#obi wan raises luke au
skeletons-eat · 2 months
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Merlin au
"Ser Sevander!", came the voice of his youngest sister, screeching in a way that only ten-year-olds managed to do, "What about this one?"
The redheaded man, Ser Sevander as Cody had gathered, turned his head towards Omega who held up an uprooted flower in one of her, very much dirty, hands for him to inspect.
But before he could give her an answer to the inquiry her twin, Cody's youngest brother, interrupted her, offended.
"Hey! Wait for your turn, Di'kut" Boba spit at his sister, "I was here first!"
"Now Children..." Ser Sevander interrupted in a low voice, frowning.
"-ody! Ka'ra, are you even listening to me?"
He was snapped out of his eavesdropping by Fox's annoyed tone.
"Who's that?" Cody asked instead of giving his own twin the satisfaction of an answer.
"I-", Fox pinched the bridge of his nose, " are you SERIOUSLY asking about the twins new tutor?"
The twins had a new tutor.
Huh, he didn't hadn't approved that.
"No, Cody, Grandfather didn't let you approve this one because he knew you would scare them all off before the twins could."
Fox was stressed and annoyed, tension in his upper body and pace too controlled and fast to be anything but.
Cody was aware about how the upcoming celebration placed a lot of stress on the Commanders shoulders, and he almost pitied him.
Well, If it weren't for the fact that the same celebration would be the day their father announced his retirement, effectively handing over the mantle to his oldest son, Cody hinself, he would truly reserve the sorryness for someone who wasn't himself.
They turned another corner towards the the main council chamber where all generals, the current ruler, Jango of clan Fett, his heir, Cody, to his own eternal despair, and the head of the guard, Fox, would assamble once a month, discuss the current state of affairs inside Manda'yaim and out.
Cody stared at the Fox.
Fox sighed, "No, you didn't say that out loud, yes, ba'buir thought you had enough to do already, and yes you should probably go to sleep."
The grand doors of the meeting room opened in front of them, distracting both brothers momentarily, although Cody couldn't help but think back to the new tutor again.
Ser Sevander. A man he had never seen before and yet..... Someone who seemed eerily familiar to him. Too familiar.
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vytels · 1 year
So, I've got a new idea for an au... not an original idea by any means, but I just have been thinking about it for awhile now lol
Basically, Luke gets raised by Rex.
At some point, very shortly after Luke is born and Obi-Wan's like shit, I have to get this kid to Tatooine, said Master Jedi gets injured on the way there. Rex is the one that finds him, luckily, and discovers everything that happened (except for Anakin's fall lol). He decides to help Obi-Wan take Luke to the Lars, but when they get there, the Lars are long gone.
At this point, Obi-Wan is too self-loathing and guilty, so he asks if Rex will raise Luke. This starts an argument about who would be better off raising Luke, but eventually Rex gets Luke.
(Obviously, once Rex and Cody are reunited, Rex sicks Cody on Obi-Wan to "get him to come to his senses")
So begins my "semi-writing" spree, where I wrote out just a bunch of little scenes from his AU.
For more from this AU: NEXT
Here is one, beneath the cut:
Luke’s hair grazed his palm, a soft and a slippery stubble that tickled the pads of his fingers. Even his fingers glided over the baby’s skin, cupping the small warmth behind his head and holding him up in his protective fabrics.
Each moment, experiencing the weight in his arms and the soft breaths sniffled into the air, carved themselves into his memories. 
The back of Rex’s mind shot to the long corridors deep within the Kamino Facilities, to the rooms that vode had never been allowed to venture into. The rooms had been full of clones too young to be cadets, yet too old to be in their growth chambers. They had been taken care of droids and a very select personnel, Kaminoiian officials that had watched for any defects or ailments. 
Despite having never stepped foot in those rooms, Rex could figure that they were like any other space in the Facility. They were likely as in-organic and harsh walled as other rooms, with white bright enough to blind and dull enough to bore, and the temperature set to a disparaging chill. All of it had been built to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of their product, but at the least amount of cost possible. 
Rex hated Kamino. 
He would do everything to ensure Luke never experienced such a nightmare.
Then blue eyes slid open and blinked up at him, accompanied by a growing smile and hands squirming in their blanketed confines. Warmth flooded Rex’s heart and he held Luke up, ducking his head to hover his face closer. 
“Su cuygar, kar’ika,” Rex whispered. 
Luke smiled again and broke his prison, raising a hand to press against Rex’s nose.
