#bonus beneath the keep reading. btw
pestilentbrood · 1 year
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do you need love?
am i enough for you?
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sorry for beepo divorce angst . this song makes me think about them and start tearing into things with my teeth
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Btw,I don’t know if you’ve read the bonus content with Mal’s letter but it honestly makes me laugh:http://b00kstuff.blogspot.com/p/shadow-and-bone-mals-letter.html?m=1
I’m sorry I know this is supposed to make me more sympathetic towards him but it makes his later attitude even worse.
And the show sanitised his letter content even more can’t have him badmouthing his officer which is probably the most realistic change they made.😂
(Trigger Warning mentions of assault)
I had not seen it before but hmm its an odd one. It reads more like a story than it does a letter. It's similar to The Tailor or The Demon in the Woods which is why it doesn't really work for me as its in the format of a letter but really its just telling us M*l's story when his unit was tracking the stag. The thing that bothers me about the letter though is the same thing that bothered me about M*l in the first place and that's its all about him. It's about how he's feeling and how he's coping with the circumstances. There were some other things that bothered me too like this quote for example that made me feel real uncomfortable:
Each morning Mikhael makes the same stupid joke about which part of him froze off in the night. I can just see you rolling your eyes at that, see you scowl and say, “You’re the only one who would miss it, you miserable oaf.” This is going to sound ridiculous To hell with it—I miss your scowl.
Here's what bothers me about this, M*l is missing her scowl and is missing how she would snap at Mikhael. I really do believe that this would have been her reaction to Mikhael making that kind of comment. M*l is accurate there but the problem is that this scowl and attitude that Alina has comes from the fact that people bully her and because she is miserable, yet M*l is remembering this fondly, he misses seeing her miserable because he didn't recognise that she was miserable, or maybe he did but just thought it was part of her personality? There's also the fact that if Alina had heard Mikhael's comments about his man parts falling off due to the cold and responded with 'You're the only one who would miss it' then that would likely stem from the fact that Mikhael had once drunkenly groped her, so this whole part just made me feel really uncomfortable. I think the fact that M*l never saw her really is further evidenced in the next part of the letter where he is talking about her being the Sun Summoner:
I know what I saw on the Fold, in the Grisha tent, light pouring from your skin, so bright it was hard to look at, you shining like a star. You were one thing and then you were another. You were Alina and then I didn’t know you at all.
He admits that he felt like he didn't know her at all. Her being revealed as Grisha is such a huge problem that he considers her a stranger. Like I can understand that it was a shock for him but this was the girl he grew up with, who was his best friend and yet apparently her having sun powers and her being a grisha now makes her a stranger. Her personality hasn't changed, who she is as a person hasn't changed because she always was a grisha the only difference is that she knows about her powers now yet it really does come across like M*l is really struggling to accept her as Grisha.
Another part is when he's talking about the darkling:
I can’t stop seeing the look on your face that day in the Grisha tent, the fear and confusion, the blood dripping down your arm. He cut you, Alina. I saw the knife in his hand. How many times has he cut you since? How many times has he hurt you? How many times have I failed to stop him? I know if you were safe and whole you’d write.
They say there are cells beneath the Little Palace crowded with dissidents, that the Darkling has a secret group of Corporalki trained in torture that he uses to keep the Second Army in line.
I find it kind of hilarious that they are trying to paint the darkling cutting her to test for grisha powers as this grand evil act. Especially because it was explained in canon that they do this because a grisha's powers will rise up to protect them when feeling endangered. The way M*l is talking here you would think the darkling had tried to slice her arm off or something. They are also trying to imply that Alina's confusion and fear came from being cut when it was the whole situation of being attacked by volcra, dragged in front of a general and then discovering she had sun summoner powers which she knew was going to change her life completely. What else bothers me about this though is that M*l has no reason to think that the darkling is torturing Alina so this just reads as more trying to remind the audience just how evil the darkling is its like 'look remember how he cut her that time? What an evil man and look at M*l he's so worried about her being tortured because he can see the darkling for who he really is even though he only ever spent about 2 mins in a tent with him. What a hero.' Like the line about how if she was safe and whole she would have written, or maybe M*l its because you're at the front lines and its called snail mail for a reason, or maybe she's busy her whole life has just turned upside down. I mean obviously we know that she did write and what happened to those letters but I do find it kind of funny that M*l's line of thinking is the only reason she wouldn't write to me is because she's locked in a cell somewhere being tortured, its one hell of a conclusion to jump to based on no evidence at all. I also don't like the line about the rumour that the darkling uses the Corporalki to keep the second army in line, just the implication that the only reason the grisha follow the Darkling is out of fear that he'll hurt them which is not true at all they follow him because they can see how much he has done for them.
