By Scott Scheffer
Now, almost unbelievably, the U.S. machinery of state is trying to set up an opportunity for yet another U.S. war – this one against Venezuela using that country’s neighbor Guyana as a proxy, by reviving a centuries-old border dispute that lay dormant for decades. 
The exploitation of newly found oil reserves larger than those of the United Arab Emirates or Kuwait by U.S. oil giants triggered the escalating aggression by the White House. 
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nando161mando · 2 months
✊🇻🇪Why do Venezuelans support the Bolivarian Revolution? “We are in Hugo Chavez neighborhood this territory used to belong to three bourgeois families who usurped all this expense. Today we have more than 20,000 families here.”
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illegaltruffle · 4 months
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mashes one special interest with the other special interest,,, sorry this is no longer neopets idek how to tag this anymore hello anyway i put my blorbos in the arknights universe
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leninisms · 5 days
I’m not very well versed in international diplomacy, can you explain why her policy is evil aside from her stance on Israel and Gaza? Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I figured you’d be kind enough to actually answer.
hi! thank you for asking so nicely! this is not a dumb question at all, and i’m happy to answer:)
i want to start by quickly shouting out a couple of my favorite independent media outlets that i go to for news, because i believe these people and organizations are doing really crucial work:
geopolitical economy report
breakthrough news, the socialist program, liberation news, and liberation school
the real news network
venezuela analysis
i’m gonna break kamala’s foreign policy down section by section, but i do want to first point out that there is no mention of strengthening international partnerships, except through military power. there’s no talk about ending any sanctions or blockades. no talk of strengthening old, or establishing new trade agreements. it’s all military, war, threats, security, attacks, etc..
this is long so it’s all below the cut:)
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immediately “american interests” is bad. this does not mean the interests of the american working class (though it would still be bad if it did)— it means the interests of the american capitalist ruling class. the biggest “threat” china poses to the U.S. is the rise of china and the BRICS as global economic superpowers. from liberation news:
“…China’s economic rise poses a threat to this U.S.-dominated unipolar international arrangement, and this fear of the U.S. losing its status as the dominant global power forms the basis of Washington’s foreign policy vis-a-vis Beijing. Presenting this competition as an existential one of “democracy” versus “authoritarianism,” the U.S. applies a strategy of containment toward China to blunt its rise: by seeking to isolate it through military encirclement, foreclosing its access to key markets, and cutting it off economically from the rest of the world. This policy is intended to cripple China’s development, ensuring Western capitalism’s control over the entire globe.”
for more information on china, check out dongsheng news, friends of socialist china, and breakthrough news’ new segment “the china report.” here’s a cool podcast mini-series about china’s revolution. and, just for good measure, here’s all of liberation school’s china analyses. i also recommend this post debunking the “uyghur genocide.”
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north korea (the democratic people’s republic of korea/dprk) is not a fascistic military dictatorship or whatever they’re calling it these days. there’s a lot of fear-mongering in the U.S. about the “threat of nuclear war with north korea.” the primary reason dprk has been so adamant about having nuclear weapons is that the united states carpet bombed all of korea from 1950-1953, dropping 635,000 tons of bombs, destroying an estimated 85% of buildings, and killing hundreds of thousands of people. the desire for nuclear weapons comes from the security that mutually assured destruction (MAD) offers.
for more information on korea: this article is a condensed version of stephen gowen’s book (patriots, traitors, and empire: the story of korea’s struggle for freedom). i also recommend the dprk’s government website and the pyongyang times. if you’re a podcast enjoyer, blowback season three was all about korea (and they have a bibliography)!!! and this post has more sources as well:)
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i’ll start by saying NATO needs to be abolished. it’s not about peace— it’s about unipolar U.S. hegemony and it’s about aggression and endless war. i’m going to let these sources speak for themselves because they’re just that good.
this episode of the socialist program (2022) is a really good introduction to NATO, specifically in relation to the russia-ukraine conflict. this statement on russia’s intervention in ukraine from liberation news is a very solid analysis. geopolitical economy report shared this article (also available on youtube) just days ago which nicely analyzes some of the reasons the U.S. has been so unconditionally supportive of ukraine. this essay about the convergence of ukrainian liberals and fascists was recommended by one of my comrades, and for good reason. from the article:
… dwelling on Ukraine’s neo-nazis can be an optical illusion. Not that I am one to underplay their murderous actions or political power. But that ultimately, they are junior partners to Ukraine’s liberals. And Ukraine’s liberals at time may be even more militaristic than the nationalists, who more often have their lives under risk at the frontline. Even if liberal slogans may not seem quite so openly bloodthirsty as whatever rightwinger yelling about the Jewish conspiracy.