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obi1-kenobae · 3 days
Every day I wake up knowing that Obi-Wan Kenobi is canonically universally beloved by animals and small children and everything feels right in the universe
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musewrangler · 12 days
Anakin felt his presence long before he saw his old master. Even here, where the Force swirled in wounded and broken fragments, it was possible to sense that potent, bright power that he knew so well all these years later.
Jedha was an excellent choice of location.
Because it was already a potent Force location, and then of course, because it had been so terribly damaged by the Death Star, only scavengers and criminals came here now. But it would easily mask the fact that two very powerful Force users were using it as a meeting point.
Anakin drew his hood closer around his face to protect himself from the grit and dust in the atmosphere, which was a constant thing. There was also the occasional large piece of debris that still rained down. But Obi-Wan had directed him to an old Imperial outpost which, while abandoned, still functioned to keep the worst of the ravaged planet’s detritus away from them.
Speaking of whom…
He too was hooded, though his tattered robe was brown not black. Anakin could sense Kenobi’s uncertainty, and he could glimpse the flash of silver at his belt every time he took a step.
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tenderjock · 6 months
The rebels have just finished liberating a moon when the festival breaks out.
Imperial forces have been occupying this little rock since before the end of his war, so at least 20 standard, for the sole reason that it is the only inhabitable place where tyria, a rich, nontoxic purple dye, was mined. Cody, shaking violet mud off of his boots, privately thinks that the Coruscant is getting a bit uppity, if it thinks that colonizing an entire moon over some paint is worth the strain on their resources.
And the rebellion put quite a strain on it, these last seven days of siege. The color better come out of beskar, is all he's saying.
Kenobi did well. She's still learning - but strategy comes easy to her, as does battle. Cody's not surprised, given who her parents were. She takes well to war. It's a fact that she should never have had to learn.
The locals fed them, first during week of siege and now, again, ladling big pots of spiced grains and balls of fried dough. Kenobi comes skipping up to him, two bowls in her hands.
"Try this one, General," she orders. Cody, bucket tucked to his side, obeys.
It's a pastry of some sort, crunchy on the outside and soft in the center, soaked in a floral sugar syrup.
"Well?" Kenobi demands. Her dark eyes are big and intense. A lock of hair has come free of the two buns she has pinned over her ears; Cody tucks it back in place with a finger that's only a little sticky.
"Good," he says. She beams.
Music starts up, making them both look around. There's a big circle forming, the locals starting to dance rhythmically with their arms linked together. Kenobi passes her bowl over to Cody and joins in, waving for him to follow. He ignores the girl and eats another ball of dough off of her plate instead.
It only takes Kenobi one go round the circle before she's got the dance down. Other rebs are joining in as well, and someone passes around a bottle that Cody pretends not to see until it's right under his nose and he can take a swig.
Suddenly, the drumbeat stops. Cody jerks up out of the half-slouch he had allowed himself to slump into. The air was thick with breathless suspense, everyone frozen where they stood, arms in the air or legs crouched. A high, sinuous cry rose above the crowd and the music came back, double-time.
The paint throwing started then, too. He hadn't quite seen where it had started, but handfuls of purple dye are being flung, in the air, in people's faces, on their shirts, in laughing mouths. The orderly dance begins to break down, as locals and rebels alike scramble to grab handfuls of dirt for the impromptu celebration.
Cody takes one last swing of the bottle. He catches a glimpse of Kenobi's white vest being smeared mauve and her faux-outraged gasp. It was time to wade in and grab that girl before she got her silly self trampled. He tugs his bucket back on.
It was easier said than done. Everywhere he steps is a foot waiting to be squashed and everywhere he turns was an gleeful, amethyst face that was not Kenobi. He manages to get himself to the center of the crowd, jostled by bodies, searching for a dark head about half a foot lower than everyone else, and he can't find her.
He swallows hard. It's not the worst situation he's ever been in, but Cody doesn't like not having eyes on that girl. She can't even find him right now, all up in his beskar as he is, and it's just as he's thinking that that a solid, if tiny, weight crashes into the small of his back.
"General!" Leia yells. The ridiculous creature is smeared with purple mud from the roots of her hair to the toes of her desert boots. "There you are! Like a hole in the center of the galaxy!" She's drunk - not on liquor, although Cody suspects she's had more than a few sips, but on Force-energy. She gets this way sometimes, sensitive thing that she is.
"C'mon, Kenob'ika," he murmurs, barely audible over the noise of the crowd. He tugs one of her buns. "Let's get you sitting down."
