 8 months
➰ + Ramona?
My new rich bitch baby yes! (Also... so many poly lesbians vibes from this list lmao)
Abbie Hudson
Adelia Kline
Betty Fabray
Colton & Cece Cartwright
Charlie Sylvester
Cole Manning
Demi July
Hillary Holliday
Jeremy St James
Joy Schuester
June Harris & May Taylor
Kendall Pierce
Marilyn Pillsbury
Maureen Morton
Melody Naccarelli
Roxie Flores
Savannah Evans (& Valeria Ramirez & Bobby Seurat)
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the-witching-ash · 9 months
WBW for Andrew Cartwright?
Disclaimer - this is Andrew Berry, just the crossover version with @randomestfandoms-ocs who gets his name changed in season two, post the Rachel Berry Trainwerck Extravaganza in Blame It On The Alcohol.
world building wednesday
send me the name of a character, and i’ll reply with:
full name: Andrew Stephen Cartwright
gender: cis-male
sexuality: bisexual, also identifies as demisexual
pronouns: he/him
family: Colton Cartwright (best-friend/soulmate), Quinn Fabrey (other best-friend/soulmate), Beth Cartwright-Fabrey (adoptive daughter) Brad Cartwright (Foster Father/Guardian?) , Cece Cartwright (Foster Sister?)
birthplace: Lima, Ohio
job: Waiter, various jobs in college, Broadway
Phobias: Will Schuster, Bugs, Slushies
guilty pleasures: Musical Films (but he doesn’t count them as guilty pleasures), Dolly Parton
morality alignment?: neutral good
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
close minded/open-minded:
otp: (varies on the crossover, all @randomestfandoms-ocs ocs) Andrew/Colton Cartwright, Andrew/Demi July, Andrew/Savannah Evens, Andrew/Joy Schuester, Andrew/Roxie Flores, Andrew/Bobby Seurat, Andrew/Val Ramirez, Andrew/Adalia Kline, Andrew/Kirsty Gilmore
ot3: Andrew/Colton/Roxie
brotp: Andrew Cartwright & Mike Chang
notp: Andrew/Dave Karofsky, Andrew/Jesse St. James,
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noys-boise · 11 months
i think Daniel Radcliffe should just keep being in Sondheim shows. he could be the baker in into thw woods. he would make a damn good Georges Seurat. or Bobby Company. keep it going. break out of harry potter my guy and become THE Sondheim actor. you can do it Dan. i believe in you.
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Artifact Series G
Gabriel, comte de Montgomery’s Lance Splinters
Gabriel Voisin's Empennage
Gaius Appuleius Diocles' Chariot
Galen of Pergamon's Scalpel
Galileo Galilei's Astrolabe *
Galla Placidia’s Gold Glass Medallion
Gallus Mag’s Suspenders
Galvarino's Knives
Ganesha's Broken Tusk
Ganges River Water
Gan Ning's Bells
Gardner Fox’s Filing Cabinets
Garrett Scott's Tie-Dye Bracelet
Garðar Svavarsson's Ship
Gary Brolsma's Glasses
Gary Busey's Motorcycle Helmet
Gary Coleman's SAG Card *
Gary Larson's Tear-Away Calander
Gaspard de Coligny's Gauntlet
Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos' Desk
Gas Station Sign from the 1973 Oil Crisis
Gavrilo Princip's FN-Model 1910 Pistol
Gazala, Horse of Baldwin I of Jerusalem's Battle Armor *
Gear Shift Knob
Geber's Battery
Geber's Glassblower
Gene Autry’s Hollywood Star
Gene Krupa's Drum Set
Gene Roddenberry’s Glasses
Gene Siskel's Popcorn Bucket
General Electric Can Opener
The General Lee
General Store from Agloe, New York
General Tso's Pet Chicken's Bones *
Ghengis Khan's Mace *
Genghis Khan's Saddlebag
Geoffrey Barkas' Collar Stud
Geoffrey Chaucer's First Poems
Geoffroi De Charny's Helmet
Geogina Winthrop's Blue Porcelain Teapot *
Georg Friedrich Treitschke's Butterfly Display
Georg Wilhelm Richmann's Metal Tongs
Georg Joachim Rheticus' Compass and other effects *
George III's Crown
George Armstrong Custer's Bugle
George Bellows’ Fight Ticket
George Bernard Shaw's Academy Award & Nobel Prize
George Boleyn's Prebendal Stall Cushion
George Bush Sr.'s Tie
George C. Parker's Deed to the Brooklyn Bridge
George Carlin's Microphone
George Catlin's Bead Necklace
George Cayley's Coat
George Dantzig's National Medal of Science Award
George Ernest's Film Reel
George Fan's Sketchbook
George Formby Sr’s Penny Dreadful
George Frideric Handel's Baton
George Green’s Dentistry Tools
