#body part swap
xtramaletf · 2 years
Your Friend’s Swapping Spree
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Apparently, your friend Teddy had something incredible to show you and wouldn't stop texting you during class. Of course, you had to ignore it, he may have been content doing whatever, but even if he was your best friend, you guys were locked in a tight competition for class valedictorian, and you couldn't lose focus.
 Finally, when the bell rang, you got out your phone. Maybe his fav game just got a new DLC announcement or something, but normally Teddy knew better than to text in class. When you opened your texts, however you were stunned to see some blonde-haired blue-eyed jock showing his abs in the school bathroom mirror.
 Wtf why would Teddy send this, but wait why did this guy have Teddy's gaming headset he used as headphones? And wasn't that Teddy's favorite blue sweater and the blue phone case they picked out on amazon last month? Did this guy bully and steal Teddy's stuff? He didn't look like anyone at your school, far too...cute? But wait, his face it's familiar, he kinda looks like...like teddy? No, it can't be the eye color, and hair and features are all wrong.
 At this point you started scrolling up, more and more photos in similar positions all a few minutes apart and each time the guy was a little different. Then it hit you. The hair, that was the basketball captain Blake's signature blonde locks! And ya know you're pretty sure yesterday it was Sonia Abnegale's big baby blue eyes. Heck is that Chase Marquez's jawline?
 "Ha guess you figured it out!" you looked up from your desk to see the new and improved Teddy standing before you. He may have looked different, but you were somehow relieved to see your friend's goofy smile.
"Ted..Teddy how's this even possible?!"
"Oh dude, I don't know either, some app just appeared on my phone it's got tons of settings for swapping things and crap"
Before you could utter your disbelief or shock at how he spoke he interjected
"It's only Chronivac Lite so like it's all one way. I switched like speech style n' shit with Louis"
 "Alright. I guess" you replied, but then, thinking back to the photo your cheeks heated up a bit
"So umm who's uhh abs are those?" you asked sheepishly, as you guys made your way down the hall.
"Ron Fuentes, that baseball kid" Teddy smirked "I got the legs of some rando on the dance team too"
"oh oh wow" you felt a little…aroused. Something about all this was turning you on.
“ Bro I thought you’d be less surprised with all the changes I made to you and shit”
“Huh what?”
“Seriously?! Oh man the setting musta been off. I made the football captain into a beanpole and you don’t even know? You didn’t notice Abby Leung’s smooth skin? Hell yesterday you weren’t even ga—“
Teddy seemed to have cut himself off. It didn’t matter you guys were at the gym anyway: the place you guys spent all your free time aside from studying and debate and science team. Man it was hard staying in shape.
“Well after school let’s practice for the Scibowl scrimmage, your place okay?” You took off your shirt, revealing the tank top underneath, lifting it up to admire your hard-earned abs.
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jan-hen · 2 months
Body Part Swap - Don't Swap With Me, Miss Nagatoro! (Free Version)
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A full color body part swap commission made for Poly & Chen! Featuring characters from 'Don't Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro' (Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san)
Nagatoro has stolen some body parts from Senpai and the President!
Feel free to check out the full resolution version on my Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/retrosqueeze
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ac350-2 · 1 year
Soccer Swap 2
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headswapstar · 11 months
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Sheldon with Penny's upper body and Penny with Sheldon's upper body.
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camilleflyingrotten · 5 months
Thinking about the Good Omens S1 body swap…
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jadecantcreate · 7 days
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the krew and body counts
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hauntedestheart · 7 months
Security Footage - Body Swaps (Part 1)
One of Trevor & Andy’s misadventures, a more detailed account of the sort described in Security Measures - Body Swaps
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While the university claimed it was supportive of its professors doing independent research and experimentation, Professor Bernard Smith of the Humanities department suspected that "using ancient magics to take the form of one of his students" was a proposal that likely wouldn't make it past the review committee, so he kept his activities on that project private.
He thought of the past twenty years he'd given to academia and heaved a melancholy sigh- society didn’t really put much consideration to how emotionally taxing it was to be a college professor. Every day, year after year, he stood at the front of a classroom and looked out upon a sea of smiling youths hopeful for a bright future that he had already resigned himself against; he aged, but his classes never did. Every rakish young man was a reminder of who he’d never be, and beautiful young woman was a reminder of what he would never have.
