A throwback Christmas photo of baby Joe with Santa that I found on Pinterest. ❤️☺️🥰
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@hurricanekat1991 @joemazzmatazz @marianne2020 @queenborhaplovergirl @amethyst-serenade @bohemiansweede @omgsquee2001 @likesomekindofcheese @rowdy-redhead @bohrapbois @xtrashmammalstefx
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safinsscars · 1 year
A peaceful Valentine's Day !
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@daughterofthesilmaril @fancykraken @twhiddlestonmuses @lokis-tardis-companion19 @nannoselliot @sakurasoulgeneral @desdouxjardins @safin-supremacy2 @boobsmashwhore @rami-malek-yeah @moon-stars-soul @edteche2 @bohrapbois @poptod @bladerunnerinavanillasky @maleksrami @honestmysteries @yagurlny @paradoxespersonified @thefluffiestseahorse @killerqueen- @sherlollydramoine @vyzbled @txmel @lievlogan @one-boring-person @amrtiamat @ramisflowers @lavenderandheatherfield @shironezuninja @alcoholisticwriter @dorminchu @lyutsifer--safin @stolperzunge @elliotmalek everyone I missed 🏵️
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Idk who can I ask this, so maybe you or anyone else that see this can help me. Does anyonre know if Rami and Lucy are still together or they broke up at some point? (and when did they break up?)
As far as I know, they are still together but I don't know for sure. So I'm going to throw this ask @bohrapbois way and see if they have an answer for you.
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What about HC for Joe and Rami dating a british person and HC for Gwill and Ben dating an american?
Hi there! That’s a wonderful idea! I am American so the idea of dating Ben or Gwil and the cute cultural differences! Though feel free to take my idea of British! Y/N with a grain of salt. Thanks for sharing!
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Ben dating an American would include...
You have to learn about cricket and rugby!
 Which means going to games with hot chocolate on a cold day and him explaining every last rule!
Trying British Food all the time! You find you enjoy pies lot-dinner pies with cheese and meat in them. Though when you cook for Ben he will eat every bite and then pat his stomach childishly after.
Different terms for things and getting used to it!
I think the Fourth of July would be fun He would like the beer and fireworks and fun teasing about him losing.
You try not to gush over his accent because you’re a dime a dozen (but British people, you sound AMAZING to our American ears! And with Ben’s voice being deep there is a sexy edge to it and it drives you w i l d) 
Going to a pub is normal, if not a bit boring. You wonder if they are interested at all.
He poshes up their accent around your parents or even his! 
They avoid difficult conversations and not ask a lot of questions.
Polite to a fault, but you make sure to say what you want in a relationship.
Your directness helps!
They have a dry sense of humor and enjoy light teasing
Mentioning different versions of the Office! Seeing the different Micheal Scotts and seeing young Martin Freeman is a blast and you both have a great time having marathons!
They make you quote Game of Thrones with your accent or read things
They are very charming!
You feel more assertive at restaurants. When Ben’s order is wrong, he wants to brush it off. So you alert the waiter politely that something is very off and they scurry off and get him the right plate of food and he smiles so large it touches his ears!
Gwil dating an American would include...
At first, he seems polite to the point of standoffishness and it made you a bit sad. But he was always very polite (he says he seems grumpy to some people). But then you opened up more to each other and eventually, he asked you out!
There would be teasing about each other’s accents and different slang words. But playful and well-intentioned.
Though Gwil has Welsh ancestry (hence his name and everything else) so you learn bits of Welsh as well and that mixture of cultures.
You both try different types of tea and you are determined to make him the right cup. But he insists that any cup made by you is worth drinking.
Lots of traveling! He would see all sorts of small parts of America and you get to see cities from Liverpool to Oxford
But IT’s SO COLD IN THE UK! You go in March and bundle up like it was January and he laughs at how cute and soft you look beneath your coat and scarf and hat.
He isn’t into PDA (which surprised you) and he is a bit more private about physical affection. So when he kisses you once you’re in private, it means even more!
