#ding a ling
catfindr · 2 years
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dirtyriver · 2 years
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I love the Jack Kirby energy of those robots.
Ding-a-lings ad, 1976
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Postcards from Snagglepuss
Some moments of fun with the Divin' Wolf Pups
It now turns out that what could be described as the youth branch of the Peter Potamus Magic Divers has expanded itself--doubled, even!
Because joining Bon-Bon and Ding-a-Ling in such youthful exuberance in the joys of diving are no less than Augie Doggie and Hector, nephew of Huckleberry Hound. And the initiation, so to speak, came at Square Lake Park--yes, the same Square Lake as saw the initiation of Huck and moi into the Magic Divers.
Nothing real formal, to be honest about it, save for Peter Potamus giving the Divin' Pups sharks' tooth neck pendants before going off into initiating Hector and Augie into the diving experience. Hokey, you might say, served as the "den leader" more than anything, what with Ding-a-Ling being something of a cheerleader for such a lovable scamp as Hokey is ... and considering the youth of such young divers, SCUBA is pretty much limited to 20 feet maximum depth.
Thankfully, I was invited to serve as a witness as much as guest.
And for the walk from shore to the diving location, which would be at a depth of about 12 feet, you could sense the excitement the pups had in them, SCUBA gear fitted proudly and the tails wagging excitedly, never mind Hokey advising all to keep it down with the tails until the dive. "Spit-and-rinse" mask cleansing, fitting mouthpieces inside, depth gauges checked ...
"Now, boys," Hokey exclaimed," "I thought I'd make this initiation a little challenging ... you see, I chose to submerge a couple of sticks in the lake at the depths we're diving to; they should be easy to spot, in lime green with orange reflective tape at the ends! And the first of you pups to find the sticks will receive a modest little gift! So let the dive commence!"
To a pup, the dive got underway ... and you couldn't help but sense how our young divers put those tails to use in the descent, and in such remarkably clear waters making such Minnesota's diving paradiso! Even as Hokey pointed out to our diving group such schools of lake fish swimming gayly among lake grasses near the bottom ... the two lupines of the group, Bon-Bon and Ding-a-Ling, sensed the object of this particular initiatory dive.
Picking the sticks up, our founding wolf pups swung away playfully at each other with same, which stunned Hokey somewhat until, through hand signals, he asked Bon-Bon and Ding-a-Ling to grab the sticks more by the middle as our party surfaced in a slow and gradual ascent. And just sense the stroke of the legs of our young divers, especially our lupine such, what prowess they certainly must be sensing! Back on shore--
"Now, boys," Hokey remarked, "open up those tubes and all will be revealed!" Which, for wolves like Ding and Bon-Bon, turned out to be rather easy, for what came out from inside were abalone shell pendants to be presented to Augie Doggie and Hector Hound as welcoming presents, and cowry-shell anklets as shows of recognition for what were now the Divin' Pups.
Which had Peter Potamus invite all four to a shallow dive underwater for the climax of this initiation--the Underwater Hippo Hug and Accolade. "Though I must acknowledge, Snagglepuss," Bon-Bon remarked, "that things felt a little funny when Peter touched his cheeks against mine, and underwater. I couldn't help but sense a sort of funny feel between the legs as well!"
"Admittedly, such things can happen!" was how Peter Potamus elaborated on what ensued. Good enough for a chuckle over the barbecue which followed.
@warnerbrosentertainment @joey-gatorman @jellystone-enjoyer @xdiver71 @archive-archives @themineralyoucrave @thylordshipofbutts @princessgalaxy505 @thebigdingle @screamingtoosoftly @warnerbros-blog1 @iheartgod175 @theweekenddigest @haiyis-dark-void @warnerbrosent-blog
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undead-metalhead · 4 months
I heard this on the Dr Demento album but the live version is somethin else
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luoiae · 3 months
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the biggest losers
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mccromy · 3 months
TGCF/SVSSS crossover in which Jun Wu transmigrates into the former CQM sect leader (let's pretend they look alike too) who died by botching a Heavenly Calamity and now Jun Wu wakes up in his body in the aftermath.
He realizes this world is very different from his own and then while he tries to figure out what actually happened, takes over sect leader duties. Which is very easy with his experience as Heavenly Emperor. Also, this sect has a peak filled with Ling Wens! :D (An Ding Peak) easy peasy.
