#i wrote this at 1 am in 30 min
junk-story · 1 year
Oops the hyperfixation let up just enough for the status effects to hit
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mimicha-arts · 9 months
Date: 09/13/2023 In my previous post, I wrote that time in s2 is broken and dead. I was curious if this was true for s1, too… For me the main problem of the last month was the dates in the files (character intros), the date of Emma's death + September 9th mentioned in episode 3, so I tried to consider these as related things. I always was confused by April-September thing, I thought that it is a mistake, but. Probably not. So. Let's break down the first episode! It was a deep dive, I'm not sure how real any of this can be, but (c) Let's divide everything into three parts:
It's not about Quede
April is not April
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April 16, which we see hours later that day. Qiao Ling receives an order from an unknown customer.
The goal is to get financial core data of Quede company. Information has to be obtained by diving in Emma, during the last financial settlement meeting before the release of the financial report, 2 days ago, on the April 14th, photo was posted at 10 pm.
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Additionally, it is mentioned that there was an earlier photo, but they start with the most recent one so that the information is not “outdated”.
Events take place from April 16th to 17th in the present for Lu Guang. From April 14th to 15th in the past for Emma and Cheng Xiaoshi.
April 14th: 10:00 pm - start of diving. As Emma, Cheng Xiaoshi lived through the events in the company's office and stayed for overwork.
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April 15th: About 2:45 a.m. Emma's parents text to her, Cheng Xiaoshi decided to reply.
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9-10 am, morning, the meeting began. A conflict situation occurs, the laptop falls, Emma!Xiaoshi is on the floor. Lu Guang records data from the screen - Cheng Xiaoshi returns to the present time.
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Later this day. Somewhere later that day, information about the company is leaked, involved people are arrested (news from April 17th)
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Before 10 pm: Emma comes home after this day, she realizes that the situation with Quede is a stain on her career, because she was Mr.Zhu's assistant, there is no way for her to find a job in this field anymore.
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Lately she discovers messages (02:48, that Cheng Xiaoshi texted) with her parents - this becomes her motivation for a call. It's the same day, still today (今天)- April 15th. This is the reason why we know that the disclosure of the company's affairs occurred on the same day after the meeting.
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After 10 pm, before 10:30 pm Emma goes to the train station but runs into Liu Min, agrees to go with him.
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About 10:34 p.m Liu Min attacks Emma.
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Somewhere between April 15th and 16th. An accident occurs, Liu Min will be left paralyzed.
April 16: At the moment of dawn, Emma jumps from the bridge.
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Later this day, Quede Company was suspended (news from the 17th)
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Later, Emma's body is found in the river in the evening (mentioned as "yesterday", news from the 17th)
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April 17: present 9-10 am: Lu Guang gives instructions to Xiaoshi, they successfully obtain the information, Xiaoshi returns to the “present” time.” Evening, the same day: We receive information about the disclosure of financial fraud in the past tense until the 17th from the news at the end of the ep. Additional note: in these events, there is another Cheng Xiaoshi from the "future" (events of October 22-23), who hides first in Liu Min's trunk, and then on the bridge with Emma. The chronology of events can be written as follows:
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So it's clear - Lu Guang himself receives the necessary information about the company on the 17th at 10 am. By that time, Mr. Zhu had already been arrested 2 days ago and the company's activities had been suspended 1 day ago. Precisely because of financial fraud.
Also his reaction to Emma's death is interesting. Okay, that's a guess, but I always had the feeling that he knew she was dead from the very beginning of the case.
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2. It's not about Quede
And so, we know that data about the company and financial fraud were already published on the 15th. The question remains simple - why did the mysterious unnamed client need the data, since he would have received it only on the 17th, after information about the fraud in Quede was already made public before they (the client) offered this task/job. So what other events are happening on nearby dates? They're not in the episode, they're in the characters intro. Obviously, the unknown client was unknown for a reason. As we also know, there is a character (or characters, there are 2 signatures on the documents) who are collecting dossiers on the main trio. There is a high chance that all of this is connected. This event takes place from the 14th to the 17th in total. Date on Qiao Ling's file: april 8th Lu Guang's file: april 10th Cheng Xiaoshi's file: april 12th
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Documents for Lu Guang should be destroyed on the 17th, for Xiaoshi - on the 19th. This timing is kinda perfect. In my opinion, this task/job came as part of an "investigation" so that the unknown could better study the process of trio's work, understand the abilities of Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang, probably, what their time limits are. So, yes. If we look at it from this side, this is not about Quede, it is not about financial fraud, it has never been about it. This research is to answer questions about the abilities of Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang that remained on the files.
3. April is not April
April is a lie. Events take place in September. Although it’s more likely that the time has already been broken since the first season, and we technically don’t know which one is correct. Although Lu Guang's watch and documents (character dossiers) point to April, real events cannot possibly take place in April for many reasons.
1. 3rd financial quarter This is the main reason. This is stated in the first episode by Qiao Ling, and should immediately raise questions. The third quarter cannot possibly be April, absolutely. Because the following months are considered the third quarter: July, August, September.
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2. News, 3rd ep Qiao Ling listens to the news on her headphones. We are not given a name, but the circumstances are the same - we learn that Emma's "suicide" was most likely a murder. Once again, it's September.
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3. Cold weather is coming Emma's parents arrive to bring Emma warm clothes and mention that it is getting colder. If it were April, on the contrary, it would only get hotter, but everything is different when it comes to autumn.
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4. Murders I am firmly convinced that the numbering of victims does not correspond to the real chronology. Yes, we know that there were more victims, and Emma was never "first", I mean those cases that were consolidated by the police and are in Xiao Li's documents. We have dates for an early murder in April, Emma being somewhere in the middle of that "break", since she was killed in both “April” and “September”, and there were murders after her, where the month was not indicated. Which once again points to the fact that something is wrong with these two months. Now things are going to get confusing, we consider April like September here. I can't see and understand details, so I'm only able to find the dates, since the numbers can at least be distinguished. Emma is considered the first murder only by number (died "April-September" 16th), but number 4 (Zao Cai, a blond man) died before her, "April-September", 2nd. In the folder, her documents go after his case. I think the fact is that initially the police believed that Emma committed suicide; at first, her case was not classified as a part of a series of murders, so police did not assign a chronological fifth number, but later, with new clues, simply moved her old documents in the "correct" chronological order to fifth place.
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This technically makes Emma a 5 case… Or even a 6th. Because case 6 (Nan You) is also not without mysteries. The date of death is 14. I'm not sure why they put her file after Emma. Maybe they're unsure of the date or something and it's just an estimated date? So her date of death also “fell out of space.” But if 14 is correct, then this girl died 2 days earlier than Emma herself, and Emma technically becomes case 6.
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The eighth case (Zhao Lin) occurs on 25th. The mystical 7 case is somewhere before that date, but we don't know how much of this is actual April or September.
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In addition to mysterious 7th case, we also have 3 other earlier victims. They had to die before "April-September" 2nd, so the time of their death is roughly "March-August". We haven't seen their documents, but we know about their cases because of the photographs (the girl in the pink suit is probably the girl with the dog from ep11, since the BG is the same)
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And also Xu Shanshan.
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Who technically didn't die due to the time loop, but most likely "died" (since Lu Guang was thrown out) in the original events, which was still visible for Lu Guang in the unaltered photo.
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I mentioned this in the post about s2 - the interesting thing is that Xu Shanshan's phone, as shown in s2, does not have a single photo from May to the end of October (current events with unknown date), which is quite. Strange.
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All the murders had to happen with the similar style and certain time frame that they could be connected as a series. Given the news about Xu Shanshan: it was written - no new murders had occurred for several weeks (数周未出现新的受害者), which fits the September-October period (s1 ends at October 23). So we know for sure that the last cases with unspecified months should have occurred in September.
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So. Obtaining financial information as a goal does not make sense, "someone" studies our main characters at the "perfect time", and all the dates are intertwined and have inaccurate implications. Like, almost half a year was literally “stolen” from time? Or something similar. The dates are so deliberately strange that I am speculating solely that time was broken from this point already, not even in s2 - what happened can only be speculated for now until we are told the background of Lu Guang's story. And who is the real 7th victim if April and September are mixed up, and the time has been “changed”. The funny thing is that everything also connected to the birthdays: April 15th - Cheng Xiaoshi's birthday September 16th - Qian Jin's birthday October 23th - the day Lu Guang was stabbed, exactly before his birthday Maybe I understand something incorrectly and I'm going down the wrong path altogether. No conclusions. My CPU is blown up. Thank you @wrathyforest for discussing this with me, trying to find connections, completing everything with time points, you are the best!
