#bones: 6x23
robntunney · 1 year
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Well, you know having a baby, that's a good thing. You really think that?
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bonescaps · 7 months
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if Bones Studio fucks up 6x23, aka the one where Bakugou apologizes, i will fucking lose it
they better not forget light coming back to midoriya's eyes as bakugou speaks. they cant forget the flashes of them as kids, middle schoolers and start of UA. they cant forget bakugou straining his wound either.
PLEASE. im on my hands and knees
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neurodiversebones · 1 year
Bones Bracket Round One !
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matt-casey · 5 years
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You wanna make it look real, maybe you should be a little more affectionate with each other.
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captainsantiagos · 4 years
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michaelaconlin · 6 years
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saralou23 · 7 years
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becauseyoulovemebb · 7 years
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THOSE SNEAKY BONES WRITERS! Without us realising at the time, they revealed exactly how the season finale was going to go down :)
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hows-it-holed-up · 4 years
Perfunctory Photo Recap: Bones 6x23
Well, we’re in week who knows anymore! of lockdown, and I’m in the mood for a nice crime procedural. There are many to choose from, but only one has Angel and a spectrumy Deschanel sister going for it. I picked this episode – the season 6 finale – because some internet site I stumbled on told me it’s one of the top 5 in the series. And I always trust random internet sites I stumble upon. Let’s get on the case. 
My Disclaimer: None of these posts will be in any way comprehensive, because I’m lazy. All of them are probably going to have spoilers of some sort for the entire series…or at least what I remember of it from when I last watched it an eon ago. Exactly what you want in a recap!
Examining the Bones: A body is discovered in the pin resetter thingy at a bowling alley. Booth and Brennan use this as an excuse to do an undercover mission as an affianced couple, while the rest of the team takes care of the murder-solving lab work. Plus we’ve got Papa Brennan! And Angela is about to have a baby! What a finale! 
We open with a bratty little kid throwing a fit in a bowling alley because he wants a turn on the lane. I’m pretty sure his mom is Libby from Sabrina the Teenage Witch?
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I’m aware that I could very easily look this up on IMDB, but eh who really cares! 
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The pins reset on their lane, and things get sufficiently gross and maggoty. 
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Not gonna lie, I chuckled at this. 
Evidently the pinhead (too far?) was a member of a local bowling league, and the bowlers are apparently a famously insular group. This calls for an Undercover Job with Buck and Wanda!
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According to Papa Bones, who is apparently on this bowling team and is their “in,” they’re acting pretty awk around each other! Did I mention they boned (lol) a couple weeks ago? 
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This is the team’s resident phenom and (obviously) taskmaster. There are few things I enjoy watching less than a precocious child who thinks they know The Most. Especially one who is also mean. And this one is MEAN.  
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But they’ve managed to find one! Angela is in labor and dear god I hate watching a labor/birthing scene. I can only imagine it must be just as horrible to have to act in them. Probably second only to sex scenes in terms of awkwardness, no? 
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Back at the bowling alley, we’re introduced to this red herring. He is in management(?) at the bowling alley and did not like our murder victim! Buuuut we’re only halfway through the episode so obviously he didn’t do it.
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They literally have a computer in the delivery room so Angela can work WHILE SHE’S IN LABOR. This is insipid. This is everything that is wrong with American work culture. Leave Angela alone! 
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I guess working while your baby is crowning actually makes you super helpful and productive because now Buck and Wanda have some new intel about the murder weapon. Signs seem to be pointing toward the obnoxious little twerp, leading Bones to take a trip down Foreshadowing Lane.  
Anyway, the murder weapon was the material and approximate weight of a child’s bowling ball, and cause of death was “to the face.” It seems like the kid tampered with the pin settings on the team lane so that it’d be easier for them to get strikes and 7/10 splits – and the murderee may have found out. 
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Yada yada yada, because reasons, they figure out it was actually the shoe rental guy! Which, I dunno, kind of fair? The above motive seems legit enough to me... 
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Case closed, everybody heads to the hospital to meet this tiny little cutie! It’s all very sweet and everyone is happy. 
Booth and Brennan leave together, and Booth says some lovely things about how babies are blessings and this is the best day of Angela and Hodgins’ lives. And then Bones goes ahead and lays this on him:
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He is very excited:
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And the whole thing is heartwarming and adorable. But...