He would love your independence. You tend to split the bill more when you go out.
He decided to meet your parents and you were panicking. It might as well be a step to something serious. But he was more relaxed, insisting it was not that big of a deal- and he wound up charming both of them!
Trying each other's tv shows! All! The! Time! And reviewing them over snacks Though you gush over Downton Abbey and he says “well...it’s alright!” and you say “just alright?!?” and laugh.
You’re surprised at how much he drinks sometimes and the few times he was drunk he was smiley and hugged you and was as affectionate as a toddler. You put him to bed and laughed as he starfished on his stomach on the mattress and cuddled you like you were his stuffed toy.
Usually, there are muted, simpler expressions of love. Asking about each other’s hobbies. Holding hands while watching a movie. Things like that.
He got to spend Thanksgiving and some of Christmas with your family. They were all wide-eyed and in awe of him. They kept getting to talk because they couldn’t get enough of his accent. People are like ooooo when they check the guy out and then turned to look at you in slight envy and cute teasing. You clearly won with this handsome British gentleman.
Despite the differences in some tv show tastes, you both are as happy as squirrels.
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 Joe dating a Brit would include...
The first date would be comfy. Joe would be nervous but when you show up in a shirt and jeans to a coffee shop, he relaxes more. He would dress up more and bring flowers and you were expecting something like a hang out so you were surprised!
There would be so much Banter! Your humor is dry and he is goofier but your discussions and little “arguments” are hysterical and a lot of fun!
But you were hesitant to date Joe. You didn’t want him to think you were an “easy target.” But he didn’t think that at all!
It surprised you how so cuddly Joe was! He always wanted to grab your hand or hold you or put you on his lap on a restaurant or things like that! Eventually, you got comfortable with it!
And you’re so sarcastic! Your wit and dripping comments leave him howling on the floor.
You don’t always drink a cuppa. When Joe took you to a tea shop in Britain as a date, you still enjoyed it. You sipped on tea and ate cakes and he couldn’t believe how much food there was in one sitting!
 He learns to make that cup of tea or coffee or whatever you like!
But you have great taste in music. Often you go to record shops and listen to stuff all the time.
 Britain has a long history of wonderful artists and bands, and you introduce him to artists and groups he never heard of.
 Next thing you know, you wake up to Joe making pancakes and singing along to some obscure British pop group.
He is amazed at how you are never too cold! Joe on the other hand bundles up!
 But American winds up being hot and muggy. You have to wear shorts and run for air-conditioned buildings (he teases that he likes you in shorts for you cute booty, though, of course!)
You always evoke empathy! You’re actually kind and deeply caring for others and when you shine that kindness for others it makes Joe fall for you even harder.
You teach him British slang and he loves it.
“It’s a loo or toilet, right? What are diapers?”
“That’s adorable for diapers!”
 When you’re making out you softly say that Joe is the fittest guy ever and he gets confused.
“Well, I don’t have a six-pack yet....”
And you blush and laugh and say “No! I mean...fit means “hot” not just like “athletic!”’
Joe admires your confidence and strength. You’re his rock.
Rami dating a Brit would include...
The first impression is important for Rami. Although you are relaxed and happy on the first date, he goes to the nines and takes you to a fancy place and spoils you rotten. But it’s so cute!
You’re so polite to him! You seem so dignified and use your manners and it makes him swoon inside!
You would travel and see Rami’s family and learn about their history. It’s very sweet and you see all of his cute baby photos!
Though you poke fun at the way he pronounces “vitamins” so he teases you back using his British accent (sometimes saying a Freddie line or two)
You do enjoy a beer! Or a pint! Rami always covers your drinks and your rides!
Though he would be surprised if you drink more than he does! He would be sweet if you were hungover, though. ‘
“You always have wine with dinner?”
“You don’t?”
“You always drink beer! I’m trying to get you to not die!”
“Oh, relax! Have one with me, Rami dear!”
He enjoys pub songs though and will often dance with you to the music playing.
He would love the genuine deeds and attitude you have. You are a good person, but you aren’t fake. 