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jakescaravel · 8 months
Secret Fantasy
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Pairing: Jake Kiszka x reader
Word Count: 2,677
Warnings: smut, fingering, dom Jake, slight orgasm denial, dirty talk, alluding to threesomes, this is part 1 and as always 18+ MDNI!!! I literally wrote this today in like 30 mins so it’s lightly edited so sorry if it literally doesn’t make sense lmao
Jake had said it about 2 hours ago. The drunken confession of his secret fantasy had slipped out of him. Just the one word; ‘threesome’ made your heart drop in anger and betrayal. How could he even suggest that? Did he just want to be able to fuck some other girl? Were you not enough?
You had been so mad that you'd stormed off to sleep in the guest room, and he had left you alone since, knowing you needed some time. He really didn’t mean to hurt your feelings and he felt terrible, but the damage was done.
As you lay there in the unfamiliar bed, cold without the warmth of him, you don’t know whether to cry or to punch a wall. A million thoughts race through your mind, thoughts that you’ve never thought about since being with him. Thoughts of insecurity, and it felt horrible. You had always known how much he loved you, he made a point of showing you every chance he got, but now, everything feels unsure.
Soon your eyelids begin to droop and sleep threatens to take you over but you hear the door softly creak open. Even though you’re faced away from the door, you see the thin sliver of light poke through the dark room. You pretend to be asleep so he’ll leave you alone but he knows you're awake. He’s been watching you through the little hole next to the key, maybe a little creepy but he wanted to make sure you were okay, and confirm that you were awake.
He slides into the room so quietly that you can’t even be sure he's there until you feel his weight on the bed next to you. Still you pretend to be asleep, not aware that he knows you're bluffing.
The blanket isn’t covering you given that you’ve always run hot, so your legs are bare, and only one of his oversized shirts covers you.
He reaches his hand out and drags it over your exposed thigh. The touch is so soft and so simple yet it makes you instantly crave more. You curse him for having this power over you. Having the ability to pull you out of your anger and make you want him. You wish you could stay strong and tell him to go away but instead you let him snake his hand down and trace over the thin layer of cotton covering your cunt. Your legs part on their own accord and you hiss through your teeth.
“Faker.” He whispers right against your ear. His raspy voice pulls a shudder from you and you turn to face him. His lips are so close to yours that you almost lean in, just to feel how soft they are, but looking at his face brings back the emotions from earlier so you move away from his touch.
His hands press into you harder and you whine into the quiet room. You open your legs for him, you just simply can’t resist, you're not strong enough so you let him touch you, it feels too good. 
“I know you're upset with me baby.” Fuck. The pet name, the way it drifts off his tongue, laced with sex. The way his lips curl into a smile as if he’s teasing you for being upset in the first place. 
When you don’t stop him, his hands slip further down, massaging the skin on the inside of your thigh. His fingers brush against your core with every move and you buck your hips up in protest, asking for more. 
He’s already winning, already pulling you into a world he knows you can’t resist, but you must know the answer to the thought that’s been plaguing your mind.
“Am I not enough for you Jake? Is that why you want some other girl in our bed?”
His lips part and his eyes look hurt, he can’t believe you’ve gotten it so wrong. 
“No…. no.. that's not what it is at all. Is that really what you thought?” He laughs at the idea, so crazy in his mind.
“Don’t laugh at me.” Your words turn into a moan when he presses his hand against your covered clit. This time he really does laugh at you, at how easily you're falling apart at his mercy and he’s hardly touching you. It's adorable.
When your eyes narrow, full of anger, he leans forward and plants a kiss right to your lips, your face softens when he pulls away.
You search his face, desperate for some kind of answer as to why. So you ask, “so then why Jake?”
He just looks at you for a moment smiling, a genuine sweet smile. It steals your heart, just like the Jake you know always does. He curls his fingers into the waistband of your panties silently asking permission to remove them. When you give a slight nod, he pulls them down your body, left to rest around your ankles. 
Annoyed that he hasn’t given you an answer, you clench your thighs around his hand stopping his movements but instead he grabs your thighs roughly pulling them open. He traces a finger from your clit to your entrance, moving it in little circles, just to tease. You lift your hips up, desperate for him to give you what you want, to slip his finger inside, but he doesn’t move an inch.
“Come on Jake, touch me.”
“I thought you were mad at me.” He smirks when you roll your eyes at him. He knows he's won.
“You didn’t answer my question.”
Finally he slips his finger into you, curling upwards. You tilt your head back at the sudden pleasure. With his free hand he pulls your chin down so that you’re facing him once more, forced to stare into his eyes. He lifts his finger out and pushes two back in, pumping slow deep strokes. He repositions himself so that he’s laying down next to you, his face inches away from yours, but his hand never falters. He curls his fingers inside you and your body jerks closer to him as a moan falls from your lips, right against his ear. 
A low groan rumbles out of him, the sound of it bringing you closer. You can’t even be mad at him anymore with the way his fingers are working you. Knowing you so well, where you like to be touched, and exactly how to do it. With every passing second, the band inside you stretches and stretches threatening to snap but Jake stays steady, moving in and out. 
He leans forward and whispers, “this feels good right?” You nod as another sound escapes you.
He moves his other hand to trace circles over your clit.
He smiles and applies more pressure to your sensitive bud. The mix of the delicate touch of his calloused finger and his digits flowing in and out of you feel like heaven. You can feel his breath on your cheek, smell his cologne right next to your nose and hear his little words of praise.
“That’s a good girl. This feels even better right? You like when I touch you in both places?”
You nod again, closing your eyes in concentration, feeling the band begin to unravel. “Look at me.” His harsh tone snaps you out of your dream-like state and you open your eyes to look back at him. 
“Say it.”
“I like it… when you touch me like this, feels so fucking good Jake.” He hums and begins to work you faster. 
“You’re so warm, baby, so wet. You’re just sucking my fingers in, coating them. I bet you taste so good, so sweet. After I make you cum I’m gonna lick my fingers clean.” 
His words, so dirty, spoken in his raspy sweet voice, pull you in even farther and your hips begin to match his rhythm. He lets you fuck yourself onto his fingers and curls them even tighter, hitting that perfect spot deep inside you.
“Wish I could feel you with my cock. I bet you would feel so good, so fucking tight. I’m so fucking hard right now, just watching you take it, hearing you moan and whine just because of my fingers. I could make you fall apart even faster with my cock, wouldn’t that be nice?”
“Please” you whine out, now desperate to feel him fill you, stretch you out even more.
“Please what love? Need to hear you say it.”
“Please Jakey, your cock, I want it.” He thinks he's hidden it well but you hear his breath softly catch in his throat. Hearing you beg for his cock is the hottest thing he could hear, and he wants it, badly.
“No. You’re gonna cum on my fingers.”
“I’m so close, Jake. Please, make me cum.”
He leans forward and kisses you. The softness of his lips is intoxicating. He slips his tongue past your lips and you hum around him. You reach your hand up to stroke through his soft hair, slightly pulling at the root. He pulls away and stares at you, so close to your face that you can feel the warmth.
And then he stops his movements all together, pulling his hand out and setting back the tension he's been building up.
“What the fuck Jake, put them back.” Your hips search for him but are met with nothing.
“You like the way my fingers feel right?” He asks as he pushes them back into you, much too slowly.
“Yes, fuck, just keep going.”
“And you like it when I use both my hands?” 
“Yes, feels so fucking good.”
“God, you sound so needy. So desperate for me to make you cum, so impatient. You know I'll get you there, just relax.” He cups his other hand around your clit, just holding it there and you push your hips up to meet him, slowly grinding against his hand as he continues to fuck his fingers into you. 
“Wish I could see your pretty tits love. I wanna feel them. I wanna feel you everywhere, touch you everywhere, wouldn’t you like that?”
“Yeah, feel them.” You say lifting up your shirt for him.
“Fuck… you’re so gorgeous, so fucking perfect. But there’s only one problem, love. I’ve only got two hands. And they are both busy. But how good would it feel for me to touch you there.”
This fucker. I know what he’s doing. But it's working.
He leans his mouth down to draw your nipple into his mouth, he rolls his tongue over it as you press your body into his mouth.
He pulls away all too soon, moving back to whisper into your ear. “That felt good right?” 
“Yes.” You huff out impatiently.
“Close your eyes for a moment. Think about me fucking you, how good it feels, how perfectly I fill you up.”
You do as you're told and close your eyes. You imagine him fucking you, snapping his hips into you harder and harder with every thrust, similar to his hands but unmatched. Your back arches off the bed and a whimper falls off your tongue.
“Good girl. Now think about when I eat your pussy. How soft my tongue is, how hard you cum every single time. I love nothing more baby, you’re my favorite thing to eat. But you can’t have both of those at the same time right?” 
You shake your head. The thought of feeling a mouth on your cunt while being fucked is so obscene but you can’t get it out of your head. You want that, you need that.