George Harrison's Copy of "He's So Fine"
George Harrison's Stolen Guitar
George Herbert's Shaving Kit
George Joyce's Uniform
George the Magician's Lightning Electrodes *
George Martin's Original Studio Master of "Rain"
George Orwell's Microphone
George Patton's Grenade
George Patton's Steel Military Helmet *
George Reeves' Eyeglasses *
George Renninger's First Batch of Candy Corn
George Romero's Camera
George Romero's Director's Chair
George Romero's Flashlight
George R. R. Martin's DOS Computer
George Stokes’ Fluorite
George Takei's Blanket
George Vanderbilt's Keys to the Biltmore Estate
George Wallace’s Podium
George Washington's Colichemarde
George Washington's Jigger
George Washington's Pewter Ice Cream Pots
George Washington's Shaving Brush *
George Washington's Teeth (canon)
George Went Hensley's Bible *
George Westinghouse's Fountain Pen
Georges Cuvier's Handkerchief *
Georges de la Tour’s Candle
Georges-Louis Le Sage’s Telegraph
Georges Mochet's Pedal Car *
Georges-Pierre Seurat's "A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte"
Georges Pierre Seurat's Bathers at Asnieres *
Georges Vézina’s Leg Guards
Georgia Guidestones
Georgia O'Keeffe’s Ram Skull
Georgia O'Keeffe's Watering Can
Gerald Holtom's Flags
Gerardus Mercator’s Globe
Gerolamo Cardano's Dice
Geronimo's Skull
Gertrude Jekyll's Paintbox
Gettysburg Civil War Bonesaw
GFS Cooking Spray *
Ghostbuster Proton Pack
Ghosts of Christmas History's Robes
Ghyslain Raza's Golf Ball Retriever
Giacomo Casanova's Chunk of Black Marble
Giacomo Casanova's Hair Tie
The Gibsons' Knife Block
Gil Perez's Helmet
Gilbert Bates’ American Flag
Gilbert Vernam's Paper Tape
Gilbert U-238 Atomic Energy Lab
Gilles de Rais' Key Ring
Gilles de Montmorency-Laval's Closet Key
Ginnie Wade's Bread Dough
Giotto di Bondone's Lantern
Giovanni Boccaccio’s Laurel Wreath
Giovanni Bragolin's Original "Crying Boy" and "Crying Girl"
Giovanni Caselli’s Pantelegraph
Giovanni De Ventura's Beak Mask
Giovanni Malatesta's Gloves
Giovanni Martino's Cavalry Trumpet
Girolamo Savonarola's Crucifix
Giuseppe Arcimbaldo's Fruit Basket
Giuseppe Caspar Mezzofanti’s Zucchetto
Gladys Aylward’s Lotus Shoes
Glafira Alymova's Harp
Glass Coca-Cola Bottle
Glass Eye
Glass Jar from the Donner Party *
Glass Plate
Glass Shards from Kristallnacht
Glauce's Wedding Dress
Glenn Beck's Chalkboard
Gloria Swanson's Brush *
Glowing Highlighter Pens
Glue from Victor Clairmont's
Gluttonous Cake Fork
Goblet of Severan *
Godfrey of Bouillon's Battle Helmet *
Sir Godfrey Newbold Hounsfield's Prototype EMT Scanner
Godfrid's Ladle *
Goetz Open Feather 0-10 Telephone Token
Gold Bar from Fort Knox
Gold Bond Bottle Caps
Golden Cap
Golden Easter Egg
Golden Egg
The Golden Fleece
Golden Girls Dining Set
The Golden Hind
Golden Nugget Ashtray
The Golden Rope *
Golden Scale
Gold Spike from the Trans-Continental Railroad *
The Gordian Knot
Gordon Gekko's Cellphone *
Gordon Gould's Laser Notebook
Gordon Ramsay's Chef Knives
Gottfried Mind’s Copper Plate
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz's Arithmometer
Gotz von Berlichingen's Prosthetic Arm
The Governor's Knife
Grace Cossington Smith’s “Interior in Yellow”
Grace Hopper’s Log Book
Grace Hopper's Naval Reserve Medal
Graduation Ceremony Outfit
Graham Chapman's Bobby Cap
Graham Young’s Teapot
Grand Central Terminal Rotary Convertor
Grant Devolson Wood's "American Gothic"
The Grapes of Wrath *
Greased Lightning
Great Tent of Wola
The Green Thumb
Gregor-Bavari Perfume Bottle
Gregor Mendel's Glasses
Gregor Mendel's Magnifying Glass
Grenade from Adolf Hitler's Bunker *
Greta Garbo's Make-Up Kit
The Griffin and St. Lawrence Memorial Medallions
Grigory Vakulinchuk's Sailor Cap
Grigori Rasputin's Prayer Rope *
Grinling Gibbon's Whet Wheel
Grover Davis' Necklace
Groucho Marx's Honorary Oscar *
Guardian Scarecrow
Guglielmo Embriaco’s Siege Engine
Guglielmo Marconi's Electronic Oscillator *
Guglielmo Marconi's Ring
Guillaume Duchenne's Electrodes
Guillermo del Toro’s Notebook
Günter Schabowski’s Note
Gustaf Nordenskiöld’s Trowel
Gustav Klimt's Eugenia Primavesi *
