#bonesy questions everything
bonesybonez · 8 months
Longtime Cartoon nerd, 1 1/2 year half long SPG fan.
Is Olly & The Equinox Band supposed to be a parody of Hanna Barbara cartoon bands? Cause besides the single cover art, I believe the concept (?) references look so much like Hanna Barbara style!!
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the-bonez-rise-again · 8 months
Alright Space Ghost fandom, Bonesy has questions.
Since I’m out to find pieces of media relating to Zoraks band, and that one story board had Parko/Owly having a guitar cycle animation, and I want to know if that was ever fully made and if so: has it appeared in any episodes (The ones I see the most are Christy/Goby & Zorak’s instrument cycles, now that I think about it, Does Sorcerer have a animation of him playing his horn?)
TL:DR- Bonesy wonders if Parko/Owly & The Sorcerer have any animation cycles like Christy/Goby & Zorak?
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halfgclden · 3 years
The Ol’ Chop
Summary: Haircut, Blonde, Neapolitan ice cream
Date: Mid-December
Abel, lying upside down on their couch, flipped over completely to land on their feet on the floor, then stayed squatting. They rested their elbows on their knees and their chin on their fists and looked at Rory for a long moment before speaking. “I have a strange inch-long ring of black hair now that my roots have grown out.” It seemed as though this was not the end of their thought, but they paused. “Have you ever thought about dyeing your hair?”
Rory jumped slightly when Abel suddenly moved, having been distracted by her text conversation with Macey. They had trapped her legs underneath them some time ago so she wiggled them to get the blood flowing again, then twisted her body, now crossing them instead. At their words, her hand reached out to pick up a strand of hair, inspecting the inch of black hair they were talking about. “Yeah, I’ve noticed that. Did you have a new master plan to cover it up or did you just wanna touch them up?” She tilted her head, both waiting for their response as well as the question she had been asked. “Yeah? I mean, not a super crazy color or anything, but I’ve always thought about doing it at some point.” Her eyes now narrowed, though the smile slowly growing showed she was joking. “Why?”
Abel closed one eye as Rory touched their hair. “I don’t know.” They hummed. “I could go totally dark, but Jacob might think I’m copying him.” They opened their eye again to focus both on her. “Well,” they said as they tilted their head to one side, cracking their neck. “Speaking of Jacob, he decided to go back to black, which has left me with an excess of bleach, which, if you don’t know, I don’t need.” They shrugged. “So if you wanted to try anything while I figure out what to do with this mess,” they pointed to their head. “We very easily could.”
“I mean, yeah I’m down. I don’t even the last time I got a haircut, definitely before everything happened.” Dropping the piece of hair in her hands, Rory’s attention then shifted to lift one of her braids, investigating the dark brown hair in her hands. She tried to picture what the strands would look like in a different color, but it was hard to imagine for some reason. She looked back down at Abel, a small frown on her face. “What do you think would look good?”
“Oh my gods.” Abel climbed back onto the couch, and dug their knees into the cushions as they picked up Rory’s other braid to inspect. “You must have a lot of dead ends.” They raised their eyebrows at her. “You down for a makeshift salon in my bathroom? I can give you the ol’ cut and colour. Blondes have more fun, you know.”
Rory swatted their hand away at the dead ends comment, then grabbed the braid for herself and held onto it, looking almost offended. “No, I’m a leo, my hairs perfect.” She paused, blinked then let go of her braid and sighed. “I need to stop listening to Macey with this astrology shit. I have no idea what I just said.” She admitted, but turned to face them on the couch, allowing Abel to pick up her braid again. She looked at her hair again, trying to picture it blonde and felt nervous excitement at the idea of a whole new look. After all, it was hair, it’ll grow back eventually. Looking back at her cousin, she grinned. “I’m down.”
Abel grinned. They hadn’t said the comment to make her upset, but seeing Rory pout was always amusing. “Ah, you’re right that you have good hair, and I suppose it’s a leo trait, but that doesn’t stop you from also having dead ends.” They picked up her braid again before dropping it and climbing off the couch. “Okay.” They were still grinning, clearly excited for the endeavor. “Awesome, cool. I’ll set everything up in the bathroom. Might bleach bath myself to try to turn this,” they pointed to their black streak. “At least brown without making it gross.” With that, they turned to grab tinfoil from the kitchen, then disappeared into the bathroom, obviously waiting for her to follow.
In a totally adult fashion, Rory stuck her tongue out at their back once again in protest of the dead ends. Watching Abel walk off as they spoke, she stayed in her spot on the couch for a minute before letting out another sigh and pushing herself up onto her feet. Entering the bathroom behind them, she looked at everything that had already started happening and was suddenly grateful for the decision to wear one of her older, more comfy shirts. “Need me to do anything? Or do you just want me to sit down?”
Abel was pretty much a pro at getting a bathroom set up to dye hair. They normally did it at Jacob's, just so that their friend wouldn't have to wash his hair out in an unfamiliar bathtub, but since Rory could see, it posed less of a problem. They tapped their lip in thought as they handed her a towel to put around her shoulders, and moved to their room to pull a stool out from it for her to sit on. "Do you need to borrow a shirt?" they asked as they scooped up Soup to get him out of the way, though he just reappeared in the doorway once he was put down. "But just sitting is fine." They filled a spray bottle with water and pulled a few more things from under their sink to prepare for the spontaneous mock-salon. "I'll start with the cut. I'm not gonna buzz it or anything, but how short are you willing to go?"
Shaking her head, Rory moved to sit down on the stool they brought in. She laughed when Soup rebelled and immediately came back into the room, and she reached out to give the cat some rubs before sitting back up. “No I’m good, I don’t really care if this one gets ruined or anything.” As Abel continued getting things ready, she busied herself with undoing her braids, running her hands through her now loose hair to try and get some of the knots out, which doubled  as a way for her to try and get the nerves out over cutting it. “I...don’t know.” She moved her hand away from the strands to try and gauge it out, not really going above her shoulder. “Around here probably? Fuck, I don’t know, Abes. I trust you, just don’t make me ugly.”
Abel nodded as they listened to Rory, glancing up at the mirror to wonder what they were going to do with their own hair in the meantime. Once everything was set up; the bleach ready but not yet mixed, they ushered Soup out once more to keep him from eating the hair dye. They laughed as they sprayed her hair to get it damp and shook their head. "Impossible. You could pull off a mullet. Not that I'm going to give you one, don't worry," they said with a laugh, realizing that the fact that they were bringing up less than appealing hairstyles to her with scissors in their hands. "I'll go simple. But really, I think you could use a change, you know? Mix it up for once."
Rory gave her best dead pan stare through the mirror when mullets were brought into the picture. Her eyes quickly flashed to the scissors though once they got closer to her with them, and let out a breath to get and get rid of some of the nerves.  Rory was a creature of comfort at heart, and once she finds something she likes, she rarely deviates from it. That included hair length, so she couldn’t remember the last time her hair had been any other length, and while she was extremely nervous to be breaking that comfort, she couldn’t help but feel excited about the change. “Okay, yeah. Let’s do it, go ahead.” When the scissors got close again, she shut her eyes to prevent herself from freaking out more.