You’re so close and he’s holding you on the edge You want badly to slip away, and cum all over his fingers but he’s going just slow enough so you listen to his every word. You hate that he’s making sense, you hate that maybe he’s right but fuck it feels so good and the ideas he’s planting in your head are pulling you further along.
“You know I would give you anything, in a second. You’re the only one for me, forever, I only want you baby. But I want to give you more. Give you things I can’t really give you. But somebody else could. How would you like to feel my cock and someone else's tongue? Maybe not as good as mine but fuck wouldn’t that feel just sooo good.”
He’s practically moaning into your ear and the sound of his voice is so sweet, with the visuals being so dirty. 
“Would you like that baby? Feeling my cock fucking into you while getting your pussy sucked? Wouldn't that feel good?”
“Fuck yes! Yes!” His foul words, the forbidden desire he's planted in your head pulls you over the edge and you’re cumming hard around his fingers. Your whole body shakes as he continues to pump in and out of you. You’re soaking his hand and the sheets in the process, but it doesn’t matter because all you feel is the pure pleasure that seems never ending. You can’t help the sounds that escape you as he pulls you further under. A mix of his name and other curses fall from your lips until they turn into soft whimpers as he slows his movements bringing you back down to earth.
With his fingers still inside you, he kisses along the length of your neck before speaking into your ear. 
“I love you. Only you. Forever. Nobody else. Just you, don’t you ever think otherwise. I want you to feel good baby, that’s all I ever want. I wanna have fun with you, alright?”
You nod and stare into his eyes longingly, they're so perfect, and you love them so much. Your heart swells as his words. How could you even think he would want someone else? Love someone else the way he loves you? What you guys have is magic, and you both know it.
He slowly removes his fingers, bringing them to his lips just like he promised. His tongue laps over them, licking them clean as he closes his eyes and hums around them.
The sight is so sinful, but so perfect. 
“There would have to be rules.” His face softens at your request. He’s won you over to his side.
“So many rules.” He kisses you softly. 
“I don’t want you to fuck her, thats only for me.” He nods his head in agreement.
“Of course. I don’t want that either, I only want your pussy, she’s mine.”
You smile at his confession. Maybe this could be fun. You’re shocking yourself with the ideas running through your head, but it's hot.
He pulls you into him so that you’re pressed against this chest. He strokes his hand over your hair and kisses your forehead.
“I get to pick who it is. And I don’t want you to eat her out.” You think for a moment. “You can touch her and she can touch you but I wanna be the one to make you cum. Okay?”
He nods his head.
“What about you, what are you gonna do?” He questions.
“I don’t know, I’ve never been with a girl.. I guess I could try… I've never… I’ve never eaten pussy before but it sounds kinda…” Your voice lowers, shyness suddenly overtakes you but you manage to finish your sentence; “… hot.”
He smiles at you with so much pride and his cock hardens even further against your stomach.
“Fuck, that might be the hottest thing you’ve ever said. Now I can’t get that image out of my head. You with your pretty mouth between some girl's thighs. Me behind you fucking you while you fuck her with your tongue… fuck.” 
You giggle at his words, starting to really picture it yourself too. 
After a couple minutes of quietly laying with each other, he picks you up and carries you into your bedroom with promises of talking more tomorrow.
That night you fall asleep tangled in each other's arms, minds racing with endless possibilities. 
Secret Fantasy 2
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iephos · 5 months
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I did more than I thought I would today.
I wrote 1 x 30 min essay on the topic ‘healing’, and then I did Neuro. I actually passed the practice test which I was shocked about bc I find it so difficult?? Attached are some notes!
Also I’m excited to say I’ve started using my hobonichi and am enjoying it!
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girlietips · 24 days
Weekly reset day🤍🤍
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I was asked to make a day in a life post. But I tend to vary my routine depending on my mood and vibe. I do have one very specific routine that I do on either Saturday and Sunday every week.
Rest routine
I usually sleep in until around 7:30-8:00 (which that sounds wild but I’m a morning person and I usually wake up at 4:30-5:00)
I do the typical hygiene stuff then I go downstairs put on a kettle for tea and chug a bunch of water with my supplements and medicine.
I then drink my tea while a write my brain dump list of all the maintenance tasks I need to do.
I then throw my bedding in the wash because it takes a while.
After that I throw on a cute workout set and go on a walk with my dog while listening to my favorite songs. Depending on my energy level it ranges from a 30 min to and 1 hour long.
When I get home I put my hair in a hair mask while I make myself breakfast and a protein shake. I try to eat very high protein and I always eat some fruit with breakfast.
I then take my everything shower and do my whole skin care routine and blow out my hair.
After I finish getting ready I then do an hour speed clean of my apartment.
I then dedicate 2 hours to completing tasks I wrote down earlier. Usually these tasks are paying bills, studying, deep cleaning things that don’t get touched during the speed clean. Stuff that hasn’t got done but needs to.
Next I go to the store and buy my weekly groceries I also will buy myself lunch as a weekly treat. I don’t eat fast food often but I set aside money for a weekly coffee shop run and a weekly lunch the rest I make myself.
Usually after I eat I like to do my hour of down time. I’ll watch tv, play the sims, or read my fun book. I try not to go on my phone and watch short form content for that long of a time usually I only go on my phone for that kinda content when I’m waiting for my food to cook.
After I eat I make sure to prep my ingredients for all my meals for the week so I do not have to think about my meals.
The rest of day depends on the week. Sometimes I go to a yoga class or go for a swim at the gym. Or sometimes I go do something with my friends.
Once I come home I immediately make a kinda big dinner (I put the rest away for lunches).
After dinner I usually take a bath and read for the rest of the night. Then I go sleep in my fresh bed.
A lot of my routines vary a lot because I find it is difficult for me to be consistent when I am really strict with my time blocks (which is why I didn’t really put time stamps) but this is all I typically do on my reset routines.
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megumi-fm · 1 month
day 1/62 of The Tatami Galaxy Challenge🐈
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🕖 act 1 🕐
🩰 30 min of cardio dancing 🧹 cleaned up my bed and moved the clutter from my desk 📝 completed all text completion questions (5lb MPrep) 🥘 made myself breakfast 📰 17/25 new words for daily vocab
🕐 act 2 🕕
💻 data cleanup 💻 (re)ran the alignment protocol with self // validation 💻 updated code modules for changes in pipeline 🍉 salad alongside lunch 📬 made changes in the final report 📬 got my final report verified
🕕 act 3 🕚
📬 emailed deliverables to prof 👣 15min jump rope (200 × 3sets) 📚 started (re)reading + annotating Pride and Prejudice 📝 went through intro of arithmetic section + questions 💌 wrote a long corny letter for my best friend for her birthday tomorrow <3 👣 went for a late night walk in the terrace 📰 25/25 daily vocab
🔄 before the loop ends 🔄
💧 8+ glasses 📴 2hours for socmed (including work related convo) + 40min of youtube scouring to kill time 🔋 motivation started off well and started to plummet by lunch, so I tried to keep going by focusing on low energy tasks I could complete fast. I was planning to take a walk but then it rained so I did some jump rope instead and it helped me recover some of that energy 🌷 okay. wow. so i did a lot more than I expected? damn, I'm kinda proud of myself for this one 😌 that being said I am not expecting to do this everyday, I'll burn out in less than a week's time if i try T-T but it was a good start to the challenge 🌙 sleep time 🤝 sleepy time 🤝 right now. goodnight besties!
fin ⌛
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queenofallimagines · 11 months
oh good gods pls your luciferian hcs made me YELL they’re so good lmao i was side eyeing my altar and space for lucifer the WHOLE TIME
do you think you could do a part two? and if possible, nsfw? if not thats more than okay!! thank you and i hope you’re doing so good!!!
Absolutely 🕷anon! AND LMAO YEAH I COULD FEEL HIM SIDE EYEING ME ACROSS THE ROOM AS I WROTE THESESGSHSJS asking the old man “why are you like this” whenever lucifer in game does something corny😭 ik he’s sick of me
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- Okay so since part 1 was when you arrived this will be more about day to day life in the next term
- Right off the bat I’m imagining minor petty spats that the other brothers are like…. Wtf is going on here
- Like y’all have been glaring across the table at one another for 30 mins and haven’t spoken a word
- WAY more picky w offerings lmao
- Is literally going to be super extra about it for no reason other than to bother you
- For example! When you give an offering to oshun( African orisha they’re like the HR in the heaven department just above the angel hierarchy) you have to eat a little first bc she was poisoned once so it’s like to show you’re in good faith
- Lucifer will ask you to do that w food you don’t like
- “Eat some”
- “I got this for you-“
- “And I want you to taste some😌”
- “….. do I really I have to???”
