#bonten future timeline
kokoch4n3l · 1 day
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TWO — ribbons in my hair
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chapter summary: your world collides with Manjiro's in the shadows of your father's mansion in the woods, where 'innocence' meets cruelty in a dangerous dance
chapter warnings: dark content 18+, inaccurate depiction of politics and political climate, unreliable narrator(reader), corruption, objectification, threatening, loneliness, isolation, gang violence, use of weapons(guns), murder, blood and gore, slight infantilization, kissing, making out, cheating, fingering(f), mentions of masturbation
word count: 9842
masterlist | previous | chapter 3
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His voice, deep and gravelly, sends shivers down your spine as it reverberates through the silence of the night. The way he says "princess" makes your heart skip a beat, a rush of adrenaline coursing through your veins. You're acutely aware of the heat emanating from his body, the scent of his cologne mingling with the smoke from the bonfire below. It's intoxicating and overwhelming, and you find yourself utterly captivated by this enigmatic man standing before you.
But even as desire flares within you, a voice in the back of your mind whispers a warning. This man, Sano Manjiro, is dangerous. You can see it in the way he carries himself, in the aura of power and authority that surrounds him like a cloak. He's not someone to be trifled with, not someone you should be getting involved with. And yet, there's a part of you that's drawn to him like a moth to a flame, unable to resist the magnetic pull of his presence. But as a cool breeze card through your hair you realize that you've been caught, not just observing the scene below, but also caught off guard by this unexpected intrusion into your secluded world. You try to summon some semblance of composure, but your heart is racing, and your mind is racing even faster, trying to come up with some explanation for why you were spying on the bonfire. "Who are you?" you manage to squeak out, your voice barely above a whisper, even though you know exactly who this man is
Sano Manjiro doesn't answer, just continues to stare at you with those intense eyes of his, as if trying to read your thoughts. You swallow hard, feeling the weight of his gaze like a physical presence pressing down on you. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, he speaks, his voice low and rough, sending shivers down your spine. "What are you doing out here, princess?" Manjiro asks, his tone laced with a hint of amusement.
You bristle at the condescending nickname, but you force yourself to maintain your composure. "I could ask you the same thing," you retort, trying to inject some semblance of authority into your voice.
He smirks, a wicked gleam in his eyes. "Touché" he says, his grip on you loosening slightly. 
You take the opportunity to straighten up, pushing away from the railing and crossing your arms defensively across your chest. "So, are you going to tell me what's going on down there?" you ask, nodding towards the bonfire below. "Or am I just supposed to guess?"
He chuckles, the sound sending a strange fluttering sensation through your chest. "Let's just say it's a little... business venture" he replies cryptically, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
You raise an eyebrow, intrigued despite yourself. "Business venture, huh? Looks more like a midnight ritual to me," you quip, unable to resist a bit of sass.
He laughs a deep, throaty sound that sends a shiver down your spine. "Well, you're not entirely wrong," he admits, his smirk widening into a grin. "But I'm afraid that's all you're going to get out of me, princess. Some secrets are better left untold."
You straighten your shoulders, watching as his eyes scan you. He does so quickly as if to not let you know he was checking you out but you catch him anyway. "You didn't tell me what your name is and uh... How do you know today's my birthday...?"
Manjiro walks back inside, scanning the inside of your room. "I have all eyes on Japan, [y/n]. Of course, I know who you are" He picks up your Miffy plushie off your bed "I'm Sano Manjiro..."
His voice trails off as he lifts the plushie, examining it with a faint smirk playing on his lips. You watch him warily, unsure of what to make of this enigmatic man who's suddenly invaded your secluded world. His presence is both intoxicating and intimidating, a dangerous combination that sends your heart racing and your mind spinning. "Sano Manjiro" you repeat, the name rolling off your tongue, feigning disbelief 
You know him obviously but earlier you just had to pretend not to know who he was just by glancing at his face. Everyone in Japan knows him. He was the leader of Bonten, the most powerful gang in the country, a man feared and respected in equal measure. And now, he's standing in your bedroom, holding your plushie like it's the most natural thing in the world. You shake your head slightly, trying to shake off the surrealness of the situation. "What do you want?" you ask, your voice coming out sharper than you intended. 
You're not used to feeling so out of control, so vulnerable. But with Manjiro, it's like he's stripped away all your defences, leaving you exposed and powerless. Feeling like that is something you do not like because money can't fix it. Manjiro's gaze flickers up to meet yours, his eyes dark and unreadable. "I want to talk," he says simply, his voice low and gravelly. "I want to know why the president's daughter is spying on my men."
You bristle at the accusation, feeling a surge of indignation rise within you. "I wasn't spying," you protest, your cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "I was just... curious."
Manjiro raises an eyebrow, his expression skeptical. "Curious, huh?" he says, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Well, you certainly have a strange way of satisfying your curiosity, princess."
You flush even deeper, feeling a surge of frustration at his patronizing tone. "I'm not a child," you snap, your voice coming out sharper than you intended. "And I don't appreciate being talked down to."
Manjiro's smirk widens, a hint of challenge flashing in his eyes. "Is that so?" he says, his voice low and dangerous. "Well, forgive me for assuming. After all, you are the president's little secret, aren't you?"
You bristle at the mention of your status as the president's hidden daughter, feeling a surge of anger bubbling up inside you. "That's none of your business," you snap, your voice tinged with defiance. "And neither is what I do in my own home."
Manjiro's gaze darkens, his expression unreadable. "Everything that happens in Japan is my business," he says, his voice low and dangerous. "Including what goes on in the president's secret mansion."
You swallow hard, feeling a surge of fear coursing through your veins. You know you're outmatched, outgunned. But you refuse to let Manjiro intimidate you. You may be the president's secret daughter, but you're no pushover. Fuck, Sano Manjiro isn't supposed to know who you are. Nobody is. It's the first time in your life that someone knows who you are and it's damn scary. You don't like this at all no matter how hot Sano Manjiro is. "Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you," you say, your voice trembling slightly. "But I have nothing to say to you."
Manjiro's smirk widens into a full-blown grin, a glint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "We'll see about that," he says, his voice low and dangerous. "We'll see."
You watch as he tugs at the ears of your plushie. "You're not supposed to know who I am..." you say after a moment of silence
It's right then that his smile fades. His demeanour turns cold. Manjiro carelessly throws your plushie back on the bed and steps closer to you once again. He's close, too close in your personal space. "Your father is president now, [y/n]."
His words hang heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the dangerous game being played. Your pulse quickens, fear and anger warring within you. "What does that have to do with me?" you manage to say, your voice barely above a whisper.
Manjiro's eyes narrow, his gaze piercing through you. "It means you're a valuable asset," he replies, his tone icy. "And in my world, valuable assets are either protected or exploited."
You feel a chill run down your spine at his words. The reality of your situation crashes down on you, the weight of your father's position and the danger it brings now painfully clear. It's only about 12:35 am, 35 minutes since your father became president and this hot motherfucker is already threatening you. "are you threatening me?" you ask him
Perhaps the rush of emotions you had earlier quickly faded after realizing that this situation is something that you shouldn't be in no matter how much you fantasize about it— no matter how much you've romanticized Sano Manjiro. Earlier when he had you pressed against the dark railing of your balcony, you were no better than those girls online fantasizing about Bonten and the rest of its top executives. But perhaps you were the lucky one to be able to see Sano Manjiro's face in person since there is not one picture of him online. Manjiro's gaze hardens, his eyes narrowing as he studies you. "Call it what you will," he says, his voice cold and indifferent. "But remember this, [y/n]. You may be the president's secret daughter, but you're not untouchable. You're not invincible. And if you think you can hide away in your little mansion and pretend the world doesn't exist, you're sorely mistaken."
His words cut through you like a knife, a harsh reminder of the harsh reality you've been trying so hard to ignore. You may have grown up sheltered and pampered, but you're not naive. You know the world is a cruel and unforgiving place, especially for someone like you, someone caught in the crosshairs of power and politics. "I've invested a lot of money in your father," he says "I know you're so clearly Saimori's favourite which is why he'll probably continue to let you off the hook but now that's he's president I don't want any kind of slip-ups from you. Stay hidden just like you have before"
"I know that already" You mutter
You're infuriated by him. You don't like the way Manjiro is treating you. It's not the usual admiration or jealousy you're used to by your peers at university. You don't like that he's not kissing the damn ground you're walking on or that he's not seething in jealousy at your perfect appearance. You hate it and you want Sano Manjiro so fucking bad but he's not reacting to you in the way you want him to or in the ways you're used to. Why the hell is he treating you the same way as Kaya?
Like a stain?
A mistake.
You completely change your tone. "You have nothing to worry about, Mr. Sano," You say formally and cross your arms over your chest 
Manjiro's expression remains impassive, his eyes boring into yours with an intensity that sends a shiver down your spine. "Is that so, princess?" he says, his voice laced with a hint of skepticism.
You nod, trying to keep your voice steady despite the racing of your heart. "Yes," you reply, your tone firm and unwavering. "I assure you, I have no intention of causing any trouble for you or your... business ventures."
Manjiro studies you for a long moment, as if trying to gauge the sincerity of your words. Finally, he nods, a hint of approval flickering in his eyes. "Good," he says, his tone softer now, almost... gentle. "Because if you did, well..." He trails off, leaving the threat unspoken but hanging heavy in the air between you.
You swallow hard, feeling a knot of fear tightening in your chest. You may have put on a brave front, but deep down, you know you're no match for someone like Sano Manjiro. He's dangerous, powerful, and utterly unpredictable. And now, you're caught in his web, trapped between your father's position and Manjiro's influence, with no way out. But despite the fear and uncertainty swirling inside you, there's also a strange sense of... excitement. You may not like the way Manjiro is treating you, but there's no denying the magnetic pull he exerts, the intoxicating allure of danger and power. You may be sheltered and naive, but you're not blind. You can see the appeal of someone like Sano Manjiro, someone who defies convention and rules with an iron fist. And deep down, beneath the layers of fear and anger, there's a part of you that's drawn to him like a moth to a flame, unable to resist the pull of his dark charisma.
But for now, you push those thoughts aside, focusing instead on the task at hand. "If there's nothing else, Mr. Sano, I think it's best if you leave," you say, your voice steady despite the turmoil raging inside you.
Manjiro nods, his gaze lingering on you for a moment longer before he turns and heads for the door. "Until next time, princess," he says, his voice a low murmur that sends a shiver down your spine.
And with that, he's gone, leaving you alone in the darkness of your room, your heart still racing and your mind spinning with a thousand questions. What does Manjiro want from you? And more importantly, what are you going to do about it?
One thing is for sure though, another item has just been added to your shopping cart. 
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When you woke up the next morning the living room is filled with multiple gift boxes no doubt sent by your father. But it's one that catches your eye. The rest of the boxes are all wrapped in pink wrapping paper with bows but one small box is wrapped in black wrapping paper. You pick that one up first and unwrap it. It's a Vivienne Westwood box. You open the box and find the exact necklace you had been looking at last night, the same that lays idly in your cart because you didn't have enough energy to get up last night and get your father's credit card. It's the Valentina Orb pendant with gold hardware. The red gem in the center glimmers back at you. There is a note in the box too. You unfold it and read:
Happy Birthday Princess —SM
Sano Manjiro's initials are at the end of the note. A surge of conflicting emotions washes over you as you hold the necklace in your hands, the glint of the red gem catching the light. You're both touched and infuriated by the gesture. On one hand, it's a beautiful gift, something you've been eyeing for weeks now. On the other hand, it feels like a reminder of last night, of the encounter with Sano Manjiro that left you feeling shaken and vulnerable.
You toss the note aside, unable to bear the sight of Manjiro's initials staring back at you. Instead, you focus on the necklace, running your fingers over the smooth metal and admiring the intricate design. It's exquisite, a perfect reflection of your Manjiro's wealth and your own desire for luxury.
But as you slip the necklace around your neck, fastening the clasp with trembling fingers, you can't shake the feeling of unease that lingers in the pit of your stomach. What does this gift mean? Is it a peace offering from Manjiro, a way to smooth over the tension between you? Or is it something more sinister,?
You push those thoughts aside, forcing yourself to focus on the present moment. You have enough on your plate as it is, what with your father's newfound presidency and the looming threat of Manjiro's influence. You can't afford to dwell on what-ifs and maybes, not when there are more pressing matters at hand. With a sigh, you turn your attention to the other gifts scattered around the room. There are designer handbags, expensive perfumes, and even a few pieces of jewelry, all carefully selected by your father to celebrate your birthday. But despite the extravagance of the gifts, there's a hollow emptiness that lingers in the air, a reminder of the loneliness that pervades your secluded existence.
You're celebrating your birthday all alone while your father is out their celebrating his win. 
It's fine though. 
You just turned 20, it's no big deal— not as big as a deal of becoming president. 
It's fine that you're alone. You were an introvert anyway and you liked being by yourself. As you survey the lavish gifts spread out before you, a sense of resignation washes over you. It's not the first time you've spent your birthday alone, and it likely won't be the last. You've grown accustomed to the solitude, to the emptiness that pervades your secluded existence.
But even as you try to convince yourself that you're fine with being alone, a small part of you can't help but feel a pang of sadness. Birthdays are supposed to be a time for celebration, a time to be surrounded by loved ones and showered with affection. Yet here you are, surrounded by material possessions but devoid of any real connection.
You shake your head, banishing those thoughts from your mind. You refuse to let yourself dwell on the loneliness, not when there are more important things to focus on. With a sigh, you begin to tidy up the gifts, carefully placing each one back into its respective box. You may be alone on your birthday, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the gifts your father has bestowed upon you. After all, you deserve to treat yourself every now and then, even if it's just to fill the void left by the absence of genuine companionship.
But there was no time for self-pity right now. The next time your dad came to see you, you had to talk to him about Sano Manjiro and why the hell he knows you exist. He's not supposed to know. No one is. Your father would no doubt be too busy to answer the phone so all you can do is wait.
It was okay though. Nothing would happen to you. Your father won't let that happen and you know it. 
For now, you smile to yourself as you plan your weekly getaway.
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You were about 13 the first time you left the mansion for a purpose that wasn't to go to school. The guards, although fucking huge and strong, were stupid as hell and didn't notice you leaving on your bicycle. You live there and know the locations of all the cameras and the blindspots, of course, you know how to get away undetected.  
Every Saturday night, you'd slip out through the back garden, where the dense foliage provided perfect cover, and make your way to the small town beyond the mansion's sprawling grounds.
Today was no different. You pull on a black hoodie, baggy blue jean shorts, and white Nike Air Force 1s, the casual attire starkly contrasting to the designer outfits and silk pyjamas that filled your wardrobe. With your phone and some cash tucked into your pocket, you head for the garden. The cool nighttime breeze fills your lungs as you navigate the familiar path, your heart beating with the thrill of escape. The road to the town from the mansion is empty. No one has any reason to come down that way. Both sides of the road are filled with dense forest with the occasional street light. You have your own little light on the front of your bike too so you're not too afraid of the dark. You were grown up and the dark was the last thing you had to fear. 