One part that is interesting though is this part:
I feel how flimsy I am, how all the things I thought were strong and whole were just held together by you.
What is she to you anyway? Here’s my answer, Captain. She’s the thing that made this all okay—the threadbare coats and the old boots and the guns that jam when you most need them to fire, the loneliness of knowing that you don’t matter, that you will never matter, the fact that you’re just another body, another uniform to be sent into the Fold or the frost, another good boy who knows his place, who does his job, who doesn’t ask questions, who will lie down and die and be forgotten.
What's interesting about this passage is that it shows what M*l is truly afraid of, being nobody, being unimportant and being someone who will die and be forgotten. This explains alot about his behaviour and attitude particularly towards Alina in S&S. When Alina was with him and was a 'nobody' too he could hide and play the part of the most talented tracker, the bodyguard and the hero, he was a somebody. But then things change and now she's the important one, she's the one everyone will remember even after her death, this scares him and he is scared of being left behind and forgotten and so he lashes out at Alina and acts like an ass. The thing is this whole idea of Alina makes M*l feel strong and that she makes the worst days a little better could have been cute if it wasn't so one sided. It benefits M*l alot but meanwhile Alina is sickly and stunted because she is suppressing her powers, she's bullied as a result of that and just generally miserable. With show darklina they both get something out of the relationship, it benefits them both and they both have growth and development as a result of their relationship together.
Anyway this got way longer than I was planning so wrapping it up this letter just reminded of all the things I didn't like about book M*l to be honest with you. I also wasn't a fan of how it was written like a short story but presented in a letter format that just felt a bit off to me when I was reading it.
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plantsarefun06 · 3 years
The Particular Abilities of Marinette, and Her Discovery of Them Chapter 12: [Bonus Chapter] Dreams
[Inspired By]
[First] [MasterPost] [AO3]
Lewis Carroll had always had strange dreams. They were always a bit… funny?
He’d have what he could guess would be considered ‘normal’ dreams. Ones where he would go about his day, or maybe he would be in some scary situation, or strange abnormal situations he found himself in. Once he dreamed he went the entire day only wearing an overcoat! Little absurd things.
But he had always had those… other dreams. The ones a bit more… wonky?
They had been recurring since his early childhood, really they’d be happening as long as Lewis could remember. While all his other dreams consisted of him as himself, these dreams were always in the body of another person. Or more, he was another person. He was never ‘Lewis’, though he didn’t know who he was.
He had been perplexed and fascinated by his dreams since he was a child, but they always seemed to disappear from his mind a few hours after his awakening. So he had made a habit of writing his dreams down on sheets of parchment and keeping them all together. No one knew where dreams came from, what caused them, only theories. Most people just thought it was your own mind coming up with the things you saw.
But Lewis had no clue how his mind could come up with something so nonsensical.
He quite enjoyed going back and reading what he had written, most of the time it would dredge up the forgotten memory of the strange dream. Though he found the dreams never became clearer. Always… whimsical if you may. Always quite odd, voices were always high, colors too vivid, shapes never uniform, the moon would even sometimes become a smile! There was even a rabbit with a pocket watch! In fact, there was always a rabbit with a pocket watch!
Where did his mind get the idea of a rabbit with a pocket watch? It was absolutely absurd!
His dreams were sometimes filled with incredibly old things, and sometimes incredibly new! Astonishingly strange as well! Lewis sometimes questioned if his dreams were him possibly seeing through time with some of the things he witnessed.
Everything, every absurd, every nonsensical thing he wrote down on a sheet of parchment and stuck into a box under his bed.
When asked to do so, he would tell stories of his recorded dreams to his friend, the Dean of Oxford’s, daughter on boating trips. He could never remember the names of the individuals he was in the dreams, so he simply used hers.
She enjoyed the tales so much she requested him to write them all down into a book.
So, he simply did. He pulled out the box from beneath his bed and got to writing them into a complete story.
It was truly a hodge-podge of all the different dreams put together. Made absolutely no sense and could drive a man mad reading if he truly attempted to understand.
He started with the dream of a girl who fell down a hole in the woods while following the rabbit with a pocket watch! Oh, and in the dream he was always wearing pale blue and white, she’d have to wear blue and white as well!
