#boooooo capitalism
mariatesstruther · 8 months
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habitual-creatures · 3 days
Okay true!! So what? Yeah I have a preference>:P
- 💜 anon
Because your PREFERENCE would lead to constant ANNOYANCE on my side.
Also, you can't pay rent, but you'd drive up the living expenses...
I'm already having issues dealing with taxes and all the bullshit...
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iaxsl · 1 year
counting down the seconds until i can finally watch opla 
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sembulapeyalneerpol · 9 months
As I have recovered from whatever respiratory infection is going around, and feeling better I am now in a wired mental space where I don't feel like absolute shit and now am like...I am going to do everything
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enbycupcake · 9 months
i'm off to work blehhhhhh
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rei-ismyname · 10 days
Language Drift/Jim Shooter Sucks
My thoughts on 'capitalist pig/creates more problems than he solves' Iron Man shouldn't be too surprising to anyone who has read any of my writing, and Cop Cap, while written inconsistently especially where mutants and enforcing US hegemony are concerned, can do better.
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However, this post isn't here to unpack the neoliberal brainrot that affects the suitability of either man as a role model - it's here to point and giggle at Silver Age dialogue. Internet research and talking to old people tells me that 'solid dick' once meant 'straight/serious talk.'
Language changes through use and abuse, but humans have always loved sex jokes and finding unintentional sexual content. Writers have always worked to slip forbidden content past censors. Also, the cowardice of the Comics Code and men like Jim Shooter (boooooo, hisss) enforced a flat ban on ANY depictions of queerness. Even once it chilled out a bit and Shooter had left Marvel for smaller publishers that weren't beholden to its edicts, he included some explicitly gay characters as predators and rapists - devious and untrustworthy. One of the many reasons his coworkers burned him in effigy after he left Marvel. (Why are effigies no longer popular?)
See the coverage of Hulk #23 for more on that, though be warned it's incredibly homophobic.
Join me in saying 'FUCK YOU' to Shooter, the comics code, and bigotry in general by pretending the panel above is actually Iron Man propositioning Captain America for gay sex and Cap is, if not agreeing, at least pondering that solid dick might be just what he needs.
Marvel is... marginally better these days. I personally put it down to rainbow capitalism, though there's a non zero amount of queer creators working today. We demand better, but there's also incidents like IronCap above and comrades who worked with subtext as best they could. Here's two more for you ❤️
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There's plenty more out there, reblog with your own!
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peridyke · 5 months
I capital h Hated my old apartment and living situation but I miss my old walking route I dont have as good of one around here. there is a nature area I can walk to but I gotta go through town and crossing the streets and shit is so much effort that I don't wanna put in. at my old place I could basically just choose a direction and get a few miles in but here I gotta constantly loop around the neighborhood and I can't really turn my brain off the same way. boooooo
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moonystoes · 7 months
you got the french school system all fucking wrong BOOOOOO THROWING TOMATOES
that's how I would send a hate comment not with fucking capitals at every sentence and weird spacing
Shit you're right lmfao I did do my research but I messed up the age LMFAOOO
Hey French people I'm sorry 🙏🙏 they should be around 15-16 which makes sense because I originally wrote this fic for them to be 15 and then changed the age last minute for some stupid reason lol.
It's okay because cee la voo or whatever 💞
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fluxofthemouth · 1 year
Holy shit I picked up Dune Messiah and got like a third of the way through so far!! What can I say...when you hang out with fans of Dune by Frank Herbert, sometimes you learn about cool stuff that often resonates with people who liked the story. Such as Actually reading the books. so here's how that's going
Forward by Brian Herbert:
sorry not sorry if this book about how people act in real life offends your squeecore sensibilities
Forward by Brian Herbert Also:
This is a book about Paul, and how Paul becomes larger than life, and how the many opportunistic people in his orbit seek to capitalize on proximity to him.
