#bode x gabriella
whumpypepsigal · 2 months
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Fire Country s02e06: “Hey, I need a favor.”
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bodybebangin · 2 years
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halsteadsass · 2 years
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"and you run into an escaped villain?"
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xtltokio · 2 years
Did you guys noticed that Bode didn't said anything when Gabriela asked him about not wanting to see her at all. He couldn't answer, because he didn't want to lie to HER. 
Of course, he wants to see her, she was the manifestation in his dreams about enjoying being back home... I love a break up when the couple is not even together.
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kendrysaneela · 1 year
Ya know I’m sensing Bode and Gabriela having a fight because of him breaking his promise and I bet that Jake is gonna be the one to be like “It kills me to say this”. But then like says something that makes Gabriela forgive Bode.
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marvelousgeeks · 2 years
Fire Country’s “Get Some, Be Safe” is an excellent hour for various reasons, but how it sets up Bode and Gabriella’s relationship is pretty close to perfect. It’s been a while since we watched a glorious friends-to-lovers blossom on our screens, and everything we’ve been getting with the two of them has been a pleasure to watch thus far.
There’s an understanding between the two of them that, first and foremost, stems from the detail that they’re innately kind. Both of them are people who are willing to meet others halfway even when that’s not the same treatment they receive.
Trust matters tremendously in love, and the two of them are not only building it through their phone calls, but they’re giving each other the space to be vulnerable. In many romances, phone calls establish an intimacy that’s difficult to come back from. It reminds me a lot of a similar scene in Pitch between Mike and Ginny because it gives them the comfort of knowing that someone on the other end is willing to listen to them, no matter what.
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glenncoco4 · 1 year
Not Chris trying to go against Bode. 😂
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booasaur · 2 years
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Fire Country - 1x01
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I love Bode as much as the next gal, but I have to say it feels like Gabs gets an unnecessary amount of hate sometimes. Bode ignored her for at least a month, on top of everything he said after his probation hearing. So of course she moved on (well tried to, we all know the truth)
With that said her rushing into this marriage to get away from those feelings is insaneeee. I'm also not a fan of her not calling an ambulance for Vince last episode, is that not her job??? Like if the wrong person found out would she not lose her license/certification??
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cerealbishh · 1 year
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"I had to make a choice. I don't know if it was the right one."
"I don't know either."
"All I could think of was saving Gabriela. I couldn't see anything else."
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blue-aconite · 1 year
Even though I know about this one and already love it with my whole heart, tell me more about Overruled! ❤️
Babe, this is long overdue, I’m so sorry. But here it is!
Lawyer!Jake Seresin x OC (Gabriella Trace)
Mistaking Natasha’s cousin for an intern upon their first meeting does not bode well for Jake Seresin.
It doesn’t matter that he’s a charming man with a smile that can sway an entire courtroom in his favour, Gabi has no interest in what she calls “that spoiled man-child”.
Entirely on accident, Gabi’s restaurant expansion takes her from across the street from Jake’s workplace, giving him the opportunity to try and win her over. But she’s not impressed and Natasha certainly isn’t helping his case.
He’s determined to win her heart, but is it for real, or is it just a game to him?
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bodybebangin · 2 years
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waterstar2016 · 2 years
Smooth Criminals - Chapter 1
Warning - Contains violence, gore and uncomfortable sexual situations, mention of rape. 18+ only!
Six months, or what felt like an eternity ago, a routine blood test had led Immogene Waters and her friend Gabriella McNight to be taken from their home. A short time later they both found themselves married. Gabriella had been wed to Kanto Nakaono, the second in hand to the most feared and notorious mobster of New York, The Shredder. Immogene had been told she had the honour of marrying Oruko Saki. When she was led down the isle with the threat of a katana at her back, she had seen Oruko in his full regalia. It was then she realized he and The Shredder were one and the same. From that the day forward, the friends were only allowed weekly supervised visits. The question was, why had they been taken from their beds?
Shredder had used threats and manipulation to cajole the cities physicians to get a blood sample from all the citizens of New York. It was a mass undertaking and had temporary clinics popping up to handle the ever growing homeless population. Baxter Stockman and his underdog scientists went through every single sample, setting aside those that had certain markers.
