#Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
minnesotafollower · 1 year
Biden Administration’s New Restrictions on U.S. Asylum Law Being Challenged in Federal Courts 
This year has seen many developments regarding the Biden Administration’s attempts to cope with the large numbers of migrants illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border. Here is a review of some of those developments. Biden’s New Asylum Regulation[1] On February 21, the Biden Administration announced a proposed rule that would  require rapid deportation of an immigrant at the U.S. border who had…
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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World: New network on Missing Migrants in the Americas aims to drive actions to save lives Countries: Colombia, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Mexico, Panama, Puerto Rico (The United States of America), United States of America, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), World Source: International Organization for Migration Thousands of people are dying crossing deserts, rivers and remote areas in the Americas - IOM Missing Migrants documented 1,433 deaths in 2022, the highest number since the project began in 2014. https://reliefweb.int/report/world/new-network-missing-migrants-americas-aims-drive-action-save-migrant-lives
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txttletale · 1 year
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"The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela expresses its profound concern over the evolution of recent events in the Gaza Strip, while recognizing that the escalation is the result of the impossibility the Palestinian people face in finding a place within multilateral international law to assert their historical rights. The Venezuelan Government advocates for a swift solution to the urgent situation of hostility and confrontation and for an end to violence in all Palestinian territory through direct dialogue and the fulfillment of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334, which requires Israel to put an "immediate and complete" end to all settlement and occupation activities on Palestinian land, as the only road to peace. The Government of the Bolivarian Republic reiterates that, today more than ever, it's necessary that there be a genuine negotiation between all parties and a re-establishment of Palestine's rights, for which it calls upon the United Nations to play their part in guaranteeing peace and international law."
[x] (translation mine)
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Army General Raúl Castro Ruz had a telephone conversation with comrade Nicolás Maduro Moros to congratulate him on the electoral victory achieved in the elections held in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
The Army General conveyed to the President-elect that the triumph achieved by the Venezuelan people is a resounding demonstration of the Civic-Military Union of the Bolivarian and Chavista people, who have resisted the negative effects of the unjust unilateral coercive measures imposed by the United States Government, the violent acts and interference in Venezuela's internal affairs. The Leader of the Cuban Revolution ratified to comrade Maduro Cuba's solidarity and affection.
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loredwy · 2 months
Havent seen it around here, so here are some politician's reactions to the official announcement of Maduro winning the Venezuelan elections.
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[Logo] Presidency of the Republic, Costa Rica Government.
The Government of Costa Rica categorically repudiates the proclamation of Nicolás Maduro as president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, which we consider fraudulent. We will work with the democratic governments of the continent and international organizations to ensure that the sacred will of the Venezuelan people is respected.
— Rodrigo Chaves Robles, President of the Republic of Costa Rica
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Not this way! It was an open secret. They were going to “win” regardless of the actual results. The process up to election day and counting was clearly flawed. You cannot recognize a triumph if you do not trust the form and mechanisms used to achieve it.
— Luis Lacalle Pou, President of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay
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The Maduro regime must understand that the results it publishes are difficult to believe. The international community, and especially the Venezuelan people, including the millions of Venezuelans in exile, demand total transparency of the records and the process, and for international observers not committed to the government to attest to the veracity of the results.
From Chile we will not recognize any result that is not verifiable.
— Gabriel Boric Font, President of the Republic of Chile
As the Government of Chile, we make a firm call for the will of the Venezuelan people to be respected and for the results of the presidential election to be guaranteed. These are decisive hours in Venezuela and democracy must prevail above all.
— Alberto van Klaveren, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chile
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I condemn in all its extremes the sum of irregularities with the intention of fraud on the part of the government of Venezuela.
Peru will not accept the violation of the popular will of the Venezuelan people.
Given the very serious official announcements of the Venezuelan electoral authorities, the immediate call for consultations of the Peruvian ambassador accredited to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has been arranged.
Several countries in the region are coordinating joint actions so that the will of the Venezuelan people expressed yesterday is undoubtedly respected. There is no going back, take as long as it takes. Our ambassador in Venezuela, called in for consultations, leaves Caracas today.