Oh and he had to add the cat! He had to add the cat. The one that was extremely chaotic. Loved to make riddles, and poke fun. But black wasn’t nearly as whimsical… purple and pink! He’d make the cat vibrant purple and pink striped.
He’d include the singing flowers! he'd have her walk into a garden and sing with the flowers, just like in his dream.
Oh! And there was once a person who turned as small as a mouse! He had only dreamed of it once but had written it down in detail. She could become minuscule as well! He could also make her as big as a house! Oh, yes he’d have to write that.
And the tea party! He’d write about the tea party! The one with the hat maker, who was more than a little odd. And the tea set that moved on its own accord!
Oh and he’d have to add the Queen. He’d have to add the Queen with a big dress, and who hated everyone. That dream in particular was very unclear, but he did recall bits and pieces!
He’d have to write it all just as bright, as strange, and as whimsical as his dreams truly were!
And then, in the end. She’d wake up, and discover it was just a dream.
Just as he always had.
He packed up the book, along with all the absurd illustrations he had made. He wanted to show this to her right away! A truly absurd book he had made at her request. But first, a title. What could he name it? Dreams? Didn’t make sense with the book. An Absurd Tale? No, the name should be as questionable and curious as the book.
Ah, he had the perfect idea for the name.
Alice in Wonderland.
I wanted to give a little look into what it’s like for an unawakened Huashen to exist. I wanted to show how they see their dreams. I wanted to show how they see their ‘dreams’ compared to an awakened one. Hoe Lewis sees his dreams in distorted shapes, sounds, and colors. More like an acid trip. How they see what they are and are completely oblivious to it, and how they go about completely normal lives! But there was no way I could really fit it in without being awkward, so here’s a lovely little bonus chapter!
BTW: I did research on this when I was writing this short blurb. Lewis Carroll has pedo vibes. I’m aware. I always wanted to write Lewis Carroll as a Huashen, that is simply unawaken, and I kind of got a chance here. But I did just want to say, this man is creepy. I was a bit hesitant before posting because I don’t like pedos, but I really like this idea, and really wanted to write it!
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@frieddonutsweets @moon5608 @ihatecomingupwithusernameswtf @adrestar @galla02006 @bygge00 @alyssadeliv
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yellowsugarwords · 6 years
violentine stargazing fluff? btw i love your work! 💗
combing this with this request:
Can I request violentine modern au headcannons pls
enjoy :)
Clementine had only been on campus for 2 and a half weeks.
She still got lost maneuvering her residence building.
And actively stressed about all of her classes.
She didn’t go to any of the welcome week events.
She stayed in her room.
And read.
And studied.
Being a biology major kept her busy.
Too busy for a lot of classic university things.
Almost too busy for all of them.
Clem was in an all girls dorm.
It made her feel safer.
Plus, she was always surrounded by cute girls.
Which was a bonus.
Clementine didn’t leave her room much.
She didn’t talk to people much.
She didn’t want to.
She was there to learn.
Not party.
Leaving to do her laundry felt like an adventure.
Which is why she did it on Friday nights.
When everyone else was out partying.
When the laundry room was empty.
Except for today.
Clem swung the door open and saw a girl.
A blonde.
A beer in one hand, dumping laundry into a machine.
Clementine looked away and went to the furthest machine.
She’d dump her clothes in and leave.
“Do you have any detergent?” The girl asked.
Clem turned.
She seemed sober.
Her bottle was only half empty.
“Yes,” she said.
And passed her the jug.
“Thanks,” the stranger said.
Clem loaded her clothes in silently.
“I’m losing sleep and it feels like my brain isn’t attached to me.”
Clem smiled. “Heavy semester?”
“Feels like every semester is,”
Clem chuckled. “What major?”
“Yikes,” Clem said. “That is heavy.”
The girl took another swing from her bottle. “What about you?”
She whistled. “Busy for you too.”
“No kidding,”
They finished in silence.
But Clem appreciated the socialization.
It would be the last she’d get for a while.
Or so she thought.
The partying was loud that night.
Really loud.
The walls were thumping.
She wouldn’t be able to get studying done in her room.
So, she packed up her things and left.
To somewhere.
To anywhere quiet.
She went onto the roof.
There was still faint thumping from downstairs, but it was dulled.
Enough that she could think.
Enough that her headache could go away.
She sighed as she made her way deeper on to the platform.
Away from the door.
Toward the edge.
Then she spotted her.
The blonde.
Sitting in a plastic lawn chair.
A beer in her hand, and an empty bottle by her feet.
The stranger must have heard the breath catch in her throat.
She turned, raising a brow.