Though he would roll his eyes at reality shows like Love Island, he watches it with you and makes silly observations.
Though you both get into The Great British Bake-off and try some of the recipes!
You appreciate style! And Rami is a fashion icon so whenever you dress up or have to go to a fancy event, you gush over him and take a dozen pictures
He travels to the UK with you and sees your family. He enjoys Christmas for the crackers and keeps the paper hat they make for him.
He always pays the bill at the restaurant which surprises you! But hey, it’s free food from a handsome guy!
You aren’t too talky and he appreciates it. He is more of a quiet and shy man himself. So words mean more.
It’s a romantic, indulgent, and meaningful connection where you learn everything about each other.
You even get Rami addicted to Cheeky Nandos. 
Taglist: @queenlover05 @sgt-stardust-killer-queen
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queen-paladin · 5 years
I have been writing some deliciously self-inesrty Queen/BohRap boys Fanfiction, would anyone be interested in reading it?
I feel a little embarrassed how indulgent they are, but I am a lonely bish and its feels wonderful to write as a hobby again! Plus, you bet I can change the fics from using my name to it being Reader.
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Y'all it literally took me all day to post the last chapter of Ocean Song because I kept procrastinating. Like, I can't believe I'm actually done writing this fic holy shit did you know I'd been working on it for more than a year??
Anyways, you can read it here!
@heybuddy-drabbles @bohrapbois @theadorabletia @laminy @thosequeenboys @maz-zello @mazzell-ro
Now I'm just gonna go cry a bit lol
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thosequeenboys · 4 years
Tell Me  (Joe Mazzello x Ben Hardy)
Summary: Joe and Ben are thrilled to have secured the perfect egg donor and surrogate to help them begin their family  Together they share an intimate experience to start the process.
A/N:  The brief scene described is a pre-cursor to my Love is Love is Love series.  This story has been swimming in me for a while (groan, sorry).  Thanks @warriorteam1924 for helping to bring it to light.
Warnings: Masturbation and some related corny jokes and a desire for a family
The desk with sharp angles and numerous charging stations reflected efficiency and productivity. It reminded Ben why he was in this stark hotel room, having arrived down South in the dark, after a very delayed flight.  Efficient and productive described the task at hand.  
Ben’s mouth turned up in a tight smile as he thought of the pun.  ‘Task at hand. Let’s get to it then.’
Ben removed his clothes, leaving only a t-shirt and boxers and washed his hands well in the bathroom. He grabbed the tissue box on the way out, placing it on the bedside table.  He fingered the tightly sealed bag in his backpack on the bed.  He gingerly opened it and took out a sealed cup, which he placed on two folded tissues on the side table.  
He turned down the covers and crawled on the bed leaning into the soft pillows. The trip left him exhausted.  He felt tense and anxious, which fueled more tension and anxiety.   Somehow, this part of the process wasn’t discussed in the videos.  It had seemed natural, easy, when he and Joe discussed it. And, it wasn’t like he hadn’t done it before. In fact, sometimes Joe asked him to do it as he perched on his heels at the foot of the bed.  He watched almost in a trance, his breathing deepened and his eyes glazed over. Ben’s arm muscles contracted as he found his rhythm and gained speed.  His bent knees leaned open toward the bed.  His hips thrust steadily into his tight hand. Finally, his lips parted, his chin pointed up and he let out a satisfied moan as he reached his pinnacle.  Joe was half-way there himself, red and panting, as he watched the thick white liquid pool in the crevices of Ben’s abdomen.  Ben swiped a nice amount through his fingers before he moved down the bed and rested back on his own heels.  Ben’s other hand maneuvered Joe’s boxers just low enough to allow him to finish Joe off quickly.  Joe’s moans started with the first wet touch, his arm resting on Ben’s shoulder to steady himself.  It felt gloriously dirty, and Ben reveled in the fact that it turned Joe on so much.
