#body varial
furcoat · 1 year
i want to get good enough at skateboarding that i can do a sex change on my board cuz y’all know u would never hear the end of that shit from me
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ethereousdelirious · 1 year
Knocking out 2 requests with one fill here 😁
Fandom: Sk8 the Infinity
Pairing: pre-M.atchaBl.ossom
Summary: It's been an unseasonably cold winter. Kojirou and Kaoru fall sick in turns. (Emeto warning hehe)
Words: 2,059
Notes: another one from my "writer's block curbstomp era," but a concept I hope to revisit many times in the future 😇
It had been an unusually blustery winter, so much so that Kaoru had taken to wearing additional layers on his midnight cruises with Kojirou. He retreated deeper into his cowl neck hoodie as a breeze whipped his hair back, momentarily muting the noise of his wheels. Beside him, Kojirou whooped and did a kickflip over nothing.
"You might as well bang on your chest," Kaoru muttered, but his jab was lost in the wind. As cold as it had been, Kojirou still hadn't felt the need to put on a shirt. The cold of winter did something for him that the summer did not, though the temperature difference was not so drastic. Something about the cold silver light of the moon on his skin made Kaoru want to shiver with something other than cold. This was the coldest night yet and still, he was stuck ogling the peaks and valleys of Kojirou's muscular back.
"Speak up, princess," Kojirou called without looking back. "Don't think I didn't hear you talking to yourself back there."
"I said, you should put a shirt on, you animal." Kaoru did a varial heelflip to punctuate his point, slamming Carla down decisively. "You're going to get sick at this rate."
"Aww." Kojirou slid to a stop and smirked, infuriatingly handsome in the moonlight. "I'm starting to think you're worried about me or something."
Kaoru couldn't help but take the bait, crossing his arms after powersliding to a stop. “I mean it. And then I’ll be the one stuck looking after you.”
“Tell you what, babe. If you can beat me in a game of SKATE, I’ll wear a shirt when the temperature drops below 15. Sound good?”
Kaoru huffed and rolled his eyes. He never could say no.
His prediction came true a little over a week later. Kojirou at least had the decency not to ghost him or play coy. His text message simply read ‘can’t come out tonight. Too busy puking.’
15 minutes later, Kaoru was on his doorstep with his hair up and a flask of miso soup tucked under his arm.
He almost knocked for the miniscule pleasure of making Kojirou get up and answer the door, but thought better of it and let himself in. It wasn’t fun when there was no game in it.
And there was certainly no game in this.
Kojirou was curled up on the bathroom floor, albeit with a pillow under his head and a blanket over his shoulders.
He had evidently done his best to take care of himself: a thermometer lay on the counter next to a package of anti-nausea medication. A glass of water stood within arm's reach on the floor, though it looked untouched.
Kaoru crossed his arms and scowled at Kojirou, who gave a weak grin. "Hey, gorgeous. Like what you see?" His stomach growled and the smile gave way to a wince.
"What did I tell you?" Kaoru said, unmoved.
"Mm— Ah, I believe you said 'once again, the almighty JOE has defeated me in a game of SKATE!'"
Unable to resist, Kaoru kicked Kojirou in the leg, which happened to be the nearest body part. The retort he'd been expecting never came. Kojirou only groaned like an old dog and his head fall back onto the pillow.
"When was the last time you v—" Kaoru started to asked, but broke off when Kojirou shot upright and gagged into the toilet. The subsequent noises made Kaoru's skin crawl, though it wasn't enough of a deterrent to keep him from kneeling beside Kojirou and holding his hair back. The sweat bothered him more, but he suppressed his reaction to a slight shudder and kept collecting locks of Kojirou's hair until it was all out of his face
"Ugh…" Kojirou flushed the toilet with a shaking hand and fell back against Kaoru, who had to release his hold on Kojirou's hair to keep from pulling it. "Sorry about that," Kojirou said, still wearing an infuriating grin despite the fact that his head was lolling against Kaoru's chest. "Do you still think I'm hot?"