Abel just smiled at the look, knowing that she would (hopefully) end up loving anything they did. Once they were satisfied with how wet her hair was, they combed through it, then clipped pieces of it up. They kept in mind how long she said she was comfortable with, then made the first cut a bit longer than that. “I tell you I’m getting a dog?”
At the mention of dog, her eyes flew open and she gasped. Barely able to keep herself from turning around - remembering there were scissors almost at her neck helped a lot, her eyes instead moved to meet Abel through the mirror. Luckily she couldn’t see the cuts they were making so her full attention could be on the dog. “Are you really?! When? What breed?”
Abel laughed, pulling the scissors back as a precaution. They should have known that the casual mention would warrant this reaction from her, and they shook their head, pointing at where their phone rested on the sink. “Last few pictures on my camera roll. Cute little thing. I think some sort of border collie-aussie mix?” They waited for her to take their phone before they started at her hair again. “I’m getting it a special magic harness thing to make it so that Alec doesn’t die living with it, and I’ve read through like four training manuals.” They unclipped a bit of her hair to start on the next layer. “We’re stuck on a name. I’m thinking Ramen, or Noodle, to match Soup, but Salt n Peppa, Bones, and Yorick are all contenders too, since I asked the roomies for help.”
Quickly grabbing the phone, Rory unlocked their phone, having known the code for some time now.  A few taps later, and she was gasping over how cute the dog on screen was.  "Oh my gods, I love them. Him? Her? I don't care, I'm in love." She flipped between the few photos multiple times, pouting at both how cute the animal was, and over the fact that it made her miss Sheep.  Hopefully soon her and Keaton would actually talk at some point so it wouldn't be weird for her to randomly show up and see her baby.  "Noodle! Fuck, that's so cute, Abes.  Bones is cute too." She said casually, unsure if Abel knew of her obsession with the show of the same name.
"He, not that it really matters for a dog." Abel was pleased with how well their new pet was serving as a distraction for Rory. She wasn’t flinching with each snip, and they were making good progress with the haircut. They combed through another layer and cut to make sure that it was even, then unclipped another piece of her hair. “Koda’s a big fan of ‘bonesy’, but it might all come down to a coin flip or seeing what he takes more of a liking to." The show didn't cross their mind as they sprayed her hair again; it wasn't as though they were thinking of naming the dog 'Charmed'.
Rory thought that she'd be able to feel her hair getting lighter with each snip she heard in between gushing over the new dog, but when Abel dropped more of her hair out of the clip, decided that it was probably because she has a number of layers to still go through.  "Poor boy is gonna get so confused having so many people calling him different nicknames.  Sheep would get confused if we used to many different pet names in a row." Closing the photos, she busied herself with searching for their Spotify app, scrolling through playlists before putting on one that had more indie vibes to it.
Abel let out a small laugh. “Yeah, I’m gonna try not to confuse him too much. Can’t let the fact that our household is overwhelmingly air signs hinder his training.” They changed scissors so that they could feather her hair out properly, then paused and shook it out a bit so they could make sure it was all even enough. “How’s Piper doing? In general, I know she’s probably pretty indifferent to her name, in normal cat fashion.” They picked up a hair dryer to plug in and dry her hair out a bit, brushing it as they did. “Sorry to drown out half your song,” they said with a laugh once they were finished. “That wasn’t me being passive aggressive. I like the choice, I swear.” They brushed a few strands of her hair from her shoulder. “But, uh, the cut’s pretty much done. Ready for some colour?”
Rory grinned. "That's okay, that's what I'm for.  I'll bring some fire into that dog's life.  I'm gonna be his favorite aunt and spoil him silly." As Abel continued to work, she gently hummed along to the song on the radio, stopping as they spoke up again.  "It's okay, this is on my running playlist so I hear it too much anyway. But, she's doing good, all her nicknames are variations of her actual name, loves the cabin, she cuddles up with me at night and Bailey gives her all the rubs she wants during the day.  As far as she's concerned her life is made." She raised her fingers to count every point as she made them, then moved them to run through her hair when the cut was deemed finished.  It was short, and it was weird beyond words, but glancing in the mirror and catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror made her smile.  "I love it." Her eyes flashed to Abel's through the mirror again at the question.  "As I'll ever be, make me blonde, Abes."
"Oh come on, Ror," Abel started seriously before their lips twitched upward in a smirk. "You missed the chance to say you were going to bring electricity to the dog's life. But, I do approve of you spoiling him, just make sure he doesn't like you more than me, or I'll get jealous." They nodded as she spoke about her cat, not mentioning anything as she brought up Bailey. "Wow, is it bad that I wish I was a cat?" They began mixing the bleach as she inspected her hair, excited by her reaction. The smile was more than they were expecting, and they were glad that she was as pleased as they were by the chop. "And I'll show you how to braid it. If I can manage to get my hair into braids, we can totally do yours. You won't have a total loss of self." Once the bleach was mixed, they separated and clipped up different parts of her hair again.
Rory rolled her eyes at the joke, noting that she had to slap them later for how lame it was. “I’ll make sure to let you be the one to give the treats, there’s no way he’ll love me more if you’re the one with the food.  But yeah seriously, sometimes I just wanna be Piper for a day, it would be way less stressful.”  She grew quiet again as the bleach started going into her hair, sending a quick mental prayer that she wouldn’t regret doing this before pushing the thought aside. Her shoulders relaxed a bit at Abel’s promise of braiding lessons, relieved that she would still be able to keep her braids in. “Thank you, that would be awesome.”
“True. And if he only loves me because I give him food, that will be good enough for me.” They began applying the bleach, jamming quietly to the music as they wrapped her hair in tinfoil. “I doubt my life would be too different if I was a cat. I’d eat more fish, dye less hair, but probably blink about as much,” they joked, their lips twitching upward as they did. “Braids are only slightly harder on shorter hair. Not even harder, you just need the dexterity.”
"Same, honestly." She said in reply to living the life of her cat.  "I'd be able to sleep more, which would be kinda cool."  As time went on and more foils were added to her hair, Rory realized that one: this was going to take a while to finish, and two: the foils covering her head is gonna get really old, really fast. Letting out a small huff at the realization, she fought the urge to lean back and rest against their legs as they spoke about braids.  "That's fine, it's better than nothing.  I think i'd go insane if i had to keep my hair just loose every damn day."
Once Abel had most of her hair dyed and wrapped, they grinned at Rory and poked her cheek lightly. "You're not gonna zap me because of this, right, sparky?" They knew that they were going to get jabbed as soon as they weren't messing with her hair, so they went back to it, hoping she might let them off if they put it off for long enough. "Yeah, your ponytails might half half of them falling out, but that's cute, as long as you can stand the hair on the back of your neck."
At the poke, followed by the words, Rory turned her head to narrow her eyes at Abel. Raising a finger, she made of show of letting the sparks dance across her skin before quickly jabbing them. The zap was no more than a static shock. “I was just going to slap you, but thanks for the idea.” She teased, now turning fully around to face them. “Yeah, that’s fine. I’ll look stuff up on Pinterest too and find some things.”