He assists the disciple trials and takes notice of a malnourished boy, just at the age limit for starting cultivation, working diligently with the barest hint of desperation under an otherwise determined face. He invites him to Qiong Ding Peak, and while they perform the acceptance ceremony he asks his favorite question (2 men 1 cup.... lost in the desert)
And the boy instead of answering asks:
"Who are these men?"
Jun Wu hums.
"Does it matter?"
Jun Wu stares at him but the boy doesn't squirm or look away. The desperation suddenly stark.
"Would their identity change your answer?" The boy nods. "Very well, let's say you don't know either of them. You can't tell if they're rich or poor, neither is ugly, neither is handsome. You stand in front of them holding a cup filled with fresh water and the knowledge that if they don't drink from your cup they'll die. How would you fix this problem?" He smiles placidly as the boy thinks.
He doesn't think too long.
"I drink the cup."
Jun Wu is surprised, even the most selfish and entitled try to at least give the appearance of caring.
"Even if they died?"
"As long as I don't."
Jun Wu realized his mistake, this boy, dirty and thin as he was, was probably used to fighting for his food. Survival of the fittest and all that.
"Even if you knew one of them, what if they had a family? What would you do then?"
"I drink the cup."
"I see... Is there any scenario in which you don't drink the cup?" Jun Wu is amused enough he starts preparing the tea himself. He's already decided he'd take the boy in. He could do with someone unapologetically ruthless.
"If my brother is with me, I'd give him the cup."
Suddenly, Jun Wu doesn't like the boy anymore.
"I see. If one of the men in the desert is your brother, you'll give the cup to him, even if you die." Typical. Idealistic boys, who think they'll still know themselves at their worst.
"Yes, but I meant, if it's my brother, me, and two men in the desert, the cup goes to my brother."
He lets the tea steep, he's angry. He realized he might kill this boy if they keep talking. As he's about to dismiss him, acceptance ceremony be damned, the boy speaks again.
"And if there were a cup for each of us, then all would go to my brother."
Jun Wu stills. Then places a cup in front of the boy, pours tea, sits back.
"And why is that? only one cup would be enough to survive."
"To survive, yes, but he might still be thirsty after. Maybe he'd want to wash off some sweat, he's very fussy."
Ah, like Shi Wudu then. Jun Wu might have an useful piece in his hands after all.
The wicked always think that as long as they're acting on behalf of the truly virtuous, every action is justified and therefore merit no punishment. Everything goes, if it's to let the innocent remain ignorant.
It might've been fun had he not met this type before.
"Is he older or younger?"
"I see. And, if your brother wouldn't die from thirst, and you had five cups in your hand."
"Four would go to him, and one for me."
A bit more selfless than Shi Wudu. Which makes him a bit more boring. This boy probably wouldn't even try to strangle his brother before he was killed.
"And let the other two die?" The boy nods again, though now there's something his mannerisms are coated in embarrassment.
Well, since he already went down memory lane, Jun Wu simply must ask: "And if the price was to let a kingdom burn for getting that brother a cup of water even if he wouldn't die without it. Or let a kingdom thrive, while your brother stays as he is. What would you do?"
"Is my brother thirsty?"
"Then I'll give him the cup."
"He would not die."
"He would be thirsty."
Disappointing, this new disciple of his, but the boy might just live.
"Is your brother so righteous and kind that his life is worth more than the lives of the people of this kingdom?"
"My brother's life is worth two cups of rice, and as of late, a gold coin."
Jun Wu paused in confusion. What a horrible thing to say. Stated as a fact, hard as a stone. Is his brother's life not worth other's? How can he be so certain of the needed currency to bargain his brother's soul.
"And would he be happy? All those lives lost just for temporary comfort?"
"He wouldn't be happy."
With strong morals yet not worth enough to buy more than a few meals. At some point worth only two meals? What sort of contradictory creature is this boy related to?
"He would hate you for it."
"No, he wouldn't be happy either way. But if I did give him the water, he would not be sad. Just upset."
"Upset at the deaths?"
"Upset at all the smoke."
Jun Wu bursts out laughing. He laughs and laughs so hard he starts crying. The boy remains still as a statue, confused, scared.
And Jun Wu laughs, laughs as he wipes tears, laughs as he pours himself a cup and drinks, tea spilling on his robes. The boy quickly copies him, studies him as if to decide whether he's a threat or not.
Jun Wu forces himself to stop, his smile uncontrollably pulling at his skin.