The author, my father, was a humble man and once responded to high praise with saying, "I'm nobody." Of course, he (MY dad) is obviously one of the best writers of all time (my dad who I am related to, hi I'm Brian) and I bet he could have been the president, even.
oh my god Karen you can't just ask a tleilaxu face dancer if they're a man
Paul: My role in mass human suffering is really eating at me, but it's like I don't even have choices in anything Advisor to Paul: Sire, the peasants say they want a constitution and lower taxes and - All of the Imperials in the room: BOOOOOO! HISS! OVERLAPPING ANGRY CHATTER UNTIL HE FLEES THE ROOM Paul: It's like I wake up in the morning every day and the future is as fixed as ever and I can't better anyone's life in any way
Paul: I'm locked into a predestined role. I can't make choices. this is hell. I'm in hell. Irulan: sucks, but if you let me have a baby then at least I would have a baby Paul: oh you're coming down with me
Guild navigator: we cloned your dead friend who hated the Harkonnens for their human rights abuses including slavery Hayt: conveniently, I am fine with being given to Paul as a gift Imperials: oh my god that looks just like Duncan Idaho. but does he act like Duncan? is that really Duncan? who can say... only time will tell...
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cashandprizes · 1 year
Y'all do not mess with zo when she is determined it's all over. She threatened my job 🤣🤣🤣
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Ok, ok, I'm off work. I'm coming to the DMs.
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batdorable · 5 months
boooooo i hate you alienation under late capitalism boooooo
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chickenspears · 5 years
I wanna see Harry and Lizzo in Miami, but a ticket is like $300 and it’s GA so I wouldn’t wanna go alone and none of my friends would pay that much. I don’t wanna pay that much either.
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handcoversheart-76 · 2 years
I think more shows should be like saiki k. like absolute nonsense , no reoccurring themes except for bad jokes and main characters who simply don't give a shit
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pointless-letters · 7 years
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BREAKING NEWS: Recent green ink shortage in Shrewsbury explained. (sent in by an anonymous contributor over on Twitter)
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faroreswinds · 2 years
Scarlet Blaze - Chapter 10
This is where an Important Decision TM is made that changes the course of the story. I’ve decided to do both on different save files, and then play each side of the story per chapter at the same time. One of the playthroughs will go on to be NG+. The other is just for story comparison’s sake. 
And now, for my notes.
So Claude is doing a strange attack formation, to limit causalities. Hilda has really matured here. She’s expressing her doubts and being.... pretty cool, honestly. 
Claude talks about possibly breaking the pact when the situation calls for it. 
Damn, the Kingdom brought peace to an area, and now they are actually getting marched on. They are surrounded. 
Ah, Jeralt’s mercenaries are back on the Kingdom’s side.
Makes sense for such quick reform to maybe cause revolts. 
Dimitri and crew agree reforms are needed, but after experiencing painful aftermaths of quick reform themselves via Lambert, they believe in doing it slowly. This is a more honest form of writing here, it’s logical how everyone has come to these conclusions and being honest that revolts are something that can happen. Even the Alliance, despite currently being allies with the Empire, have their grievances with the quick changes. 
Byleth has now been given a Knights of Seiros sword. I wish it actually meant something more, like symbolism. 
Rodrigue will be here, oh boy.
Gee, Dorothea, it is ok if the faces aren’t familiar? 
Randolph is.... just here. I guess to make his death feel more impactful when it happens?
I guess Arval can just... sense Sothis’ power. Because Arval is freaking out right now. 
Why do we always have to rescue or recruit the pathetic lords of Foldan? Yesh.
Yuri is pretty cut-throat here. He has no mercy with his words for his former friends, lol. But I love how he says “I always see a job through” then is like “well, yeah, guess I would prefer not to die, nevermind”.
R-rodrigue..... N-no..... :( We had to kill him.
We now get to.... the split. It’s time. One path to recruit Byleth. The other to kill him. Here we go.
Man, this is a weird way to recruit Byleth. It’s not easy- there are specific points to do.
But Byleth and crew surrendering is... weird. We didn’t actually BEAT Byleth. We just defeated Alois (the weakest member, lol) and we have to just run from Byleth. Jeralt wasn’t even there. 
Jeralt laughing at Alois’ jokes is cute though. At least Alois finally has a fan besides Dimitri. 
“We give people with abilities with proper outlets to use those talents in the Empire” Thanks Edelgard. 
Of course, everyone is VERY excited about Byleth. I mean, they are ALL over him instantly. No one cared he killed a lot of their allies. 
Except Arval and Shez. They are off in a corner. Arval says it is the right choice, so he doesn’t seem TOO upset. 
Oh no, Annette! She’s next on the chopping block. Simon, Annette’s cousin, ran off when he is supposed wield the Relic. Poor Gilbert. Annette wants to help so badly, and Gilbert just wants her save... Excuse me, GUSTAVE. :3 (He’s going by his real name again). 