- “Are you telling me what to do w MY offering🤨”
- A lot of people ( white peoples I fear😔) be talking about he only accepts blood offerings and you have to sell your soul or whatever and stuff but literally this man will be giddy over a red candle w gold glitter
- Write all your assignments in sparky pen so when he looks at them he can’t hold back a smile
- As a joke you leave crystals associated with him in his coat pockets but he will never take them out
- Congratulations you played ya self
- You doing the stuff you do for him out of habit will fluster him if you say it
- “Why are you waking up so early to get ready?”
- “Hm? For Lucifer”
- “No im not gunna drink this tea it’s an offering🙄”
- Please don’t tell his brothers he will lock himself in his office💀
- Whenever you google “what can I do for Lucifer” 9/10 the first thing will be taking care of yourself
- So when your self caring w asmo and you go “oh I do this bc Lucifer likes it”
- The house will expose in chaos
- Mammon demanding you tell him your card numbers “for him” LMAO
- They’re all super jealous
- Gotta tell em its nothing personal he’s just always been there for you
- Whew if he reached out to YOU?
- The silence in the house REAL LOUD😭
- Belphegor waking up and going “ik you fucking lying!!!”
- You’re all confused like???
- “…..you said Lucifer… reached out to YOU?”
- “??????yeah????”
- “As in… he ASKED you to work with him?”
- “Yeah, I couldn’t stop thinking about his name and he showed up on my door one day”
- Lmao belphie and mammon are the LOUDEST FR
- lmao he’s sitting there red faced clenching his fist like
- “Listen I can explain”
- He cannot explain😭
- Can’t even say he did it on a whim
- “He really picked me up like a wet cat lmao”
- “Mc I am literally begging you to shut the FUCK up”
- Oh maaaaan diavolo will get a Kick out of this!!
- Solomon is very salty
- “But I can’t get a pact😒😒”
- He’s literally going to double down and bother him more
- “Lucifer you never told me you were taking on disciples🥺”
- “I didn’t think it was that important lord diavolo simply to pass the time”
- Simeon is laughing but internally having the feels bc he’s like 🥹 “even after all this time you still choose to be a guardian angel”
- Will tell you embarrassing stories about him he is now super close to you
- “Lucifer being the lords favorite was also the best one at singing👀 he loved music”
- That’s tru btw lmao Lucifer was like one of the angels who liked singing the most thats what makes humans and angels so alike- love for music and dancing-
- Call him your morning star and he MELTS
- Back to why were really here😌
- Call him that during sex or when you first wake up and he’s on cloud nine
- He’s literally he rises in the morning for a reason!!
- He will deadass purpose bc imagine riding him as the sun stars peaking over the horizon
- He’s under you moaning looking up at you w the most glazed over love struck eyes
- The sun filtering through the window and hitting him juuuuuuuust right
- That it looks like he has a halo again
- Breathlessly calling your name as you grind down on him
- He barely manages to get out that he’s close before you caress some of his hair out of his face
- “Cum for me then my Morningstar”
- Time freezes for like 16 seconds and his eyes are getting teary
- He hugs you close as he starts rutting his hips into you harder
- Will cum and keep going until he’s about to pass out
- Holding you like a lifeline
- When you can finally breathe and think straight he pulls you in for a kiss
- Literally stealing your breath away
- Will say I love you in the most honest voice ever while smiling at you with teary eyes
- probably won’t stop touching you all day might as well just spend it in bed
-is embarrassed by body worship calling it now
- be HE can do that but if YOU sink to your knees behind his desk and hold eye contact he’s getting nervous
-“just showing my devout gratitude💕”
- embarrassed how fast he finishes
- if you keep doing to overstimulate him he’s putty in your hands
- this man is very soft he will crack at the slightest sign of domestic romance
- bring him coffee when he wakes up?
- he’s already selected a wedding venue
- I always thought it would be cute if he gave you his ring
- You swing by the celestial realm and it’s crickets and you’re like ??? Fuck is y’all starring at??🤨
- Simeon hums and says that nobody expected lucifer to get married much less to a human. How he was never one to put anything above his responsibilities
- Excuse me?
- “You’re wearing the right of light,yes? He doesn’t just give that to anyone dear. You two are bonded for life now🥰”
- “HELLO????”
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candy8448 · 1 month
Biology paper 1 done!!
Gcses rambles masterlist
So im doing higher triple science and the first question was written so dramatically XD
"A person's heart stopped.
They stopped breathing.
A first aider started pressing down on the person's chest.
The pressing put pressure on the person's lungs."
Like whoa, its so dramatic to how usually they write sentences with nice and flowing lines and stuff. This immedietly felt like how a fanfic wacks you with stuff. It almost made me laugh XD
Also for the "give an antibiotic question" i almost giggled again as i wrote "paracetamol" like, paracetamol my beloved, all of those headaches and period pains you've quelled, i shall dedicate this 1 mark to you 💖
But i finished when the combined students finished and left, so did most of the other triple students, so we just sat there for 30 mins =_=. I went to the toilet cuz i so very smartly decided to drink an entire cup of juice right before foing in. I also filled my water bottle to take it in with me, then i proceeded to forget to bring it in with me, how wonderful.
Im so confident that i got basically all the marks for Q5, the potato osmisis practical and i wrone so so much for it so i really hope i get full marks for that section.
That paper was amazing, aqa blessed us with this easy exam and i am so happy! ^v^
Anyway i started a conversation with my friends afterwards during break based on this post i saw yesterday. We then started thinking of some cursed ships based on the texts we studied which included:
Scrooge X Macbeth
LadyM X Lady Macduff (the sapphic lesbians <3)
Shakespeare X Dickens X Priestley (in a throuple)
Percy Shelly X The traveller from an antique land (mine, XD)
Scrooge X Bob Cratchit
Bob X Marley (XD)
(Also it's crazy how my shool didn't block Ao3 lol, i love reading fanfiction during school.)
(Also i know my english teacher is litterally the best human on earth, but she litterally noticed one kid sleeping, and then let him sleep and then when he woke up, she just gave him some notes we were taking for him to copy down which is so sweet)
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autigay · 3 months
howdy i've never done anything like this before but i am nothing if not a snowjanus shipper so here's my offering for day 1 of snowjanus week tehe (wrote this in like 30 mins so it's not my best rip)
no warnings or anything, word count 621
sticky fingers (snowjanus week day 1)
coriolanus snow does not do messy.
so when sejanus plinth showed up that fateful school day—with his bag of gumdrops in hand and his sticky fingers—coriolanus tried to steer clear. as if it wasn’t bad enough that he was district, he had to be dirty too. how many times had his grubby hands been in that bag? and after the boy shoveled a handful of the gumdrops into his mouth just to reach for more, coriolanus knew he’d never go near the things.
unfortunately, it was as if coriolanus was a magnet for the kid, who was velcroed to his side before he knew it. he became the boys unofficial guide to the new school, so sejanus and his sticky fingers followed coryo around like a puppy for the entire day. coryo did his best to be as cordial as possible; not bullying like the rest of the students, but not being overly friendly. and every single time sejanus held out his bag of gumdrops for coryo to freely take from, he vehemently refused despite the growling in his stomach.
it was the dullest day imaginable, of course, giving sejanus many free moments to poke and prod coriolanus about his life. the district boy clung to any answer coryo would give, hanging on his every word, sharing anecdotes about his own life as well.
this is what i get for being nice, coriolanus thought as the boy tried to offer him candy again for the millionth time. when he, again, politely declined, sejanus looked sad but said nothing else.
when the school day finally ended, coriolanus seemed to have shaken the curly haired kid at one point or another and was decidedly glad that he could walk home in peace. that was until he walked out the front doors and saw a group of boys surrounding sejanus, laughing at him. coryo groaned internally—keep walking, it’s none of your business—but he looked up at just the wrong time. he made eye contact with sejanus now, who’d been shoved to the ground and was blubbering, making the bullies laugh even harder. ugh.
coriolanus changed course, heading straight for the group.
“hey, just leave him be,” he heard himself say, putting his body in between sejanus and the group of boys. “he didn’t do anything to you.”
there were a few snickers—oh coryo’s got himself a little boyfriend!—but after enough time they grew bored of coriolanus blocking their access to sejanus and filtered out, with vague threats of being back to mess with the boy again tomorrow. coryo turned to sejanus and, after coming to peace with the idea in his mind, reached out a hand to help him up.
sejanus’ sticky hand gripped his, and he pulled the boy up to his feet. he even bent over to pick up the fallen bag of candy that was somehow even stickier than sejanus’ hands. the whole affair had coriolanus wanting nothing more than to run to the bathroom and wash his hands, but instead he walked sejanus home. it didn’t even seem to faze him that, during the walk, sejanus’ hand snuck back into his and stayed there until they arrived at their destination.
