#boosh thoughts
chewbaccas-toes · 11 months
The people in the airbnb above my apartment are fucking but they go really hard for about 30 seconds and then stop for about 30 seconds
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babystarsss · 12 days
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half asleep, taking your time
in the tangerine, neon light, this is luxury
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you’re not saying your in love with me but you’re going to
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half awake, taking your chance it's a big mistake, i said
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it might blow up in your pretty face i'm not saying, "do it anyway"
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but you're going to
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horsemeatluvr23 · 28 days
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papa k.... keralis..... big eyes boy.... i originally did the doodle of him on brown paper just as a sketch idea but then. i couldn't be bothered to redraw the entire thing so i just stuck it in my sketchbook!!!!
this is his season 9 skin dreaming about his season 10 base heheheh
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metalbrojack · 3 months
I sneezed on Metallica and now they have my diseases
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trilobel · 1 year
@booshfest first Booshmas prompt! First kiss, exploration, school. Let's gooo
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divinebunni · 1 year
divine bush, divine armpit hair, divine leg hair, divine arm hair, divine facial hair, divine feminine moostache, divine hairy boobs, divine tummy hair, divine toe hair, divine knuckle hair, hair hair hair
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tundrafloe · 2 years
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Noel: “When shows become a bit 'alpha male' I don't like them. I prefer them when they're all flowers and unicorns."
(Guardian, 2009)
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julianandnoel · 1 year
Boosh theory time !!
Crackfox was Howard and Jack coopers love child. He absolutely bummed that fox and his son grew up without a father. Very sad, really. Thank you for coming to my TED talk :)
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caps-clever-girl · 2 years
i think robin would rly like the mighty boosh
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amiscreations · 2 years
*at Viv’s birthday party*
not one soul:
Sav, after entering fashionably late with a smoke machine, pyro and confetti: ✨✨friends, family, your are the chosen ones. you have been brought here for one purpose and one purpose alone: to bask in the glory of me and my outfit, and party like you've never partied before!!!!✨✨
everyone: *applauds and cheers*
Sav:  ...oh yeah and its Viv’s Birthday as well
based on this
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peaceblank · 1 year
Why does bassoon seem to be the go to comedy instrument in British shows.
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chewbaccas-toes · 1 year
You can tell that internet companies evolved from cable companies bc they want nothing but to reap your soul and sell it for $20 extra per month
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snorzyy · 26 days
People I'd Like to Get to Know Better
tagged by @dristamal and i thought this would be a nice opportunity to interact w my moots bc im terrified for no good reason to talk to people here so i tag @shittywriterbrain @catgirl-vampireboy @electriccnoir @z0mbievomit @imanemojoke @superfast-jellybitch
Last Song I Listened To: The Patron Saint of Liars and Fakes by Fall Out Boy
Favorite Colour: Red (idk why i just think its nice and in my mind its a neutral)
Currently Watching: s6 of taskmaster
Spicy/Sweet/Savory: honestly savoury !! i’m a big dinner guy dinner is my favourite time
Relationship Status: i have a wonderful gf so i am consequently taken
Current Obsession: I mean its a constant but i cant stop thinking about the mighty boosh rn
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vern-a · 1 year
Forevers character is so funny. Competent, rich, genious man, who is cracked at the craft and cares deeply for his family. He uses his huge brain to protect the eggs at all costs. He is thoughtful, determined and consistent in his goals.
Enter Phil. A random gremlin of a man who happens to look like someone Forever knows.
Proceed to reduce Forever to a complete idiot. This man is now feral for one thing only - the love of a man whos only traits are violence on sight and boosh boosh.
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isa-ghost · 5 months
I always want more q!phil headcanons, even if there are not asks about it
Oh fuck yeah man. Here's my previous sets if you haven't read them:
Set 1
Set 2
Set 3
And here's more:
He fucking HATES feeling on edge. He's extremely familiar with it, but that never dulls his hatred for the ick it gives him. That knot in his stomach, the flutter in his chest, the reeling in his mind, the fire in his nerves, the tremble in his limbs. That unshakeable feeling that no matter what or where he is, his back is vulnerable. This man wants to be Fight over Flight or Freeze EVERY time, so when he can't control the situation or can't anticipate what happens, he mcfreaks it. How can he prepare to survive when he doesn't know what to prep against? Or in the case of the Ender King business, how can he do anything to prepare against an all-powerful God?
