b4inhealth · 8 years
How to Rebuild Your Health after Cancer Surgery
by Dr. Veronique Desaulniers; The Truth About CancerFor many, surgery to remove tumors or organs that have been affected by cancer may seem to be the most benign of the “Big Three” conventional cancer therapies. Make no mistake, however, it is a highly-invasive procedure and comes with its own risks and needs for rebuilding the immune system post cancer surgery.What Cancer Surgery Does to Your BodyInvasive surgery for breast cancer and other forms of cancer affects the body in various ways. Research has shown that it can have a detrimental effect on the immune system by significantly reducing the number and production rate of Natural Killer cells. http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2017/01/how-to-rebuild-your-health-after-cancer-surgery-3465631.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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frillyraccoon · 8 years
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I just finished the second hand invided by moss. The next one will be much bigger ✨
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lambvein · 5 years
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Cheerful Host-part 3 (Reupload)
“Wh…what aw wou gawna do to me naw?” I tried to speak through my plush lips with little success.
“Anything we fucking want to!” Juggs taunted.
“You have been a thorn in our side for too long samantha. Always getting good grades, obeying the rules, achiveing scholarships…but that all ends right here now that WE own you!” Nicki spoke in a menacing tone.
“Allow us to demonstrate” Juggs said before the girls took full control back of my body and started working my tits vigorously and fingering our pussy.
“Aw gawd pwease stawp!” I pleaded…they ignored me and continued until I nearly reached climax before abruptly stopping.
“No NO!” I shouted as i was cucked by my own body.
The girls laughed at me as the stuck my arms and legs out to their sides as if I was in invisible bondage.
“You know what would make this even funner?” Juggs asked her fellow body pilots.
“What?” the bimbos asked in unison.
“We need some hot chicks in charge of samantha’s ass and pussy. What do you say samantha?” I tried to object but britney sealed my lips shut. “Ill take that as a yes. Lets recruit some bimbos, girls!” Juggs cheered
The girls strutted me down to a local prep school by the name of regent high. A school for low class parents to send their dumb kids. Little did I know what was waiting for me as I was forced to enter the school…four bimbos lined up infront of me. All in cheerleading outfits. Two of them had asses that would put nicki minaj to shame. One of them had thick, huge blonde hair down to her ass and the last one was thin and short but had a gorgeous face.
Britney spoke through my mouth “ready to join the party ladies?”.
The cumsluts squealed as Juggs took over my mouth once more and began chanting her familiar scripture that got me into this mess. I tried to intervene by speaking up but my mind was pushed to the back of all these sluts! I passed out again.
When i awoke I felt even heavier…without my control my legs stood up and walked to the nearest girls room.
“I LOOK LIKE A PORNSTAR!” I shouted in terror.
I wanted to cry but the girls wouldnt let me. I now had gorgeous thick, huge blonde hair that extended past my ass, pussy lips twice the size and sensitivity as they were which is probably what the short bimbo was there for, and a huge ass virtually rivalling the size of my jugs.
“Look at us!” Juggs said as she spun us around to admire her work. “Care to introduce yourselves ladies?” Juggs asked her new guests.
“Im candy, your pussy”
“Im kim and im a part of your ass”
“Im beverly but you can call me boulders, im the other half of your ass”
“and im cass, your hair!”
I wanted to shiver…I wanted to cry…I wanted to be free from these SLUTS but I just stood in the mirror and continued to be modeled against my will.
“Cmon ladies…lets see what kind of torture this body can handle” candy suggested.
I immediately left the ladies room to presumably be tortured in the most kinky way they could think of. I let out a weak gulp as I realization of what was going to happen set in.
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lambvein · 5 years
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Cheerful Host-part 2 (Reupload)
I was absolutely beside myself with what I was seeing infront of me. I was a bimbo. One of them. And worst of all I was being controlled like a big tittied puppet by Juggs…queen of the bimbos.
“Alright bitches lets show this fresh slut off!” Juggs announced as my legs began to walk me out of the ladies room infront of the other girls.
“No no no i cant leave like this ill get expelled!” I tried pleading to Juggs to no avail as she reached my hands inside our bodysuit and began expertly working our shared nipples and clit before abruptly stopping “A bimbo is ALWAYS horny” juggs taunted as if to be a warning.