After all, the clock only moved one way.
Or, he glanced down at the ritual items he'd assembled before him. Maybe there's a miracle waiting for me.
He lit a candle and the changes began.
Once it became clear that Andy's… situation wasn't going away, moving in together had just made sense, but in the back of Trevor's mind he had been worried about it. Old habits are hard to unlearn and he hadn't yet shaken the niggling doubt that if they spent too much together and the novelty of the relationship wore off, Andy would realize that he could probably find someone better and leave Trevor hanging for a second time.
Reality was much kinder though, and living together actually brought the two boys closer than ever. Between school, attempts at a social life, and their constant misadventures, their small apartment became a sanctuary where it could be just them and no one else.
Trevor grabbed his bowl of tortilla chips and made his way from the kitchen to the living room, where Andy was sprawled out on the couch clicking through options on the television. Andy gave a little wolf whistle at the sight of his boyfriend bending over to put the bowl on the table, which made Trevor roll his eyes, and he picked up a chip from the bowl and flicked it towards Andy's face.
The throw fell short and bounced off of Andy's chin, dropping down and settling atop the boy's pronounced bosom; he plucked it up and tossed it in the air. Trevor watched with mild bemusement as Andy actually caught it with his mouth then squinted his eyes shut while he chewed, scrunching his forehead up as if he were deep in thought.
"Mmm, I'm detecting notes of salt… a hint of corn… is this gourmet? It must be," Andy smirked up at Trevor then leaned forwards and grabbed another chip, popping it into his mouth with a crunch. "This is why I got man who can cook. I would starve without you."
He threw Trevor a wink and a smile, which Trevor responded to with an eye-roll and a smile of his own. Andy scooted back on the sofa and spread his legs, patting at the empty space in front of him, and Trevor slipped in to claim his spot; the larger boy wrapped his arm around the smaller boy's midsection and placed an absent kiss on his head before returning his attention to the tv.
"Is this what you picked for tonight?" Trevor asked, referring to the film queued up on the screen- some sort of anime movie he didn't recognize but vaguely recalled Andy mentioning before. He tilted his head up so he could see Andy's face above him. "Have you seen it before?"
"I have, but I want you to see it too," Andy smiled down at his boyfriend before giving a mischievious chuckle. "It's awful, you're gonna love it."
Watching bad movies had become something of a "thing" for the two boys as Andy (for some reason) thought Trevor's dry observations were hilarious, and if Andy was introducing the movie as awful, Trevor knew he was in for a good time.
As Andy clicked play, Trevor snuggled in closer to him and gave a contented sigh. His muscular boyfriend boy liked to joke that he worked out so much so he could give better hugs, and when those strong arms were wrapped around him, Trevor could believe it. Being with Andy had made him appreciate being on the smaller side for a guy because it meant they fit together perfectly, and Andy's broad physique made for an incredible pillow.
He leaned back and rested his head on Andy's firm pecs, relaxing as he felt the young man's belly pushing outwards against his back while they- wait.
Trevor bolted upright and looked over his shoulder to confirm his suspicions- Andy's body was changing, and from the expression of shock on his face, he was well aware of it. Surprised, Trevor slipped off the couch and fell onto his ass, and his new vantage point on the floor let him see that his boyfriend's toned muscles going saggy beneath his clothes. The transformation made it appear almost as if he were melting, and the sight of it made Trevor so queasy he had to look away.
"FUCK!" Andy exclaimed, staring down helplessly at his hands as his skin bubbled and his flesh grew softer. He hurled himself off of the couch and bolted out of the room, the slam of a door echoing down the hall a moment later.
Well, Trevor thought to himself. There goes our weekend.
Unbeknownst to the couple, in a house across town, a lonely old college professor was having a significantly nicer evening. The Egyptian ritual he had uncovered had gone off without a hitch and now, everything that Andy had lost belonged to him.
