#the lyrics just make me. *starts snarling and biting things*
pestilentbrood · 1 year
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do you need love?
am i enough for you?
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sorry for beepo divorce angst . this song makes me think about them and start tearing into things with my teeth
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thedevilsoftruth · 7 months
Had a weird dream last night that Marc Spector was in my room, and I was writing smut about him and Big Man With A Gun by Nine Inch Nails was playing on my cd player. Now I just can't stop thinking of the lyrics, " shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, I'm gonna come all over you. " So, here I present to you, some of my horniest Marc Spector head canons.
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He really likes to grab your thighs. He likes to grab them when you're sitting next to him, you know... just for the fuck of it. Whenever you're in the car with him, he'll reach over for your thigh and just kind of grab it. He won't say anything and just kind of let it happen, slowly making his way for your inner thigh until you make a comment on it. When you do, he'll act like he's confused as a way to mess with you.
Marc loves to praise you alright, but sometimes he can't just hold back his feelings for you. It's like everything just becomes too much for him and he just can't be nice to you.
" Gonna fucking rip you apart. " he'll snarl, grasping your neck and shaking you a bit. You would be grabbing his wrist, your poor little face scrunching up while he penetrates you like you're a little toy. His little toy.
He can't contain himself when you're sitting on his lap. Mmm, how pretty that little dress of yours looks on you... he bets it'd look better off of you. His lips will latch on your neck, and he'll breathe into your warm skin.
" Mm baby, I think we might need a room." His strong hands will rub your thighs, and he'll continue giving you tiny love bites on your soft skin until you agree.
He likes to start off a bit slow. maybe play with your nipples through your top and watch them become hard. Or maybe he'll start with a little foreplay? He'll rip off your clothes one by one and have you sit on his lap, move you around a bit and then sink his greedy fingers into your entrance. He wants to make sure you can also feel him become hard underneath you, and also wants to make sure you're begging for that hardness.
" Marc, please.. I can't handle it anymore. " you'll moan quietly while he's curling those two thick fingers into the perfect spot.
" Keep begging like that, baby. Tell me how much you need it, baby. " he'll respond, his face nuzzling in the crook of your neck.
Marc is also a bit of a rigger. I'll leave it at that.
God, he just needs to see you underneath him, eyes rolling into the back of your head, lips wet and plump from biting them too much and slipping out broken moans and cries for him to never stop.
He'll say things to try and get you on, dirty things he'd never picture himself saying. " my little slut, in shambles underneath me like this.. " and, " Aw, does my precious baby need more? Mm, I'll give her more. I'll give her all of it. " He just wants to make a pure mess out of you, craves to see you all fucked up becuase of him. Just for him.
And when he's done with you, he'll either finish in you or on you.
" God, so perfect. My perfect little girl. " he'll purr, combing your hair back with his hands and giving your forehead a kiss. But even after everything, theres just something about the look of you all fucked out of your mind with his seed all over ( or in ) you. He's unable to wait for next time he can see you like that.
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nug-chuohku · 8 months
Reflection of Your Image - EB VS SZ Drama Track 
Part 3
~ Clashing Skulls ~
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【 Outside Chuohku City Hotel 】
Ryuko: "-FUCKER!"
Balling his fists, the animator prepared to strike back at the incoming punch from the purple and green haired man. Before the two could collide however, their respective teammates clung to their limbs and clothes, pulling them apart.
Maki: “Ryuko, this is no place to raise your fists!”
Yano: “Y-Yeah Asato, what tall-ass said!”
While Ryuko seemed to struggle and writhe in the arms of his older brother, Asato was much quicker to calm down. Although his eyes conveyed a rage that neither Yano or Kensaku had seen, Asato appeared much more unbothered than the yakuza who wanted nothing more than to cave in the farmer’s face. The young man uncharacteristically brushed off his teammates as they loosened their grips, so Asato could stare at his raging rival.
Asato: “...You want a fight?”
Both ECO BooN men looked surprised at their leader as he pulled his hypnosis microphone out from the satchel that hung from his belt and held it out.
Asato: “Fight me. Use your words. Prove that you’re not a coward.”
Instantly those words it set off the white haired man as he miraculously snapped out of his giant brother's grasp and whipped out his own microphone. With a snarl Ryuko shouted out.
Ryuko: “I’ll show you who’s the real coward!”
Maki: “Ryuko, stop that this-”
Shuu: “Let him go sensei.”
The smaller man grasped onto Maki’s sleeve with a surprising amount of strength. Despite how much the professor wanted to protest, the detective pointed out an important detail in a disappointed sigh. A short ways away, the other team leaders, Hisoka and Nobuo seemed to be preparing to duke it out with their microphones and speakers materializing behind each of them.
Shuu: “Look, all the team leaders seem to have a need to blow off some steam. Just let them at it, m’kay?”
Solemnly, Maki nodded. At least they were choosing to use their microphones to settle their disagreements… But would there be consequences for the fight, he wondered.
Yet again here you are, all bark no bite
Couldn’t do your damn job so you start a fight
So come on, here’s your chance
Quit that shit, get in stance
Use your mic to prove your worth
So I can plant you in the earth
Make use of that oxygen you’re always wasting
Come on Ryuko, don’t keep me waiting
Unprepared for the verse, Ryuko staggers back. As he’s forced onto one knee, he can only grit and bear as Asato continues his relentless attack.
Don’t die on me now, we just got started
Not the first time you’ve been bombarded
You’re just a aphid in my field
Nothing more than a weed
So give up on your dreams, you aren’t winning this battle
Ryuko: “Rrrgh… Shut up, shut up, sHUT UP!”
Think again you piece of shit
It’s you who will submit
Gonna to wipe that look off your face
When I trample you, erased
Nobody will ever know your name
Just some farmer with no game
Who do you think you are getting picked for the stage
Get back to Toyama and stay in that cage
Silently, Asato seemed to grit the lyrics coming at him. No comment, no expression. His blank face simply glaring at Ryuko who doubled into his lyrics.
Ryuko: “You want some more, huh?!”
A cage? How about a grave?
It’s what you get for acting brave
My temper might be a pain in the ass
But it’s the thing that proves that you’re outclassed-
Ichijiku: “Enough!”
Cutting through the courtyard, all the hypnosis microphones seemed to snap off and dissipate when a woman’s voice roared through the temporary battlefield. All the men snapped their heads in the direction of two women standing at the entrance of the hotel, the taller one with a pink ponytail appearing as the source of the shouting.
Ichijiku: “Nothing but barbarians… Officer Ietsuna. Take care of the ECO BooN and Sazanka Zombeez leaders. I'll handle the other two teams.”
Riyeko: “Yes ma’am!”
Following Ichijiku’s instructions, the brunette stalked over to the two teams she was ordered to confront with a small crew of uniformed women behind her. At the sight of the women approaching, Ryuko was quick to threaten with violence, now that he had his weapon strangely nullified.
Ryuko: “Huh? You want to fucking go? I’ll fucking beat your ass once I’m done-”
Riyeko: “No you fucking aren’t! Shut up for one second, you prick!”
Not expecting that response from an officer, Ryuko was effectively silenced. The shorter brunette officer then led herself and a small group of female officers over to the two quarreling groups. Her amber hues pierced through each member, before settling on the two leaders with their now nullified hypnosis microphones.
Riyeko: “Fucking morons the both of you.”
Ryuko: “What did you-?!”
Riyeko: “This is expected of you, Ryuko Umemoto. Kadenokoji-san warned us that your were the most likely to start throwing punches.”
Ryuko: “H…How do you…?”
The Zombeez appeared shocked that this woman regarded their leader so casually. None of them expected the casual, vulgar tone from an officer, especially towards their leader who looked completely flabbergasted by the situation.
Riyeko: “However, we are disappointed in you Asato Rikiya. We were hoping your typical demeanor would prevent you from acting irrationally, but you have surprised us.”
Her gaze drifted to her brother.
Riyeko: “Right, Yano?”
Yano: “Y-Yes ma’am.”
The response earned a strange look from Kensaku pointed at Yano, but he kept silent as Riyeko continued on.
Riyeko: “I’m trusting you boys will accept this act of mercy from Kadenokoji-san. Do this again and you may not be so lucky. Got it?”
It was brief, but straightforward. A warning to the two teams to stay out of trouble until the competition started. Once the two teams had nodded with shame, Riyeko seemed to sneer at their submission (something not missed by the ticked off Ryuko) and sauntered back to the rejoin with Kadenokoji’s team.
Maki: “To think a woman like Ichijiku Kadenokoji would be the one to stop us…”
Shuu (mumbling): “Ramu-chan was right, they do have a canceller. And say...Isn’t the pretty pink lady a person of interest?”
Maki: “Sorry? What did you say?”
Shuu: “Oh, nothing! We can talk about it later. For now…”
Grabbing his team mates, Shuu smiled at the two Umemoto brothers.
Shuu: “We should go! Right?”
Maki: “Indeed.”
Shrugging Shuu off, Ryuko let out a soft growl before looking at Asato.
Ryuko: “Tomorrow you’re going to lose, farmer brat. Say your goodbyes to your family, hm?”
Asato didn’t bother to respond, only glowering at Ryuko with a nod. With that, Ryuko scoffed at the purple haired man and walked away.
Kensaku: “So, that was the yakuza guy who harassed your family?”
Yano: “Yeah, that was the guy. I only saw him a couple times when I was visiting his house years ago. Grandma Rikiya really pissed him off everytime they came around.”
Kensaku: “Heheh, sounds like her… Say, Yano? Do you know that officer?”
Yano: “Huh? Oh! U-Uh it’s uh… Compli-Whatever! I’m tired, let’s go already!”
Kensaku: “Well, that was a weird response. Whatever, come on Asato-kun.”
Asato: “...yeah.”
Asato paused for a moment, watching as each team dispersed from the courtyard and into the hotel. Ryuko, seething in rage. Hisoka, pale as a sheet and trembling. And finally Nobuo. Unlike the others, he seemed unaffected by the conflict and in fact, more confident than ever. Looking down at his own boots, Asato wondered:
Asato: "What should I be feeling right now?"
The End
To be continued in EB V.S. SZ DRB Drama Track 2…
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His sharp canines bite into the leather of his glove and he slowly pulls them off, rolls up the sleeves of his dress shirt, and begins to undo the buttons of his vest as he takes a seat on the stool. Next, he takes his headphones, ornate ones with a golden and leather look, and places them on his head. He reaches over, picking up the sticks for the drum set, and then reaches for his phone with the headphones already plugged in. Lucifer hits play and music fills his headphones, his foot taps in beat with the strumming guitar. 4 measures of strumming and on the fourth measure, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1--! The drumming starts, steady and on beat with the music in his headphones and he begins to softly sing.
“Taste bitter on a guilty tongue
It's hard to see I'm the chosen one
Fake friends with a camera phone
Ugly, drunk, cold and missin' home”
Why this song? He wanted something cartharic, something to express himself in the ways he struggled to with words. Music was his escape and therapy all at once. All his anger, his pain, all of it vanished as he sung out in the music room. The drumming brings a physical aspect, where he needed to expend energy as he dealt with his feelings.
“This heart of mine gets blacker all the time
Affection makes me nauseous
Believe me, I don't want this
I hurt my blood tonight, I made my brothers cry
I never say 'I love you' even though I want to”
His chest clenches and he feels something well in his eyes, threatening to spill out, especially as he changed one lyric without realizing. Brothers. *His brothers,* who he has hurt too many times. Why was that? Why did he struggle to express himself when he felt so much? Was it his Pride? Lucifer’s mantra to himself was ‘be better’, but it never translated to the right things. He was better…At pointless things, not what mattered. His family. *His brothers.*
“'Cause I let you down and I lost my fucking mind
And everything got messy and everyone got angry
I cursed my blood tonight, it happens all the time
Is everyone against me? Has everyone goddamned me?”
Lucifer lost himself to the music, starting to project his voice loud enough that the sound was louder than the drums. His drumming, with the song, grew more intese. Lucifer began to sweat as he sung and played, completely lost in the music. It was reliving, the song voicing all his feelings for him. He felt so vividly, but only music gave him the release. A part came, and he lets out a gutteral snarl of the words, and tears begin to drip from his eyes. And, as quickly as the song picked up, it falls to a slow beat again and he sings the last verse.
“I hate goodbyes, so cringy I could die
We only say 'I love you' 'cause that's what we're supposed to
And most families lie, but I meant it every time
And treat you like you're worthless, I never said I'm perfect”
And stop! The room falls silent, minus Lucifer’s panting as he leans over his drums. Tap, taptap, tap. The sound of the snare sounds as the tears from his eyes drip down his cheek and land atop the drum. And then, as the song repeats, he sucks in a breath, realizing just how into the song he’d gotten. In a rush, he wipes his features with his sleeve and straightens up. In spite of his embarrassed flustered features, deep down he feels…better.
Song: || x ||
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tinyyoungblood · 3 years
hi!! do you know that tiktok trend where the girl asks her bf if he can temporarily break up with her so she can be heartbroken when she listens to olivia rodrigo’s new album and the bf always says no? could you do that but with peter and avenger!reader? i don’t really know how the avengers play into that but i trust you to think of something great. love your work babes <3
pairing: peter parker x avenger!reader
word count: 2.7k
a/n: hey fren, tysm <3 i do know that trend, and it always warms my darn heart. you probably meant for this to be a headcanon but halfway through i realised that i was writing full sentences, so i just rolled with it bc i have no self-control lol enjoy x
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Peter, I need you to break up with me.”
Not a moment later, you heard a series of loud crashes and Peter stumbled out of the bathroom, hopping on one leg while fiddling with his zipper. “What did you just say?” His eyes were wild as they scanned your face.
“I need you to break up with me,” you repeated calmly, not taking your eyes off your laptop.
“Break up with you?” Peter echoed, hand raking through his hair in bewilderment. “Why would I do that? Do you want to break up?”
This made you look up. Peter was staring at you like you had just insulted his face, making it quite an effort to stay serious. “It’s just for 34 minutes and 46 seconds,” you assured. “So I can listen to Olivia Rodrigo’s new album.”
He blinked at you.
“Please?” You set your laptop aside, shuffling to the end of the bed so you were sitting right in front of him. “I want to listen to it in full effect with a broken heart and everything.”
“I…” Peter slowly shook his head. A helpless laugh escaped him. “Um, no. Thank you.” He turned and made to return to the bathroom.
“Peter,” you whined and grabbed for his hand, pulling him to a halt.
“Sorry, angel.” He shrugged, supressing the faint tug at the corner of his mouth.
You pouted. “We can break up when you train with Bucky! In that way you won’t even notice because you’ll be busy and distracted. I won’t even be on your mind.” You weren’t sure what you had said that made Peter stare at you like you were insane, but it took him a second to snap out of it.
He cupped your face with his hands and made sure to meet your eyes. “Babe, I think about you all the time.” He said it like it was a wish he wanted to word correctly. Slow and precise. Then he switched to a lighter tone that implied that he was done with the conversation. “I’m not breaking up with you.” With that he turned and left for the bathroom.
“Fine,” you called back although the water was already running and you doubted that Peter could hear you. And if he did, he probably didn’t care. You took that as your cue to leave. Defeated, you plucked your headphones into your phone and picked out a song of Olivia’s album at random.
Steve was lounging on the couch of the common room when you entered. He looked up from his magazine and gave you a small smile by way of greeting. You returned it by tapping two fingers at your temple in salute, ignoring the way how his stare lingered a little longer. You sat down next to him. When you locked eyes again, you saw the silent question on his face and let out a laugh. It ended up sounding more like a delightful scoff.
