#bonus info: he renounced his mothers last name when he left and took his fathers
artchixs · 3 months
i need to know about chaddicus cursebones so badly. does he have a favorite bird. whats his least favorite dish that he eats often because its something regionally popular. does he know how complicated jeb feels about him.
(also feel free to answer whichever of these you want. or other miscellaneous chad facts. or also jeb facts because we love jeb!)
hooooooooo my god I hate when tumblr doesn’t notify me about asks ahskdhdj
ok ok Chadicus cursebones is so special to me because he is the perfect fantasy protagonist but he also isn’t aware of what that means for him. he’s a hero. he’s a martyr. he’s the perfect Paladin savior fighting the undead sent by his evil mother as he rebels against her with a band of misfits. he also doesn’t know what to do with the violence he possesses. he doesn’t know how to acknowledge and process what he went through as a kid, much less unpack the fucked up dynamic his mother set up between him and Jeb. he doesn’t know what to believe in so he clings onto the idea of his dead father as the ultimate good (just like his mother and brother both do). he cant acknowledge how similar he is to his mother. he doesn’t understand how different he is from her.
As for birds (the actual question), I think he’d be a mourning dove guy! He’s used to seeing them in the summer back home and they’re so soft and round <33 he wants to pick one up so bad
He ends up eating paprikash very often because it’s a well loved dish in his northern climate, but he HATES sour cream, so he often has to grin and bear it through people who are too generous w the sour cream in their recipes lol (he’s just like me fr).
Chad has not seen Jeb since he left home at 16, and the last time they spoke, Jeb told him that the next time they saw each other it would be a fight to the death. he still doesn’t understand why Jeb wouldn’t come with him when he left, he saw how badly Jeb was treated by their mother and yet Jeb was still loyal to her. I don’t think he has any idea of the depth of jeb’s resentment toward him or why he feels that way, but he’s just as stubborn as his brother, and he’s not going to apologize until he knows what he’s done (or what he was made to do). I think he also misses Jeb very deeply, but sees him as someone who is brainwashed and either needs to be rescued or is past saving. once he’s able to understand the full picture he’s going to have even MORE complicated feelings <3 he is so brother madds Buckley. he is so runs in the family Amanda Palmer. <3
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