Abel jolted slightly at the prod, laughing. “I meant because of the foil. I was wondering if it was like sticking a fork in a socket.” They grinned. “But thanks for the opportunity to call you Frankenstein. Can you believe we didn’t do anything like that for Halloween?” They shook their head. They put the dye down, clicked their phone on, and set a timer. “Oh Pinterest. That’s a good idea for finding stuff.” They leaned against the sink. “I just forget it exists because I’m not a stay at home parent or getting married.”
Rory looked up at them, a confused look on her face.  "Neither am I? So what kind of excuse is that?" What she wasn't saying is she had Macey to remind her that Pinterest did in fact exist, as a nice chunk of their texts where links back and forth of various things.  Pulling a leg under, she curled up on the stool a bit more.  "Just because you're dumb and forgot it exists isn't my - or any bride-to-be's problem, Abes." She teased.  "But yeah, I do believe it cause you didn't even try to have a matching costume with me.  You knew I was doing the scooby doo gang with Macey and them, yet nothing."
Abel gave a exaggerated eye roll. “Okay, but your best friend is planning a wedding, so I think that counts.” They raised one eyebrow at her. “Okay, I don’t see what you wanted me to do about that. Be Scrappy?” They held up a hand and shook their head. “Don’t tell me that’s exactly what you wanted me to do, because I wasn’t going to be a sidekick to Macey’s dog.” Their amusement was clear on their face. “I didn’t see you offering to dress up as Sakura either.”
Rory waved her hand dismissively at the Macey comment and had immediately opened her mouth in rebuttal, but was halted by Abel's hand lifting up.  After a second, she pouted slightly then closed her mouth, slumping in mock defeat because that was in fact, what she was going to say.  "Okay, but those are two totally different vibes, Abel.  It wouldn't have gone with Velma and Kim Possible." Her words had a hint of a sarcastic tone to it, especially since they both knew she would've happily dressed up with them if asked.
“Liar,” Abel muttered, mostly to get a rise out of their cousin. “Next year we’ll do all matching costumes, how ‘bout that?” They stretched their arms out over their head. “But, if I’m honest, doing a group costume is a great way to guarantee that you won’t stick together during the night. I had a friend who matched costumes with her boyfriend twice and didn’t stay with him either night.”
"Every single one?" Rory let out a long, dramatic sigh.  "I don't know, Abes.  Piper might wanna do a costume with me and I don't wanna just double book myself like that, you know?"  As they stretched, she quickly jabbed her finger at their stomach, letting another small static charge hit them, not even attempting to hide her amused grin.  "Cool with me, who said I wanted to spend the whole night with you anyway?"
Abel somewhat maintained their composure during the shock, but shuddered. “You’re being awful to someone who can literally fry your hair right now, Ror,” they warned, though it was clear that they were joking. They poked her forehead and shook their head. “But fine. Dress up like one of the main characters from Cats and ignore me all night. Sounds like a great Halloween. I’ll be sure to take pictures for you.”
While Rory made a small attempt to look offended at the mock threat and return poke, it was clear she didn’t take it seriously. “You wouldn’t dare, I would just give you a really shitty Yelp review.  But nope, pick literally anything else - Cats is fucking nightmare fuel and I refuse to be a part of it.”  She shuddered as if to prove her point, then reached out for his phone again to peak at the timer.
Abel barked a laugh at the Yelp comment and pushed themself away from the sink so that they could start cleaning the hair from the floor. “Nope, too bad. I’m imagining you as... Taylor Swift? Jason Derulo? James Corden? Take your pick.” They checked on her hair as she checked the timer. “We might be able to wash it out a bit early thanks to your virgin hair, but I’ll leave it for a few more minutes, just to be safe.” They dumped the hair they swept up into the garbage and looked up at her. “You know, Renee has a bunch of pink hair dye. I might see how that works on me.”
Rory's eyes just rolled in response to their list of celebrities, barely stopping herself from zapping them for a third time.  She stayed silent as they started checking the foils in her hair, only speaking up after they commented.  A sigh fell out of her mouth. "You know, my hair was the only virgin part of me left.  At least it was good for something though." She blinked, trying her best not to burst out laughing at her own stupidity, instead focusing on the pink hair dye situation.  "Well, she is the queen of pink, so I'm not surprised that there's just bottles of pink dye here." Her eyes flickered up to their patch of natural color, then nodded.  "Might as well try it, I think it'll be kinda cool."
Abel looked up at Rory, an incredulous look on their face as they laughed. “Um, gross Ror. Are we there? Are we going to be like the Tyche kids? Explaining our various exploits in great detail?” They sounded more amused than appalled, and grabbed a bottle of pink hair dye from the cabinet. “Please call her that to her face, she’d love it. Also, I think I’ll do it. I can zip it into my roots and let it set as we wash yours out?”
Rory couldn't help but laugh along with Abel.  "Oh, I totally thought we were, did you not agree?" She teased, watching them as they pulled out the bottle of dye.  "Maybe not the great detail part, of course. I mean, I'm not thirteen anymore, Abes." She held up two thumbs up in agreement.  "Sounds like a plan, and I definitely will.  I'll be declared Renee's favorite in no time."
"Sorry, my virgin ears couldn't take it," Abel replied, their lips twitching upward. "Oh yeah, be careful if Koda hears that. Don't let the bright hair and smiles fool you, she's a real killer if she's jealous." They were quicker with their own hair than they had been with Rory's, but still careful. Still, since it was just their roots, it took almost no time to apply, and they were just about finished when the timer went off. They jabbed at their phone to shut it off and pointed to the edge of the bathtub. "I can wash it out for you if you sit there, or you can do it yourself s'up to you."
"Oh, don't worry, I'm very aware of how dangerous she is.  Or did you forget that her and I use to train together when we were younger?" It had been a while since she had trained with the other girl, especially since after Koda left, Rory moved away from fighting with knives as often.  "I have no desire to bring that rage anywhere near me, thanks."  Following their directions, she got up off the stool and made her way over to the bathtub, sitting down on the edge of it instead.  "I mean, you are the professional here, so I'll let you do it."
“Just thought I’d give you some fair warning.” Abel turned and ran the water, making sure it was a good temperature before they began taking the foil from Rory’s hair. “Oh yeah, the bleach definitely worked.” They waited until she tipped her hair back to start washing the bleach out, and once they were done, they immediately put toner in so she wouldn’t yell at them for giving her yellow hair. As they waited for the toner to set in her hair, they rinsed their own roots out, and grinned at Rory as they scrubbed their hair dry with a towel. “You’re gonna look so cool.”
Rory didn't retort, opting to keep her mouth shut and eyes closed to try and prevent herself from accidentally eating any bleach, shampoo, or toner as Abel washed her hair out.  Once the water was shut off, she lifted her head up enough to give them room to wash out their own roots, grinning as they spoke again, her eyes focused on the pink they saw poking through as they dried their hair.  "I already feel cool.  The pink looks really good though."