We made our way down the hallway as gazes from all my fellow students shot at me like laser beams. I was so humiliated.
“Thats it boys! Check out this hot piece of ass!” Juggs made me shout as she raised her arms and nicki came up behind her and began to jiggle our tits and tweaking our nipples.
I wanted to scream. I was so fucking horny…i didnt want to be but i was i couldnt help it. The principal walked out of her office with a large frown on her face and blocked our path.
“What is the meaning of this samantha? You used to be one of our most well behaved students” the principal questioned me in utter shock.
I tried to speak up but Juggs sealed my lips. Without my control Juggs grabbed the back of the principals head and smashed it in between our tits.
“Jealous?” Juggs forced me to say.
“You are expelled young lady! I cannot believe you samantha! I am utterly dissapointed!” I wanted to cry by this point but Juggs forced me to maintain a lustful smirk and half opened eyes as i was controlled out the main exit. “God that felt amazing but I think we need to step this up. Im thinking bigger tits and soft FAT lips” Juggs said to her fellow bimbos.
The airheaded girls then all eagerly raised their hand which only raised my confusion.
“Awww I cant bare to leave any of you ladies out. Get over here!” Juggs said as i was forced to lower my bodysuit to fully reveal my new massive tits.
Nicki and ariana latched onto my nipples and began to lick and suck them which only raised my horniness…their fat lips and soft tongues felt so good against my bare nipples. Britney then ran right up to me and began to furiously makeout with me. Juggs chimed into this lesbian bimbo frenzy by diving my hand down into my pussy and began working it better than i ever could. I passed out after having my first cum with our shared body…
When i awoke I felt…heavier. i stood up only to find even more massive jugs pinned to my chest!
“Aw my gawd!” I tried to yell but was snuffed out by a cushion of flesh attached my face.
I raised a hand to my lips only to find they were almost as thick as a doughnut!
“Do you wike?” I felt my lips move and heard britneys voice.
“Am i shawing my bawdy with even mow bimbos?” I mustered up to say.
All in unison I heard britneys, nickis, arianas and juggs voice all say “yes!”.
My heart sank and my heartbeat excellerated…this wasnt happening… no way i was being transformed and controlled by a group of dumb sluts who hated me!
“Oh its weal!” Nickis voice spoke through my lips as my nipples perked up and my right hand began to lightly work it…
just enough to get me aroused. Juggs now controlled my body, Britney now inhabits and controls my lips and Nicki and Ariana now control my tits. This is a true nightmare.
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lambvein · 5 years
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Nicki Eilish-part 1
“You want me to work with who?” Billie Eilish swiftly stood up from her leather seat parallel to her tour manager.
Billie was called into the studio today to discuss a tour proposition brought forward by a rapper influencer named Adam Grandmaison, but most inside the music hemisphere referred to him simply as Adam22.
Billie’s tour manager leaned forward from his expensive computer chair, the fabric creaked as he brought himself up. “Listen…Billie I know you are…uummm…upset at this proposition but really this is a win win situation for all parties involved”.
Earlier in the day Adam22 brought forward a promised large sum of cash for Billie and her managers if she performed a world tour with Danielle Bregoli and Briana Bueno but most in the rap game referred to them as Bhad Bahbie and Baby Goth. The former of which being very materialistic, perpetually mentioning Gucci products as well as referencing violent behaviour (mostly) towards other women. The ladder being a much more emotional artist whilst still making mention to the ‘rapper lifestyle’. Billie Eilish knew all of this which was why she was so angry towards her manager. Billie was an self proclaimed ‘edgy’ artist, she preferred writing tracks in a much more depressing tone than Danielle or Briana would ever willingly write.
“You can’t fucking do this! I would rather die than play with those…those…whores!”. Billie complained.
“well im terribly sorry to do this to you Billie but you are contractually obligated by your label to perform under any condition they see fit. We have never been offered so much money to have you perform with another artist so they have already given me the green light. Im sorry”.
Billie scowled at the suited man before standing up, kicking her chair over in the process and storming out of her managers office, slamming the door as she left, causing several portraits on the manager’s desk to tip over.