Sorting Through the Bone Room:
- All right, I found this just as delightful as the next crazy person who’s watched every episode of this show, but begging Hart Hanson/Stephen Nathan’s pardon ever so much, are they telling us that he knocked her up after just ONE NIGHT? Evidently they were acting super awkward around each other (Papa B kept commenting on it), so I don’t think we’re supposed to infer they’ve been at it off-camera for weeks. I know it “only takes one time” (my abstinence-only high school sex ed classes made very sure of that) but for real? Also, that sucks for them if they only got it in once before she got pregnant! 
- I always forget how incredible Wanda’s hair is. Truly magnificent. 10/10. That necklace, though. WHAT is that thing made of?? Bottle caps and plaster of Paris? Wow.
- I definitely chuckled at Wendell not being able to work the Angelatron and stumbling upon a network-TV-friendy sex tape Angela and Hodgins made using a strangely distant camera.
- The team they’re bowling against has what I can only describe as a “predatory lesbian” on it who hits on Bones. To the show’s credit(?) there is also a man who does this, and I would say he’s more aggressive/objectifying than she is. And the fact that the woman is coming on to her isn’t really played for a joke, which I suppose is something. But on the other hand, you know, “predatory lesbian” trope. This show aired 9 years ago, and I feel like we were kind of past that by then already? 
- Overall – despite an occasional eye-rolly moment – this was an enjoyable rewatch. I reveled in Buck and Wanda’s bowling alley shenanigans; I got all serotonin-y over a cute baby; in general my heart was warmed. I wouldn’t put this show at the top of my list for a full rewatch, but it feels like it would be a good WFH background show for corona times. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to rewatch that bowling DCOM.  
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seeleybooth · 3 years
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BONES | 6x23, “The Change in the Game”
This team is cursed. First Jeff gets killed, then you fall out of bed. Now it's just me and all this dead weight. Hey, hey, hey, do not call me dead weight.
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bestie watching you experience the rollercoaster that is 6x22 + 6x23 is so very good <3
watching bones has insofar literally been the time of my life. i’m have a blast even when my heart is being ripped up!!!
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bonescaps · 6 months
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anonymous asked:
Geralt x Jaskier x Reader. Reader is covered in a bunch of fresh blood and their nose is bleeding. They are in shock (their eyes are wide, their breath is rapid and deep, their hands are shaking and they keep rambling about how they never knew someone could have so much blood in them. Geralt and Jaskier finally succeed in calming the reader down. (Grey's Anatomy 6x23 when April finds Reed is what I'm thinking off. It's on youtube 🖤🖤🖤) THANK YOU.!!!!!!!! 🥺🥺🥺💙💙💙💛💛💛
Warnings: gore, angst, panic
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Blood had never bothered you.
While being a girl and a hunter you had seen your fair share, always scrubbing it out of smocks and skirts. Between your own and your food’s, you were sure you would never feel the tossing nausea or your bones shaking beneath your skin. You never thought your breath would catch in your lungs and you would struggle to even gasp for air let alone sob.
You were so sure. So fucking sure.
And then you landed in it.
Your nose had broken first, smacking against the cobblestone as you hit the ground. When you found blood on your hands, that’s where you thought it was from. Your nose, not the body that had sent you to the ground.            
The body you tripped over wasn’t the only one in the alley either. Five children had been completely gutted, drained from head to toe, their faces a sickly white alabaster. You wanted to scream. You needed to scream but it all seemed trapped in your stomach. When you clasped your hand over your mouth you tasted iron.
It was everywhere.
It dripped from your hair, filling your ears and staining your shirt.
It was deep in the beds of your nails, in the cracks of your lips, in the separation of your teeth. You struggled to wipe it off of your hands against your pants, but they seemed to be stained a deep scarlet. And their eyes seemed to stare at you, cold and lifeless but judging your sins, nonetheless.
You wanted to leave, to run as far from this place as you could but the blood seemed to be quicksand, sucking you closer to the massacre. Closer to the mysterious demise that you were sure you could have somehow prevented. Their hands reached for you through the gore and the wind whispered their screams into your ears, as if their souls were riding on the wind to haunt all those who entered here.
Somehow you managed to pull yourself from the ground and out of the alley. The sun could reach you hear, but you felt no warmer, only stiffer as the blood began to dry. Like a tattoo it stuck to your skin, painting horrific images that only you could interpret. With equally bloody hands you scrubbed at your skin, breath quickening. Someone was sobbing nearby, but when you searched for the source you found it was only you. The cries were quickly bubbling up in your throat and you couldn’t breathe. Short fingernails clawed at your throat, fighting to free the tension and then you were running.