Abel just kept grinning at Rory. "Oh yeah. I make anything work though." Once they felt their own hair was dry enough, they poked her forehead to get her to tip back again, and rinsed the toner from her hair. "Alright. Blow dry and then the big reveal?" They raised their eyebrows as they moved to pull a hair dryer from below their sink. "Are your friends going to freak out on me for this?"
At the poke, Rory pouted, but obeyed and tipped her head back once again to let them wash out the toner, closing her eyes once again until the water was turned off.  Stealing the towel they had just used for their own now pink hair, she quickly ran it through her new hair, before dropping it onto her lap as Abel pulled out the blow dryer.  "No way, Macey's going to practically send you flowers or something.  She's been trying to get me to change up my hair for years now.  No one else will really freak out though, so you'll be fine."
“Perfect, I love flowers,” Abel before blasting her with the hair dryer. Before long, her hair was finished, and they couldn’t hide how pleased they were with their handiwork. “Okay, no denying we’re the hot cousins now.”
When the blow dryer shut off, Rory immediately opened her eyes to look up at Abel, wanting to see and gauge their reaction first before seeing it for herself.  Seeing the wide grin and overall very pleased look on their face, a smile was already growing on hers as she moved to look into the mirror.  "Holy shit." Her hands ran through her now very short, very blonde locks, turning her head this way and that way to get every angle she could of the new style.  When Abel ducked into the mirror to be side by side with her, she laughed.  "Oh for sure, we're the hottest cousins this place has ever seen."  Meeting their eyes through the mirror, her grin widened.  "I fucking love it, Abel.  Thank you."
“Of course,” they said, giving her hair a small ruffle, careful not to actually mess it up. They snapped a few pictures of the two in the mirror for their story. “Tell Macey I like wisteria.”
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accioedgar · 5 years
accio introduction
Tumblr media
name: edgar bones
nickname: ed, bones, bonesy
age: twenty-seven
species: wizard
gender: cis man
pronouns: he/him
occupation: healer
quick personality
+ charismatic, sanguine, and flirtatious
-  conceited, impulsive, and self-sacrificing
father: papa bones
mother: mama bones
older sister: amelia bones
younger sister: clara bones
short history
being the second child, and only son, in the bones family, no one quite knew what to expect of the little bundle of joy.
within a few years, it became evident that the boy was everything his sister wasn’t. where amelia was more serious, he was more light-hearted. where she was colder, he was wamer. the two played out the balancing act very well, and although they were two entirely different people, it never prevented him from absolutely adoring amelia. he watched her as if she made the world turn with her every move, and he was lucky to be in her presence. she was the sun, and he was the moon, and he was more than happy to bask in her light.
edgar is five when his family is completed by the arrival of another sister, clara. he’s taken with her immediately, she was so small, so perfect, and he found his room in his already full heart for her. as time went by, edgar couldn’t imagine his life without his little sister, and he swore to protect her, and to protect amelia, no matter what came there way.
there was a photo taken on the three bones siblings taken at some point during their childhood. amelia on the left, edgar in the middle, and last but not least, clara on the right. edgar had his arms wrapped around his sisters, a bright smile on his face. clara is giggling, and even amelia has a smile on her face as they stare at the lens. the only son has stared at the photo for so long, he swears he has it memorized by now, but that doesn’t mean
at the age of ten, whenever amelia left for hogwarts, edgar, the warm and happy boy that he was, cried for the first few days she was gone. he never told her that though, in fact, he never spoke of anything, but when she came home for the first time, he savored every moment he could get.
at the age of eleven, whenever edgar and the bones family were on the way to kings  cross, he was beyond excited to start his first year at hogwarts. he had his wand, his supplies, his owl, and this time, he’d get to go with amelia. though, it was only whenever it came time to go that he realized he’d be leaving clara behind, and tears stung at his eyes again. he savored their last hug, drawing it out as he tried his hardest to hold back the tears. then he had to go, and he sat at the window, watching his family disappear as the train pulled out of the station, offering them a gentle wave as they left. 
as much as he missed clara, he tried to keep his head up. whenever he went home, he’d have all sorts of stories to tell clara, and one day, they’d all be in hogwarts together, and it would all be okay. whenever the sorting ceremony took place, he was practically vibrating with excitement. would he be in slytherin with his sister? or gyffindor? ravenclaw? so many questions were buzzing through his mind when he sat in the chair that he almost didn’t hear when the hat loudly announced HUFFLEPUFF and he was ushered toward his new house, and a new family.
over the next seven years, edgar bones earned himself quite the reputation. the vivacious hufflepuff grew into himself in the hall of hogwarts. he excelled in his studies, never quite besting some, but what he did do was make friends and connections across the years. in his third year, he joined the quidditch team, finding his place as a chaser on the quidditch pitch.
there were murmurs of what his future could hold. for mr. congenialty, the world was his oyster, and his options were vast and wide. he could follow a career in quidditch, live a life of fame and glory. or go into the political arena, where his smile and his charm could help him work his way up the ladder. in the end though, it wasn’t fame, or fortune the bones was looking for. edgar wanted a purpose, and he found that on a cool spring afternoon when a third year beater on his own team accidentally shot a bludger in his direction and knocked him off his broomstick and down to the ground below. he doesn’t remember much after the initial impact, he was falling, and the next thing he knew he was in the hospital wing. the care the healer gave him, the kind words, it stirred something inside of him. while he was able to finish out the season, and his year, things had changed, and he had a dream, and nothing was going to stop him.
he pays his dues studying in the medical field. it takes years of training,, and long hours spent studying seemingly every textbook in existence (he exaggerates, but it certainly felt that way, but he’s never been prouder in himself than whenever he became a full-fledged healer.
life was good for awhile, though trouble brewed under the surface, and when war finally broke out, edgar stepped up. the order would need healers, as well as fighters. his job was to do no harm, to help people, and the only way he could do that would be to protect them the only way he knew how.
although things look bleak, he is steadfast in his belief that at the end of the day, the light will always outweigh the dark. good always will win out in the end, and he refuses to think otherwise.
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samingtonwilson · 7 years
Leaving is Hard to Do - Jim Kirk
Summary: drinkin’ while you’re in love with jim but are too scared to tell him lest it destroy your friendship. 
Word count: 2,361
Warnings: language, alcohol
A/N: isn’t the title funny? it’s a play on “breaking up is hard to do” fjgkdjfhg i love myself. this is slightly sad but i love it for some reason. i think i just love jim so i keep writing him and literally no one else. ENJOY IT AND LEMME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!
You didn’t understand Jim’s flirting technique at all but, on the contrary, you greatly understood how he managed the success rate he did. You attributed it to the “love is blind” cliche— only edited.
“Lust is deaf,” you called it.
He would put his foot in his mouth repeatedly as he spoke to anyone he was attracted to— he would rattle off ridiculous inquiries you could recall being the audience to during your years at the Academy.
Of course, those questions came from eighteen year-old boys with inexplicably high confidence levels that verged on total narcissism and inexplicably low sensitivity levels that verged on sociopathy.