Gustave Dore's Unpublished Engravings
Gutzon Borglum's Presidential Busts
Guru Gobind Singh's Kirpan
Guru Gobind Singh's Kangha
Guru Gobind Singh's Kara
Guru Gobind Singh's Kacchera
Guru Gobind Singh's Preserved Kesh
Guru Har Gobind's Chakrams
Gustavus Franklin Swift’s Refrigerator Car
Guy Bradley’s Skiff
Guy de La Brosse's Garden
Guy Fawkes Mask
Guy Fawkes' Gunpowder and Gun
Guy Fawkes' Day Fireworks
György Dózsa's Crown
György Dózsa's Pitchfork
Gypsy Rose Lee's Veils *
0 notes
asianadjacent · 7 years
A day of culture (and bad jokes) at The Courtauld Gallery
It’s been a long time since my last post. I’m aiming to write more again so here goes nothing! 
For those of you who don’t know me, I’m a bit of a culture vulture that appreciates the finer things in life. Art, music, dance, the theatre - you name it, I revel in it, love it and value it. 
So when Guillaume asked if I would like to explore The Courtauld Gallery’s Impressionist and Post-Impressionist collection, I jumped at the chance to visit what The Guardian dubbed as "one of the world's great collections of impressionist and post-impressionist art.”
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For all you plebians out there, Impressionism is a 19th-century art movement characterised by relatively small, thin, yet visible brush strokes, open composition, emphasis on accurate depiction of light in its changing qualities (often accentuating the effects of the passage of time), ordinary subject matter, inclusion of movement as a crucial element of human perception and experience, and unusual visual angles. (Wikipedia). 
I powered through my hangover and went to meet the greats at Somerset House - Monet, Degas, Gauguin, and Van Gogh. (Along with pieces from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. 
These are just some of my first impressions of the things I saw today. 
1. Baby Jesus indeed is the best Jesus
I once knew a man whose favourite version of Jesus, was the a dear eight pound six ounce newborn infant Jesus. After today, I will have to agree with Ricky Bobby, baby Jesus was the best possible version of the Son of God. Evidence of this can be found below. 
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Exhibit 1: Here is baby Jesus being all fabulous and shit. 
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Exhibit 2: Here is baby Jesus being all fabulous and shit again...while blessing a man with the most unfortunate bangs. God rest his soul. 
If these two historically accurate depictions of Jesus can’t convince you that baby Jesus is the best, there is a 69% likelihood that you support Trump. 
2. Ain’t no party like a crucification or martyrdom party
Judging by all the paintings of Christ on the cross and his saints being all martyr-y, it just seems like that whole time period was a giant party. 
Much like the previous point, please find the evidence to support that claim below. 
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Exhibit 1: Crucification parties were all the rage back then. 
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Exhibit 2: Jesus showed off his cool scars to his pals like Saint Thomas at these get togethers. 
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Exhibit 3: Saint Sebastian proving to hermit saints Jerome and Antony Abbot that martyrdom and being fabulous go hand-in-hand. 
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Exhibit 4: Saint Peter tripping balls. 
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Exhibit 5: Saint Peter tripping balls again later in the night after Mary stole his hat. What an absolute legend. 
If these pictures aren’t sufficient proof for you, go read The Sun. 
Closing thoughts
Jokes aside, I did actually manage to learn about Impressionism (thanks to some handy Googling) and the artists who drove the movement forward. 
I was particularly drawn towards the Pointillism pieces (another handy Googled knowledge) by Seurat because I like colours and dots. I also loved the bright use of colours by Matisse because I’m basically a human magpie. 