At first it was just to be free of the horror, and then it was to Geralt and Jaskier. It wasn’t a conscious decision, your legs just took you there. Ignoring the stares from those in the lobby of the inn you climbed the stairs and pounded on the door to room they shared.
It was an eternity before Jaskier answered the door and when he did a whole other eternity passed before you found the strength to push past his silence and into the room. Geralt stepped from the bathroom and into your sight.
“Where’ve you been?” he asked, not registering the state you were in until you didn’t respond. He turned and he rushed forward but you jumped away. He stepped closer, more hesitantly than before, and took your face in his hands, thumb brushing at the blood from your nose. “Did someone hurt you?” he asked, anger creeping into the cold demeanor.
Were you hurt? With shaking fingers, you met his hand that lingered beneath your nose. There was blood there, but there was blood everywhere. Was it yours?
“I didn’t know they had that much blood,” you whispered, staring at your shaking hands. They were still covered in blood.
“It’s not a big deal. It shouldn’t be a big deal. People die all the time and I’ve never had a problem with blood, I travel with you and Jaskier, you’re always bleeding, and I’ve killed someone before so I shouldn’t be surprised. I think I could have drowned in it. There was nothing I could do it was already everywhere.”
“Y/N, you have to tell me what happened. Did someone hurt you?”
“I don’t know, how can you tell?” you whispered, and his eyes widened.
“Y/N, you’re in shock. I need you to calm down and tell me what happened. I can’t help you if I don’t know what happened.’
“They’re all dead. Five of them, dead in the streets,” you whispered, your breaths still quick and short.
“Jaskier, go get lavender.” You heard him rush out of the room but when your eyes tried to follow him Geralt pulled you back under his gaze. “Y/N I need you to focus on me and calm down.” You nodded but it felt like a hollow promise. How could you calm down when you were drenched in blood that was pure?
The blood was staining his clothes too. Could he tell who it was from? Could he smell the tragedy? You could hear Jaskier moving behind you, but you were too absorbed in the feeling on Geralt pulling you tighter.
“Drink this,” he whispered, bringing the tea to your lips and you took a drink, still shaking. Several moments of silence passed before your head began to clear and you could open your mouth without choking on the air around you. The shaking slowed and you became aware of Geralt’s hand rubbing your arm, waiting for you to turn to him and explain all that you had seen. He seemed prepared to understand, but you weren’t sure if he really could. He hadn’t seen it, he couldn’t really ever know what it was like to flounder in their blood like a fish left on the shore of a rocky beach, unable to wiggle back into the cool water of the salty sea.
“It was a butchering. Five children dead in an alley,” you whispered and he pulled you closer. He didn’t respond. You couldn’t expect him to, what was one supposed to say when they heard news such as yours. It was good enough that he held you, that’s really all you could ask for. For him to hold you and help you wash away the blood.
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sambergscott · 4 years
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bones 6x23 presented without comment
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itsdaniclayton · 4 years
Top 10 Bones episodes?
OOF okay I didn't remember the numbers so I googled them but also gave a small description of each:
The one where the victim is a pageant girl, toddlers and tiaras style (it's the ep where hodgins and angela kiss for the first time) - 2x07
The one where they go to the funeral of some man and they think he was murdered and they steal the body ajshdhdhsj - 4x22
The first gravedigger ep, the one where hodgins and brennan are buried in the car - 2x09
The one where hodgins and angela get married - 5x20
The last ep of s6, the one where booth and brennan go undercover as lovers to the bowling alley, and angela gives birth - 6x23
The one where the victim is an amish boy (the very first episode I watched and it'll always have a special place in my heart) - 5x03
The one about the trial of the gravedigger (the second ep I watched so imagine 14 year old me was obsessed immediately) - 5x21
The one where there's a blackout and they have to solve the murder without electricity and they have to hurry cuz the killer is sick with a very contagious and deadly disease (also great hodgins/angela content) - 6x16
The 100th episode, the one where it's the very first case they worked together!!!! And there's a major plot twist!!!!! - 5x16
This the third Epps episode - 2x12
Special mentions:
The ep with zooey deschanel - 5x10
The ep where they find a body inside a giant bar of chocolate (there's a funny story to this one, basically I binged s6 in like two days and I had a giant box of chocolates that I was eating while I watched so imagine me getting to that episode skdjjfksjdhf) - 6x07
The one where they go to Buenos Aires because I'm still laughing about how inaccurate it all is, literally all they had to do was google alskdjdhjsjshddjjfsksj - 9x07
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