broadwayandbookblog · 6 years
oh sorry you were talking about the casting not doing it sorry you can just ignore my submission !! I also wanted to say hi because I love your blog 💓
hi!! how’re you?? you’re like rlly pretty omg!! i can see you as like a janis from mean girls or maybe an eliza hamilton!! and i didnt see this until like a few minutes ago, sorry!! ❤
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theklaud · 7 years
Hi I just wanted to say I love your art, and that I followed you musical fan art, but when I saw your dirk posts I started watching the show, and I love it, so, thank you!
Aaaa im glad you did :D it’s an amazing show
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kevinprace · 7 years
uhhh hi am i late to the ppl who love carter party because i heard she was cancelled ??? (tj is Wild ™ ))
uhh sof i think ur on time? yeah idk who this carter character is? im kevin lol ?? tj is the best i love @whizzerwinsatony
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5 for showtunes ask ?
thank you!! 
— you gotta die sometime (falsettos): this. song. when I first heard it I just,, fell in love. especially the emotion in the revival,, i just think it was a perfect song for andrew to sing. 
— tear me down (hedwig and the angry inch): this song just uplifts me no matter what. i listen to ha.tai at least every morning when walking into college because I just feel,, confident??? idk I could have put every ha.tai song on here but,, this is my fav (or midnight radio, for the same reasons) 
— i can do that (a chorus line): funny story,, the first time i heard this song I went into rehearsals dressed as mike (no one realised but,, i knew). tbh it’s one of the only songs from a chorus line that i’ll put on repeat. 
— chip on my shoulder (legally blonde): this song just makes me want to do well in my studies, honestly. like i feel it is so motivational for me.
— hello! (the book of mormon): honestly, it was this song or turn it ff but me and my friends have made a meme of hello so its the only musical song me and them bond over 
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hurglewurm · 7 years
I needed a new mcpriceley fic to read, and someone I follow, bless their soul, reblogged your work,, and I'm a Fan. Thank you
ahhhhh thank you so much!!
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"Apparently Elder McKinley's fan name is Connor, WHAT?" - PJ Adzima
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zwarthart · 6 years
3, 19, 26, 28 :)
3: favourite quote? i don’t really do quotes? but i guess ‘live by the sun love by the moon’? it was my instagram caption for the longest time so ! 
19: what movies could you watch over and over and still love? matilda and every movie about the world ending lmao
26: where do you want to travel if you could go anywhere and why? for now nyc and italy ! (long story short i think i was an italian girl in my past life??) (i hate myself too)
28: your top 5 blogs on tumblr? this is hard!! but i love @starrysarkisian @groolforschool @itsmyhousenow @bookofbway and @barrett-w-weed go follow them they’re great
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evanhcnsen · 7 years
happy new year !! follow forever
over the past year, my blog has grown so much, and i’m so thankful to everyone for being there for me, putting up with me and my craziness, and sharing my love of broadway.
here’s just a few of the wonderful people that have brought happiness to my life this year (mutuals are bolded) - ps. i didn’t mean to leave anyone out! i am so sorry if you’re not on this list, because i guarantee that i appreciate you too <3
# - g
@12cupsofcoffee @a-million-stories @acorn-evan @albechdels @alexanderhamllton @andrewrcnnells @andrewrxnnells @andrewsrannell @andrewtrash @angelicaskylr @annbradleys @aphrcditeee @aviously @aropippin @baemalone @benjaminschiffplatt @benlevi @benplattstony @benpllatt @bensplatt @beth-malone @betsywolfe @beyondthesunrise @bisonny @broadjay @brolokhov @bookofbway @borlerannells @burrsur @butchbechdel @charmnte @chip-zien @christicnborle @ciaowhizzer @cnnrmrphys @congratulotions @craveaboon @dailybenplatt @daveyjacobss @dear-bensplatt @dear-evan-hansen @diagon-alli @dmitrivna @dmitryanya @doctormendels @dsdmona @dustndashes @e1derprice @elizabethxschuyler @elizadeservesbetter @elizaschuyler @elphabruh @elsaqueenofstress @emilyskeggs @evanhansens @evanhanscn @evshansen @evanhamsen @exexlovers @extralargealison @faistygal @falling-in-aforest @fallingg-in-a-forest @falsettosgay @favorite-fighting-frenchman @flannelfucker @flairandpassion @forforever @funsettoland @gabe-is-alive @gelseybell @getaways-car @ghostquartets @goodmannatalie @great-comet @gvthrie