Wait, we aren’t going to see Felix and Dimitri’s reactions to Rodrigue’s death? BOOOOOO. 
I like how an NPC mentions that winter in the Kingdom could make the fighting harder.
Simon is actually at the camp, and he LITERALLY wants to be a bard. How hilarious. 
One NPC mentions that neither Monica nor Edelgard often know where Hubert is. Hmmm...
Ferdinand’s line “There are practically no Kingdom nobles without Crests” is here at camp. Which... makes NO sense, btw. Ferdinand, there WERE nobles without Crests, but you keep RECRUTING THEM TO THE EMPIRE. 
Both Hubert and Lythithea wonder about what the Slithers will be doing. Lysithea wonders if they will do something to keep the war going, for “chaos” to spread. 
Ignatz wants to win the fight in the Kingdom capital so he “can explore”. Like.... I forgot how weird Ignatz can be about war. 
Bernadetta sympathizes with the Kingdom. Interesting. 
Manuela wants to reopen the academy. Edelgard and Ferdinand were excited by the idea and promised to help her. Lines up with what happens in Houses. 
This time, I killed Yuri. He says sorry, mom.:( 
I also killed Count Mateus, just to see what happens. Nothing exciting. He just died. Oh well. 
Byleth is acting strange. Likely cause Sothis is about to take control again.
Rodrigue.... sigh.... again dead. 
Jeralt shows up after he dies. Guess it is time to kill him. Shez literally wins because he is able to summon a sword and it caught Jeralt off guard. 
And Byleth kills Randolph. I felt... literally nothing, lol, why do they INSIST on making this character seem important? Well, bye, Randolph. This is part of war, Fleche.
Byleth just ran off after killing Randolph. Bye.
This path is way more emotional though. Better, so far. 
Fleche looks so crazed. Kek. 
Byleth learns after killing Randolph that Jeralt is dead. So, Randolph death was not some sort of revenge thing. 
Sothis is really pushing for Byleth’s body, she’s pretty vengeful herself. 
Instead of slobbering over Byleth, they actually talk about the battle and how bloody it was. 
Arval is just like “Randolph was just one guy”, lol
And Arval is being pretty manipulative here “I am the closest ally you have, no matter what anyone says”. Or something along those lines
Byleth isn’t really interested in seeking revenge. But Sothis kinda manipulates him into going for it. She even says she can just take his body by force if she wanted. I really don’t like this Sothis, tbh. 
Honestly, killing Jeralt is a more emotional path and way more interesting so far. Let’s see how the story improves or not depending on this choice. 
Weird. Hubert likes it if you have to ask who “they” are (The Slithers) but Lysithea, obviously, does not. 
Marianne is basically the only GD member who is unhappy to even be there right now. 
Starting with some Shez supports, the A ranks unlock after the timeskip.
Well, except Edelgard’s support. Her B support unlocks after the time skip.
Will the Slither in the Dark actually play a role in this route beyond Thales just popping up at the end?
“Everyone has a bone to pick with you” No shit, Shez, Edelgard started a war. 
Did...  really no one give two shits about talent in the Empire? This support is really pushing “Edelgard is changing the world” just because she gave Shez a job. :/ I mean, I don’t dislike her ideas on the basis of the best people for the job, but still.
Shez never once questioned his powers and the effects on his health? I know he’s a moron, but still. 
Linhardt’s putting the moves on Shez, I think. Damn boy, calm down. 
Petra is ALSO kinda putting the moves on Shez. She wants Shez to come with her to Brigid. Not as romantic as Linhardt’s, though, more she wants someone she trusts. But still pretty.... something. 
Edelgard, Jertiza is a murderer. Just “doing good in the world” is not enough. I’m gaining some more respect for Jertiza, which I never thought would happen. 
How did... Ferdinand come to know Lysithea’s secret about her shortened life? Huh? This is harder to listen to knowing Billy died so young.
I can’t believe the Slithers just left behind evidence of their experiments, lol. But it’s a nice, hopeful support Lysithea’s future. 
Caspar is delivering great results as a leader? Are you sure about that, Ferdinand? Caspar just.... fights. He’s literally not good for anything else. This one feels a little forced, not going to lie. But only just a little. 
Shamir has basically NO supports with anyone from the Alliance or the Empire. She only has supports with Balthus and Hapi (so far) and they are technically Wolves, unaffiliated. Fascinating. 