The political convergence between extreme ethno-nationalism and neo-liberalism... In Ukraine, it’s quite simple: the nationalists care more about cultural policy and the right to shoot those they dislike than economic policy. And the liberals need someone to shoot those they dislike.
i hope this was helpful, but please feel free to ask for clarification or further reading or whatever. i love talking about politics and i love getting to make posts like this because they allow me to expand my knowledge too!! again, thank you for asking!
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minnesotafollower · 1 year
Biden Administration’s New Restrictions on U.S. Asylum Law Being Challenged in Federal Courts 
This year has seen many developments regarding the Biden Administration’s attempts to cope with the large numbers of migrants illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border. Here is a review of some of those developments. Biden’s New Asylum Regulation[1] On February 21, the Biden Administration announced a proposed rule that would  require rapid deportation of an immigrant at the U.S. border who had…
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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World: New network on Missing Migrants in the Americas aims to drive actions to save lives Countries: Colombia, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Mexico, Panama, Puerto Rico (The United States of America), United States of America, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), World Source: International Organization for Migration Thousands of people are dying crossing deserts, rivers and remote areas in the Americas - IOM Missing Migrants documented 1,433 deaths in 2022, the highest number since the project began in 2014. https://reliefweb.int/report/world/new-network-missing-migrants-americas-aims-drive-action-save-migrant-lives
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txttletale · 2 months
honestly it makes me angry how little faith people have in the venezuelan people to think that they need the increasingly corrupt shambling husk of the PSUV in government to continue the bolivarian revolution. like do you even know about the communes!
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latinotiktok · 2 months
Just want to speak as a latino seeing coverage of Venezuela here in the United States… of course the United States is going to tell us that the Socialist Bolivarian Revolution is villainous and that the elections are fraudulent. As if the United States doesn’t have one of the most pathetic voting systems of the whole world. As if the United States hasn’t intervened over and over in Latin American politics to install dictators that only serve US interests. As if they didn’t sieze billions of dollars of Citgo revenue when Chavez took power to create a depression and then blame it on socialism. The same people who are lying to us about Palestine are the same people who are lying to us about Venezuela. In 2018, Machado literally requested Benjamin Netanyahu’s support for a military intervention (i.e. coup attempt) in Venezuela. Machado is a staunch Zionist. She has promised that if the opposition is successful in overturning the Bolivarian Revolution, they will move the Venezuela’s embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Only five countries (including the U.S.) have established their embassies to Israel in Jerusalem because to do so is a flagrant violation of international law.
Please stop believing the United States or it’s latino allies have the best interest of latinos (domestically or internationally) at heart.
And don’t say I have no right to comment on this. As a Latino living in the belly of the beast, it is my duty to speak out against imperialism and the bullshit propaganda biden-harris try to spread.
I think your 'duty' should be trying to uplift the voices of your siblings who are actually living there and fighting for their lives instead of preaching you know more about the subject than them
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mapsontheweb · 6 months
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Federation of the Andes
The Federation of the Andes was a nation proposed by Simón Bolívar in 1826 that would consist in a union between the nations “liberated” by him.
There was a proposal to organize the Federation in 6 states: Colombia would be divided in 3 states (Ecuador, Nueva Granada and Venezuela), while Peru would be divided in two states (North and South). It was also planned to give away the Peruvian coast from Tacna to Tarapaca to Bolivia, exchanging it for Apolobamba and Coapacabana. Each state would be divided into departments, the departments into provinces and the provinces into cantons (not shown). As for the capital, it would be Quito or Guayaquil.
Regarding the government, there would be a "Supreme Chief for Life" with the power to inherit the leadership to whomever he wanted, a tricameral federal parliament and an authoritarian, centralized and militarized administration. It was a monocracy strongly inspired by the Consulate of Napoleon Bonaparte and the regime of the Haitian Jean Pierre Boyer.
The project failed due to the rejection of the Peruvians and the political crisis that occurred in Colombia. In January 1827, while Bolívar was in Colombia to defeat the separatist attempts, an uprising overthrew his government in Peru and the Bolivarian Constitution was abolished in June of that same year, prohibiting his entry and losing all his influence in Peru. The next country to lose Bolivarian influence would be Bolivia, after the Peruvian invasion in 1828, which ended with the overthrow of Antonio José de Sucre, Bolívar's right-hand man. Finally, Gran Colombia would end up completely disintegrating in 1830.