h - p
@ham-lin-ton @hardtobethebard @helenekuragina @helenesbezukhova @helplessandnotsatisfied @i-cant-i-have-rehearsal @i-remember-picnics @i-will-mourn-the-wicked @icanhearthebells @idktheatre @in-the-heights @insvnleycool @intheheightmares @intheheightsandfluff @irl-melchior @irlwhizzybrown @itsagutthing @itsbalaga @ivyrobinson @jackiebeulah @jackkellley @jenniferdamianos @jeremy-jordamn @jeremyheere @jessiemueller @jewish-hermione @justrightclothes @kevinprace @kevinpriceless @kissoffools @klaudiart @klenasdmitry @krokodile @kvnprice @lancesweets @latterdayz @lauradragfuss @laurnpatten @left-handed-flea @lesbianeurydice @letalestrange @lin-manuel @linmanuels @love-for-lea @lovelylauradreyfuss @lupsgf @maple--avenue @mapleavenues @mapleavenuetrades @marybolkonskaya @matthewmara @mediumalto @mike-faists @mikewarren @misspoulain @mohritz @moritzly @mhoritz @milkiore @monica-geller @mosicals @mostamazingtrees @musicalsaregreat @my-ring-of-keys @mybiography @neglectedrainbow @nextonormal @nexttodearevanhamilrent @niinarosario @nowthatsheaven @ofeighteentwelve @paciencia-yfe @peachmae @petitegaynerd @phillipaso @pontmarius @platthansen @putawaythefairytales
q - z
@quxnce @ragingdrumboner @richgoranski @romanovsanya @roryomxlley @sallinger @sandramaesfrank @sandyjennifercheeks @scrambledswift @septemberfirst1989 @sincerelyyme @slightlychilledbeans @smarita @songdheim @sowouldacrewcut @speakwithwhom @spikycharlotte @spikycordelia @springreturn @sprongawakening @stardustschild @stuffandbroadway @stunningstasis @sugar-butter-flour @sunlightschuyler @superfruta @thefederalistfreestyle @themediocrecometof1812 @thestars-too @tiredjay @trans-tozier @transboypippin @transceratops @trinamutual @trinasongreprise @unlikelyloving @upsettoland @uranowitz @vast-firmament @veganconnor @weisenbachfeldmendel @wendlaschuylerhansen @whizzerbrowne @whizzer @whizzkizz @whizzrbrowns @whlzzer @whzzers @williamfinn @winnifredfoster @wirtless @write-mywayout @wtmbway @w0rdsfail @vansnavi @youhateless
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the--concertmaster · 7 years
Mormon Headcanons
Ok... So since I literally needed only one person to be interested in hearing my headcanons, I’m gonna post them! Thanks @bookofbway!
Alright... I’m gonna start with James Church, because he doesn’t get enough love. 
James wasn’t originally a Mormon, since due to his upbringing, I seriously doubt his parents were Mormons.
His mum died when he was still young, (probably about 10) from something unrelated to his dad, a car accident or something. (I’m sorry!)
Afterwords, due to the shock of losing his wife, his dad went sober and tried to concentrate on bringing his son up right. 
James never forgave his father for the way he treated him and his mother. 
Mormon missionaries came knocking at their house one day, and James chose to convert as he found it comforting the idea that his mother had went to a better place and that in latter days he could spend eternity with her. 
He also liked the idea of going on a mission to help others, and also liked the idea of being able to get away from his dad for 2 years. 
James was a track runner at school, and although he was sporty, found his passion more in the arts. 
He is an amazing sketch artist and enjoys writing short stories and poetry. 
He’s more serious and sombre than the other Mormon’s in Ugnada, but tries to act cheerful and bright (and turn it off). 
He really liked Chris, because he felt he could relate to him since Chris had lost his sister. (also Poptarts was extremely adorable.)
He has messy black hair, and wears large square framed glasses.
Is the tallest and strongest out of all the Missionaries in Uganda.  OK! Now for poptarts
Enjoys dancing as it’s his way of remembering and commemorating his sister. 