The Foot Clan was looking for people with genes that would allow them to be paired with the mutagen their scientists had discovered a couple of decades ago. The four brothers this goo helped create had disappeared with no trace. Shredder never forgot how much trouble those turtle menaces caused him. He would also never admit to still looking over his shoulder for them. Despite the failings of the first experiment with the terrapins and their rat father escaping, he wanted to replicate the results. The trials were mostly unsuccessful, leading to disfigured and useless creatures. Through years of trial and error, Baxter finally stumbled upon the key to their success, little gleaming sequences in an individuals DNA that would combine with the mutagen. There were still failings of course, but it was needed sacrifice. Besides, there was a ready supply of vagrants. Due to the discovery, Shredder had gone back to his obsession with wanting an army of genetically enhanced beings, or more simply, mutants, at his disposal. One of the more recent successes was Slash. A man had been paired with a large swamp turtle found in the darkest and most dank bowels of a bog in Louisiana. The result was a unpredictable creature that was as evil as his master. He was kept in the depths of Shredder’s empire and was the master of the holding cells. It was said he lived alongside his victims because the sounds of torture and cries of fear helped him sleep. His own personal lullaby.
Immogene and Gabriella did not have the specific DNA strand within the searchable parameters, but they had something that was just as valuable. Immogene was a descendent of an ancient race that was known as the Amazons. Baxter had seen her slightly faster speed, strength and healing in the makeup of her DNA. Gabriella was half dragon shifter. A peaceful race called, the Travellers. They hailed from Dimension X and came through the same time Krang did. Not being full blooded, Gabby doesn’t have the ability to shift, but possesses an intellect that Baxter would never admit rivalled his own. Both women had no idea of their genetic roots. One day they were having tea in their estate gardens and the next, they were kidnapped during their sleep.
Immogene’s eyes snapped open as she woke up from her nightmare. Quickly closing them, she forced herself to calm her breathing and her racing heart. It would not bode well to wake her sleeping husband beside her. Oruko shifted and she froze. His demeanour as of late hinted there was a new challenger in town. Events such as this left her husband easily aroused, both in violence and his amorous intentions. He thrived on bloodshed and suffering. The prospect of having a challenger brought out his already insatiable blood lust to almost uncontrollable levels. Even though he had enough goons to send out and assassinate the individual, he often waited for them to come to him. There was always a method to his madness and he would make a spectacle out of killing them in his personal arena. The result of the battle reminded the citizens not only of their place in the hierarchy but there was also no hope in reclaiming their city. Shredder had been hinting he’d known this particular challenger from the past. Immogene had never seen him anticipating a fight for dominion over New York like this. When his breathing finally evened out, she sighed in relief.
Suddenly, as if sensing she’d relaxed he turned and grabbed her close, pressing his hard length against her. The hand that was wrapped around her waist started to move up her body. Reaching her breast, he palmed it. “Wife.” Immogene closed her eyes. “Husband.” A deep chuckle raised and the fine hairs on her arms. “Not in the mood this morning, are we...” She kept silent, knowing saying anything wouldn’t change whatever he had his mind set upon. “…I have a feeling my challenger will be here any day now. If it is who I think it is, he and I have unfinished business.” He pinched her nipple in a way that bordered on pain and still she kept herself motionless. Moving in closer he ground his erection into her backside, his groan filling the otherwise silent room. Without warning he grabbed a handful of her hair, pulled her head back and pushed his mouth upon hers. Biting her lip before he released her he then smiled against her cheek. “This challenger is to be the largest I’ve had yet. I plan to eviscerate him slowly. Maybe I’ll use his intestines to tie you to the bed?” He laughed darkly and then moved away from her sighing loudly. “I shall seek company elsewhere this morning”. Immogene chose at that moment to turn towards him. “No, stay.” She knew if he sought another woman, that woman wouldn’t survive the encounter. When they were first married, she made the mistake of denying Oruko her body. He ended up raping and killing a maid in front of her. Oruko understood and took amusement in what she was doing. He often used the threat of harm to another in order to manipulate her to indulge in his whims. “That’s better.” Immogene reconciled herself to what was about to happen and put her arm around his shoulder.
