#bon bon (loopy de loop's cousin)
"Hello, boys ..."
Such was the greeting of Harmony Wolf, romantic interest and girlfriend unto Hokey Wolf, as she stood in the shallows of that lake in northern Minnesota whence The Three Wolves were holding court in a diver's camp on a somewhat foggy, and at once muggy, summer's morning, directed unto Bon-Bon (nephew of Loopy De Loop) and Ding-a-Ling (son-in-law of Hokey Wolf) in full SCUBA regalia of the highest order.
"And let me guess," Harmony added. "I see we have designs on an early-morning dive."
"More like a sunrise dive, Harmony," was how Ding-a-Ling responded.
To which Bon-Bon responded, "I have to admit the mugginess of the weather of late made it rather trying to sleep the last couple nights."
"I was guessing as much," Harmony remarked. (And if you asked, she was also in the SCUBA getup, and in her birthday suit more or less.) "Care to join me in a dive before breakfast?"
"We were thinking along those same lines, Harmony," was how Ding-a-Ling put it, with Bon-Bon in agreement.
"I can just sense how excited you wolf pups are to get diving," Harmony remarked as she led the Divin' Wolf Pups to a modest drop-off in the lake where the dive would commence. And even if the outside seemed a little foggy looking from the mugginess, the lake's waters themselves seemed remarkably clear, not to mention bracing in contrast to what was otherwise ensuing. And as if that weren't enough to make the dive fascinating enough, the GoPro lighting mounted on their foreheads helped make things a little more brilliant in the early-morning lake's depths.
Even if the lake was some 30 feet deep maximum, the sheer sensation of kneeling upon the lake bottom of somewhat powdery-feeling sand couldn't have been something of a treat, especially with Harmony Wolf's hugging both the divers as a way of showing gratitude for getting them in the dive that morning. (Even at the expense of feeling aroused between the legs with soft erections such as Harmony didn't seem to mind; they were just growing wolf pups, anyway, and it's obviously natural for them to sense such feelings at their age.)
Yet when it came to breakfast that morning, Loopy, Hokey and Mildew couldn't have been more bemused at just how it was possible that Bon-Bon and Ding-a-Ling could actually have the stamina to dive well before breakfast notwithstanding sheer sleeplessness in the wake of ongoing muggy weather. As Bon-Bon explained it, "I have to admit it, Uncle Loopy ... Ding and I felt just so sleepless in this heat that maybe we felt like diving in around sunrise."
"And I just decided to step in and surprise them on the side," was how Harmony Wolf added to the explanation.
"Can she dive rather well, OR WHAT?" was how Mildew Wolf commented on the whole over a second helping of waffles. Harmony, for her part, just gave a wink and a nod as if seeking to concur.
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sohannabarberaesque · 2 years
Poetry Corner
So how exactly was it possible that Bon-Bon (Loopy De Loop's nephew) and Ding-a-Ling (Hokey Wolf's son) actually learned to dive at their age WITHOUT their father figure types coercing them somehow?
Hopefully, fascination for the underwater was an inspiration for such an interest when they were of the pup persuasion, even if grown up separately, perhaps through learning to swim indirectly.
But--CAN THEY DIVE!! Can they manage snorkelling, even the SCUBA game, without trying to get bored in the end? Especially when managing to catch some fish for supper, underwater, and by their claws alone.
And believe you me, any and all such encounters Loopy and Hokey can manage to get together on in the diving arena are bound to also include Bon-Bon and Ding-a-Ling. Especially when the two divable pups can manage to come across some discovery most unlikely underwater.
As reminder, your original poesy in a Hanna-Barberian vein remains solicited. Not to mention your support for these exercises in poesy every Sunday at this general time.
@warnerbrosentertainment @joey-gatorman @themineralyoucrave @screamingtoosoftly @tallcharlie @archive-archives @jellystone-enjoyer @thylordshipofbutts @theweekenddigest @nighttimehound @thebigdingle @warnerbros-blog1
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Meanwhile ...
Imagine how you would picture a typical diving session with the Divin' Pups (in particular Bon-Bon, that nephew of Loopy De Loop, and Ding-a-Ling, the hyperactive hanger-on to Hokey Wolf), which, depending on your preferences, could be breath hold (especially with one-piece mask/snorkel combis) or SCUBA.