I would’ve loved to go into more detail about Impressionism in this post but I was too busy joking about the bartender and her side hustle as a prostitute in Manet’s A Bar at the Folies-Bergère. 
I have realised that I am a simple person who likes to go look at art and will endeavour to do this more often. With that in mind, I end this post with a picture of Van Gogh’s famous Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear. 
“Van the Goghing gets tough, I just cut my own ear off.” - Vincent Van Gogh
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Glee OCs ✤ Taylor Swift Albums (x)
Taylor Swift: Cece Cartwright (ft. Tina Cohen Chang) Fearless: Savannah Evans (ft. Valeria Ramírez & Bobby Seurat) Fearless: Jeremy St James
Tag List: want to be added?
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 4 months
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Happy Pride Month ✤ Queer Ships
Savannah Evans x Valeria Ramírez x Bobby Seurat: I think we'd be a wonderful us
Tag List: @airwolf92– want to be added?
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👗 Savannah, Demi & Bobby when they preform for Carmen’s Soundhiem week?
Sav (in her dark hair era):
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Fandom/oc Gle? (I’m sorry but also I’m not)
okay so now that the brain juices are flowing you're getting two!
name: Melody Naccarelli
age: 15
sexuality: bisexual
job: student
love interest: N/A (sometimes Jeremy St James)
5 adjectives to describe them: ambitious, confident, charismatic, competitive, intense
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name: Bobby Seurat
age: 16
sexuality: bisexual
job: student, dancer
love interest: Savannah Evans & Valeria Ramírez
5 adjectives to describe them: creative, artistic, passionate, kind, withdrawn
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 10 months
Crossover Masterlist
I did threaten to do this so the natural next step was to go and organize a list of crossovers! I tried to stick to main ones/ones that have been developed a bit more but I’m happy to include anything else so!! If anyone isn’t on the list but wants to be included lmk (I was sticking with people who interacted with the original post, happy to include anyone who might have missed it), if I’ve missed any specific crossovers you want included lmk, or if there are any that you want me to take off the list, lmk that too!!
Andrew Radcliffe & Anissa Radcliffe
Andrew Berry x Bobby Seurat
Andrew Berry x Colton Cartwright
Andrew Berry & Colton Cartwright
Andrew Berry & Colton Cartwright & Quinn Fabray
Andrew Berry x Demi July
Andrew Berry & Jo Berry
Andrew Berry x Joy Schuester
Andrew Berry x Roxie Flores
Andrew Berry & Sadie Berry
Andrew Berry x Savannah Evans
Andrew Berry x Valeria Ramírez
Aria & Harmony
Brax Pierce & Jeremy St James
Brax Pierce & Kendall Pierce
Callum Zang & Kirsty Gilmore
Callum Zang & Willow Dell
Cordelia Castellan & Summer Sol
Daisy Gilmore & Willow Dell
Elliot Berry x Jeremy St James
Elliot Berry & Jo Berry
Elliot Berry & Sadie Berry
Faith Hudson & Jeremy St James
Grace Kim & Adalia Kim
Grace Kim & Cecilia Ackerman
Grace Kim & Sam Gleason
Grace Kim & Willow Dell
Mercy Medina x Sienna Elliot
Raymond Abraham & Camden Abraham
Raymond Abraham & Ginny Cresta
Raymond Abraham & Hollis Everdeen
Raymond Abraham & Precious Lucretia
Richie Gilmore & Ilsa Gilmore-Danes
Richie Gilmore & Kirsty GIlmore
Richie Gilmore & Lorrie Gilmore-Danes
Richie Gilmore & Lottie Donahue
Richie Gilmore & Lucas Gilmore
Richie Gilmore x/& Paige Huntzberger
Richie Gilmore x/& Sophie Dugray
Richie Gilmore x Troy Donahue-Callisto
Richie Gilmore x Troy Donahue-Callisto x Harry Bechtel