Oruko followed a strict edict from Feudal Japan. These days, its use was almost extinct. It was male centric and was basically a bastardized version of Bushido. It also included the ways of husband and wife and their roles in marriage. The Foot women had no rights and were often called Dolls and in Immogene’s case as the wife of the alpha, Dame. Sex was something both she and Gabriella tolerated. Coming to the marriage bed as virgins they had been quickly introduced to nights of degradation. Neither complained, it would fall upon deaf ears. Besides, after the first few times, it didn’t hurt anymore. Both their husbands were sometimes over zealous which led to marks and bruises. If Oruko saw the marks the following morning, he would often find anger growing inside of him. He did not like seeing the ivory skin marred.
Two hours later she awoke to her servant coming in to set her clothing out for the day. “Mistress? Master Shredder has instructed me to give you this to wear today.” Getting up she pulled the silk robe over her naked body and looked at what Amber was holding. Immogene sighed at the sight of the clothing. Oruko always chose her attire. Both she and Gabby had very little say in what they wore, ate or did. Being much shorter than her mistress, Amber stood on the stool behind her and helped her dress. “This was just ordered for you, the dark green corset really suits you.” Immogene only nodded. Lowering her voice Amber leaned in close. “Maybe this new challenger...” Immogene spun and faced the woman. “Amber, please. What you were about to say is treasonous!” She hissed while her eyes darted around the room. Her voice softened. “I don’t want to lose you too.” Amber nodded and her eyes held only sadness for her charge.
After dressing and breaking her fast she and her two guards, or, shadows as she called them, headed outside for her 30 minutes a day of fresh air. She walked amongst the gardens, other than her paintings and rare visits with Gabby it was her only true joy in this place. Her stride faltered and the guard on her left was immediately at her arm. “Be careful now. I won’t be punished for your clumsiness.” Immogene’s eyes spat sparks. It wasn’t her fault. Oruko was insistent that she wore heels all the time. The stilettos were not made for comfort or walking in the gardens. She ripped her arm from the guards grasp and turned to head back towards the building. The guards once again fell in place behind her. There was one room Immogene could be in by herself. Although, guards were stationed in the hall outside the doors and she could also see them making rounds through the large windows. She closed the door to her designated art space with a sigh of relief. Picking up a paintbrush she pushed the feelings of despair aside and focussed on the canvas in front of her.
By the time the dinner bell sounded, Immogene had gained some of her equilibrium back. She would never give up. She would always look for a way to escape or to kill her husband. Walking down the halls her eyes were deep with the anger she felt. Ripped away from her life and a prisoner in her marriage. Staff avoided her gaze. Oruko Saki was rich, powerful and handsome, but none would trade her for her position. Some of the women may have felt sympathy for her, but in fear of repercussions kept silent. Schooling her features she headed to the dining area, her two shadows as always, her constant companions.
The wide double doors were opened for her and she saw her husband standing and waiting for her. She met his gaze head on and strode towards him. “Husband. Your day was productive?” Oruku’s lips quirked. His little wife was quite amusing indeed. To think that after this much time she could still be defiant towards him, even if it was only in the look she gave him. Course, he wouldn’t deny that he felt a little pride. Pride that he had made this woman bend beneath his will and turned her into an obedient, if unwilling wife. An unwilling wife who’s subtle insubordination was arousing. He was tempted, very tempted to forget their dinner. But no...he could wait. ‘There’s plenty of time for that. I can’t wait a bit longer, after all,’ the corner of his lips slightly curled wickedly as he thought, ‘she is MINE. To do with as I please’.
Folding his arm casually behind his back, Oruko brushed his thumbs along the buttons on his shirt as he muttered, “Indeed. Today was most productive. I finally closed some business deals with individuals that were...,” he chuckled wickedly, “…reluctant to sell out to me.,” he slowly stalked towards the woman in a manner like a deadly predator. “I find it amusing there are still worms in this city that try to defy me, but it does make it more enjoyable to squash them beneath my Foot until every ounce of resistance and life is taken from their pathetic bodies,” He clenched his fist tightly and gave an evil and dead look at his hands before his gaze slowly turned towards her. “Now that all of that is taken care of...I can focus all my attention on you this evening,” His lips curled as images of all the things he wanted to do to her filled his mind.