“I know Tony takes pride in being the philanthropist amongst us, but for someone who grew up in the ice age, you’re really good at reading people’s faces.” You wanted to annoy Steve, maybe even coax out a laugh, but he just kept looking at you, and you held his gaze. You were good at it—an aftereffect of living with Bucky who happened to love the same yoghurt as you did. Sometimes you put all western movies to shame with the way you narrowed your eyes at each other early in the morning in front of the fridge.
To your luck, Steve was just as stubborn, which meant that you two could’ve kept it going until death if it weren’t for the door banging open.
“I can’t believe you did this to me!” A voice boomed. You took a wild guess and assumed it was Clint.
“Tell me about it!” Another voice bellowed right back.
A second later, Sam and Clint marched into the room, furious, whereas Bucky strolled in behind them with no care in the world.
The former two were holding bags of food. Both were animated and waving their arms through the air while arguing. You turned down the volume of your phone in time to hear Steve demand, “What’s going on?”
Clint and Sam stared daggers at Bucky until Steve amended, “Buck, what did you do?”
The man in question turned around, facing his best friend in exasperation. “I asked these two to get food for me.” This earned him a snarl. Bucky waved them off and examined his metal arm, unconcerned. “Honestly, I have no idea why they’re getting so worked up about it.”
“We—” Sam gestured wildly between Clint and himself. “—were asked to pick up food for him from two different places. And neither of us knew about it!”
“Yes, neither of us knew,” Clint chimed in, eyes narrowing at Bucky who was busy flicking dust off his arm. “And I don’t know about you, Sam, but I was touched. I was moved, okay? Because Bucky never asks for anything and here I was, thinking we’re starting to bond or whatever but now I just feel USED.”
Sam gave a harsh sound in agreement.
“Bucky,” said Steve after no one had anything to add. “What do you have to say to that?”
Your gaze flitted between them, not sure what to expect. Bucky didn’t give any sign of wanting to respond, making you wonder if he had heard Cap at all. But then a slow smile swept over his lips and you noted that it was probably the most feline smile you’d ever seen. It was a smile storybook villains wore after burning down the world.
“The only thing I have to say is that I regret not having the moment they ran into each other in the elevator on video tape, because that—” He turned and looked Sam and Clint straight in the eye. “—was amazing.”
No one spoke.
“Ruthless,” you said under your breath and just like marionettes, the four men glanced you before another argument broke.
You took the chance to turn the volume back up. “happier” was playing and you settled further into the couch to watch the scene unfold. Sam was arguing so passionately that the vein on his neck was making an impressive appearance. Clint, on the other hand, had a palm pressed flat to his chest; his face showing pure betrayal. Bucky didn’t seem to care for the chaos. He tried multiple times to grab for the bags only for one of them to move out of his reach. When you glanced at Steve, you nearly lost it.
He was staring at them like his lifespan had just been reduced to ten years. He looked like he wanted to throw pebbles after them.
Nudging him with your arm, you silently handed him one of your earphones. He glanced at you and hesitated, probably thinking of the many times you had offered him a taste of blaring electronic music. You rolled your eyes and insisted again. This time, Steve took it and you watched in amusement as his brows rose in surprise.
“I like the piano,” he mouthed and glimpsed at the name of the song. You grinned.
In the meantime, Clint and Sam had decided to form an alliance. They had planted themselves in the opposite couch, digging into the contents of the brown bags while Bucky gawked at them from the other side of the room with his mouth ajar and heart ripped out of his chest. Shaking his head in disbelief, he let himself fall into the armchair facing them. He looked devastated. You weren’t sure if you had to stifle a laugh or tears.
Next to you, Steve chocked back a laugh. You quirked an eyebrow and considered him only to realise the reason behind his glee. Bucky was brooding in his seat while Sam and Clint did an excellence job on commenting every bite. Nothing has ever received as much praise as that pasta, and you were certain that if this were a cartoon, there would be rain clouds hovering above Bucky’s head. As if the angels had set it up themselves, you took notice of the lyrics.
I hope you're happy, but not like how you were with me
I'm selfish, I know, I can't let you go
So find someone great but don't find no one better
Bucky was pouting, poking the leather of his armchair with his finger while stealing glances at Sam and Clint. It was perfect. Steve slapped a hand on his chest and he tipped his head back, laughing.
I hope you're happy, I wish you all the best, really
Say you love her, baby, just not like you loved me
And think of me fondly when your hands are on her
I hope you're happy, but don't be happier
You were both laughing hysterically. The others had stopped their on-going war to stare at the two of you; their expressions baffled. The song came to an end and Steve gave back your earphone, rubbing his eye as if wiping away a tear. He rose and walked over to Bucky, hurling him to his feet and putting an arm around his shoulders.
“Oh, Buck,” Steve said with a note of laughter in his voice. “There’s a song I need to show you.” You smiled as you watched them leave.
“Well, this was fun.” You pushed yourself off the couch and shook your head as Sam offered you some of his sushi. “Thanks, but I’m on a mission to get heartbroken.”
Leaving the men to their food, you wandered the halls and listened to “traitor” as you walked past Wanda’s room. Her door was open and you could see that Vision was in the middle of a chess game with Bruce and Wanda. By the looks of it, Vision was as good as winning and you reined the urge to cheer for him. You peaked around the door frame and saw that Vision had their king in check. Deep betrayal crossed Wanda’s face.
You chuckled quietly and whispered, “FRIDAY, play what I’m listening to right now through the speakers in Wanda’s room.” FRIDAY didn’t bother to respond but not a second later, the lyrics were blasting through her room and their heads snapped up in confusion.
Don't you dare forget about the way
You betrayed me
'Cause I know that you'll never feel sorry
For the way I hurt, yeah
“Wanda?“ You heard Vision’s careful voice. “What is going on?”
Guess you didn't cheat
But you're still
You're still a traitor
“I’m not sure, but these lyrics aren’t wrong…You are a traitor.” Wanda narrowed her eyes at him, slowly bobbing her head to the music. Treason danced in her eyes. It was the beginning of a villain origin story.
“Maybe it’s a sign of God,” Bruce said and you almost burst out laughing.
God, I wish that you had thought this through
Before I went and fell in love with you
“Hell yeah!” Wanda yelled and this time you bolted down the hallway, wheezing. You dashed right into Tony’s lab and slammed the door.
“What are you on?” He looked up in amusement. You simply shook your head, laughter still bubbling over your lips.
“Just spreading love in this facility.” You waved your hand at nothing in particular and Tony nodded.
“Right, I heard you asked Peter to break up with you to listen to that one album? Very dramatic. I like it.”
“See.” You gestured at him, indicating that he was the only one who got it. “It’s a good album. Maybe you should ask Pepper to divorce you.”
Tony gave a humourless laugh. “Yeah, I don’t think she would come back if I asked her.”
“Yikes,” you mumbled and this time Tony’s laughed for real.
“So what? You’ve just been walking around waiting for heartbreak?” He turned back to whatever he was working on. You stepped closer to get a peek.
“Sounds tiring.”
“I’m powered by exhaustion” You handed him the wrench he needed. “Want a listen? I think there’s a song you might like.”
He contemplated the offer and lifted his shoulder in a half-shrug. “Sure, why not.” You couldn’t help but squeal. You knew that Tony probably didn’t care but sharing your music was always exciting.
Beaming, you removed your headphones and connected your phone to the speakers of Tony’s lab. The first tunes of “good 4 u” started playing and Tony tapped his foot to the beat, head bobbing just slightly. When the chorus hit, he stood up and you stepped back, thinking he wanted to headbang. Instead, he reached for a tool that was further away. You didn’t miss the way he moved his shoulders in a little dance move though.
“I like this one,” he said, and you flashed him a smile. You continued working on the suit, handing Tony things you knew he needed until you passed him a plier and he froze. You furrowed your brows, glanced at the tool you knew was the right one, and cocked your head in silent question.
Maybe I'm too emotional
Or maybe you never cared at all
Looking you straight in the eyes, he flung the plier over his shoulder, opened a drawer, and took out another plier to use on his suit. You gasped.
“How dare you,” you whispered in shock. Tony had the nerve to shrug.
“Enjoy your little heartbreak moment, Y/N.” He shooed you away like a cat. “FRIDAY, yank up the volume, would you.”
Well, good for you, you look happy and healthy
Not me, if you ever cared to ask
Good for you, you're doin' great out there without me
“Guys?” Peter’s voice was drowned out by the booming music. He was leaning against the doorframe, watching in amusement as you and Tony towered on the lab tables, using screwdrivers as provisional microphones. While Tony played a terrific air guitar, you sank dramatically to your knees and impressed the crowd with your air drumming skills.
“Guys?” Peter tried again, chuckling. This time you and Tony whipped around at the same time and pointed straight at Peter.
Like a damn sociopath
You threw your arms up in the air and spun in circles while Tony jumped into quite an impressive split leap.
I've lost my mind
I've spent the night cryin' on the floor in my bathroom
Just over the fact that I really don't get it
But I guess good for you
The song came to an end, and you leapt on Tony’s table to share a screwdriver with him as you sang the last lyrics together.
Well, good for you, I guess you moved on really easily
The song ended and all you could hear was heavy breathing. Peter began to clap. “This was great, you guys. Wow.”
You exchanged glances with Tony before making a show of bowing at the waist.
“So this is what happens when I refuse to break up with you?” Peter strolled over to where you sat on the lab table, positioning himself between your legs. Tony chuckled and jumped off to grab a water bottle from across the room.
“I’m gonna need you to elaborate on that,” you said, just for the devil of it.
Peter smiled. “Cap and Bucky are crying over a song, Vision is sending Wanda flowers in ten-minute intervals, and you are down here having a rock concert with Tony.”
You gave him a toothy grin. “I was just feeling sour.”
* * *
stay hydrated pals
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AN: My humble submission for @cockslut-padalecki A Decade Under the Influence writing challenge. Here’s to another decade enjoying our hobbies 💜🖤. My song was Pain by Three Days Grace. I interpreted the song as a toxic relationship and honestly the first person who came to mind was Ranson Drysdale 🤷🏿‍♀️. The lyrics will be italicized. 
Warnings: toxic relationship, domestic abuse (emotional and physical w/ injuries), infidelity, non-con/dub-con (tagging both just in case), destruction of property, somnophilia, I’m not joking yall, heed the warnings this is TOXIC
Word Count: 1,569
I do not own the rights to the song nor the lyrics of the song
Pain without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Sitting on the side of the bed, you survey the damage. A hole in the wall. Shattered lamp near the nightstand. A bloody hand print on the pillow to your right. It draws your attention as you try to figure out whose blood it is. Doesn't matter, you're both bleeding. A cough to your left in the corner of the room makes you wince; he'll never admit it but this fight took a lot out of him. His breathing is labored and you wonder if you may have broken a rib. Good. 
You sigh as you rack your memory to figure out how you got here. They say no relationship is perfect but yours was pretty close. In the beginning, Ransom Drysdale was a perfect gentleman; always held the door open for you, brought you flowers and even watched that TV show with you that you knew he didn’t particularly care for. The first year was a dream. But then things started to go downhill. Fights with his family would result to him coming to your apartment and taking his frustrations out on you. You allowed it then; thinking you’d be a good outlet for him. But soon his ranting and raving turned into him degrading you. When his grandfather passed, the flood gates opened and your head was on a spindle, waiting for his next mood swing. Still you stayed even if you knew it was no longer a healthy relationship. Naively you continued to stand by his side telling yourself that at least he was physical with you and that had to mean he cared for you even if he could’t expression himself in a loving manner.
Then came the cheating. Openly flaunting his conquests in your mutual circles. At first you didn't want to believe it. You trusted him and he reciprocated your trust or so you assumed. But the pitied stares and crude whispers at your expense began to chip away at you. You'd confront him and at first, he denied it. You were the only one for him he had proclaimed and like a love sick puppy, you were his again. But when videos and photos were sent to your phone, hard evidence of his betrayal, he didn't even bother to come up with a good lie. He knew you loved him and used that to his advantage. But there was only so much you could take. So much you would take.
This life is filled with hurt
When happiness doesn't work
Trust me, and take my hand
When the lights go out, you'll understand
Another cough and a groan. He was attempting to stand up. Curses left his lips as he stands on wobbly legs, no doubt as dizzy as you are. You stare straight ahead, hoping that he wouldn’t want to continue the fight and leave you alone. He mutters to himself before he spits, blood and saliva landing on the tile next to your foot. You see his foot for a split second before he moves away from you and to the bathroom door. 
“Fucking bitch.” he quite literally spits. You want to retort, a scathing insult on your tongue but the throbbing in your head is too distracting to care. The door slams and you close your eyes, the exhaustion settling in your bones. And soul. 
"So, what? It's over? Give me a break." He laughed incredulously at you. The smirk that you had once found so handsome now was the bane of your existence. "Like you can find someone better, sweetheart."
"I can and I will!" You rant, pacing back and forth. He's perched on your counter-top, legs swing as he regards you with a humorous expression that only pisses you off more. 
"Yeah sure. Good luck with that."
You're sick of feeling numb
You're not the only one
I'll take you by the hand
And I'll show you a world that you can understand
The running water brings you back to the present and your heart breaks at the memory. He was right. No matter how many dates you went on, how many you invited into your bed. No one could compare. As much as you hated him, you loved him. Love him. 
You weren't expecting to see him sitting on your bed after your date. It was lackluster at best and you honestly just wanted to lay down and forget the whole ordeal. You sat your purse on the dresser and crossed your arms waiting for his tirade but when the silence stretched longer than you were comfortable with, you moved to go to the bathroom. He was on you in seconds, left hand secured firmly around your throat. "Really? You replaced me with that tool?" 
Anger and agony are better than misery
Trust me, I've got a plan
When the lights go up, you'll understand
You couldn't ignore the thrill that went through you at his anger. Serves him right. Too many nights you sat up and cried over his infidelity, his cruelty. About time he felt even an iota of the pain he put you through. Your eyes meet his as you stared him down. You knew he wanted an answer and your defiance would be the response. 
"You're such a cunt, you know that? Pathetic. I fucking hate you." You strike him before you know it. The slap resounded around the room. His hand leaves your throat as he grabs his face, eyes wide in shock. You didn't mean to hit him but your body moved faster than your brain, his audacity triggering your fight or flight. He lunged at you quicker than you thought he could and gave you a hard smack in return. His hand found your throat again and he shoved you against the wall, the back of your head smacking it loudly. 
"So you wanna be tough now, huh? Finally fight back?" He snarled too close to your face. You tried to shove him off but he was stronger and leaned his body in towards you. Your vision began to wane, either from the lack of oxygen or the hit against the wall you weren't sure. He was speaking, that much you were certain of but his words were lost in your determination to breathe. Grabbing at his wrist, you dropped your body weight and pulled him down with you. You both hit the floor and as soon as he released you, you crawled away from him and hit the nightstand causing the lamp to rock on the floor. He was on his feet quicker than you had expected and you grabbed the lamp and swung, the metal connecting to his side. 
"I hate you too, asshole." 