Richie Gilmore & Vicki St James
Richie Gilmore x/& Willow Dell
Roman Taylor & Angel Dearly *ft. Anastasia Dearly
Rose & Isabelle
Vance Hawthorn & Sienna Elliot
The Glee Squad
Eirwen & Elsine
Elliot Walker & Abbie Hudson
Elliot Walker & Betty Fabray
Elliot Walker x Demi July
Elliot Walker & Jeremy St James
Elliot Walker & Kendall Pierce
Elys Herondale & Adina Lightwood
Elys Herondale x Ariadne Blackthorn
Elys Herondale & Cassiel Fell
Jack Herondale & Thalia Lovelace
Jax Hearts & Ace Hearts
Jax Hearts & Anissa Radcliffe
Jax Hearts & Cain Hearts
Jax Hearts & Kyra
Jax Hearts & Queenie Hearts
Jax Hearts & Sloane White
Jax Hearts & Violet Kingsleigh
Jericho Valeska & Piper Gordon
Jess Hearts & Ace Hearts
Jess Hearts & Cian Hearts
Jess Hearts & Queenie Hearts
Kipp Hudson & Abbie Hudson
Kit Barton & Nikki Rogers
Kit Barton x Will Parker
Miles Henderson & Camila Nelson
Mia Barnes & Justine Barnes
Nate Simmons & Abbie Hudson
Nate Simmons & Aurora Anderson
Nate Simmons & Betty Fabray
Nate Simmons & Colton Cartwright
Nate Simmons & Demi July
Nate Simmons x/& Haruki Knox
Nate Simmons & Hillary Holliday
Nate Simmons & Jeremy St James
Nate Simmons & Joy Schuester
Nate Simmons & Kendall Pierce
Nate Simmons & Savannah Evans
Andrea Fitzpatrick & Carmela De Leon
Andrea Fitzpatrick & Kyla Keller
Andrea Fitzpatrick & Victoire DeHaan
Ashton Daniels & Betty Fabray
Ashton Daniels & Cece Cartwright
Ashton Daniels & Colton Cartwright
Ashton Daniels & Jeremy St James
Ashton Daniels & Joy Schuester
Ashton Daniels & Roxie Flores
Ashton Daniels & Savannah Evans
Atticus Bardot & Maisie Maiden
Atticus Bardot x Santiago Lodge
Derek Wallis & Ariel Blossom
Derek Wallis & Doria Wallis
Derek Wallis x Presley Palmer
Derek Wallis & Rosebud Reynolds
Gabe Legume x Ace Hearts
Gabe Legume & Gloria Gothel
Gabe Legume & Rosabelle Legume
Gavin Cohen x Autumn Ambrosia
Gavin Cohen x Coco Bates
Gavin Cohen x Colette Garrel-Waldorf
Gavin Cohen x Kyla Keller
Gavin Cohen x Valentina Wolfe
Greyson Gimble x Lily May
Kendall Frost x/& Abigail Claremont-Diaz
Kendall Frost x/& Caroline Fox
Lorenzo Waters x Mercedes Delgado
Matthew Porter x Autumn Ambrosia
Matthew Porter x Coco Bates
Matthew Porter x Colette Garrel-Walford
Matthew Porter x Kyla Keller
Matthew Porter x Mercedes Delgado
Matthew Porter x Valentina Wolfe
Matthew Porter x Victoire DeHaan
Thomas Mayfair x Brady Mariano
Thomas Mayfair x Evan Mariano
Thomas Mayfair x Jane Forester
Thomas Mayfair x Willow Dell
Aleks Westergaard & Eliane
Lark Thrushcross & Cassiel Fell
Liv Pillsbury & Abbie Hudson
Maite Contreras-Herrera & Demi July
Romy Thornhill & Thalia Lovelace
Winter White & Sloane White
Amelia Queen & Ivy Knight
Gwen Macintosh & Xenia Hart
Roni Stark & Ava Potts
Abigail Montoya x Eudora Donovan
Josie Flores x Jackie Sullivan
Octavia Ingram & Colton Cartwright
Sydney Blanchard & Aurora Anderson
Waverly Sinclair x Cassandra Aelius
Waverly Sinclair & Nikki Rogers
Waverly Sinclair & Pandora Jackson
Ariadne x Evie Van Der Woodsen
HN Harkness & Dylan Efron
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 11 months
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Happy Birthday @the-witching-ash
just a little tribute to Andrew's crossovers because I love him 🥺 ​
Bobby Seurat | Colton Cartwright Demi July | Jo Berry Joy Schuester | Roxie Flores Savannah Evans | Valeria Ramírez
Happy birthday!! Through several years, fandoms, fixations, ocs, and crossovers, I'm so glad to have you as a friend! I hope that your day and year are both as wonderful as you are
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 6 months
Ok nothing Specfic but thoughts on more possible platonic/besties glee crossovers?