As you ride your bike, the wind whips through your hair and you smile. You've been doing this for years and it was fun(sometimes you wonder how much more fun these bike rides would be if you had a few friends with you like in those coming-of-age movies). The thought of friends joining you on these clandestine escapades lingers in your mind as you pedal harder, the landscape blurring past. It's a fantasy you've entertained more than once, imagining a group of friends laughing and riding alongside you, sharing stories and secrets under the cover of night. But for now, the solitude of your solitary journey brings a strange sense of freedom and peace.
Tonight for some odd reason, the town seems... empty. Of course, it usually was empty anyway considering there was nothing else ahead for miles except for forestry but, it was a little odd. It was never this quiet all the years you had been coming here. Oh well, you shrug and get off your bike, locking it into the bike rack you usually do. You push the odd sense of emptiness from your mind and continue towards your destination—a small, noodle place that stays open late. It's your usual spot, a place where you can blend in with the locals and enjoy a moment of normalcy away from the confines of the mansion. As you walk down the familiar streets, the quietness feels almost eerie, but you convince yourself it's just your imagination playing tricks on you.
You approach the noodle place, the warm, savoury scent wafting out as you push open the door. The small bell above the entrance chimes, a familiar sound that always makes you feel welcomed. Despite the unusual quietness outside, the inside of the noodle shop feels just as cozy as always. You slide into your usual booth by the window, glancing around to see only a few patrons scattered throughout the restaurant. As you wait for your order, you watch the steam rise from the bowls of ramen being served to other customers, the sound of quiet chatter and clinking utensils creating a comforting ambiance. You pull out your phone, absentmindedly scrolling through social media while your mind drifts back to the events of the previous night. Manjiro's unexpected presence, his cryptic warnings, and that beautiful necklace that sits on your clavicle all swirl in your thoughts.
It's about at that time the door chimes again and this time a bigger group enters. You pull the hood of your hoodie over your head and slouch a little in the booth just in case it is some of your father's men. You don't turn around to look at the group nor do you make it seem you're out of place. You simply sit there silently. It wasn't like they'd recognize you without your fancy pyjamas or clothing anyway. The group behind you laughs loudly, acting rowdy as all men do. 
A bowl of hot ramen is placed in front of you, snapping you back to the present. You thank the server and dig in, savouring the rich flavours and the simple pleasure of a meal enjoyed in peace. The warmth of the broth and the familiarity of the routine help ease some of the tension that's been building up inside you.
As you finish eating it is then you hear a familiar voice that makes the whole group shut up. "his first daughter is a snake, the illegitimate one is nothing more than a spoiled puppy"
Oh shit.
It wasn't your father's stupid 2-brain-celled men. It was Sano-fucking-Manjiro and his men. That should be nothing to worry about but there is this voice deep in your head telling you that you couldn't get caught by him— that it would prove to be fatal. You pull out a black medical mask you always kept in your pocket for emergencies and put it on then tug your hood further down. You had to be careful and be quick. "ready for the bill, dear?" the owner asks as you walk over with the empty bowl
You nod as the elderly woman takes the bowl and sets it aside for the men washing the dishes. You silently pull out the wad of cash in your pocket flick through it for the amount and hand it over to her. Just as she's about put it in the register, yelling from Sano Manjiro's group starts and you hear a click, that makes the entire group and noodle shop go silent. Hesitantly, you turn your head in the direction of the sound and that's when you see a gun pressed to Sano Manjiro's temple. 
Your breath catches in your throat, and you instinctively shrink back, trying to make yourself as inconspicuous as possible. The tension in the room is palpable, the air heavy with the threat of violence. Your heart races as you watch the scene unfold, your mind whirring with a mixture of fear and disbelief. Manjiro's reaction is unsettlingly calm. His expression remains neutral, his eyes cold and calculating as he stares down the barrel of the gun. The man holding the weapon is clearly nervous, his hand trembling slightly as he tries to maintain his composure. 
At that moment, a fight breaks out. The owner grabs you by the arm and pulls you behind the counter, shielding you with her frail body. You try to protest but she just hushes you and holds you tighter. The man washing the dishes also ducks as the first bullet goes off. You're shaking and ears are ringing at the loud bangs. You huddle behind the counter, your heart pounding in your chest as the chaos unfolds around you. The sound of gunfire reverberates through the small noodle shop, mingling with the shouts and screams of the patrons. You can feel the elderly woman's grip tighten on your arm. Peeking out from behind the counter, you see Manjiro moving with a predatory grace, effortlessly disarming his attackers and turning the gun on them. The man who had dared to threaten him is now at his mercy, barely alive on the floor as Manjiro towers over him, his expression as cold and unyielding as ever. "Pathetic," Manjiro spits, his voice low and menacing. "You think you can challenge me and live to tell the tale?"
The man's response is a choked sob, his bravado completely shattered. The shop has blood splattered on the walls and multiple men either dead or barely alive. The other paterons in the shop are under tables, trembling, fearing for their lives. The atmosphere in the noodle shop is charged with fear and tension. You remain crouched behind the counter, the elderly woman still clutching your arm, her frail body shielding you from the violence erupting around you. Your mind races, grappling with the sudden turn of events and the realization that you are in the presence of Sano Manjiro, a man far more dangerous than you had ever imagined.
Manjiro's men quickly subdue the rest of the attackers, efficiently neutralizing the threat. The sound of gunfire ceases, replaced by the heavy breathing and muffled cries of the wounded. You feel a surge of relief as the immediate danger passes, but it is quickly replaced by a new wave of anxiety. You know you need to escape before Manjiro notices you, but the fear of drawing attention to yourself keeps you rooted to the spot. "alright boys, round up the witnesses" A smooth deep voice says
You put a hand over your mouth to keep yourself from letting out a sound. shit. "oh c'mon stop crying" Another voice says "we ain't gon' kill ya'. Just gonna have a nice talk"
Your heart races as you hear the voices of Manjiro's men, their footsteps approaching the counter where you're hiding. The elderly woman holding you trembles, her grip tightening as she whispers, "Stay still, dear. Don't move."
Panic surges through you, but you force yourself to stay calm. You can hear the men moving through the shop, pulling out the other patrons from their hiding spots. Your mind races, trying to think of a way out. The door to the kitchen is just a few feet away—if you can make it there, you might have a chance to slip out the back and escape. Just as you're about to make your move, the counter above you is abruptly yanked away, and you're staring up into the cold, dark eyes of one of Manjiro's men. He grabs your arm, yanking you to your feet and pulling you out from behind the counter. The elderly woman cries out in protest, but she's quickly silenced by a sharp glare. "Look what we have here," the man holding you says, a smirk playing on his lips. "A little mouse hiding in the shadows."
You struggle against his grip, but it's no use. He's too strong, and your attempts to break free only make him tighten his hold. The man has slightly feminine feautres downturned droopy lilac eyes and his hair is fashioned in a striped pattern dyed in the colors of purple and blond tied back in a ponytail. He tugs at the medical mask and rips it off your face. "huh. Everyone else here is old except you" The man murmurs then calls out "Mikey, what do we do with the depressed university student"
Manjiro was probably behind you. He hasn't seen your face yet. Maybe you had a chance to get out of this without him seeing you. "Wakasa, that's my depressed university student" Manjiro says in a nonchalant tone
Or not...
You freeze at the sound of Manjiro's voice, your heart pounding in your chest as you slowly turn to face him. His gaze pierces through you, cold and calculating, as if he can see right through the facade you've carefully constructed. Panic surges through you, but you force yourself to maintain a calm exterior, refusing to let him see how rattled you truly are. Wakasa releases his grip on you, allowing you to step away from him. You keep your eyes trained on the floor, avoiding Manjiro's penetrating gaze as you silently curse yourself for getting caught in this mess. You should have been more careful, more vigilant. Oh you shouldn't have even come here tonight, birthday or not. Shit shit shit. Manjiro grabs the front of your hoodie and you stumble forward, a choked gasp leaving your lips. "you guys finish up here" Manjiro says to his men and literally drags you out the shop by the front of your hoodie
Your heart races as Manjiro pulls you out of the shop, his grip firm and unyielding. You stumble forward, struggling to keep up with his long strides as he leads you away from the chaos behind you. The cool night air hits you like a slap in the face, a sharp contrast to the stifling atmosphere inside the noodle shop. You can feel Manjiro's eyes boring into you, his gaze burning into your skin as he assesses you with a scrutiny that sends shivers down your spine.
You're acutely aware of the danger you're in, the precariousness of your situation now that you're alone with Manjiro. But even as fear courses through your veins, there's also a strange sense of exhilaration, a rush of adrenaline that heightens your senses and sharpens your awareness. You know you should be terrified of him, should be doing everything in your power to escape his grasp. And yet, there's a part of you that's drawn to him like a moth to a flame, unable to resist the magnetic pull of his presence. As Manjiro leads you further away from the noodle shop, you can't help but wonder what he plans to do with you. Is he going to interrogate you, threaten you, or worse? The possibilities swirl in your mind, each one more terrifying than the last. But as you steal a glance at his profile, you can't help but notice the faintest hint of amusement playing at the corners of his lips, as if he's enjoying the thrill of the chase.
You push those thoughts aside, forcing yourself to focus on the present moment. You need to stay alert, stay composed, if you have any hope of getting out of this alive. With a steadying breath, you square your shoulders and meet Manjiro's gaze head-on, refusing to show any sign of weakness. He leads you to a sleek black car parked just down the street, opening the door and gesturing for you to get in. You hesitate for a moment, the instinct to run screaming at the back of your mind. But you know there's no escaping Manjiro, not now. With a resigned sigh, you slide into the backseat of the car, trying to ignore the sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach as Manjiro settles in beside you. "what are you wearing?" Manjiro asks after a moment of silence
There's no one else in car. Just the both of them. The windows are tinted so no one can look in. "clothes" you manage to say, sucking in uneven breaths as your heart refuses to calm itself
Honestly speaking, it made sense for Manjiro to be asking that question. Manjiro leans over and pulls your hood off your head. "[y/n]" he murmurs your name, the look on his face cold "what the hell are you doing out here?"
"I... I just needed some fresh air," you stammer, your voice barely above a whisper. "I... I didn't cause any trouble... I was having noodles"
Manjiro's eyes bore into yours, his expression unreadable. "Do you think I believe that?" he asks, his voice low and dangerous. "You know the risks, and yet you still choose to sneak out in the dead of night."
You swallow hard, trying to steady your breathing so you don't lash out at him. Sano Manjiro is not one of your father's guards so you can't yell at him as you please. "I do this every week... I... Nothing has ever happened and it's literally a 20-minute bike ride away from the mansion!"
Manjiro's gaze does not soften at all neither does his grip get any looser. "Your father's position makes you a target," he says, his tone still commanding, making you feel sick "Do you have any idea what could happen to you if the wrong people find out who you are?"
"I know," you admit, your voice barely a whisper. "But no one has. Not here. I've been coming here since I was 13!"
Manjiro releases your arm and leans back, his eyes never leaving yours. "Freedom comes with a price," he says after a moment of silence "And right now, you can't afford it."
You feel a surge of frustration and defiance rising within you. "What about you?" you retort, your voice gaining strength. "You talk about risks and dangers, but you live your life on your own terms. Why can't I?"
Manjiro's expression hardens again, a flicker of something dark and intense passing through his eyes. "Because I'm not the president's daughter and I am supposed to exist unlike you"
The silence that follows is heavy and oppressive, the weight of his words settling over you like a shroud. ow ow ow. Your chest hurts. You don't like the way he's talking to you or the way he's looking at you. It's not fucking fair that he's being like this when you couldn't stop thinking about him all day. Why is he being so mean? Suddenly you're 5 years old again at your mother's funeral, silently listening to 10-year-old Kaya spew bullshit to you, saying things like "You should've died with her", "Daddy would have been happier if you were gone too", "my mommy says you're a mistake... not supposed to exist"
You look right at Manjiro with eyes full of anger. "You don't get to talk to me like that"
Manjiro's eyes narrow at your defiant words, the tension between you crackling like a live wire. The car's confined space feels even smaller as you both lock eyes, each refusing to back down. He lets out a low, humourless chuckle, leaning in closer until his face is just inches from yours. "Oh, I don't?" he asks, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Then who does? Your father? Those guards who barely pay attention to what you're doing? You think you're invincible because you've gotten away with it so far. But you're playing a dangerous game, [Y/N]."
You're about to open your mouth to say something but he cuts you off once again. "I know more about the world you live in than you ever will. Your father's position, the enemies he has, the threats you face—none of it is a game. You think sneaking out and playing at being normal is harmless, but it's not. It's reckless. And if someone were to figure out just who you are, do you have any idea the chaos it would cause?" Manjiro hisses angrily "All of my fucking money, all my years of hard work down to fucking waste
You bristle at his words, the unfairness of your situation crashing down on you. All Sano Manjiro cares about is his stupid ass money— the money he invested into the election. Nothing else. You still have no idea just why your father would even tell this man the location of the mansion and why he became 'business partners' with him when there were so many other rich men in Japan. Your father was a very charismatic man so he wouldn't have any trouble getting investors. So why the hell did it have to be Sano-fucking-Manjiro? Oh man did you have a bone to pick with your father. "So what am I supposed to do?" you snap. "Stay locked up in that mansion forever? Pretend like I don't exist? Is that what you want?"
Without missing a beat he responds "Yes"
Your heart aches even more. The word hangs heavy in the air, its simplicity carrying the weight of your predicament. You clench your fists, feeling the sting of tears behind your eyes but refusing to let them fall. You won't give Manjiro the satisfaction of seeing you break. "Why are you even here?" you demand, your voice trembling with a mixture of anger and frustration. "Why do you care what I do? You said it yourself, I'm just a spoiled puppy."
Manjiro's expression shifts slightly, a flicker of something almost imperceptible passing through his eyes before his steely mask is back in place. He leans back in the seat, his gaze never wavering from yours. "I care because your father and I have an understanding," he says finally, his voice calmer but no less authoritative. "Your safety is part of that understanding. If anything happens to you or people find out you exist, it creates problems neither of us can afford."
You scoff, shaking your head in disbelief. "So it's all just business to you," you mutter, more to yourself than to him. "Just another transaction."
"Everything in our world is a transaction," Manjiro replies coldly. "But don't mistake that for a lack of concern. Your father's enemies would use you against him in a heartbeat. Keeping you safe isn't just about protecting his interests—it's about protecting and hiding you from becoming a pawn in a much larger game."
Your chest tightens with the weight of Manjiro's words. You want to scream at him, to tell him how unfair this all is, but deep down, you know he's right. The reality of your situation, the fragility of your existence, is something you can't ignore. You take a deep breath, trying to steady your racing heart. "Fine," you say finally, your voice barely above a whisper. "I'll stay out of trouble. Just take me back home."
Manjiro studies you for a moment, his gaze searching your face as if assessing your sincerity. You expect him to call one of his men over to drive but instead, he says "You're upset..."
"I'm not" You deny, just wanting this to be over already
You press yourself against the door, wanting to make some space between you and Manjiro and look out the window. You don't like how this night turned out. Moving your gaze from the window to your sneakers, your eye twitches at the sight of blood splattered on the white material, probably from stepping in a puddle of it inside the shop. If you weren't annoyed and irritated before you sure are now. You look back outside the window. As the car remains still, the quiet between you and Manjiro grows tense. He lets out a sigh, perhaps sensing your genuine frustration and sorrow. His demeanour shifts slightly, the hard edges of his persona softening just a touch. He moves in closer, sitting on the center seat. "hey, look at me" Manjiro doesn't give you much of a choice as he grabs your chin and makes you face him and his grip, while firm, isn't as rough as before. 