Through the darkness, Clem could see her smirk.
“Detergent girl,” the blonde said. “Long time no see.”
Clem hated that nickname.
“What are you doing up here?” She asked.
She tugged her sweater closer as the blonde responded.
“Looking for quiet, same as you.” She said.
Clem raised a brow.
She took a swig from her bottle. “ Being here also keeps my beer cold.”
That made more sense.
“Are you gonna sit?” The girl said.
She gestured to one of the other two plastic chairs.
One of them was broken.
Clem sighed. “Only if I can work.”
The girl said nothing.
Clem could feel her stare as she opened her laptop.
Watching her type up her lab report.
“I can’t believe you came up here to work,”
Clem turned to her, nose scrunched.
“That’s why I’m here.” She said. “To study.”
She snorted. “Lame.”
Clementine squinted, eyeing her up. “What’s your name?”
“Violet,” she said passively. “What’s yours?”
She hesitated. “Clementine.”
Violet took a big gulp. “Good,” she sighed. “Now I know who to look for when the Dean’s List comes out.”
Clementine scoffed and turned to her computer.
She worked in silence for a few moments.
The floor thumping beneath her feet.
The humming of cars and their horns on the streets.
The buzz of electricity overhead.
Violet scoffed. “Your laptop is too bright.”
Clem froze. “What do you mean?”
“I can see it from over here.”
Clementine turned.
Violet was staring straight up into the sky, still holding her beer.
Not looking her way.
“Why does it matter?”
“I’m trying to stargaze,” she said. “It’s distracting.”
Clementine closed her eyes, sharply sighing.
Without thought, she stood, yanked her chair, and started for the other end of the roof.
Violet chuckled. “That’s one way to handle it.”
Clementine was really starting to get sick of this girl.
And her constant mockery of her study habits.
She scoffed and tossed her chair down.
“What would you do?”
Violet smirked, event though Clem couldn’t see. “I’d stargaze.”
Clementine hesitated.
She watched Violet lean further back in her chair.
And sigh.
Contently. Almost relaxed.
Clementine could feel her shoulders sag.
She wished she could relax that easily.
Have a better time on Friday nights.
Enjoy University the way others did.
Violet tossed a hand back.
Holding a beer.
“Want one?” Violet said. “You can bring your chair back.”
Clementine hated that she wanted to.
She hated even more that she did it.
And swiped the beer.
She set her computer off to the side.
Popped the lid off her beer.
Leaned back.
And took a long drink.
For the first time since she arrived, she felt calm.
And they said nothing.
They just drank their beer in silence.
And stared at the sky.
Clementine passes Violet a few days later.
She was on her way to her room and spotted her in the hall.
Violet smirked.
Clem stared.
Then left.
Clem did her laundry on Wednesday that week.
So she didn’t need to be down there on Friday.
On her way out of the stairwell, she spotted Violet coming in.
Violet smirked. “Off to study?”
Clementine rolled her eyes. “Folding laundry.”
“Even lamer.”
Clementine scoffed and went on her way.
Playful this time.
There was a knock on Clementine’s door that night.
She popped it open to see Violet.
The blonde smirked and held up two beers. “Study break?”
Clementine planted her hands on her hips. “Are you gonna make fun of me the whole time?”
“I just like having a stargazing buddy.”
Violet sighed, turning for the stairs. “Are you coming or what?”
She did.
She met her on the roof a few minutes later.
“You’re loosening up a bit,”
“You’ve loosened up too much,” Clem retorted.
Vi chuckled. “I still study. Just not always.”
Clem furrowed her brows. “But that’s why we’re here.”
Violet chuckled.
But said nothing.
After a moment, she sighed.
“We’re here to live,”
Clem sighed through her nose. “University is for studying.”
“I’m not talking about ‘here’ as in university.” Violet sighed. “I’m talking about Earth.”
Clementine stared at her.
Letting the thought sink in.
Then turned back to the stars.
She had never thought about it like that before.
It was interesting.
“Want another beer?” Violet asked.
Clementine smiled, then hummed.
“I’d like that.”
Violet did too.
They stayed out until 3am.
Seldom talking.
Mainly watching the streets, the sky.
Absorbing the world.
The next night, Clem knocked on Violet’s door.
She had watched her go in returning from class one day, so she knew which door was hers.
Clem was holding a case of beer.
When Violet opened the door, she smiled.
“Roof?” Clem asked.
Violet grabbed her keys. “I thought you’d never ask.”
They ditched the chairs.
“It’s easier to see if you lay on your back.”