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By Lallan Schoenstein
Having lost the election, the opposition immediately began violent attacks to incite terror and confusion. They attacked symbols of the Venezuelan Revolution: schools and health centers in working-class areas, public bus stations and buses, offices of Chavista communes and parties, and statues of figures who had set the Bolivarian Revolution in motion.
Every day since the election, hundreds of thousands of Chavistas have taken to the streets of Caracas and elsewhere. In each of these marches, the chant no volverán – they will not return – reverberated amongst the crowd. The oligarchy, they said, will not return.
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happypuppypuppy · 3 months
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🇨🇴 Carlos Muñoz, greco-roman colombian wrestler of 80Kg, 1.8m & 31yo.
🥇Gold medallist at the Bolivarian Games 2017
🥈Silver medallist at the South American Games 2014
🥉Bronze medallist at Bolivarian Games 2013; PanAm Championship 2014; Caribbean Games 2014; PanAm Games, 2015 & PanAm Championship 2016.
Credits to @higienist
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loredwy · 2 months
Havent seen it around here, so here are some politician's reactions to the official announcement of Maduro winning the Venezuelan elections.
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[Logo] Presidency of the Republic, Costa Rica Government.
The Government of Costa Rica categorically repudiates the proclamation of Nicolás Maduro as president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, which we consider fraudulent. We will work with the democratic governments of the continent and international organizations to ensure that the sacred will of the Venezuelan people is respected.
— Rodrigo Chaves Robles, President of the Republic of Costa Rica
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Not this way! It was an open secret. They were going to “win” regardless of the actual results. The process up to election day and counting was clearly flawed. You cannot recognize a triumph if you do not trust the form and mechanisms used to achieve it.
— Luis Lacalle Pou, President of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay
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The Maduro regime must understand that the results it publishes are difficult to believe. The international community, and especially the Venezuelan people, including the millions of Venezuelans in exile, demand total transparency of the records and the process, and for international observers not committed to the government to attest to the veracity of the results.
From Chile we will not recognize any result that is not verifiable.
— Gabriel Boric Font, President of the Republic of Chile
As the Government of Chile, we make a firm call for the will of the Venezuelan people to be respected and for the results of the presidential election to be guaranteed. These are decisive hours in Venezuela and democracy must prevail above all.
— Alberto van Klaveren, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chile
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I condemn in all its extremes the sum of irregularities with the intention of fraud on the part of the government of Venezuela.
Peru will not accept the violation of the popular will of the Venezuelan people.
Given the very serious official announcements of the Venezuelan electoral authorities, the immediate call for consultations of the Peruvian ambassador accredited to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has been arranged.
Several countries in the region are coordinating joint actions so that the will of the Venezuelan people expressed yesterday is undoubtedly respected. There is no going back, take as long as it takes. Our ambassador in Venezuela, called in for consultations, leaves Caracas today.
— Javier González-Olaechea, Chancellor of Peru
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Panama joins to the generalized rejection regarding the electoral result in Vzla. We aspired for the popular will to be respected and such a situation was not expected. We will act individually and collectively in favor of Venezuelan democracy. We will announce measures that we will adopt in accordance with inter-American rules in the coming hours.
— José Raúl Mulino, President of the Republic of Panama
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Venezuelans chose to end the communist dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro. The data announce a crushing victory for the opposition and the world is waiting for him to recognize defeat after years of socialism, misery, decadence and death.
Argentina is not going to recognize another fraud, and hopes that the Armed Forces this time will defend democracy and the popular will.
Freedom Advances in Latin America.
— Javier Milei, President of the Argentine Republic
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Throughout the region, there are politicians who try to cling to power and seek to rob our citizens of peace. That is what we are facing; that is the danger of dictatorship, and today we are witnessing how one more of them tries to take hope away from millions of Venezuelans.
Ecuador had the opportunity to prevent the interests of a few from prevailing over the will of millions. Venezuela deserves that opportunity; therefore, I have requested our foreign minister to take the necessary steps to convene the Permanent Council of the OAS to address the delicate situation in Venezuela.
— Daniel Noboa Azin, President of the Republic of Ecuador
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Venezuela deserves transparent, accurate results that adhere to the will of its people.