Kaoru felt his forehead, though he really didn't need to. "I'm not one of your deranged fangirls," he said, "but you are warm."
"Well, you're as cold as ever," Kojirou said, shaking Kaoru's hand away.
Despite himself, Kaoru stuck his lip out. It was stupid to get upset when Kojirou was the one who was ill and obviously miserable. He looked around at the nest Kojirou had made for himself. "Any particular reason you haven't moved back to your bed?"
Kojirou hiccuped and swallowed hard, a fresh wave of sweat breaking out on his forehead (ugh, and dampening Kaoru's kimono— there was already a wet spot). "Give me a few minutes and I'll show you."
"No, thank you." Kaoru wrinkled his nose. "However, I do think you would be more comfortable if you moved. If you ask nicely, I may even bring the trash can to you."
"For free?" Kojirou snuggled into Kaoru's chest. "How generous."
"In this condition, I doubt very much there's anything you could give me."
"How 'bout my germs?"
Kaoru thinned his lips. Had he touched his face since coming here? Was it already too late? "I've been doing my immune system the favor of not skating around shirtless in the cold, so that should be good enough."
"Mmh…" Kojirou had closed his eyes at some point; now his mouth went slack and he slid a little, relaxing."
"No, you don't." Kaoru pushed him off and stood up, extending a hand. "Come on."
Kojirou was doing worse than his jovial manner indicated. He wobbled to his feet, nearly pulling Kaoru off balance, and had to stop for breath several times on the way to his bedroom.
"Trash can?" he asked weakly, once he had seated himself on the edge of his bed.
A small one stood in the corner of the room. Kaoru lunged for it.
Kojirou panted, glassy eyes peeking out between the locks of hair that hung in his face. His cotton T-shirt was a little too tight and his muscles jumped, straining the thin fabric.
"Gah…" Kojirou swallowed hard. "Maybe not."
"You did this to yourself," Kaoru said, determined not to pity him.
"Mm." Kojirou's chest hitched. He swallowed convulsively and his lips parted again. A choked noise jumped forth his throat and Kaoru squeezed his eyes shut.
A quiet vocalization, liquid hitting plastic, the sharp sound of Kojirou spitting.
Willing himself not to cringe, Kaoru opened his eyes. Kojirou really looked terrible, tired and ill, but no less handsome for it, somehow. Kaoru took the trash can from him and helped him lie down properly.
Kojirou shivered beneath the covers and Kaoru's anger mounted— useless anger borne of the acute knowledge of his own helplessness. Kojirou was the caretaker between the two of them, aggressively caring about everyone with open arms and an easy smile. It didn't come naturally to Kaoru. What was he supposed to do? How did he make it better?
"Kojirou," he said gravely."
"No," came the weary reply
"Kojirou," he insisted, "what can I do for you?"
Kojirou didn't open his eyes. "Stay. Talk to me."
There really wasn't anywhere good to sit, only the other side of the bed. Kaoru perched on it, his legs dangling off the side. "What should I talk about?"
"Programming. Motorcycles. Skating. Anything. Just wanna hear your voice."
Warmth bloomed in Kaoru's chest and across his cheeks. Drunk on it, he put his hand atop Kojirou's and curled his fingers in the gaps between Kojirou's own.
He started to ramble about the ins and outs of computer programming and beside him, Kojirou smiled.
The unusually aggressive winter did not retreat with Kojirou's symptoms. If anything, it got more aggressive as though to encourage his defiance. But, at Kaoru's insistence, he now wore a hooded T-shirt for their nighttime skates.
It was a size too small and he smiled whenever he caught Kaoru pretending not to stare.
A fervent wind whipped up the air in waves, so much so that it almost wasn't fun to bomb their favorite hill. Their hoods wouldn't stay up and Kojirou's ears stung with the whipping wind.
He slowed down with a series of strategic powerslides and found himself addressing merely the tip of Kaoru's nose where it poked out from within his cowl neck hoodie. He'd yanked the drawstrings taut.
"Let's not do that again," Kojirou said, suppressing a chuckle at the endearing sight.