In Jim’s case, however, the questions would be asked with such little interest it was as if he was reading the same tired script printed onto the walls of his scotch glass.
It didn’t matter what Jim said, though. After all, who could resist his unbelievably electric blue eyes and unnecessarily bright smile that appeared to be illuminated by starlight?
He stood with his side leant against the edge of the bar counter, his elbow resting atop the presumably sticky surface— it made you feel bad for his worn grey leather jacket that was probably bearing the brunt of the stickiness. His eyes were narrowed by the magnitude of his close-lipped smile. He brought the rim of his glass to his lips and glanced at you from the corner of his eye.
You just snorted and sat back against the booth you occupied.
Your fingertip swirled patterns against the table as you heard the leather bench across from you squeak with newly added weight. Without looking up, you shook your head. “Not interested.”
“Neither am I, darlin’.”
“Bones,” you said with a sigh and a smile over your lips— you were hoping for the sour expression over his features to soften even a little with the sight of your mock happiness.
It didn’t work, so you dropped the smile and crossed your arms over your chest. “I know we were in space for a while, but stalking’s still a crime on Earth.”
“I wouldn’t dream of stalking you.” He frowned into his glass before setting it down once he took a long sip. “You scare me too much.”
“Wow, flattery in only the third sentence you’ve uttered. How valuable is what you want?”
He narrowed his eyes and widened his scowl. “Extremely valuable. It’s why I chose this auspicious location to ask you.”
You smiled down at the table and tucked your hair behind your ears. When you brought your eyes back up, he was staring at the bar counter. “I thought you were due for a trip home this week.”
“So did I. Turns out, San Francisco didn’t think so. I’ve been rescheduled to six-A.M. tomorrow.”
He looked at you again and you noticed the lines creasing his forehead when his eyebrows remained furrowed. “The damn storm’s messin’ with everything. We can get a man floatin’ through the galaxy in a disease incubator the size of Asia but engineers can’t invent adequate navigation through storms on Earth.”
“Goddamn slackers.”
“S’what I’m sayin’!”
You laughed and thanked the green-skinned bartender that took your empty glass and replaced it with a filled one. You let yourself look at Jim, averting your gaze immediately when you met his eyes.
“We’re not doing this again, are we?”
You tilted your head. “Doing what?”
“Pretending you two aren’t crazy about each other. It’s gettin’ real fuckin’ old, if you ask me.” He shook his head once to the left. “I didn't bring the man back from the dead to watch you two sit around quietly.”
“I’m not crazy about anything or anyone.”
You frowned when Leonard continued to chow down on the peanuts that were previously in front of you, bits of it flying from his mouth. “Close your mouth, you caveman. Where are your Southern manners?”
“I can’t navigate to them because of the storm— try again at six-A.M.”
Laughing, you shook your head and sucked a fair amount of gin and tonic into your mouth from the thin red straw.
When a third glass was set onto your table with a firm force, you groaned.
When Jim slid onto your side of the booth, you groaned louder.
“Good to see you, too,” he mumbled, draping his arm over the back of the bench.
He nodded at Leonard, pointing at the doctor with his knuckles and the rim of his glass. His voice was thick with barely swallowed scotch as he spoke, “Shouldn’t you be in Georgia?”
“Shouldn’t you be flirtin’ with everything that breathes?”
“For reasons probably hidden in my self-destructive tendencies, I thought talking to you two would be a better use of my time.”
“Really?” you asked, turning your head to face him. You cocked a single eyebrow. “But you’re not getting sex from either one of us.”
He nodded. He drummed his fingers against the table and stared directly at you, his eyes not wavering even a centimeter. “Maybe I don’t want sex. Maybe I’ve turned a new leaf.”
“Jim Kirk not wanting sex?” You frowned in consideration. “S’a lot of leaves you’re turning.”
“New year, new me.”
“It’s honestly the middle of April.”
“Some culture, somewhere, on some planet is celebrating the coming of a new year.”
“You seem to have done your research on this.”
Leonard snorted. The sound allowed you to finally take your eyes from Jim’s and look at Leonard as he slid out of the booth, an empty glass in hand. “As entertainin’ as this is, I should be gettin’ some sleep. Lord knows I’ll need to be well-rested to face my mother tomorrow.”
“Talking about seeing your mother like it’s a burden— looks like Earth norms aren’t lost on you after all,” you said with half a frown. “Keep that in mind next time you’re tempted to stalk me.”
“Like I said, sweetheart, you scare me too much and I have no desire to nurse a shiner of my own.” He nodded upwards when he glanced at Jim. “Get some rest— you only came back to life three weeks ago.”
Jim smiled up at him. He made no move to occupy the newly empty bench. “Have I thanked you for that yet?”
“With your words. If you want to actually thank me, don’t get yourself into situations like that, you shithead.” Leonard shook his head. “Stay safe— both of you.”
“Aw, Bonesy!” you said in a voice much too high-pitched for your own eardrums. You grinned at the now scowling doctor. “You’re so cute when you’re concerned about us.”
“Yeah, Bonesy,” Jim piped in, laughing. “I could just eat you up, you’re so cute.”
Leonard shook his head and started towards the counter to set his glass down. “Oh, fuck y’all. See you in a few weeks.”
Once the door shut behind him, you sat back against the bench cushion. Your head rolled to face Jim. He was already looking at you. “You’re not going home?”
“It’s only nine-thirty.”
You snorted, jabbing your elbow into his ribs. “I meant to Iowa.”
He frowned and shook his head. He looked away for a moment, then back at you. “Don’t really have a reason to.”
“Don’t wanna see your mom?”
“Seeing her entails sneaking around so Frank doesn’t catch me on his property.”
“The offer still stands to take a baseball bat to his knees— won’t even know what hit him.”
He grinned. His eyes, though a little dimmer than the day you first met him, shined down at you. You felt seen. “I appreciate the thought but I’d rather you didn’t get arrested. Being a friend of mine, the police out there won’t cut you any slack.”
His smile shrunk into a soft sad one. “Besides, she has access to my place and a plane ticket whenever she decides she’s had enough.”
“Does she know you’re here? On Earth?”
He nodded and leaned closer to you, taking his arm from the bench. His shoulder brushed against yours and you could feel his breath fan over your cheeks. “Called her as soon as I came to. She said she’s worried and wants to visit, that her heart’s here with me— but she can’t.”
There was a tightness in your chest.
“I’m sorry, Jim.”
He wrinkled his nose. “Don’t be.”
After a few seconds of staring at him, you looked forward again, your nose tipped up slightly. You could feel his gaze remain unwaveringly.
“You aren’t going home?”
“At nine-thirty?” you joked imitatively, smiling as you traced the door frame several yards away. “No, I’m not. My parents are off-planet— left exactly a month ago today, in fact.”
“We’ve been here for almost six weeks.”
“I’m aware.”
“You could’ve gone before they left,” he told you simply, his voice almost closing the sentence questioningly.
You shook your head. “No, I couldn’t have.”