He's struggling a bit with the whole Rose thing. Does he keep her a Death Family Secret? Does he extend her protection to his closest friends like Fit & Ramon? He'd like to give them the same extra layer of security he has from her, even if just to give Fit a little more peace of mind, but he respects Rose & values her & her aid deeply. He doesn't want to stretch her too thin, or worse, come off like he takes her love & protection for granted. It's the one case in which, while very tempting, he resists that urge to be overzealous. He's just torn because he doesn't want to see any of his friends hurt. So because of the way he is, he feels guilty that he has a secret extra oomph to how safe he & his kids are
Speaking of Rose, when there's no immediate crisis at hand, he loves to gush to her about life. He talks so highly of Missa & Fit & Etoiles. He asks her if she's seen the latest silly things Chayanne & Tallulah have done. He rants on and on about the Federation. Can you believe those guys Rose?
He tries and, like in all other situations, fails not to swear around/to Rose. She's a deity, a very.. not exactly formal, but Prestigious deity nonetheless. It's no place for swearing. But Phil is cursed with Autopilot Sailor Mouth so half the time he's dropping f bombs while heated or scared about something, he's not even registering what's coming out of his mouth. Besides, he's gotta focus his train of thought or else them 80 HDs he's got will derail it. Can't be focused on not saying the fuck word
Speaking of ADHD, much like his swearing, he sometimes doesn't register himself vocal stimming either. Boosh boosh boosh, he's tunnel-visioned on his task. The kids & polycule find it endearing to witness. Sometimes they get passed onto other islanders
He thinks Bagi is so fucking cool. Like yeah, it's cool his good friend Cellbit has a sister or whatever but that's not what makes her cool. She's fucking brilliant. She's headstrong, she knows what she wants & what she's looking for. She gets shit DONE. And god help whoever hinders her efforts. He's allergic to giving himself any credit whatsoever, so in his eyes she's a billion times cooler & smarter & more badass than he is, rather than like. A few thousand times cooler & smarter. But yeah, she's a superhero in his eyes
Tbh putting him with either of the Theory Twins is a sight to behold. Phil is a brilliant strategist & very resourceful. There's such strong, immaculate chemistry between this man who loves to think & is a natural at planning, and either of the twins who are good at making the puzzle pieces fit & seeking out nooks & crannies for more info. When put together they truly are a force to be reckoned with to the Federation
When left to his own devices & off-duty as dad + not needed by any of the islanders for something serious, he let's loose. No more wise bad bitch crow man who's palpably emotionally damaged yet won't admit it. He's off the shits. You've seen Eggza. That's him de-stressing by fully indulging his favorite things: preparing necessities for survival & being an absolute wildcard.
I can't tell if I like the idea he legitimately can't see glass bc crow hybrid or the idea that he fakes it to amuse the kids & his friends For The Bit better. Maybe he plays it off like a bit but he legit can't see it. Idk.
I said it in a rant about Phil's characterization and I'll say it again: this man doesn't fucking realize he's flawed. Like he thinks he is but not in the way he actually is. He doesn't recognize his actual flaws as flaws. Or doesn't realize they're flaws. Or maybe is ignoring that they're flaws because he uses them to cope or something. Either way. What this man THINKS are his flaws & his actual flaws are entirely different things. In his mind his actual flaws are something he thinks are normal bc he's just Been That Way for so long.
This one follows the assumption that hc!Phil & q!Phil are the same person but his memory is lost, BUT: while making multiple bases (Phil & Missa, The Nest, Uppies 2, etc) is a strategic move against threats, it's also perhaps... a subconscious thing on Phil's part. Discovering massive, beautiful places & adding his own touches to it to either restore or improve his finds... He can't quite place or even explain why he enjoys this.
He likes to collect things that make him think of his friends & the kids ("oh Tallulah will like this!" "Ooh, Fit said something about needing that!") but because he has that good ol ADHD memory, he'll store it in a backpack for later & then promptly forget about it or get distracted
God, he is so incredibly proud of Tallulah for liking to build pretty things like her farm or botanical garden. She really is su niña <3
[Wants to support Chayanne by being involved in his cooking hobby] [Observes Chayanne cooking] [Absorbs no knowledge whatsoever] :D
He hates the rain. Not only is it a Quesadilla Island Horrors omen, but it's also annoyingly wet & makes for even more dangerous mobs around. Also the bad weather makes his wing pain flare up
If only communicators (meta: in-game chat) allowed for sending pictures. At least then he could send Missa memes while they're apart 😭
Stay tuned, I have like 4 other sets coming because I got asks. :D
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trilobel · 1 year
Late @booshfest Booshmas prompt: HIGH
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First quote is mine, some are internet and last two are by Teddy, thank you my friend ❤️❤️
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