(Probably missed some + very open to others but in the name of vibes) (+ for all three of these lists, almost any non-related & sexuality compatible options could also have romantic potential but I didn’t want to leave them out)
* Barbie & Dolly Corcoran
* Charlie Sylvester
* Christie Hummel
* Daphne Carter
* Gabriella Wright
* Gilbert Hummel
* Jaci Jones
* Jason & Robyn Del Monico
* Larisa Bowman (she’s Demi’s canon best friend so 🥺)
* Lilibeth Anderson
* May Taylor & June Harris
* Melody Naccarelli
* Betty Fabray
* Jaci Jones
* Kendall Pierce
* Lilibeth Anderson
* Sadie Berry
* Barbie & Dolly Corcoran
* Bobby Seurat & Savannah Evans & Valeria Ramírez
* Carla Vasquez
* Cece & Colton Cartwright
* Christie Hummel
* Demi July
* Gabriella Wright
* Jeremy St James
* Josie St James
* Mimi Morton
* Sutton Reeves
* Betty Fabray
* Jaci Jones
* Kendall Pierce
* Lilibeth Anderson
* Sadie Berry
* Savannah Evans
* Barbie & Dolly Corcoran
* Betty Fabray
* Jaci Jones
* Johanna Berry
* Kendall Pierce
* Lilibeth Anderson
* Sadie Berry
* Savannah Evans
* Abbie Hudson (+ the dance squad)
* Barbie Corcoran (enemies to friends?)
* Cece Cartwright
* Delilah Puckerman
* Hillary Holliday
* Jaci Jones
* Josie St James
* Satine Smythe
* Jaci Jones
* Lilibeth Anderson
* Sadie Berry
* Abbie Hudson
* Barbie & Dolly Corcoran
* Betty Fabray & Mac Hudson
* Carla Vasquez
* Charlie Sylvester
* Christie Hummel
* Gabriella Wright
* Jaci Jones
* Jeremy St James
* Josie St James
* Kendall Pierce
* Lilibeth Anderson
* Melody Naccarelli
* Robyn & Jason Del Monico
* Tegan [ last name ]
* Zoe Giardi
* Carla Vasquez
* Demi July
* Dolly Corcoran
* Mimi Morton
* Josie St James
* Jaci Jones
* Kendall Pierce
* Lilibeth Anderson
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 8 months
Crossover List: Felix Dosier
Abbie Hudson
Aurora Anderson
Dolly & Barbie Corcoran
Jeremy St James (big angst sorry boys)
Lilibeth Anderson
Natalie Astor
Satine Smythe
Savannah Evans & Valeria Ramírez & Bobby Seurat
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Glee OC Masterlist (A-G)
[ H - M ] [ N - Z ]
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Name: Aurora Anderson
Story: Somewhere Only We Know
Face claim:  Kaylee Bryant
Love Interest: Sebastian Smythe
AO3 | FFNet | Wattpad
Summary: Aurora had always known that Andersons go to Dalton, she just didn’t think that she would be included in that legacy.  But after the incident at the Sadie Hawkins dance left she and her half-brother in the hospital, their father told them that Aurora would be the first female student in Dalton history, regardless of what she wanted.  Of course the Dalton Brotherhood had always been her family, and being with her closest friends was exactly what she needed, but when a spy shows up in their midst, she knows that her home is going to be changed forever.
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Name: Abbie Hudson
Story: Brutal
Face claim: Savannah Lee May
Love Interest: Sam Evans
Summary: Ever since she was a little girl, Abbie Hudson had wanted to be a cheerleader.  She had grown up with dance and gymnastics, going to the elementary and then middle school cheer camp, and never missed a single high school football game — not for any love of the sport, but to watch the Cheerios.
Finally, in her freshman year, she got to join the team, and it was even better than she’d ever dreamed.   She was popular, she was talented, she was special, and she was happy.   And then she found herself joining the Glee club — it was barely even a club, only a small handful of students and a teacher who gave her the creeps.  It hadn’t been a big deal at the time, Glee was so irrelevant that no one even seemed to know it existed, and she was able to fly under the radar with it and keep her hard won popularity.   But then, in her sophomore year, Will Schuester took over the club, and dragged her twin brother into the mix.  and to Abbie’s great dismay, Finn brought with him the one thing she had always wanted to avoid — attention.  From slushy-wielding jocks to Sue Sylvester’s rage, Abbie’s involvement in the club could no longer remain a secret, and she was going to have to make her choice.
She enjoyed Glee, she did, but was it really worth risking everything she’d ever dreamed of?  