"Well, I'm definitely getting tenure after this!" Bernard announced to no one in particular. He'd just made a major breakthrough in his field by proving that magic was real, and the proof was staring back at him from the mirror!
He leaned in closer to the glass and stared into his new eyes, tilting his face back and forth to admire the enviable visage he'd stolen from one of his students. A smile, which made him look rather dashing, appeared.
Andy Douglass from his Intro to World Religions class was far from the first jock to pass through his classroom, but there was just something about the boy that had caught his eye. He was an okay student, often late with his assignments but otherwise unremarkable, but his appearance made him hard to overlook- the tallest boy in the class, magazine-worthy looks, and a sculpted body so good it was actually a distraction to the other students.
Professor Smith couldn't miss the way every girl in the class spent more time looking at Andy than at the whiteboard, even going so far as to arrive at class half an hour early just to stake out the seats closest to where he usually sat so they could ogle the way his biceps flexed whenever he raised his hand. But whenever the young women tried to chat him up after class, the stud never seemed interested in them. The professor thought he was an idiot for it- beautiful females were throwing themselves at him and he wasn't taking what was offered? The young fool clearly didn't appreciate what he had.
After a few weeks of classes the professor had begun to fantasize about what it would be like to be the one in Andy's shoes, to be the hot young stud who had his pick of all the girls in the school. If that were his muscular body he would use it right and plow through as many women as he could find!
So when he'd stumbled across a spell to "take the form of another" in one of the hieroglyphic scrolls he'd been translating, there had been no question about who he would use it on.
Words could not describe how incredible it had felt as the spell took effect and the years shed off of him, his body shifting until all traces of his old visage were gone and he stood there in the form of the student he'd so envied. The professor quickly divested himself of his clothes so he could perform a thorough examination of his new body to gauge the effects of the ritual- as a staunchly heterosexual man it was a bit strange for him to be studying another man's body so intimately, but since it was his now he relished the opportunity.
It was a literal weight off of his shoulders as his belly melted away into nothing and for the first time in decades he had a flat stomach- more than flat, it was cobbled through with abs. He could touch his abs now, and he couldn't bring himself to stop rubbing at them just to feel the rock hard ridges beneath his fingers. In his old body these muscles would be shriveled up from years of disuse and buried behind layers of fat but now they were fully on display, and they looked damn fine! This was actual six pack, the kind that came from countless hour of crunches and other such exercises that Bernard knew nothing about.
His entire body was now threaded through with muscle and he had no idea where any of it came from but he was grateful for it and he intended to have a lot of fun with it. Broad, well developed shoulders slithering down to powerful arms that hung down on either side of a set of hefty pecs that look like they belong on a Greek statue- and he felt as good as he looked! Everything about his new body was so tight and compact, built out of trained muscles that stood up proudly rather than weak flesh that surrendered to gravity.
Experimentally, he dropped to the floor and began doing push ups- he hadn't even thought of the exercise since his days in high school physical education class, but he was filled with a burning need to test out his new muscles. Back in his old body he’d usually collapse after one or two and then need an aspirin, but as he pumped up and down with his strong arms he felt like he’d never have to stop. Liquid gold was flowing through his veins!
Over and over again he sank so close to the floor that his chest almost touched the boards, but something else always touched down first- the pièce de résistance of his new body, Andy's penis. Given the unfortunate size of the cock Bernard had been born with he'd been certain that it would be an improvement no matter what his student was packing, but this was beyond his wildest dreams. Even soft it was a behemoth, and the heavy balls that accompanied it were equally impressive. He'd certainly made the right choice when picking a new body!
Grinning, he hopped back up to his feet, appreciating the simple joy of being able to stand without his joints protesting. The years had not been exceptionally kind to him but even in his youth he’d been something of a weakling, so being a strapping young lad was a novelty to him. One he intended to make the most of...
There were so many possibilities! His mind raced but ultimately he came to the conclusion that there were really only two things he really wanted: to drink and to fuck.
In his real body he got drunk often (partially due to the sting a lifetime of missed avenues and wrong choices, mostly due to boredom) but there was a difference between drinking alone and at a party... and as for the sex? Bernard turned his attention down again, admiring the young man’s enormous cock. He couldn’t imagine what lovemaking would be like with such an impressive tool at his disposal!