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know
That you're wounded
(You know, you know, you know, you know)
That I'm here to save you
(You know, you know, you know, you know)
I'm always here for you
(I know, I know, I know, I know)
That you'll thank me later
Hot air suffocated you and a heaviness settled over you so forcefully that you found it hard to draw a breath. The throbbing in your head had dulled but was present and you groaned. You tried to move away from the weight but you were pinned, unable to wiggle away. Consciousness ebbed and flowed but a sharp jolt on your lower body forced you towards awareness. A soft moan above you made you frown as another sharp thrust to your groin made you open your eyes. It was dark but you could see Ransom, lips parted and face contorted in pain or pleasure, you weren't sure. His face hovered close to yours and for a moment, a wave of panic washed over you at the thought he might kill you. Another thrust made you gasp and your fuzzy brain fought to catch up. 
"Don't fight it." He whispered almost uncharacteristically gentle as his hips rolled into yours. Gritting your teeth, you attempt to move away from him but he has your arms pinned to your sides. His lips find yours and the stunning pain of the cut makes you whimper. Another thrust and your legs part on their own accord and you writhe under him, the feeling of him inside of you a cruel comfort. He takes it as your submission and speeds up as he trails kisses from your jaw to your neck where he buries his face. Your head swims as you once again try to figure out just how you got here. He moans your name and bites into your neck, the small spark triggering your orgasm unexpectedly. His pace falters at the feel of you clenching around him and it isn’t long before he comes with a broken hiss of your name. 
“I love you.” his soft admission barely heard over his labored breathing. Tears sting your eyes as he nuzzles against you and wraps his arms across your torso. You don’t know who you hate more, him or yourself. As the tears fall into your hairline and his breathing evens out, you realize that the answer is yourself because you know the truth and can do nothing about it. 
“I love you too.”
Rather feel pain than nothing at all
Rather feel pain...
I’m not tagging a lot of people because I don’t want to offend: @avintagekiss24 @sapphirescrolls @cockslut-padalecki 
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truth hurts
Pairings - Ransom Drysdale x Reader
Words - 1704
Warnings - oral sex (m receiving), shitty families
A/N - My first ever Ransom fic, massive thanks to @thicccsimp​ and @mollygetssherlockcoffee​ for reading this over, helping me fix a few things and hyping me up enough to post! This is for @eurynome827​ 2K Challenge, well done on your milestone my love, it won’t be long until you’re at 3K I'm sure. Thanks as always to @buckyownsmylife​ for helping me with the idea too! As always this is not for minors so if you’re under 18 then please shoo.
I was given the lyrics to a Six The Musical song - You can build me up, you can tear me down You can try but I'm unbreakable You can do your best, but I'll stand the test You'll find that I'm unshakeable
Tagging because I think they might like this - @bestofbucky​ @mashep23​
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You handed your father the brown paper lunch bag, the one he had left sitting forgotten on the counter this morning. Quickly planting a kiss on his cheek, you turn and make your way into the grand house, leaving him to continue tending to the rose bushes.
You heard them before you saw them, arguing about whatever one of them undoubtedly saw on Fox News that morning. Grabbing a glass of red wine before you sit in the corner of the room and watch them tear into one another, you smirk at the petty insults they often hurled at each other when they didn’t have an actual counter argument.
Sipping on the wine you check your phone for the third time in five minutes, he was meant to be here before you and you need him to be the buffer between you and his family. They weren't your biggest fans and you quite enjoyed riling them up, waiting to see who'd snap at you first. You and Ransom often wagered about who would be the first to burst out into a screaming fit.
They all had such short fuses, so all you had to do was mention something ‘snowflakes’ were concerned with and they all absolutely lose it, at this point you considered it your own private theatre. Normally you like to keep a distance since they weren’t shy in reminding Ransom why you weren’t the right match for him, today however you were needed.
The family lawyer has requested that both you and your father be present for Harlan’s will reading. Both you and Ransom thought he would be getting something substantial from his grandfather and the family wouldn’t be happy, so he would need you and your father there for support.
You sit for twenty more minutes, laughing at the nonsensical crap Joni was pushing as usual, something about jade eggs and where Gwyneth Paltrow decided they should be inserted this week. You hear the front door close and jump up as he finally arrives, running and jumping into his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist, another fun way to annoy his family, kissing him deeply and moaning as he gripped you. Whispering into his ear “where the fuck have you been? I’ve had to annoy them all on my own today” he smirks and kisses the tip of your nose before putting you back down and walking hand in hand in the room greeting his family.
It was fair to say he was the black sheep of the family, he hadn’t accepted handouts as easily as the rest of them since the two of you got together, deciding instead to try and make it on his own. He moved into your apartment and gave up the house his grandad was paying for, living off his savings ever since. He had been writing his own novel for the last six months and he was getting so close to finishing, he didn’t want to tell the family and have them shit all over his idea, especially Walt who thought he was the literary one now that Harlan had passed.
You grab two glasses of whiskey and sit in Ransom's lap, kissing his cheek and handing him one of the tumblers. Asking him what kept him so long he tells you he thinks he’s finished and wanted to re-read some of it before he told you. Pride flashes over your face at how thrilled he is and you both do a mini squeal at his news. “I can think of the perfect way to celebrate” you whisper in his ear before licking the shell and telling him to come and find you in a few minutes.
You hear him looking for you a few minutes later and pull him into the cloakroom, kissing him urgently and grabbing his ass “you want to have some fun?” you say kissing down his neck and biting his shoulder. He breathes out a ‘yes’ as you get on your knees, pulling his hardening cock out and licking the tip while he leans against the wall behind you.
“We don’t have time for teasing kitten” he says gripping your hair and pushing deep into your mouth, you lightly gag on his length and hollow your cheeks, sucking and licking at what you can. It doesn’t take long for him to spill down your throat, you smile up at him licking your lips and place a gentle kiss on the tip before tucking him away. He gently pushes you against the wall, gripping your hips and whispering what he plans to do to you later when you get home.
You’re interrupted by a sharp knock on the door and someone clearing their throat, straightening yourselves out you open the door and see his father, Richard, staring down at you both. “Can I help you, Dickie” you ask, smirking at the frustrated expression on his face. He tells you there’s 20 minutes until the reading and the family wanted to discuss what they were expecting, you tell Ransom you’re going to see your father out back and blow him a kiss, sneaking away before anyone can moan at you.
You help out in the greenhouse with some of the planters he’s prepping, talking to him about work and the trip you’re planning with Ransom to New York, when you both hear it, screaming and shouting, your father goes to the house with you, always ready to protect you from those vile people.
You walk in together and Linda snarls at you but tries to hide it as a grin, instinctively you stand next to Ransom ready to jump in and defend him, your father next to you throws an arm around you and places his hand on Ransom’s shoulder in support. Ransom smiles at you both and leans down whispering in your ear “down girl” when he sees how tense you are “they aren’t worth it, I promise you” he winks at your father and turns back to them all.
They were arguing about you, apparently you weren’t worthy of a Drysdale, an argument you’ve overheard on more than one occasion, usually he shuts them down but they don’t listen and just wait until you aren’t around before picking at him again. Linda realising that her son isn’t listening decides to take a more tactful approach “look we just want what's best for you darling, we’re obviously about to come into a lot of money today and you don’t want to be tied to her, she only wants what we have”.
Your father clears his throat in warning, he hasn’t ever raised his voice to these people out of respect for Harlan but now that he’s gone and he will most likely be sacked once they inherit the home he sees no reason to stop. Ransom looks to him and pleads with him not to do this right now and your father nods his head in understanding, before pulling you into a hug and whispering in your ear that they are the problem and not Ransom, he's a good man and he always looks after you. You nod your head and turn to face Linda, about ready to give her a little reality check when the family lawyer requests you all join him in the library, your father is about to walk away when he is asked to stay and join the family also.
You take a seat next to your father, Ransom standing behind you both waiting. Both you and Ransom suspected Harlan would look after him, maybe give him some sort of payout on publication of his first novel, he was always so supportive of the idea that he could write a book too. He’d already helped you pay for college, something the rest of the family could never find out about. Harlan was always so kind to his loyal employees and your father had worked for him for more than twenty years. He was offered help with setting up his own business or even help paying his bills but your father refused, instead requesting that your college be paid for. You weren’t allowed to refuse, you were just asked that you find something that you were passionate about.
The lawyer started talking and everyone in the room seemed to hold their breath collectively, he took care of the smaller items first, most of it going to staff and friends. Then came the bigger stuff, half of his fortune was to be divided between his children equally. The family didn’t even let the lawyer finish what he was saying before they were jumping up and demanding to see the paperwork, appalled that they would only be getting half. He sat calmly and asked them to listen until he was finished, next on the list the other half of his fortune would go to you and his home would go to your father.
You stared at each other completely dumbfounded, the shouts and accusations of the family around you buzz like static in your ears. Ransom stood at full height, acting as a blockade between his family and yours as you both absorbed the news. The lawyer handed out copies of the will for their records and asked that you make appointments to see him and have the necessary arrangements tied up properly. He left swiftly after, obviously recognising that this was about to get ugly.
Ransom swept you up in an embrace telling you to ignore the family and focus on him, your father in the meantime sat reading over what he had been given, speechless for the first time in his life about what had just happened. The family were practically feral, screaming abuse and name calling at the two of you. Ransom stood at full height and told them all to “eat shit” one by one calling them out and advising them to speak to a lawyer, if they could afford one, he laughs at his own joke before pulling you both into a big hug and suggesting you all go out for drinks. “You’re paying” he winks at you and grabs your hand leading you past the angry mob waiting at the door for you.
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headinthestaticsky · 3 years
Frozen Within the Night Wind: Jasper Hale x Fleur Swan, Chapter 10
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None of the characters in Twilight belong to me, all rights go to Stephenie Meyer.
"Having you close My head is damaged I get closer, everything trembles me
Now I have the certainty That I have not lost the desire Wake up with you in the morning But I'm looking for your gaze And your eyes, baby, don't tell me anything."
Nuestro Planeta by, Kali Uchis Featuring Reykon. Translated lyrics.
Jasper, Jacob, and I were all standing in a large field awaiting the arrival of Bella and Edward. The very field we were standing in would be the battleground between us and the newborn army.
"Hey, le... Fleur?" Jacob asked."
"Why haven't your diluted eyes at all? They still look like a rose." Jacob observed.
"I mean it hasn't been a full year yet."
"Yes, darling but... they should've at least diluted a little by now, amber should start to peak through." Jasper added.
"That's strange...I haven't had any human blood I swear."
"Yeah right..." I heard Jacob mumble.
"Oh shove it, Jacob, at least I'm not in the middle of a toxic, manipulative, love triangle."
"Can it leech. You know nothing about Bella."
"Keep telling yourself that."
Before Jacob could rebuttal, Edward and Bella finally showed up. Edward didn't look thrilled at all and Bella had a blank look on her face.
"I don't like this idea at all." Edward grumbled.
"And we need you for the fight but you aren't coming to that so...tough, get over it." I rebutted.
"Leave him alone Fleur...he's doing it for me. Bet Jasper hasn't done that for you." Bella said a dreamy look was in her eyes.
"Uh...he didn't have to, because I didn't cause chaos where ever I went and didn't piss off nomads you dumbass." I heard Jasper let out a short laugh.
"Wait, pretty boy isn't fighting, aww did you pull a muscle?" Jacob mocked.
"Can we get on with this... I wanna be anywhere but here." I interrupted.
"Whatever, just tell me the plan." Jacob said.
"Edward and I are going on a campsite, even if he carries me they’ll still pick up our scents." Bella explained.
"Your stench, however, is revolting." Edward interrupted
"Dude, you really don’t wanna start comparing stinks." Jacob snapped
"What he means is that your scent will mask mine if you carry me," Bella said.
"This is not a good idea."
"You've already established that Edward," I said.
"Edward, they won’t wanna get anywhere near his... odor." Jasper carefully.
Jacob picked Bella up before saying... "Odor-de-wolf comin’ up."
Edward glared at me when Jacob was gone. Jasper noticed this and tensed up.
"You need to stop talking to her like that!"
"Like what? Truthfully, honestly?"
"It's not truthful it's insulting!"
"Dude...have you been living without any of your senses? The amount of shit she has said and done to me is a lot more disgraceful than how I am acting. Like I am petty, I know I am, but her pretending to be all innocent is hilarious."
"Oh please..."
"Okay so when she insults me and brings up that my mother completely hates my guts it's fine but when I rebuttal it's like I'm opening the gates of hell huh?"
"You don't know anything about her... she isn't malicious!"
"You sound just like Jacob."
"Don't even compare me to that...fleabag."
"What are you gonna do about?" I said he then got up close to my face, he looked like he was going to hit me.
"Don't test me Fleur... I will put you in your place if I have to."
"I'd love to see you try...boy." Jasper said getting between the two of us.
Edward snarled at us and walked away, stalking off to the far side of the field.
"Man... being a vampire has definitely amped up my attitude. Good thing you're here to stop me from doing something stupid." I joked.
"I think you're spending too much time with Rosalie darlin." Jasper said, smiling at me.
"This whole love triangle thing makes me want to set myself on fire. I kinda feel bad for Jacob...I know she's just manipulating him."
"I wouldn't put it past her darlin."
"I really wish we didn't have to do any of this...we should be getting married right now... not fighting a battle they could possibly be getting us killed." I confessed.
"Well one, we just have to wait until November... and two we will be fine, we've been training all this time."
"I know but...it's still a terrifying thought, this is the first fight I've ever been with another vampire."
"Did you forget about James love?"
"Well... with me as a vampire."
"You're going to be fine... Alice told me the vision she had of you fighting James, you cracked his skin by throwing a rock.... if you're that strong as a human I'm scared to see what you can do as a vampire."
"Okay, okay... stop trying to boost my ego." I said smirking, I pulled him in using some of my strength. I kissed him before pulling apart, biting his lip to tease him."
"You're cruel darlin, just cruel... Oh forgot to say something..."
"What is it?"
"Bella and Edward got engaged."
"Oh my god... are you serious?"
"Yeah, and Alice said they planned on eloping in Vegas."
"She must be really angry with those two..."
"Actually, she isn't really that mad."
"Okay, what happened to Alice?"
"I think she's starting to get a little... annoyed with Bella."
"It was bound to happen... Dad is going to kill Edward."
Edward ran toward us again and told us to be quiet. Before I could ask why Bella and Jacob came back into view.
"Well Jasper and I will do a quick sniff check... you three can stay here and.... mingle." Before they could protest we took off into the woods.
"The stench is revolting."
"It is pretty bad."
"I can't make up any Bella though, so the plan worked."
We quickly ran back down to the field, both of us had stepped down off of a broken tree laying on the ground.
"Just picked up wolf stench, no Bella." Jasper stated
Timeskip: 2 hours later
I was waiting for Alice in the Cullen's house, knowing that Alice told dad we were all going on a camping trip. I thought it would be good if we all hunted before the battle to power up. I needed all the strength I could get.
"I swear if Bella and Edward do anything in our room I am going to kick Edward to the moon." I grumbled.
"Don't worry Fleur...I'm sure Edward won't do anything." Jasper reassured, a guilty look was on his face, however.
"You threatened him didn't you?" Not buying his innocent act.
"Yes, yes I did."
"Alright everyone, we can go!" I heard Alice say outside, Dean, Jasper, Rosalie, Emmett, Esme, Carlisle, and I all made our way outside quickly.
Timeskip: 6 hours later
"Damn Emmett, at this point you're going to put bears into extinction."
"Serves them right short stack."
"Dude I am 5'9, that's pretty tall for a girl."
"But pretty short for someone who's 6'5."
"Oh shut it and hit your head in the doorway again."
"Darlin, if he keeps doing that the support beams are going to give out in the house." Jasper added.
"Nah they'll be fine, he's as tall as a support beam." I joked.