Has an extreme fear of his friends and family dying on him. 
Will never end a conversation on a negative note and always tries to say goodbye to his friends and family when leaving, just in case he never sees them again. 
Loves everything sweet. 
Poptarts was his sisters favourite food. 
He has no formal dance training, but is quite good since his sister taught him how too (and then Mckinley afterwords)
He originally had a crush on his Mission Companion, Elder Mckinley, before he started to develop feelings for James Because James listened to him and understood his pain of loosing his sister rather than just telling him to turn it off. (Also James was hot af, and muscular and...) 
He’s definitely the shortest and cutest of all the Elders
He has a Teddy bear that he took with him to Uganda, and will protect at all costs. 
He loves looking at James art and reading his stories. 
He is Bi (and no-one can tell me otherwise) MCKINLEY!!!!!!
Ok so, Mckinley defintely is the eldest child with 2 younger sisters, so he knows how to be authoritative and control and lead people. 
He took tap classes, literally right up to the time where he left for Uganda.
His sisters were somewhat jealous that Connor is a better dancer than them.
But his sisters also stood up for him to his arents and peers saying that pink is a perfectly normal colour for a boy to like and that they should break gender stereotypes and stop calling him gay. Connor appreciates them for this. 
He was definitely bullied in year 5 for how close he was to his friend Steve and all through highschool people would accuse him of being gay. 
He started dating a female friend of his, to try to make others believe that he was straight. The relationship didn’t last very long though. 
He totally got all the lead roles in the school plays, and sometimes did performance is the Community theatre musicals. 
He is an excellent singer and had also taken vocal lessons from a young age. 
He was also a very strong leader within theatre groups he was part off and often organised mini performances around their community with them. 
Connor may seem friendly and nice, but don’t ever cross him or undermine his authority, he will wring your neck. 
He’s never seen a prettier Boy with more perfect hair than Elder Price. 
It broke his heart to have to ditch Elder Price in Uganda and leave with Elder Cunningham and the other Elder’s, but since he was pushing down his emotions, and trying to be a good Mormon on his Mission it’s what he choose to do. 
He cared more about making the other Elder’s happy, and creating a friendly community among them, than converting the Africans, thus why they literally had no baptisms. 
As soon as they went off-grid with their mission, he immediately got a TV and gaming system installed withing their lodging to entertain the Elders. 
Him and Poptarts crush at Just Dance. 
He literally holds a karaoke night once a month at the Missionary. 
He was actually very surprised (and pleased) to find out Elder Price was gay
Once he did come out completely, he was very open with his affections towards Kevin (which Kevin often got embarrased about) 
Falsettos is totally his favourite musical. He especially loves Whizzer.  ALRIGHT! ARNOLD CUNNINGHAM
Always had the best imaginative writing at school. 
Writes a ton of Fanfiction, and reads them too. 
Has heaps of OC’s.
Bit of a loner at school too, never really had any friends. 
Extremely popular online though.
Had a huge Tumblr following on his blogs about Star Wars, LOTR etc.
Has heaps of Fan theories too. 
Totally Vlogs. 
Cosplays as well. Goes to all the conventions.
Dreams of being able to go to San Diego Comic Con
He has Irlens Syndrome, which is one of the reasons why he didn’t read the Book of Mormon, becuase it was actually difficult for him to read it. 
His father literally thinks of him as a freak due to all his obsessions and fanboying. 
His mother dotes on him though and adores him for the person he is. 
He always wants his fathers approval though, which is why he decided to go on a mission. 
He genuinely wants to do good in the world and make others happy, and will do anything to help others, even if he doesn’t get anything from it. 
He forces Kevin to Cosplay with him on Halloween. He goes as Han Solo and Kevin goes as Luke Skywalker.
He holds a halloween party and costume party in Uganda for all the Elders and Africans.
He also makes a Leia costume for Naba, which she loves, despite not really knowing too much about Star Wars. 
All the Elders end up loving the little quirks about Arnold in the end, and have a great deal of Respect for him, since he’s so kind hearted.
He’s never been happier than he was in Uganda. 
He still admires and loves Kevin after everything they went through.  AND FINALLY THE MOST PERFECT MAN ON EARTH (AND I WILL FIGHT PEOPLE OVER THIS) KEVIN PRICE. I literally love him so much though.