Clem scrunched her nose. “On the concrete?”
Violet playfully rolled her eyes and laid out her sweater.
Clem smiled.
It was.
They watched in silence for a while.
Clem would prop up her head to take sips.
Violet poured it into her mouth from where she was lying down.
“How often do you come up here?” Clem asked.
“A couple times a week.”
Violet smiled. “It reminds me of life back home. Before I came here.”
Clementine smiled.
“It’s nice knowing we all rest under the same sky.”
Clem hummed. “I’ve never thought about it like that before.”
“It’s comforting.”
Clementine agreed.
Violet’s fingers brushed against Clementine’s.
She didn’t budge.
Just let it happen.
Violet held her hand.
And they say in silence.
And Clementine forgot all about her beer.
Violet knocked on her door the next night.
And they went back up.
Violet went straight to holding her hand.
And Clementine let her.
And they watched how bright the stars seemed.
How happily they beamed just for the two of them.
It was a private show.
And they loved it.
They shared stories about lives before university.
Families, childhoods, dreams, hopes for the future.
And anything.
Anything that came to mind.
Everything that mattered.
The next day, when Clem knocked on Violet’s door with a blanket, Vi opened urgently.
“Let’s go out,”
“What?” Clem asked.
“On an adventure,” she clarified. “Let’s go out.”
Clementine didn’t argue.
She just agreed.
And they slipped into Violet’s car.
And were off.
Violet hit the highway and left the city.
“Where are we going?” Clem asked hesitantly.
Violet was beaming. “One of my favourite places.”
Clementine stared at her.
Studied her.
Then turned ahead.
Violet put Clem in charge of music.
She played all the songs they had talked about the night before.
The favourites from their childhoods.
Their nostalgic ones.
They sang.
And they laughed.
And they zoomed down the highway without a care.
Without a worry about classes.
About grades.
About expectations.
Violet pulled off to the side.
Off into a dirt road.
A small waiting area.
And got out.
Clementine watched as she spread the blanket out on the back of her car.
And felt the car shift as she sat on it.
“What are we doing here?” Clem asked, climbing out.
“Just come over here,” Vi said. “Sit down.”
Clementine hesitated.
But did.
Violet leaned back.
And took her hand.
“Look up.”
And Clementine did.
And it was everything.
The stars were so bright outside of the city.
Much brighter than the show they had the night before.
Much prettier.
Violet held her hand tighter that night.
She watched the way the stars glittered in Clem’s eyes.
Like she caught them there.
Clem watched the way Violet licked her lips.
Like the stars were delicious.
Like candy.
Their eyes met perfectly.
At the perfect moment.
When they both saw what they admired about the other in each other.
“Are we here to live too?” Clem asked.
And the twinkling in Violet’s eyes sparked. “Definitely.”
And Clementine smiled.
Followed by Violet.
Then, in sync, they leaned in.
And kissed each other.
They each became stars.
And they felt alive.
And like finally, they were living.
Really living.
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So because I can, I’m going to basically pick and choose from various vampire canons in terms of lore, abilities etc. to create my particular preferences for my oc Alexander.  ATM, they go as follows:
he can walk about in sunlight for very limited amounts of time if he is fully fed, otherwise unharmed, mainly because of his extensive age, but we’re really only talking minutes rather than hours - it is not a pleasant experience and it’s really only a parlor trick he pulls out when he absolutely has to make an appearance or has a meeting that cannot be otherwise handled / postponed / etc. he can last about fifteen minutes before suffering external trauma after twenty minutes it’s noticeable to most anyone and while he could probably survive being stuck outside for a full day it would take years and ridiculous amounts of blood to restore his health unless some other magical intervention or extremely powerful blood was available to heal him.  (i may opt for him having a daylight / daywalking ring or brooch or necklace at some point later but i haven’t quite decided).
he has super speed, strength, agility, has skin that is extremely hard to penetrate but not impossible, he can climb walls and leap extreme distances, he is capable of moving at speeds impossible for the human eye to track and he can fly but does not change shapes or turn into a bat or smoke etc.
he does not have to sleep in the earth, or in a coffin, but he does have earth of his homeland in most of his permanent estates and does have sunlight proof /fire proof rooms below ground in most of them as well, and does have things like sun proof windows / curtains / shutters etc. installed in his many residences.  when traveling he has safe guards like his own curtains to hang in his rooms, will sleep under the bed or in closets etc. if necessary.  