"Agreed," Kaoru said, his voice muffled in the soft black of the cowl. He shivered and drew his elbows in, a few strands of petal pink hair catching and tangling in the breeze. He sighed and seemed to wilt with it, his shoulders dropping and head tilting.
That wasn't right.
Kojirou brute-forced his hand past the scrunched border of Kaoru's hood.
"Stop!" Kaoru hissed, flinching away to no avail.
Wordlessly, Kojirou wiggled his fingers past the bridge of Kaoru's nose and up to his forehead. "Kaoru, do you feel okay?"
"Of course not!" Kaoru snapped. "I'm being attacked by a feral gorilla."
If he'd really cared, he could have thrown Kojirou off and been halfway across town on his longboard by now. Kojirou would have grinned if he hadn't been so distracted. "You feel warm. Hope you didn't catch what I had."
Kaoru evidently did not think the point was worth arguing, because he only huffed and let go of his hoodie strings. After a moment, he crossed his arms. "I didn't ask for a medical exam," he said petulantly, and a painful growl rolled through his stomach.
"Home," said Kojirou.
"I want to keep skating," Kaoru said, because he refused to be anything other than his infuriating self, even if it meant potentially spilling his guts out all over downtown.
"No, you don't, stringbean." Kojirou kicked Carla out from under him and popped the board up into his hand. "Come on."
Kaoru was frighteningly pliant. It seemed he was more preoccupied with his comfort than his dignity at the moment, though he'd very obviously lost his grip on both. He'd managed to force another hoodie over the one he was already wearing, then buried himself in his duvet. He looked very small and very pink and Kojirou had to swallow down his sympathetic laughter because it would only make Kaoru upset.
"How's your stomach?" Kojirou asked.
"Give me a couple minutes and I'll show you," Kaoru growled, glaring at him.
"Very funny," Kojirou said, but he whipped around for the trash can as fast as he could. "Good thing your hair's already tied up, huh?"
"Ugh…" Kaoru huddled in on himself, something managing to look even smaller. "You should leave." He stared into the depths of the trash can and swallowed several times in succession, chin jutting forward. Sweat broke out on his forehead and his violent shivers cut off at once with a full-body shudder that curled his spine and forced his head forward. He opened his mouth in deference to it and dry-heaved, his expression pinched.
"C'mon, here." Kojirou set about untangling him from the duvet.
"Stop—" Kaoru coughed and heaved again and hid his eyes behind his hand for a moment.
"Sorry." With nothing else to do, Kojirou sat back on his heels and watched.
Loose tendrils of pink hair clung to Kaoru's pale, gleaming cheeks. His eyes were half-lidded, brows knit, mouth hanging open. Even in his misery, he was so beautiful that Kojirou ached to touch him.
Kaoru coughed again and ducked his face behind the lip of the trash can. Soft moans of discomfort punctuated the sound of his retching and Kojirou couldn't stop himself from peeling back the strands of hair stuck to his forehead and cheeks. He cupped Kaoru's forehead gently, willing back the fever, and waited.
"Don't—" Kaoru breathed, pausing. His weight pressed into Kojirou's palm. In an impossibly small, shattered voice, he said, "You don't have to touch me."
"Come here." Kojirou pulled him over, let Kaoru curl up in his lap with his head resting on Kojirou's shoulder. The duvet sat in a heap around Kaoru's legs but he didn't reach for it, only relaxed into Kojirou's embrace. "What's the name of the lullaby you like, huh?"
Kaoru mumbled it and Kojirou began to sing without a moment's hesitation.
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atrophy-angelxx · 2 years
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“These wounds cover my body
That tragic state that you left me
But it bloomed into nothing”
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capriciouscaprine · 10 days
numbers tw (im so excited!!!)