"Can't wait to kick some newborn-vampire ass," Dean said, jumping up slightly in excitement. Alice giggled and wrapped her arms around him
"Are the newborns still making their way to the field Alice?" Carlisle asked.
"Yes, they should be here at 5:15 pm tomorrow."
"We'll be ready," Carlisle said.
"You guys go ahead in, I need some quiet. I'm going to try and track Victoria."
They all nodded and went inside, I saw them all however observing me through the glass walls."
I got into my trance, rolling my eyes behind my head and I was flying through the city once again. I stopped in an underground tunnel, the likes of which was located in Seattle. I finally found her, she was talking with that man that turned me... the name I finally found out to be Riley Biers.
"You’re not coming with us?" He asked angrily.
"It’ll be a last-minute decision. I told you how it works." Victoria replied she seemed bored.
"The Cullen’s have powers according to one of your friends," Riley said skeptically.
"Yes, my friend told me... my DEAD friend. Don’t underestimate them, Riley. One of them made me have hallucinations of my friend. You’ll have the numbers, but they’ll be able to anticipate your every move. You don’t trust me do you?"
"I trust you with my life. I’m just saying…"
"I’m doing this for us so that we can feed without their…retaliation and I can’t live in fear anymore waiting for them to attack."
"I won’t let them. I’m going to end the Cullen clan. I swear."
I broke out of my trance before I could get anything else out of the conversation. I rushed inside, eager to tell them what I found.
"It was Victoria guys!" I said.
"What? I would've seen it." Alice replied.
"She was hiding behind that kid, Riley... She's letting him lead the army to us..."
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SterekWeek2020: Day Five (Lyrics/Quotes)
The other night dear, 
as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms 
But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken 
So I hung my head and I cried
Twelve hours ago, Stiles had seen the night ending much differently.
He was at the loft when the alarm came on. 
The betas had gone out long ago and Stiles had quickly claimed the rest of the night as ‘Derek and Stiles time’ to which the Alpha had immediately made a face. But Stiles was determined, dammit. They never got any alone time anymore, with the betas getting all up in their personal space whenever Stiles wanted some ‘Sourwolf time’.
And Derek always refused to get all soft and squishy if anyone else was around to see.
So Stiles had threatened the betas with bodily harm, Boyd had decided it was best to take the others out for the night, and Stiles had immediately pounced on Derek, who still looked confused. But what was he expected to do, honestly? It had been too long since they’d been left alone in the same room together.
“Tonight,” Stiles had said, already wrapped around the Alpha. “We’re ordering pizza and watching movies together until the sun comes up. Capiche?”
Derek had just rolled his eyes. Stiles grinned.
“Good, I’m glad we’ve got that all figured out. So, I’m thinking we should start with—”
And then the alarm went off.
Looking back now, Stiles supposed they had been a little too relaxed. But it was the summer after the pack’s first year of college and honestly, none of them could be blamed. The threats weren’t coming weekly anymore and sometimes, Stiles got a full night’s sleep without nightmares. He found himself slacking off more and more often, and he knew the others were doing the same.
Which might’ve been the problem.
Because when the loft alarm went off, alerting them of intruders, Stiles wasn’t nearly as ready as he used to have been.
Derek was on his feet first, claws out and eyes flashing red. But then the hunters came in the numbers tripling their own and Stiles didn’t even have the chance to stand before there was a tranq dart embedded in his neck. He half-remembered fumbling at it, half-remembered Derek roaring, and then man was catching him before he fell.
The rest was mostly black. There was another howl that had struck the air, Stiles remembered faintly. One calling for the rest of the pack. But then all Stiles had known was unconsciousness.
Some part of him had been panicked, if only for a moment. Another part had murmured ‘I told you so’ and Stiles knew he never should have sent the pack away.
It was all his fault.
He didn’t even hear Derek collapse beside him.
You are my sunshine, 
my only sunshine 
You make me happy when skies are gray 
You'll never know dear, 
how much I love you 
Please don't take my sunshine away
Derek had been captured by hunters a fair amount of times in his life. It never ended well on the hunters' side, except this time was different. He realized that the moment he’d woken up.
Because Stiles had never been taken alongside him before.
Years ago, Derek might not have cared. When Stiles was just that thorn in his side, some teenage hyperactive sidekick that he could barely stand. When Derek had kept the kid around only because Scott followed wherever Stiles went. 
Years ago, he might not have cared.
But this time, Derek felt himself start to panic the moment he saw Stiles unconscious on the other side of the cell. Because he cared so much now.
Stiles groaned as he stirred back to life. Derek’s heart skipped a beat.
The boy was still in the red sweatshirt he’d been wearing earlier. There were a few tears in it now and a splatter of blood on Stiles’s neck where the dart had been pulled out. But other than that, he looked okay. More than okay, actually.
Derek could have melted into the floor.
He half-realized then, moving forward to gather the boy in his arms, that he was still a little woozy himself. The hunters had hit him with more than one dart and Derek was pretty sure the venom had been enough to knock out an elephant. And, judging by the reeling of his stomach, there had been some sort of wolfsbane mixed in.
Of course, there was. Derek should have known better than to put anything past hunters.
Some part of him felt like this was his fault.
Because it was his job to take care of the pack. Once upon a time, Derek had done everything he could to make sure they were prepared to face any threat. Once upon a time, it hadn’t mattered what the others thought of his preparations. Just as long as they were all fit enough to be able to handle anything that came. Any risk that threatened their lives.
But then he’d gotten lax.
Derek had forgotten how many things existed to hunt him and his pack down.
Pulling Stiles close, Derek didn’t even realize the apologies he was murmuring until the teen pushed at his chest weakly. Stiles groaned, one hand reaching up to rub at the bloodstained mark on his neck, while the other nudged Derek away a little bit.
“Dude, what is—”
“No,” Stiles said, groaning again. “No, I know that. But what are you—?”
“I’m sorry.”
Stiles blinked, looking confused. Then he grunted something intelligible and buried his face in Derek’s neck, pulling him even closer. And it was a reaction that always brought Derek’s guard down, no matter how prepared he was for it.
A growl built up at the back of his throat as he pulled Stiles even closer.
Derek could still remember the first time he’d told Stiles about the meaning of certain touches to werewolves. The one along the back of the neck; scenting. The one along the front; threatening. And then that of complete and utter claiming, when Derek could still feel the mating bite on his shoulder and Stiles had stayed nestled against his neck for hours, making sure their scents were mixed enough to be basically inseparable.
Derek found himself relaxing unconsciously into Stiles’s warm breaths against his skin. 
And then their cell door opened.
I'll always love you and make you happy 
If you will only say the same 
But if you leave me and love another 
You'll regret it all some day
When Scott and Allison had first gotten together, Stiles decided he was never going to be like them.
Not because he didn’t support their relationship or whatever. Of course, he did, Stiles had been the third wheel for long enough to basically be part of the relationship. But they were so soft and gooey, he sometimes felt the need to vomit when they were together.
In the beginning, Stiles had vowed he’d never be like them. He didn’t plan to be Romeo or Juliet. The whole shebang made him queasy.
But then one night, Derek Hale had kissed him.
There was something about nicknames that used to get underneath Stiles’s skin. Well, nicknames, inside jokes, and all those cute little couple things. He thought it might have been because he just was single and annoyed, but then again, maybe some people were just more frustrating than others.
Before Derek came along, Stiles decided he’d never be called babe, or have some stupid joke/song/cutsey moment that made everyone else groan. Because that was just a cliche.
But then Derek Hale came along.
There were these nights they’d faced, when Stiles couldn’t sleep. When every time he closed his eyes, he’d be haunted by the memories. The memories, the monsters, and the horrid things that he couldn’t escape.
Those were nights that Derek would hold him close. Hold him close and whisper soft, comforting things. Gentle reinforcements. Quiet lullabies. Stories that they’d told each other over and over again when the nights got rough.
There were the little things. The little things that made Stiles wonder when he’d become one of those couples.
But this time was different.
He’d been kidnapped plenty of times. In the years before, Stiles used to be prime pack bait. He’d faced witches, warlocks, and monsters aplenty. He’d gotten comfortable in the tiniest of cells because he’d always known that somehow, somehow the rest of the pack was going to find him.
This time was different.
It kind of scared him more than anything.
Stiles didn’t even have a chance to get his bearings before the door to their cell opened up. Flinching back, he felt Derek’s grip tighten, and the light that poured in burned his eyes, making him look away.
The footsteps moved closer and someone grabbed him by the arms, hauling him up. Stiles yelped and tried to jerk loose as Derek let loose a loud, murderous roar.
Then for the second time that— day? Maybe?— there was a needle jabbed into his neck and Stiles groaned. Because the last time he’d felt this drugged up and woozy, he’d been on meds in the hospital after an unfortunate wendigo run-in. And that had been bad enough.
Derek was still snarling, but Stiles found himself going limp in the grip of his captors. As everything went dark, some part of him felt like he was used to this. Used to being the pack bait. The one knocked out and lugged around.
Another part of him was panicking.
Stiles thought if the last thing he did was hold Derek close, maybe this all wouldn’t be so bad.
You are my sunshine, 
my only sunshine 
You make me happy when skies are gray 
You'll never know dear, 
how much I love you 
Please don't take my sunshine away
When Derek had first kissed him, it was the day after graduation.
Stiles didn’t think he’d ever forget that. Of course, he’d been so startled when Derek had shoved up his window, he’d nailed the man in the face with the reading light he kept next to his bed. But that totally hadn’t been his fault. Three years and counting, and Derek still hadn’t figured out how to use the front door.
The man had gotten over it eventually, though there had been an angry red mark on his forehead for a good fifteen minutes afterward. In fact, it was still there when Stiles had gone off on a rant about werewolves never knocking and Derek had pulled him in close, one kiss promptly shutting Stiles up for an hour.
It was all fine and dandy except Stiles had also accidentally hit him in the face in surprise.
But that’s what they did. Derek was constantly taking Stiles off guard and he sure as hell hoped he was doing the same. It was what they did. 
Sometimes, it was the little things. Like the very first night Derek had been waiting in Stiles’s room after lacrosse practice and he’d nearly had a heart attack at seeing the man. And then there were the other times, like when Stiles had taken a dive into the pool to save an angry-browed werewolf that he’d accidentally dropped there in the first place.
So, Derek kissed him the day after Stiles’s graduation. Then he proceeded to vanish for a week and Stiles had to track the man down, knocking some sense into him before kissing Derek long and hard again.
Things had been a little less stressful since. Depending on the day, that is.
Stiles had spent a enough time pining after the Sourwolf that he took no time jumping Derek’s bones. One night in the same bed was Stiles’s best night of sleep since he first learned about werewolves and then Derek continued to show up in his bedroom almost every night after that.
It proved to be a very interesting conversation the one morning Stiles’s dad walked in.
The first big threat they faced after graduation was a coven of witches who kidnapped Stiles to be their virgin sacrifice. Because apparently, word hadn't spread yet that one particular Alpha had made sure that wasn’t the case anymore.
Stiles had only felt slightly bad when Derek tore them apart.
Then the first summer ended, he went off to Stanford, and even the miles between them didn’t stop Derek— or the betas, for that matter— from showing up randomly. Eventually, a rumor was started that Stiles was either part of a gang or in an open relationship with a bunch of models. He didn’t dispute either of those.
Stiles told Derek he loved him first. He figured the werewolf had initiated the first kiss, so he might as well have some leverage in the relationship.
Stiles never should have shown Derek Star Wars , though, because the man had replied with ‘I know’ and proceeded to smirk like a bastard when Stiles hit him over the head.
And the funny thing was, Stiles didn’t see them as one of ‘those couples’ until the first night Derek had sung him to sleep after a particularly bad nightmare. He woke up the next morning realizing that he would go to the literal end of the world for the man if he asked, and then that was it. He would do anything for Derek Hale.
It was all funny at one point.
Not so much anymore.
You told me once, dear, you really loved me
And no one else could come between
But now you've left me and love another
You have shattered all of my dreams
When the hunters came back with Stiles, Derek felt like he knew what it was like to be on the verge of going feral. 
He thought the waiting had been the worst. Because some part of him had kept waiting, kept wondering if he was going to suddenly feel their bonds being broken. It was like losing a limb, Peter had once warned. But Derek thought it would be so much more if he lost Stiles.
If he lost Stiles—
Derek caught the boy’s scent seconds before the cell door opened up. That of cinnamon, spice, and blood. It made him both terrified and feral at the same time, and if the hunters would’ve had any idea what was going on in Derek’s head, they might have turned heel right there and fled.
But all they saw was a red-eyed werewolf, still half drugged.
When they’d taken Stiles, they’d injected more wolfsbane into his system. Enough to make Derek still for a moment too long as the door opened, wondering if it was some sort of hallucination, even though he knew it wasn’t. And then Stiles was dumped back into the cell.
Derek moved forward, gathering the boy up in his arms before his mind had even caught up.
Injuries were a common occurrence when someone dealt with supernatural threats as often as Derek and his pack did. But it never got any easier when he caught the faintest hint of blood on the boy. And this— this—
The first time Derek had seen Stiles hurt enough for it to be concerning, he’d finally realized the difference between the human and the wolf inside of him. Because one was terrified. And the other was downright murderous.
Derek hadn’t felt this bloodthirsty in a long time.
The black lines moving up his arms weren’t nearly moving fast enough as he cupped Stiles’s face. The teen groaned softly, stirring a little, and Derek could hear the spike of pain in the boy’s heartbeat. He hated himself for every moment that he couldn’t take all the pain away at once.
When Stiles finally opened his eyes, smiling tiredly with blood-stained teeth, Derek nearly broke down.
“Dammit, Stiles—”
“Hey, there, Sourwolf,” Stiles slurred, a hand reaching up and touching his cheek. There was dried blood on his fingertips too. Derek swallowed hard and turned his face into the touch, hating himself even more for how powerless he felt. 
“I’m so sorry.”
Stiles huffed, then broke into a coughing fit. And some traitorous part of Derek’s mind realized that the last time Stiles had been hurt bad enough for it to be concerning, it wasn’t nearly as bad as this. It wasn’t nearly as bad.
Stiles’s forehead was hot to touch, but his fingers were ice cold.
“Okay,” Derek said, forcing himself out of his head. “We’ve got to get you out of here.”
Somehow, even in the darkness, even reflecting obvious pain, Stiles’s eyes danced. “You’ve got a plan, Sourwolf?”
Derek didn’t. He didn’t have the slightest idea.
But smirking, he just raised an eyebrow and hoped it looked more convincing than he felt. “I’m the Alpha.”
“That’s so not a good plan, dude.”
Glancing back up at the cell door, Derek wondered for a moment if they’d come for him soon, too. That’s what he’d expected in the beginning. He’d expected to be the one they took. Because he could heal, dammit. He could put himself back together.
But Stiles was just human.
Clenching his jaw, Derek turned his eyes back down to Stiles. The boy’s gaze was hazy, but he was still awake. “Can you tell me what they wanted?”
“What hunters always want,” Stiles said, coughing again. The blood speckled his lips now. “Something to go after.”
“I didn’t give anything to them,” Stiles said, eyes glinting a little. And that bloody smirk was so damn proud, it made Derek’s heart skip a beat. “I told them to go fuck themselves, at least. But we’ll be fine. The pack will be here soon.”
Once more, Derek’s throat tightened. He forced himself to nod. “Yeah.”
“I mean, I totally believe in Boyd.”