Words and/or pictures would be appreciated in reaction. And I assume you know the drill.
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So just picture this diving-type scenario:
No less than our Divin' Wolf Pups (as in Bon-Bon and Ding-a-Ling), during a SCUBA session among the World-Renowned and Far-Famed Ten Thousand Lakes of Minnesota, discovering what turns out being the vent hole of a spring behind the particular lake they're diving in ... and feeling the ticklish sensation of bubbles from the vent hole as the spring releases forth another gush of water.
Which, at the same moment, finds the Hair Bear Bunch in the same lake doing a breath-hold diving session, eventually encountering the Divin' Wolf Pups ... and leading to quite the underwater bear hug.
Plenty to talk about back at the surface!!
@warnerbrosentertainment @joey-gatorman @archive-archives @thebigdingle @screamingtoosoftly @princessgalaxy505 @themineralyoucrave @thylordshipofbutts @warnerbros-blog1 @stuffaboutminnesota @warnerbrosent-blog
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Interesting fact about the Divin' Wolf Pups:
It may fascinate you to know that the tails of Bon-Bon and Ding-a-Ling, rather than being nuisances, are actually a "blessing in disguise," allowing them to accelerate the speed of descent into the depths of where they're diving into.
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sohannabarberaesque · 2 years
Fanfic prompt vis-a-vis the Divin' Wolf Pups (viz., Bon-Bon and Ding-a-Ling)
Having no less than Harmony Wolf, girlfriend in a way to Hokey Wolf (and perhaps the Three Wolves as a diving bloc), lead those precocious dive-happy pups into an early-morning dive at the summer diving camp of said wolves.
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sohannabarberaesque · 2 years
On the beach chairs during a diving vacation with the Three Wolves vis-a-vis Bon-Bon and Ding-a-Ling
BON-BON, sounding ever cheeky: Say, Ding, what could be more interesting than to dive into the lake around sunset?
DING-A-LING: To be honest about it, Bon-Bon ... what could be more interesting than a sunset dive, to begin with? Especially just wearing ourselves!
BON-BON: Not a bad idea ... and for wolves like ourselves, doesn't diving wearing ourselves feel rather natural, to begin with?
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sohannabarberaesque · 2 years
The Year's Most Memorable Dive Experience from the Peter Potamus Travelling SCUBA Par-tay
At the annual holiday conclave of the Peter Potamus Travelling SCUBA Par-tay at their diver's camp and training grounds outside La Jolla, California, a particular highlight of the festivities is that where each of the divers shares an especially worthwhile diving adventure from the past year, regardless of whether they were with the Par-tay or no ... and Peter "himself" selects what he thinks is the year's Most Memorable Dive Experience. Obviously not the Burlington Liar's Club by any stretch, but still, the diving tales can get rather interesting.
Taking the prize this year are those diving wolf pups, Bon-Bon (saucy nephew of Loopy De Loop) and Ding-a-Ling (son of Hokey Wolf), with the following:
There was this particularly muggy morning at the cabin beside some lake in northern Minnesota where us wolves were on a diver's vacation as seemed interesting and unlike any other ... considering the company of Snagglepuss, himself along more or less for the sheer experience of "being in on the dive" with the Three Wolves "themselves." Muggy, mind you, in the sense of finding it difficult to sleep properly, especially absent air conditioning in the midst of a major warm spell "up north," as Minnesotans are fond of parsing it.
And so muggy that, around sunrise--which was somewhere close to a quarter to five in the morning--the two of us decided to get up and cool off with some early-morning diving in the lake. Having to be careful, though, about the others as were still sleeping, although the romantic-type interest, Harmony Wolf, was stirring a little bit to get things started up.
Perhaps the sort of dive as sharpens up wolves like us would have to be a sunrise SCUBA session on a somewhat-secluded bay off to the side of the cabin we were staying in. The water's still rather cool from the overnight chill and the sun is just starting to filter away into the lake's depths, yet still the lupine fur can be enough to keep us warm in the chill of a morning lake--quite the contrast to the mugginess still extant that morning; I swear it must have felt close to 75 degrees when we got our gear on and toddled off into the shallows ready to get a morning diving jolt. Fit the mouthpiece, and just splash in....