"He said I would marry you but I'm engaged to these aerials and varials And I don't think this board is strong enough to carry two She said bow I weigh 120 pounds, now Lemme make one thing clear I don't need to ride yours I got mine right here"
-Lupe Fiasco, "Kick Push"
I first heard this song when I was a junior in high school, and was disappointed to discover that I was already over this fictional ideal girl's numbers; not by a lot, still within ten of her at the time, and it didn't really inspire me to do anything then (which tbh I am glad about as I had way more going on at the time that I needed to focus on over my size)
however, I never forgot it, and after office jobs with at minimum monthly free donuts, going for a second degree only to get sent home by the pandemic, and getting sick while stuck in a situation where the only food I had time to eat was from drive thrus and gas stations, I was getting close to being 100 more than that fictional girl (my measured highest was 200, but pretty sure I was higher than that at times)
today, my morning check in was 119.2
and if I realllly flex for it? ive finally achieved a t gap, too!!!!!!!!
this is after days when I went over my daily goals twice this same week!!! literally yesterday I had so much I felt sick, and renewed my promise to myself to stop hurting myself in that way and to stick to my plan as a reward to myself, not a punishment
for the record, this took 16 months and 1 week, with a plan slowly evolving with my body from just being more mindful, to swapping my snacks for lower c versions, to buying smaller pre-made meals, to actually thinking about my daily numbers as a whole instead of from meal to meal, to recording those numbers here, to finally getting a new phone and being able to track them with an app
also, steps really do make a difference!! now that I can see and get rewarded for my steps on an app, my step count at minimum doubled, and I credit that heavily with my significant drop (over 2.5$!) in this single past week
going forward, I do plan on going lower! height does effect how a number looks on a person, and on me im not yet inspiring to anyone in our particular community (although I am proud that ive gone down to half my pants size and people do comment on the change!); plus, I want the freedom to go on vacation this july for my cousin's wedding, eat 'whatever' (within SIGNIFICANT reason, lmao, I know this mindset is permanent) without ending up back over this milestone
plus, the kids sections at a bunch of stores have some really cute pieces for several dollars less than the adult versions, and im already a walmart boys and girls large/12-14 in tops, soooooo...........
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qubig · 4 months
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were-my-demons-hide · 10 months
Skateboarding today was 80% frustrating 20% fun. Still a good session.
I struggled to Ollie over the grid from last week. I tried no complys and shuvits. Didn't go well.
I had a huge fall. But it was a very very good one :) i love how my falls are getting better and better!
Later I got stuck on the Boneless and got some nice ones (my best ones so far yay!). Another thing I practiced was a 'drill' for Rock and Roll on a curb. I've been planning on working my way up to Rock and Roll on a baby quater since I got my Rock to fakie solid some weeks ago :)
Oh! And body varials! They are fun!
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brotherbo · 2 years
The makeshift “transition” to be skated in front of the opera goers. Me stomping a “Rock” to “Body Varial.”
Photo creds to a random Israeli dude who was standing by.
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Aaron Loreth // 917 #2
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mostlyskateboarding · 5 years
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awkward-pause · 5 years
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Ronnie Creager ahead of trends. 1999 and 2002.
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gofastandcommit · 7 years
Maria Oberloher (@maria_mo89 on IG)
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funintendedofficial · 7 years
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Tim Butz man-jenner
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hella-bitch-face · 4 years
from the weekend :)
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crossfirezine · 7 years
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►Tristan Funkhouser - Substance Part
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peeingwithmypenis · 3 years
I always thought skateboarding was this kind of douchey thing that wasn't even very fun. But after doing it for like a month (and..... having fun doing it) and actually going to the skatepark I met this 29 year old guy who said to me "you know, I've been through a divorce already, and I just like it here, because skateboarding is the only thing that will always love you back" and after he said that to me he proceeded to continuously attempt a varial kickflip on a ramp, falling so hard every time that he had to sit down for about 3 minutes. and he would just do that for 2 hours and leave. I've run into him twice and that's all he does besides warming up for maybe 2 minutes. and he says to me "once you hit 29, your body doesn't bounce back like it used to" and then he keeps attempting this same convoluted trick, never cruising around or anything, while nobody films him. he doesn't wear a helmet. other dudes are calling him a maniac. all vibes.
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