Oh what a nasty, selfish child must this mysterious brother be. And yet, this soft spoken boy would doom hundreds for his ephemeral comfort.
"Where is that brother of yours? Was he at the disciple selection trial?"
The boy looks away for the first time, shakes his head.
"No... He's in a bad place. I need to go get him, this is why I need to become a cultivator, so I can help him."
"How noble, he needs rescue, hm?"
Jun Wu smiles, eyes gleaming.
"Then you're in the right place to achieve the power to do so. Welcome, Disciple Yue, to Qiong Ding. From now on you will refer to me as Shizun, and you'll work hard to do our sect proud."
The boy perked up, shoulders sagging in relief.
"Yes, Shizun."
"I see great promise in you, Yue Qi, and a good heart."
"Thank you, Shizun."
"It would be nothing less than tragic to see it break. Because of that, when you're ready, I'll go with you to retrieve your brother, and we'll find a place for him in our sect."
The boy's face illuminated, eyes wet and hopeful. His lower lip trembled, but he did not cry. Yue Qi took a deep breath, and then let it go. He regarded Jun Wu as if he knew the true identity of the man he was facing, as if he had been given the most marvellous of blessings.
"Shizun will help me save Xiao Jiu?"
Jun Wu nodded with a serene smile as the seed of worship was planted in the soul of such an unlucky boy.
Worship would not do it, not anymore. Worship was conditional to what miracles he could perform, and Jun Wu was no longer a god.
Love though. Love could bring down empires, change fates. Worship could never compare to love. Being worshipped wasn't enough.
"This Shizun swears. We'll rescue Xiao Jiu, Yue Qi."
Not likely, but who knows what the future holds.
"It all depends on you, my disciple. I have put all my faith in your hands. I know you won't disappoint your brother, and you won't disappoint me."
Yue Qi bowed as tears finally started pouring down his sweet, dirty face.
"Thank you, Shizun. This disciple promises to exceed Shizun's expectations." His voice wobbled but his speech was clear. Jun Wu rested a reassuring hand on the poor child's shoulder.
"I'm certain. I have been waiting a long time for a disciple like you,"
Jun Wu made the mistake of trying to mould Xie Lian to his image, and it ended with that boy proving Jun Wu rotten and weak.
Jun Wu would not try the same with Yue Qi. That was not what he truly wanted, what he actually needed.
He needed a ruthless, devout, unlucky, little tragedy of a boy who would never, ever leave.
Someone who could love nasty, rotten, selfish, creatures who only get upset at the smell of the bodies at their feet.
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sgdlr-asdfghjkl · 3 months
Link Click Musical update 178
(criminally underdocumented yet eventful week + important announcements🌟)
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Official updates: (first, let me mentally take your hand, okay?) So it was announced that on June 20th Ding Xingchen is going to graduate from the LC musical cast, meaning this will be his last time performing as Cheng Xiaoshi.
I've researched this extensively, so I can assure you, that even though it's sudden he's okay 💕 It was a matter of scheduling, apparently he has other work scheduled and couldn't stay in Shanghai (thanks Elara for help with research).
I promise to prepare a post focused on him, bc I will be missing my little brother Xingchen so much ;w;
Oh! Remember to check weibo tommorow (main tag + wmh and ghx tags should do). It will be 200th performance day 🎉We don't know what they are planning so it can be full of surprises >>
Links in replies: the latest Sapphire Pyro's yt video (go watch it please! it mentions both of LC musicals and I was a consultant 🥰) + srb&wyh encore to bless your eyes
June 9th, night: Shu Rongbo, Du Guangyi, Zuo Yiping
Not much is known abt this performance, but Du Guangyi is glowing as always :>
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June 10th, noon: Shu Rongbo, Wu Yihan, Qiang Dongyue
The bois were finally reunited 🥺💖Wu Yihan was so giddy. He missed a line in 'Pursuers of Light' and laughed so much he had to sing with his back facing the audience. Shu Rongbo turned him around and pinched his back when they were hugging (no hiding on his watch >:[
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June 10th, night: Cao Muzhi, Wu Yihan, Qian Anqi
I couldn't find videos from then, but lots of pictures thankfully 😌
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^ They are so siblings 🥺💕
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^ Wu Yihan turned away again, Cao Muzhi was trying to move him but he got a side hug instead ><
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June 15th, noon: Ding Xingchen, Yang Haoran, Yan Lehuang
I don't know what they were doing except:
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Housekeeping note: We (@wrathyforest and @/_Setsuna_iro_ on twt) are making another postcard to hand out to the actors (Cai Qi, Wang Minhui & Deng Xianling). So I'm asking all the LC musical fans to comment a name of your country and we'll include it somwhere on a postcard. To send them love from all around the world 🥰
Sorry for lack of details about the performances, these lineups don't get enough coverage 😔
Byebye 💕
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akatsuki-shin · 6 months
🍊 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐎𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐧: 𝐒𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 𝐏𝟒𝐏 🍊
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You can purchase these collections from @brilcrist's Web Store (🔗 in reply). See the pictures below for more details.