Tilting his face side to side he admired how handsome Andy was. With that strong jaw, those deep brown eyes, the manly stubble, he’d certainly have no trouble landing a pretty young thing! And a head full of hair too! He ran his hands through his hair, a bit surprised by its unfamiliar, wooly texture, but he wasn't going to complain because he was just thrilled to have anything on his head.
"Hello there ladies," he tested out his new voice, which was so deep and rich compared to his old one. If he'd taught classes with a voice like this, maybe students would have listened more! He leaned in to the mirror, letting him stretch his new wingspan, and imagined that he was talking to a group of admirers. "I don't suppose any of you pretty young things would be interested in showing an old man a good time?"
"No? Well how about a young stud like me instead?" he said cockily, making his bicep bounce a few times, and he pictured a classroom full of girls swooning. "Ladies, please, don't fight! There's enough of me to go around." He winked then reached down and took his new cock into his hand, wagging it around so its huge (even when soft) length danced, and he felt his balls tingle. "More than enough for all of you."
His mind drifted back to his ex-wife, who had left him after ten years of marriage because she "wasn't attracted to him anymore" and he cackled with delight when he looked at the young stud in the mirror. He'd like to see her try to say that now! But he wouldn't give an old broad like that the time of day anymore, no, he was more interested in girls "his own age," and on a Friday night he knew there would be plenty of them out there waiting for him.
Satisfied with his examination of his new body, Bernard hastened to get dressed so he could head out for a night on the town. He could work out the realities of his situation tomorrow- tonight he was going to have some well deserved fun.
None of his boring old clothes would fit a body like this so he'd thought ahead and picked out a new outfit to match his new body- something classy, unlike the baggy dreck that the youth of today wore. He slipped into a button up shirt, purposefully leaving it unbuttoned halfway down his chest to allow a tantalizing peek at his new torso, and he dabbed a bit of cologne on his wrists for good measure. The pants were a bit tighter than expected and he had to shimmy his hips to squeeze himself inside and leave the belt fairly loose, and when he looked in the mirror he realized why.
"Oh dear god..." he whispered, turning himself to the right and left to get a view of how his new butt strained at the back of his pants. He'd had to guess at the boy's measurements and he'd severely underestimated the size of Andy's posterior. Bernard never understood the fascination that young men these days seemed to have with their posteriors- what on Earth would any man need with such a giant backside?
But when he turned back around and saw the bulge in the front of his pants, the only thing he could think about was stepping out the door and finding someone to use it on.
"Get ready world," he boldly declared. "There's a new big man on campus."
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socksandbuttons · 4 months
I feel like Crater would like Rose Quartz's dress
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Unfortunately it wouldn't work too well.
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caesarinsalata · 6 months
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I was looking for something to draw and found a body swap au...
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yu-melon · 14 days
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Also drew Morganite and Corundum as if they were born as bats instead of echidnas
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ac350-2 · 1 year
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triglycercule · 8 days
horror having crazy irrational thoughts about food,,,,, like bro thinks there's poison in the cupcakes. someone snuck razor blades into the bread and once he takes a bit it'll cut him up. somehow there's mold growing inside the bananas and when he eats it the mold colony is gonna start growing on HIM and then he'll become a moldy skeleton and oh god and oh god and he is paranoid but hes so hungry.... BUT WHAY ABOUT BUGS IN THR FOOD,,,, BUT HES HUNGRY.... a struggle it truly is
probably doesnt help that dust and killer could feed into it. killer could make off hand remarks on how he snuck razor blades into the meat horror's attempting to eat (to fuck around with horror. just some eeeever so slight psychological anguish. and also because killer would just be the type of casually carry those around. what for you may ask well decide for yourself) and then immediately horror's mood drops and he storms out of the dining room. dust and horror go on a sweet little picnic in a beautiful field and its all beautiful and inconspicuous but dust made the food and horror knows that look in his eyes. horror knows dust was muttering something about chemicals a day or 2 ago. the food is poisoned isnt it??? and dust just smiles and motions for horror to eat it