Derek huffed and Stiles closed his eyes for a moment, taking a few sharp breaths. Quickly, Derek caught the hand still touching his cheek and lowered it across the boy’s chest, squeezing gently. Stiles made a small noise at the back of his throat and Derek realized it was a laugh.
“I don’t believe in the others so much, though.”
“But don’t tell them I said that.”
When Stiles finally opened his eyes again, there was nothing but fondness in his gaze. It broke Derek’s heart. “Hey, Der?”
“You’re mine, you know that?”
Derek swallowed. “I know, Stiles.”
“You’re my sunshine.”
“I— I know.”
“The only one I ever needed.”
Derek looked down at him quietly. Stiles’s eyes fluttered closed again after a moment, and the boy turned his face into Derek’s chest, thumb brushing against the back of Derek’s hand. Taking a shuddering breath, Derek closed his eyes too, squeezing a little tighter. He almost didn’t want to hold onto those last few words.
Because they couldn’t be Stiles's last. 
They couldn’t.
You are my sunshine, 
my only sunshine 
You make me happy when skies are gray 
You'll never know dear, 
how much I love you 
Please don't take my sunshine away
In the hours that stretched on, the hunters didn’t come back.
Stiles felt a little bit like someone had taken a sledgehammer to his everything and a little bit like the drugs in his system had done something to his brain, the world moving sluggishly as he drifted in and out of sleep.
When the faint light coming from underneath the cell door dimmed, Stiles figured it was nighttime. That’s when the temperature dropped. Derek hadn’t seemed to notice right away, though, arms wrapped around Stiles’s shoulders. But the moment he shivered, Stiles felt the grip tighten, and then Derek was maneuvering him carefully, so Stiles was even more enveloped in the werewolf’s body heat, feeling like he was curled right up against a heater.
He chuckled hoarsely into the man’s chest, faintly noticing it was speckled with blood. His blood, Stiles realized after a moment too long.
“It’s the middle of summer, Sourwolf,” Stiles said, turning his gaze upward a little. “Why the hell is it so cold?”
Derek looked pained. Stiles stared at him for a moment longer and then blinked, dropping his gaze again.
“It’s not, is it?”
“You’re going to be alright, Stiles.”
Stiles was the master at bullshit answers. And that one wouldn’t have even hit his top ten list. “You’re a terrible liar, Der.”
The man didn’t answer. Stiles blinked hard again, realizing for the first time how tight his throat had gotten.
“I don’t feel bad,” he said. “A little sore, but that’s all.”
Once more, Derek stayed silent. But Stiles felt his arms tighten around him just a little, before quickly loosening again. As if Derek couldn’t figure out how tight to hold on. 
“I don’t feel bad,” Stiles said again. Derek pressed a kiss against the top of his head.
“Okay, Stiles.”
“That’s good.”
Stiles sniffed, leaning further into the werewolf’s body head and closing his eyes. If he tried hard enough, he could imagine it was just another night. One of those when Stiles woke up trembling and Derek was wrapped around him in a second, whispering soft nothings in his ear as Stiles came down from the edge and stopped panicking.
He swallowed hard. “Can you sing to me, Sourwolf?”
As close as he was, Stiles could hear Derek’s heartbeat in his chest. He could hear how it skipped a beat and the man took a sharp breath before one hand moved up and traced through his hair. “Of course.”
There were things he could say, Stiles figured. Ways he could reassure the man once more.
He felt guilty, staying silent as his entire body ached.
The first time Derek had sung to him, it was after a nightmare. And the man had been quiet for what felt like hours afterward, before telling him that Laura used to sing back in New York. Mostly after nightmares, sometimes just because.
Sometimes, because she needed it more than him.
Stiles thought he was the one who needed it right now. But when Derek’s fingers traced down over the back of his neck and Stiles realized they were trembling slightly, he was no longer so sure.
“You’re my sunshine,” Derek murmured, the words more of a whisper than anything else. And it felt private. 
“My only sunshine.”
In all my dreams, dear, you seem to leave me
When I awake my poor heart pains
So when you come back and make me happy
I'll forgive you dear, I'll take all the blame
Derek hated the silence.
Stiles’s heart didn’t skip a beat until what felt like hours later. It skipped just one beat, Derek told himself, half-asleep with Stiles in his lap. One quick beat, pausing right underneath the boy’s skin. So soft, he might not have felt it if the silence and stillness around them wasn’t so heavy.
But it was just a skip. One skip.
It wasn’t until Derek was nearly fully unconscious that he realized one skip was taking much too long.
When was one skip supposed to start again?
“Please don’t take my sunshine away.” 
Tagging @furrypersonheart​ to take some blame for this fic because they suggested this be written
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thr-333 · 4 years
Mismatch- Part 7
Bio Dad Bruce Wayne Month 2020
A nice family dinner, not that anyone needs to know that (:
First< Previous> Next
“I got the feeling this would happen,” Marion shakes his head, looking at Marinette and Damian, both trying to explain how they ended up fighting.
“And yet you didn’t stop it,” Jason was smirking at the adults. Both looked exhausted, probably from listening to Tom for the past hour or so.
“Me? You encouraged them,” Marion scowls at Jason.
“How?” He was already looking down at him, smirking.
“Really?” Marion raises his brow, the two falling into a staring contest.
“If I hadn't they’d also be getting Alfred’s ‘not angry just disappointed speech’,” Jason relents, looking away from Marion, who was silently gloating his victory.
“Oh, Damian told me about that one,” Marion looks over at Damian as he was arguing with Bruce.
“I still can’t believe Demon spawn was willingly talking with you,” Jason muses.
“Rude,” Marion scoffs, trying not to smile as Jason whips around with a panicked look.
“What?- ah no - I meant-”
“I know,” Marion breaks down in giggles.
“This garden is beautiful,” Marion cuts him off, Jason huffs and turns away, “Also Mr Wayne is glaring at you,”
“Let’s go,” Jason spins around and hastily walking into the garden. Marion laughs, jogging to catch up.
“That got you moving,” Marion teases as they walk behind a hedge to hide.
“I am not about to get lectured for Demon-spawns decisions,” Jason snarls, glaring back at where they came from.
“Been meaning to ask about that nickname,” Marion tries to lighten his mood.
“It’s accurate isn’t it?” Jason smirks slightly but Marion can still see the anger behind it.
“He doesn't seem that bad,” Marion mutters, making Jason scoff.
“Trust me, that's the best mood I’ve ever seen him in,” Marion can’t tell if he’s telling the truth or not, but he seems to be relaxing.
“Maybe he just doesn't like you,” Marion teases, before realising with horror just how rude it sounded.
“Oh he definitely doesn't,” Jason snorts, Marion tries not to feel uncomfortable as he seems to cheer up.
“I’m sure he does deep down,” Marion can’t help but to try and fix the situation.
“You can only go so deep,” Jason says, with too much bitterness to be humorous.
“Please, I somehow doubt that anyone has to reach very deep to like you, I don't, you seem nice,” Marion misses Jason's shocked look, instead noticing some nearby flowers, “These are gorgeous,”
“Alfred tends to them, none of us are allowed to touch them,” Jason murmurs quietly, as Marion lightly touches the petals.
“Sorry!” Marion jumps back as if the petals burnt him.
“No you’ll be fine,” Jason chuckles, “We were only ban after the incident,”
“The incident?” Marion still doesn't risk touching the flowers. He’s literally holding the miraculous of destruction. “Sounds ominous,”
“There was a flamethrower involved and that's all I’m telling you,” Jason says definitively, walking away from the flower bed.
“Oh come, you have to tell me now,” Marion stands, bouncing to catch up to him.
“Nope,” Jason keeps his eyes forward.
“Please,” Marion comes forward to walk backwards in front of him, giving him the babydoll eyes.
“Not happening, so stop it with those eyes,” Jason looks away, so Marion turns around and falls back into step with him.
“Never,” Marion stops anyway, not wanting to ruin the light mood by making him irritated again.
They keep walking through the garden, in comfortable silence. Marion starts to hum a tune as he looks around at the foliage. He doesn't notice Jason's eyes are on him, not the scenery.
“Can we stop here for just a minute,” He gestures at a bench, “I need to write this down,”
“Sure,” Jason sits down, Marion sitting next to him, bringing out his notebook to jot down some musical notes and lyric ideas as they came.
“So you write music?” Jason asks, after Marion slows down his rapid pace for a more leisurely one.
“Yeah I sing a little too,” He answers, still mostly distracted but not minding the conversation.
“Written any songs?” Jason already knows the answer as he had been watching Marion do just that.
Marion wanted to laugh. He had albums full of songs that were listened to worldwide, but he couldn't share that. Instead he decided to tell him about before he became MCD.
“My friend Luka and I used to make some together,” They still technically did as Luka worked with him as MCD, not that Luka knew it was him.
“Used to?” Jason repeats.
“Yeah, things got awkward,” Marion pauses, looking up from his book, “You want to hear about the worst love square in history?”
“A love square?” Jason looks puzzled and amused.
“Don’t laugh, it’s possible,” Marion defends, closing his book.
“I think I’m going to need to hear this story to believe it,” Jason turns towards him.
“Alright, Lukas sister Juleka is in our class, that's how Marinette and I met him,” Marion puts his notebook away,  “Nette had-has a crush on… someone else, but Luka liked her,”
“Right,” Jason nods along, as Marion faces him.
“But I liked Luka,” Marion looks away and tries not to blush at the admission. He didn’t any more but that didn’t mean that it wasn’t embarrassing.
“Is he good looking?” Jason teases, leaning into his field of vision.
“Not the point, but yes,” Marion turns back, matching Jason's smirk with a flat look. “The thing is Juleka liked me,”
“And let me guess the ‘someone else’ that Marinette likes is Juleka?” Jason says, getting in on the love square insanity.
“No, but that would bring everything full circle wouldn’t it?” Marion hums contemplatively, “Anyway, I was the first to confess, ending in a very awkward conversation where everything was brought out into the open,”
“Sounds like a pain,” Jason declares with a sympathetic look.
“Yep, after that things got pretty weird, we didn’t have to see Luka much but Juleka is still in our class, she tends to avoid us,” Marion gives a thoughtful frown. Thinking about how it basically sent Juleka to Lila with a wrapper and bow.
“Hey, don’t worry about it,” Jason says softly, breaking Marion out of his daydream, “People drift apart,”
Marion smiles, pretending not to notice the bitter edge to Jason's voice. He changes the topic to Jason's hobbies, the two striking up a conversation about books they both enjoy. The two keep chatting until Alfred appears out of thin air, making Marion jump.
“Dinner is about to be served, I advise you make your way to the dining room,” Alfred tells them before swiftly leaving.
“Witchcraft,” Marion mutters, making Jason laugh.
“Let’s go, trust me you don’t want to miss Alfred's cooking,” Jason leads Marion back to the manor, keeping up their conversation. They reach the dining room to find everyone, including Dick and Tim at the table.
“Where have you two been?” Aunt Selina grins, as they take their seats, Marion next to Marinette, Jason sitting on his other side.
“The gardens, they’re beautiful Alfred,” Marion tells the man, as he places dishes on the table.
“I’m flattered you think so,” Alfred, not the cat, says.
“Noticed you conveniently disappeared,” Marinette whisper-hisses to him. “I get lectured, you get lectured, it’s all about balance,”
“I’ve been lectured enough today,” He whispers back, then even quieter, “Also I don’t think that's what Tikki meant,”
“Pretty sure it is,” Marinette mutters as the last dish is set down and they are told to begin.
Tim and Jason immediately start to fight. Stealing food from each other as the other is about to grab it, only for Damian to steal it from them both. Bruce ignores them only sending a warning glare that the three either didn’t see or chose to ignore.
“I am so sorry about them,” Dick apologies, trying and failing to subtly stop them.
“Hmmm?” Marion hums, swooping in to steal a piece of meat Jason had been about to claim.  
Jason looks shocked at Marion's teasing smirk. It was probably rude, but hey so was stealing food, Marion went straight for a bite without breaking eye contact. That was apparently a declaration of war as the four of them now started thwarting each other. Marion went for the cooked onions, which he hated, just to stop Damian from getting them. The death glare he got in return had no place at a family dinner.
“I’m so sorry about him,” Marinette parrots Dicks words, completely embarrassed.
Dick didn’t seem to mind so much now anyway, watching their antics with fondness. Bruce had even stopped glaring, instead focusing on trying to keep his amusement off his face. Marion pulled the plate out of reach just as Damian and Tim both went for it. Marinette decides to ignore him. She doesn't attempt to join the fray and instead steals food off his plate. Marion pouts that she didn’t take any of the food he dislikes. Dinner continues like that. The four of them fight over food, taking bites in between, usually as taunts. Meanwhile Marinette had a civil conversation with Aunt Selina, Bruce and Dick.
They finished the meal, it being Alfred who put an end to their fighting by sending them back to the living room. Cat-fred was lying by the fire so Marion goes to sit on the floor near him, petting the purring cat. Damian comes to sit next to him on the floor, while everyone else sits on actual furniture. Marinette next to their Aunt on the couch.
“Marinette, Marion what do you for… fun,” Bruce asks, as if fun is a foreign word to him.
“... I like fashion,” Marinette tells him, once it was clear Marion wasn't going to be distracted from Cat-fred for anything.
“Do you know MDC?” Dick asks, with what Marion unfortunately recognises as fanboy gleam in his eye.
“Uh,” Marionette exchanges a glance with Marion. He looks over to their Aunt who just smiles smugly. “I’ve heard of her,”
Marinette replies bashfully, and Marion's evil twin tendencies kick in.
“Heard of her?” Marion exclaims with a fake disbelieving tone, ignoring Marinette trying to shush him, “She’s MDC’s biggest fan, she's memorised every one of her designs, theres posters and articles all over out room, she knows every event coming up and where it will be, attends all of them,”
Marinette glowers at him with outrage. Marion grins back, he wasn’t lying after all.
“Really? That’s great,” Dick, bless his heart, looks genuinely excited.
“Yeah,” Marintte agrees, still glaring at Marion, “But I don’t like MCD, guy seems like a jerk,”
“Thats where you’re wrong,” Jason snatches their attention, “He's a great guy,”
“I’ve got some pretty good evidence to suggest otherwise,” Marinette glances at him again. If it was meant to make him remorseful, it wasnt working.
“He’s an advocate for super heros, he visits children hospital and orphanages for free, has held numerous anti-bullying campaigns, among others, he donates most of his concerts proceeds to the local charities in the city they are held in, also provides work and recognition to new-
“Well, that isn’t all him, MDC is part of all that too,” Marion squeaks out, face completely flushed, probably to the confusion of every other man in the room.
“Yeah but so is he, so I don’t know how you can consider him ‘a jerk’,” Jason seems genuinely offended and Marion has to hide behind Cat-fred to hide his blush.
“Sorry,” Marinette smiles, not at all sorry, with a teasing edge, “Marion is his biggest and I just wanted to rile him up,”
“You are?” Dick asks, all eyes on him.
“No,” Marion pets Cat-fred, unwilling to meet the others' eyes.
“He knows every song, sings them all the time, and don’t get me started on the dances he's always practicing in our room, he goes to every concert, probably the closest to the stage you can be,” Marinette turns his earlier trick back on him.
“Are you going to the concert in Gotham?” Tim breaks Marion's attention away from Marinette's smug grin.
“Yeah we are, it was Marinete's idea, why she insisted on doing the class trip,” Marion throws in.
“That's not true,” Marinette snaps.