The two of them stumble out of the mosh pit and settle off to the side. Cody just sits her down on the ground. She leans happily on his pauldron.
"It's gonna take you forever to clean the armor," she says, warm and a little sleepy. He grunts.
"You did good today," he says. Kenobi hums.
"It's nice when we don't have to kill anyone," she says. Her eyes are slipping shut. "I wish all the fights could be like that."
Cody doesn't say anything. He watches her, feeling something twist in his old, beat-up chest.
"General?" she asks, yawning a little. "Don't you wish all the fights could be like that?"
"Yeah, Kenobi," he says. The vocoder takes the roughness of his voice away and replaces it with the roughness of the vocoder. "Yeah, I do."
It's like that, his Kenobi sleeping on his shoulder, that Cody watches the festival swell and shrink and fade into the dawn sky.
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maulfucker · 8 months
This song is making me want to start yet another fic to never finish,, "Tell me... Where is your hideout? Who are we running from? I'm starting to think that you were right, and now I'm afraid of letting go of your hand...." Maul giving up on his Mandalore plan and deciding to just stalk Kenobi to tell him about his vision. Staying illegally in Obi-Wan's room because I love putting these guys in situations (and because Maul would NOT leave him alone until Obi-Wan actually accepted Maul is right, which he won't). Following Obi-Wan to Utapau and helping him escape after the clones attack, feeling equal parts vindicated and enraged (because he was proved right but Sidious still won). Them being on the run together....
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gildeddlily · 1 year
honestly I love how Mark Hamill came back and gave us more content ab our sweetheart, or how Hayden Christenses did the same and was just majestic, but I think they should start searching for new actors. Instead of paying a (n absolutely beautiful) 42ys man to play a 19ys boy why can't they find a young actor who resembles Hayden enough to look like Anakin?
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xxlittle0birdxx · 2 years
WIP: Obi-wan raising Luke
‘Do I have something on my face?’ Mara asked, rubbing the side of her hand under her nose.
‘No.’ Luke forced his gaze back down to his dinner. ‘Sorry,’ he mumbled, moving the food around his plate.
Mara couldn’t stop the snort if she tried. And she didn’t try. ‘Have you never seen a girl before?’ she drawled in clear sarcasm.
‘Never one as pretty as you,’ Luke blurted. His eyes widened, as he raised a hand to his mouth, wondering how much effort it would take to tear out his own tongue. His cheeks erupted in flames. ‘Karabast,’ he said under his breath. ‘May I be excused?’ Desperation made his mouth dry; embarrassment rendered his lips numb and stiff.
Obi-wan nodded, hiding a smile in his cup, patting Cody firmly between his shoulder blades, as the other man inhaled a morsel of pastry in an effort not to laugh. Luke gathered his plate, and all but threw it into the sink, before fleeing to his bedroom, ears bright, glowing coals under his mop of hair.
Having been an unwitting witness to some of Anakin’s early attempts to flirt with Padmé, Obi-wan leaned back in his chair. ‘The Ghibli fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree,’ he chuckled.
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bon-sides-sw · 9 months
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My piece done for the Dinluke Secret Santa held on @stardads
This one was a gift for @ladylaran I had the most fun drawing this! Mando! Luke is my Favorite and most precious Au :'3
So here these two idiots who fell in love. Original text on the Ao3 post:
Totally NOT a crush!!
Mando Luke does NOT have a crush on Din Djarin!! Din is so hopelessly in love tho...
Obi-Wan took Luke after being born, but didn't arrive on Tatooine, instead he hid on Concordia and was accepted into the Children of the Watch Covert. There Luke was raised as a Mandalorian warrior along Din (and Paz). Luke of course fell in love with this one Mando who is so oblivious to everything and his Dad keeps teasing him about it. Din falls in love after Luke beats his ass on a friendly sparr.
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antianakin · 8 months
No Order 66 AU where Anakin leaves the Order after the war ends and he and Padme end up retiring to Naboo to try to raise the twins together, but neither of them ends up feeling particularly satisfied with life on Naboo (for Anakin it just doesn't give him any purpose the way he desperately needs and for Padme it's always been this perfect rosy dream and reality doesn't measure up), so they end up leaving the twins behind a lot so they can pursue other things and are pretty absentee parents in general. They mostly end up getting raised by Padme's parents instead, and while they're perfectly good guardians for the twins and raise them kindly and love them a lot, there's always an obvious elephant in the room regarding who ISN'T there.