he can glamour / hypnotize / command people to his control, to make them do anything for the most part, he’s only met a few in his 4000 years that have been able to resist him.  he cannot glamour other vampires unless they have fed on his blood / are off his bloodline.
he can create ‘ghouls’ aka humans or animals that feed on his blood and this allows him to better control them, manipulate them, for them to sense his intentions and desires if the bond is strong enough, to know if he is in danger etc. extended exposure to his blood concretes the bond of ghoul to master to the point that they would do anything to protect him / to make him happy (renfield etc.) even killing themselves or loved ones to keep him safe.  this bond also allows him to sense their emotions, if it goes on long enough to read their thoughts.  the humans / animals that feed on his blood become stronger, faster, more intelligent, require less sleep, have more stamina, heal faster, etc. the blood is an addiction and can lead to some detrimental side effects if he with holds it or if the ghoul is unable to be fed for some other reason - he often has stashes of his blood stored in his estates for servants or his current paramour in case he doesn’t return before they need a ‘refill’ - usually once a month is enough to maintain / further strengthen the bond.  
he does have a soul per se but if his humanity / attachments to the world lessen beneath a certain level then it’s pretty much the same as turning off humanity or losing his soul and it takes about four times as much effort to creep up that ladder back towards ‘human’ than it does to fall down the ladder.  he’s gone up and down over his many years but very rarely has he succumbed to the darker nature of his species for long.  he prefers to hover at a middle ground, being more immoral than evil, content to linger in the very murky grey, neither very good, nor very evil.
he can eat human food and drink but it does nothing to sate his actual hunger.
he can survive quite some time without blood because of his age but he relishes in the act of feeding and will usually feed at least once a night because… he can.  a few drops of his blood on the wound seals the bite marks and a quick glamour makes the victim forget all about it.  he rarely kills anymore unless it’s necessary to protect himself, his property, etc. or if he’s entirely too riled up - though that’s a fairly rare occurrence.
his eyes are preternaturally dark, but usually that’s just written off as one of his traits - they can gleam a crimson sheen when he’s feeding or extremely angry or lustful etc. but it isn’t something most people see, or would notice unless looking for it specifically.
his fangs retract and protract at his behest, he has four elongated upper canines and two elongated lower canines.  
to create a childer he must drain them to the point of death and feed them his own blood, then bury them in the earth and wait for them to rise.  
a stake to the heart, prolonged exposure to fire or sunlight, beheading are the most efficient ways to kill him though he’s survived quite a long time and is faster and stronger than most of his species, especially the modern generation whose blood has been so diluted / weakened over the millennia.  each generation of vampire created is a little bit ‘less’ than the one before it etc.
garlic, holy water, silver, crosses etc. have no effect on him.
yes he can have sex, no, he can’t father children biologically though he has adopted and raised children throughout the ages.
he casts a reflection & can be caught on film / photography / video.
he is affected by drugs, alcohol, poisons but on a much, much, much smaller degree than humans because his metabolism is practically nonexistent as he doesn’t actually absorb human food or drinks.  the only things that his body can actually absorb are blood, so anything that might mingle with his blood has a very, very minor effect on him.  human diseases by and large do not effect him as his blood is strong enough and powerful enough to simply eat away at any imperfections in any blood he might drink.  he can become affected by drugs and alcohol in the system of the humans / other vampires he feeds off of and if he’s looking for an actual buzz / high he’ll go find someone already intoxicated or drugged to feed off of.  while the buzz doesn’t last as long for him as humans, it still affects him until he has used up / burned through the blood.
he does not have a discernible heartbeat and he does not require breath, though he does breathe.  
while he is not bound by the need for earth from his homeland for normal sleep and recuperation, if he is badly damaged or enters a state of torpor being stored in a casket in the earth from greece or in greece itself does increase his speed of healing.
he can choose to go into a state of slumber for long periods of time, with something of a mental alarm clock that is set for however long he wishes to rest, or until where he slumbers is disturbed, or if a mental call from one of his ghouls awakens him.  upon awakening, depending on how long he was asleep, it takes longer for him to gain clarity and strength and he must ususally feed in greater frequency/quantity than if he has been awake and normally functioning.
he is not immune to binding spells / circles etc. meant for the damned / undead / or if the witch etc. is in possession of his true name - something that he has taken great pains to eradicate from history for predominantly this reason.  he can be controlled via necromancy, though it takes a pretty powerful witch to be able to counter his age / power / natural willpower.  
he has learned mental skills to block minor telepaths but is not entirely invulnerable to them especially if they are powerful or are making a targeted invasion into his thoughts
he does not have any ability to prevent dreamwalkers etc. from entering his dreams and often encounters ghosts and restless spirits in his sleeping thoughts.