— Javier González-Olaechea, Chancellor of Peru
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Panama joins to the generalized rejection regarding the electoral result in Vzla. We aspired for the popular will to be respected and such a situation was not expected. We will act individually and collectively in favor of Venezuelan democracy. We will announce measures that we will adopt in accordance with inter-American rules in the coming hours.
— José Raúl Mulino, President of the Republic of Panama
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Venezuelans chose to end the communist dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro. The data announce a crushing victory for the opposition and the world is waiting for him to recognize defeat after years of socialism, misery, decadence and death.
Argentina is not going to recognize another fraud, and hopes that the Armed Forces this time will defend democracy and the popular will.
Freedom Advances in Latin America.
— Javier Milei, President of the Argentine Republic
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Throughout the region, there are politicians who try to cling to power and seek to rob our citizens of peace. That is what we are facing; that is the danger of dictatorship, and today we are witnessing how one more of them tries to take hope away from millions of Venezuelans.
Ecuador had the opportunity to prevent the interests of a few from prevailing over the will of millions. Venezuela deserves that opportunity; therefore, I have requested our foreign minister to take the necessary steps to convene the Permanent Council of the OAS to address the delicate situation in Venezuela.
— Daniel Noboa Azin, President of the Republic of Ecuador
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Venezuela deserves transparent, accurate results that adhere to the will of its people.
We receive the results announced by the CNE with many doubts. For this reason, the reports of the electoral observation missions are essential, which today, more than ever, must defend the vote of Venezuelans.
— Bernardo Arévalo, President of the Republic of Guatemala
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Patricia Torres at The Guardian:
Nicolás Maduro has been declared the winner of Venezuela’s presidential election by the government-controlled electoral authority – a result that appeared to dash opposition hopes of ending 25 years of socialist rule and was immediately contested by his rivals and several governments in the region.
After a six-hour delay in releasing the results of Sunday’s election sparked an outpouring of concern from South American governments, the national electoral council claimed Maduro had won with 51.21% of votes compared with 44.2% for his rival, the former diplomat Edmundo González Urrutia. The council said with about 80% of votes counted, Maduro had secured more than 5m compared with González’s 4.4m. “I am Nicolás Maduro Moros – the re-elected president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela … and I will defend our democracy, our law and our people,” the 61-year-old proclaimed as he addressed supporters in the capital, Caracas. Independent observers had described this election as the most arbitrary in recent years, even by the standards of an authoritarian regime that started with Maduro’s predecessor, Hugo Chávez. Maduro dedicated his win to Chávez, his late mentor, who anointed Maduro as his successor shortly before his death in 2013. “Long live Chávez. Chávez is alive!” Maduro shouted.
The result was celebrated by Maduro’s allies including the Cuban leader Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, who hailed a “historic victory” and called it a triumph of “the dignity and courage of the Venezuelan people”. “The people spoke and the revolution won,” he tweeted. Bolivia’s leftwing leader, Luis Arce, also celebrated the result of an election that was held on what would have been Chávez’s 70th birthday. “What a great way to remember the Comandante Hugo Chávez,” Arce tweeted. There was condemnation and questioning from elsewhere in the region, with many convinced the election had been stolen. The US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, said his government had “serious concerns that the result announced does not reflect the will or the votes of the Venezuelan people”.
“It’s critical that every vote be counted fairly and transparently, that election officials immediately share information with the opposition and independent observers without delay, and that the electoral authorities publish the detailed tabulation of votes. The international community is watching this very closely and will respond accordingly,” Blinken added. Chile’s president, Gabriel Boric, tweeted: “Maduro’s regime must understand that the results it has published are hard to believe … Chile will not recognise any result that is not verifiable.” Peru’s foreign minister, Javier González-Olaechea, said his government also rejected the result. “Peru will not accept the violation of the popular will of the Venezuelan people,” he tweeted. The government of Costa Rica said it categorically rejected what it considered a “fraudulent” result, while the president of Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou, said the count had been “clearly flawed”. “You cannot recognise a triumph if you do not trust the form and mechanisms used to achieve it,” Pou said.