This causes a bit of a rift between Luke and Leia because while Luke is trying to keep the peace and give their parents the benefit of the doubt as he moves on and figures out his own life with what he DOES have, Leia is less willing to just forgive and forget.
Luke ends up becoming a pilot working for the royal palace for a while, but Leia goes into politics (something she'd entered while younger because it's what her mother did and she'd been hoping it would get Padme's attention and bring the two of them closer; it didn't work out that way at all and now Leia's sticking with it at least partly to spite Padme) as an aide for her cousin Pooja who is now Senator of Naboo.
And it's here, once she finally makes it to Coruscant and starts working in the Senate, that Leia meets Bail Organa, still working as Senator of Alderaan. The two of them click IMMEDIATELY and Bail ends up becoming Leia's mentor in politics, as well as the person who actually introduces her to the Jedi themselves. Anakin and Padme had never really bothered to do so, both because they were so rarely around, but also because they had chosen not to give Luke and Leia to the Temple and decided at that point that it would be easier to keep the twins and the Jedi separate. Bail of course has no such compunctions and even if he knew about Anakin and Padme's feelings on the matter, I imagine he'd find ways to allow Leia to accidentally bump into some of the Jedi while she was on Coruscant. If he just so happens to double book himself for lunch with both Leia and Obi-Wan, it's hardly anything malicious and they may as well all eat together!
Leia finally feels like she has a parent who gives a damn about her, someone who acts like a parent to her, the parent she's always wanted. Her grandparents had always been incredibly kind and they obviously had to do a lot of parenting, but they'd always been very strict about making sure the twins saw them as GRANDPARENTS and not their actual parents, which just make the absence of their parents that much more obvious and painful. But with Bail, she's finally got someone who doesn't care that Anakin and Padme aren't there and doesn't feel the need to create a wall between them for Anakin and Padme's sake. Bail takes her under his wing, teaches her everything she knows, allows her to explore things she'd never been allowed to explore before, connects her to even more people who can help her understand herself better than she's ever been able to before. THIS is what a parent was supposed to do for her and she knows it, THIS is what selfless love looks like from a parent and she THRIVES under it for the first time in her life.
She eventually decides not to stay on as Pooja's aide because she has no real desire to become a senator for Naboo at any point, but she IS good at politics and desperately does want to help people any way she can, so she starts up some sort of organization of her own to help people around the galaxy (and connects it to the Jedi because deep down she KNOWS she was supposed to be one of them even though that path is now closed to her). But she doesn't go back to Naboo, she doesn't make her home on her mother's home planet.
She goes to Alderaan instead. And this time, she gets to stay there for the rest of her life.
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tennessoui · 1 year
hey what about an au where obi-wan raises luke on tatooine and for the first year or so he'd would just talk to the baby about every memory and even every nightmare because those are all rooted in love too and he knows when luke's older he'll need to mind his words and not say much more than a few things about luke's father to the boy for security's sake, but when he's a baby, he can say anything so he does. he says everything he can think of and most of it is about anakin, his padawan then his partner then his ....
it's a rough year. lots of tears from both of them. but so many late night talks too, broken man to orphaned baby. obi-wan doesn't know if he'll ever be able to teach luke to swim on a place like tatooine, but he has twelve different stories about teaching anakin. and if anyone's going to teach this skywalker to fly, it will be kenobi this time, alright, and it's going to be by the kriffing book. and luke's going to learn how to sit up straight with good posture....but oh, anakin used to sling his body upside down on the couch, head hanging off, just to annoy obi-wan. that was when he was still young and relaxed and he didn't have the weight of the galaxy on his shoulders, of course. and luke doesn't have to like boonaberries, obi-wan promises, but he'll save some credits to buy some anyway just to test, because once anakin ate a whole gallon jug of them after a twenty day siege and obi-wan and his men told him he'd turn blue from it, but it was aayla overhearing the joke and telling anakin that that's what happened to her that really made them laugh. and---and---and---
and then luke's grown up and at a cantina with his friends and they get on the subject of fathers, and biggs asks him if he knows anything about his dad, and luke's like 'well i know he fought in the clone wars! and he was a good pilot! and. i think i look like him....'
and biggs is like come on, old ben's never said anything else??? it's been 19 years!!
and luke thinks about it and he doesn't really remember anything but he remembers the sound of words like a waterfall and a warm feeling so deep it's almost like an ache, and he's like 'ben loved him. i know that. ben really loved him. i think he told me once, but i must have forgotten.'