“thank you for being so nice to me today,” sejanus muttered when they’d finally reached his front door. he shifted awkwardly and offered up the bag of gumdrops. “you can keep ‘em.” something about the boy looked so earnest, so vastly different from anything coryo had ever seen, that he found himself accepting the bag and reaching in to take a few. as he walked home with his candy and his sticky fingers, he’d come to find the idea of sejanus’ mess…tolerable.
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kthyg · 2 years
ghoul. — (addition)
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"Appeal for a rejection."
You were added into Yoongi’s Q Squad and Jimin badly hated it.
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pairing : yoongi x reader x jimin (a particle of yoonmin interaction)
rating : M
genre : tokyo ghoul au, soulmate au
disclaimer : this story is a work of fiction. descriptions of the BTS members in this story do not reflect nor portray them in real life. everything in this story only fits in imagination and does not apply outside of imagination.
warning : the action of cutting flesh, blood.
word count : 2.4k+
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note from winter 💌 :
honestly, idk if i hate or love yoongi in this. i just 🧍 i be writing him down but boy im giggling and shii while doing so. am i in love with him or what 🫤
i realised too, after starting ghoul series, im starting to write in a faster pace 📝 dk if it’s a good or bad thing but rejoice while it lasts.
yoongi and jimin interaction with oc is the weirdest thing in this chapter idk idc why i wrote it down
💌 what is winter listening to? : rewind by twice.
📝 if you want to know more about this au, you can refer to this post! any other question you can refer to me <3
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dedication : my thirst for yoonmin
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            Another day of drowning oneself in work. Another day as an Investigator of Special Case. Another dull day in the life of Min Yoongi, but maybe today was about to be a day worth the extra effort he put into waking up, getting ready, walking down the same path to KCCG, and working.
             As per usual, Yoongi turned on his PC and made his way to the small pantry at the corner of his room to brew himself a cup of coffee. He remembered how the very corner of his office was just an empty space, but you had proposed to Jungkook to establish a personal pantry at each investigator’s office.
             Honestly, that might be the best proposition you had come up with because Yoongi himself wouldn’t want to cramp himself in a pantry that was not even as big as his office and not every floor has a pantry. The thought of interacting with another creature irked him.
             Plus, KCCG was an edifice.
             Yoongi walked back to his desk which he didn’t even bother to clean up. It was messy because it was scattered in its place. His desk was pretty much similar to yours: filled with paperwork even though neither the two of you were a bureau investigator.
             Settling himself comfortably on his seat with a cup of freshly brewed coffee in his hand, his free hand reached for the computer mouse and dragged it until the cursor on the screen reached the destination, the mail.
             First thing first before Yoongi started his work, he would always check his emails.
             Once the screen loaded, his emails never failed to impress him. He received more than five hundred emails every day, but of course, to make his life much easier, KCCG included a priority function when sending emails within the organisation.
             Hence, immediately he clicked on the ‘High Priority’ folder with the striking bold red exclamation mark.  
             “Addition to Q Squad.” the title read. That unconsciously made his brow lift.
             From Chief Director of Division 1, Kim Namjoon. Of course, his soulmate.
             Skipping all the formal opening and greeting, the email read as below:
             Leader : Investigator of Special Class, Min Yoongi.
             Existing Members : Associate Investigator of Special Class, Kim Seokjin, First Class Investigator(s), Lalisa, Kim Jisoo.
             New Addition : Associate Investigator of Special Class, Jeon (Y/N) Kishou.
             Yoongi scoffed boringly but a muscle was quick to twitch hence a smirk found its way to tug on the corner of his lips.
             The clock had just hit 7:30 A.M. and the email had a carbon copy sent to one of his favourite soulmates. Yoongi leaned in his leather chair comfortably. Sipping his coffee with a little too much excitement in his veins.
             The extra effort was worth it surely.
             The door was slammed open, and it was the very person he was expecting for.
             “Oh, Jimin,” his eyes widened a bit, as he gasped as if not expecting his soulmate. “To what do I owe the pleasure of having you here first thing in the morning?”
             “Appeal.” Jimin said coolly.
             “Appeal what exactly?” Yoongi feigned cluelessness.
             “You’ve read the email, Min Yoongi.” The fire behind Jimin’s eyes made the older excited. Jimin gave him a frosty look as he enunciated. “Appeal. For. Rejection.”
             Yoongi frowned foolishly followed by a shrug. “I have no reason to reject (Y/N) to be in my team.” He has.
             “Oh, you sure do,” Jimin started to saunter around the room. “Reason number one being you can’t even be anywhere with her presence for more than 30 minutes before you quickly find an excuse to leave. Two, you hate her, she hates you. Three, you guys avoid each other.”
             Jimin strode towards Yoongi’s desk, hands on it. With his voice thick with mockery, he announced the last reason. “Lastly, you can’t handle her.”
             Yoongi looked unimpressed.
             Or at least he tried to look unimpressed.
             Taking a sip of his coffee, he groaned when the rich flavour reached the back of his throat. He propped an arm on the desk and rested his chin on it.
             Aloofly, he spoke. “One, 30 minutes is the time I allocated for every meeting except for our soulmates. Two, I have never verbally told anyone and her I hate her, nor have I ever heard her verbally announcing her hatred towards me to anyone or me. Three, we don’t. I just met her three days ago.”
             Yoongi then propped his other arm on the table as well and connected his fingers. “Lastly, it’s you who can’t handle her.” With a mocking smile. “Or else why would she be handed over to someone else aka me, hmm?”
             “Don’t blame others for your incompetency.” The smile was gone, and every trace of excitement vanished and was replaced with his cold, deadly stare.
             “You don’t know anything, Yoongi.” Jimin narrowed his eyes at him. “Don’t run your mouth about something you have zero knowledge of.”
             “That’s why I’m saying things only I, and I only, have knowledge of.”
             “You’re infuriating.” He groaned.
             “I know that.” Yoongi acknowledged with a shrug. He raised from his seat and made his way, again, to the pantry to make himself another cup of coffee. With a very dismissive tone, he told Jimin. “Now, will you excuse yourself? I need to welcome my new team member.”
             “Fuck you.” Jimin chided.
             Yoongi was quick to retort. “I’d rather fuck your arse.”
             The door was pushed open. Jimin’s remark was cut off. His face was heating up and Yoongi resumed making his coffee without care.
             The second person Yoongi has been expecting.
             “Good…” Your greeting was stuck on the tip of your tongue when you saw Jimin in your new mentor’s office. He looked like he didn’t expect you to be here too. But what could be done? Namjoon sent you an email this morning informing your new placement in another squad. Specifically speaking, Yoongi’s squad: Q Squad.
             “Good morning, (Y/N).” Yoongi greeted you which was, by the way, extremely out of character. He even looked your way.
             You immediately bowed and redo your greeting. “Good morning, Investigator Min.”
             Your new mentor then raised his eyebrow at your former mentor. “Well, Jimin, what are you waiting for? This is your cue to leave.”
             Jimin’s right eye twitched uncontrollably but a smirk found its way to his plump lips. With a controlled voice, he managed out a “As you wish, Min.” and spread the paperwork on Yoongi’s desk into an even messier mess which the older stared at in horror.
             Petty and childish…
             As he passed by you, you expressed your valediction with a bow. “Have a good day, Investigator Pa–”
             Jimin grabbed you by the forearm and dragged you out with him.
             Before getting dragged out of the office completely, you saw your mentor’s horrified expression was replaced with his casual smirk.
             Why does he have to be so unreadable?
             “Investigator Park–!” You tried to pull back your arms. Although you knew it was a futile effort, it didn’t hurt to try.
             Jimin halted, resulting you to bump into his hard chest instead of his back as he had spun very quickly. His hands snaked around your waist, holding you close to him. Realising your face and his face might be in close proximity, you tried to at least pull back your head to create some distance.
             “Say my name.”
             You frowned and accidentally met his eyes. Quickly turning away to break the eye contact, you tried to wiggle your way out of his arms. “What–”
             His hand found its way to your neck, putting on light pressure. You knew he hated it when you avoid eye contact. He and Jungkook were like that. Face hard with a low voice and hint of annoyance, Jimin repeated. “Say. My. Name.”
             Your eyes flickered at his voice, but your mouth was quick to comply. “J–Jimin…”
             “Good girl.” His thumb found its way to your lips. He smudged your lipstick and dragged it a little out of place. Your hands were frozen. Jimin then brought his thumb and smudge the lipstick stain on his own lips. “Now, let’s meet Namjoon to switch you back into my team.”
             “Switch who back into your team?” Namjoon
             Eyes widening, you pushed Jimin away to get out of this compromising position. “Director Kim, Jeon.” You immediately bowed and greeted them.
             “I want (Y/N) back in my team again.” Jimin declared with all seriousness.
             “No.” Director Kim declined curtly.