#imagine being starved and then you hang out with two guys who make food dangerous#imagine the dread. the rational part of his mind telling him not to eat it but his instincts are so so so hungry#horror eats the food because it genuinely looks so good but he knows he just fucked up#they make eachother so SO worse........ they are SO bad for eachother its amazing#and horror probably can't cook all that well too so he definitely needs to learn which is a whole other struggle with his eating issues#MAKE THEM BREAK UP ALREADY THEY CAUSE TOO MUCH SUFFERING FOR EACH OTHER 💔💔💔#sorry triglycercule but no 🧡 they deserve to suffer together as retribution for everything they did#sometimes i feel like this angry torturous mtt that all hate eachother is a bit too ooc#but then again..... god is it so fun to come up with ideas for the mtt to hurt eachother#its so delicious 🧡 like dust's poisoned food! horror eats more because it tastes so good#but he can feel the poison kicking in. he can feel his body slowly start to ache and his movements slow as he eats more and more#and soon he can't move. he's paralyzed and in pain in this flower field with dust#and as he starts to pass out he reaches his hand out a bit for dust. just for the smallest bit of comfort#horror's absolutely furious at him for poisoning him but dust still holds his hand back#dust holds horror in his arms with a smile as they lay in the flower field enjoying the moment#as if you didn't just fucking poison the fuck but whatever that's horrordust for you!#dont worry horror gets him back by stealing papyrus's scarf and ripping some of it off to wear in front of dust#he sews a little patch of the scarf onto his jacket and dust is staring at that shit. that is a TAUNT#yeah this is papyrus's scarf. what are you gonna do about me ripping some of it huh? poison me AGAIN???#theyve all grown tolerances for different poisons because the mtt genuinely cannot stop trying to kill eachother#killer sans#dust sans#horror sans#murder time trio#tricule hc#god i struggle to differentiate because hc and rant so much because i swap around and change hcs so frequently that there isnt consistency#ive now decided that rants MUST be substantially longer and less put together to be a rant and not a hc. and that shall be DECREED#utmv#sans au
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stardestroyer81 · 3 months
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With the recently announced Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope DX, I figured there's no time like the present to bring an old favorite back into the spotlight... hey, Yacht Club Games! How about another character to play through the first campaign as? I have just the girl for the job...
Making her first appearance on this blog since 2020, witness the return of the Fated Acolyte, now sporting a brand-new look! 💜🖤💜🖤💜
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alianarepasa · 9 months
Meme Swap: Side Story Part 1 - No One Can Hear Them Speak!!
Summary: While Beeg and Eggdog are have their own mischief adventure, pretending as their owners, SMG3 and SMG4 have their own adventures in their pets' body as they try their best to find them to fix the bodyswap mess. This fanfic is a celebration for hitting 200+ reads on Meme Swap and will only have three parts.
Tags: Comedy, Body Swap, Family fluff
Note: It is recommended that you should read Meme Swap by @shygirl4991 first before reading this! Thanks to them for accepting and be the proof-reader for the fanfic!
2nd Part
Eggdog's eyes light up at the thought of being able to eat ice cream, he frowns looking at his dad then at Beeg. To the shock of Three he watches as Eggdog agrees and runs off with Beeg, this was bad news as Three and Four exchange looks.
"...Are you kidding me... Did Eggdog just-" as SMG3 was about to say anything, SMG4 screamed in a panic.
They couldn't believe in their eyes, their own pets, who are now in their bodies, literally ditch them! Especially for Eggdog, at which point, he agrees to help them, but when Beeg SMG4 instantly suggests that they could just run around and possibly pretend to be them, Eggdog agrees with him and they just... DITCH THEM?! This caused SMG3 to be angrily pissed.
While they're continually arguing to each other on who are the ones that are the faults for causing the bodyswap mess, at the otherside of the room, Bob and Boopkin could hear the commotion. Except, it's not the usual arguing they both hear sometimes from those two. All they could hear was... meme noises?