You find yourself staring into his eyes, those dark pools that hold so many secrets and dangers. His expression is softer now, almost gentle, and for a brief moment, you glimpse the boy behind the ruthless facade. His dark eyes trail down your face to your neck and settle on the piece of jewelry you're wearing. Very briefly, a look of surprise flashes over his face. It was like he hadn't expected you to wear the necklace he gifted. There's a flicker of something in his eyes, a hint of confusion or perhaps curiosity before his features once again settle into their usual mask of composure. You feel a surge of self-consciousness under his scrutiny. "I didn't mean to make you so upset, sweet girl" He murmurs and suddenly he's too close
Manjiro's hand slides up from your chin to your cheek, cradling it in the way you've been wanting him to from the beginning. Finally, finally, he's looking at you the way you want and not the way Kaya and her mother look at you. Oh, fucking god did it feel good. It felt so good you were tearing up. Tears blur your vision, and you hate how vulnerable you feel in this moment. But there's something in Manjiro's touch, something almost tender that makes it impossible to pull away. His thumb gently brushes away a stray tear, his touch surprisingly soothing. "so how'd you get all the way here, hm?" Manjiro asks, his voice low but no longer sounding cold
Your hands tremble in your lap. Finally, Manjiro is talking to you the way you wanted him to. "I-I rode my bike..." you say and Manjiro smiles
"oh you did?" he murmurs as his thumb rubs against your cheekbone "The mansion is far from here. How long did it take you?"
"20 minutes"
He's speaking to you in this oddly condescending tone but for some reason, it sounds nice. You like it. It's 100 times better than the way he was speaking to you earlier. "20 minutes? oh poor baby, hm. You rode your little bike this far just to get away from that house..." Manjiro whispers and now you can feel his breath against your cheek
Your lips quiver. He's close, really close. "were you lonely?" He asks softly "You didn't want to spend your birthday locked away, did you?"
Your lips quiver. He's close, really close. "Were you lonely?" he asks softly. "You didn't want to spend your birthday locked away, did you?"
The words sting because they're true. You swallow hard, trying to find your voice. "No... I didn't," you admit, your voice barely a whisper.
Manjiro's hand moves to the back of your head, fingers tangling gently in your hair. "You should've told me," he says, his breath warm against your skin. "I would have come to get you."
You close your eyes, leaning into his touch. "I don't have your number" 
He chuckles and the sound makes your stomach drop in the same way it would when a rollercoaster goes down. "I put my number on the back of the note, sweet girl. You didn't see it?"
Your eyes widen in realization. The note—how had you missed it? You shake your head, feeling foolish and more vulnerable than ever. "I-I didn't... I didn't see it," you stammer, the words tumbling out in a rush.
Manjiro's chuckle is soft, almost affectionate, as he continues to cradle your head in his hand. "Well, now you know," he says, his voice a soothing balm to your frayed nerves. "Next time, you can just call me."
The promise in his words, the implication of a next time, fills you with a strange mix of relief and anticipation. You nod, unable to find the words to respond. Manjiro's touch, his presence, is overwhelming in the best way possible. He's no longer being mean, no longer talking to you in the same way Kaya and your stepmother do and you feel so much better. "I'm sorry for getting mad at you, sweet girl... I had no reason to talk to you like that. You just came here to eat" Manjiro whispers, his voice sounding so soft it tugs at your heart "Instead you saw some... unsavoury things... I'm sorry"
He was talking about the people that died in the shop. You hadn't even paid attention or even remembered what just happened in the shop. You had been too focused on him after all. "let me make it up to you, hm" And before you know it, his lips are on yours
You've been kissed before— many times actually. Mostly in middle and high school though. A very memorable kiss was in 10th grade when you kissed the crush of a girl that was trying to spread rumours about you. The kiss itself hadn't been memorable but the look on the girl's face after you pulled away from her crush was priceless. This kiss, however, is memorable. The way Manjiro cradles your face like you're something precious, how his lips lock with yours— so memorable. 
The kiss is electrifying, sending shivers down your spine and igniting a fire in your veins. It's a slow burn, filled with a tenderness you hadn't expected from someone like Sano Manjiro. His lips move against yours with a skill that speaks of experience, but there's something gentle and tentative about the way he kisses you as if he's afraid of breaking you. You respond eagerly, your hands reaching up to tangle in his hair, pulling him closer as you deepen the kiss.
Time seems to stand still as you lose yourself in the sensation of his lips on yours, the world outside the car fading into insignificance. All that matters is this moment. It feels like a lifetime since you've felt this close to someone, this seen and understood. And as the kiss deepens, the heat between you building with each passing second, you realize that you never want it to end.
With absolute ease, Manjiro slides his tongue into your mouth and you think your head might explode or already did. His tongue slides against your and you practically fall slack against the car door you were leaning up against. Manjiro tilted his head and deepened the kiss further, licking into your mouth, groaning in satisfaction.
Manjiro's mouth captured your full lower lip, sucking it into his mouth before his teeth sunk into the bruised pink flesh. The sting of the bite drew out a delicious whimper from you but Manjrio wasn't satisfied with stopping there. He pressed on immediately, licking into your mouth with filthy flicks of his tongue, devouring any stray sound that escaped. So caught up in the feeling of his mouth against yours, you hadn't even realized Manjiro had unbuttoned your jean shorts and was already slipping his hand instead after undoing the zipper. Due to your shorts being a bit baggy, he has a lot more room to move his hand around than expected. You don't even realize that Manjir's got his hand down your shorts till his fingers brush against your pubic bone. "h-hm?" your eyes fly open and he pulls away slightly from you
"shhh~" Manjiro simply hushes, pressing a kiss to your cheek, and his middle finger brushes against your clit making your hips jolt "Lemme make it up to you baby"
His fingers dip lower to your already wet hole and you feel his lips stretch into a smile against your cheek. Oh, this was slightly embarrassing you had gotten wet from simply making out with him. His finger dips slightly into your entrance before coming back up to your clit and coating the sensitive bud in your slick. You whimper weakly, eyes falling shut as he rubs little figure 8s on your little nub. "w-wait Manjiro" you choke out weakly
"yeah, baby?" He asks, lips still pressed against your cheek
A single finger dips inside your hole and you gasp at the feeling, hand scrambling to hold onto something— anything. It's right when your hands grasp at his biceps you remember "I-I'm a virgin"
To your surprise, Manjiro laughs softly. "Hmm? No wonder you got wet so easy baby"
A second finger slides in and your eyes fall shut again. You're gasping, whimpering and moaning out his name and Manjiro just watches all your expressions intently as his fingers work in your hole and on your clit. You've never felt this way before. Yes, you have touched yourself but it has never felt as good as this. When you touch yourself your simple goal is getting off and having that release you need. Manjiro on the other hand, was going slow compared to your fast needy movements when you're on your own. His fingers feel different too. They're thicker and longer than yours and for some reason, the roughness of his skin feels so good too. "Ma-Manjiro" you whine softly
Oh, you wanted to beg him to go faster but you have a feeling he wouldn't even if you did. "feels s'good doesn't it?" Manjiro murmurs as you open your eyes, meeting his
You nod frantically, crushing the material of his suit jacket in your hands. "f-feels g-good" 
He's stroking your clit so slowly it's almost torturous but it feels so good that your eyes roll back. "Oh it does feel good" Manjiro croons, his fingers inside you curling upwards and your hips jolt again
You're breathing heavily, muscles tensing and relaxing constantly as he's slowly bringing you over to the edge. "Manjiro~" you whimper out again, unable to stay still
Your head tips back against the glass and Manjiro takes that chance to press kisses along the column of your throat. You sigh, whimpering out his name over and over like a prayer. You've never been touched like this before and you sure as hell haven't touched yourself in the same way he is right now. A coil tightens in your lower belly as after what feels like hours you're brought to the edge. "'Jiro... 'm gon' cum" You whine, thighs trembling and eyes shutting tight
"go ahead, sweet girl," Manjiro says "Come for me"
Your back arches against the door of the car and a choked sob leaves your lips. Your vision turns a blinding white as his fingers keep stroking your clit, drawing out your orgasm till you're gasping and whimpering from the slight pricks of pain that start. Manjiro is murmuring encouraging words into your ears, guiding you through the fog in your head as you come down from your orgasm. "there we go... felt good, didn't it?"
You don't answer as he slides his hand out of your shorts. You're breathing shaky and heavy as he's zipping your shorts back up and buttoning it up again. He pulls away from you and reaches over to the front and gets a tissue, wiping off his fingers. You're still shaking, thighs twitching. First time in your life you've come so damn hard. "hey, you 'kay?" Manjiro asks as he fixes your hair
It feels like your skin is overheating now that you've come down from the afterglow of your orgasm. You nod weakly, unable to really get your words out. His hands come up to run through your hair, fixes the messy strands before they come down to the end of your hoodie. "let's get this off" he says "you're burning up"
You shake your head no. "'m not wearing anything under it"
Manjiro's eyebrows shoot up in surprise, his lips curling into a mischievous grin. "Is that so?" he says, his voice low and teasing. "Well, isn't that interesting?"
Heat rushes to your cheeks, embarrassed by your own admission, but the look in Manjiro's eyes makes it hard to feel anything but anticipation. There's a playful glint in his gaze, a hint of something more that sends a shiver down your spine. You feel even hotter now. "don't worry, sweet girl, we'll turn on the air conditioner and take you home... It's been a long night"
You exhale, feeling a mix of relief and disappointment at his words. Manjiro's hands remain steady at the hem of your hoodie, his touch grounding you in the present moment. "You sure you don't want to take it off?" he murmurs, his voice still carrying that playful tone.
You shake your head again, feeling a strange blend of shyness and defiance. "Not here," you manage to say, your voice barely above a whisper.
Manjiro chuckles softly, his fingers gently trailing up your sides, sending a shiver through your body. "Alright, alright," he concedes, his touch lingering for a moment longer before he finally pulls away. "We'll save that for another time, then."
He tugs you into his side and then pulls out his phone. You don't see who he texts but as soon as he does, the car doors unlock and two men enter, both sitting in the front seats. Instinctively you press yourself into his side, wanting to hide away from them. "Sanzu turn the air conditioner on" Manjiro's voice turns back to a cold tone as the pink-haired man in the driver seat starts the car
"will do boss, little princess probably needs it" The man, Sanzu, says and your face heats up even more
Manjiro's arm tightens around you protectively, a silent assurance that you're safe with him. The car's engine hums to life, and soon the cool air of the air conditioner washes over you, providing a much-needed relief from the heat that had built up in the cramped backseat. You glance up at Manjiro, his expression now a mask of calm and control as he gives instructions to the men in the front. His demeanour has shifted, the playful teasing replaced by a serious, almost authoritative air. It's a reminder of the world he operates in, a world you're only just beginning to understand.
You feel exhausted, so sleepy after Manjiro touched you like that. Your eyes fall shut and before you know it, you fall asleep.
There are a lot of things you want to ask Manjiro, a lot of which you know you will get no answers to. However, there is one thing you have figured out just from his obvious distaste of your outfit.
He likes you better with ribbons in your hair.
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"she doesn't know..." Kakucho says lowly as he looks back at your sleeping form in Manjiro's arms in the back seat
Manjiro furrows his brows. "about what?"
"About you and Kaya being engaged," Kakucho continues, his voice quiet but firm. 
He glances at Manjiro, the weight of the words hanging heavily in the air. Manjiro's expression hardens for a moment, his jaw tightening. He looks down at you, peaceful and oblivious in your sleep, nestled against him. The contrast between the tenderness he feels for you and the cold reality of his arranged engagement to Kaya is stark. He hadn't wanted to think about it, hadn't wanted to acknowledge the complications that come with his world, but now it's staring him in the face. "She doesn't need to know," Manjiro says finally, his voice monotonous as usual "Not yet, anyway."
"and here I thought you couldn't get any worse" Sanzu says with a grin as he turns onto the secluded road up to the mansion "You're engaged to her step sister and you just got frisky with her in the backseat"
Manjiro’s eyes narrow, but he doesn’t respond immediately to Sanzu’s taunt. Instead, he gently strokes your hair, his expression a look of contemplation. "It's complicated," he finally mutters, more to himself than to anyone else.
"Complicated?" Sanzu snorts, glancing at him in the rearview mirror. "That's one way to put it."
Kakucho sighs, adjusting his seat to get a better view of both Manjiro and you. "are you using her to get a better hold on Saimori?" He asks
"that would make sense if you were" Sanzu continues Kakucho's words "fuck around with his favourite daughter. It's pretty obvious why he got you engaged to Kaya and not... this spoiled puppy"
Manjiro's grip on you tightens momentarily, his jaw clenched as he listens to Sanzu's words. The accusation hangs heavy in the air, and for a moment, it feels like the weight of the world is pressing down on him. He knows the truth behind his engagement to Kaya, the political motivations, the alliances it's meant to secure. "Partially" Manjiro confirms "It's partially that"
Sanzu lets out a low whistle, shaking his head in disbelief. "Well, ain't that just peachy," he mutters, his tone laced with sarcasm "My mass murderer childhood friend with the country under his boot likes a spoiled puppy"
Manjiro's gaze flickers with a hint of irritation at Sanzu's words, but he remains composed, his focus shifting back to the road ahead. "Watch your mouth, Sanzu," he warns, his voice low and dangerous. "You know what happens to those who disrespect me."
Sanzu chuckles, unfazed by the threat. "Relax, boss," he says, his tone light despite the tension in the air. "I'm just calling it like I see it."
Kakucho leans forward, his expression serious. "Mikey, you know this can't end well," he says, his voice a low murmur.
Manjiro simply holds you tighter to his side. "We're playing a bigger game now. We've got the president under our thumb and she's just extra precaution. A safety net. If Shinichi Saimori tries something, things will fall on his daughter that isn't supposed to exist"
Manjiro's words hang heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the ruthless world he navigates. The implications of his actions, the weight of his choices, are a burden he carries with a stoic resolve. As the car winds its way up the secluded road to the mansion, the silence between them is thick with unspoken tension. Kakucho watches Manjiro closely, concern etched into his features. "You're playing a dangerous game, Mikey," he says, his voice filled with a mix of caution and apprehension. "Bringing her into this... it could end badly."
Manjiro's jaw tightens, his gaze fixed ahead as he steels himself against the doubts that threaten to surface. "I know what I'm doing, Kakucho," he replies, his tone clipped and unwavering. "I can handle it."
Of course, they believe him. It's been years. They know Manjiro could handle it.
You, he knows what to do with, he's still yet to decide how to handle his hoe of a fiancé.
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notes: oof well... I hope this chapter was better than the first. I was fighting for my life writing that sad excuse of a smut scene 😭
I hope you enjoyed tho.
check here for progress on the next chapter. Also if the content warnings for the next chapter are already up on the series masterlist, that means that chapter has already been written. Dates that I plan to post chapters are on the series masterlist as well.
likes, asks, comments and reblogs are appreciated ♡
taglist: @m-ilkiee @reiners-milkbiddies @short-cxke @brisssaaa009 @tenjikusstuff4
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84 notes · View notes
tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 8 months
In that dinner with Toman members before I think the Black Dragon arc, we see evil Hakkai and someone who wants his rice and Smiley. So, question: Where's Angry? At that point, we didn't know that Angry existed, but now I have questions. What happened to him in that timeline?