             That seemed to twitch a muscle in Jimin’s jaw, but he kept his cool and continued. “And why is that?”
             “Hmm, let’s see,” Namjoon feigned pondering. “Experimenting?”
             “Stop this crap and switch her back into my team, Namjoon.”
             “Is that an order, Jimin?” He glared down at the younger. His voice was deep with authority. “Do I take order from you?”
             “Hyung.” Jungkook’s voice finally joined the conversation. He was referring to Namjoon.
             The higher Director didn’t need to turn around to catch what Jungkook was intending to say. “I have a reason for this sudden change. It was not done for fun. It was done with careful observation and procedure.”
             “Pray tell me the reason.”
             “Your latest training session with the Associate Investigator of Special Class, (Y/N).”
             Your body went rigid.
             “What’s wrong with it?”
             “I received complaints from Investigator Mingyu, Special Class, and Investigator Xu Minghao, First Class, that stated the same thing in which you had disturbed their scheduled training session with (Y/N),” he let out a heavy sigh before adding, “I know Jungkook was involved as well. Temporary restraining order has been put on him by me to refrain him from engaging with (Y/N) in any activity unless in public view.”
             He continued. “You, however, were not given any restraining order because Jungkook insisted on taking the full blame, but I would hate it to let an accomplice get away freely,” Namjoon turned his gaze towards you. “That’s why I decided to remove (Y/N) from your team.”
             He returned his gaze to Jimin. He could see the younger was burning with anger, it was detectable although Jimin was as great as Jungkook in using the art of concealment. They were soulmates, after all.
             “Fret not,” Namjoon reassured. “You can do an appeal to request (Y/N) back into your team when Min Yoongi fucked up.”
             Jimin was powerless in this situation. He knew. No matter how shit arsehole Min Yoongi was, he was not one to fuck up anything. Q Squad is the leading counter-ghoul squad in KCCG. Min Yoongi was known for his excellent skills individually and collectively. Each week, his team report was always the most impressive followed by Jimin’s team.
             “Investigator (Y/N), you may return back to Yoongi’s quarter and proceed with your first team mission in your new team.” Namjoon dismissed you with a smile. His dimple poked through his cheeks. Your heart fluttered against your will. “I expect a good result by the end of the week.”
             “Yes, I won’t disappoint you, Director Kim.” Bowing your way out, you walked back to Yoongi’s office. Along the way, you fought the strong urge to turn around because you felt the stares. For one, you knew it has to be Jimin’s.
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             Knocking on the door, you called out his name before coming in, headfirst. “Investigator Min?”
             He has already started with his pile of paperwork. The room reeked of coffee from the amount of coffee he had consumed, and it was just 2 hours into the day. You stepped into the room and walked towards his desk.
             “Oh, (Y/N),” Yoongi finally looked up from his paperwork and at you, but confusion was quick to wear itself on his face.
            Shamelessly, he asked. “You just finished making up with Jimin?”
             “Wha– No!” A blush crept up to your cheeks as you realised why he asked that.
             Jimin smudged your lips a little while ago.
             Flustered, you quickly looked for the handkerchief in your coat. You remembered you had placed it inside one of the pockets this morning. Excusing yourself as you continued rummaging in your coat for the piece of fabric.
              When you finally felt the soft fabric of your handkerchief on your fingertips, before you could even grab it out of your pocket, a piece of soft cloth reached over to your lips, wiping off your lipstick.
             “Took you so long to even find a handkerchief,” Yoongi said aloofly.
             “I–I apologise,” your eyes looked at anything but his pale face.
             Min Yoongi was a beautiful man. His porcelain skin was soft, his eyes dark almost to the colour of black, and his dark raven hair that looked soft and fluffy. He was like a doll.
             A killer doll.
             When encountering the ghouls, Yoongi was nothing per the delicate description, especially with all the blood on his hands and some that splattered on his face.
             His duality was insane.
             “Give me your hand.” Yoongi called on you.
             A look of confusion was clear on your face, but he ignored it as he showed his palm, signalling you to put your hand on his. You obliged without any question.
             Yoongi took out something from his pocket and in a blink of an eye, blood was drawn from one of your fingers. The pain finally registered in your brain as you shrieked and tried to pull back your hand.
             He wasn’t letting you.
             The pain was not very intense but maybe it would leave a deep wound cut. Instead of putting pressure or even bothering to be concerned, Yoongi brought your bloody finger to your lips. He dabbed your blood from your finger to your lips.
             “That’s more natural, isn’t it?” Sadism shone in his eyes.
             You were unable to do anything.
             Yet again.
             As if you were under a spell, you were frozen against your will.
             Once Yoongi finished his little game, he released your hand carelessly. The handkerchief in your pocket was immediately retrieved and you put it over your bloody finger along with some pressure to stop further spill of blood.
             Only now you realised he had cut your finger with his folding knife.
             Yoongi brought the sharp metal to his mouth. Lips parting apart, he placed the knife on the pad of his tongue as he let the blood – your blood – transfer to his tongue. The wet muscle continued to glide on the knife until it was clean of your blood.
             “Welcome to Q Squad. Get ready for mission in 4th ward.”
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All rights reserved © 2022 kthyg. Do not copy, translate, modify or repost without permission. Feedback is always appreciated! It keeps me motivated and helps me to improve myself. Send me an ask <3
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madrone33 · 6 months
Right so... been going crazy trying to catch up on the explosion of stuff peeps have been doing since the EPIC: The Musical Ocean Saga release, but. Got some downtime now, and I just wanted to post my reaction to listening to the songs, 'cause it was wild bro.
Fyi, this is all taking place at around 11:30 pm 24th Dec for me, as I'm an australian, so that would make it... uh, 8:30 am 24th Dec for americans I think? Idk, timezones are weird bro. Basically, I listened to the songs and then wrote down my immediate reactions at like 1 am lol.
OK HOLY SHIT HOLY FUCK. OK OK. They came out for australians. They CAME OUT FOR AUSTRALIA!!!!
I was on dicord, right? And then another australian says they're out, and i'm like wait what but there's still like 16 hours till midnight in est, but i look up 'luck runs out jorgre rivera-herrans' on yt (cause it's a unique name) and scroll down and FUCK IT'S THERE!! THE STANDARD AUTO TOPIC VERSION!! IT'S NOT EVEN MIDNIGHT HERE YET?? (23:24 at the time of discovery. The vid says it was uploaded 3 hrs ago already)
The piano. I heard the first notes of piano and ohhhhh shiiiit it's actually happening!!!
i opened the door and called out to mum 'cause i was still in disbelief and she was still awake and i was like "mum... i think it's out" or SOMETHIG LIKE THAT IDK THE EXACT WORDS. She said jokingly she'd thought i had an existential crisis and GIRL IT KINDA FELT LIKE IT?? I WAS NOT PREPARED! I WAS SUPPOSED TO HAVE ANOTHER 16 HOURS!
I tapped on the link thingy to the album in the description and then i had the album RIGHT THERE HOLY MOTHER OF JESUS. IT'S STORM. IN THE FLESH. THERE'S A FUCKING TRUMPET-
I did my civic duty and informed (read: screamed in all caps) to everyone in the discord while mum listened to the first song 'cause she said she was interested and asked and i was so excited and gave her my headphones to listen to storm and then I took em back once I was done and now it's time to go dark. I said goodnight to mum and... pressed play.
Here's the highlights:
Storm: mixing is on another level bro. The vocals, the harmonies, the chorus, and hearing all those snippets without breaks in between, actually flowing and making sense and that ending beat is AHHH-
It went so fast. It's three min long how did it go by so fast what-
Luck Runs Out: the piano is godly. They actually changed the melody of the 'you could be caught off guard' part. My first thought after ooo? Was 'damn it no longer sounds like shut up and dance w/ me' lol.
I think this one changed the most from the snippets. Jsut the way they say lines, and stray words. I love it. The harmonies-
KYFC: the intro is that one atmospheric snippet he did with the flutes!! Aeolus sounds so sassy compared to the old snippets oof hell yes! There's a small instrumental interlude between the first chorus and the crew asking about the bag which is new.
Trying to hold them in his arms? Time to be that father he always wanted to be?? His eyes and heart and soul is heavy??? I'm FUCKING CRYING-
Also wow he really just stayed up for 9 days huh? Respect. Also, fuck those crewmates man. Bet they felt real stupid when it got them killed. Oh, wait, fuck it didn't Poseidon killed everyone but them oh hell nah- And Odysseus still goes to save them from Circe?? Bro. BRO. Just let them die. It ain't worth it.
And that's how Jorge introduces the land of the giants? Cool! I was wondering about that.
Poesiedon pull up! (Is it bad that i thought he sounded like ares in the pj musical there lmao-)
RUTHLESSNESS: it's here. Oh my lord it's here. Everyone stay calm. Fuck it IT'S FUCKING HERE!!