"Huh? Sounded like Three and Four's pets are... fighting? Should we tell Three and Four about this?" Boopkin asked Bob. "LOL! AS IF! THAT'S THEIR KIDS! THEY'RE SHOULD BE THE ONE WHO CAN STOP IT. LET THEIR STUPID PET BE!" Bob concluded with the "a bit mean but does kinda have a point" answer to Boopkin, as those two continued went back to what they are doing. Meanwhile for Four and Three, they're still arguing about it, until Four groans and has enough with it.
"YOU KNOW WHAT? CAN WE JUST ARGUE ABOUT THIS LATER, AND ASK ANYONE TO HELP US OUT?" SMG4 begged as he knows that this argument can lead to nowhere if they keep this up. "Ugh fine! Let's get this over with and get our body back! Who knows what those two are doing with it." SMG3 rolled his eyes and responded with an agreement to Four, as he does have a point, who REALLY knows what those two boys are up to. With that, they left the room.
As they are now in the main lobby, they noticed how much scarily bigger the room is. With them being in their pets' body, who are structurally small that needed to be carried, it gives the vibe that the room became more like a giant flat stadium, than a lobby. Both Four and Three then looked around the area and found Saiko. They quickly ran up to her, with Four asking for help.
"Hey Saiko! Please help us here!" Saiko looked down as she heard the noise. "I know this may sound strange, but this is us! SMG4 and SMG3! We accidentally got ourselves bodyswapped with our pets! Can you please tell us where they went?" SMG4 pleaded in a slight desperation, not realizing that to Saiko, all she can hear is his meme noise. "Awwww, hello you little ones! Are you looking for your owners?" Saiko said in a cutesy voice to Four and Three. "Wait- I- wha-?!" SMG4 was puzzled at what Saiko said, including SMG3, who was surprised by that answer. Did Saiko misheard what Four said? SMG4 tries to correct Saiko.
"Uhh... haha... No Saiko, we are THE owners... We're just looking for our pets who are now in our bodies! Have you seen them?" Again, to Saiko, all she could hear from him was a multiple pufferfish meme sound. "Oh? Do you guys want to play then? I can get you two guys some toys!" Saiko asked, as if she ignored his question. SMG4's eyes then started to widen. "...Tha-that's not what I said..." SMG4 muttered frighteningly, as he then looked at SMG3, who also has the same reaction as he has. This doesn't feel right at all, did Saiko not understand what he said? As they're about to freak out, Melony walks in. "Hey Saiko! Is there something wrong?" She asked a question to Saiko. SMG3 then instantly tries to call on Melony to get his attention and see if she can hear him.
"OI! MELONY! TELL SAIKO THAT WE DON'T WANT ONE ANY OF THOSE, AND WE WERE JUST ASKING ON WHERE DID OUR PETS WENT! WE-" As SMG3 continued to explain everything to Melony, like how Saiko misunderstood what SMG4 said, both of the girls misunderstood what SMG3 said, as all they could hear from him was barking. Saiko pointed at those two on what's going on, in which Melony then started to guess herself.
"Hmmm, maybe they're asking where my pet, Axol Jr. is? They probably want to play with him." Melony assumed to Saiko that might be the case, which made SMG3 instantly start to yell at them. "WHAT?! WE DON'T WANT TO GO ON PLAYDATE WITH HIM!! DO YOU GUYS EVEN UNDERSTAND WHAT I EVEN SAID?" This cause SMG4 to have a scary thought of something after what SMG3 said, what if they couldn't understand them? As if their way of speaking are... more for memery... SMG4 then holds SMG3, and rotates him, as he tells Three an awful revelation.
"Three... I think they can't hear us speak..." He said in a frightened expression. "Huh?! What makes you say that?!" SMG3 asked with a shocking yet angrily confused expression. "Three, we're LITERALLY stuck in our own pet's body! If Beeg and Eggdog CAN understand us, but the others do not... it means we're only been speaking in meme language this whole time..." SMG4 frighteningly explained, in which it caused SMG3 to freeze as he realized that could be the reason that the two girls misunderstood them. They can only speak a language that only Three, Four and their pets can understand. SMG3 then started to scream and panic.
