#bold of obi-wan to assume this small baby would ever sleep peacefully separated from him now
jasontoddiefor · 4 years
Summary: That one AU in which Obi-Wan raises Luke. Today we’re getting Obi-Wan a job because babies are expensive.
Also on AO3!
Raising a child turned out to be more expensive than Obi-Wan had first thought when he’d arrived on Tatooine. Of course, when he had first stepped on Tatooine, he had still expected to hand Luke over to his Aunt and Uncle. It had only been on the second night, spent in a terrible cheap inn, that he realized he couldn’t give Luke up. He’d bonded with this child and Obi-Wan, for all that he had tried to be the perfect Jedi, had never learned how to let go properly. He hadn’t been able to let go of Anakin’s child, the last remnant of his family.
Living out in the Jundland Wastes, Obi-Wan had become fairly self-sufficient. He had bought two vaporators to collect water for Luke and himself and had found some roots that were so persistent they even grew on a desert planet such as this one. But Luke was still a newborn who needed to be fed multiple times a day and grew with every passing week. He needed new clothes and baby food. Obi-Wan had brought some from Alderaan, enough for the transfer to Tatooine and to sustain Luke a little while longer should Owen and Beru have been unable to buy some fast enough.
But now Luke was Obi-Wan’s responsibility and he was running out of credits. He needed to think of a new way to gain income. He wasn’t good enough a mechanic to work at the spaceport and he also had no plans to do so. Even on Tatooine they knew of General Kenobi, Jedi traitor. They wouldn’t be able to pick him out of a crowd but Obi-Wan knew he’d be better off avoiding interacting with spacers and smugglers.
“What do you think, Luke?” Obi-Wan asked the baby cooing on his bed.
Obi-Wan’s dwelling, a little hut that had been long abandoned, had come with only one bed that wasn’t doing his joints any favors. He didn’t have a crib for Luke and so had no other option but to sleep next to the baby. The nights got surprisingly cold and sharing body heat was the best way to keep one another warm. The first few nights Obi-Wan had been so scared to crush him in his sleep – he was so very small and frail – but by now he knew better. He’d awaken before that would happen if he slept at all.
“Should we go on a little adventure?”
Luke, of course, couldn’t reply, but he was shining so bright and happy in the Force, Obi-Wan decided to take it as a yes. The sun had not yet risen, but the planet was starting to warm up. Obi-Wan estimated that they had about two hours before the winds in the canyons would become a problem. He picked Luke up and strapped him to his chest, his head resting right above Obi-Wan’s heartbeat. He had carried him like this through all spaceports and ships until they’d made it to Tatooine. Luke was used to it by now and so was Obi-Wan. It was almost relaxing to feel his little heart beating in addition to his Force presence. Like this he was sure that Luke was alive, that not everything was lost.
Obi-Wan packed a bag for the two of them and walked out of the door, humming one tune or another. Luke resented silence, he’d always start fussing. It wasn’t like Obi-Wan had anyone to really talk to, so he had taken to singing. His voice wasn’t anything special, certainly not as nice as Anakin’s had been, but he could hold a tune.
He started the speeder and began to drive towards the canyons. He didn’t know where exactly he was heading, what the Force was trying to tell him, but he figured he should follow his old Master’s advice. When in doubt, trust in the Force, it will provide.
Time passed, the sky turned a light purple, then pink and orange. Obi-Wan kept on driving, stopping only once in a while to check on Luke, who had slowly dozed off. When the sun had almost risen completely, Obi-Wan decided to take another break as Luke stirred. He spotted some caves in a distance and decided their shadows would make a better resting place. He parked his speeder right in front of them and walked inside. As expected, the caves were quite cool.
“Not so bad for a boring planet, right?” Obi-Wan asked Luke. “This is certainly remote enough and not Tusken territory. Doubt the Jawas would come here as well. Might make a nice vacation spot, what do you think?”
Luke, of course, couldn’t reply, but he cheerily sent Obi-Wan his emotions.
“You’re right, this is a happy place,” Obi-Wan vocalized Luke’s feelings.
He was already quite strong in the Force, sharing his emotions and dreams with Obi-Wan. He’d be a delight to teach someday, certainly would have made every Master at the temple proud-
Shut it in a box. Sink the stone to the bottom of the river. Burn all reminders.
Obi-Wan could afford to project his darkness around Luke.
“Let’s go check it out some more,” Obi-Wan said and walked deeper into the caves. They appeared t be fairly untouched by anyone and their stones echoed with stories of centuries past, speaking of great floods and peace.
Now, why would the Force want him to be here?
Obi-Wan sighed and leaned against one wall of the cave, resting his head on the cool walls. He closed his eyes only for a moment. He hadn’t actually attempted to meditate since he had decided to keep Luke. He couldn’t think of facing what had happened, not when he needed to be there for Luke and couldn’t afford to break down. But maybe he’d try here, sometime in the future. Not now.
He opened his eyes again and saw something flicker just a few steps away from him. Curious, Obi-Wan walked over to the niche in the wall. He expected it closer and found a little green stone, reflecting the light from the cave’s entrance. It wasn’t very big, but the one just above it was. Obi-Wan took out his lightsaber and used its end to hit against the stone until it broke off. It was rather pretty. Frowning, Obi-Wan walked out of the cave again to hold the stone up against the sunlight.
It flickered rather beautifully and it was clear. No flaws within the stone. He could probably sharpen it with the Force. He’d never used it to shape a crystal that wasn’t kyber, but the process couldn’t be any more difficult.
“How much do you think this is worth, Luke? Enough to buy you a crib?”
Luke was looking up at him with those beautiful and painfully familiar blue eyes. The stone Obi-Wan had found didn’t measure up against them, but it might still be worth something. He’d have to check the next time he stopped in the city. He wasn’t sure yet if this was really what the Force had sent him here for, but he should investigate it anyway.
(Turned out that, when cut correctly, the stone was worth enough to provide a steady income. It wasn’t what the Force had sent Obi-Wan there for, he wouldn’t know until he’d discovered more of the caves where the Force sang as it did on Ilum.)
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