I will say that Alexander is susceptible to the effects of vervain as seen in TVD - humans that wear it or imbibe it are protected from his mesmerism and if they’ve drunk it their blood weakens him / if he drinks or eats something with it in it will weaken him though not entirely stupefied etc.
Also he can usually sense other supernatural creatures as being in the vicinity by that prickle at the nape of the neck sensation but if in a crowd etc it won’t be immediately pinpointed. Generally when close enough to catch the persons scent the distinct elements of their blood will at least point him in the right direction - if he’s crossed paths with one he’s identified before. Werecreatures tend to smell like their other form, vampires especially metallic and don’t typically have heartbeats plus other telltale signs that might vary per subspecies (aka a particular verse canon), witches smell like whatever particular element they relate to etc etc. Dragons the same but with a distinct ozone / metallic undertone and so forth. Sirens, mermaids etc smell like the sea. (happy to adapt specifics per other characters canon or preference per thread BTW)
As far as cross canon interactions I am fine with assuming there is more than one species / bloodline of vampires thus resulting in different canons having different weaknesses etc. If Alexanders abilities and powers being different from your characters canon is a problem for some reason feel free to come talk to me I’m sure we can work something out.
Also I’m going to go with the fact that a stake will immobilize him (ie the originals in tvd etc) but it takes fire, sunlight, beheading etc. to actually kill him just because he’s literally fucking ancient.  This allows for more opportunities w/ plots where he might be incapacitated etc. and actually works as a vulnerability imo rather than a bonus.
& If necessary Alexander can burn through stores of his blood for an extreme boost to strength, durability, willpower (to resist torture, supernatural methods of control, to keep his temper in check), to heal faster (useful for enduring sunlight longer etc), to move faster etc. But the cost is pretty poignant and if he burns through too much and his reserves of blood get too low he risks either being forced into unconsciousness with all of its inherent vulnerabilities or full out losing control and going on a rampage until he feeds enough to satiate himself fully.
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dreamboatblues-blog · 7 years
Compact Digital Cameras
A small, compact point & shoot camera with the flexibility to function well in low-light conditions will be your best friend at a live performance. After I assume photographs (panorama, road, or portrait) now, I take the DLux 4 , and depart the Canon in the closet. Seize the first image, and a ghosted model of it seems superimposed over the live preview to be able to choose an appropriate topic for every extra exposure. Strobes are adjustable lighting arrays that may angle the flash so that it would not replicate instantly again into the digicam lens, thus lowering backscatter and allowing for more artistic photographs. The autofocus system is also fairly spectacular, so you could conceivably use this digital camera to shoot sports activities and action. Sony's Xperia Z5 comes with a 2,900mAh battery and a promise that the gadget will last up to two days on a cost. Whereas that's not quite as good because the 50 percent enchancment Apple has claimed, the iPhone SE nonetheless has the most effective battery lifetime of any iPhone we've examined in the past two years. Nonetheless, there are actually fairly just a few compacts with built-in wifi, which can be used to transfer pictures to other devices. The PENTAX Q will probably be accessible in white or best point and shoot camera black physique models and shipped in a Standard Prime lens (accessible in silver) kit. Panasonic refreshes HD camcorder range: 3MOS, 1MOS and Waterproof offerings. For travel and street pictures, the Fujifilm X30 can go head-to-head with any compact camera available on the market. It was the first Panasonic camera to use a sensor that does not have an anti-aliasing filter, which mainly means you will get some highly detailed photos from this miniature marvel. Continuing the legacy of its award profitable sequence, Ricoh GR II is all that you need for revolutionizing your photography without being a huge burden in your wallet. In case your 340 HS battery is reading as dead even when it is not, or the digicam is powering off randomly when in use, examine the advisory to see when you're eligible for a free inspection or alternative'from Canon straight. Here is a hyperlink to pictures that were taken with it. I discovered that I needed that amount of zoom for lots of the cat photographs. The new Sony Cyber-shot RX10 II has enormous boots to fill, as the original RX10 superzoom is among the finest cameras we've ever seen. For extra details about Panasonic LUMIX digital cameras, please visit /lumix. Household Supplies Brooms, Ground Brushes & Dustpans Mops, Refills & Mop units Sponges & Cleaning Cloths Pegs & Garments Strains Housekeeping Dusters. However in case that RX100 IV point-and-shoot wasn't good enough for you, the company is now introducing the RX1R II , a full-body pocket-sized shooter