Kevin grew up in a really strict household. 
He’s the second oldest of all his siblings, with an older sister and three younger brothers. 
He always feels that he has to compete against his siblings to be seen as the best, and to do so, tried to do literally nothing wrong. 
His favourite sibling is his Brother Jack, who is just a year younger than him, because Jack worships and admires Kevin and he rather likes that. He also still feels super guilty for blaming him for eating that donut
Him and all his siblings all took piano lesson. 
Kevin is actually very good at piano, but not as good as his older sister, which always really bugged him because he wanted to be the best at everything. 
Straight A student. 
Literally had no time for relationships throughout school since he was too busy trying to make everyone like him, as well as being a good mormon, getting good grades, playing piano well. 
Didn’t realise till he was in Uganda that he was gay.
He never really though about relationships, or had sexual thoughts till he was in Uganda since he was always so busy.
He had a very meticulously planned schedule. 
He absolutely adores everything Disney and Pixar, loves happy endings and cries every time Mufasa dies. 
His favourite Movie is actually Toy Story, since he finds Woody relatable. 
Reads all Arnolds fanfictions. Feruses to admit that he actually enjoys them.
Actually loves and respects his best friend, Arnold, since he truly hasn’t ever had a true best friend before. 
Sings disney songs during Mckinley’s Karaoke nights. 
Everyone is shocked that Kevin can sing. 
Kevin is shocked by his own singing voice. 
He loves how touchy Mckinley is, but is a little embarrassed by it. 
Absolutely adores Mckinley for everything he is. 
Once he realised he was gay, was actually reasonably open about it, since he never really understood why it was bad withing mormonism anyway.
Takes hour long showers to make sure his hair is perfect
Loves dogs. Like really loves dogs OK! SO THOSE ARE MY HEADCANONS ON THE ELDERS!
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pacman-tattoo · 7 years
hi my fav bloggers are bookofbway bc ,, ilu babe,,,, and wlwyoda bc !!! yeah !! relatable and funny content !!! and anxietytrina bc ,, who doesnt love tj !!
@bookofbway @wlwyoda @anxietytrina !! :0
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deadpoetdyke · 7 years
my fav blogger is @bookofbway because she is such a darling and i support and love her ? whenever i see her notif on my blog i get all smiley !!! babe !! i lov e her !!!
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20 Questions
Answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers that you want to get to know better
I got tagged again so I’m doing it from the right blog this time!
- Tagged by @bookofbway (Thank you!)
1) Name: Alana
2) Nicknames: Don’t really have one, but I respond to most things if you use the right intonation like a dog
3) Height: 5′5 and 3/4″, which I’m very aware of because it was a childhood dream to be a Rockette and I am 1/4 of an inch too short to be one
4) Orientation: Not totally bi but not 100% straight
5) Nationality: American and painfully white
6) Favorite Fruit: Strawberries can get it
7) Favorite Season: Spring
8) Favorite Flower: Yellow roses
9) Favorite Scent: vanilla and freshly baked cookies
10) Favorite Color: Sunshine yellow
11) Favorite Animal: Elephants!!!
12) Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate: C O F F E E
13) Average Sleep Hours: Either two or like, twelve, which averages out to 7
14) Dog or Cat Person: Dogs because they’re the best and also because my throat closes up when I touch a cat
15) Favorite Fictional Characters: Ben Wyatt, Rey, Davey Jacobs, Liz Lemon
16) Number of Blankets I Sleep With: One blanket, but literally seven pillows
17) Dream Trip: New York for like, a month with an unlimited budget so I can see all the shows my lil heart desires because I’m a huge slut for Broadway but I’ve also always wanted to see Sleep No More because I’ve done a lot of site-specific theatre lately
18) Blog Created: Like a month and five days ago
19) Number of Followers: 267!