Believe you me, a lake at sunrise can't help but feel so other-worldly when the dry land is feeling heavy and muggy ... and the lake's caresses just can't compare to other sensations, especially with plenty of fish out and about and the lake grasses swaying with the flow of the springs that provide the meaning for the lake to begin with. And what could have possibly crossed our minds as we diver-type wolf pups breathed in as much compressed air as the sensation of wearing but ourselves, sheer wonder beyond compare.
Which turned out translating into quite the surprise come breakfast, even as we shook ourselves dry coming out of the lake and just get reacclimated after something of a sunrise dive to end sunrise dives--or so the crew thought over canned roast beef hash fried up big time and plenty of coffee. Boy, were Loopy, Hokey, Mildew--and Snagglepuss as well--stunned at just how satisfied we were just diving together in the sunrise!
(Though we do admit the coffee tasted satisfactory, enough to warm us up out of a 65-degree lake dive!)
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sohannabarberaesque · 2 years
Just HOW do Bon-Bon and Ding-a-Ling manage to catch fish underwater?
The two most unlikely diving wolf pups, mascots in a way of the Peter Potamus Travelling SCUBA Par-tay even (after Snagglepuss there)--as in Loopy De Loop's nephew, Bon-Bon, and the main cheerleader of Hokey Wolf, his son Ding-a-Ling--have something of a way when catching fish for fish fries and suchlike among the Three Wolves more so than the greater Travelling SCUBA Par-tay.
And for their age, it can be a little surprising.
And no, we're not talking about taking fishing poles underwater or using spears or harpoon guns when taking fish.
The two have an uncanny talent of sorts for using the claws of their forepaws to catch fish underwater. Yet its discovery turns out being shrouded somewhat in mystery, almost by accident even, coming about when the two pups started diving lessons at a young age (mainly mask-and-snorkel such), graduating to SCUBA over time.
But just be assured that both have developed such a weirdly lupine talent of keeping the claws sharp enough to catch fish underwater so as to eventually hold them in a net taken underwater during such diving sessions (yet not kill them seriously before being cleaned, gutted and filleted on shore, as well as knowing just when to release (as much as retract) the claws in so catching. Not to mention knowing the differences in various game and rough fish species so as not to get embarrassed making the wrong choices underwater.
Oh, and did I mention such claws also coming in handy in opening oyster and clam shells underwater, hoping pearls may be found in same?
@warnerbrosentertainment @tallcharlie @joey-gatorman @theweekenddigest @nighttimehound @archive-archives @thylordshipofbutts @jellystone-enjoyer @thebigdingle @princessgalaxy505 @warnerbros-blog1
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sohannabarberaesque · 2 years
Hanna-Barbera Fanfic Prompt
No less than those dive-happy wolf pups, Bon-Bon (nephew of Loopy De Loop) and Ding-a-Ling (stepson and core cheerleader of Hokey Wolf), preparing seriously for some big-time diving escapades, even considering their being close to 12 years of age.
@joey-gatorman @ultrakeencollectionbreadfan @xdiver71 @warnerbrosentertainment @warnerbrosent-blog
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sohannabarberaesque · 2 years
In conversation vis-a-vis Huckleberry Hound and Peter Potamus over breakfast at some "hole-in-the-wall" diner
HUCKLEBERRY HOUND, somewhat fascinated: I have to admit there, Peter, that you're getting the kids fascinated somewhat with the diving experience; I hear that a couple of the wolves in your diving group have young relatives as are really taking up diving.
PETER POTAMUS, explaining: And isn't it fascinating ... just picture Bon-Bon (that's Loopy De Loop's nephew) and Ding-a-Ling (that's Hokey's son and lead cheerleader) off the Florida Keys in their full SCUBA getup discovering an especially spectacular, and at once vibrant, coral reef of the highest order ... not to mention riding along with some sea turtles as part of the experience! They're barely ten years old, for the most part, but they certainly enjoy the dive experience!
HUCKLEBERRY HOUND: So, uh, Pete, what exactly got Bon-Bon and Ding-a-Ling so interested in diving, to begin with?