The Venezuelan opposition leader, María Corina Machado – who had thrown her weight behind González’s campaign after being banned from running herself – rejected the result, claiming the opposition had won in every single state. “We won and everybody knows it,” she said. “We haven’t just defeated them politically and morally, today we defeated them with votes,” Machado told journalists, claiming González had in fact won the contest and should be considered the country’s president-elect. The result was a bitter blow to Venezuela’s notoriously fractured opposition, which had united around the unlikely candidacy of González – a 74-year-old former ambassador and political neophyte - hoping he could help lead the country out of one of the worst peacetime economic collapses in modern history.
Incumbent autocratic Venezuelan “President” Nicolás Maduro coronated himself as the fraudulent winner of the 2024 Venezuelan elections over Edmundo González Urrutia (who is running in María Corina Machado’s stead).
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thegalievthought · 10 months
The Question of Venezuelan Social-Imperialism
Are Venezuela's threats against Guyana Social-Imperialism? Lenin used Social-Imperialism ok in simple terms of a nation that is Socialist in deeds or name (for example the ruling party of Venezuela is ostensibly socialist in character at least historically) however in deeds In either policy as a rule or in a particular action do imperialist deeds.
But what does this mean? And how is it important to Venezuela's confrontation against the Socialist nation of Guyana? Well, let's start with why Venezuela wants the region. Well, the dispute comes from firstly imperial sources, this dispute predates an independent Guyana and is namely a dispute between Venezuela and the United Kingdom. In 1899 the British Empire which at the time controlled Guyana as a puppet awarded “the entire mouth of the Orinoco River and the land on either side to Venezuela; it granted to the United Kingdom the land to the east extending to the Essequibo River.” When Guyana gained independence in 1966 all countries involved Except the signed the Geneva Agreement which said that all parties should come to a peaceful, practical and satisfactory decision on the status of the Essequibo. Which never happened. However, the treaty said if a stalemate happened then a relevant international organ Could step in as a mediator which happened in 2020 when the ICJ took the case. Guyana filed the case with the ICJ and the majority of judges agreed the court has jurisdiction to take the case further with Guyanana. First, the ICJ needed to have a case to decide if this was in the ICJ's jurisdiction. And if so, what timeline did it have jurisdiction over. in that case for the first ruling it was ruled 12 to 4 that the ICJ had jurisdiction based on the 1966 Geneva agreement that it has the authority to arbitrate over the award given in 1899, “that it has jurisdiction to entertain the Application filed by the Co-operative Republic of Guyana on 29 March 2018 in so far as it concerns the validity of the Arbitral Award of 3 October 1899 and the related question of the definitive settlement of the land boundary dispute between the Co-operative Republic of Guyana and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela;” However there was a judge who disagreed notably with four Judge Gevorgian, Which for the sake of accuracy here is the entire dissenting opinion.
“Dissenting opinion of Judge Gevorgian Judge Gevorgian disagrees with the Court’s conclusion that it has jurisdiction to entertain Guyana’s claims. In his view, the Court’s Judgment undermines parties to the Court’s jurisdiction. The Court has made the unprecedented decision to exercise jurisdiction on the basis of a treaty that does not even mention the Court and contains no clause referring disputes to it. This is especially problematic as one of the Parties has consistently refused to submit the present dispute to the Court, and the dispute concerns national interests of the highest order, such as territorial sovereignty. In particular, Judge Gevorgian considers that Article IV (2) of the Geneva Agreement does not empower the Secretary-General of the United Nations to issue a legally binding decision as to the means of settlement to be employed by the Parties. The contrary conclusion reached by the Court is not supported by the text of the Geneva Agreement or by the Agreement’s object and Purpose. In Judge Gevorgian’s view, the object and purpose of the Geneva Agreement is to help the Parties reach an agreed settlement to their dispute. As such, the Secretary-General has a non-binding role similar to that of a conciliator or mediator, entrusted with facilitating the Parties’ attempts to reach an agreed solution, but not empowered to impose a means of settlement on them.”
End opinion.
For the second case, the court however was unanimous in its decision that “that it does not have jurisdiction to entertain the claims of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana arising from events that occurred after the signature of the Geneva Agreement.” Meaning for things such as an invasion voted on by the Venezuelan parliament to annex the disputed territories it had no jurisdiction to arbitrate or to arbitrate any deals made after the 1966 Geneva Agreement.