Yet that erotic image wasn’t motivating Ben to be productive.  Or efficient. At that moment, all their all preparations, their excitement, their planned future  floated away in isolated bubbles.  He huffed and leaned over to the backpack and took out his phone.  A Joe FaceTime. Joe came into view, laying sleepily in their bed.
“Hey.” Ben’s voice was firm and low.
“Hey, Babe. Dang sorry about the flight delay! You settling in?” Joe sounded positively upbeat, as he sat up and turned slightly to punch the pillow.  
“Yeah. They left everything for me when I checked in,”  Ben carefully stuck to the facts.
“Good, good,” Joe said soothingly, and added with a clinical tone.  “You can use the room refrigerator and take everything to the clinic tomorrow in the cooler on your way to the airport.”
“Yeah.”  Ben sighed and paused.  Joe stopped himself from jumping in, as he usually did.  He let the silence have its place.   He sensed there was something else Ben wanted to share, something not easy for him to do.
“I,” Ben started and then stopped, looking down.  
“It’s ok, Ben. Take your time.”  Joe’s soothing tone encouraged Ben to continue.
Ben took a breath. “You know, I do this often. I mean, not that often,” he allowed a slight smirk.
Joe couldn’t resist, “Yeah, you’re an old hand at it, I know.” He cracked up, amused at his joke. Then he became quiet.
“…but now,” Ben continued, his emotions no longer in reserve, “…it feels… different.”
“How does it feel different, Babe?” Joe asked softly.
Ben looked down. “This isn’t just a wank.  To get off.  To have that rush, relieve tension.  It’s creating a life.  My child. Our child.”  He raised his head and looked directly into the screen.  The man Ben loved and shared life with looked at him so lovingly with empathy.  That look popped the floating bubbles and let their dreams settle back into Ben.
“Yeah.” Joe acknowledged. “It IS different.  It’s intense. And it’s beautiful.  Do you…do you want me to help you?” Joe asked, staring at Ben.
Ben nodded, feeling more relaxed by the offer.  “Yeah.  I do.  Joe, tell me.  Tell me how I’m gonna make our baby.”
“Ok,” Joe said, speaking softly, “Take your boxers off so you’re comfortable. Get the cup ready next to you on the bed.  Then let me see you hold yourself.”
Ben opened the cup and positioned it next to his waist. He slid his boxers off.  He licked his hand and placed it around his cock and started to move along the shaft slowly, closing his eyes, keeping the phone propped in his left hand.
“God, you’re so sexy,” Joe moved his phone closer to take in his gorgeous husband.  “That’s good, that’s perfect.”  Joe swallowed,  “I…I can’t picture my life without you.  Our lives together.  And now, we’ll have another exciting part to add to it.  A part of you.”  Joe paused.  “You’re going to make a beautiful baby.  Just like you.   Gorgeous and sweet.  Fun and brave and passionate.  And smart. So smart.”
Joe paused. “You’re doing great, Love.  A little more, a little faster…”
Ben picked up the pace and opened his legs, letting his knees drop and his feet form a diamond in the bed. He found a steady rhythm and opened his eyes to look at Joe.
Joe looked concerned. “Is…is this ok?”
“Yeah, yeah, go on,” Ben choked out with a tinge of urgency.
Joe continued, “You’re gonna make a baby so beautiful for us.  A baby just like you.  For us to raise together.  I love you so much, Ben.  I want you to make this baby of ours.  Come for me, Ben.  Make our baby, Love.  Your beautiful baby.”
And with that, Ben grabbed the cup and leaned to the side, pumping and guiding his cock. As the ropes spewed into it, he watched and panted.
“God. THAT was beautiful.” Joe’s eyes started tearing.  “You did so well.  Just perfect. You made us a baby!  Well, ok, half of one.”
Ben held up the almost-full cup. “Pretty good aim, I think,” he quipped.  “Hang on,” he said, as he dropped the phone into the bed.    He grabbed some tissues and wiped the cup and himself.  Closing the cup tightly, he rose to put it into the frig.  He washed his hands and returned to the bed and Joe.