Well we have no canon answer for that but I think there's two possibilities for Angry there. Either he's still in the gang but isn't as involved as Smiley/ a lesser down member. Which would make sense because I don't think Angry would want to leave Smiley alone in the gang. I mean this is the same guy who always seems to be keeping Smiley out of trouble and assumed he'd be doing that in the future.
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But on the other hand I really can't imagine Angry who hates violence to be in such a bad criminal organisation. I also don't think Smiley would want him there or involved. So it probably comes down to Smiley trying to keep Angry out of it vs Angry trying to be involved to help Smiley.
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pavlovers · 2 years
actually nvm im not emo anymore 🤧
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#will i ever be truly content with the ending ? no 💀 but ! everyone looks so cute nd im happy that my fav freaks are able to be silly :p#i have mixed feelings on chifuyu narrating this chapter tho lmao 😭😭#i mean its great that he somehow remembers everything that michi went through nd their friendship wasnt lost#BUT I CANT GET OVER THAT LIKE. ONE TAKEHINA KISS PANEL AND ITS JUST HIS UGLY CRYING FACE AT THE BOTTOM 😭😭#i kinda love that for him tho like shit make their day all about yourself king#i wouldn't have taken the whole takehina ending seriously either way#tokrev aint even about them at this point its about the collection of freaks takemichi collected along the way 😭#what other thoughts can i put out there...#omg sanzu being an influencer is such a slay. i love how he looks exactly the same as he did in the bonten timeline#he just slays online now instead of yknow with a katana in real life !#kazus adorable. izanas adorable#I LOVE THAT SOUTH IS JUST THERE. IDK HOW THEY MET IN THIS TIMELINE BUT FUCK IT YEAH HES INVITED WHY NOT#seeing timeskip mikey again just confirms my initial feelings towards manila mikey which is that he was ugly 😭#IDK THE SHORT HAIR DOESNT SUIT HIM IMO 😭 I WAS HOPING THAT WAKUI WOULD GIVE HIM A NEW HAIRCUT THAT WE HAVENT SEEN BEFORE#its ok tho im happy that hes actually happy ! and that the future he wanted with emma and draken and their baby came true 🥲#WAHH THAT TOO 😭 THE FACT THAT THEYRE MARRIED AND EMMA IS PREGNANT WITH THEIR FIRST CHILD LITERALLY SOBBING 😭#its what theyve deserved this whole time !!!!#what wakui did to naoto was a crime tho 😭 why does he look like thatttt#bring back detective naoto 😭 current naoto looks more homeless than takemichi that doesnt sit right with me 😭#im rocking with long hair hanma. shuji just some guy hanma 💀#wakui making mikey looking at takemichi like that the opening panel like we know what they are 🙄 just had to remind us#thats all i think... its finally over 😭 i may have my grudges but i truly loved reading this weekly for over a year it was so much fun 💗
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shions-chin-scar · 2 years
I think that senju is dead in Bonten, since Takemichi and draken were not here, she's probably the one who get shoot. It mean that both Takeomi and Sanzu arrived too late while South was saying things like he did in the Kanto timeline
That's what I think too, in the Bonten timeline Senju probably died protecting Takemichi like he saw in his vision (assuming Past Takemichi became her friend like Future Takemichi did) or she was killed by either South or Mikey during the Battle of the Three Deities. That would explain why Takeomi works for the organization in the future, Brahman and Rokuhara got absorbed into KMG and gave birth to Bonten
Either way it's really sad to think about Takeomi, Wakasa and Benkei's reactions to Senju's death, especially when they were so keen on protecting her
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chao-thicc-hcs · 11 months
Hello good sir, I was wondering if you would take the time out of your day and consider making a headcannon of the TR characters "mikey, izana , sanzu, south" reaction to "there s/o being attacked and beaten for being in a relationship with them"
I would very much appreciate if you made this HC but I do understand if you did not, thanks for indulging me🙏
a/n: it's miss ^^ Sorry for the long wait, I was burn out and tired from work.
↧ next time, for anyone wondering, please specify what timeline you want the characters to be from, especially mikey and sanzu, cuz yk
Their s/o being beaten up because they're in a relationship with them
featuring: bonten!sanzu and mikey; toman!mikey; south terano, izana kurokawa
warning(s): mentions of blood, beating up, reader being hurt, mentions of guns and drugs
n o t p r o o f r e a d !, will be edited in the future.
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you had a date with Mikey a little bit before a gang meet up, but you were late, something that was VERY unusual of you
he was worried and roamed around the place like a fly without its head
until you came crying to him, bruised and cut all over your body
he froze on the spot and immediately wrapped his hands around you
he was shaking, asking you what happened and all that
you had to calm down and catch your breath before being able to form a coherent sentence about what happened
you were walking to where your little date was going to take place, and a group of gang members cornered you in an alley and started punching you
thankfully, there was a cop nearby who heard your screams and scared away the assaulters
he will be furious, lifting you up and carrying you to the place where you were attacked
asks you to tell him the dudes that attacked you
if you remember correctly and show him who they were, he will start beating them up immediately. He won't care where you are
A cafe? A park? School?? He don't give a damn, he's launching on them like a rottweiler on a piece of meat
after you've successfuly ran away from the cops (if it was a public space) Mikey will take you to his room and start hugging you
He doesn't let go at all. He has his arms wrapped around you while you're laying on him, and groans if you try to move the slightest
very cautious onward. always making sure you're with him or with someone from Toman to protect you just in case
he knew that eventually, he had to face such occasion, but he's not going to let you go - he will make sure to do everything he can to protect you and instill fear in his enemies, so they don't ever touch you
finds the leader of the gang and beats them up heavily, making all the members watch, then he beats them up too
deffo asks you to sleep over for a couple of days so you can calm down and have fresh memories of him hugging you and just loving you
glares at everyone
i'd like to think nobody from Toman knows you're dating, because he is afraid that someone might be a traitor and try to do something to you
and he keeps you even more in secret, making sure you don't even look at any familiar gang faces of Mikey's, but he doesn't dare being sneaky behind your back. you have his heart, after all <3
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The boy was hugging you under the dim lights of his room. It was already 8pm, and you were too tired to even bother going to your own home. The past events left both of you shaken, especially Mikey, who held you tight in his arms, as if you were about to slip away from his embrace.
He knew there will be more occasions like these, and that he had to protect you. Looking at your relaxed expression, his gaze softened, and his calloused hand gently stroked your cheek, then brushed your hair with his fingers.
-I promise to protect you with everything I've got, even if that means I have to sacrifice myself.-he muttered to himself, placing a peck on your forehead.
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sitting on his chair in the gloomy office, lit only by a fucking hanging light that barely even illuminated anything, he was contemplating his life choices
his peaceful thought process was ceased by sanzu, who was carrying you in his arms bridal style, barging inside the office
"boss, someone attacked y/n. i managed to save them before it's too late."
mikey abruptly got out of the chair and rushed to you, pushing sanzu away and holding you close to him
asks you over and over again how you're feeling, his voice shaky and his eyes wide
he'd immediately place you on his lap on the chair and order the members to try and find them
you'd spend the rest of the evening snuggled on his lap, and he won't let you go
always, a l w a y s sends someone by your side when you go outside
he wants these bastards' blood to seep into the carpets, floors and even curtains of his office
he'd fucking torture them in his own office, savouring every single moment and even recording their screams to play on an mp3 or sth
most of the time, he'd coax you into spending the entire day with him and not go outside, especially when there aren't any Bonten members available to accompany you
he'd definitely try and teach you self defense, though
he'd also contemplate breaking up with you for the sake of your own health, because he KNOWS this will happen again in the future, and you might even end up dead
in the end he can't let go of you and decides to fight until the end
might take a whole week off just to stay in his apartment with you, eating the meals you prepare him and talking with you on the balcony
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Chilly breeze sent shivers down your body. The night was young, the bustling streets of the city and the neon lights of the nearby clubs illuminated your faces with different colors. Mikey's gaze was fixated on you, or more precisely - your face. There were still quite a decent amount of scars and bruises on it, making his heart shatter.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when Mikey placed his hand on your lower back, the other one gently massaging your arm, pulling you in for a kiss. Without overthinking it, you returned the kiss, your arms gently placed on his shoulders.
-Nothing is ever going to separate us, my love. No matter how many of them attack, I will always be your shield.
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boy oh boy
izana is usually always with you, no matter where you go. he'd either glue himself to you or not see you all day
anyways on one particular evening while going to the convenience store, you were cornered and ganged on by a group of hoodlums who seemed to have not so good intentions with you
thankfully, you always told izana where you went, since danger lurks everywhere, especially because you're stuck with him
since you were not replying to his messages for too long, he wasted no second and rushed to the said store
you were hugging yourself as various other people were around you, trying to calm you down. he pushed them all away and started interrogating you (affectionately)
izana is posessive, and he will always keep you under his surveillance and won't let you go anywhere without him
if you manage to give him clear explanation who the dudes were, he'd visit their homes and beat them up with their parents one by one
takes you everywhere with him, including meetings with Tenjiku, fights, or simple hang outs
treats you like a royalty though - buys you new clothes, buys you food and etc.
a very good listener. can listen to you ramble about random stuff all day and does so, if it means it will make you feel better
treats your wounds himself, he has some decent knowledge in this aspect, at least
often takes you on rooftop dates
he basically forces you to live with him, but it's okay because he's spoiling you and you never lift a finger <3
writes songs about you and plays them on his guitar (he can't sing that well but he tries and you like it).
buys new fish for his tank and names them after both of you
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Watching the fish in the tank, you were deep in thought as the two fishes Izana got for both of you move alongside each other, as if they're fallen deeply into the hazy clouds of love.
A sudden melody shot you awake from the daydream, whipping your head to see your boyfriend sitting on the couch playing his guitar, gesturing you to sit next to him. You do so and embark yourself into the melody he's performing, swaying your body left and right.
-I will never let this happen to you, again.-his voice echoed through the room as he strummed his final note.
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being the fucking ass he is, he got "high" once again and accidentally got lost
actually, you lost him
you began searching every nook and alleyway, until a group of people recognized you and began ganging up on you
luckily, sanzu was near and heard your screams, and even in his drugged state, he launched himself at them and first beat them up, then blowed their brains out in front of you
you were covered in blood, and the fucker just whistled and began carrying you bridal style to your shared home
behind the walls of your own room he breaks down and starts searching your body for any bruises, cuts or wounds. Frantically asks you questions and holds you close to him
will not let you leave your shared home until he feels like it is safe
he's paranoid as hell and oftentimes expects someone to barge inside your home and hurt you again, so he's gonna patrol the home like a guard dog
always makes excuses to go with you in places. "Uh, I ah- I need a new shampoo!" "Oh, I just wanted to choose the tomatoes today!" and shit he usually would never do
Watches you in your sleep, deffo
when he prepares for work, he always leaves a small note with "take care" written on it
asks mikey to let him clock out sooner until his paranoia fades away
takes you on night rides, but the fucker has a terrible driving tactic and always makes stupid mistakes (not serious but enough to make your stomach drop)
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Parking his car in a random empty parking lot, Sanzu caressed your thigh gently, fiddling with the hem of your shorts, drawing circles on your thighs, or even slightly tickling you.
Sanzu looked into your eyes like you were a renaissance painting, completely mesmerized by how perfectly the car lights illuminated your features and how immaculately your hair fell in front of your face, so much so he wasn't capable of resisting the urge to kiss and touch you on the spot.
-I will never let anyone tarnish my angel again.-Sanzu's voice was low and sensual, as his hands traversed your neck and collarbone.
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you had a fight with him and stormed off your shared apartment, tears urging to escape your eyes
you knew it was risky, but fights with south are always ugly and tormenting, so you decided i'd be best for you to calm yourself down before facing him again
you visited your favourite spot where you frist met him, but unbeknowst to you - there was a surprise waiting there
south couldn't sit straight, especially after letting you go out alone in this late hour
he knew you always visited this particular place when you were upset, and thank god he arrived there on time
the last thing you remembered is him throwing the dudes into a tree and swinging them around like they were some potato sacks
you woke up in your shared apartment yet again, with south's back facing you
the hospital was far away, and he tried to take care of you alone
thankfully you weren't hurt too bad
from that day on, south kept his mouth shut more often, not daring to say anything that might upset you even the slightest and cause you to storm off the apartment alone yet again
he seemed more affectionate than usual, always carrying you around the house like royalty and insisting on doing all the chores instead
makes you bubble baths and does your hair care/body care routine for you
sings for you (it's canon he's the no 1 best singer), especially your favorite songs while he dances with you around the apartment
submerges you in gifts as an apology for causing you to get beaten up
he's feels extremely guilty, but he's not good with words, so you're stuck with him gift-giving you
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Laying under the huge pile of toys South had bought for you to cuddle when he isn't around, inhaling the scent of one of his T-shirts that you were wearing - the anticipation of your lover to come back home and hold you was growing stronger and stronger.
The sun rays illuminating the room and hitting your body overwhelmed you, and you felt yourself slowly drifting into slumber, cuddling a pink bear that held a heart with South's name sewn onto it.
-Where darkness first beckoned me.-South's voice was deep and gentle, singing the lyrics of one of your favorite songs while gently brushing your hair.
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the song he sang is ''into the void'' by twin tribes, chosen because it is one of my favorites
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©chao-thicc-hcs; reblogs are deeply appreciated.
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ageingfangirl2 · 1 month
Let Me Help You Idiot! Hajime Kokonoi (Tokyo Revengers)
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You met Koko when you were younger, and he took you under his wing. As an inspiring designer, you loved to make him nice clothes. As you get older, you want to be more independent, but Koko will always look out for you. Kokonoi x Reader (Bonten Timeline)
From the moment you were born, you had to fight tooth and claw to survive. Your dad left when you were three, leaving you and your mum with nothing. Your mum went back to being a hostess, meaning you were left alone in the single-room apartment you had. She was good at her job, earning lots of money and expensive gifts from suitors. But she had addictions and spent the money on drugs. From a young age, you had to fend for yourself and learn to survive, from clothing and making meals to keeping the apartment clean and ensuring mum put enough money aside for bills. Luckily, the neighbours took pity on you and helped pay for your school things, and one lady taught you how to sew, saying it would help you in the future to have a skill to pay the bills. You kept up your sewing throughout school, getting better and managing to sell some of your wares at a local market on the weekend.
This is where you met Hajime Kokonoi, and you took pride when he complimented the intricate details you embellished your clothes with. He decided you were going to be his personal designer in the future, and he was going to help you make a name for yourself.
Koko kept his promise to help you, using his money and connections to get you into a good design school. All he asked in retum was you make all his clothes custom and free of charge, and of course you said yes because it was the least you could do. By now, he was on executive in Bonten, a criminal organisation and he liked to look nice because he had an image to maintain.