Anyway, now Venezuela is considering military action against another socialist in-character state, And one at that with one of the largest indigenous populations on the continent because of imperial agreements made by Europeans who didn't own the land (rightfully) then and definitely not now. So that begs the question of whether Venezuela is threatening action against another sovereign socialist state (that is I should note backed by the US and NATO) Over an imperialist agreement Social Imperialism? In my opinion, yes. Ignoring the fact that Venezuela, despite its socialist character is still a settler colonial state, its aggression against Guyana is Certainly social imperialism despite the submission Guyana has shown to the US (ostensibly because of the colonial past of the nation and submission being 'voluntary'.
However especially now as Brazil another 'socialist' in character nation moves to confront Venezuela and make a regional war we must understand and condemn Venezuelan Social Imperialism and stand with Guyanana and yes recognise that if the US intervenes on behalf of Guyana that is Imperialism and needs to be similarly combatted social imperialism is not justified against other socialist in character states without a justified cause or reason such as Vietnam's intervention in Cambodia. Venezuela does not have that Justification. And I must firmly say that to the International working class and anti-imperialist movements worldwide particularly those in the occupied Palestine, Yemen, and Lebanon to stand with Guyana as Venezuela moves to occupy what is at this point land owned by a majority indigenous nation in the Americas this is by all rights no matter what any European agreements were made, whatever colonization took place. Guyana's land furthermore the entirety of the Americas (occupied Turtle Island) belongs to those indigenous people and not settlers or mixed indigenous people who act in part as settlers. Ostensibly we must support Guyana against social-imperialism not only because of Imperialism's barbaric nature but also because of the hundreds of years of history of this very colonialism and imperialism being wrought on the indigenous people and their right to the land being verily ignored like that of the ignored right to Palestinians to their land. Moreover, this is not just an anti-imperialist struggle, it also needs to be the start of a larger struggle for decolonisation which never happened in the occupied Americas.
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workersolidarity · 10 months
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The President of Venezuela, Nicholas Maduro and the President of Guyana, Irfaan Ali will meet in person in Saint Vincent's and the Grenadines, on December 14th to discuss a peaceful resolution to the crises in the Essequibo territory.
In a letter published by the host, Ralph Gonsalves to the two Presidents, Gonsalves wrote:
“The leadership of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States CELAC and the Caribbean Community Caricom consider it necessary and desirable to facilitate the convening of a meeting of the Presidents of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines on Thursday, December 14, 2023, at 10 a.m., to discuss border dispute between these two great countries,” says the text of Gonsalves’ letter, which was published on air by the Venezuelan television channel VTV.
Nicholas Maduro previously requested the National Assembly in Venezuela to pass a law to protect Venezuela's interests in the disputed Essequibo territory by establishing a new Venezuelan state west of the Essequibo river.
He further announced the immediate activation of a social assistance plan for Guyana-Essequibo, a census, and the issuance of documents for the entire population of these lands.
As a temporary legal measure to integrate the new region, the head of state proposed a presidential decree establishing the Guyana-Essequibo Integral Defense Zone.
Guyana's President has said previously that the country views these moves as a threat to its national security and intends to appeal to the UN Security Council.
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man-and-atom · 10 months
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For generations, Venezuela has asserted a claim over the district of Essequibo, which constitutes more than half of the Republic of Guyana (formerly the colony of British Guiana, and before that, simply known as “Essequibo and Demerary”). Nobody took it seriously, anymore than the Argentine claim to the Falkland Islands.
But now oil has been discovered in Guyana. Oil has been the foundation of the Venezuelan economy for most of the past century, and after decades of atrophy in other branches of commerce and industry, they now have little else. President Maduro of Venezuela, following a referendum in which (reports suggest) very few voted, has served notice on all oil companies with concessions in Essequibo granted by the government of Guyana to negotiate with his government or vacate immediately, and is mobilizing the army. As with Argentina in 1980, his objective seems to be primarily domestic, to create a distraction from the terrible economic situation and the repressive politics of the “Bolivarian Revolution”. Reports are that a number of political figures have been arrested on charges that they took money from Exxon-Mobil to undermine the sovereignty of Venezuela, which seems far-fetched at best.
There can be little more disgusting than the spectacle of war over fossil fuels, in a world where everyone nominally agrees that the burning of those fuels should be rapidly diminishing in importance.