Eyes staying locked on her form, he slowly circled her as his fingers glided over every ounce of exposed skin he could touch. “Mmmm you look lovely tonight my dear Immogene. I knew that green corset would make you look positively ravishing. See how I take an interest in making you look the envy of all others? Course, anything I choose looks good on you,” He huskily chuckled at his growing arousal as he lifted his hand up to her face. Lightly brushing the back of his knuckles down her cheek, Oroku hummed in approval, “Yes....so perfect.” He gave a low growl and his eyes narrowed and he roughly grabbed her around her waist pulling her into his form. His finger grabbed her chin and forced her to meet his intense lust filled eyes, “But don’t worry, my princess...this will be a most enjoyable evening,” He slowly dragged his tongue along her lips before reluctantly pulling away, “but first...let’s eat. You must be starving,” he chuckled darkly and pulled out the chair for her.
Once settled in her seat, Oruko took his own across the table from her while the servants began filling their plates. Glancing at the headliner of the New York Times he held, he gave an aggravated sigh when he read the article. “This challenger is becoming quite a nuisance,” He flung the newspaper towards his wife for her to look at. Immogene picked up the paper and quickly started to read. It was accompanied by a silhouetted picture of a very large form. From the surroundings she discerned that he might just be even larger than her husband in breadth and muscle mass. Oruko waited until she read a few lines, “I thought the Hamato’s had left for good. My Foot were so close in finding their lair for the last time and then they vanished. Not only that..,” He takes a huge gulp of his glass before slamming it on the table, “he comes back, dares to steal from my warehouses and taking out the subordinates I have stationed throughout the city.” His lips twist into a unnatural grin, “Let him, his brothers and their rat bastard father come. I look forward to mounting more trophies on my wall, or whatever sort of body part that freak values.,” He smirks and looks at her, “perhaps I’ll give you his scaly hide as a lovely new corset for you to wear. In fact the colour matches your eyes.” Just as quickly as his anger came, it returned to his stoic and neutral demeanour, “Mutants...the only good quality about them is their stupidity and brute strength. Course, most of the woman who come across Slash know that.” His voice was casual and he gave her a purposeful look as he cuts into his steak. “You are fortunate. So long as you behave and are obedient, you won’t need to worry about facing the same fate,” Her knife clicked against the plate. She hated how just the mention of the swamp turtle mutants name made her nervous. Her eyes lifted to his from her dinner and she held them there. Oruko liked to threaten her with a visit to Slash. It was an empty threat, but her husband like to play those kinds of games. Tempted to roll her eyes she went back to eating. He grinned maliciously at her initial reaction, “The last one Slash had in his grasp, well..,” he calmly grabbed his glass of wine and swirled it slowly, “let’s just say it left quite a mess and they still can’t find all the missing pieces,” Immogene resisted shivering. Her husband always stated these facts like they were discussing the weather. He took a sip of his drink as if savouring the moment of her discomfort.
“Now then...tell me what you managed to accomplish today my dear?,” His tone bordered on one of boredom and disinterest. He cut into his steak with the precision of a surgeon. “What sort of projects are you working on in my studio lately?” She folded the paper to the stock section, knowing her husband would want to view it next and slid it back towards him. It made him more, relaxed, if that term could ever be applied to him, when she anticipated his needs or wants. “Just a painting of the hibiscus that is now in bloom.” When he started eating again, she followed suit. Pinching the stem of the delicate crystal she took a sip of her wine. One might expect she would want to be intoxicated for what she felt was coming. She could almost feel her husbands want. But she sipped daintily, controlling her intake. As much as it rankled her, she didn’t react to him referring to it at his studio. She did not need the reminder that nothing was her own. Her voice was smooth and she spoke with confidence, “I also took a walk this morning, which I cut short due to a stumble on the path.” Oruku sliced another piece of meat off his steak. The knife so sharp he barely had to use any pressure. “Oh? A loose cobblestone was there? We can’t have that now can we?” She took a calming breath. They both knew the reason for her stumble. “No, it was my fault.” She did not want the gardener to be punished.