PETER POTAMUS: Encouragement, Huckleberry; encouragement! Besides, don't Bon-Bon and Ding-a-Ling have such amusing and at once encouraging mentors in the likes of, respectively, "ze good wolf" (as Loopy likes presenting himself as, supposedly to correct the record about wolves in the first place)--
HUCKLEBERRY HOUND, interjecting: So I've heard. As in insisting that wolves are not vicious and bloodthirsty creatures necessarily.
PETER POTAMUS, continuing: --and he who forever seeks out that one opportunity as would make him prosperous, only to stumble along the way ... yet enjoys the diving experience nonetheless! Still, Huck, as I understand it, both Bon-Bon and Ding-a-Ling learned swimming early on as pups and, before long, were quick to discover a curiosity about the underwater world which both their mentors encouraged and nutured!
HUCKLEBERRY HOUND: Hopefully without being pressured into doing so just to appease their parents. I've seen lots of instances where parental pressure was enough to drive kids so compelled into sport and games into madness just trying to please them, perhaps enough to write that supposed Golden Ticket out of privation.
PETER POTAMUS: Huck, you certainly make a good point. And I have it on the authority of Loopy and Hokey "themselves" that it was simple curiosity from Bon-Bon and Ding that encouraged them to take up diving as much as swimming--snorkelling at first, progressing to SCUBA by the age of seven. How's that for being quite the seawolves?
HUCKLEBERRY HOUND [chuckling]: I'd have to concur.
PETER POTAMUS: Now, understand, both took diving lessons seaprately, and in time, both became part of my larger Travelling SCUBA Par-tay--as seen on TV and videos! And as if that weren't interesting enough, I make it a point to have the members of my par-tay spend time at fresh-air camps and resorts during the summer months encouraging an interest in diving by way of "taster" dives and diving instruction to especially such as are underprivileged and have been sent to such camps to save themselves from abusive situations, mainly through camperships!
HUCKLEBERRY HOUND: Rather fascinating, I must say ...
PETER POTAMUS: And I have to admit the breakfasts served here are rather delicious ... not to mention the coffee!
HUCKLEBERRY HOUND: Nice talking to you ... and keep diving!
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sohannabarberaesque · 2 years
Following an early dive experience of Bon-Bon (Loopy De Loop's cheeky nephew) and Ding-a-Ling, Hokey Wolf's son and principal cheerleader
[We find the pair on a dock near the cabin where their respective lupine mentors are staying as part of a diving vacation somewhere among the World-Renowned and Far-Famed Ten Thousand Lakes of Minnesota, playfully splashing away with their hind paws when this exchange ensueth--]
DING-A-LING, with some excitement: You'll never imagine what could be found inside this clam shell, Bon-Bon ...
BON-BON, equally excited: And you'll likewise never imagine what could be inside this clam shell, Ding!
[And though it takes some effort to release open the clams with the claws inside their respective forepaws, it turns out that, along with some clam meat, both find freshwater pearls inside--as unlikely a discovery as it could get for such lupine divers just getting their paws wet, as it were. And though the pearls may not be sized all that big, at least such will turn out being an interesting little diving souvenir.
[The which, at any rate, surprises all their mentor types, as in Loopy De Loop, Hokey Wolf and Mildew Wolf. Not to mention Peter Potamus, who happened to be passing through and was equally fascinated at the notion of such freshwater pearls extant. "And a little child shall lead them ..."]
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So what could be more interesting than to imagine ...
The Boulder Brothers joining their most unlikely of cousins, Captain Caveman by name, on a freedive among coral reefs off the Florida Keys, and being so stunned by their beauty that they wind up having sudden "wet dreams" underwater (almost like an offering to their gods, as it were)?
Augie Doggie and Doggie Daddy sensing the sheer joy of from-scratch macaroni and cheese (with some sliced kielbasa sausage and bacon bits in the bargain) for dinner?
Loopy De Loop having his nephew Bon-Bon join "ze good wolf" on a sunset dive between the two, mainly as a bonding and friendship exercise?
Penelope Pitstop managing to come up with a coffee blend for her convenience-store chain of choice Puerto Rican and Hawai'ian coffees (those being the only two areas of the United States as actually grow coffee in marketable quantities)?
The sheer comfort and beauty of nakedness in the Hair Bear Bunch during their annual mating-season road trips, especially in the water?