"OH MY GOD! IF WE HAVE BEEN SPEAKING IN THE DIFFERENT LANGUAGE TO THE OTHERS, WE'RE LITERALLY! DOOMED!!!" He panickedly shuddered. "HOW IN THE HELL ARE WE GOING TO TELL EVERYONE ABOUT THIS STUPID SITUATION WE ARE IN IF THEY CAN'T UNDERSTAND US?" He added as he is feeling more scared about it. "I DON'T KNOW!" SMG4 responded worryingly. "THE ONLY THING WE CAN DO IS TO SPEAK TO OUR PETS! THEY'RE THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN UNDERSTAND US!" He added, in which cause for Three to sarcastically agree on Four. "Yea! Sure! Let's just hope our kids would DEFINITELY listen this time, and finally get our bodies back! Because last time I asked Eggdog to switch us back, your pet DEFINITELY did not just... oh I don't know... BRIBE HIM TO DITCH THAT IDEA AND LEAVE US LIKE THIS!!!" he barked at Four angrily. "Well, do you have any other ideas that YOU think will solve this problem?!" Four asked in an annoyed manner.
As Three was about to say something, it got interrupted as they heard someone in the other room. "Okay Melony! I'm done setting the room up! Can you get those two little ones, and place them here please?" It seems like the meme guardians got distracted with their conversation, that the two girls had left, and have set up a playdate with Axol Jr. This will not end well. "Oh no..." they said in terrified unison. Four instantly rushes himself into the lobby's main door, and tries to pull the door open, trying to escape from this "playdate", but due to his current body, he struggles to at least move the door, even a bit.
"C'mon... C'MON!!!" He pulled, and pulled, but had no luck. Three meanwhile can only watch due to his body having no arms, or even hands. I mean sure, Eggdog could still hold anything, but for Three, this is like stuck into a new body, meaning he doesn't know what or how even those Eggdogs, including his own kid, can even interact with the item. After a few seconds of trying, SMG4 tired himself out, and started to doubt himself. "There's no use! I can't pull it to get it open!" He turns to Three. "Any other good escape route?!" "uhhh..." SMG3 looks around anxiously in a hurry. He moves a bit to find an alternate route and sees the window. "Aha! How about the window?" He suggested in which SMG4 agrees. They instantly went into the window, with Four jumping into the window frame and trying to open it, but like the door, it is completely shut. "Damn it-" as he tries to punch the window glass, it causes him to get hurt. "Ow!" Three responded by going up to the wall, and banging his head once, after seeing that, pretty much a substitute for a hand as a facepalm.
As Four jumps down to the floor and about to give up, they instantly hear the knock, which makes Four have an idea. He whispered to Three about the plan to him and got the nod. Meanwhile, both Saiko and Melony left the guest room. As Melony went to find the kids, Saiko instantly went up to the door, and opened it, instantly saying hi, as it is Kaizo. As those two started talking, the meme guardians instantly sneak out while not getting caught by two girls and the demon. With the door still open, Three and Four swiftly went outside. This however caused Melony to go up to Saiko and Kaizo, and ask where those two were, in which they shrugged, without knowing that they completely escaped.
As they ran out of the castle, SMG4 started to look around and worrying over a runaway memes in their bodies, while SMG3 however, is still mad that his own precious egg son got tempted by that freeloader pet. Four's worriedness is more for the fact he is scared of what those two would even do in their bodies, amplifying to the fact that he saw the sun is setting, and he has these scary thoughts running through his head, with one of them made him think that if the sun goes down, or the time hits midnight, would that mean they will be stuck like this for eternity? And if that would be the case, is it even possible to do it again unless it would take a long time or even years for them to repeat that spell. Even if those thoughts aren't accurate, he knows damn sure that his trouble-making child doesn't want to go back to his original body that Four is currently stuck in. As much as Four knows that Beeg would sometimes cause trouble, he knows that Beeg is literally still a kid, or at least, he's pretty sure he just acted like a kid even if it was his meme pet to begin with.
Three's thought on the other hand is more mad at Beeg than Eggdog. Yea sure, he felt betrayed that Eggdog would ever do such a thing, after becoming his new right-hand man, but he does admit that being mad at Eggdog is a bit too cruel for him to do that, he can be strict, but he isn't overly too strict, it was more for the fact that Beeg was the one being the main source of Eggdog started to not listening to him. However, once the body swap issue is resolved, he is definitely going to give those two a good grounding, possibly a month or so.