( Dance Squad: Amanda Lopez, Cori Collins, Melissa Carlson, Paige Callahan, Tally Boyer, Trisha Kent)
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Name: Adelia Kline
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Ester Exposito
Love Interest: Sebastian Smythe; Quinn Fabray
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Name: Amelie Kline
Story: Multi
Face claim:  Lily James
Love Interest: Lindsay Wright
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Name: Ash Astor
Story: Somewhere Only We Know [ & others ]
Face claim: Anna Kendrick
Love Interest: Cooper Anderson & Roman Kline
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Name: Barbie Corcoran
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Zoey Deutch
Love Interest: Noah Puckerman
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Name: Benjamin Seurat
Story: Multi
Face claim: Mark St Cyr
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Name: Betty Fabray
Story: Breakthrough
Face claim:  Sabrina Carpenter
Love Interest: Xander Smythe; Mac Hudson
Summary:  Freshman year of high school was supposed to be the start of the best years of your life, right?  Betty Fabray had it all planned out.  She was going to join the Cheerios and cement her newfound popularity by her sister’s side, become Head Cheerio after Quinn’s graduation, and have the high school experience that everyone dreamed of.  When she hears about a new singing club, she doesn’t think of it as a threat to her plans.  She loves to sing, and no one really cares about the club anyways, it should be fine.  And it was, until Finn Hudson joined the group and all eyes of the school turn to the Glee Club.  Suddenly she’s getting slushied, her position on the Cheerios is being threatened, and her big sister is pregnant and getting kicked out of their house.  Betty’s plans are in shambles and she has no idea what to think, but between Sue Sylvester and Sectionals, no one is giving her time to figure out what she wants, other than to get her sister back.  And, hopefully, to get through high school in one piece.
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Name: Bobby Seurat
Story: Rumour Has It
Face claim: Jordan Fisher
Love Interest: Savannah Evans & Valeria Ramírez
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Name: Camilo Ayers
Story: John Hughes Movie
Face claim: Taylor Zakhar Perez
Love Interest: Jo Berry
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Name: Cecilia Cartwright
Story: Get It Right
Face claim: Odeya Rush
Love Interest: Matt Rutherford, Tina Cohen-Chang (possible Tina x Mike)
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Name: Chad Channing
Story: Multi
Face claim:  Chris Pine
Love Interest: Johanna St James
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Name: Charlie Sylvester
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Josephine Langford
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Name: Christie Hummel
Story: Don’t Stop Believing
Face claim:  Laura Marano
Love Interest: Sam Evans
Summary:  Ever since their mother died, Kurt and Christie Hummel had somehow gotten even closer.  They did everything together; voice and piano lessons, dance classes, working in their dad’s shop, enduring the daily torture that was McKinley High, and, of course, joining glee.  But there was one thing that the twins didn’t agree on: Finn Hudson.  While Kurt saw him as their knight in shining armour, just because he offered them the barest hints of dignity while his friends tormented them, Christie saw him as just as guilty as the rest of his teammates, watching their endless humiliation and letting it happen.  Despite their polarizing opinions, the twins had always been able to look past that - to not let Finn Hudson come between them.  But when Finn joins the glee club, bringing even more jocks and Cheerios with him, their seemingly indestructible bond is going to be put to the test.
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Name: Claude Emerson
Story: Breakthrough
Face claim: Owen Patrick Joyner
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Name: Cole Manning
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Cody Christian
Love Interest: Quinn Fabray
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Name: Colton Cartwright
Story: Get It Right
Face claim: Matt Cornett
Love Interest: Sam Evans, Finn Hudson
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Name: Daphne Carter
Story: Anything Goes
Face claim:  Ashleigh Murray
Love Interest: Leon Elliot, Mike Chang, eventual Sam Evans
Summary: Daphne Carter didn’t miss Lima.  She hadn’t been there since she was five, back before she booked her first commercial and suddenly found herself as The Child Star of her generation.  And ten years later, starring on Broadway across from her best friend and dating one of the biggest up and coming rock stars around, Lima didn’t even crossed her mind enough for her to miss it.  But once the drugs and drinking that her parents had always chosen to ignore made her the front page of every gossip rag across the country, something had to be done.  Not for her well being, of course, but because addiction wasn’t profitable.  And that’s how Daphne Carter finds herself being shipped halfway across the country to live with her parents’ childhood friends, and being dragged into the McKinley High Glee Club.
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Name: Delilah Puckerman
Story: Wish You Were Me
Face claim:  Vanessa Morgan
Love Interest: Sam Evans
Summary: Delilah Puckerman hadn’t actually wanted to leave her boarding school.  Of course, her expulsion hadn’t been a surprise considering what had happened, but being sent to public school?  Unfair and unnecessary, in her opinion.  But nobody cared what the crazy girl wanted, and she found herself sent off to McKinley High.  She honestly thought that things couldn’t get any worse, until she meets a boy named Noah Puckerman.