“Feel better?” Joe asked.
“Yes. Much! Though I have a few more rounds to go tomorrow.”  
“Well, give a holler if you need,”  Joe beamed.
“Thanks…What you said, Joe, it was just…lovely.  Just perfect.  I love you.” Ben said.
“And, I, you. Truly, madly, deeply do (1),” Joe said with a wink.  “Get some sleep, Ben.  Good night, Love.  Can’t wait to welcome you home tomorrow.”
Ben’s eyes blinked slowly. “Good night, Joe,” he said sleepily.
 @captaincoffeegirl515 @laminy @bohrapbois @heybuddy-drabbles @benhardypout
Note:  (1)    Truly, Madly Deeply by Savage Garden
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queen-for-life · 4 years
HAPPY SUNDAY, EVERYONE! Say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
@roger-taylors-car @mrssmercury @39-brian @fuckyeahmercury @snafuelliot @discodeakyownsmyass @sternbergrm @melisa-may-taylor72 @lauradepiano @freddiemvrcury @smileyfreddie @ramblingqueenfangirl @im-you-but-weaker @bohrapbois @deacytits @deacyspatronusisacheesetoastie @brian-roger-deaky-and-fred @lydiannode @georgechameleon @malek-mercury @hard-yearned-wisdom @roger-hardy-taylor @his-majesty-king-mercury @melinamercuryy @ninamercury @dontstopfreddienow @freddie-bulsara-queen @seven-seeds-of-rhye @kokomercury @queenstufff
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halfasleepoetry · 4 years
Raspberry morning kisses
written based on this HC by @heybuddy-drabbles
It’s not that Ben is that much of an early riser, and if he has any say on the matter, he’d say he doesn’t like waking up too early in the morning. But these days he has apparently become the default earlier riser, simply because he falls asleep faster than Joe does. Joe also likes to tell him that’s his superpower, to sleep at will and remain asleep like the dead. Honestly he doesn’t have much issue with it anyway, since it means every time he wakes up when they’re together, he’d open his eyes to the sight of his redhead boyfriend sleeping peacefully next to him, and if they’re not already tangled or holding each other in any way, that’s the first thing he’d fix even before any part of his brain can register any other thoughts or needs, for example going to the bathroom to pee or the kitchen to find something to eat.
On any productive morning he’d find himself making breakfast before waking Joe up to start the day right, but on their lazier, nothing-to-do days, he’d sometimes find himself eating leftover dinner or snacks in bed, much to Joe’s horror one morning when he woke up to see him sitting up eating cold pizza while watching something on his phone. Needless to say, that morning didn’t start quite right for either of them. But waking up with each other isn’t the kind of luxury they get to take for granted, so they never stay annoyed with each other for long. By the time they’ve showered and gotten ready to go out for brunch, Ben was more than ready to apologize to Joe for annoying him, and Joe was more than ready to apologize for being annoyed in the first place. They kissed, made up and had brunch in the best mood possible, and the rest of the day went well. 
That was Saturday. On Sunday, Ben woke up much earlier than Joe with a purpose, practically bouncing on the bed like an excited puppy, kissing his very much sleepy-still boyfriend, who groaned and turned away before burying his face in the pillow when Ben attacked him with more kisses on the other side of his face too. When it was clear to him that it wasn’t working, he went on to place more kisses on the back of Joe’s exposed neck, all the way to the back of his ear, even as Joe raised his shoulder on reflex, his annoyed grunts muffled into the pillow.
“We have a two hour drive to your mum’s and I don’t want to miss any of the food,” Ben whispered unsexily in his ears, causing him to groan louder.
“Ben, your obsession with my family’s Sunday lunches worries me.”
“I love everything about your family, including the food, if you haven’t gotten the memo yet.”
“You mean especially the food.”
“Your mum is an amazing cook, I swear.”
“That’s exactly the kind of thing to say that would wind up in getting double the amount of everything she would normally pack for me to bring home,” Joe sighed, lifting his head and squinting his eyes a little. Is it even time to start arguing right now? Isn’t it still too early for this?