You rolled your head against the cushion to face him again. “Jim, you were in the hospital— totally out. No one knew if what Bones did was going to work, if you were going to make it or—” You cleared your throat and looked away. “The anatomy of a tribble is hardly congruent to ours.”
You glanced at him from the corner of your eye and dragged your finger over the condensation clinging to your glass. “I couldn’t leave.”  
“(Y/N), —”
“What was wrong with that one?” you interjected, nodding towards the girl still sitting at the bar— she looked exponentially more bored now without Jim’s persistence. “Pretty enough.”
“Just not interested in her.”
He leaned forward and placed his forearms on the table. He looked down at the wood grain before looking at you. “Why couldn’t you leave?”
You hummed questioningly and pulled your leg onto the bench so your knee sat at your chest.
“When I was in the hospital, why couldn’t you leave?”
“Didn’t want to,” your voice was small. You used the back of your index finger to rub under your nose.
“Why not?”
You wet your lips, capturing your bottom lip between your teeth. “There’s a possibility that I’m falling in love with you.”
He stayed silent for the following seconds— it made your heart leap into your throat.
You shook your head to yourself, setting your foot on the sticky floor and sliding out of the booth.
“I think that’s my cue to go,” you said in an almost inaudible voice, staring at the ground as you rushed through the sparsely occupied bar.
You threw the door open and stepped out into the San Francisco air. The cold wind bit at your cheeks and the bare skin of your forearms.
You heard your name being called behind you and sped up, your steps carrying you further along the Fisherman’s Wharf sidewalk.
“Go back inside, Jim.” You rolled your sleeves back down.
He caught up to you quickly, the sound of his footsteps indicating he was mere inches away when his fingers clasped around your wrist and pulled you to a swift stop.
You didn’t look at him. You focused on your shoes as you stood, pigeon-toed, in front of him.
“(Y/N), look at me.” He sighed heavily. You could see his breath.
You picked your head up. You didn’t want to focus on the blue of his eyes that appeared to be the color of denim in the dim lighting of the adjacent shops and street lamps— but you couldn’t help it.
“You tell me something like that and leave?” he laughed a little in frustration. “You can’t— You can’t do that.”
You didn’t reply.
He combed his fingers through his growing blonde hair and pulled at the ends. “Talk to me.”
“What am I supposed to do, Jim?” you asked, staring up at him even as your vision grew blurry with the filling of your eyes. “I don’t want to feel the way I do.”
“You don’t?”
You shook your head, feeling the cold air almost freeze the moisture on your cheeks. “Why would I?”
You looked away and covered your mouth with the back of your hand to muffle any unmerited and unwanted sounds that wracked through your chest. You shook your head and narrowed your eyes at the railing dividing the pavement from the Bay, you traced the borders of the chipped paint. “You were gone, Jim. Why would I—”
You sniffled and shook your head. “I helped pull you from the warp core chamber and— I just want to forget that ever happened, that I stared at your chest for hours hoping it would rise and fall, that I felt how cold your skin was. But I don’t think I ever will— I think I’ll always be able to see what I saw that day.”
You wiped your cheeks with the back of your hand. You took a step back. “I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”
“For God’s sake, (Y/N), you can’t leave before I have the chance to say anything,” he nearly growled, catching your wrist again.
He pulled on your arm with enough force to send your body crashing into his. His arm wrapped around your waist as your hands sat against his chest.
You could feel his heartbeat under your fingers. You could feel him breathe under your fingers.
“I love you,” his voice was softer. The intensity of his eyes blanketed you against the cold. “And I’m not going anywhere. I’m here, I’m with you, and I don’t plan on leaving you.”
He leaned forward to lightly press his lips to yours, his hold on your waist tightening.
You splayed your fingers over his chest and he sighed out. “You almost let me go home with the girl in the bar.”
“You let me go home with that guy last week,” you reminded him softly, pinching the fabric of his shirt between your fingers.
“And it almost killed me a second time,” he told you with a laugh.
“So what are you saying?”
“That I want to do this right and finally have you all to myself.”
“God, you really have turned a new leaf.” You smiled a little. “Kinda boring.”
tagged: once again, no idea who i’m supposed to tag. i didn’t keep track. please send me another message if you want to be tagged in anything (sorry again)
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hyperionfleet · 7 years
Chasing -Part two
Note: Things are going to seem they move fast in this one. I’m sorry. D:
Jane sat in the captian chair of the Enterprise. She did her exam with McCoy finally, but her mind was racing. Just a few weeks ago, Leonard McCoy spilled everything out about his feelings for the captian. And for the last few weeks, she was at a lost words. They were good friends, or last time she thought, and knew each other inside and out. Who knew that the doctor had those kind of feelings for the captain. A long sigh came out of Jane.
“Ma'am. Is everything aright?” Lieutenant Nathan Uhura asked.
Jane perked up upon hearing the lieutenant ask her the simple question. A quick nod and mouthing ‘yeah’ to him was not the answer he was looking for. He stood up and walked down to her chair, then closely leaned in, “I’m calling you on this one. Trust me. I’ve been with Spock long enough.” A snicker came out of the captian.
“The chemistry between you two is interesting. However, I really don’t want to talk about it, Uhura.”
Uhura sighed as he patted Jane’s shoulder. “If you need an ear, I’m here.”
What was she going to do? One of her closest friends in Starfleet just announced his love for her. ‘Maybe I’ll talk to him about it when we reach the new base,’ she thought to herself. The question ‘why’ kept rolling around her head. Why was she avoiding him? Why was this happening to her? Why was she acting like this?
“Ma'am, we are approaching Yorktown. We will be seeing it on the horizon in a second,” Sulu reported to Jane.
The ship was docked at Yorktown. A giant space station where the crew can have some much needed R&R. The crew of the Enterprise exit out and began to explore the place. Kirk and Spock where to report to the Starfleet headquarters there at Yorktown. The two officers where dressed in their best uniforms. It was a simple routine there at hq. Turn reports, discuss decisions that where made, and have any repairs made on the ship.
Spock kept it level, but Jane knew something was off with the Vulcan. “You seem a bit out of character, Spock. Mind telling me something?” The Vulcan glanced over at her captain.
“It would seem the Lieutenant and I are to go on a date and I am to be well dressed for this. He picked out an article of clothing that does not match Vulcan traditional wear.”
Jane giggled uncontrollably. “You’re sayin’ you two have a date and he wants you to look cute?” Spock gave her captain a puzzled look. “Don’t worry. I’ll dress up with you. Pretty sure a good amount of the crew well be dinning out tonight.”
Spock and Jane got ready for the evening and met up with the ‘normal’ gang. They captian and commander entered a busy bar. There Bones, Uhura, Scotty, Chekov, and Sulu where laughing up a storm while playing darts.
Bones couldn’t help but to take a look at Kirk. She had on a skin tight black dress that went to the knees and long sleeves. His heart raced as she walked up to him. Even her make up was spot on. “Bonesy.”
“Captain.” He nodded.
“May I have a word with you outside?”
The two officers processed outside with only one person noticing what was going on. Uhura had a sixth sense on the situation. So in effort, he kept everyone else busy with games. Bones and Kirk walked to the side of the building.