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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At least 39 migrants die in a fire at processing centre on Mexico/US border Countries: Guatemala, Mexico, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Source: UN News Centre Most of the victims are believed to be Venezuelan, Guatemalan and other Central American nationals. UN Secretary-General is calling for a thorough investigation into this tragic event. https://reliefweb.int/report/mexico/mexico-guterres-calls-thorough-investigation-deadly-migrant-centre-fire
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Struggle-La Lucha newspaper and the Socialist Unity Party / Partido de Socialismo Unido salute the working people of Venezuela for the successful reelection of President Nicolás Maduro Moros.
For us in the United States, your victory is also a victory for working, poor, and oppressed people in the belly of the beast. For months, Wall Street and its media were confidently predicting the overthrow of the revolutionary process in the Bolivarian Republic.
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jammum · 23 days
Here I am still feeling sick, but it is time to visit another country this week we are going to Venezuela which is a country on the northern coast of South America with diverse natural attractions. Venezuela, officially the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, it consists of a continental landmass and many islands and islets in the Caribbean Sea. It comprises an area of 916,445 km2 (353,841 sq…
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warningsine · 28 days
HAVANA TIMES – Colombian president Gustavo Petro declared on Tuesday, August 27, that “at least” his government doesn’t drag down “the people’s human rights,” as his Nicaraguan equivalent Daniel Ortega does. The day before, Ortega had disparaged him with a common slur, accusing him of defending the interests of the US government in Latin America by refusing to recognize the results of the Venezuelan elections.
“Daniel Ortega called us [Petro and Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva of Brazil] ‘toadies,’ just because we want a peaceful, negotiated, and democratic solution in Venezuela,” expressed the Colombian leader on his social media account.
On Monday, August 26, Ortega stated that he sees Gustavo Petro “competing” with Brazil’s elected leader Lula to “represent” the United States in Latin America.
“Petro – What can I say to Petro? Poor Petro, Poor Petro. I see Petro like he’s competing with Lula to see which leader will represent the yankees in Latin America,” Ortega declared during a virtual summit with the heads of state of ALBA, the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of our America.
“That’s how I see Petro, but poor Petro logically doesn’t have the strength that Brazil has,” added Nicaragua’s authoritarian ruler, who criticized his colleagues for refusing to recognize the “reelection” of Ortega’s ally, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, in highly questioned elections on July 28.
On August 24, Lula and Petro both insisted on the need to disclose the Venezuelan voting reports “itemized by precinct.” Their insistence followed the declaration of Venezuela’s Supreme Court certifying Maduro’s victory.
“Both presidents remain convinced that the credibility of the electoral process can only be reestablished through the transparent publication of detail and verifiable data,” stated a joint declaration from both countries.
Lula and Petro agreed on a common position regarding the Venezuelan electoral process following brief telephone conversations on August 23 and 24, according to information released by the Brazilian office of the Presidency.
The two heads of state reaffirmed that “political normalization for Venezuela” would need to involve “the recognition that there’s no long-lasting alternative to peaceful dialogue and democratic co-existence in diversity.”
They called on “all those involved to avoid turning to acts of violence and repression.”
On the other hand, Lula and Petro “noted” the decision of Venezuela’s Supreme Court to validate Maduro’s supposed victory in the July 28 presidential elections. The true results of the voting have been questioned by a large part of the national and international community.
The two presidents reiterated that they “continue awaiting” the National Electoral Council’s publication of “the itemized voting results, polling place by polling place.”
Venezuela’s Electoral Council proclaimed Maduro the winner without disclosing any detailed results. Meanwhile, the largest opposition coalition, the United Democratic Platform, published their copies of the official tally sheets apparently demonstrating that their candidate Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia actually won the election by a large margin.
The declaration from Brazil and Colombia had been expected, following an August 24 press statement confirming that eleven other countries of the Americas (Chile, Argentina, Costa Rica, Ecuador, United States, Guatemala, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, the Dominican Republic y Uruguay) rejected the Venezuelan Supreme Court’s endorsement of Maduro’s win.
The governments of these eleven countries cast doubt on the decision of the Venezuelan court, warning of its “lack of independence and impartiality.”
Nonetheless, Brazil and Colombia didn’t enter into a critique of the Supreme Court’s ruling. Instead, they insisted that “their channels of communication with those involved remain open,” and reinforced their “willingness to facilitate understanding between them.”