As the two are trying to find the kids, Four then asks if there is any sign of them, in which Three replied with a no. As they looked around, SMG3 heard a familiar sounding voices. He turns around and instantly recognizes that it was Meggy and Tari.
"-and he said something about wanting to marry him or something along those lines? Which caught me off guard coming from him" Meggy informed Tari about what happened earlier, which Three meanwhile couldn't make out on who they were talking to. Tari however, giggled, yet surprised from that information that Meggy explained about, which of course the former inkling starts giggling on that idea as well. This caused Three to have an idea, as he instantly went to Four.
"Hey SMG4!" he called as Four got his attention. "Maybe if we make enough noise, we can get the squid's attention!" he exclaimed to Four as he had planned. SMG4 however doubted Three's plan. "What?! Have you forgotten what I said about-" Four's explanation got interrupted by Three. "Yea! Yea! They can't understand us in this condition we are in! But that's possibly because they aren't too big brain enough that it was us! The ginger-haired squid meanwhile is!" Three explained as Four thought to himself that he does somewhat have a point. Meggy is smarter than anyone else in the group, so it makes sense that maybe Meggy could read their body language and see if she can read that something is off. Four then had no other choice but to agree on Three's plan and instantly walk up to them.
Meggy and Tari meanwhile continued the conversation, not until it got interrupted with the noise. They looked around and saw that it was "Beeg SMG4" and "Eggdog". Not surprising enough, even the smarter person Meggy, couldn't tell that it was SMG4 and SMG3 who were stuck in their own meme pets' body. Tari then asked Meggy as she looked at the pair concerned. "Uh... is Four and Three's pets okay? They seem to be more noisy than usual." Meggy then smiled at the pair. "Maybe they're hungry!" That isn't already a good sign for Three and Four to hear as Meggy didn't recognize that something is off. "Come on Tari, let's get them food!" She exclaimed as she and Tari started to walk away. SMG4 then panics as he tries to follow them. "Meggy don't leave us here! MEGGY HELP US!!!" He then falls into the floor and frowns, while Three looks at the girls before instantly looks back at his meme guardian partner saddened by what he and Four saw. Four then sadly tells Three the conclusion of it. "It's over SMG3, no one really understands us..."
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pianokantzart · 1 year
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Final sneak peek
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tennessoui · 11 months
november ko-fi fic upload!
hello hello I feel like I am ~a little late, but I come bearing about 6k of a body swap au fic. there's no tumblr tag for this one unfortunately, but after like three years in this fandom i really wanted to try my hand at one of my favorite tropes
in this body swap au, they switch bodies during the aotc wedding between padmé and anakin which is so dramatic of them lmao and also so very messy
I just posted the link to it on my ko-fi! here is a little teaser of one of my favorite parts:
A commlink trills into the heavy silence.  It’s Anakin’s comm.  Obi-Wan reaches into his belt and pulls out the machine between one second and the next. “You’ve kept your commlink on?” The senator sounds confused, hurt, and offended. Obi-Wan knows he should have more empathy in his heart for her, but it is incredibly difficult. He flicks it open. Master calling, the display reads. “Yes, I did,” Obi-Wan snaps. “The galaxy is on the edge of breaking out into a war, Se—Padmé. I can’t ignore that when the Jedi could need me at any minute. As a senator, you should understand.” She recoils as if he has struck her, and he knows he should be ashamed. He knows he should soften his tone and spool the words back into a tight knot in his chest, but he cannot.  And a part of him thinks he is right. 
as a refresher, the way these ko-fi uploads work is:
Monthly supporters will be able to go into the gallery tab on my ko-fi and click on an uploaded image. The title of the image will be which au the ficlet fits into and how many words it is. The description beneath the image will be a quick summary of the au and a link to the google doc containing the ficlet. The “root” au post, aka the post that started the au on my blog, will be linked as well on that google doc
(though this one doesn't have a root post cause it was written sort of just on a lark)
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