“Listen. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. I know you value our friendship over anything else,” Leonard stated.
“Wow there, Bones. I’m not upset. It just threw me off and I didn’t know how to react. And I’ve been thinking…” She trailed off.
“And what might that be, darling…” Leonard was curious at where the captian was going with this. He seriously thought he blew it with her a few weeks. She’s the captian. Nothing is going to happen….just when he thought the worst was about to happen, McCoy felt hands grasp the collar of his jacket. Half a second later soft lips pressing against his. Wait. Was this happening? Come on Leo, wake up! But it wasn’t a dream. Leonard moved his hands down the captian’s sides, feeling every curve on the way down, and let them rest on her hips. Jane broke from the kiss.
“I’m sorry my response was late, Bones. It won’t happen again,” She told her chief medical officer as a sweet and tender smile came across his face.
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awkwardpines-a · 7 years
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Hey all.
It’s that time of year again, where everyone scrambles to squeeze every last bit of sentimentality out of an otherwise cosmically insignificant completion of the terrestrial rotation cycle. Still, in my thirst for attention and loneliness, I figured I’d be remiss were I not to join in on the festivities myself, especially considering my recent participation in the very same thing on another account. So, in the spirit of celebrating the constant rotation of our planet around the sun, here’s a list of people whose presence I tolerate more than others’ on this website, organized alphabetically for your convenience!
@captivatinginnocence​ - It seems fitting that you’re the first on the list, since you were the first person I talked to about RPing, the person who inspired me to make this blog, and the one who continues to motivate me to this day with her dedication and fascinatingly accurate portrayal of Mabel, as well as consistently entertaining and intriguing conversations OOC. I owe so, so much to you, Diana, and can confidently say I wouldn’t be here without you or your blog. Thank you.
@dexendens​ - There seems to be a trend developing in this list. You, too, were among the very first RPers that I talked to, and you helped me set up my blog, as well as teaching me the basics of Tumblr etiquette and courtesy. Clearly, those paid off, and here we are, both equally questionably active! In the process, though, I made an awesome and interesting friend, and met a writer who I’d gladly recommend to anyone looking for a Pacifica. Thank you, too.
@flannelandchill​ - Ah yes, finally, a (relatively) fresh face! With the sad lack of people RPing everyone’s favorite ginger lumberjack, it was such a surprise - and delight - to see you pop up some seven months ago! Ever since then, I’ve admired your take on Wendy,your dedication to her character and family (Manly Dan’s my favorite), as well as enjoyed the conversations we have, rare as they may be. Clearly, you’re a wonderful writer and friend, and I hope we get to talk more soon.
@goldendorito - It’s weird to think that I’ve known you for years, when in reality, it’s been less than one, but that’s just how it is with you, I guess. We talk nearly every day, and discuss everything from gender politics to the quality of Steven Universe memes, and your constant presence has made a tremendous difference in my life - and I can only hope I’ve done the same for you. Of course, none of this would’ve happened had I not adored your writing too. Honestly, you’re such a role model for me.
@grunkle-stud​ - There has never been someone to so accurately capture the essence of Stanley Pines as Bonesy - both IC and OOC. On multiple occasions, I’ve legitimately seen a post on their blog, and thought to myself, “this is a canon quote, right?” only to find that it was not. From the angsty AF AUs to just general Stan assholery hiding a heart of gold, I can’t express how on-point your Stan is. You’ve taught me so much, and I’m proud to be a part of the Peach Wrangler’s big happy family.
@llamanorthwest - Tots, you’re one of the few blogs on this list that’s younger than I am, and I have to say that it’s been a pleasure to watch you grow, learn, and improve as a writer, and, more recently, as a person. From the group chat to the dash, it’s been a constant pleasure to see you around, whether you’re being sweet as sugar or salty as the ocean. It’s a real shame that we haven’t been able to interact as much as I’d like yet (it’s my fault), and I hope to remedy that in the near future.
@pine-dexter​ - Ah yes, Jenn: another very close friend, who has represented so many things at different points in my RP career. From an idol, to a mentor, to a shoulder to cry on, to equals and sharers in everything from memes to salt. I’d compare our relationship to Dipper and Ford’s from our personal headcanons, especially considering how our conversations tend to seamlessly shift from IC to OOC on the regular,  but that feels a bit on the nose. Regardless, you’re the best.
@pirelien - When first making my blog, my original goal was not to become shipping trash. Sure, I would be open to ideas and exploring relationships if they came up naturally, but it wasn’t my prime directive. Then I met this Pacifica blog and that all changed. For some reason, our muses really clicked for me, and I was filled with the urge to make our muses kiss, to which you happily obliged. In doing so, though, I met a delightful, friendly person, and I’ll never regret sending that first meme. 
@rethink-everything - And here we have the other person who successfully dragged right down into the depths of ship hell. I didn’t even mean to do so, at first. I just wanted to interact with a cool as hell Wendy. But then, things just... developed, and I found my muse’s feelings for Wendy bubbling up again, and I knew it had to be done. Months later, and here we still are, obsessing over our two eggs ‘til the very end. It was a pleasure to meet you, and I look forward to making an omelet soon ;)
@starrypsychic - Andy, or Lando, you’re quite honestly one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met, and I think you have a real talent for building characters. What I mean by that is that you somehow managed to take a widely popular character among the fandom, whose portrayal I tend not to find too interesting in the first place, and make him your own. You made him funny and depressing and realistic and relatable*, and in the process made me fall in love with him (and you).
@sparklesandstarsandstuff​ - My twin! We might as well be family, we’ve been close friends for so long, and I’ve loved every second of it. From unconditional love and support, to fun times memeing and watching shows together, you’re honestly everything I’d hope for in a sibling. I know we sometimes fall out of contact for a while, and that’s entirely my fault, but you’re always right there when I come back, ready to love me with open arms. Can’t express how thankful I am for you, twin.
@wetheremnants​ - I know you from your original Bill blog, and then followed you to your Bucky, and then was elated when I saw that you were remaking Bill not too long ago. I did notice, though, that a couple of things have remained consistent across all three blogs - your excellent writing, and of course, the generous, amazing mun. You’re someone I look up to and admire, and it always disheartens me to see you down on yourself, since your writing possesses quality I can attest to.
@widdleolgideongleeful​ - To round off the list for the year, we’ve got yet another familiar face, someone I looked up to before my RP days, and someone who’s taught me a lot about how to create and write interesting, good characters.This person’s dedication to their character was an inspiration, and contributed a lot to how I write my own Dipper. A hilarious, intelligent, and supportive friend, Booboo is someone I owe a lot of who I am today, at least in the context of Tumblr, to.
And with that, we should be just about wrapping things up! Thanks for sticking with me through my inactivity, y’all! As a resolution, I’ve decided to really motivate myself to come on here more and give people the attention they deserve. I hope you all have a prosperous year moving on, and considering how absolutely 2016 was overall for most of us, it shouldn’t be too hard a record to beat.