Dorothea learning she had the misunderstanding with Ferdinand from years ago first was nice. The yelling was honestly funny. Making it seem like a lover’s quarrel was funny too. Aw, they are blushing, cute. Hey, I may dislike Dorothea but cute is cute. 
Whoa, the guy on the date from Bernie and Linhardt’s support died. Blame the girl in red. It’s her fault. Linhardt is very practical here about death though. It feels callous but I kinda get it? But er.... Linhardt, are you saying you and Bernie love each other? This boy just fucking gets AROUND. (He did in Houses too). Oh, wait, the guy didn’t die. He lived to the power of love. Kek. 
Holy crap, Petra killed someone in Hubert’s A support. Hubert wants his leaders to be far away from battle. And they are destroying chivalry in this support. 
Hubert being nice to Lysithea is so strange to me, but I get it. He sees her as his little sister. I get Hubert hiding his family to protect them but.... he’s a noble, isn’t there like... a registry of nobles that lists the family? Did his father also hide their existence? 
Holy crap, Shamir is is cut THROAT with Balthus, lol!
Shamir outright basically says she’s into women, I think, saying that she doubts “their tastes are unlikely similar” with Balthus. Holy shit. Epic. 
It’s interesting that Shamir used to live in the Abyss after the big Dagda war. Rhea hired her after she got noticed. I find it odd that Shamir has a relatively positive talk about Rhea here when they are after Rhea, but whatever. And the God of Fate of Dagda in the Abyss, huh. Probably another dragon tbh, since the Nabateans were so wide spread. 
Hapi and Shez’s A support - Shez wonders if his mom may have been on the run. Also, Shez can wonder if his powers can go astray. Which... is the opposite of what he said in another support. It’s not even main story stuff. Come on, why this inconsistency? Shez also wonders about a “dream” and experiments (I think he meant he dreamed of the test tube at the beginning of the game).
Hubert nerding out of coffee making with Hapi was cute. Useless, but cute. Would have preferred info on the Slithers. What a waste. 
Mercedes is still apologizing for her murderous brother. Mercedes is so blind by love, blind by her past brother and what he was like. Let him go to jail, Mercedes. I have more respect for him than I do you in this support. 
Shamir is KILLING Balthus in their B support. I love it. 
Ok, unlocked all of Shez’s A supports that can be viewed at this time, so the below comments are for these supports that I felt were worth mentioning:
With Caspar - Caspar calling Shez a “regular” person when he can shape-shift is silly. But I guess Caspar’s father still managed to beat him up, I guess. 
With Dorothea - Interesting, the background battle music has been canonized as real music, lol. Ah, and here we go “Wow, self-insert, thanks to you I found joy again, yay”. 
With Monica - Monica is basically Tharja. She literally stalks her, counts the number of times she drinks or how many days it’s been since she drank tea. What she said, where she ate, every sigh.... At least Shez tells her it’s weird. And wow, Shez can how express his undying love with her permission..... WHO WROTE THIS?!
With Mercedes - For a big war, getting tea and desserts seems REALLY fucking easy
With Lysithea - “Giving advice isn’t exactly my strong suit” Dude, Shez, my man.... You give the BEST fucking advice because you are the protagonist. But it is funny he apparently memorized lines to give to people... which I never get that impression anywhere else, so it feels forced. 
With Jeritza - I really hope Jeritza’s father didn’t kill his cat after his mother and sister left.... 
With Ignatz - literally all these A supports are just “why don’t you join with me after the war in some way”. 
With Manuela - Manuela.... likes ‘em young.....
With Shamir - We kinda already knew this about her past. And... it’s just as simple here as it was in Houses. Although, Shamir is right.... Shez, everyone adores you and tells you their sob stories. You DO hear it all the time. 
That’s it for the Shez supports for now that were worth mentioning, now for other supports I have unlocked. 
Petra and Edelgard’s A support - They keep saying Petra is the Queen of Brigid, but I thought she said at some point she hadn’t be crowned yet. Does... anyone remember? Anyways, it’s nice to actually ASK Petra if she should be there. She can even walk away. I don’t.... really understand why Petra is deciding to, though, except that she is Edelgard’s friend, really. I’ve been through so much supports that I am starting to forget things. If anyone knows, someone please remind me....
Edelgard and Monica A Support - Fucking hell, Monica is so creepy.... Nothing more to say, it’s just creepy as hell. Monica is literally Tharja. 