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Name: Demeter July
Story: Untitled
Face claim:  Elle Fanning
Love Interest: Quinn Fabray
Summary: Demeter July was on top of the world. She had spent the past ten years starring in a reality show about dancers and their mothers, she had won more national competitions than she could count, and her life was seemingly perfect. But her dance instructor was horrific, her mom’s past mistakes were constantly held against her, and she was crumbling under the weight of the cameras watching her every move. Until one day she breaks, the lowest moment of her life captured on film and aired across the world. Unable to handle the scrutiny any longer, spiralling more and more every day, Cassie July had to look out for her daughter’s best interest — in this case, getting out of the spotlight. One emotional conversation later and Demi finds her life packed up in suitcases on a plane to Lima, Ohio, to recuperate under the care of her beloved honorary uncle, Josh St James.
The plan is simple, keep her head down and get through sophomore year, hope that the now-viral video of her breakdown would blow over, and go back home. But the video is only getting more views by the day, McKinley high is hell, and now Demi has found herself being roped into choreographing for the up-and-coming Glee club: the only place in school as dramatic as the life she was trying to leave behind.
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Name: Dolly Corcoran
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Diana Silvers
Love Interest: Jesse St James (not endgame)
Summary: Dolly Corcoran was living the dream.  She was on top of the world, female lead of Vocal Adrenaline, and dating Jesse St James: golden boy, star of Vocal Adrenaline and the national show choir circuit, and her lifelong friend.  Everything was perfect.  And then her mom tells she and Barbie that they have a sister.  A sister who happens to be the female lead of the New Directions.  A sister that their mother wants to form a relationship with.  A sister that their mother wants to form a relationship with by having Jesse transfer schools and start a relationship with her.  Dolly Corcoran was living the dream, but that dream is quickly turning into a nightmare.  A nightmare starring one Rachel Barbara Berry.
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Name: Faye Anderson
Story: Untitled
Face claim:  Vanessa Hudgens
Love Interest: Sam Evans
Summary:  To any outsider, the Anderson twins had it all.  4.0 GPAs at Dalton and Crawford, lead soloists of their respective glee clubs, a big house in Westerville, and a celebrity brother.  They didn’t see behind the curtain; didn’t see the absentee parents, the lonely, empty house, or the brother who only texted a few times a year.  But Faye was happy. She loved her school and her glee club and her brother.  And then Blaine decides to go to public school, and her parents decide to send her to McKinley with him.  And although she loves her twin, and would do anything for him, she can tell that her teenage dream is about to become a teenage nightmare.
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Name: Gabriella Wright
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Annasophia Robb
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Name: Gilbert Hummel
Story: Anthem
Face claim: Casey Cott
Love Interest: Blaine Anderson & Sam Evans
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 9 months
Current Muse List ( Jan 8, 2024 )
I’ll save you all a preamble lmao — as always, feel free to ask about other ocs too but these are my current muses bc idk when I last updated the list
Betty Fabray — Glee ( x Mac Hudson ) 
Aurora Anderson — Glee ( x Sebastian Smythe )
Cassia Potter — Harry Potter ( x Dimitri Volkov )
Nikki Rogers — Marvel ( x Peter Parker )
Kirsty Gilmore — Gilmore Girls ( x Tristan Dugray & Logan Huntzberger / x Jess Mariano )
Ivy Knight — Arrow ( x Oliver Queen )
Savannah Evans — Glee ( x Valeria Ramírez & Bobby Seurat )
Aurélia Agreste — Miraculous Ladybug ( x Luka Couffaine )
Kyla Keller — Gossip Girl 2021 ( x Max Wolfe )
Ophelia Wayne — Gotham ( x Leander Zane Hayes )
Maristela Carrillo — Harry Potter ( x Blaise Zabini & Theodore Nott )
Elise Charming — Descendants ( x Ben & Evie )
Hollis Everdeen — The Hunger Games ( x Finnick Odair )
Also very much my Glee (1 / 2), Descendants (1 / 2), Hunger Games, OUAT, and Gossip Girl (Reboot) ocs, and, of course, any other ocs are welcome!!  These are just the ones I’ve been feeling the vibe for lately!
And of course yall know crossovers are welcome too!! *as always, I’m happy to answer anything from my ask game & prompts tags, but any other questions are more than welcome too!!   **romantic relationships are obviously welcome but I’m happy to talk about any dynamics!
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