After working for a couple of designers, you saved enough to open your own shop in Tokyo, and it felt nice to pay with your our money instead of Koko's. Bonten kept Koko busy, so you didn't like bothering him unless he called you. You had one big problem, you had no real clue about money and expenses of running a business. And now you had to pay taxes on top of that, which went over your head. You chose to focus on commissions to make more money and filled in all the forms to the best of your abilities. Little did you know it would come back to bite you in the ass.
I was busy dealing with the financial mess Sanzu had left for me after his last mission.
'I'm surrounded by idiots,' I groan, rubbing my temples.
'Err boss, I have the reports you asked for,' some lacky who's name I didn't deem important to lean stutters, standing in the doorway of my office. Even though y/n had paid for their shop and was getting quite a few comissions, I liked to keep an eye on them. They were a year younger than me and had become like a younger sibling I felt protective over. When we met up, we didn't talk about money, and I knew if they had a problem, they would come to me for help. However, my eyes widened, seeing the financial report in front of me.
'What the hell?' I gasp.
How could they be so careless when it came to finance? Firstly, they were paying way too much rent for the area, and secondly, the government wasn't happy with their taxes, which they had underpaid. They were close to losing their shop and facing a big penalty from the government who thought they were committing fraud.
I grabbed my jacket and car keys, needing to see them before the problem got out of hand. I run out of my office, ignoring Sanzu, having bigger fish to fry.
The light was still on in the shop when I pulled up outside. They liked to work late if they had a deadline. I enter the shop and the bell pings. I lock the door behind me and turn the open sign to closed.
'Hi, how can I help you - Koko, what are you doing here?' y/n stares at me, tilting their head to the side in confusion.
I walk over to the counter and put the file down in front of them, 'if you didn't understand, why didn't you ask me to explain?'
They open it, and the colour drains from their face, 'am I in big trouble? I thought I'd look dumb if I had to keep asking you to help me!'
I sigh loudly, 'yeah, well, you look pretty dumb right now, so that didn't work out for you.'
They look down at their feet and shuffle nervously, 'the last time we had coffee, you were stressed dealing with your colleagues' finances. I didn't want to give you any more stress, so I did what the internet told me to do filling out the forms. I'm sorry Koko. What do I do now?'
I walk and the counter and pull them into my arms. I didn't like to show emotion in front of the other executives, but y/n was the exception. I needed to protect them.
I kiss the top of their head, 'in the future don't take any extra comissions after you've submitted your taxes for the financial year until the new one starts or the govenment will think you're committing fraud. I'll get this sorted for you, and remember you can come to me whenever you need help.'
They squeeze me tightly, 'I'll never be able to pay you back, Koko. Sorry for being an idiot.'
I snort, you're the only idiot I can stand.'
Not wanting them to stress anymore, I'd also handle the rent problem for them, no one messed with the people close to me.
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writingsbymo-mo · 7 months
Tokyo Revengers Masterlist
Rindou Haitani
(NSFW headcanons moved to multi character below)
Break Time: Bonten!Rindou x reader (NSFW)
Mine Always: Bonten!Rindou x F!reader (mature; meeting past selves)
And So, We Meet Again: Future Timeline!Rindou x reader (fluff, mild angst)
I'm not Alcoholic: Drunk!Rindou x Reader
Ran Haitani
(NSFW headcanons moved to multi character below)
Uncle Ran Haitani
Dad Ran Haitani
Mini Scenarios
Don't Wake the Beast (suggestive 👀)
Santa Claus is Coming to Town (a little suggestive; f!reader)
The Perfect Dress (Dad!Ran x Mom!reader ft. your daughter)
Wakey, Wakey Sleeping Beauty: (NSFW; consensual somnophilia; gn!reader)
Naughty, Naughty: (NSFW; slight somnophilia, daddy kink, spanking, use of baton, gn!reader)
Where's the Cream Filling?: Bonten!Ran x F!Reader (NSFW; breeding, creampie, smuttiness ensues)
(Moved to multi character below)
(Moved to multi character below)
Mini Scenarios
THEY DON'T WHAT??? Bonten!Sanzu x reader
How you Found Out Takeomi is Sanzu's brother (spoiler warning)
Debt Repaid: Bonten!Sanzu x F!Reader (past abuse, some angst, mature)
Taiju Shiba
Forgive me, Father: Priest!Taiju Shiba x F!Reader (NSFW, voyeurism, priest kink, creampie, rough sex, implied pregnancy)
Multi Character
Cozy Headcanons: Ran, Rindou, Mikey, Mitsuya, Chifuyu, Baji
NSFW Headcanons (Mikey and Chifuyu)
Haitani Brothers NSFW Headcanons
NSFW Headcanons: Baji, Sanzu, Taiju, Shion
Mystery of Siren Cove: Siren!Ran x F!Reader x Siren!Rindou (mature, pirate au, blood, mild gore, mild dubcon? Mention of breedingl
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 3 months
Could I get some Ran headcanons perhapss? 🫶
Sure, here they are!!
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He's an expert in tracking down drunk Rindou
Likes to wrap his arms around you and hug you from behind
One time it started raining right after he'd been to the salon, Rindou had never heard him scream so loudly before
Talks to people on speaker during phone calls a lot
Has basically adopted Kakucho as a second younger brother (Kakucho does not know this)
When he went to juvie he threatened the guy that shaved his hair (he later tracked him down and got revenge after getting out).
Used to be very passive agressive with Kisaki and Hanma, constantly making snide comments about them.
Asked Izana to name a fish after him once
Strikes even more poses after Rindou tells him he hates them
Falls asleep at every movie night he attends
Frequently goes on shopping trips, thinks it's important to keep up with all the latest trends.
Has definitely told Rindou he was adopted at least once
The matching tattoos were Rindou's idea but Ran is the one who paid for them (it was a birthday treat for Rindou)
Speaking of Rindou's birthdays, Ran is very good at tricking him on them. Constantly pretending he forgot so he can give a big surprise later.
Has talked his way out of trouble with the police before
Even in the future timelines he still keeps his baton
When dating, he sleeps with a protective arm around his partner
In the good timeline he thinks signing a few pieces of paper for a few minutes count as a full days work.
Tries to embarass Rindou if he even brings home a partner. "You wanna see Rin's baby pics?"
Likes to bother Koko a lot, will lean on him while he's trying to work and mess things up.
Frequently tunes Shion out when he talks
Sometimes flips his hair for no other reason then he finds it fun.
His phone homescreen is a picture of him and Rindou
Refuses to fly on a plane unless it's first class
When he dates someone he loves to stroke/ play with their hair while they talk about their day or whatever is on their mind.
Is very good with parents too, he just knows how to charm people.
And finally, before he knew Sanzu's name he just called him Mucho's shadow.
Has made Rindou carry an umbrella for him before.
Has a notebook filled with random bits of poetry he's written
In bonten, one of his favourite places to bother people hang out is Koko's office
Has some of the worst pick up lines you've ever heard but they still somehow work
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ne0nic · 1 year
My Personal HC on Tokrev Boys Pet Names for Their Partner
Feat. Mikey, Draken, Baji, Mitsuya, Chifuyu, Kazutora, Rindou, Ran, Sanzu, Kakucho, Izana, Wakasa, Takeomi, Shinichiro
I feel like its time the fandom came together and made decisions on Tokyo Revengers pet names like the Marvel Fandom has but that's just me and here are my 2 cents.
Ones I'm absolutely settled on:
- I'm not sure why but I can just hear him say it. I can hear him whisper it in his partners ear. And also angst/bad timeline wise it makes the most sense. His partner would be his light, his angel.
- I was back and forth with this one for a bit but the more I think about it the more I love it. It's cute and kinky. It's a bit teasing as well which we already know is very Draken.
- This man! He would always do anything to rile his partner. Of course I do love flustered, love incompetent Baji as well but I feel like confident, headstrong Baji would be the type to call his partner this both endearingly and teasingly.
Not settled on:
I've played around with the idea of something Mitsuya would say other than something simple like, "My Love." I have entertained the idea of him calling his partner "Puppy" but felt it was too dominant for him. But, if he had a headstrong, hotheaded partner he'd call them something like "My little firecracker" or "My little Dragon" (GET IT?!)
-Younger Chifuyu gives submissive vibes and older Chifuyu (especially Black Dragon future) gives major dominant vibes so it's hard to find a nice middle ground. However just for the sake of it I love to think of him calling his partner, "My star" or "Starlight".
"My heart"
Hear me out, a simple one but- "My heart" it gives soft, reformed, good future Kazutora. Where he finds a partner that loves and accepts him for all of his past traumas and therefore they are his "heart". It's so cute!
"My Little Reaper"
I will admit right now I'm not a hardcore Hanma girlie so this will probably be best discussed between them but I will suggest "My Little-" Now it could be something like "My Little Reaper" that I can just hear rolling off his tounge. And also would be cute and insinuate they are his partner in crime.
My baby RINNIE! 😍 Older & Bonten Rindou have always felt like he would call his partner "Darling". Maybe it started out as a joke when they were younger but evolved into the most loving name he calls them. #2 Best Boyfriend!
"My Gorgeous-"
Ooooohhh, Fanon Ran would definitely be throwing out pet names like they're candy on Halloween. Probably using "Beautiful" more than anything. But Bonten Ran would definitely purr something like "My Gorgeous Boy/Girl"
"My drug"
Or "My favorite drug" definitely Bonten Sanzu. I have absolutely no idea for a mentally stable Sanzu. 😂
A sweetheart like him would call his partner "doll" I feel he's very classy and old school like that. Be real when you think of a date with Kakucho you think of something sweet and nice like a candlelit dinner. He has an old soul.
"Baby Bird"
I can't explain it but when it comes to Izana I just feel like he would call his partner "Baby Bird" I think maybe I saw it in a Tiktok edit once? I'm not sure but it feels right for him.
OG timeline Waka def gives "Hey Mamas" vibes! 😂 And I do absolutely love Waka but I can't get over this feeling he would just refer to his partner as "Bitch" I hope that with some more insight into Waka's personality there will be a better option but until then I'm chilling here with this one.
Takeomi gives "Hey Mamas" vibes 24/7 in every timeline. We love a consistent man! But I do feel that with a partner he is committed to he would definitely just call them "dear" Bonten and all.
Ugh! Such a classic charmer! Shinichiro would call them something simple and loving, like him.
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alviy4n · 4 months
i want to be still with you
this is before bonten timeline
mikey with a self sabotaging gf who wants to always be "on the move" and mikey who just wants her to be stagnant with him.
deep black eyes glued behind your back as you skip and hum while mikey just tags along.
all he can think about was how can you just act so casually after dropping such a grand statement actually i don't have any plans for the future, but one thing i know that i'll do for sure is pack up, run away and forget everything in here.
you stop in your tracks, took a deep breath and said " i really don't want to stay here. i feel... so restricted, imprisoned. you know, like. i just feel so trapped in here. to the feeling where i feel drained just by walking around and then when i stop moving it just feels so... wrong. i feel like i am not supposed to be here because my body screams that it's so exhausted. " you were about to say more but mikey's hands snaked in your waists and pulled you closer and held you tighter. to the point where his breath fans through your ears and you can almost feel his beating heart.
" maybe you're too exhausted because you feel that way. you always talk about running away. your brain is too drained from you always thinking about going to someplace else but what will you do after that? you know deep inside your mind won't get contented and demand more. y/n why not stay here with me? rot here. " his last words sent a chill through up to your hair strands down to your toes making you shakily exhale the breath you've been holding ever since he hugged you.
" mikey you know i can't do that. don't expect me to do such thing. " you gripped your hands tight and bit your tongue. his last words really took a toll on your beliefs and now it's making you rethink your plans for the unknown future.
" y/n make me your home. i will always be here for you. settle here with me. put down your roots beside me. i'll accept everything. your problems, your fears, your happiness and desires. i'll give you anything you'd set your eyes on be it something that will destroy you in the process but just stay here with me and rot. "
this song gave me this idea <3
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wonderland-journals · 8 months
round two ☆
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★ pairing: Manjiro "Mikey" Sano & f!reader ★ word count: 4.8K
When he came to, the rattling in his inebriated mind clearing at the feel of cold steel against his heated skin, he made no effort to move. “You vicious little whore.”
You leaned in so your lips were next to his ear, the pressure of your chest pushing the blade just enough to draw a drop of blood. “That sounds good… Say it again.”
The familiar, commanding voice that boomed across the room made you straighten up immediately. Your eyes met the onyx black ones of Manjiro Sano, the leader of Bonten.
“Mi-key~” Immediately jumping to your feet, you skipped over to the snow-haired male with a smile. “I’m back~”
“I see.”
★ cw/tw: illegal Activities, underground fighting, gambling, implied/referenced drug use, violent thoughts, hair-pulling, weapons, makeout, gun kink, knifeplay, choking, breathplay, branding, bloodplay, degrading,light sadism, possessive behavior, aged-up character(s), post-time skip, Bonten future timeline
This fic is also located on my AO3. Feel free to like and kudos ♡
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**This fic is not intended for immature audiences and does contain dark content. You must be 18 or older and mentally mature to enjoy. Don’t like it, don’t read it. The author is not responsible for your sense of comfort and your preferences.**
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The roar of the crowd always made your blood thrum through your veins. A rush of excitement shot up your spine with every swing that missed you by inches. This is what euphoria must feel like, dancing around this makeshift, underground ring. Dodging swing after swing and occasionally dishing out a few of your own with such tactical precision that you were guaranteed to never miss. You were always paired with the meatheads who swore they could take you down, making your earnings so much higher when you proved them wrong.
Just like the asshat before you, already swaying from side to side from exhaustion. You smiled at him, taunting him with a flash of your teeth in that faux smile you liked to give to the unfortunate victims who ended up on the receiving end of your wrath. It shouldn’t be this fun hearing the crunch of bone and tissue when your fist collided with his nose. You shouldn’t be this… aroused at the sight of another man’s blood on your fists. Even when your opponent went down though you simply jumped on top of them and kept swinging until someone finally came and pulled you off of them. The corners of your vision blurred dark with an immediate spike in rage, but after a few deep breaths and the pinch of your nails digging into your palms, you calmed down.
It was so easy to lose yourself in the cheers of the crowd, easy to disregard the boos of the men who lost their money to you. Money that you were more than happy to now claim as yours. Though it wasn’t the only reason you were here tonight… Eyeing the man that led you down an empty hall, devoid of photos, security, or any other way in or out other than the path you followed behind him. Sometimes they just made it too easy…
“Looks like another good night for you.”
A small smile graced your features as you hummed, shifting your gaze to the pink-haired male who leaned back comfortably on one of the single chairs with his gun on the small table in front of him. You had only walked into the building a few minutes ago, your high still thrumming through your system. His piercing, ice blue eyes would have intimidated anyone else, but not you.
“Always a good night.” Adjusting the strap of the duffel bag on your shoulder, you searched the room for any of the other members that normally hung around. “Big bad pup left on his own?”
You didn’t have to look at him to know that he was glaring daggers at you. The empty bottle and array of pills before him were set aside as he stood from his chair, letting it scrape across the floor. He always hated that nickname, you knew this, but it was just too fun to pick on him.
“Be a good pup and go find Mikey for me.”
You walked over to the table he had his spread set up on and dropped your duffel bag on the empty chair next to you. Regardless of any personal feelings you had towards him or any of the other Bonten members, there was still a certain level of respect you all had for each other – most of you anyways.