Oruko pushed, “Come now dear you must have done more than that today?” Immogene was tempted to tell him to ask her ‘Shadows’ what she had done. “I’m experimenting with a new style. Using plaster to help give some added depth.” Shredder only nodded. His mind was on other things. He signalled to one of the servants near by. “We need more wine, the Bordeux from the 1909 collection. Consider yourself lucky I do not punish you for not having it already.” The servant hurried away to get the bottle. Oruko turned his attention back to her. “It’s hard to find adequate help these days. She did not miss the sarcasm. He then eyed her plate which wasn’t as empty as his. “You haven’t finished your meal yet, is the steak not to your liking?” There it was. She could almost hear the blood lust on his voice. He was looking for any excuse to kill someone and then, while riding the high, would take her. “There is nothing wrong with my steak and the juniper berry and thyme butter is the perfect accompaniment.” Oruko chuckled deeply. “Of course. You expected anything less?” Immogene shook her head. “No, husband. Everything is always perfect.”
Oruko was becoming impatient. Granted, he could just have the cook dragged out and killed on principle but would bide his time a little longer. Immogene took another sip of wine. Her husband expected her to drink the fine wines he procured. Oruko picked his glass up and drained it. Alcohol did not effect him as it did others. His size and how his body processed the drink made him need much more than the average person. The servant was now back with the new bottle and sighed in relief that he made it back just as his Master drained the last dregs in the glass. He hurried to the table while uncorking the bottle. Lady Luck was not on his side. Immogene watched in horror as he tripped just as he reached Oruko. “Please no.” The whispered words left her lips as the dark red wine spilled on the silk shirt and fine jacket her husband wore. A suit which costed as much as most men made in a year. The man apologized profusely while her breathing became low and shallow. The Shredders eyes were now red.
Despite the fury that raged in his eyes, he was relaxed, or so it appeared. Taking a slow deep breath, he eased himself back in the seat as he ever so slowly inched his fork down to the plate. His expression was almost emotionless, one might even say calm, eerily calm as his fingers delicately glided along the handle of his steak knife. He would have been lying if he didn’t say he didn’t find it enjoyable in watching the foolish servant sweat and practically fall to his knees as he begged for mercy. As if that ever worked, all it really did was stir his bloodlust and arouse his deep hunger and desires.
Shredders red gaze locked slowly onto his wife’s emerald eyes. Staring deeply into the woman’s orbs, the ruthless leader could feel his blood boiling in arousal at his wife’s horrified expression. Completely ignoring the pathetic urchin’s pleas, he saw his wife’s lush teasing red lips part as if she was about to beg for the fools life. Just the thought of her begging sent the fiend over the edge. As quick as a lightning strike, Shredder grasped the handle firmly before swiping the blade right across the mans jugular with ease. The servants eyes widened in disbelief as a shower of arterial blood squirted onto the table and its occupants. His hands flailed frantically trying to cover the gaping wound before a garbled grunt left his lips. Shredder, without even batting an eye, lodged the knife into the mans gut, twisted and yanked the serrated edge up the mans sternum. The servants intestines spilled out from his stomach and a rank stench filled the air. Shredder then pulled the knife out and it was followed by gush of blood that poured to the floor as the body collapsed onto it.
Shredder wore a deadpan and cold expression and he casually eyed the knife as if a speck of dust had gotten on the blade. Feeling the mans blood all over his hand he ignored it in favour of how the blood warmed his skin where the wine had spilled. He appeared un-phased by the dead man lying in a pool of his own blood and effluent and cut into his meat. “Hmm. Oh Immogene remind me to order a new carpet will you? This one is of the poorest quality.” He mutters and takes a bite nodding his head in approval, “You’re right the juniper and thyme really adds to the flavour,”. She stared in horror as her husband ate with the gore covered knife as if nothing was wrong.
Oruko looked up and his jaws slowed as he took in the splattered blood on his wife’s face. His jaw clenched tightly as he could feel his cock beneath his pants throbbing eagerly. The combination from the fresh kill to seeing the lovely face painted in blood was too much. Inhaling sharply, Shredder sat up straighter, “Bedroom..,” he commanded while stabbing the knife hard into the table top, “Now.,”. His tone dropped to a deep vicious growl and followed his wife to his room. Shredder merely glanced to his men as if saying, ‘Take out this garbage will you,’ and walked to the bedroom.