The chanting, Ody's terrified 'Poseidon...', the electric guitar on Poseidon's verse, the fucking growl in his voice is amazing, the 'Die.' is as;ihfd HELL FUCKING YES!!
I love that the 'Captain-!'s of the drowning men is more apparent here, and the silence afterwards... ooof you can hear Ody's horrified stuttered breaths and the way the lyric's changed to '43 left under your command' is soooo fucking good.
And then Ody's sudden defiance and the fucking burning in his eyes as he defies a god and escapes death- Yes. YES! It's so good-
... No wait it's over?? That's it??? WHYYYYY-
(Side note - the fact that there weren't any ads between vids is incredible and I thank the gods for this blessing.)
Ok, but all seriousness, that was incredible. I- I couldn't stop smiling. My face actually started hurting I was smiling so much. I was shaking the whole time, and I had to keep reminding myself to breathe, and- It was amazing. This was an amazing experience, and I'm so glad I could freak out to mum, and she was excited with me, and it was such a good surprise, like an actual chrismas gift from Jorge or some shit. I love it. I love this. Genuinely. It's an amazing thing he's given us and I thank him, sincerely. Thank you, Jorge, and everyone involved in creating this for people to enjoy and love. You should all be proud.
Thanks for reading me freak out, whoever made it to the end lmao. Tagging @dootznbootz because their rambles gave me the confidence to throw my own into the void. Thx :D
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elegance-and-grit · 9 months
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3/100 days of productivity
🚶 1 hour of movement (45 minutes of biking and 15-minute walk, counts. Let's see how I'll approach this once I am living closer to uni and don't have to bike that much anymore. 0.0)
🏊‍♀️ 30 mins of sports (Went for a short 20-minute run, but I am letting this count. I trained for a Tough Mudder 10k at the end of august; it was a great success and fun. However, after 7k my knee started hurting so bad, that I had to stop or risk again not being able to even walk without pain for a few weeks (been there, done that). Was quite frustrating, because I had the condition, I just didn't have the properly trained knees. So the plan now is to run a lot but short intervals and increase them slooooowly. The method for now is: September 20mins, October 25 mins, November 30 mins and so on. Let's see if it will help!)
🧘 Yoga (any duration)
🥗 Somewhat healthy food (well, i am giving myself half a point here. Managed three and a half proper and healthy meals, but drank far to sweet coffees and ate two slices of cake, which might be a lot of sugar.)
Study & Work
📚 Read 30 minutes (Nope :/)
✍️ Wrote 30 minutes (Nope :/)
💭 Thought 30 minutes (Nope :/)
💻 Concentrated work for 6 hours (I tried really hard, but yesterday wasn't a good day. Got close to 6 hours but can't really say that it was concentrated.)
I also got far too stuck on some setup issues to debug my patch. Not really sure what the hell I spent my time on there. Feels not well invested. (And that happens to me sometimes, I think I need to start be more pragmatic about what is actually the goal/measure of success and how to reach it). But the setup is now running, so today I can actually tackle the challenge!
I am sitting in a coffee shop writing this, but it's really not romantic, man. The music is far too loud and the customers are somehow really impolite and that makes me very uncomfortable. But hey, got a good coffee first thing in the morning! And now my headphones stopped working.
Fixed the headphones thing with a small power charge, I am a certified engineer after all! But noise-cancelling headphones are sometimes really a life-changer!
The 3-small tasks a day thing is working great for me! Would be funny if this simple approach finally solves my continuous problems with my doom pile. But I am ready for funny.
(My doom pile issues are really not so good, I keep delaying a few tasks one really should not delay, and feel really blocked on tackling them. Not sure why. But I feel good about this three tasks a-day thing. 3 tasks fit nicely on a post-it and the "doom" feeling that happens when I look at my list, doesn't set in.) Even today I realized when I looked at my three points of today, that I was daunted by two of them, but like it was manageable? Maybe my brain was just disillusioned before, always convincing myself that I would get this mountain down in one very productive day. Again, funny.
Had a really nice lunch with a good friend (and a coffee and a walk). If I sometimes ask myself why I don't manage 8 productive hours a day, maybe it's mainly because of 2 1/2 hours lunch breaks or other breaks like this. But not decided on what to do - I like those breaks. Anyone having any suggestions? How do you manage to get your number of productive hours in?
Had a really nice evening with my boyfriend, too. I think we're both becoming more relaxed and it's great. I think this type of evening (with the same kinda setup) would have perhaps been stressful before, but now we managed to make it really nice. Proud of myself here!
Feeling really good and I am grateful for that. Also - I am really happy about every like and follow and more blogs to discover and follow myself. Thank you all lovely studyblr people! So far studyblr really is having a positive impact. <3
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error-of-society · 1 year
Danganronpa Despair Time Chapter 2 murder scheme and secret theory.
Spoilers for Danganronpa Despair Time up too Chapter 2 Episode 11:
TW: S3lf H@ rm, Su*c*de, m*rder
I want to try to piece together the murder and the remaining secrets while Danganronpa Despair Time is on hiatus.
Firstly I want to talk about how the murder happened.
The killer overheard Arei and Eden after Arturo threatened Eden. So they wrote a note asking to meet with Arei at the playground at around 7:30. Everyone believes the note said 7:30PM because the minnows are found at the crime scene but it was actually 7:30AM. 
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(Picture from chapter 2 episode 10) 
Notice the corner missing, where it would normally say AM or PM. (This is also what I think Charles is going to talk about after he said “we fucked up”)
They prepared two jugs of water filled with water from the relaxation room sometime after Nico fed the minnows, which was probably just before night time. They then obtained the rope from the storage room. 
When Arei and the killer met up they knocked Arei out and tied her hands together. Then they threw the rope around the swing set or the bars on the ceiling. They tied one end of the rope to the jugs of water that were on the spinny thing, and the other to Arei's neck. The killer then spun the spinny thing very quickly, causing the rope to pull and thus breaking her neck. During this the handles of the water jugs may have broken causing the fish and water to come out. Making everyone believe the murder happened before nighttime but this all happened just before 8am when the morning announcement came. The fish and water probably dried up in a matter of minutes as Teruko has stated. 
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(Quote from chapter 2 episode 8)
They then tried to dispose of some of the evidence in the trash. (Water jugs, tape and the note)
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(Picture from chapter 2 episode 8)
And hid the remaining rope under the spinny thing.
Now I want to go over the remaining secrets which are the tried suicide 3 times(the secret Veronika got), you are a murder (the secret Arei got), poisoning the competition (the secret Xander got), family is dead (the secret Min got) and self harm (the secret Hu got), aswell as the secret David got.
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(Picture from chapter 2 episode 8)
Red = confirmed 
Blue = Speculation 
I believe David is lying that he got Xander and actually got Teruko’s secret, he did briefly try to get Teruko to say her own secret during the trial.
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(Quotes from chapter 2 episode 11)
(Further proven with the very beginning where an unknown person says they must kill Teruko)
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(Quote from prologue episode 1)
Min and Xander got each other’s, as Xander definitely suffers from survivor guilt, and Min really needed to win the exam. (Check out the bonus episodes)
Hu says “if no one relies on me, then I won’t be useful anymore”, I believe her secret is the suicide one. 
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(Quote from chapter 2 episode 11)
Veronika’s secret is probably the self harm one as she has mentioned she gets bored easily.
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(Quote from chapter 2 episode 7)
Leaving the last remaining one Levi, the possible murder, who I believe is the killer of this case. And possibly the only one strong enough to spin the spinny thing fast enough.
The killer could also be Veronika. As she was there when Arei’s rope was taken to storage, and when the are circulation in the playground was mentioned.
This all speculation and is nowhere perfect. For example: Why not just tie the rope to the spinny thing and then just dump the minnow water on the ground? I was just trying to make sense of the broken handles of the water jugs.
If you guys have any theories or ideas I would love to hear them.
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underaverageheight · 1 year
Archive 01 - limbo
i found an old piece i wrote when skz-replay came out
LMH x gn!reader angst with a little bit of fluff at the end (mb guys i wrote this with 'limbo' in mind haha) Warning(s): profanity y'all know i dont proofread
You were going abroad. Leaving for school, making you leave behind your current life. Making you leave behind Minho. You were already having a hard time taking in the fact that you were leaving for 5 years to a foreign place with no one you knew.
Minho knew how much you wanted to learn the arts, encouraging you to leave, saying, “5 years isn't too long. It's okay. I'll be here.“ Already ticked off, you retaliated, screaming that he only wanted you gone and that he won't be waiting when you come back.
“Fuck this, I'm going. I might not even come back. Maybe I'll find someone that wants me to stay.” With the slam of a door, you quickly scrambled to finish packing.