“ *sigh* I think we need a backup plan” the tour manager spoke to himself whilst rubbing his eyes.
He picked up his cellphone and dialed a number, he brought the phone to his ear “yeah, she isn’t cooperating…you know what to do”.
Billie made her way back to her house without a hitch, she found it unusual that no one in that studio tried convincing her that performing with Bhad Bahbie and Baby Goth wasn’t such a bad thing.
“weird” Billie spoke to herself before laying down on her exquisite red sofa.
She began to drift off into a nap. Just before being able to fall asleep she heard the sound of glass smashing from the other side of her large household.
“hello!?” Billie yelled, her voice echoing throughout her mansion.
She slowly got off her couch and crept towards the source of the noise. She entered the corridor of her kitchen. Shattered glass could be seen scattered across the checkered marble floor. After Billie took in the strange occurrence she noticed something on her bar, a folded piece of paper. Billie approached the paper with caution, glass crunching under her socked feet as she proceeded. She picked up the paper and unfolded it. An advertisement for her world tour with Bhad Bahbie and Baby Goth. The graphic featured a stylized representation of her name as well as Bhad Bahbie’s and Baby Goth’s name next to each other below Billie’s title. The backdrop of the poster shamelessly displayed a picture of Danielle and Goth posing next to each other with one arm behind their heads and one hand on their hip with said hip cocked to the side in a sassy manner. Billie scoffed at the shameless advertisement.
All of a sudden an arm came from behind Billie and wrapped around her neck, by the time she registered her situation the kidnapper already had a cloth of chloroform firmly against her face, she was barely given a chance to struggle before she drifted off.
Billie slowly came back to consciousness, she was barely able to lift her eyelids or straighten out her neck. A mysterious man in front of her lightly slapped her across the face a few times to try and jog her out of her dreamy state. Once Billie was able to open her eyes a little more she noticed the hand smacking her looked very familiar, the tattoos displayed across the fingers and knuckle were unmistakable.
“Adam…?” Billie spoke, still being in a groggy state.
“Haha, there you are!” Adam22 clapped his hands in celebration, which in turn brought the silver haired pop star to full attention.
Her vision became less blurry and was finally able to see every detail clearly, from Adam’s peach fuzz to his Lil Peep tribute tattoo proudly displayed on one side of his face. Once Billie’s concentration returned she spit directly in Adam’s eye, causing him to drop his joint.
“fuck!” Adam22 winced and backed off from the pop star.
He walked over to a long fold out buffet table to Billie’s immediate right to grab a napkin to wipe away the saliva. It was at that moment Billie noticed two girls in far left corner of the room, sitting in fold out chairs and getting high. It was Bhad Bahbie and Baby Goth. As clear as day Billie could see them happily passing off a thick blunt to each other, giggling with glee from the euphoria being received. Billie scoffed, obviously being put off from the bimbos before her. Adam returned to Billie’s view, his eye being noticeably red and veiny from washing the pop star’s spit out. Billie defiantly turned away from the tattooed man, pretending he wasn’t there.
Adam violently grabbed the silver haired girl by her neck and forced her to look at him. “you listen to me…we do this the easy way…or the hard way”.
Billie leaned her neck back and swung it forward, head-butting Adam and causing him to fall backwards. Danielle and goth erupted into a fit of laughter, Briana even fell out of her black folding seat and began rolling on the floor, much to Adam’s dismay. The tattooed man got up again, the right side of his forehead lightly dripping blood. Adam rubbed the blood on his head with a napkin and approached Billie again.
“I guess this is happening the hard way” Adam22 chuckled at the fright growing in the silver haired pop star’s eyes.
Adam stomped over to the door of the room and opened it, the hallway was pitch black. All of a sudden Billie could hear feint squeaking of what sounded like to be rusty joints on wheels. It got louder and louder until a metal cart could be seen materializing out of blackness of the hallway. A very sexy nurse was guiding the cart into the room, Billie could swear she looked familiar but the surgical mask she was wearing ruined any chance for the white haired teen to notice her real identity.
Billie was sweating by this point, many images appeared in her mind of what the nurse would do to her, she kept saying to herself in her head “this is gonna end up just like Saw”.
The nurse unveiled the curtain atop the cart to reveal…a bunch of body parts.
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