Hearing the door shut behind him, Shredder stared dangerously at the woman before nodding his head towards the wall. He didn’t need to tell her what to do, like a good obedient wife she knew exactly what his expectations were. Undoing the tie around his neck, he dropped it to the floor. “Spread and apply the oil,” he demanded and watched with lustfilled eyes as she spread her legs before him. The red gaze only adverted when she grabbed the bottle and poured the lubricant onto her hand. It was a necessary task, otherwise she could tear. The teachings of his sect proclaimed it was a wife’s duty to please their husband. Nothing was mentioned about female pleasure or the need to give her pleasure. Shredder’s hand ever so slowly ran along the side of her leg, feeling her soft skin and leaving a trail of red along its path. Reaching her hips, his fingers dug into the bone and pulled her ass more towards him. He hummed in approval while hands wandered over her curves, “You’re such a good girl, aren’t you?,” His fingers found the hem of her dress hiking it up high enough for him to get a good view of her voluptuous ass. He groped the round globes before roughly grabbing her panties and tugging them to the side.
Undoing his slacks and letting them slide to his ankles he grasped his cock and stroked it a few times before aligning his hips with hers, “I know you’ve been waiting all day for this, my wife,” He seized a handful of her hair and yanked her head back, causing a sharp gasp to leave her lips. Oruko smiling against her skin was all the warning she had before he firmly thrust into her folds. Closing her eyes she rested her forehead against the brick. Shredder pushed her upper body more against the wall and his cock slowly began pumping into her slick heat. His lips curled in a wicked grin. Oruko was enjoying the sight of the blood covering her body from his hands and clothing. “Immogene..you look so beautiful...bathed in blood,” His lips pressed into her neck and his hand wandered up her body to grope her breasts. Then they lifted higher and wrapped around her neck. He hissed in her ear, “moan for me Immogene. Or I would pity the next maid that dares to cross my path,”. The threat in his voice was unmistakable.
Gathering herself she let a whimper leave her lips. Oruko groaned and she whimpered louder wanting him to finish. The sounds of his flesh slapping against hers filled the room. He pulled her close and his thrusting became erratic. She dragged her nails against the brick breaking a few and chipping the polish. Finally she felt him fill her pussy with shot after shot of hot seed. The only sound he made was a drawn out moaning growl. One last firm thrust and he rested his head against her shoulder. Immogene let out the breath she’d been holding and Oruko’s cum started to drip out past his softening member. He pulled out and she felt a gush of fluid trickle down her inner thigh. “I hope that was to your satisfaction, my dear.” He gave her ass one last squeeze and retreated to his private bathroom. “Clean yourself and then come to bed.” A tremble started in her when the bathroom door closed but she pulled herself together.
She should be used to this by now, but she knew she never would. Gone were her girlhood fantasies of having a loving and passionate partner. She made her way to the bathroom and stepped into the shower clothes and all. A few tears slipped down her cheeks along with the water while red rivulets ran down the drain. She undid the corset, peeled the dress over her head and took her undergarments off. Amber would collect them later. Knowing her husband would be expecting her to join him soon, she finished up and quickly combed her wet hair.
Oruko was already softly snoring when she came to the bed. He was on his back, his hands folded over his rib cage. Her eyes flicked to his nightstand, there a letter opener had been left on top of some of the more personal correspondence he received. A smile spread over her husbands features. “I love how you contemplate killing me, wife. It keeps things interesting, don’t you think?” Immogene’s lips curled in anger before she lifted the covers and crawled into bed. It was some time before sleep claimed her.
To be continued…
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kendrysaneela · 1 year
Bode and Gabriela are absolutely gonna do a forehead touch at some point I bet you they will and I will be LIVING when they do
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Fire Country 2x9 Spoilers ⚠️
Every episode I expect Bode to raise my blood pressure, but for once he was acting right all 45 minutes! Now Gabriela, Vince, and Manny on the other hand?? Yea I’m upset with y’all.
Gabs you lied to Bode basically the whole episode and then when he’s rightfully upset you turn it around?? And then you kiss him and call it chaos??? I love you but ma’am🙄 I’m not even saying she has to be with Bode (though I want them to be of course), but if she was honest about not being over him and working towards that instead of trying to hide from those feelings in this relationship there would be less chaos💀
Vince you know what you did. And you owned up to it. Though it took you being in physical and medical danger to tell the truth so I’m still a little annoyed.
Manny wtf was that??? 🤦🏾‍♀️
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