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marwahstudios · 1 month
Dato Muzafar Shah Mustafa Presented with Patronship of Indo Malaysia Cultural Forum
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NOIDA: In a significant development, H.E. Dato Muzafar Shah Mustafa, the High Commissioner of Malaysia to India, has been appointed as the Patron of the Indo Malaysia Film and Cultural Forum. This prestigious position was conferred upon him in a ceremony held at Marwah Studios, reflecting a new chapter in the cultural and diplomatic relations between India and Malaysia.
Dr. Sandeep Marwah, President of Marwah Studios and the International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry, expressed his enthusiasm about the appointment. “The Indo Malaysia Film and Cultural Forum will gain new energy and guidance under the leadership of H.E. Dato Muzafar Shah Mustafa. We are confident that this collaboration will significantly enhance the cultural and educational ties between our two nations,” said Dr. Marwah. He further highlighted the potential for deeper engagement and the promotion of bilateral relations through various cultural initiatives and exchanges.
H.E. Dato Muzafar Shah Mustafa, upon accepting the patronship, remarked, “I am humbled to be the Patron of the Indo Malaysia Film and Cultural Forum. Together, we will strive to elevate our relations to new heights. India and Malaysia share a wonderful relationship, and our trade and cultural exchanges are on an upward trajectory.” His Excellency’s extensive diplomatic experience and vision are expected to bring a fresh perspective to the forum’s activities.
Prior to his current role, H.E. Dato Muzafar Shah Mustafa served as the High Commissioner of Malaysia to Mexico, with concurrent accreditation to Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. He also held the position of Ambassador of Malaysia to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, concurrently accredited to Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Additionally, he has served as the Undersecretary, Finance Division, MFA, and Deputy Chief of Protocol (Privileges and Immunities) in the Protocol and Consular Department of the Malaysian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Indo Malaysia Film and Cultural Forum aims to foster greater understanding and cooperation between India and Malaysia through the promotion of art, culture, and educational initiatives. With the esteemed patronage of H.E. Dato Muzafar Shah Mustafa, the forum is poised to embark on a series of impactful projects that will strengthen the cultural fabric of both nations.
Dato Muzafar Shah Mustafa Presented with Patronship of Indo Malaysia Cultural Forum, Dr. Sandeep Marwah President of ICMEI
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loredwy · 2 months
Notice. Posted by Yvan Gil, Chancellor of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
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[coat of arms of Venezuela] Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
[Title] Notice.
The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela expresses its firmest rejection of the interventionist actions and statements of a group of right-wing governments, subordinated to Washington and openly committed to the most sordid ideological tenets of international fascism, trying to revive the failed and defeated Lima Group, who intend to ignore the electoral results of the Presidential Elections held this Sunday July 28 2024, which gave the victory to Nicolás Maduro Moros as President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, for a new Constitutional Period 2025 - 2031.
The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in response to this disastrous precedent that threatens our national sovereignty, has decided to withdraw all diplomatic personnel from missions in: Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Peru, Panama, the Dominican Republic and Uruguay, at the same time, demanding that these governments immediately withdraw their representatives from Venezuelan territory.
Likewise, the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela reserves all legal and political actions needed to ensure the respect, preservation and defense of our inalienable right to self-determination.
The Bolivarian Government will confront all actions that threaten the climate of peace and coexistence that has required so much effort from the Venezuelan people, which is why we oppose all interventionist and siege statements with which, repeatedly, attempts are made to disregard the will of the Venezuelan People.
— Caracas, July 29, 2024.
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depictae · 3 months
10 Interesting Facts About Venezuela
Discover 10 interesting facts about Venezuela, known for its Angel Falls, rich biodiversity, largest oil reserves, and vibrant cultural heritage. #venezuela #southamerica #explore #travel #depictaè
Basic Information About Venezuela Country Full Name: Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Continent: South America Official Language: Spanish Currency: Venezuelan Bolívar (VES) Capital: Caracas Main Dish: Arepas (cornmeal cakes) Famous For: Oil reserves, Angel Falls, diverse ecosystems, and rich cultural heritage. Size: 916,445 square kilometers Population: Approximately 28.5 million Name…
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