“I- fuck. fine.“ Heavy footsteps tread away from the door. Packed, you set out the house key and all the pictures of Minho. Tears threatened to fall but you pushed through and left. It was an hour to the aiport. All throughout the ride, you were quietly sobbing, making the driver uncomfortable.
Minho sat with his head buried in his hands at his desk, a few tears falling. He was so confused. “I only encouraged you to chase your dream, as you did to me…so why, why is it like this?“ He stopped, looking towards the office door, hearing the front door slam. Shit. He jumped up, grabbing his coat and keys.
Approaching the front door, he saw the pictures and keys, scattered all over the floor. He picked one up. It was a picture of you and him, after his first concert. Minho's heart clenched as he left to chase his lover, his best friend, his motivator.
It took an hour and a half to the airport. You dabbed at your puffy red eyes, pulling your hat down even lower. You sat, waiting in the terminal. 1 hour til I can forget and start anew. Looking around, you saw families, couples, students leaving and coming back. I am so sorry. What if he's not actually going to wait? Are we already done? God, I'm so stupid.
Remembering that you bought the tickets on a shared account, Minho found the terminal for the flight as he raced through the airport. 30 minutes. Don't leave me just yet love.
With 15 minutes left before boarding, he made it to the terminal. Staring blankly, you broke your concentration to look at the guy who ran to the chairs, looking around for something or someone. He was covered up, wearing a certain dark navy jacket. The one you gifted him for his birthday.
He's here? Eyes wide, you ran up and hugged him tightly from behind. You sniffled, “Looking for someone?“
“Yeah, you,” a soft chuckle rippled through his body. Minho turned around and picked you up. “I…I didn't mean that I wanted you to go. It's just- when I wanted to give up training, you encouraged me. You pushed me. That's why I fell in love with you. I just want you to chase your dream now,” his voice cracked at the last part.
“Min, I'm so sorry for yelling. I was just stressed- and scared. But that is no excuse for what I said. I am so so sorry.“ You buried your face into his warm chest. Gentle hands traced patterns and softly pat your back, a quiet comforting motion.
“Last call for boarding!“
“Are you going?“ Minho asked, breaking the embrace. “Will you be here when I come back?“
“Of course, love” with a kiss, you left.
A/N: as i said before, i found this when i was organizing my files, decided to put this out there since i haven't posted in a while, i am beginning to progress a bit on Love w/ felix but anyways feel free to reblog w/ or w/out feedback/comments (this is a sub-blog so i can't return comments ㅠㅠ) have a great day and stay tuned ^^
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sock-mind · 1 year
The D&D Clusterfuck™ Summary
By Sock Mind
This will be as concise as I can make it, any errors will be corrected when/if they are pointed out. Wizards of the Coast (WotC) was supposed to make a live statement regarding the new Open Game License or "OGL". To very briefly summarize what the OGL was: 
"The Open Game License is a public copyright license by Wizards of the Coast that may be used by tabletop role-playing game developers to grant permission to modify, copy, and redistribute some of the content designed for their games, notably game mechanics. However, they must share-alike copies and derivative works." (source: Wikipedia )
They were going to make some changes to the OGL to be far more restrictive as the shareholders of Hasbro (aka, DICKHEAD) discovered that WotC was actually an overwhelming majority of their revenue and was "under monetized" and steps were being taken to make D&D a live service type game that was entirely digital. Eventually this leaked.
To keep a VERY FUCKING LONG story short, any creative project made within the confines of OGL 1 (eg. Critical Role, Dimension 20, Pathfinder 1st Edition) would retroactively belong to Dickhead Hasbro as would a retroactive royalty payment across the projects entire history of revenue. For the entire leaked OGL 1.1, click the following link: http://ogl.battlezoo.com
This was leaked and "confirmed" (without an official statement, nothing is certain) by a whistleblower inside WotC that the order was coming from Hasbro because now their entire existence was only to turn higher and higher profits by literally any means they could or couldn't legally accomplish. More on this in a moment though as we haven't even gotten to the livestream debacle..
The Livestream Day
When news of this caught on a few weeks ago, at first the outrage was easy to ignore, but quickly spiraled out of control when major players in the Tabletop Gaming sphere broadly started sounding the alarms. This snowballed quickly as more and more information regarding OGL 1.1 was being leaked and allegedly confirmed. During this entire clusterfuck, hasbro was dead silent on all platforms which really only made things worse.
It all came to a head yesterday (12/1/2023) at about 4pm EST when WotC was slated to make a live statement regarding the rumors, but between announcing the livestream and the time it was slated to start is when the whistleblower statement came out basically confirming everything we were seeing. They contacted a number of community creators via email which read as follows: https://twitter.com/DnD_Shorts/status/1613576298114449409?s=20
During this time it was clear WotC was scrambling to distract people from what was happening and just before the livestream started their website appeared to crash from the sheer number of people cancelling their D&D Beyond subscriptions. What ACTUALLY happened, and I swear to Loki I am not making this up, was they took the site down to REMOVE THE UNSUBSCRIBE BUTTON FROM THEIR WEBSITE. cite: bird-app 
At 30 mins past the start time of their livestream on twitch, D&D Beyond twitter page abruptly deleted the livestream announcement and said on their community Discord server that they never actually slated this livestream and it was an error on the side of twitch. At this time I cannot confirm or deny that, this is only what they said.
Them cancelling the livestream was the kill shot.
Paizo, the company behind the Pathfinder game system, dropped an announcement. I will link the entire statement below but to summarize it, here are the important takeaways:
1. The original OGL was nonrevocable and their source was that they literally fucking wrote it. 2. Pathfinder Second Edition (P2e) was not created using any materials from D&D but still included the OGL 1 so that other creative projects could use Paizo's materials. And for the big one 3. They were willing and able to take WotC to court over this, they are no longer interested in WotC's OGL in literally any capacity, and they were going to create a brand new OGL of their own which will be owned by the same people that own the open license for Linux to ensure it stays free of corporate fuckery. And just to really twist the knife, they announced their core rulebooks were on a discount.
Full statement from Paizo: Click Here (please be aware their site is being slow at the time of posting)
This was the most concise and brutal dickslap to the face of Hasbro and WotC, and will likely be talked about decades from now as a key moment in tabletop gaming history. But we're not freaking done yet!!
The Follow up Fuckup 
Today (13/1/2023) at about 10am EST, D&D Beyond made a statement on their website which will be linked below. Key takeaway is the typical corporate speak of "N-nuh uhh, we were doing this to keep bigots out and make the tools more accessible (read: monetized)  for you all. Was that convincing?" The entire post reeks of corporate gaslighting.
WotC Statement: https://www.dndbeyond.com/posts/1423-an-update-on-the-open-game-license-ogl
Sadly the damage has been done and the bridges have been burned. Entire new TTRPG gaming systems have been created and given away for free in the last few days to such a degree that we are all now spoiled for choices. It is regrettable to see such a titan of tabletop gaming that had a very accessible ruleset be torched for the Hasbro cocaine bucket fund, but it's done now.
For the future we can look to Paizo's new Open RPG Creative License (ORC, hah that had to be intentional xD) for the next big company. However if you wish to support independent TTRPG systems, here are some recommendations from myself.
-For general high fantasy, Pathfinder 2e by Paizo link: https://paizo.com/pathfinder
-For science fiction mixed with high fantasy, Starfinder by Paizo link: https://paizo.com/starfinder
-For gritty neon-noir, Cyberpunk Red by Talsorian Games link: https://rtalsoriangames.com/cyberpunk/
-For Fallout universe pen and paper: The Fallout RPG by Modiphius link: https://www.modiphius.net/en-us/pages/falloutrpg
-For classic vampire and werewolf mystery: The World of Darkness series of games including Vampire: The Masquerade / Werewolf: The Apocalypse / Hunter: The Reckoning by White Wolf Publishing link: https://www.worldofdarkness.com
There are many others that I am certain will be brought up. If you wish to offer your favorite, please do so with a link to the publisher. I would much prefer this over amazon so that the publisher doesnt get robbed by Bezo's cut.
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remonblaze · 7 months
hi!! i've been gone for a few days and i wasn't doing anything productive so i decided to start doing this challange, hope i can continue everyday.
051223 day 1/30 of intentionality
my intentions for today:
- hygiene: shower / laundry & drying (? i am not sure if this is the right way to put it actually lol) & folding / dishes / take out the trash & put on a new trash bag
- self care: 30 min treadmill / journal / skincare
- academic: read araby & sonnet 116 / read first two chapters of hobbit / work on writing academic paragraphs
- social: student club meeting
- extra: study korean for an hour
rec: 🎧 moonlight by agust d
end of the day: i couldn't do everything i wrote down but i'm super tired so i'll continue tmrw :(( + student club meeting is postponed
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