“I’m not sharing any with you if you keep behaving like this.”
Joe turned around even as Ben adjusted himself, not wanting to move away from where he’s comfortably perched, his knees on both sides of Joe’s hips, trapping him in place.
Joe made a move to get up but couldn’t, not with Ben on top of him like this.
“Well, I thought you want me to get up so badly?”
Ben shook his head. “I know you too well, Mazzello. I’d get up and you’d snooze.”
Joe laughed sleepily, completely guilty. “No, I won’t,” he protested, knowing that Ben does indeed know better.
“Yes you will. Look at you, you’re not even properly awake yet.”
“Didn’t we spend the last thirty minutes having a debate? How could you say I’m still not awake?”
“You’d argue with me anytime, even in your sleep. It’s second nature, not proof that you’re completely awake.”
“I love and hate it that you love my family’s lunches this much and know me too damn well,” Joe groaned into his arms before closing his eyes again.
“No, no, no, you’re not going to sleep again,” Ben said more urgently this time, shaking Joe a little. “Don’t make me do it,” he threatened vaguely.
“Do wha--” even before Joe managed to finish his question, Ben was already on him, going specifically for his neck, and instead of kisses, he started blowing raspberries everywhere on it, and his hands went up and down his sides, tickling him.
Joe’s eyes shot open immediately even as he started shrieking with laughter. “Stop--stop--” he managed between laughter. “Ben, stop--seriously!” He shrieked before collapsing into laughter again, twisting his body this way and that, trying to get away from the blonde, but obviously not succeeding.
Ben only stopped when Joe had gone quite red in the face from laughter and the exertion from trying to get away from Ben’s raspberries and tickles.
“Are you trying to kill me?” Joe asked loudly, breathless from laughter, lying back on the pillow to catch his breath.
“No, just trying to wake you up,” Ben remarked cheekily before getting up suddenly and yanking the covers away from Joe, exposing him, only clad in boxers, to the cold air.
“Ben!” he shouted, getting up immediately. He jumped off the bed to go after his wildly laughing blonde boyfriend who was sprinting his way into the bathroom, the covers in his hands thrown away haphazardly onto the floor.
Taglist: @cardyandy @captaincoffeegirl515 @oniriquex @that-hardzello-girl @bohrapbois @igotsuckedintothevoid @warriorteam1924 @lapofthemusicgods @itspenisparker @thosequeenboys @discodeakyhasmyheart 
(if you’d like to be added or removed, let me know!)
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born-to-lose · 4 years
Song tag game
I was tagged by the lovely @rainbowskullsandcoffee!! (PS: you're adorbs and just as chaotic as me, let's be friends)
Rules: you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to! Put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people. No skipping
I Was Born to Love You - Freddie Mercury
Dream on - Nazareth
Moon River - Frank Sinatra
I'm Still Standing - Elton John
I'll Be There For You - Bon Jovi
Drowse - Queen
Learn to Fly - Foo Fighters
Jailhouse Rock - Elvis Presley
Kiss This - The Struts
Take Me Home Tonight - Eddie Money
Idk who to tag but uhhhhh @bisexual-eponine @sigrid-stans-rogerina @found-wonderland @70sdeacons @seven-seas-of-why @hold-your-invisible-horses @bohrapbois @vikkivixx @somebody-to-rock-you @daddydeakydeacon
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fallingprincess · 4 years
Save You Update
Hello guys!
I think my tags aren’t working tbh??? Someone tell me why???
I just wanted to quickly say that there won’t be a new chapter out today. I have had so much going on with university registration and finding an apartment and work that I didn’t have the time to write it yet...
I hope the new chapter will be out Monday though!
Thank you for enjoying this story and I hope you can tolerate me not posting today. Sorry again!
Lots of love!