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stealingpotatoes · 1 year
Potes! In the Anakin raises Leia AU... Can we know a bit about the Padmé raises Luke part please... Please tell me he calls Bail "uncle" 🥺🥺
yes omg I've absolutely been neglecting Luke & Padmé (but in my defence, their dynamic in this au isn't as unique to this au as Anakin & Leia's) anyway here're some lil bullet points bc I need to make up for that!!!
Luke spent most his early childhood on Naboo bc Padmé was very wary of letting him on so much as the same PLANET as Sidious before he had well-trained shields
on that, Obi-Wan partly stuck around on Naboo for those first few years, helping to secretly train Luke to control the force so he wouldn't be suspicious (still get SOME 'crazy old man ben' stuff!!)
while Leia has at least something of an idea who her mother is, Luke knows a pretty total lie bc Padmé had to pretend his dad was some random Naboo guy who died shortly after Luke's birth and had to tell Luke this so he'd keep the lie up ):
Padmé and Bail are even closer friends than before, partly due to Bail being like. the only non-handmaiden person near her to know the Full Sitch (so yes hes probs a very uncle figure to luke!!)
he also has a MULTITUDE of aunts between sola and the handmaidens lolll and they'd all do literally anything for him
Padmé struggles to teach Luke how to be a bit more Diplomatic. he's an incredibly lovely person, but if a politician says something that pisses him off, he's giving them a full 6hr ted talk on why they're wrong and a shit person
Padmé's obvs hiding the fact she's a rebel to Luke but he's not stupid and does pick it up, even if she never rlly says it outright she Knows He Knows lol
(au tag)
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vytels · 1 year
Here's two more scenes from the Rex Raises Luke AU... Enjoy!!
Previous - Next
Scene #6
“Take him,” Kenobi said. 
The words halted Rex’s train of thought and he whipped his head away from the desert sun, to the kneeling man. “What?” 
“Take Luke.” Kenobi looked up, his hood nearly falling away. “Raise him, keep him safe.” 
“You want me to do that? Are you kidding?” 
“I can’t keep him,” the Jedi replied. 
“I can’t raise an ad, General.” Rex shook his head, hands shaking. “I’m a weapon, a war machine, I have no experience taking care of a small child…” 
“You can,” Kenobi argued. 
“No, I don’t have any experience, sir,” Rex said. 
“But you don’t need experience.” 
Rex scoffed and glared, “But you already have experience, General! You practically raised General Skywalker!” 
The Jedi Master broke at those words, falling to pieces at Rex’s feet and shattering. His gaze fell to the sands of Tatooine and his eyes lost their light, his mind drifted away from the conversation. Then his shoulders slumped and his spirit crumbled to ash. 
A decaying man kneeled before Rex, broken to his core and with his creed gone. 
“Anakin is gone,” Kenobi said, “I… I can’t lose another, it’s all my fault.” 
“General,” Rex sighed, beginning to speak. 
But Kenobi cut him off, “No, Rex.” 
Something broke in Rex’s heart as he looked at him, and then he sighed. His gaze drifted past the man to the ship that stood against the winds and beaming sun. He could imagine the baby sleeping away, safe and sound in the metal walls. 
“I can’t do this, I can’t raise Luke,” Kenobi said. 
“Alright,” Rex replied. 
“You’ll take him?”
Rex nodded, his heart deciding for him. “I will.” 
Scene #7
It flicked at the back of his head. 
Rex grunted and swatted it, before turning back to the conversation before him. 
It whacked the back of his head, sending his eyes flying open and body jolting upward. Darkness wrapped around him as he began to breathe heavily, his eyes searching the room around him. He counted the stacks of cargo boxes, the light flickering in through the doorway, and the steel walls that encased him. Then he sighed and fell backward on his bed, blinking up at his ceiling. 
It was just a dream. 
Then his pillow disappeared from beneath his head, yanked off the bed and thrown to the floor. It was followed by a cry moments later, it pierced through his open door and shot into him. 
His feet flew over the metal floor and into the hallway. Seconds later he slid into the secondary storage room, Obi-Wan’s old room, and came to a halt. 
“Lu’ika,” Rex whispered and peered over the small bin. 
Luke’s cheeks were bright red and his eyes closed shut tight as he kicked at his blankets. His hands had come free of the swaddle and were swinging in front of him, breath hiccuping between cries. 
“Ner ik’aad…” Rex picked him up, sliding a hand underneath his head before adjusting him in his grip. “What’s wrong?” 