with a forty two.4-megapixel Exmor R CMOS sensor. For skilled underwater photographers and critical enthusiasts, the ability to make use of their advanced digicam beneath the waves, whereas nonetheless having the ability to entry the important manual control buttons and dials justifies the price. There are only a few models across all manufacturers that provide a built-in EVF. The remaining have been closely matched, however we liked the pictures coming from Samsung's SL820 most constantly. Remember, too, that among the most convenient cameras for iMovie are already bundled inside Apple's bestselling smartphone and music player. One of many hallmarks of an SLR, and DSLR, is that these cameras are designed so photographers can manipulate the machinery and management their own settings. I've a G7X II since half a year as at all times-carry-on camera and don't regret it. I attempted Lumixs and Sonys at last yr's Photokina and did not like their handling. The stabilization additionally helps with stills - we had been able to pull off 1/10s low-light pictures with nearly no visible shake. Sony's A6000 is the mirrorless camera you may want to own, ships this April for $800 with lens. This extra snug design is compliments of Sony's Translucent Mirror expertise, which additionally allows faster autofocus. The A6000 comes bundled with Sony's NP-FW50 battery back, which has been transport with the company's mirrorless cameras because the NEX-three , a model that first hit stores just about 4 years ago. With the Smart Gesture UI you possibly can rapidly scroll by means of your pictures by barely tilting the gadget in either course or by choosing the appropriate images for a slide show. Whether or not it is all of the bells and whistles within the type of fingers-on controls, a built-in viewfinder or a big sensor for optimum quality, there are every kind of advanced compacts to go well with different tastes. Add to this X-Processor Pro image processing engine and you're going to get a robust instrument prepared to conquer the brand new horizons of images. The Galaxy S5 mini is each taller and thicker than the Z3 Compact, with a 4.5-inch 720p screen, quad-core 1.4GHz processor, 8MP digicam and a pair of,100mAh battery. Maybe most notable to advanced'photographers is the inclusion of UNCOOKED picture seize, which allows for higher flexibility when processing pictures. As with the other cameras here, the Fuji gives full HD videos recording as well as some inventive filters that may add fun effects to your films. Use the digicam's zoom perform: If you want to minimize out some of the surrounding atmosphere out of your composition, create a extra shallow depth of subject or create some distance between your digicam and your topic. On the downside, the SX620 HS's photographs are barely fuzzier than the 360 HS's in shiny gentle. Natively, it's nice for fish portraits to semi large angle, but like all different 1-inch sensor cameras we've got seen, it lacks good macro capabilities without an accessory lens. BTW, as an added bonus, the Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS60 can even shoot in RAW. It is the latest one of the ZS series (Traveler Zoom), born as a traveling compact camera. Also, the autofocus may be very quick, which is very essential for individuals who come from utilizing dSLRs which might be typically 5 occasions the value. The Panasonic LUMIX DMC-ZS50 additionally features full HD video recording in addition to up to 200fps (in VGA, 100fps in HD) high-speed video capture, allowing you the option of top quality slow motion play again - very entertaining. The 35mm most thickness (with the lens closed) means it will just about fit into a breast pocket or baggy shorts, but the 305g weight could compel you to put money into a case, belt clip or strap. It is Panasonic's entry-level compact system digital camera, and chooses to shed a number of pro-pleasing features with a purpose to keep the thing small. With retro designs and fingers-on controls for enthusiasts, Fujifilm's X-sequence cameras have constructed a stable following, primarily those who fondly bear in mind the days of film cameras. With a spread of 25-500mm, you have got every thing from vast-angle to shut-up telephoto. Sony has released 5'variations of its high-finish RX100 sequence so far, however the authentic RX100 presently remains to be one of our favorite journey cameras. Companies like Fuji, Canon and Olympus continue to make great DSLRs and interchangeable lens cameras for photographers who're serious about their image-taking. When set to slave TTL mode, the underwater strobe simply mimics the digital camera's constructed-in strobe to produce an automatic strobe exposure. On the opposite finish of the spectrum, level-and-shoot cameras just like the Polaroid Snap are unbelievable, enjoyable and cheap devices that supply the novelty of instantaneous photographs with the comfort of recent know-how. Canon targets Sony's fashionable RX100 with PowerShot G7 X level-and-shoot. Boasting 8 megapixels and full 1080P video recording, what you lose in megapixels you make up for in recording choices. Most of our test photographs have been outdoors, which additionally gave us the chance to see how effectively LCDs performed below vivid daylight.
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