This starts a too long conversation, lead by Dick, about why MDC and MCD are worth the trip. The twins have to spend the next, what felt like an eternity, talking about themselves. Their Aunt seems highly entertained watching them blush whenever a compliment was paid. Marinette tries to ask her to help them out by tapping morse code onto her hand. She finally gives into her pleading and tells them they need to get back to the hotel and rest.
“You two are welcome to stay here, I can make the arrangements,” Bruce offers, walking them out to the car.
“Oh, no that's fine thank you,” Marinette blushes, “We should probably stay with the class,”
“Which we have to thank you for as well,” Marion adds, Marinette looks mortified that she forgot to thank him earlier.
“That’s not necessary, I didn’t play any part in the selection process,” Bruce tells them before Marinette can start apologising, “Although I am certainly glad it was your class who was selected,”
“So are we,” Marinette smiles as they reach the car, “Thank you for tonight, dinner was lovely,”
“It was nice having you,” Bruce watches as they climb into the car, Selina taking the wheel, “Make sure you get some rest,”
“Thank you, we will,” Marinette says through the window. Both knowing perfectly well that was a lie.
They are sent off with a wave and watch as the Mansion travels out of sight.
“Thanks for all the help tonight,” Marion leans forward from the back seat.
“What can I say, it was funny,” Selina laughs, Marinette next to her in the front seat.
“It was embarrassing,” Marion groans, still a blushing mess.
“As if no ones ever talked about you in front of you,” Selina drives along quickly, probably faster than the speed limit would like.
“They have,” Marinette agrees, also blushing, “But that was-”
“So much worse,” Marion hides his face in his hands, peeking through his fingers.
“Worse? Or better?” Selina gives him a sly look from the mirror, “Those boys are big fans of yours, especially Jason,”
“Stooop, I’ve had enough teasing today,” Marion flops across the back seat.
“About what?” Marion realises it was a mistake, letting his Aunt in on gossip.
“Nothing,” Marinette’s tone suggest it was definitely not nothing, “Just ran into his crush for the first time today,”
“Why do you feel the need to hurt me this way,” Marion laments dramatically, making their Aunt laugh.
“Who is it,” She asks Marinette, ignoring him.
“What's the worst way to meet someone?” Marinette asks instead.
“I’d say- wait… Red Hood?” She turns back to him, looking away from the road, much to Marinette’s alarm.
Marion pulls his hood up and over his eyes with a nod. She bursts out laughing.
“Oh of all the-” She shakes her head looking back to the road, “Don’t worry kitten, that's definitely not the worst way to meet someone- I’d know,”
“Not even if you’re wearing his outfit?” Marion says miserably, glaring more than staring out the window as buildings go by.
“Trust me, not the worst thing you could be wearing,” She reaches back to give him a comforting pat on the shoulder, “Is this why you stepped in today?”
“No,” Marion frowns at her, once again, teasing tone, “It was just the right thing to do,”
“Hmmm, I feel it’s probably not the best example to agree with you,” She hums, turning a corner, “But, I’m glad your first instinct was to help people,”
“And no, you can not bring that up next time you get in trouble,” She cuts Marinette off, pulling over in front of the hotel, “Now go straight upstairs and get some sleep,”
“Yes Auntie,” They both say mischievously, jumping out of the car leaving her with a suspicious glare.
They wave goodbye, planning to go straight to the roof. They don’t even get off the elevator before Marinette is giving Marion her scarf to turn inside out into a mask.
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illusionsofdreaming · 3 years
If you were to make a song fic, because God knows how many WIPs you crazy good writers have, what song would you use, and for what fandom, and for what character, and why?? You can choose as many songs as you'd like!!!
Funny thing is, I can’t write with music at all. Like. I need complete silence when I’m writing or I’ll get distracted. And this is true for anything I do, be it work, reading, gaming, etc. The only thing I can get done with music playing in the background is when I’m making art. So compared to the writers you might be thinking of, I don’t actually have that many WIPs that are inspired-by or are song based.
I picked a few songs that have inspired a mood in me and one day I hope to actually write something for it but we’ll have to see when that’ll actually happen hahaha....
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🎵 "So Close" from the movie Enchanted, by Jon McLaughlin 
JOKES, I actually DID find one WIP inspired by a song. WOW. Wow. I mean does anyone still remember I said I was working on a Hríd three part imagine and that just never happened? Yeah man.. that was actually inspired by his story & a big part was thanks to this song - specifically these lyrics:
“So close to reaching, that famous happy end.
Almost believing, this one’s not pretend,
And now you’re beside me, and look how far we’ve come.”
Each of these sentences sets a theme for individual parts of the imagine- and wow. WOW. that I managed to find this WIP at the bottom. Gives me lots of feels because I had so many ideas for this and was so excited to write for it- I mean look at this:
---{  He stood with an air of weariness and defeat surrounding him yet when his eyes found yours, it was like sunlight shining through cloud covers, his face brightened with such warmth and happiness it stole your breath away.
He told you of goodbyes and last meetings, of forgetting and remembering. 
He spoke your name.
Then you woke up.  }---
I think. I had something amazing happening there- urgh.. now this just made me feel like finishing it...
🎵 "Something I Need " by One Republic 
look. call me out on being old. but this song will always have a special place in my heart. its lyrics are simple and easy to understand but I’ll never get over the fact that it went from “I want to die with you” to “I want to live with you.” This song makes me want to write redemption arcs.
🎵 "Color" by Todrick Hall
*incomprehensible screaming* this song is the cutest thing ever. THE VIDEO IS ALSO SO GOOD. I literally had this song on repeat 5 billion times when it was first released. GODS, this song made me crave a wholesome relationship so much- I’ve never wanted to hold someone’s hand so dang much- 
*ahem* anyways. it also gave me good soulmate au vibes so I definitely give this song 500% rating even if it doesn’t inspire any earth shattering WIP ideas in me - the mood is 100000% on point.
🎵 "Superman" by Rachel Platten
moving on from fluffy songs. this song gives me angst, hurt, comfort vibes. like.. if I listened to this on loop for a few times I’d probably start bawling and start writing sad af imagines for all those characters that need therapy like ASAP. 
moods: thinking of hurt, wounded animals, so fearful and angry at the world that the only thing they know is to lash out and hurt- themselves and others. Then comes along reader/character and they’re the only one who bothers to stay- weather the snarls and bites and tears and there’s so much struggling to the point that it almost seem impossible- but then the clouds start thinning and the first ray of light breaks through- there’s hope and it’s left an ambiguous ending but highly suggestive that it’ll get better.
..and this song would be playing at the ending where we see two broken characters limping towards well deserved rest.
possible characters: Sylvain, Dimitri, Niles, Saizo, Choi Han, Xiao, Childe, Venti, Cale- look, I can fit everyone into this, with unique stories but will I ever get to writing it? 
*sad trumpet noises* 
🎵 "Something Just Like This" by The Chainsmokers, Coldplay
I mean. I really like the lyrics and the beat is boppin’. 
The Chainsmokers summarise the mood of their song pretty well: “'Something Just Like This' is about a relationship that doesn't need to be superhumanly perfect, an ordinary love, a love everyone deserves."
-and that’s the vibe I’m thinking of as well if I were to write an imagine based on this song. probably am imagine where the character is doubting their worth in the relationship due to either being: the underdogs (Sylvain, Gaius, Niles), characters with imposter syndromes (Venti, Saizo), characters living with survivors guilt (Kaze, Dimitri, Kaeya, Hríd)
jfc.. everyone that needs therapy basically.
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wreckofawriter · 4 years
Never Have I Ever
Pairing: Blaise Zabini x reader
Word Count: 1.8k (sorry it's kinda short)
Warnings: Drinking, swearing and making out
Request: @gothqmzsasz Hi!I see you are taking requests so can you do 84."You used to date my friend who absolutely hates your guts after a messy breakup and now you’re flirting with me and I really shouldn’t be so interested in you but I am" with Blaise Zabini?The ex can be Draco
A/n: this was fun to write for sure, sorry it's kinda short, au requests probably will be a bit shorter becaue it's kinda hard to lengthen at times any way.. I hope you enjoy! Requests are open!
AU List
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    “Fuck you Malfoy.” Your voice was full of thorns, piercing through the tense air. 
    Blaise had been listening to the back and forth of insults and low blows for almost an hour now, although really it had been almost a month. You and Draco seemed to have flipped a switch about 30 days and suddenly you couldn’t even go to dinner without screaming at each other.
    “Oh please, y/n don’t even get me started,” The blonde hissed, “We all know you would rather be fucking potter right now.” 
    “Are you kidding me?” You laughed in disbelief, “I hate that fame-seeking asshole as much as you do.”
    “Sure you do, but you still practice with him, instead of your boyfriend?” Draco yelled, “That makes sense!” 
    “We weren’t practicing together dumbass! We were on the same pitch because there’s only the one!” 
    Draco glared, “Why don’t you just admit your a desperate slut already!” he spat.
    The room dropped dead silent. The few brave souls who had stayed to watch the interaction scrambled for their dorms as you drew your wand from your robes. Blaise’s eyes widened, darting between the two who stood in front of him. 
    “What the fuck did you just call me?” Your voice was so dark goosebumps raised on Blaise’s arms. 
    “I called you what you are.” Draco snarled.
    Wrong answer, Blaise thought.
    You had snapped your eyes shut, your knuckles were turning white around your wand, you ran your other hand through your hair, it was shaking.
    Blaise considered leaving but he also knew if things got physical someone would have to stop you before someone died. 
    “No. You see, you called me a desperate slut.” You spat the words from your mouth like something with a disturbing taste. 
    “I stand by it.” How Draco kept his voice so flat when you were practically cutting him open with your eyes Blaise did not know. 
    Your jaw tightened and your lips pursed, “Well, I would rather be a desperate slut than a dumbass rich kid with daddy issues who says they’re better than everyone else but still needs to put others down to convince themselves they aren’t the piece of shit they truly are.” 
    Draco’s mouth dropped, his lips contorting into a snarl, “You infuriating little bitch.” 
    You didn’t flinch, “We’re done.”
    “We are not done!” Draco shouted as you turned on your heel starting up your stairs.
    “Pretty sure we are.” You called over your shoulder, “By the way you should really watch more porn or something, you have no clue how to fuck.” 
    Blaise slapped his hand over his mouth as Draco flushed. 
    So yeah your break up didn’t go well. 
    A year had passed since you had even spoken to Draco. Each of you hated the other with a fiery passion. Draco insisted you were the devil while you declared him a weak piece of shit. Blaise lost connection with you as you threw his friend away. He would never tell Draco but he missed you a bit, you were always quite fun to talk with. 
    The two of you living in the same area were absolute hell, neither of you ever engaged but the tension was often so thick it got hard to breathe. You were way too good at passive-aggressive comments and Draco just glared. 
    Finally, that tension resolved when your quidditch team won against Gryffindor, you wouldn’t look at each other but you stopped being bitter for the time being. A party was held, all of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were invited along with a few select Gryffindors. Kids smuggled drinks from off the grounds and foods from the kitchens. A muggle-born Hufflepuff took speakers from their room to set up and someone charmed different colored lights and confetti which never hit the floor or stopped falling. By six o’clock it was so packed in the Slytherin common room you could hardly move. 
    You were in the middle of it all lifted on shoulders as the captain. Someone popped a bottle of champagne and Blasie laughed as you stuck out your tongue to catch some of the foam which sprayed through the air. 
    Draco was passed out by eight, unsurprisingly drunk, Blasie considered turning in for the night as well but something stopped him. 
    That something was you. “Zabini!” You shouted you were with a group of Ravenclaws he didn’t recognize, Anglinia Greengrass at your side. 
    The music was loud but as he entered your little circle around the table he realized somone must have cast something to muffle the sound. 
    “What’s up?” he asked and you shifted creating a space between you and a brunette girl on the couch. 
    “Play with us!” You demanded and he rolled his eyes but took his seat.
    “What are you playing?” He asked noticing you were all holding bottles of unopened butterbeer. You handed one to him. 
    “It’s this muggle game called ‘never have I ever’ We go around saying things we have never done and if you’ve done it you drink. Last one standing wins.”
    He shrugged. A blonde boy sitting on the floor started saying he had never been in the forbidden forest to which you drank along with a few others. The next girl claimed she had never slept with anyone and almost everyone drank, including Blaise. 
    Your eyes widened as he did, “Really! I thought you didn’t date?” you gasped.
    “Just because I don’t date doesn’t mean I don’t fuck.” He responded and you snorted. 
    You leaned towards him cupping his ear with your hand “Still a shame you don’t date.” you breathed into his ear and he felt his cheeks heat. He hoped you couldn’t see it due to the sporadic lighting. If you did you showed no signs. 
    The game continued and you drank most of the time, much to Blaise’s surprise you had gone to class high, pranked a teacher, punched someone, and thrown up before a quidditch game. 
    When it was Blaise’s turn he bit his lip in thought before turning to you with a smirk, “Never have I ever dated a blonde.” You stuck out your tongue and scrunched your nose before taking a drink. 
    On your turn you smirked, “Never have I ever had a relationship last less than a year.” 
    Everyone groaned, all but one or two taking a drink. Angelina swore as she finished off her bottle. 
    “You know that was a low blow on your part.” You grinned bumping Blaise’s shoulder with your own. 
    “So was yours.” He pointed out.
    You pouted before breaking into a smile, “I suppose.” You turned to look at him, “But I’m cute so it doesn’t matter.” 
    “Are you saying I’m not cute?” Blaise mocked offense.
    “Well, you’re hot, there’s a difference.” You shrugged.
    “You think I’m hot?” He asked a slight tinge returning to his cheeks. 
    “Obviously.” You whispered  leaning closer to him, he could smell the sweetness of butterbeer on your breath, his heart hammering as your eyes locked with his, “Now pay attention.” You winked breaking away from the trance which you had been cast under. 
When your turn rolled around again you smirked, “Never have I ever..” You paused turning to look at Blasie your eyes were narrowed playfully, your hair a bit messy as you bit your cherry-stained lip. You were way too pretty for your own good, “Had a thing for my friend’s ex.” 
A few drank as you continued to stare down Blaise. He smiled smugly raising the bottle to his lips and winking at you, Draco was an asshole anyway. 
You bit your lip again before being drawn away by the next person’s lack of an experience. Blaise could hardly focus for the rest of the game, you were out before your next turn but he stayed in it ending up with two Hufflepuffs and a Ravenclaw in the final four. You were leaning on his shoulder cheering every time he didn’t drink. He ended up the third to last out because he had been struck by one of the Weasly’s pranks. 
You had booed when he announced he was out before grabbing his wrist and insisting he dance with you. 
It was hot on the makeshift dancefloor, bodies pressed together as songs he didn’t recognize blared through the speakers you were laughing singing along occasionally, your hair long fallen out of your loose ponytail and bounced around you. 
You looked almost angelic the way the red and blue lights hit your face. He found himself smiling at you as you continued to jump around shouting out lyrics. 
After a while you got tired and the two of you went to get drinks. You grabbed a water taking large gulps before letting out a content sigh. It was almost 10 now, the party was still going strong behind you. 
“Did you mean it?” You asked, your face was a bit flushed and shone with a light sweat. 
Blaise scrunched his eyebrows, “Mean what?” 
“Do you actually have a thing for me?” 
Blaise paused, the truth was yes he did, but could he tell you the truth? 
“Because I kinda have a thing for you.” You giggled.  
Blaise felt his cheeks fill with color, “Yeah I do.” He said quietly.
