#boimler x promotion
Errant and random predictions for the final season of Lower Decks:
(some if which that I don't want to be true but do think would be interesting and/or possible routes they could go)
Tendi and Rutherford become a thing, even if in a Data/Geordi "we spend all our time together so everyone assumes we're a couple at this point" situation
Bradward picks up the saxaphone but Ransom already plays it and so much better
Some possible romantic hinting at Mariner and T'Lyn (this is a gay hope of mine alright leave me be)
Captain Freeman retires/promotes to admiral and Captain Jack Ransom takes over with Mariner as his Second for some reason for max hijinks
An Enterprise focused episode. I dunno how, but I at least want a decontamination room scene
Peanut Hamper somewhere. I hate it, but Peanut Hamper
Boimler gets another promotion
If they wanna get oddly serious, Boimler dies?
Fashion episode. We need more Trek fashion flashbacks alright
Masks. I want a Masks reference (as someone pointed out, there was one! Silly me, I have already won)
Seven of Nine. Give Jeri Ryan more work dammit
Fuck it. Musical episode.
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starshineandbooks · 1 year
Some Tendi x Boimler x Rutherford x Mariner thoughts
Mariner and Boimler definitely have something going on before Tendi shows up. They're probably crushing, maybe secretly dating
Tendi and Mariner definitely patch eachother up after science/ action gets them hurt. Both are fairly compete at medical tasks even if Tendi has more knowledge and such.
Boimler and Tendi spend hours discussing history together and probably have a dnd campaign about the older generations
Actually, Rutherford and Mariner probably joined that DND campaign
Rutherford and Boimler spend hours discussing the rigging behind ships (they all do but these two specifically)
We saw the warp core engine sound scene. They're all dorks and do trips to museums as often as they can
Captain freemasonry actual DOES know who Boimler is and would love to promote him but has no real reason and would prefer to keep his good influence around Mariner (mom things)
The use of first names isn't super common but these four probably only really let eachother use their first names (maybe a few others can)
There's probably bets on all the separate pairings between these four, various dates amd amounts. Billups, T'ana, and Shaxs all bet on the four of them with no particular date but the condition 'it's a disaster when they get together '
If/ when they all get together, the whole ship is surprised, but not really.
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based on someone in my tags saying that there may be more about Mariner and her PTSD in season 4 (and I couldnt tell if that was a hopeful tag or a I Know What Will Happen tag), wanted to write some things I’d love to see more of:
1. I know that we’ve uncovered the truth about Rutherford’s implants, but I’d like to know a bit more about his journey related to having his memories taken from him -- curiosity about his pre-implants self, and what sort of man he’s able to be now (and look, it’s not gonna happen, but he could meet Bashir... they’re in the same time!)
I also don’t remember how much we already know about his family, will simply rewatch and find out, but if not a lot -- want to know something there as well 
and this may not come up, seeing as the plotline was somewhat “sorted” in the reveal episode itself, but if someone high up in starfleet was able to manipulate and hurt a cadet (including non-consensual surgery/implants), what sort of blindspots exist in starfleet in regards to augmentations and overall safety of students? this may be more fanfic territory than the show, but I am curious about whether there could be repercussions about that
generally also am fond of rutherford’s mad-scientist tendencies and at least one of his creations is coming back so....
2. I did in fact see that they’re going to Orion so !!!!!!!!!! Is something I’m really excited for! Tendi’s journey of feeling some pride in her heritage has been a great slowburn, so excited for some fallout/payoff?
3. obviously Mariner’s Whole Deal!!!!! which I’ve already written x amount about
4. I also think -- Tendi especially, considering how we’ve seen her doing work internships, but her/Rutherford/Boimler... will get promoted? It’s interesting that the premise of the show in the title “lower decks” creates a tension that three out of four of them want to be promoted and so they’ll be split up (and that’ll be where the show ends? or maybe not?) It’s also got an interesting (queer) idea in it about notions of failure -- lower decks is the bottom rung of the ladder, so technically everyone should be trying to get higher up in the hierarchy of Starfleet in order to be successful
so far that’s been played with -- they’re all very very capable, and so we have Boimler’s confusion about what he needs to do to get noticed, Tendi’s increasingly star student vibe, Rutherford being basically a genius who gets relied on a lot in engineering, and then on the flipside, Mariner’s refusal (so far) to play that game
there’s a longer meta about this concept to be had, but I’d love to see it picked apart a little on the show now that we’re edging ever closer to what feels like the inevitable. my prediction at the moment is that all four of them will be promoted together (or relatively close together) in the narrative, and I’m curious about how these conversations will happen/generally want to see them thinking about it
5. with all of this, I think with Boimler I wouldn’t mind seeing him question the idea that he needs to “fit into the structure” in order to be in starfleet, that there are things to be questioned and he could be part of that next generation (next next generation) to do so. he’s got a lot more power than he thinks he does
6. overall, I like the way the politics of starfleet is depicted. Freeman doesn’t have the same kind of carte blanche power that’s perhaps been seen before (less so with Sisko, although even with him, as a prophet + him being quite far out in space, there was more ability to do some wild stuff) so would like to see more of her fighting to get the respect she deserves!
7. they should go to Cardassia. it’s right there!!! 
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