@ohtheseboysilove @yourlocalmusicalprostitute @yourealegendroger @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels @allykat764 @itscale @jonesyaddiction @calcifersheartandsoul @samxslaughter @radiob-l-a-hblah @takemetoneverland420 @crazylittlethingcalledobsession @hardforbenhardy @dep-thx @franciu95 @stxfxniexreads @ssweet-empowerment @scurtscurt2021 @beepbeephardy @pippin248 @bohrapbois @fairestkillerqueenofall @culturefiendtrashqueen @tenement-funstah @itscale @youngpastafanmug  @lelifesaver   @ alwaysbenhardysgirl @rogerrhqpsody  @kill4hqueen @sonic-volcano  @bensmazzello @celine-wanderwall @im-an-adult-is @queenlover05
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safinsscars · 2 years
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@daughterofthesilmaril @fancykraken @twhiddlestonmuses @lokis-tardis-companion19 @nannoselliot @sakurasoulgeneral @desdouxjardins @safin0simp123 @boobsmashwhore @rxmi-mxlek @rami-malek-yeah @moon-stars-soul @edteche2 @goldentablets @bohrapbois @freebooter4ever @poptod @bladerunnerinavanillasky @holytaxaccountantcas @honestmysteries @yagurlny @sesyeuxocean @the-bitter-princess @paradoxespersonified @thefluffiestseahorse @killerqueen-slash @sherlollydramoine @vyzbled @neverendingstories00 @txmel @lievlogan @one-boring-person @amrtiamat @ramisflowers @lavenderandheatherfield @shironezuninja @alcoholisticwriter @dorminchu @lyutsifer--safin @stolperzunge and everyone I missed 🏵️
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deakyswhitequeen · 5 years
🌸 playlist snooping tag 🌸
I was tagged by the gorgeous @littledarlingwellaway 💕 thanks doll 💕
Rules: we’re snooping on your playlist. put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then choose 10 victims!
Electric Love - Børns
Nancy Mulligan - Ed Sheeran
Someone Like You - Adele
Fat Bottomed Girls - Queen
One Foot In Front Of The Other - Radnor and Lee
The Night We Met - Lord Huron
This Is What It Feels Like - Armin van Buuren
Save Me - Queen
Let Her Go - Jasmine Thompson
The Prophet’s Song - Queen
WOW, guys, that’s a pretty bop playlist! I think I’ll save it gosh 😍🙉
This was so fun ! And I’m tagging: @sweetgcreature @instantezra @bensrhapsody @benmeddowstaylor @bohrapbois @deakys-chesthair @radio-ha-ha @babygotblueeyes @queensavedmylife and anyone who wants to do it!
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Gwylim Lee X Singer! Reader Soft Moodboard
Another based on a bit of @a-time-for-legends writing
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benhardy-1 · 5 years
PA Nightmare Ben Hardy x Reader
Hey guys! I was bouncing some ideas off @bohrapbois and decided to give this fic a shot. ☺️
Gonna be a multi chapter story about the reader as Ben Hardy’s personal assistant on the set of bohrap. It’s your first PA gig ☺️ goodluck! 😉
Hit me up on @benhardy-1 or @aussienerdgirl to get added to the tag list ☺️
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You had barely slept all night because you were so worried that your first day was going to be horrifying. Thoughts had already crossed your mind about things that could go wrong, what if you forgot their name? What if you were late? Oh my god what if you spilt something all down the front of yourself? Your mind raced for what felt like hours and by the time your alarm was going off you felt like you’d only just dozed off. “Great!” You thought, now I need to get coffee on your way in because you’re so exhausted! Racing through your morning routine you hesitated as you were just about to leave because you realised you hadn’t even looked at the outfit you’d pieced together so hastily. You rushed to check it and saw massive bags under your eyes and panicked, there was no time for makeup if you needed coffee and you definitely needed the caffeine.