Monica and Hubert A support - I noticed the supports are more dynamic visually. Different angles, different way the characters stand.... anyways, another support about how wonderful Edelgard is. Except, well, Hubert admits that Edelgard is kinda sensitive. And now I’m confused. Hubert says that Edelgard plans to remove noble from land, so nobles will inherit titles but not land with it. Except.... then he says that nobles and commoners will not be a thing anymore. That’s... not how it works. If you have a title, you are noble, even without land. Hell, HUBERT’S family has no land at all. 
Edelgard and Caspar’s support - Uh, I wonder how the support will be different if Raphael is killed. Caspar mentions Raphael and that they should invite him for a spar. 
Yeah, this Edelgard is way nicer. She wants to help since she’s sending people to their possible deaths. That’s part of why she fights on the front lines, anyways. 
Edelgard and Dorothea support - Interesting, Edelgard blames herself for Dorothea losing out on academy experience. To be fair, it’s not entirely her fault per say. Yes, it’s her actions that did lead to it eventually closing down for a while, but ultimately, it was Rhea’s decision to close it down with all the countries experiencing all sorts of shit. 
Linhardt and Petra’s support - Heh, Petra is so good at learning another language. Teaching herself the old speech. Cute support. Also, people apparently spoke like that when the goddess walked the earth. Not too surprising, with how Sothis talks.
Monica and Dorothea A support - Um... why DOES Monica know Dorothea have scars? Frankly, I really don’t know why Dorothea is here, her reasoning is pretty much just “friendship”. It’s not like she’s on the defending side here. 
Caspar and Dorothea’s support - Saying Foldan has problems is like saying Canada, the US, and Mexico have problems and so the United States needs to go in and fix them. Sigh....
Dorothea and Petra support - Petra mentions that people in Brigid fight over who sits on the throne. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM DID THE CENTRAL CHURCH CAUSE THAT TOO?!
Caspar and Petra A support - Petra sends Caspar’s father a dual message. Caspar intercepts. This is honestly one of the more interesting supports I’ve seen. Petra attacks Caspar instead... and wins, but decides to spare Caspar anyways. I guess Petra because queen of Brigid for... private reasons by this point in the story. 
What makes this support interesting is how different it is from Houses. In Houses, Caspar is the one who feels guilty about what his father did. Here, he doesn’t seem like he feels guilty, although he feels bad. Petra, on the other hand, is angry here, unlike Houses, where she has made more peace with the reality of what had happened. Fascinating. 
Constance and Petra A support - Man, they wasted this support. I wanted to know about the war with Brigid, not just their feelings on the past. 
Wait, Petra’s younger brother and sister will be killed most likely if Petra didn’t take the throne?????? Wtf, why? Does anyone know?!
Marianne and Bernie - Bernie has a hidden talent in horses in Houses, so it’s nice that this support calls back to that with Marianne noting Bernie is good with horses. 
Bernie and Hapi’s support - Literally Bernie’s face at the end was :0
Lorenz and Ignatz’s support - Literally, war has been good to Ignatz because he gets to march around Foldan and paint on the go. But... Lorenz realizing Ignatz wants to paint was.... honestly really, really sweet. Like... I like this support. A lot.
Lorenz for King, his supports are GOLD.
(They 100% did not have Lorenz’s model sitting or anything, they just lowered his model and angled the camera in his support with Marianne, kek)
Lysithea and Raphael’s A support - the art of the puppy is the creepiest thing I have seen in this game, those eyes.... will haunt me....
Ignatz’s mother was a pegasus knight? That’s kinda a cool thing to learn. Is that from Houses? I don’t recall. And he wanted to to become a pegasus knight, that’s cute. I mean, though.... he could still ride wyverns if he wants to fly. And wait... is he crushing on Marianne? I’m wondering because of his “you can sense my feelings?!” comment. 
Hapi and Shamir’s support - Jesus, they ripped Rhea a new one, saying that anyone who served Rhea and the Goddess pushed people around. Why is that unique to them? 
But we also get some Dagda lore. It wasn’t much different than Foldan, except it felt freer, which meant more conflicts. More freedoms, more conflicts... not that unrealistic, really. I take this as confirmation that despite Rhea “holding back Foldan”, Dagda isn’t somehow more advanced or that much different to Foldan in that way. Kek.
Me waiting for the supports to finally end because there are so many and they are so long.....
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cuttl-efish · 4 years
Boooooo!!! We )(AT-E your capitalism!!!! 3>8(
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