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[̲̲̅̅S̲̲̅̅A̲̲̅̅L̲̲̅̅E̲̲̅̅!̲̲̅̅ ̲̲̅̅ ̲̲̅̅9̲̲̅̅9̲̲̅̅ ̲̲̅̅C̲̲̅̅E̲̲̅̅N̲̲̅̅T̲̲̅̅S̲̲̅̅!̲̲̅̅ ̲̲̅̅ ̲̲̅̅S̲̲̅̅A̲̲̅̅L̲̲̅̅E̲̲̅̅!̲̲̅̅] REGINALD BONES 1 ****SNIPPET**** Reginald and Bones didn't come into the blessing of owning a graveyard right away. That doesn't happen quickly or easily, Reginald imagined. At least not when it's a family business. Everybody has death looming over their lives, but when it does so in the form of a business, it's exceptionally morbid. Reginald recalled Bones saying, “As a child, the notion of inheriting a graveyard had been a strange one.” And when Reginald came to be with Bones in adulthood, that notion had morphed into irony. Then that fateful day happened, sooner rather than later. The death business knocked on life's door and handed them the papers to five hundred and counting graves. Goodbye irony, hello terror. At least to Reginald. To Bones, you’d think they’d won the lottery. “What better place to spend the rest of our dead life?” Bones had reasoned. Right. If you were content to have that, Reginald supposed. It only took them five months to get adjusted. Reginald attributed the speedy success to Bones condition. His brain naturally gravitated to morbidity of various sorts, but Reginald respectfully never pried into those details, no matter how curious he got. And he did get very curious at times since Bones brought him there specifically to help him. With something. Bones had yet to divulge. Reginald only knew he had one main directive. Protect the world from Bones. Make Bones look normal. Hide Bones. It was like being called to an emergency without being told what the emergency was. At first, it was strangely surreal being consciously aware that he was part of Bone’s psyche. He remembered just waking up in his mind one day. Reginald Bones was his name. Was their name. He was Reginald and Bones was Bones. They shared a body like twins joined at the hip, only they were joined from inside the mind. It was kind of like moving into another person's apartment where you were told to make yourself at home, only you knew it never really would be. But Bones was a gracious host and even though Reginald tried to keep the body sharing thing fair, Bones seemed to never have much use for it. The man seemed to have zero hobbies and zero need to do anything but keep the graves. Which he did with ten kinds of gusto. “If you must know,” Bones said one day when Reginald pried for any sort of preferences. “I absolutely dig digging.” To this, Bones laughed and laughed. It didn't take long for Reginald to learn that if he wanted him to crack a joke, he just needed to ask him to be serious about something. Anything. Became damn annoying pretty quickly. But on the flip side, Reginald learned over time that while Bones didn’t have a desire to do much, he had plenty of desire to not do many things. Especially anything remotely connected to the opposite sex. It was Reginald’s first real clue to Bones’ problems. “Are you telling me you don’t like women?” Reginald had asked. “Exactly correct.” “As in you don’t like the way they look?” “Right.” “But you’ll talk to them?” “No.” “Do you like anything at all about them?” “Not a single thing.” “You sound like you hate them,” Reginald said in disbelief. “Yep.” “You hate all women.” “Every one of them.” Reginald couldn’t believe that. “Even your mother?” “Absolutely and especially,” he’d sang lightly. “Okay, maybe not as much.” Hope sparked inside of Reginald, only to be crushed with Bones’ cold, “Now that her dirty ass is at the bottom of this grave yard. And if you ever… bring me near a woman? I’ll fucking burn you.” “You’ll burn me?” “Yes.” “As in… literally?” Reginald found this kind of funny. “Yep.” Reginald attempted it only once and learned Bones’ had most definitely meant it. They shared the same body for crying out loud, it made sense to assume he was bluffing. It turned out Bones did in fact have other hobbies besides digging graves and enduring pain and agony was one of them. A heady pleasure infused his every word as he burned them with a cigarette. “Oh, you think this is bad, Reggie?” he whispered as he casually sucked in a long drag then pressed the red tip into his inner thigh. “This is nothing little brother. Nothing at all compared to what could have happened.” Reginald didn’t know then that he’d meant what could have happened to the woman. Needless to say, any contact with the opposite sex was officially off of Reginald’s list of extracurricular activities. For a while, at least. And then that day came. It would forever be known as the scorching hot summer of a record, fifty-five burials. Reginald was ready to escape the boring Bones prison or die trying. “Why am I even here?” was Reginald’s opening challenge. He’d planned it all out-- question his existence and fight Bones for his freedom. He wasn’t sure how, or if it was even possible, but he was ready to do something besides nothing all the damn day. “Don’t do this,” Bones huffed as he spread the dirt around the plot at his usual hundred mile an hour pace. Bones tried to push Reginald out of his way and for the first time, he didn’t oblige him. “Move, Reggie,” Bones muttered. “No.” “Reggie,” he whispered, finally pausing with his eyes closed. Reginald felt the rage coming. “I don’t care what you do to me. I’m not living like this another day.” “Like what!” Bones thundered. “Like a prisoner!” Reginald yelled back, yanking the shovel from him and throwing it down. “I’m supposed to help you, this isn’t helping you.” “You’re supposed to do just what you’re doing,” Bones said. “That’s all you’re here to do. Keep everything normal.” “This isn’t normal! Did you make me like this?” Reginald asked, his own anger coming. “Did you put it in me to want to help you? Because that’s all I got, Bonesy, I got this burning need to help, and leaving you like a freak isn’t right, it’s not helping in the right way, and I won’t do it. I won’t, I promise you that.” They stood in the silence, chest to chest, eye to eye, heaving in desperation. And then Bones did it, he put a collar of irrefutable loyalty around Reginald’s heart with one, desperate whisper. “I need you.” The sheer terror in his words was not from the man standing before him. He didn’t know who it belonged to, but he knew right then, that no matter how long it would take Reginald, he’d unravel what hid inside of Bones. “Okay, Bonesy,” Reginald whispered back. “I’m here, I’m not leaving. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize.” “Don’t leave, Reginald. Don't leave.” His words shook and Reginald fought to calm him. “I promise, I won’t leave.” “I don’t want to do bad things, Reggie. I don’t want to.” “Okay, hey, hey,” Reginald hurried, wishing Bones would just tell him everything. It would make it so much easier if he knew what he was dealing with. “I’m not going anywhere, you’re stuck with me. Burn me all day and night, I don’t care, chop my hands off, whatever, you’re stuck.” “I won’t hurt you Reggie,” he whispered. “I’m sorry, I won’t hurt you again.” **** REGINALD BONES BOOK 1: http://amzn.to/2hO0WYi REGINALD BONES BOOK 2: http://amzn.to/2kABKDw REGINALD BONES 3 http://amzn.to/2md7gM8 REGINALD BONES BOX SET http://amzn.to/2m9oB66 JOIN MY DARK EROTICA GROUP IF YOU WANT TO HELP CREATE THE MADNESS OF REGINALD BONES PART 2! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1510383422555848/ Check out my Blog for Awesomeness lucianbane.com
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