You could see the vein in his neck throbbing in irritation, his hands clenching and unclenching with a need to wrap themselves around your neck. Maybe squeeze until that irritatingly pretty smirk that seemed to be a permanent fixture on your face more often than not fell and your eyes widened in fear. He could practically see it, and it was beautiful. His hand moved quickly for the weapon he kept tucked into the waistband of his pants, aiming for you without a second of hesitation.
“You forget your place here, bitch.” Sanzu hissed, taking a single step in your direction.
His words only made you laugh, the sound grating against Haru’s ears like nails on a chalkboard.
“Sanzu, you forget yourself!” Not even a tremor in your squeal. He watched you with narrowed eyes as you turned to face him and stepped forward until your forehead was directly against the barrel of the gun. “Did you forget where you stand next to me?” Before he could blink, your hand was cupping his cheek. Thumb gently caressing the outline of his diamond-shaped scar on the corner of his mouth “You are in my shadow.” Your smirk only grew, enjoying the rolling waves of tension and anger that came off of him. “Act like it.”
With one hand you grabbed the weapon from his hand, tossing it somewhere across the room behind you. The hand on his cheek slid back to grasp at his hair and tug it backward at the same time you hooked your leg behind his to trip him to the floor on his back. Spit flew from his mouth at the impact, and you took advantage of his momentary lapse to straddle his chest between your legs and pull the knife you carry on your back holster out to force it just under his Adam’s apple.
When he came to, the rattling in his inebriated mind clearing at the feel of cold steel against his heated skin, he made no effort to move. “You vicious little whore.”
You leaned in so your lips were next to his ear, the pressure of your chest pushing the blade just hard enough to draw a drop of blood. “That sounds good… Say it again.”
The familiar, commanding voice that boomed across the room made you straighten up immediately. Your eyes met the onyx black ones of Manjiro Sano, the leader of Bonten.
“Mi-key~” Immediately jumping to your feet, you skipped over to the snowy-haired male with a smile. “I’m back~”
“I see.” He answered plainly, face devoid of any signs of emotion save for the small sparkle of life in his eyes when they flicked over to you.
Mikey had always held a sort of soft spot for you, his favorite little assassin.
Placing the knife back in its sheath, you cocked your head to the side curiously eyeing the short-statured mafia leader. “Did you want to see my winnings, boss?”
He lifted his chin only slightly to you. A silent motion for you to follow him when he turned on his heels. Having known Sano for more years than you wanted to count, you could read his subtle tells and decipher his secret requests even better than his subordinates. That was why you wordlessly walked away from Sanzu, who was still on the ground dumbfounded by your mood shift, and followed Mikey into his office. Not even phased by the click of the lock behind you, making yourself comfortable atop his desk after pushing some of the papers aside.
“You love to antagonize him.”
It wasn’t a question, but you answered anyways. “He makes it too easy.”
“Tch.” He sucked his teeth, walking over until he was in front of you, eyes darting down to your closed legs and back up to your eyes. Already you could see the arousal swimming in them. “You’re trying to bait him.”
“How so?” You played coy, blinking innocently at him. A single finger tapping your chin. “He started it.”
Honestly, you didn’t hear his response, too lost in your rampant imagination, as it did earlier in the ring, watching his lips move to form his words. The soft pout of his lower lip made your imagination run wild remembering the long nights after a hit when you would come back, and he would ravage you until you were a whimpering mess for him. Picturing all the pretty ways he could bring you to your knees. Your nails drag over your covered thigh in an attempt to pull your focus back on reality. It didn’t work, your mind replacing your touch with his. Stoking the pooling desire in your core, its heat flowing through your body, making your heart flutter in your chest and your palms tingle with the need to reach out and touch him.
“Well?” His curt question brought you back to the present.
“Sorry I think I zoned out there.” Slowly you spread your legs just wide enough for him to stand between them. Your words a low purr as lust clouded your mind, admiring how he took his place between your legs so naturally with that lazy, amused smirk gracing his features. “Could you say that again?”
“My dumb little whore…” Mikey reached up to caress the apple of your cheek with the back of his hand. Obsidian eyes watching the stuttered rise and fall of your chest and chuckling at how easily affected you were. “I haven’t even done anything and you’re already putty in my hand.”
A soft sigh left your lips when his fingers drifted over the expanse of your neck down to your collarbone. Something in his touch hooked you, pulling at your strings with ease to bend to his will. From the moment you first had him, the night you shared the first of many kisses with him, you knew you would do anything, everything for him. Your eyes had already fluttered shut to enjoy the simple pleasure that was his touch, so you didn’t see him lean in until his mouth slotted over yours.
Lips moving in tandem with each other, speaking words that would otherwise never be said aloud. Such an effortless action, yet it made your heart soar. Beating so loudly in your chest there was no doubt in your fuzzy mind that he could hear it, though he never commented on it if he did. The kiss grew quickly in intensity, lips parting to allow his tongue to slide over yours. Your hands come up to grab fistfuls of his hair to pull him closer to you. Your body was acutely aware of him, a shiver of pleasure running up your spine when his other hand gripped your waist and forced it to press against his. The feel of his hardening cock straining against his pants made your mouth water. You could feel your clit already throbbing with the need for some kind of friction, his hand that had been gently tracing from the left collarbone to the right, yanking your top down until it ripped from the force enough to expose your chest to him.
Shoving his hand into your bra to fondle your breast, his thumb swiping over your already pebbled nipple. “Sensitive.” He murmured against your lips.
You couldn’t help but shake your head at the word, squirming where you sat.
“I know…”
Grinding his hips against yours, you threw your head back and mewled at the pleasure of the friction you desperately craved finally being given to you. Teeth tugging on your lower lip for a second before releasing it. Parting your lips with his own to slip his tongue in your mouth, letting it battle for dominance.
The quiet moan of his name that slipped past you was cut short by the familiar click of a safety being released. You didn’t even realize that he has released his hold on your waist until the cool metal of the barrel was pressed against your left temple. It should have made you flinch, push him away, something. Instead, you just pulled back, so your face was a few inches from his. Eyeing the string of saliva that connected you when you broke the kiss. Not even batting an eyelash at the fact that if he wanted to, he could pull the trigger with ease. Wouldn’t even think twice about it.
“Now that I have your attention-“
“You always have my attention.”
He pushed the pistol harder against your temple. “Only because you want my cock.”
Meeting his gaze, your smile grew wider. “Does it matter how you have it?”
Sano’s eyes narrowed slightly, observing you with that cold, calculating look in his eyes. Standing in front of you silently, the air was calm between you, for a few minutes before speaking again. “Strip.”
The urge to resist, talk back or do anything that may push his buttons further attempted to push reason to the side, but you resisted said temptation. You craved this man like a drug. Your mind filled only with the thought of him bending you over his desk and filling your cunt with his essence. A comforting warmth creeping over your skin, whispering promises of pleasure in your ear if you just obeyed. So, you did as he asked, a single digit on his chest to compel him to step back so you could slide off the edge of his desk and begin shimmying off your pants. Mikey was kind enough to move the pistol from your head, watching you remove the garment from your body with no more expression on his face than if he were in a board meeting. Any other girl would’ve taken offense to that, but not you. No, you knew better, knew him better. He was aroused, needy. The tent in his pants was obvious and it took everything in you not to drop to your knees before him.
“Well, this isn’t very fair…” You pouted playfully, fingers reaching for one of the loops of his pants. Tracing over his belt buckle, your eyes cast down to eye the bulge that strained against his slacks. “You’re still fully clothed and-”
A hand shot out to grasp your neck in a tight hold, effectively cutting you off. Your hands scrabbled behind you for the edge of the desk to keep yourself upright when you felt cold metal press itself against your sensitive clit.
“Have I ever let you down?” Mikey cocked his head to the side, eyeing your immediate reaction to the stimulation. Rubbing the ridged slide of the gun against your clit, he leaned in with the hint of a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “I asked you a question, sweetness.”
All you could do was nod at him. Eyes wide in surprise from the pleasure rushing through you.
“Use your words.”
“Y-Yes- No! No.” The subtle threat of not getting to reach your peak made only known by how he slowed down his actions despite tightening the hold on your neck, had you correcting yourself quickly for him. “No. Sir. No, never.”
“Have a little faith in me, yeah?” He continued his ministrations, rubbing the weapon against you with a little more pressure. It felt like the air was punched from your lungs when he taunted you, slipping the barrel in and out of your entrance. “Little slut, getting off to me fucking you with my gun.” Manjiro laughed, a taunting sound that tugged at your focus to stay on him, though you wanted nothing more to give in to this toe-curling high your body was chasing. “Haven’t even gotten to the question-answer portion of the night either.”
You could only respond with babbles of his name, keening and spreading your legs wider when he pushed the weapon further inside of you.
“Always playing the line, aren’t you?” He leaned in to whisper in your ear. “You know just easily I could-” You screamed as he shoved it even further in, the raised sight on it scratching over your g spot. “-slip and pull this little trigger.” Squeezing the sides of your neck with his thumb, index, and middle finger, he pushed you back onto his desk. “You don’t care though. You just want to be fucked.”
His name was a mantra, the only thought in your fuzzy mind was him and the pleasure that ebbed and flowed through your system. The snow-haired male didn’t expect you to answer him but was impressed at your stubbornness to try.
“Want your cock, Manjiro.” You moaned out, fingers finding purchase on the hardwood surface of his desk.  “Can I- Can I please?”
Though your immediate desperation amused him, a sure sign of how he’s broken you – trained you – for his use only, there was a tiny bit of information he wanted to know first.
“Not yet, pretty girl.” He hummed. “Just need you to answer one. tiny. question.” Each word was punctuated with a shallow thrust of the gun.
You nodded your head, trying to clear your mind long enough to hear his question. “Yes, yes, yes. Anything-Anything just – oh fuck – just wanna- wanna cum please. Please!”
“Dirty girl…” Sano chuckled, the absence of his warmth over your body from him standing up straight making you whine at the loss. Stuttered gasps escaped you with each slow twist of his wrist, turning the weapon on its side before beginning to pull it out. “Did you take care of your mark?”
“My- My what?”
The Bonten leader had to stifle a laugh. Only a few minutes had passed and already it looked as if he had pushed all thoughts from your mind.
“Your target.” He reiterated. “Your job. The whole reason I let you out to begin with. Ringing a bell?” He relished in the keen of your voice from the sudden emptiness. Licking the side of his piece, letting the sweet essence of your slick burst across his tongue. Suppressing an inward groan, he looked at you with a new fire in his obsidian eyes. “Did you take care of him?”
“Yes.” You propped yourself up so you were leaned back on your forearms, staring down the man that could either be your heaven or hell depending on his fickle mood. “Have I ever let you down?”
The clink of his belt being undone excited you. “Tell me.”
“Tell you what?” You eyed how he undid his pants smoothly, pulling them down just enough for you to get a clear view of the bulge in his boxers.
His fingers hooked into the waistband of his boxers and teasingly pulled them down. “Tell me what you did to him. How did the little rat suffer?”
Grinding his erection against your core, you threw your head back from the sensation. The material of his boxers catching on your clit so deliciously that it made your mouth water. Your breaths came out as ragged gasps, hands curled tight so that your nails dug into your palms and made you hiss.
“Tell me.”
“Fuck! I-” You had to rack your brain for a second of clarity, praying for this sensation curling in your belly to subside for a brief moment to answer him. “I- I followed him. To his office.” A forceful thrust against you made your eyes flutter shut and your mouth falls slack. “One-way hall, no security.”
“Go on…”
He pulled back for a moment and you gasped at the feel of his bare cock thrust against your waiting cunt. Eyes shooting open to see the engorged tip tucked between your folds. Every thrust of his hips smearing your leaking juices on the underside of him. The reddened tip caught against your puffy clit, hips against hips met on every pulse felt below.
“He-” You gulped for air, trying to push past the invisible obstruction blocking your airway. “He congratulated me. On winning the f-fight.”
“Of course you fought.” Though his words seemed to come out easily, you could see the flush crawling up his neck, painting the tips of his ears a bright red. Hear the hitch in his voice. He never stopped his agonizing pace, swatting your hand away when you would reach for him. “Go on.”
“My-My winnings. In the bag.” You struggled to get your words out, watching him pull back again to fist his cock, spreading the pre that spilled from his slit along his length, and tease the tip against your fluttering opening. “Manjiro- Mikey please sir.”
“Keep. Going. Use your big girl words for me.”
His voice, his words, all of it matched with the way he was toying with you, dragging you back and forth on the edge of insanity, it felt like, made your head spin. “I made- I won a lot of money, Mikey. All for you-u!” You laid flat on the desk, teeth clenched together, and legs locked around his waist in a weak attempt to pull him in when he pushed the bulbous head of his cock past the tight muscle of your entrance. “Please, please, please. Want you to fill me already!”
“Keep. Going.”
Groaning in frustration, you threw your arm to cover your face. “Fuck me… Fine!” He pushed an inch inside and then pulled out. “I told him – shit – I told him I was after – fuck me, Sano, feels good~” This aggravating man pushed back in, punching the air out of your lungs with the feeling of being so full, though you knew he wasn’t even all the way in. Still the slight curve he had pressed his tip just right against your soft spot, making you let out a choked moan from the pleasure.
“After-?” Mikey prompted.
“After- After a different reward.” In through the nose, out through the mouth. Deep breaths that burned as they filled your lungs. Thighs shakily squeezing tight on either side of his waist. “I sat- on his lap.” Your words were forced through gritted teeth as he pushed in another inch or so. “Took his face in my hands and-” You could feel the lusty fog drawing you under its spell. Eyes glazing over, tongue poking out to lick across your lower lip.
“Hm?” Pinching your cheeks between his fingers, he made you to look at him. “My pretty little whore sharing what’s mine?” The last word was emphasized by a particularly hard thrust that fully sheathed him to the hilt. You shook your head, a strangled, unrecognizable sound escaping you. “Maybe – hah – I should be selling you on the corners with the others. Since you’ll take anyone apparently.”
“N-No! No! No.” You exclaimed, the corners of your eyes stinging with the onslaught of oncoming tears. “It wasn’t – please! It wasn’t like that!”
Another thrust that had him kissing your cervix. “No?” The demon before you laughed. “Then tell me exactly what it was like.”
You cried out as he pinched your clit. “Manjiro!”
Angry Mikey was actually the safest of all the different sides of him. He was predictable. Releasing his hold on your face, he pulled out his own knife from the back horizontal carry sheath. Lightly skimming the jagged edges of the blade along your jawline, placing the sharpened edge under your chin.
“I wanna hear what my little toy has to say for herself.”
There was that thrill that came in associating yourself with the likes of him. Never knowing if today would be the day he would fully give in to his dark impulses, his rage, and end your existence. You didn’t care, you never cared. You loved the thrill, lived for it. It was a hard sought rush of adrenaline to the system that you craved in the day-to-day. Paying no mind to the warm liquid that rolled down your neck from where the knife bore into your skin.
“I wanna show you…”
When he hesitantly removed the cool metal from your overheated skin, you released the breath you didn’t know you were holding. “No.”