20) Random Fact: I’m a working theatre artist but I was a dancer growing up and broke into theatre by being the dance captain of the ensemble for pretty much every musical I did and dancing was my whole identity until I went to college and had to pretty much retire, and then I didn’t realize that something in me was missing until I saw Newsies Live right after I graduated and saw all those kids dancing and having a great time and it reminded me how happy and complete dancing made me so I’m now signing up for dance classes and voice lessons again so I can get back in fighting shape and then be able to audition for dance calls on the side when I move to New York in January 2019 so not to be dramatic but that’s how Newsies lowkey shifted my entire life trajectory
Apologies if you’ve already been tagged, especially if you’ve already been tagged by existentialistjigglypuff, which is me, I don’t remember who I tagged before and I made zero attempt to check
Tag you’re it! 1) @pyrot3ch-nick 2) @newsies-plaza 3) @larryisinfactnotstraight 4) @musicandcoffeethings 5) @gracetrack-higgins 6) @seizethedaveyjacobs 7) @justicefortommybracco 8) @thinkaboutseizingtheday 9) @meowingatthesea 10) @thechurchofapathy 11) @dead--skin-on-a-linoleum-floor 12) @the-world-is-ya-erster 13) @tylersorensen1 14) @brooklyns-here-for-ya-erster 15) @iwishicouldtalkgood 16) @poorguysheadisdoingwhatnow 17) @the-athenian-pamphleteer 18) @dear-jack-kelly 19) @write-bout-idiots 20) @onceortwicenow
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kevinprace · 7 years
sorry,,, who are you ???? idk you ???? 
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twinfantasydogs · 7 years
aw naw dude
me bc there’s never gonna be a boot w/ gabe gibbs now
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Tagged by @kleinmemes and @takedeepbreathsandgoonwalks who are both actually god tier and also why the fuck aren’t you following them yet!?!?!
1ST RULE: tag 9 people you want to get to know better:
If I’ve already tagged you in stuff tonight idgaf! Answer more questions, you beautiful people! Also follow all these nice folks! Amazing blogs right here, just for the taking!
@@captainyoshiworld @turtelpug @yo-homeslice @bookofbway @mcoomcoo @tomatobeans-blog @flan-anon @everydayatleast @squip-me-up @jaredsglasses @jeremymakesanentrance @shadeswritings @luckyteenagedirtbag
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true
I am 5'7 or taller - I wear glasses - I have at least one tattoo - I have at least one piercing - I have blond hair - I have brown eyes - I have short hair - My abs are at least somewhat defined - I have or had braces
I love meeting new people - People tell me I am funny - Helping others with their problems is a big priority of mine - I enjoy physical challenges - I enjoy mental challenges - I am playfully rude to people I know - I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it - There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing well - I can play an instrument - I can do over 30 pushups without stopping - I am a fast runner - I can draw well - I have a good memory - I am good at doing math in my head- I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute - I have beaten at least 2 people arm wrestling - I can make at least 3 recipes from scratch - I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy sports - I was on a sports team at my school or somewhere else - I was in an orchestra or choir or band at my school or somewhere else - I have learned a new song in the past week - I exercise at least once a week - I have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months - I have drawn something in the past month - I enjoy writing - Fandoms are my #1 priority - I do some form of Martial arts
I have had my first kiss - I have had alcohol - I have scored a winning point in a sport - I have watched an entire TV series in one sitting - I have been at an overnight event - I have been in a taxi - I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year - I have beaten a video game in one day - I have visited another country - I have been to one of my favorite bands concerts
I have one person that I consider to be my Best Friend™ - I live close to my school/work - My parents are still together - I have at least one sibling - I live in the United States - There is snow where I live right now - I have hung out with a friend in the past month - I have a smartphone - I own at least 15 CDs - I share my room with someone
I am in a Relationship - I have a crush on a celebrity - I have a crush on someone I know - I’ve been in at least 3 relationships - I have never been in a Relationship - I have admitted my feelings to a crush - I get crushes easily - I have had a crush for over a year - I have been in a relationship for over a year - I have had feelings for a friend
I have break-danced - I know a person named Jamie - I have had a teacher that has a name that is hard to pronounce - I have dyed my hair - I’m listening to a song on repeat right now - I have punched someone in the past week - I know someone who has gone to jail - I have broken a bone - I have eaten a waffle today - I know what I want to do in life - I speak at least two languages - I have made a new friend in the past year
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positivity for some of my favorite blogs!! @kevinprace @kinqmarv @hpinfalsettoland @ciaowhizzer and @bookofbway!! I love all of them,, wild
@kevinprace @kinqmarv @hpinfalsettoland @ciaowhizzer @bookofbway ! GOOD blogs op
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