We receive the results announced by the CNE with many doubts. For this reason, the reports of the electoral observation missions are essential, which today, more than ever, must defend the vote of Venezuelans.
— Bernardo Arévalo, President of the Republic of Guatemala
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Since you're at Rhodes, could you check if there's any truth to the rumor that they are having a Bolivarian terrorist launder money for them?
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Here is the most recent photo we have of him, apparently starring in an independent film alongside other known Rhodes Island collaborators. Including a Miss... Mudrock, if I'm reading this right.
as someone who has DEFINITELY never broken a law once and also as someone who has DEFINITELY been on the landship long enough to say I totally know everyone who is and isn't here: I have never seen this man in my life nor do I know a Mudrock
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theculturedmarxist · 1 month
Now that the election is over, followed by the predictable accusations of fraud, the corporate media has intensified its campaign to delegitimize the results. In particular, we analyze a CNN article that reports “after Venezuela’s contested presidential vote, experts say government results are a ‘statistical improbability.’”
CNN casts doubt on the results of the Venezuelan presidential election based in part on a post published by the Quantitative Methods in Social Science program at Columbia University. The post cites the official results published by the CNE showing the votes for each candidate followed by their percentage of the total rounded to a single decimal place.
Maduro            5,150,092        51.2% González          4,445,978        44.2% Others                 462,704           4.6%
Total              10,058,774       100.0%
Based on the CNE data, the post goes on to calculate the percentages vote for each candidate to seven decimal places:
Maduro            5,150,092        51.1999971% González          4,445,978       44.1999989% Others                  462,704         4.6000039%
Total               10,058,774      100.0000000%
Then the post notes that using the original percentages (51.2, 44.2, and 4.5) to compute the votes for candidates results in fractional vote counts that do not match the original vote totals published by the CNE:
Maduro            5,150,092.288             51.2000000% González          4,445,978.108             44.2000000% Others              462,704.604                  4.6000000%
Total                10,058,774                 100.0000000%
Of course, the counts don’t match but that is an artifact of the misuse of statistics by the post. For example, let’s apply the same method to the official results of the 2020 US presidential election, published by the US Federal Election Commission (FEC):
Biden    81,268,924      51.31% Trump  74,216,154      46.86% Total  158,383,403    100.00%
If you multiply the percentage given for Biden 51.31% times the total number of votes, (158,383,403), the result is 81,266,524, which is different from the total reported by the FEC above (81,268,924).  Perhaps CNN has uncovered and should be reporting on statistically significant evidence of fraud that was committed by the FEC in the 2020 presidential election?
Nevertheless, the post concludes, referring to the discrepancy that they created: “If it is not evidence of fraud by itself I do not know what is.” Then the posts wildly speculates: “Anyhow, the image of the Chavista bosses fabricating the results with a napkin and their phone calculators seems to be as plausible as amusing.” The post continues: “That seems fishy… Can it be, that instead of calculating the percentages from the number of votes, someone decided the percentages and then calculated the number of votes?”
So there you have it. The “Chavista bosses,” starting from their desired fabricated percentage results, computed candidate totals (using phone calculators on a napkin!), only to be exposed because their clumsily computed fabricated totals do not match their fabricated percentages!
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Venezuela teams up with Brazil's biggest landless movement
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Jorge Arreaza, a Venezuelan former foreign minister, on Tuesday announced an agreement between Venezuela and the Landless Workers Movement (MST), Brazil’s most important pro-land reform organization, in order for Brazilians to work there.
In a message on Telegram, Mr. Arreaza said that the MST was given 10,000 hectares of land “to start.” He’s currently the executive secretary at the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America – People’s Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP), a group of Latin American countries led by leftist governments, including Cuba and Nicaragua.
“Excellent lands in the Bolívar state of Venezuela. Healthy food, healthy soil, for our communities and for the world,” the message says.
The Bolívar state borders Northern Brazil, including the city of Pacaraima, the first stop of thousands of Venezuelan immigrants. Over 192,000 Venezuelans entered Brazil in 2023, an 18 percent increase from 2022.
Continue reading.
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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At least 39 migrants die in a fire at processing centre on Mexico/US border Countries: Guatemala, Mexico, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Source: UN News Centre Most of the victims are believed to be Venezuelan, Guatemalan and other Central American nationals. UN Secretary-General is calling for a thorough investigation into this tragic event. https://reliefweb.int/report/mexico/mexico-guterres-calls-thorough-investigation-deadly-migrant-centre-fire
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