There was no bite to his word, but he wanted you to tell him what happened. You could see the silent plea to reassure him that his irrational fear was just that: irrational. You had to read the silence between you to understand that, though, as all that could be heard was soft breathing and the humming air conditioner that hung on the wall of his office running. He was watching your movements, body on edge. Prepared to react at a moment’s notice. Tentatively you held his face in your hands, bringing him down to you as if you were going to kiss him.
“I took his face in my hands…” You whispered, lips a breath away from each other. “Brought my lips this close to his, and-”
Wincing, you were cut off by the jagged touch of metal pressing into the soft give of your skin above your hip. A single, slow long slice downward that sent a shockwave of pain through you, and you had to resist the urge to flinch or move, or else the semi-deep cut he was making would become fatal. Another smaller cut next to the one he just made, then another, and then a final long cut.
“And then?”
You peered down between your bodies to see the bright red ‘M’ that was now carved into your skin. Ignoring his lust-blown eyes that studied you, taking in the way your brows furrowed together and your left cheek was a bit more sunken from your habit of biting on the tender skin on the inside to hold back any other external sign of pain or discomfort. Deep in his twisted mind, he still admired just how perfect you were for him. Your demons dancing alongside his own without overpowering them.
Bringing your lips next to his ear, you answered him. “I broke his neck.” You released a shuddering breath, smirking at him when you met his gaze. “He made it too easy for me.”
“Is that right?” He noticed the twitch in your eye when he pressed his thumb down on his mark. Eyes flickering down to watch the beads of red well up from the cut and spill over his fingers as they dripped down to the desk underneath you. “Well, who wouldn’t get distracted with a pair of tits like this in their face?” His other hand grabbed at your breast roughly, rolling his thumb over your nipple. Setting a slow, hard pace that had him knocking the entrance of your cervix with every thrust. “The bastard only got to look, didn’t he?” Another thrust, this one was harder as he tried to stop you from holding your voice back. “Who do you belong to?”
Shifting your legs so that they sat on his shoulders, he held the back of your knees and pushed them until they practically touched your chest. Exposing you to his hungry eyes and the bite of the air. You hissed when the soft flesh of your thigh was pressed against your fresh wound, eyes shut tightly, and jaw clenched to bite back the curse you almost let out.
“Look at me.” He growled.
And who were you to disobey your leader?
His thrusts alternated between fast and hard to slow and teasing. Bringing you to the brink of a high and then ripping you away with little remorse. “I asked you a question and you won’t cum until you answer it.” A wicked smirk stretched across his face. “Dumb little thing,” he cooed watching your eyes roll back. “Can’t even think straight anymore, can you? Does my cock feel good?”
Nodding, you grabbed his forearms unsure if you wanted him to let you go or fuck you harder. “Feels good. So good. Feels good – fuck! God, Mikey-”
“That’s fucking right.” The heavy sound of his balls slapping against the curve of your ass as his thrusts got harder again. “I’m your owner, your god. You serve me. Now say it. I wanna hear you scream out and tell everyone who you belong to.”
Try as you might, there was no holding back your moans of pleasure anymore. His pace was harder, faster with every second you fought back. Moans of his name as your nails clawed down his forearms, unable to get your arms to respond to your mental command to reach out for him and hold him close. That tight knot inside of your core wound tighter and tighter until-
“Fuck! You, Manjiro! I’m yours!” You keened as your orgasm crashed over you.
“Fuck fuck fuck!”
The muscles in your lower abdomen convulsing from the intensity of it. Back arching off the desk as a silent scream left you. Powerful as he was, Mikey didn’t last too much longer after you. Hissing from the way your cunt squeezed around him, milking him of every drop that spilled inside of you. Cursing under his breath as he continued to fuck you through the pleasure until it bordered pain. When he was sure there was nothing left in him, he lowered your legs to lay flat on the wooden surface. His fingers gingerly pressed against the brand on your skin, tracing it, and smearing your blood over it.
“That’s my girl.”
You wanted to ask what compelled this possessiveness in him tonight, but you knew he wouldn’t give you a real answer, so you left it alone. Nodding in agreement to his claim over you. Besides, since the day you swore your allegiance to him, he owned you anyways.
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guav · 2 years
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ᥫ᭡ for mikey, kazutora, and shinichiro,
tokyo revengers characters + unrequited love
⚠︎ angst! and really really depressing thoughts in some! please proceed with caution. also, they're all set in bonten timeline except for shinichiro bc. :skull:
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the love he can't have
it’s quiet in the entirety of bonten’s headquarters for once.
the brothers had long-since left to check on one of their clubs, more to find someone to warm their bed than to oversee transactions. mochi clocked out soon after, followed by sanzu with a glock in his hand and his car’s keys in the other. naturally, takeomi trailed after his narcotic brother, a wave for goodnight as he departed. lastly, kakucho called it a night following mikey’s permission, ever the subordinate offering his boss a ride home.
only the treasurer and number one remained in the building.
a simple glance at his calendar made mikey’s stomach churn. out of nervousness? dread? he’ll never know. the date ridiculed him from its place on the wall, february twenty-ninth. it’s a leap year, meaning at around three in the morning, when everyone’s left, kokonoi knocks on his door four times.
laptop and manila folder tucked under one arm, a bottle of wine on the other.
mikey doesn’t bother to greet his executive. he never does on nights like these. nights where phantoms dig around his ribcage for whatever semblance of a heart he’s got left. february twenty-ninth, the date on which kokonoi and manjiro do a little digging into their past regrets.
“seems ryuguji owns the bike shop now, they both work with him now.” kokonoi takes a seat, busying himself with opening the bottle of liquor. “would’ve never guessed they were interested in working as a mechanic.”
you never were. in fact, mikey can recall endless afternoons where you’d whine over whatever the fuck a muffler was. the only time your interest aligned with tuning his bike was to brand the manji symbol on it. 
artistic doesn’t line up with engineer, but neither do his past aspirations and the tattoo on the back of his head. you reap what you sow.
mikey turned to face kokonoi, exhausted stare settling on the folder. a brief thought crosses his mind, something about cats and their unfortunate deaths when indulging in curiosity. too bad he cared too little. manjiro made a move to open the folder, but was stopped by another hand. hajime slid him a glass of wine—maybe curiosity killed the cat, maybe the cat just needed a drink.
“inupi’s name is on the lease along with ryuguji’s,” had he had a heart, mikey would empathize with the burning ache seishu’s name left on koko’s mouth. one finger taps the pictures inside the folder. it's you, dash of grease adorning your cheek. “they aren’t formally employed though, i checked the records.”
mikey stared at the close-up images inside the folder, golden ring on your finger blinding him enough to drown out the treasurer's words.
twelve years ago, mikey made an oath to himself. a promise to safeguard the future of everyone he’s ever loved and cared for. twelve years ago, mikey also gave up on the only person who’s managed to quell the murk lurking within. around a hundred and forty-four months have passed since sano manjiro gave up on his other half.
shinichiro would ruffle his hair, of all people he would know there’s always more fish in the sea. emma would call the eldest sano stupid. true love is prized—meant to be, despite the hardships. 
both of his siblings could argue endlessly over love and whether it’s best to chase after it or move on. yet, surprisingly, it was manjiro who knew the best out of the three.
he couldn’t be selfish, not when he chose to pave this path himself. not when you cried, screamed in absolute terror the day he pummeled every single ex-toman member. not when that fateful evening, mikey saw you flinch away from him, in fear you were next.
be as it may, it hurts. twists his organs and drowns his trachea with a knot of flowers. it hurts because he has tokyo within his palm (probably a few other cities in his wallet, too), and yet he can’t have who he truly desires. 
why can’t he just have one thing?
sano manjiro was a wretched criminal with a bleeding heart. daffodil chokehold, never-ending february. 
the next picture in the folder made his void of a mind stop for a moment. subsequent, mikey finally nursed the glass to his lips, sipping domaine romanée conti’s finest glasses of wine. once, twice, thrice, until the bottle was no more.
he can’t be selfish to allow himself to love, he reflects while closing the folder. and it’s okay, because you and kenchin had cute kids anyway.
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the love he allows to wither and shrivel
"you're unbelievable, way to ditch last minute.” he doesn’t miss the whispered asshole that slips past your lips when you end the call. kazutora flicks ash off his cigarette, wide gaze lost on your figure.
observing, scrutinizing, analyzing—it’s all in the syllabus of his day-to-day. every little gesture of yours is a buoy kazutora holds dear. months of pining have granted him enough knowledge to know you’re not actually mad at chifuyu, dead man who just skipped on movie night with the two of you. he knows you’re anxious, if the fiddling with your phone case is anything to go by. breathing patterns, foot taps—there’s something on your mind.
“sometimes i get the feeling chifuyu does this on purpose,” as you speak, kazutora wonders if your voice is anything but a symphony. “leaving us alone ‘n that.”
he knows that’s always been chifuyu’s intention. so do you.
truthfully, hanemiya kazutora is madly in love with you. the shine you exude when there’s a new kitten to nurse, the grin that stretches your face when you’re drunk and telling an awful joke. infatuation, obsession, no word will ever truly capture how he feels.
you’re oxygen for a man who’s been breathing methane his entire life. forbidden fruit, temptation in the flesh.
“‘tora,” god, he wants nothing more than to be the only man who gets to hear his name reverb in your voice. “we can still watch those shitty blockbusters, it’d just be us though.” alone, you purposely forget to add.
when your eyes meet his, kazutora’s breathing pauses. his smoke keeps burning, time doesn’t halt. “sounds like a plan?”
 the cigarette meets his lips for a long drag. kazutora is madly in love with you, and for that same reason, he swore to never tell you.
everything about yourself equals heaven on earth; lips that can express so much with a simple twist and grin, touch so familiar and comforting you might as well be his home; gaze ever-so loving.
… but he can see his reflection in your eyes. inevitably, every single time you grip his arm for balance, or tuck stray hair behind his ears, everything you encompass becomes corrupt. hanemiya kazutora is evil, poison for your soul.
his hands weigh two lives, yours are eros incarnate. whatever salvation you have to offer isn't something he deserves. not now, not ever.
so kazutora does what he knows best. eternal solitude tastes salty, like sumberging into the very trenches of the ocean each time the bad thoughts win. bound by chains of sano ichor, cuffs of baji. evil forever sealed to not hurt anyone else ever again. an apologetic smile is the best he can offer without overstepping his own punishment. “sorry, forgot i had plans with hanagaki.”
you visibly deflate. kazutora is a liar. “have fun third wheeling his dinner date, today’s his anniversary with tachibana.”
sharpened diction barely nick kazutora’s heart. he can live with you hating him as long as there’s a happy ending for you. between white and gray lies, the cost of preserving your innocence is worth every trial; every frown he wants to wipe to save you from early wrinkles; every pout he can only wish to kiss away.
ash gathers on his smoke again. it’s okay to break your heart mercilessly than to subject you to losing it entirely by his side. he flicks it away, nescient for the flares it sends flying. 
a stray spark landing on your skin is collateral damage you’re too familiar with. no longer is there a need to hiss in pain, or even let kazutora know he’s hurting you in more ways than one. you’ve played this game.
not an admission of guilt, nor an apology. simply silence. years of putting up with the dual-colored enigma have taught you better than to blow up and light the sky with endless quarrel. rather, you burn, slowly. smolder the same way a long-forgotten candle can’t go out without a final blow. it hurts.
it hurts because when it’s just the two of you, hanemiya kazutora treats you like a stranger. eats away at your soul, burns the endless cigarette that’s become your friendship.
you turn to look at kazutora, wondering for a moment how fate could be ever-so cruel to hand someone like him your devotion, heart, and unrequited affection. do you not deserve love, too?
he doesn’t protest when you rip the smoke from his fingers, or when you take it with you. he  doesn’t lament when you walk away in silence, leaving only the tragedy that’s become of his mind to fend for itself in the dead of night. 
kazutora can only hope, in his next life, he finds you before his torment finds him again.
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the love that gets turned down
“shin-nii, are you a loser?” izana grimaced at the wrench barely missing his older brother’s foot. it’s pure curiosity which formulates the question. izana would never think anything ill of shinichiro, but word has it sano shinichiro is a hopeless lovefool.
word spread by you, ever the loving instigator. “look at him ‘zana, take a good look and tell me he isn't.”
the fact his own sibling laughs at your joke stabs a knife on his back. betrayed by both people he holds impossibly dear in his heart, such a tragedy. shinichiro scoffs, “i’m not, don’t let this asshole fill your head with lies.”
his poor excuse of a defense only sends the duo into another spiral of giggles, mocking both his stuttering and pink shade of embarrassment. it’s a domestic scene; you’re putting together screws and bolts for some repair shinichiro asked for your help with, and izana is sitting on some stray tire inside the shop. sure, you’re both pointing fingers at every one of his mishaps, but it’s still a nice evening in the repair shop.
(there’s no such thing he needs your help with, he just wants your presence next to him—each piece you assemble will be extra work to disassemble when you’re gone.)
both your careless smiles are gifts he’d fight tooth and nail for. shinichiro takes one last drag from his smoke before putting it out. “y’know, it’s a little unfair to poke fun at something you could very well fix.”
your giggles briefly simmer to make way for his remark. “what are you even talking about?”
with his signature grin, shinichiro turns to you. there’s an inevitable sense of dread when you see it. back when he’d still bear the cross as captain of the black dragons, the smile would only mean one of two things: one, he was about to charge in without a second thought of his inept battle skills, or two, shinichiro sano was about to say the most stupid of things.
“seriously, what's stopped us this entire time?” sweat and elbow grease frame his face until his arm comes to wipe them off. he’s dumb, you think, now his arm clads the very same stains. “let me take you on a date and prove i’m not just some loser.”
the knot in your throat recoils. your movements halt.
endless nights you’ve spent by his side. not in bed or merging into the other, but driving, extending your arms as if the stars would come closer and kiss your fingertips—existing in each other’s company. shinichiro is a great friend, from the way his heart always has spare room for everyone he meets, to the smell of tobacco that has long-since burnt the word love in your mind. it makes your stomach turn and coil in itself. makes you sick.
“say, izana,” your movements return to their previous pace. assembling mindlessly, over and over again. it’s a vicious cycle. “why dontcha fetch us some of those buns you like so much?”
both sano brothers stare as if a second head had sprouted from your shoulder. izana is the first to question your sudden craving, “like, right now?”
you waste no time tossing the kid your motorcycle’s keys, “knock yourself out.”
there’s no missing the stars in izana’s eyes as he bolts out the shop. once upon a time he would ask shinichiro for permission before going out, especially when you’d ask him for something. now you hold the same authority as his older brother—as if you’re already part of his small family. silence overtakes everything within the walls as izana’s footsteps patter further away.
shinichiro feels small under your eyes. “what’s wrong?”
how quickly your mood turns sour. the power this man has over you is a little concerning. you don’t stare in anger or disgust—crestfallen, heart gutted while still beating. “did you mean it?”
shinichiro is grateful his mind worked faster than his tongue this time around. a question of what you’re referring to quickly dies before it’s voiced. he retraces steps, movements, words, any clue as to what could have disrupted the haven within the shop. “the date thing?”
your silence answers his question. shinichiro takes a deep breath, “yeah, yeah i did.”
he hates the way your shoulders slump. he absolutely despises the ragged sigh that slips past your mouth. 
had he done something wrong?