In his head, he began to go over the checklist that he had created for moments like this: food, too warm, too cold, diaper change, sickness, and so on. Yet, the words slowly trailed out of his mind as Luke’s eyes opened and he looked up at him, cries slowly fading away as he hiccuped again and then swatted with a free hand. His little hand curled against Rex’s black and clung tight. 
“Oh, Lu’ika,” Rex sighed, “That was one way to get me.” 
Luke hiccuped and turned his head, eyes sliding closed and hand stuck to his shirt. 
Moments later, Rex found himself back in his little storage-bedroom. He settled down onto his back and raised his hands to cup the baby resting over his chest, chuckling as soft breaths filled the air. It only took moments for him to fall back to sleep, but he did so with his hand resting over Luke’s shoulders and a small smile on his face.
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masterpost of anidala fic
Pure Fluff
wildflowers among orchids: Padme Amidala has the next five years of her life charted out and colored coded. That is, until she decides she wants a date to senior prom... [modern au]
a surprise of roses: The Naberrie twins have never met their father, but that's about to change after a letter arrives at their Grandmother's house on Naboo.
carriage ride: Padme Amidala shares a carriage ride with her footman, Anakin Skywalker
untitled: obi-wan introduces his coworker Padme to Anakin, thinking she'll bring some sense into the boy's life [modern au]
untitled: Padme asks Anakin to fix her laptop [modern au] | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
untitled: Padme, Anakin, and a gas station late at night [modern au]
Let's put the fun in dysfunctional (angst)
destiny and rot: Padme learns of her destiny at fourteen
gratefulness: Anakin and Padme get divorced. Years later, someone knocks on Anakin's door
Garden Party: A pregnant Padme Clovis attends a garden party celebrating her and Clovis' (because it's definitely Clovis') baby.
stone and stars: A Padme lives fic in which Luke Skywalker, unaware of his birth mother's identity, meets and grows closer to rebel leader Padme Naberrie. Featuring vader chases, haunted mustafar castles, a dash of vaderdala for flavor, and arguments about who Vader's kid is just for the emotional spice.
moonlight: Vader watches Padme Amidala, courtier in the Sith Empire
then you are lost: Raised as a Sith Vader encounters Padme Amidala late at night.
untitled: the alliance learns of Padme's relationship to Vader | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Spooky Padme
rainy: An Imperial and his family move into the house of a former Naboo Queen and find it haunted
scarecrow: Padme decides to stay with Anakin after Mustafar
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musewrangler · 1 month
“Veers?” Obi-Wan asked her. “How is he?”
“Done with all the surgeries,” she said. “He’s still in medbay, but should make a full recovery.”
The Jedi Master nodded and then appeared to hesitate.
“What is it?” Sola asked, feeling infinitely weary.
Neither she nor Firmus had slept well the last three nights. Worry for Max, Matthew having nightmares, and her husband being needed to help fill the workload due to Ozzel’s absence meant they slept in snatches.
“There are things I need to tell Anakin,” he said, rubbing at the back of his neck. “Things that…I really can’t convey through you. Both for security reasons on my end and because…well he’ll have questions and you can’t answer them.”
Understanding swept her.
“You want me to arrange a meeting between you two. Is that wise, General Kenobi?”
He raised his eyebrows in resignation.
“Wise or not, there’s no way around what I need to say if we’re going to be allies in this endeavor.”
That was going to be…explosive. She hoped the ship would survive this conversation.
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tenderjock · 5 months
things i feel strongly about re: au where leia and luke were raised in the temple (o66 averted)
the tusken genocide was discovered. this led to a series of events where anakin's marriage to padme & palpatine being a sith was also discovered. the upshot was that palps was executed by the corrie guard (riots broke out on coruscant), padme was stripped of her political seat & anakin had his lightsaber taken and had to spend a few years in jedi prison. obi-wan ugly cried about all of it for twenty-two minutes into cody's shoulder, then ruthlessly compartmentalized. some say he hasn't shed a tear since.
leia and luke are raised in the jedi temple.
luke becomes yoda's padawan. i'm very firmly convinced of this.
for leia ... its a little more complicated. everyone expects her to drag obi-wan out of his self-imposed retirement to be his padawan and even he wouldnt really mind that, altho he always says that he doesnt think that is as the force wills it.
(she adores obi-wan, of course. and for a while she does daydream of having him as her master. but she can feel the mix of guiltgrieflongingshame that accompanies the lovejoywarmth whenever he so much as looks at the twins, and she cant imagine having to train with someone who looks at her and always sees his mistakes.)
enter quinlan.
listen, i just really want shadow!leia. as a little treat
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