After an hour in the most horrific traffic you’d ever seen, you arrived 2 minutes before you started, two lattes in hand. Worried about being late you power walked from the last car park at the back of the lot and ran onto the set. You found a stagehand introduced yourself and found out you were working as a personal assistant for one of the lead actors. They gestured you into the direction of their trailer as you realised you’d never heard of them and you were even more worried now. What if they expected you to already know they’re likes and dislikes? You were still power walking because you were now several minutes late to meet them and as you were headed to the trailer all you could hear was your brain screaming at you for being late on your first day. You thought of ways to explain why you were late but none of them seemed convincing enough which only made you panic more. You were barely paying attention to where you were walking when someone pulled you out of the way of a stagehand pushing equipment around. You blinked obviously panicked as you came back from your thoughts, your heart was racing as you turned to thank the person who’d saved you only to find out they were literally the most attractive person you’d ever seen. You were stunned but that only lasted seconds before you realised you had just tipped two extra large lattes all down his front. “Fuck” was the first thing that came bursting from your lips as you apologised profusely trying to explain and make sense of what had just happened. He just blinked, obviously confused as well when all of a sudden he burst into laughter. It was such a deep chesty laugh that you couldn’t help but join in. He reached out his hand and introduced himself, “Ben Hardy, and you are?” Oh no! The stage hand had said that you were working with a Ben, you shoved your hand out and said,
“Hi, I’m y/n. I am so so sorry for this! I’m never been more embarrassed!” Thankfully he reached for your hand,
“No worries!” Then after a second or so he added “Oh! You’re y/n! Are you my personal assistant?” You nodded and then frowned,
“I think so? It’s my first day being a personal assistant, somehow they put me with one of the lead stars and clearly I’ve already failed. It’s okay if you need to fire me.” He laughed again,
“I’m not going to fire you, it was me or the electrical equipment. Your first job however is going to be helping me pick out a new set of clothes though now that my outfit is covered in coffee.”
“Oo-ff cou-rse” you stuttered nervously as he took off in the direction you’d been heading. Your mind was going a million miles an hour and you had no idea what to think.
The rest of the day went by without a hitch, you exchanged mobile numbers with Ben in case he needed anything from you before you saw each other again. While exchanging number you realised you had a bunch of texts from your best friend asking how the day went. When you left you rang her and asked if she could meet you at your place. She agreed and was already waiting on the front step when you arrived home. You burst into tears and she used her spare key to let you both inside while you sobbed. “What’s wrong y/n? Surely it wasn’t that bad you’ve been preparing for weeks?” Between sobs you started reciting what had happened,
“I barely slept last night, I was exhausted and I raced out the door with massive bags under my eyes. I stopped to grab myself and my boss a coffee on the way in and then traffic was hell. I was 5 minutes late by the time I worked out where I was going and I have no idea who my new boss is! He said his name is Ben Hardy?” You got even more hysterical and you sobbed harder, “I spilt both extra large coffees on him as he saved me from being run over by a stagehand.” Your friend burst into laughter,
“You did what! That’s worse than anything you’d already imagined!” You started to calm down as you mentioned he had also found the humour in the whole thing.
“He couldn’t have been to upset if he laughed y/n! Don’t worry about it. Nothing you can change now, that’s the first impression you’ve made. All you can do is attempt to make tomorrow even better.” She stayed with you for a few hours and you had a greasy pizza and cheap wine. Once she’d gone home you showered and remembered the first time you’d heard Ben’s laugh. Your entire body shivered as if someone had just opened a window.
“No! I cannot be thinking about this!” You muttered to yourself as you dried off and got ready for bed. You set your alarm for earlier the next day so you had more time to get ready and as you went to pass out you thought you should read up on your new boss. There was just something about him that you couldn’t stop thinking about, you open the first link and came face to face with a picture of him without a shirt. Yep he was definitely the most attractive person you had ever seen. You kept googling him to get as much information about his past roles as you could when you realised he was only a few years older than you. This shocked you because surely he couldn’t be younger than 30! He was one of the leading men of the movie! He definitely didn’t seem a similar age to you. You fell asleep dreading what tomorrow would bring and thinking about that picture you had found.
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Chapter 16 of The Mazzellos is up!
And it's the end of Part 1 of this story. But there will be more!
Come shout at me and @bohrapbois for that cliffhanger 😱
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