“i thought we had a good thing, shin.” memories of shibuya at its most vulnerable hours, empty streets, distant lights blurring into comets from shinichiro’s bike. the way one hand would sneak to caress yours during red lights. “why’d you have to go ruin it?”
shinichiro can feel the strings tugging at his heart. it’s a familiar sensation when it comes to rejection, but never had they been so harsh. shinichiro stays silent.
“come,” you ask of him, and he obeys like you’re holding his heart in your very own hand. in a way you are. shinichiro walks the tightrope, pulse quickening under your unforgiving stare. “closer.”
for a brief moment warmth equals love. your hand cups his cheek and it’s the most comforting heat he’s felt in his life. white noise fills his ears at each of your breaths, he’s close enough to feel their warmth, too. it’s not long until it evolves into an uncomfortable burning, nothing about your frown equals love.
“nineteen times i’ve mended my heart watching you run from girl to girl, today makes the twentieth.” you trace figures on his face, no longer able to meet his coal eyes. not when they’re looking for answers, not when there’s heartbreak and confusion in them. “you swing and miss, then forget the next week.”
shinichiro wants to protest. they’re not the same as you. it’s different, he swears it’s different. a finger to his lips hush every thought he wants to voice. any defense is repealed.
“shinichiro, how long until you tire of me, too?”
“i won't-” he feels helpless as everything falls apart. “it’s not like that, i really do like you.” 
you hum. shinichiro is a hopeless fool when it comes to love, and it hurts you’re next on his list. from strangers, to companions, to friends who hold hands and whisper secrets under the stars, to a faceless crush. 
“i think i loved you yesterday,” you breathe the words, only for his ears to hear like a confession. “i don’t know about today, or tomorrow.” or ever again.
his eyebrows furrow. shinichiro can’t fight when you slip away, cheek already missing your touch. everything crumbles, all from a mindless declaration. he wonders how it all went wrong, wonders how something so mundane in his head could equal such anguish for you.
sano shinichiro wonders if he loved you the same way you loved him. 
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maehemthemisfit · 1 year
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A/N: YAY ☂️ ANON IM SO GLAD YOU'RE BACK!!! I made a masterlist of most of your previous asks so I could keep up with them so I'll be linking future ones there <3 Also, I kind wrote this with Kanto and Bonten in mind so different ones apply to different timelines. I hope you like these HCs i thought of. I love the idea of reader being mother hen
It's so silly you found it amusing the first couple of days, scratch that- hours, thanks to Sanzu and his persistent 'courting'. It's also amusing because the most notorious gangsters were following you around aimlessly like little ducklings.
You tolerated it in the beginning since on a good day Mikey didn't bother you much and just preferred to bask in your presence and simply watch you work.
But on a bad day? He was more clingy, more anxious, more suffocating on days his impulses would go haywire.
They'll be an all out brawl happening in front of him and he'll have you perched on his lap, uncaring of what's happening and only focused on you. You're literally watching your allies fight for their lives and he's over your shoulder asking about your day, what you wanna do later on or playing with your hair like WHAT?? I mean at least he's not killing anyone so that's a plus right?
Either that or you'll be chilling at base, doing research and trying to predict other gang movements and he just throws whatever you're doing to the side and sprawls over you. Other times he just hugs you from behind and leans his head on your back, asking you when you're almost done - He really doesn't care, if you're not done in three minutes then he's just gonna whisk you away somewhere
At this point there's no arguing about work, it's give attention to mikey time and that's final
Sometimes he just wanna ride with you, he doesn't care who's driving; either you're holding him or he's holding you
Now going out, I feel like Sanzu would be more keen on leaving with you. He'd probably consider them dates or something and he's insistent on paying for everything you buy, even if you were only browsing he'd find something you paid a little more attention to and buy it
It kinda sucks having both of them following you since they literally scare everyone away even when they're not trying to.
You have to keep them both out of trouble and keep them both reasonably happy, otherwise it'll just turn into a bad outing and someone's coming back to base covered in blood that'll you'll have to help them clean up
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zaenaris · 11 months
Have you headcanons for Bonten Timeline?
They spent many years apart, but I want to believe that at some point Koko and Inupi will somehow meet again, mostly by chance and unintentionally, it's the destiny, the universe? whatever, that brings them together again. Depending on the situation, they try to let it go, but they can't pretend nothing happened, we know that it's enough one single time for Inupi to understand that Koko is not okay, so they'll probably try to make thins work. Mikey's death could be the start for an actual improvement
Dark impulses at some point starts to destroy Mikey, he's canonically too thin and generally unwell in Bonten. I believe at some point he became addict to various drugs, together with Sanzu that couldn't help but follow Mikey, remembering what happened in the original Timeline
Chifuyu at some point, partially because of Takemichi's informations from the future, and partially because he knew Kazutora was important for Baji, starts to visit Kazutora in juvie/prison. At first Kazutora is mortified and ashamed of himself, but he allows Chifuyu to visit him because he felt he owns him at least the possibility to tell him directly how much he hates him. But their dialogue goes differently. Chifuyu is still mad at Kazutora, but he understands he was manipulated and he had his own problems even before the accident with Shinichiro. Chifuyu says he wants to try to understand him better since he was important for Baji. So that's how their friendship starts, with visits and exchange if letters. it was natural for Tora to help Fuyu with his shop once he get out of jail
Inupi and Draken bond over their lost (literally and metaphorically) loves and bikes. They open D&D mostly with Inupi's money; I guess/headcanon that thanks to his role in BLACK DRAGON he had earned - not so legally, but still- a good amount of -mostly dirty- money. Since he wants a fresh starts, he's happy to invest all those money in the shop. And it's thanks to Draken's tutor/father figure (the brothel manager) that they can have the permit to open the shop, since at the beginning they were both still minors (Idk if that's how bureaucracy works in Japan, but listen, D&D was a thing in 2008 and they weren't of age yet in Japan, since at the time, until people were minors until they turned 20, lol)
Inupi and Draken try to follow Shinichiro's steps, so D&D became a safe place for kids that have nowhere to go, and they teach them the basics to fix motors, so these kids stay aways from the streets/troubles in general. It's also the unofficial headquarters for the formers Toman members, that stay more or less in touch even after the gang's disbanding
Senju is probably dead in this TL, and probably it's the reason why, even if they never had a great relationship, Takeomi and Sanzu are both in Bonten, even if I believe their relationship is still difficult, but they got closer again to remember their sister
Koko sometimes checks on Inupi at D&D. When he's younger he tries to convince himself he's doing it for Inupi, but after a while he admits to himself he's doing it just because he misses him, he knows well that Inupi is okay even without him... he's even better without him, and this destroys him, even if he's glad that Inupi is living an honest and safe life
on the outside tho, Koko is as cunning as ever, the life he has in Bonten made him merciless, something he hates what he has become but there's no other way to live. He also uses drugs, mostly to work more, but he tries not to become addicted. His white hair is not bleached, it's just stress, and at some point he just accepts it and style it in a fancy way
Kakucho follows Mikey because he understands his pain for loosing Izana. Their pain is different, for Mikey it meant he lost the last of his siblings, even of they weren't actually related and they. didn't even know each other, but they could have been a family, the potential was there. For Kakucho, Izana was his family, his love, his everything
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eggtartz · 2 years
Omg I just came up with this idea😳 Can you do a Tokyo Revengers Y/n but like one that matches Evil, So Y/n becomes a Bonten executive in the future but she's like such a dangerous one, everyone in Bonten is dangerous, but like Y/n took that to a whole another level😨
and so her future daughter time leaps to warn them about this, (You can choose whoever the father is) and so her future daughter is telling Takemichi and all of them: 'Evil, I've come to tell you that she's evil most definitely' Her daughter tells them that and then she wants them to stop her from joining the Kanto Manji Gang but she timeleaps into the Toman timeline where the Kanto Manji Gang wasn't found back then and where Mikey still lead Toman.
"Evil, I've come to tell you that she's evil, most definitely"
-(D/n) (Daughter Name)
a/n : i like the way you're thinking anon, rakes my brain a lot <3 thankyou for the request and enjoy!
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summary : "evil, i've come to tell you that she's evil most definitely"
"any last words manjiro?" you asked the tired man who was cornered by his own members that were tied on the chairs. the string that tied the members tightly would pull the gun's trigger if anyone made a movement leaving the bonten's member to no choice.
"at least, keep the child" manjiro sano said exhaustingly before kicking haruchiyo's foot that made him wince, automatically triggering the gun and shot all of them in the same time. blood splattered on your check as you observed your beloved bonten's members corpses on the ground. satisfied, you went to a bathroom and saw kakucho on a stacks of planks with a tub underneath. kakucho was unconscious so you slspped him awake. he shooked his head and tried to stay awake, upon seeing you he struggled againts the bounds on his hands.
"fuck y/n let me go. why are you betraying us like this huh? the child would be enough to be the bonten's legacy, why?" he shouted at you as you poured acid in the tub underneath him and dunked his head in the tub. kakucho's scream was muffled so you pulled his head up and saw his face almost disfigured, the acid holds worse consequences.
"you see kaku, in this world there can be a queen and king. my daughter would be leading the gang and build a new era far more greater than bonten. i need mikey dead. the queen can still live without it's king" you pulled the stacks of the planks and kakucho lost balance and accidentally dropped his head in the acidic water again, burning his face.
he screamed again, his face melting but still alive. "and i will rule japan and everyone in it once you and your members die so good luck kakucho. say greetings at the others for me" you kissed his melted skin where his scar used to be and pulled all the planks stacks and kakucho with no choice of gravity had to dip his head and gasp for air and repeated the same process until he died.
satisfied watching the members die in agony, you came out from the headquarters where you used to live and turned on the kitchen stove. you poured flammable liquids everywhere and the whole place started to burn down. soon, the bonten's headquarters was down in ashes while you looked down at the remaining members of bonten, them already bowing at you titling you as their new leader.
you got into the car where you headed to your secret mansion where you had a daughter with mikey. mikey wanted a domestical life so you married him while you were a kantou manji member however you grew greedy for power as your daughter was born. you knew mikey would make her lead bonten and you didn't want that, you want her to lead something far more bigger, achieve great powers.
so you did what you had to do. kill your beloved lover and his friends.
your daughter knew what you did, you didn't even concealed the blood on your body saying that she must be know the harsh world that she's living in. that night, your daughter couldn't sleep due to the cold acknowledgment of her own mother that killed a group of the most powerful men in the country.
your daughter was almost ten now, so she sneaked out to the park to take fresh air. she loved her mother so much but you have grown too cruel, too evil. she sat on the ground while staring at the moon, begging any power out there to give senses to her mom. anything, even if it cost her life. her very existence.
suddenly it started pouring and your daughter sighed loudly while running back to the mansion, thinking of a reason of why she sneaked out but she accidentally stepped on a pile of mud and slipped. her head knocked on a big rock and her sight started becoming dizzy and everything was swirling. she tried to get up and managed to hold onto the post lamp and walked back home only to find there was no home there. there wasn't even a building nearby.
she ran and ran until she bumped into someone. "dad?!" your daughter screamed, baffled at how you could have arrived here because yuud dad seemed to have blonde streaks unlike the black one he used to had. "who you calling dad kiddo?" a taller person beside your father who had a dragon tattoo asked while towering you.
mikey was munching on his dorayaki and was equally confused. "dad it's me your daughter!"
"mikey kun has a kid?" takemichi asked.
"dad you have to stop here and don't see mom! she'll kill you!"
"whoa there kid, mikey doesn't even talk to girls how can he have kids huh what you traveled time or something?"
"yes i did! my mom's name is y/n! in the future she'll kill you dad! she evil dad, i've come to tell you that she's evil!" now, the trio was baffled and gave each other weird looks too.
"are we talking about y/n under mitsuya or?" draken asked mikey and he nodded. there's only y/n mikey knows and that's you. you were the only girl in the division and it's only normal when most members has a crush on you but going to the point of having kids with you is beyond mikey's understanding. "look kid i don't know if you're talking or not but im telling you i won't even marry your mom i-"
"that's not it dad, you two weren't married in the first place. mom likes sunflowers doesn't she? she entered toman because grandma and grandpa had been cruel to her. she looked for you didn't she?"
it was true everything was true. mikey took you in toman because your parents would beat you up often. he sympathized you. takemichi calculated the odds, the kid is probably saying the truth he thought. "but what do you want me to do? i can't just throw y/n away from toman"
"you don't need to dad. you just need to say no to her and don't be with her, it's for your own sake dad" his daughter held his hand and her knees bucked. suddenly the grip was gone and she came back to the current future. she sighed again, thinking there's one in a million chances that her dad, mikey might've avoided his deadly fate and walked away.
you came back home and the surroundings were oddly different, before it was gloomy and dark but now the walls have wallpapers and paintings on them. she could hear music in the distance and saw you cooking happily in the kitchen. you dropped the ladle you were holding when you saw your daughter drenched "oh dear! what happened? did you went through the rain?" you worriedly asked, your daughter puzzled.
"mom, who's my dad? she titled her head. you bite back your tongue, getting confused at why she's behaving the way she is. "your father is takashi mitsuya honey. how can you forgot about your own father's name? now, stay here and let me dry you up okay"
turns out, mikey did loved you but the words of his future daughter kept ringing in his head so he told mitsuya to marry with you. you two were already dating when mikey was leading kantou manji so he knew, he did the right thing. even though it meant he lost his loved ones. even though it meant he would never get to hold his daughter.
a/n : the torture scenes are taken from the movie i spit on your grave if you're wanting a visual of it. beware it's very graphic!
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 3 months
If it’s possible could you do headcanons of mochizuki kanji if it hasn’t been asked before please
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Of course! Here they are!
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Refuses to fight girls and actively tried to avoid Senju during fights they were both in.
When he's grocery shopping he normally gets asked by people to reach things on the higher shelves, he always gets them what they need.
Has an arm wrestling club with Draken and Pah in the good timeline
Corn is actually a comfort food for him, he ate it a lot growing up
Would love to have a dog (also has a fondness for cats)
He frequently steps into fights that he feels are unfair like a group teaming up on one person (as long as they're not a target for his gang).
When he gets bored he looks for someone to fight
Loves festivals, especially the games at them
As a partner he's incredibly gentle, carefully holding your hand and placing soft kisses on you. He's very aware of his strength and careful with it.
Similarly to Pah and Mikey, Izana once fell asleep on Mochi
Doesn't like that he isn't a fast runner (mainly because Shion and the Haitani brother's sometimes tease him over it)
He didn't like his life in bonten much, it wasn't what he thought it would be like
In the good timeline, after he joined toman and realised Angry was scared of him, he tried to be friendlier towards him (usually by bringing him a drink to meetings)
He's very good with the kids in the future timeline, they love climbing all over him and how happy he is to play with them.
Very good at ball sports 
Growing up, his father was a police officer who often wasn't home and worked overtime. His mother was always kind to him and they were very close but she died when he was a kid, he ran away after that. 
One time he managed to catch a balloon a kid accidentally let go off before it got too high, he felt like a hero that day.
Likes cooking and will often share recipes with Kakucho 
Is very bad at keeping surprises from his partner, he just gets so excited to share gifts with them or tell them about his plans. 
Frequently carries his friends home on nights out when they get too drunk (Rindou is the most common)
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