Having the crews from The Funky Phantom and Goober and the Ghost Chasers cross paths with each other almost spontaneously, yet on different missions?
The prospect of ABBA's "Super Trooper" playing in the background when The Banana Splits' Drooper goes into "Super Drooper" mode?
Deputy Droop-Along Coyote being so famished to the point of eating no less than five bowls of chili for lunch on one occasion, and yet not feeling stuffed in the end?
Yogi Bear's forays into the Jellystone Park picnic areas including one run-in with a Jewish family on vacation insisting on "keeping kosher" all the while, even if the vacationers include some Yiddish into the conversation?
The Skatebirds actually managing missing Skat Cat and his klutzy attempts at chasing same?
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sohannabarberaesque · 3 months
Such are the lupine personalities of the Three Wolves of Hanna-Barbera
Loopy De Loop: Obviously French-Canadian by way of his accent, tuque and scarf. Presumably grew up in an abusive setting somewhere in the Quebecoise wilderness, including a father too dependent on the provincial liquor store, forcing him to leave rather young ... in the process recognising his need to challenge established lupine stereotypes of being bloodthirsty and vicious, only to have such backfire. As for his precocious nephew Bon-Bon, he can be cheeky at times trying to emulate his uncle, even if he goes about it in the wrong way (witness "Beef For and After," when Bon-Bon manages to try and get a steer on several occasiona in hopes of the old meat for days).
Hokey Wolf: Spiritual cousin of Army Sgt. Ernest J. Bilko, the sort somehow assigned to a remote and picayune Army installation ... but try not letting his charm offensive fool you with any and every opportunity he may have, including itinerant sales agents managing to find a back door around the Green River Ordinance; again, bound to backfire hilariously. Even with a doting young hanger-on like Ding-a-Ling, forever holding Hokey close in his heart as a hero and ideal, yet bound to get pulled into the proverbial currents.
Mildew Wolf: Basically the sarcastic "black sheep" of the three, bound to use trick and deceit exploiting the somewhat naive Lambsy's youth and incredulity so Mildew would have some fresh lamb au naturel--and Lambsy senses as much. Eventually, though, Mildew is imagined giving up on the notion of raw young lamb "on the hoof," though in time he takes up skin and SCUBA diving as a distraction as if giving colour commentary on Laff-a-Lympics alongside Snagglepuss wasn't eludicating enow.
At any rate, such a lupine trio can dive rather gracefully with the best of them (not to mention Bon-Bon and Ding-a-Ling in their own right), both as part of Peter Potamus' diving group and in their own right.
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sohannabarberaesque · 5 months
We'd be curious to know ...
Exactly how old Ding-a-Ling (Hokey Wolf's boon companion), Bon-Bon (Loopy De Loop's nephew), Bubi Bear (the rather excitable one of the Hair Bear Bunch) and Boogie (the CB Bears' troubleshooter) are for the sake of canon and backstory ...
What exactly makes the Skatebirds especially proficient in inline skating and skateboarding ...
How exactly Yogi Bear and Square Bear can manage to eat so much in "tourist-type goodies" on a par with Shaggy and Scooby ...
Exactly what tricks and stunts the Cattanooga Cats manage to use to fend off Chessie the Autograph Hound and her overzealously obnoxious desires for their autographs, while being accepting of more legitimate and "responsible" such ...
How the sheer adaptability of Trolldom to the American South (while still keeping close to trollditional ways) can best be explained without giving stuff away ...
How exactly Captain Caveman and The Slag Brothers could be considered as cousins for reasons going beyond mere gentics, let alone be fond of rather playful displays of caveman-type masculinity ...
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sohannabarberaesque · 8 months
Some kind of a (diving) summer (part I)
"Let me put it this way, Augie, ever-doting Son of Sons," explained Doggie Daddy on the long drive up towards the Ten Thousand Lakes of Minnesota where such a doting father and son duet were headed for their vacation, "nothing is too good for us ... especially when it comes to taking up serious relaxation in as conducive a setting as it can get."
"You mean up north, Father?" was how Augie asked it.
"Correct, Acme of Sons! Especially in a more traditionalistic sort of resort setting up on the lake ... so why should it be all that fancy, knowing things could get expensive indirectly?"