Your smile widened, “Good.” you leaned towards the boy wrapping your arms around his neck and tugging him down to meet your lips. You both still tasted sweet with butterbeer, a tinge of salt on your lips from the sweat of dancing. Blaise drew his arms around your waist tugging you into him as you swiped his bottom lip and plunged your tongue into his mouth. Blaise backed you up against a wall removing his lips form your own and trailing them down your cheekbone and onto your neck. You gasped when you felt his teeth bite down lightly on your skin and could feel him smirk against you. 
“Anyone one ever told you you’re a cheeky asshole?” You asked panting slightly.
“Yes,” Blaise mumbled onto your skin, his lips slowly making their way back up to your lips leaving red bruises in their wake. You kissed him back roughly tugging him closer to you as he took your bottom lip between his teeth. When you finally broke apart your lips were swollen and the marks he had littered your neck with were turning dark. 
Blaise left one more chaste kiss on your cheek before stepping away from you completely. “What are we gonna do about Draco?” He asked. 
You scoffed, “Fuck ‘im.”  
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bastardtetsu · 4 years
{day 09} vanilla ice cream | tsukki x reader
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pairing: tsukishima kei x gn!reader
genre: enemies to lovers, secret pen pal, mutual pining a lil bit?
wc: 1.5k
warnings: sick reader (hangover/cold), mention of drinking, some swearing, tsukki showing human empathy
⍋⋆*❅。. 25 days of fic-mas mlist .。❅*⋆⍋
somehow it all reminds me of doctor jekyll and mister hyde for right before my eyes, a man that i despise has turned into a man i like
—vanilla ice cream; she loves me (music by jerry bock, lyrics by sheldon harnick)
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the first thing you notice as you wake up is your pounding headache. it’s hard to be surprised at your state after the amount of alcohol you consumed last night - not without good reason, of course. as awful as you’re feeling now, it’s nothing compared to the hell that was last night.
it wasn’t supposed to go like that - it was supposed to be a magical, maybe even romantic evening. you had been looking forward to meeting your mystery friend ever since the two of you started messaging each other online, but you hadn’t expected to develop a full-blown crush on this person without even finding out what they look like.
but the more you got to know their personality, exchanging playlists and talking about your similar tastes in music, the more your messages to each other became fonder, even flirty at times. perhaps it was the level of anonymity that made you both so comfortable talking to each other, but you quickly became each other’s most trusted confidants.
when you started working at the record store, things became a little more stressful as you adjusted to your schedule becoming tighter, having to handle the occasional nasty customer, and dealing with one coworker in particular who must have being rude to you written into his DNA. talking with your anonymous friend is a much-needed escape, a distraction from the mundane, a hidden treasure that only you get to enjoy.
so as you sat waiting in the cafe last night, a rose laid out on the table as you had promised your dear friend, nothing could’ve killed your vibe faster than the aforementioned rude coworker - tsukishima kei - showing up and ruining everything.
you could tell he was only there because you’d insisted on leaving work early to make this date, and he wanted to see if you were lying. he only proved his intentions more when he had the audacity to sit down at your table and make jabs at you for meeting up with someone you met online.
“you’ve been waiting an awful long time haven’t you?” he taunted.
“tsukki, if you don’t leave this table—“
“and you’ve never even met them? this is how people get murdered, you know,” he sneered condescendingly. you almost got thrown out because of how loudly you screamed at him. thankfully you didn’t - although you did seem to strike some nerves with tsukishima, which you felt a bit bad about - but even though you waited at the cafe until closing, nobody showed up, leaving you alone with a single rose and a full bottle of wine.
needless to say, you have every reason to feel like shit this morning. not only are you hungover and heartbroken, having heard nothing but radio silence from your friend, you’re starting to feel lightheaded and stuffy-nosed too. you waste no time calling in sick, burying yourself in your blankets as you try your best to shut out the pounding in your head and the salty tears beginning to sting the backs of your eyelids.
suddenly, a knock at the door jolts you back to reality. “who is it?” you call out weakly.
another knock. you drag yourself out of bed with a quiet groan and go to answer the door, only to be met with a familiar lanky blond.
“what do you want, tsukishima,” you demand dryly, “did you have something you forgot to say last night? if you do say it fast, i don’t feel well today.”
“yeah i know, you called out of work,” he replies ambivalently, “that’s why i’m here.”
“oh, so you’re here to check up on me again, make sure i’m not slacking off?” you taunt him, your temper rising.
“that’s not—“
“you gonna go back to work and tell everyone i’m lying? that i just don’t care about my job?”
“no i’m n—“
“well joke’s on you, four-eyes, ‘cause guess what? i’m not giving you the chance.” you immediately start gathering your belongings, preparing to go to work.
“i won’t be that late,” you mumble to yourself, throwing a coat over your arm as you hurriedly grab your keys, “fuck— where the hell is my other shoe??”
“oi,” tsukishima says firmly, “y/n. you need to lie down.”
“fuck off,” you bite back at him.
“no seriously, you look like you have a fever.”
“i don’t care,” you snarl, “help me look for my shoe, i know it’s here somewhere—HEY!!!”
there’s not much you can do but continue screaming at him as tsukishima scoops you up in his scrawny arms - which are evidently way stronger than they look - and carries you to your bed, dumping you unceremoniously on top of the blankets.
“THE FUCK WAS THAT?!?” you shout. he just shrugs.
“what was i supposed to do? you wouldn’t get back in bed.” he says it like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. arrogant prick. you slump down into your blankets, feeling too depleted to pick a fight anymore.
“i brought you something.”
your head shoots up as a plastic grocery bag lands next to it. opening it up, you find a tub of vanilla ice cream inside. “it’s the best thing to eat when you’re sick,” he states.
“a-ah,” you stutter hesitantly, “thanks.” is tsukishima being… nice to you?
“did that uh… friend of yours ever show up?” he asks cautiously.
“no,” you mutter bitterly, “i waited til closing. guess you were right, meeting some stranger from the internet really was a stupid idea.”
“hm,” he grunts awkwardly, looking away from you.
“i mean,” you continue, “the least they could’ve done was give me some sort of explanation. instead they just fucking ghosted—“
“they didn’t ghost,” tsukishima interjects suddenly, almost defensive. “i mean— it hasn’t even been a day, they’ll probably hit you up later.”
“and how do you know?”
“because—“ he stops short, hesitating for a moment before continuing, “i saw the guy last night. on the way out of the cafe.”
“wait—what??” you exclaim, “you saw them? how do you know??”
“they were supposed to be holding a rose, right? like the one you had?”
“yeah— wait, how do you know about that?”
“it wasn’t hard to figure out. people usually don’t sit at cafes with loose flowers on the table unless it’s something dumb like that.”
“shut up, you wouldn’t know romance if it bit you in the ass,” you snap back, “so he’s a guy? what did he look like? did you talk to him? what did he say?”
“yeah, uh— he asked if i knew you,” tsukishima recounts, “and he wanted me to tell you he’s sorry for bailing, but something else came up.”
“anything else??” the eager glow in your eyes is suffocating as you stare him down, hungry for more details.
“yeah. he— he was kinda ugly.”
“…seriously?” you respond, half unimpressed with his attempt at a joke and half nervous that he isn’t joking at all.
“what, does that matter?” tsukishima replies mockingly, “i thought you liked him for his personality.”
“i do,” you jab, “and you know what, i don’t care what he looks like. and i certainly don’t care about what your salty ass thinks of him. i’m gonna message him right now, actually”
“have fun,” he says dismissively, turning to make his way out before pausing to pull a record from the vinyl collection on your shelf. “you like this album?”
“yeah, duh. it’s been one of my favorites for years.”
“huh. me too,” he replies, “it’s crazy how it stays with me. sometimes i swear i can hear it in my head while i’m asleep.”
“that’s funny,” you say, “my friend does the same thing. he hears it in his sleep.”
“heh. that is funny,” he mutters quietly as he turns to leave.
“tsukki—“ you stop him before he exits, “thanks for today. you’re not as awful as i thought.” a tentative smile graces your lips.
“whatever,” he mutters, quickly turning his face away from yours, “see you at work tomorrow.” as he retreats out the door, he prays you didn’t notice his blushing cheeks.
once tsukishima is out the door, you waste no time crafting a new message to your friend - but you find yourself struggling to piece together sentences as you snack on the ice cream tsukki brought you, the cold sensation easing your aching throat. was that really the same guy who’s been an asshole to you since the day you started working with him?
it’s incredible that the two of you even spent 2 minutes together without being at each other’s throats like usual, and even more so that someone as harsh and bitter as tsukishima would do something as kind as show up at your door with ice cream when you’re sick. he even said something to make you feel better - and it worked.
realizing that you’ve zoned out, you quickly snap your attention back to your message. but as you continue typing, you find your thoughts continually drifting back to the tall, bespectacled blond and his uncharacteristic kindness.
by the time you manage to write what you have to say and hit send, tsukishima is safely out of earshot when the new message pings on his phone.
he smiles and hopes that you figure it out soon, too.
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a/n: i hope the ending for this one is clear addsdsdf,,,, i watched the entire roundabout she loves me revival to get inspired for this (and by get inspired i mean remember the plot details of she loves me bc i had only seen it once before lmao) tbh the narrative of this fic actually covers like 3 different songs, bc old musicals are weird and thought it was necessary to make looking for a shoe an entire number. anyways, all I have to offer you today is laura benanti being utter perfection and all of my love <3
taglist: @izagraceee​ @musicgetsmeoutofbed​ @azo-musxas​ @tsumurai @ghostlydiamond135 @animeboysimppp
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brandstifter-sys · 4 years
Corpse Groom
Word Count: 1712                     (Ao3)
Characters: Janus, Patton, Roman, Remus, Virgil
Relationships: Dukexiety
Rating: T
Warnings: mild body horror, death mention, decay, zombies, crying, innuendo
Janus was a reasonable side. He put up with a fair amount of nonsense and contributed to Thomas' well-being. All he asked for were a chance to make his case and that no one touch his hat.
"I swear to you, Patton, there will be hell to pay if he doesn't have it!" Janus practically snarled at the side on his left, "I don't care how much you want to protect him. I have one rule!"
"Don't speak to Patton that way!" Roman cut in, glaring at Janus. He was not happy about parading around with the snake, but he was not about to let Patton go alone.
Janus stopped outside Virgil's door and hissed at him. Without his hat, he looked far more feral and far less patient.
"Now Roman, it's okay. Jan is upset, really upset, and I know he doesn't mean it. What would you do if someone took your sword? This is important to him," Patton chided and did the honor of knocking on the door. Roman bristled and crossed his arms.
"What!?" Virgil groaned tiredly from the other side of the door.
"Hey kiddo, it's just me. I was wondering if you knew where Janus' hat was!"
"On his head?" Virgil grumbled, "I don't have it. I wouldn't want it! Ask Remus or something!"
Any response died in Patton's throat the second he laid eyes on Janus. The poor thing was teary eyed and clawing at his hair.
"Thanks anyway, Virge!" Pat responded and scooped Janus into his arms. He ignored Roman's disapproving glare and made his way to the common area. Janus clung to his shirt and sobbed.
"It's okay, Yellow Jay. We'll find it," Patton said soothingly and sat on the couch. Janus shook his head and buried his face in Patton's shoulder, not caring that Roman came in and could see him like this.
"Logan doesn't have it! It's not lost in your room! Remus said he doesn't have it! Virgil and Roman don't want to sully their hands with anything of mine! It's gone!"
”What do you mean 'sully?'"
"They hate me and want nothing to do with me! I tried to be helpful and it backfired! I don't care about that now, I just want my hat back!" he wailed and trembled in Patton's arms. Patton shot a pointed look at Roman, who looked uncomfortable.
Roman sat down on the other side of the sectional and twiddled his thumbs. He had to keep Patton safe from this slippery serpent but he really didn't want to sit and watch his nemesis cry. He would take discomfort over uncertainty.
Die, die, we all pass away
Remus' voice floated through the room, like a distant echo laced with radio static. Janus paused and dried his eyes as the chilling words encircled him. He had no idea what Remus was up to.
But don't wear a frown, 'cause it's really okay!
Patton and Roman shared an unsettled look.
You might try and hide and you might try and pray! But we all end up the remains of the day!
Remus faded out like a whisper on the wind, leaving an iciness in his wake. The three sat in silence, anticipating the worst. But nothing happened.
"What is he doing?" Roman asked and rolled his neck.
"I have every idea," Janus huffed, his voice still wet from his breakdown.
"Well whatever it is, it looks like he—"
Die, die, we all pass away! But don't wear a frown 'cause it's really okay!
"I sit corrected," Patton winced. Janus hugged him and ruffled his hair. Patton would need cuddles after this.
You might try and hide and you might try and pray! But we all end up the remains of the day!
Remus' voice traveled like a fog over the three, always the same lyrics, changing in volume as if he were dancing about the room. It put Patton and Roman on edge. Janus was trying to compose himself rather than pay attention to Remus' antics. He was trying to get attention from someone else.
It was after the fifth time Remus graced them with his eerie song that Virgil trudged into the common area, still waking up. He was going to question the trio shifting uncomfortably in their seats but then Remus started singing again.
Virgil sighed and walked in front of the couch, scanning the ceiling for something.
"I take it he's bothering you," Virgil said, turning his back to them as he scanned overhead. He paused for a moment and sighed, crossing his arms. Remus was going to pay for this.
In an instant, Virgil's usual hoodie and jeans combo was gone. Instead, he was in a gorgeous, albeit old and faded, strapless wedding dress that showed off his back and shoulders. Or it would have, if not for the long veil that dropped past his hips. It was certainly enough to make Roman gawk.
Until he turned around, still examining the ceiling and shifting to get in position.
"Zombie!" Patton shrieked and clung to Janus. Virgil paid him no mind. His left arm was all bone and his skin was blue. Part of his left cheek was rotted away to reveal his teeth, there was enough decay on his right side to show some rib, and from his ankle to his thigh, his right leg was all bone, with just enough flesh on his foot to wear a pair of heels that he really didn't need. The slit in his skirt revealed that much to the confused sides.
Adjusting the flowery veil and righting his neck, Virgil took a deep breath and said,
He held out his arms as a skeleton fell from the ceiling with a yell. He was bare, save for a familiar mustache and an even more familiar derby hat. Patton nearly fainted.
"Hey! Give me a listen you corpses of cheer! At least those of you who still got an ear!" Remus sang and went limp in Virgil's arms. He was fighting back a smile.
"I'll tell you a story that'll make a skeleton cry!" He ran a bony finger down his cheek, drawing attention to his only eye. Janus knew where to aim first.
"Of our own jubiliciously lovely corpse bride!" Remus sang, spreading his arms to show off Virgil. When there was no response he sat up and licked Virgil's cheek, and for good measure, grabbed his butt.
Virgil dropped him and held up his hands. Remus landed with a yelp. Janus got up and snatched his hat. He sank out with a huff.
"What the hell was that!?" Roman snapped. Remus shrugged.
"An idea! And it was a good idea! Just look at this hot emo snack!" Remus giggled and tried to get a peek up Virgil's skirt. He had to know the extent of the decay!
Virgil pushed him away with his foot, with some force, before bending over and picking him up again. It was safer for everyone that way.
"Before you say anything about me in a dress, you might want to take Pat to his room. He looks like he's gonna be sick," Virgil said pointedly. He made it a point not to show this much skin—and bone–around anyone but Remus. He stopped trying to keep the duke from seeing since he showed up at the worst times.
Roman nodded solemnly and picked Patton up like a princess. He sank out with the father figure and left the undead to their business.