If you are buying together with friends to save up shipping fees, you can use our Group Order form in the reply to make your purchase (minimum 10 items in total).
Thank you so much! ✨
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Project Orange Garden is a joint-project between me and Brilcrist for Word of Honor, JunZhe, and LLD fandom.
You can find us on Twitter @pr_orangegarden or email us at [email protected]
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frookiethesillybilly · 6 months
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stupid wip I have to share because im gay and sad and I have an exam today
I love how Linnell looks, I want to explode 😁😁😁 I’ve been listening to 32 footsteps like the madman I am when it comes to repeating songs I like
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thouknots · 2 years
"He'll start twirling the phone cord," they say
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myimaginaryradio · 5 months
My Ding-A-Ling - Chuck Berry
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thedreamerstoryteller · 6 months
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sohannabarberaesque · 2 years
Poetry Corner
So how exactly was it possible that Bon-Bon (Loopy De Loop's nephew) and Ding-a-Ling (Hokey Wolf's son) actually learned to dive at their age WITHOUT their father figure types coercing them somehow?
Hopefully, fascination for the underwater was an inspiration for such an interest when they were of the pup persuasion, even if grown up separately, perhaps through learning to swim indirectly.
But--CAN THEY DIVE!! Can they manage snorkelling, even the SCUBA game, without trying to get bored in the end? Especially when managing to catch some fish for supper, underwater, and by their claws alone.
And believe you me, any and all such encounters Loopy and Hokey can manage to get together on in the diving arena are bound to also include Bon-Bon and Ding-a-Ling. Especially when the two divable pups can manage to come across some discovery most unlikely underwater.
As reminder, your original poesy in a Hanna-Barberian vein remains solicited. Not to mention your support for these exercises in poesy every Sunday at this general time.
@warnerbrosentertainment @joey-gatorman @themineralyoucrave @screamingtoosoftly @tallcharlie @archive-archives @jellystone-enjoyer @thylordshipofbutts @theweekenddigest @nighttimehound @thebigdingle @warnerbros-blog1
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My beta reader for some reason😑 (She says that Macaque sounds like ma-cock)
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funtasticworld · 7 months
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sgdlr-asdfghjkl · 5 months
Link Click Musical update 161
First week of 'Soul of basketball' event 🔥🏀, part 1
(chill start with Du Guangyi 😌 lots of bonus videos though!)
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⬆ Days we'll cover🌟
Official announcements: Reminder from an urgent update, we got a detailed lc stage set tour* 😊 We also got another video! Where LG actors answer the question 'If there was a Time Photo Studio irl, what task would you entrust?' (parallel to the vid with cxs's actors).
Links in replies: stage set tour, LG actors answer the question + my twt thread with translations 🌟, Cai Lu's 2 new clips from rehearsals 🙏 + Metablue's video about composing 'Friendship's Faith' (found by @saelterlude <3
* thanks to a set tour (and @shimmeringweeds translation <3), now we know the mystery drink from encore is not a vinegar but a plum juice!
Aside from that, Encore Musical's weibo is keeping a score record of basketball matches:
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I will delve deeper into some individual scores, because we (musical brainrot gang from lc discord) are doing our own bets on who wins. We're invested and so should you, trust me 😤
April 19th: Teng Chunpeng, Du Guangyi, Deng Xianling
Nothing out of usual during the match, Basketball God tcp just doing his job 😊 At 'You can forget about it' Deng Xianling was having a hard time tying her shoes ><
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Listen, I am sorry for potential 'clickbait', they just look like this ;w;
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April 20th, noon: Ding Xingchen, Du Guangyi, Cai Lu
Basketball match was a tie this time. Also, puppy hat made a comeback thanks to dgy :>
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a boop
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⬆ this picture of Shen Tian was apparently taken by Ding Xingchen :>
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see ya :]
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