Even with the scent of pine becoming evident by way of the car's air conditioning systems, you could just imagine something unlikely, something especially wonderful, bound to ensue over the summer's much-deserved rest. Which would be evident in the evening bonfire the resort set up as a show of hospitality, what with some Rather Interesting Company ensuing--as in:
"Loopy De Loop--none other than ze good wolf, seeking to defy all the stereotypes and prejudices unjustly levelled at the lupine race" (said in an unmistabaly French-Canadian accent).
"And I am Bon-Bon, Loopy's ever-cheeky nephew, essentially playing along with the uncle's desires."
"No less than Hokey Wolf, the ever-suave, ever-sophisticated one!" (spoken a la Sgt. Ernie K. Bilko).
"And this is Ding-a-Ling, boon companion of Hokey--HE'S MY HERO!!" (And you could sense the come-hither look in his lupine eyes.) "Not to mention partner with Bon-Bon in some interesting diving adventures from time to time!"
"What Ding and Bon-Bon like to call 'The Divin' Wolf Pups'!" exclaimed Hokey.
"And me--Mildew Wolf, more or less seeking to shake off that 'black sheep' image besmirching my name and repute. Especially after a certain Bow-Wow Buttinski, as shall remain nameless, kept getting after me to such extent that I had to swear off going after lamb!" (Spoken in a rather snarky and idiotic tone, after Paul Lynde more or less.)
"And we like to call ourselves The Three Divin' Wolves!" was how Hokey exclaimed things. "And who could ask for anything more fascinating among wolves, especially the anthro sort?"
"Heh heh heh," Doggie Daddy chuckled. "At least my son Augie will have some interesting company over the vacation!" To which Bon-Bon remarked "No doubt he's bound to find the dive experience in the lupine manner rather fascinating!"
Augie was quick to add that he had some experience, mostly with snorkelling, in the diving arena ("Backyard swimming pool, but then, the odd excursion to the lake," as Augie explained it, which had Ding-a-Ling responding that the lake-based experience will be all the more fascinating); Doggie Daddy, for his part, couldn't help but welcome an impromptu offer from Loopy, Hokey and Mildew to have a few diving experiences with them, prompting Mildew Wolf to rejoinder "after all, dogs and wolves happen to be rather unlikely cousins!"
The next morning being somewhat damp and foggy, breakfast was pretty much devoted to sharing diving-related stories among such a fascinating and unlikely partnership bound to be vacation friends, and with the skies clearing some by lunchtime--
"Geez, Augie," was how Ding-a-Ling put it on seeking Augie Doggie in diver's mask and fins of a cheap discount-store sort on the resort's beachfront. (You could also see Ding and Bon-Bon wearing mask-and-fins kit.)
"And how was I to know," Augie swooned appreciatively, "I'd be diving with the Divin' Wolf Pups themselves!"
"Though I have to admit that things could get better wearing just yourselves while diving!" was how Bon-Bon put it. "We'll get to it at that certain point." Which, at any rate, found dog and wolf pups wading their way through the shallows to where things were bound to only go deeper from there, with Ding-a-Ling leading some deep-breathing exercises before the dive in ... and what a dive such couldn't help but becoming, the cool and yet brilliant lake waters making things feel rather fascinating even with that bane of swimmers known as curly-leaf pondweed bound to get in the way to a depth of about 15 feet below the surface. And even then, Augie couldn't help but sense the fascination inherent with Bon-Bon and Ding-a-Ling spinning their tails around during the dive, which, as explained that evening over a sausage roast by the fireside, "basically speeds our descent."
During same, Doggie Daddy exclaimed "You'll never guess, Son of Sons, who your Acme of Fatherhood dived with!"
Mildew Wolf was quick to affirm as much, adding that "such a sensation for a wolf to dive with a dog couldn't have been as unconventional as it got!"
Asked about Augie's dive with Bon-Bon and Ding-a-Ling, Loopy de Loop's nephew remarked that "such was never a more interesting sort of dive, to begin with, even if it was just the first dive with Augie!"
"No doubt," Loopy chimed in, "we hope for more like it throughout the summer!"
"Heh heh heh," chuckled Doggie Daddy with a sense of wonderment. "That's my Augie who was diving there!"
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