"Are you ever going to ask me to watch a movie like a normal person?" Virgil scoffed and averted his gaze, "And you can ask to cosplay rather than this."
"Nope! It's so much more fun to see how you react to my set-up!" Remus jeered, "I was hoping for you to say your vows so I could pop up in the dress and smooch you! But this works too!"
"If that happened I would definitely try to get away from you and get hitched to some boring girl—named Virginia. I'm not about to do that."
"Is it 'cause you're gay or because I'm that irresistible?" Remus teased and wiggled his eyebrows.
"I'm very gay but I don't do skeletons," Virgil scoffed playfully. Remus giggled and snapped his fingers, or whatever someone without flesh does. In an instant Virgil's rot and blue skin were gone and Remus was naked in his arms.
"You forgot something," Virgil jeered.
"No I didn't!" Remus argued, "I have skin, and plenty of it if you wanna take a bite! And you, well your pecs look good in this dress. And your arms and legs. You're really hot. I would be your ball and chain, you can attach some balls and chains to my—"
"I have my own ideas for you," Virgil mused and set Remus on his feet. Virgil snapped his fingers and willed his second favorite onesie on, unzipped just for Remus. He got Remus in his grinch onesie too and set up the tv to watch Corpse Bride.
"It starts with a movie, then some trashy rom com to give us the chance to make out, and then we'll figure something out."
"Kinky!" Remus giggled and clapped his hands, "You know me too well, Scare Bear!"
"I like to know about my secret idiot boyfriend," Virgil teased and licked his cheek, "Maybe I'll tell the others soon so Princey doesn't get any ideas. I'd hate to see you murder him over me."
"What about—?"
"About anything else isn't good, but I don't know if I would completely hate it," Virgil joked and dragged Remus to the couch, pulling him against his side.
"Have I mentioned that I love you?"
"No, but I love you, so I beat you to it today," Virgil said and played the movie. Remus snickered and kissed his cheek.
"I can do better!"
"I'd like to see you try."
"With this hand I will lift your sorrows," Remus hummed and grabbed Virgil's hand, interlacing their fingers, "Your cup will never empty for I will be your wine—"
"Shut up," Virgil huffed, though his eyeshadow was turning purple.
"Okay!" Remus giggled and snuggled closer. He had better ideas to make Virgil his corpse groom—without making him an actual corpse!
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carolmaximoffs · 4 years
summary: do you really need all of the things you want?
warnings: angst. bucky is Not A Good Dude. swearing. mentions of sex. infidelity. i was in a MOOD, ok?
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
a/n: i’m in a writing slump so here’s something i threw together . the ending is SHIT.  lyrics from ‘ophelia’ by roo panes. inspired by this post.
tagging some peeps i hope don’t mind: @star-spangled-beard-burn​ @buckybarney​ @schmuckyschmarnes​ @moteldwelling​
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I would take you back there to where the river's from
To where the garden's green with a forever love
Singing you're somebody heaven's dreaming of
“Do you love her?” You’re begging, and you never beg, and he knows it better than anybody. You search his eyes for any hint of guilt, of regret, of remorse, but there’s nothing. Or maybe that’s because he can’t look you in the eyes longer than a millisecond. He sighs, pulling away from your (admittedly desperate) grip on his biceps. He turns his back on you (and gods, you should be used to that lately) and you fold your arms as you fight back tears.
“I don’t know.” Bucky’s voice is so soft, you almost don’t catch the words. You scoff as he paces to the windows. You watch him run his fingers through his hair (like you did...like she did) before he presses his forehead against the glass. You swallow the bitter taste in your mouth.
“Do you...love me?” Your lip shakes despite your defiant stance. You’re almost, almost grateful he can’t see you. He murmurs that same vague, not-really-an-answer answer. The hurt in your chest drifts to your stomach where it twists into anger, hands dropping into fists. You dig your nails into your palms to keep from screaming, but you can’t help but raise your voice a little. “Did you ever love me?” 
“Dammit, Y/N, I said I don’t fucking know!” He whirls in time to catch your strangled gasp, your eyebrows shooting up into your hairline. He’s quick to realize his mistake, cursing and tugging once more at his stupid beautiful hair. “Fuck, Y/N, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that, okay, just-”
Bucky reaches for you and you recoil. The tears you’d managed to hold at bay for so long flow freely. In the back of your mind, you laugh - three years, and you’d never cried in front of Bucky. Sniffling at movies or tearing up from laughter, sure, but nothing like this; this is disgusting, your heart pouring from your eyes in salty waterfalls you can’t seem to wipe away, snot threatening to bubble. This is ugly crying, this is grief. Bucky looks at you, and just for a second, those damned eyes transport you. 
“I know it’s not much, but...” Bucky shrugs. In a surge of confidence, you lean in and kiss his cheek before skittering towards the bank. 
“Bucky, its perfect,” You breathe, crouching and dipping your fingers into the clear water of the stream. Tiny fish skitter away at the intrusion. Your eyes stay trained on them as Bucky approaches, coming to crouch next to you. 
“You’re perfect,” He mutters. When you turn your head, he’s blushing, but keeps his gaze trained on you all the same. You think that’s when you realized-
“Y/N. Did you hear what I said?” 
The memory shatters, along with your heart as you blink rapidly. You flinch away from Bucky’s hand, deceptively gentle on your shoulder. He’s the one begging now, but for what, you can’t be sure. You shake your head slowly, gulping down a fresh wave of tears.
“It didn’t mean anything, Y/N. I’m just...stressed, okay? And...and confused. It was a mistake, but...”
“But what?” You spit, seething once more. Bucky seems to realize his mistake. 
“But nothing, it’s just-”
He’s cut off but the crack of your palm across his cheek. “But you love her, and it was more than just a one night stand, and, and...fuck you, James Buchanan!”
It isn’t quite the venomous retort you’d hoped for, but it makes for a good enough lead up to your dramatic storming-out. The door has barely slammed behind you when it opens again. Fuck the elevator - you’re practically tripping down the stairs to your apartment building, and you’re so close, the doors to the lobby within your sight - and then Bucky grabs your arm.
He’s breathless, but not in the way you usually see him breathless - the way she’d gotten to see him breathless. His hair hangs in his face, grip tightening as you make to pull away.
“Y/N,” He hisses, and this is a Bucky you haven’t seen many times before. As rare as its appearances were, this was not a side of him you were fond of. This Bucky is barely controlled rage, seething through gritted teeth, lip curled in a poorly contained snarl as he stares you down. “You’re half fucking dressed. Come back upstairs.” 
You only blink at him, using every ounce of willpower not to cower away from his gaze. The only sound is his sharp breathing through flared nostrils as you glance down at your outfit - a T-shirt and shorts, no bra, you’d been waiting on him to come home and couldn’t help but confront him. You slowly lift your eyes back to his, brows raised expectantly. Bucky’s practically panting as he releases your wrist in a jerky movement. He does some strange, nose-scrunch, lip-twitch thing with his face before offering a tight smile.
“Baby,” He says, but this time he’s not begging. He’s pissed, to a point where it’s terrifying, and that stupid fairy-tale-believing part of you beats against your cranium. He doesn’t love you, what’s stopping him from hurting you in the heat of the moment?
“Baby,” Bucky says again, stepping back towards you, your back digging into the railing. “Come back upstairs, and we can talk this out. Like mature adults.”
That, surprisingly, is the last straw. Your true, no-doubt-about-it breaking point. You tilt your head and smile as sweetly as you can. “Bite me.”
“Y/N,” Bucky huffs, somewhere between a laugh and a groan. “C’mon, I - I love you.” 
“You could’ve fooled me,” You snort. Shouldering your way past him, you raise your middle finger over your shoulder and walk leisurely down the rest of the stairs. “I’ll be back tomorrow for all my shit! Keep the clubhouse.” 
And with one last satisfying look over your shoulder to blow a kiss at his incredulous expression, you turn your back on Bucky fuckin’ Barnes.
You should’ve had your guard up from the start...who uses a nickname based on their middle name, for chrissake?
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heliosthegriffin · 3 years
Why don’t you put the boy down
Salem has Jaune and Ren on their knees at her mercy, Oscar being held up by several Shadow Hands, the boys clearly tired and damaged.
Jaune grimaces with rage, while Ren’s normally calm expression was broken by a snarl.
Salem smirks at the pair.
“I suppose,” Salem says with a twirl of her wrist. “This is where, according to what they call them? The tropes? Cliches?” She says ponderously. “Well, I suppose the words are ultimately meaningless as long as you understand meaning. I’m giving you a chance for last words, for those who’ve gotten as far you two have yet to disappoint in their personal epitaph.”
Jaune looks to Ren, a unspoken message in their eyes.
Jaune gets up first and pulls out Crocea Mors.
Salem raise a eyebrow. “Oh? No words, choosing the warriors death?”
Jaune shakes his head, and presses a formerly unseen button on Crocea Mors handle. Seconds passes as it transform, its blade widening and hilt lengthening, transforming into a electric guitar!
Salem looks surprised, “That is interesting, but I fail to see what you’re doing.”
Jaune plants the sheath into the ground, it changes into a amplifier, and then he plugs a cord into the guitar link it to the Amp. He strums it, smiles, looks to Ren with a thumbs up.
Ren nods, removes the blades from Stormflower, and puts the guns on the ground and presses another unseen button causing the guns to turn into a pair of drums, and pulling out device that starts to turning a snazzy electronic beat.
Ren grips Stromflowers blades in hand spinning them, which when done reveals a pair of drum sticks.
The Ren pulls a piano out of nowhere
“Ren, lay down the beat.” “Got it boss.”
Confusion evident on her face, Salem ask. “What is this?”
The boys merely smile.
Oscar though, Oscar knows what going on, and starts laughing.
“What why do you laugh, Ozma?“
Oscar smiles coyly. “You’ll see.”
“I don’t like where this is going.”
Jaune then begins to sings as Ren plays the piano.
“ Oh, come and see the opening band Now that you've got your tickets And beverages in hand They look so tired, sound uninspired Guitars are secondhand 'Cause no one likes an opening band”
Salem lets out a laugh at the boys self-deprecation.
“Nobody likes the opening band Their set time's far too early And I've never heard of them And chances are they won't go far Career is sure to end 'Cause no one likes an opening band”
Salem looks behind herself to see Oscar with a tambourine. “Where in the hell did you get that?” Before snatching it away, causing Oscar to pout.
“Oh, unfamiliar things will make us nervous But singing here for you gives me a purpose, so...Take pity on the opening bands 'Cause no one came to see them Except their mom and dad But if you lend an ear And give them just one little chance You may just like the You may just like the You may just like the opening band “
Salem smiles happily, “Well, I must say an odd choice of last words, but amusing nonetheless, now prepare-”
Suddenly a sound reminiscent of the oldest computers starts to play, as Ren gets to work drumming.
“What you’re not done, oh, now I get why you played the song. Are you giving me a concert, why how flattering!”
Jaune starts to play his guitar.
“Big shot, so what?
Do you wanna pretend?
You took the magic
But the magic couldn't buy you love.
Now I want you to leave Oscar alone.”
At first Salem seem to enjoy the music, then she looks like she was slapped by the words she just heard.
“They say the devil that you know
Is better than the devil that you don't
Oh, you're a big shot here, but nobody else knows
Now I want you to leave Oscar alone”
Salem speaks up, but Jaune and Ren don’t notice. “I’ll have you know I’m very well known. I even have cults!”
The boys don’t care and keep playing.
“Blind spot, take your best shot
Lucky me
Go fly a kite until you're tangled in the hanging tree”
Salem looks confused. “What does that even mean? Wait, are you telling me to have fun then kill myself!?”
Jaune smiles and says nothing, but Ren just slowly raises the bird.
Salem again. “Why, I never!”
Jaune starts singing again.
“ Now I want you to leave Oscar alone
They say the devil that you know Is better than the devil that you don't
Oh, you're a big shot here, but nobody else knows
Now I want you to leave Oscar alone,”
“I hate how catchy this is.” Salem grumbles.
Jaune stares at Salem with fiery blue eyes.
“Four in the morning
But we're having such a lovely time
Mad as a hatter with a dagger and a dollar sign
Aristocrat, tip your hat and break your mother's heart
And when the sun comes up
You'll find a brand new god
(Hey, come on)
(A brand new god)
(Oh, oh) “
Salem starts looking a little intimidated at the slowly revealing madness of the blondes gaze. Ren, wasn’t helping his gaze cold and dead as a stone grave.
“ Now I want you to leave Oscar alone
They say the devil that you know
Is better than the devil that you don't
Oh, you're a big shot here, but nobody else knows
Now I want you to leave Oscar alone ”
Jaune stops finishing, and grabs a glass of water from Ren.
“Now if you’re done, I will get to killing you.”
Jaune holds up a finger, and finishes his glass of water, then puts it on Ren’s hand, who refills it with his water-skin.
Then Jaune starts playing his Guitar, while Ren hum, O oh oh oow.
“Ok, there’s more feel free to tell me when,” Then she turns to Oscar who has another tambourine. “Fine, keep it, I don’t care.” Salem says pouting.
Jaune starts singing in a disturbingly cheery voice.
“ Stop Drop And drag me into place And lock the fire escapes I'll break your pretty face (Yeah, yeah)”
Salem raise a finger. “Ok, this one sounds a little different than the last two.”
Jaune merely smiles a maniac smile at her.
“Oh, you Clever little things The sycophantic teens What a precious basket case (Yeah, yeah)”
“Now shut your dirty mouth If I could burn this town I wouldn't hesitate To smile while you suffocate and die And that would be just fine And what a lovely time, that it would surely be So bite your tongue And choke yourself to sleep”
Salem reels back again. “What are these lyrics, who wrote them, are they aimed at me?! This is starting to get disturbing.” Salem says slightly panicked
“You get everything you want And magic always talks To the idiot savants (Yeah, yeah)”
“That’s just mean!”
“Now shut your dirty mouth”
Salem shuts up.
“If I could burn this town I wouldn't hesitate To smile while you suffocate and die And that would be just fine And what a lovely time, that it would surely be So bite your tongue And choke yourself to sleep
Now shut your dirty mouth If I could burn this town I wouldn't hesitate To smile while you suffocate and die And that would be just fine (oh!) And what a lovely time That it would surely be So bite your tongue And choke yourself...”
Jaune starts to play once again, before Salem starts talking, though, it could also have been the dark look in his eyes shutting her mouth once she looks like talking.
“Last song of the night.”
Salem lets out a breath, the music was starting to get to her.
Jaune leans into a mic that wasn’t there a minute ago, singing in a breathy tone.
“ I wanna take you home A night out on the town Say that you're pretty so you stand up stand up Before I drag you down”
Jaune then accidentally hits the glass of water ‘oops’
“Crawling up your skin Potions pills and medicines To drain you And bleed your magic out”
“Are you a serial Killer? Because this sounds like something Tyrian wrote, only somehow more disturbing.”
“Lonely little life And nobody believes you now You're bleeding magic out”
“Are you trying to steal my magic?” Jaune merely winks, and continues singing, giving Salem the shivers.
“Don't want to scare you off Don't want to know your name You'll never know a single thing about me Until it's far too late Crawling up your skin Potion, pleasing medicines To circumvent your brain
Lonely little life And nobody believes you now You're bleeding magic out
Lonely little life And nobody believes you now You're bleeding magic out
And nobody believes you now You're bleeding magic “
Jaune then stops, “Give us back Oscar, or I keep singing.”
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