that-scouse-wizard · 2 years
Happy FFWF ❤️💙
Walk me through your beautiful mind and tell me how you chose your love stories for your character.
Thanks for the ask! Warning: Long post ahead.
Okay so first, I played it safe with HPHM, putting them with canon characters.
David and Merula, I honestly loved the foil that MC and Merula are for each other in the main story of HPHM. However, it could have done with a lot more fleshing out, which is really what I wanted to do in creating their relationship.
Whether they're enemies or just rivals to lovers is up for debate but regardless I liked their at first very contentious relationship gradually developing into an admission of respect. It culminated in the two catching feelings for each other, Merula defending him and eventually the two dating. The rest as they say, is history.
Amelia and Chiara, now I tend to flip flop on this as I really do like the thought of Amelia travelling the world, taking down creature poaching operations and breaking hearts. On the other, I do like Amelia and Chiara meeting up again later in life and kindling an unspoken love for each other.
Phoenix and Erika, these two are the loosest as I haven't had much time to develop them. But, I like the thought of them being rivals to lovers, Phoenix being one of the few able to truly get under Erika's skin.
For everyone else, it's a little different, with a lack of knowledge or interest in the canon of HPHL and HPMA, I started going with OC x OC ships instead. I’m a great fan of the idea that shipping can be used to really help grow and develop both halves of the ship. So I cast my line into the great sea of OCs and see who bit first. Thus, I wound up with Leila, Gareth, Lydia (@rogueharrington), Asher  (@cursebreakerfarrier) and Hazel (@kc-and-co). Also, Valentina  (@camillejeaneshphm)
I love Reubeila being able to find a loving family in each other after experiencing a horrible home life. I love Clareth’s will they/won’t they yet there’s still a fierce sort of loyalty between them. I love Marilyd’s friendly rivalry that developed into friendship and then one of the most amazing romances. I love Asher and Robin’s angsty side that let Robin show a bit of softness in contrast to the loud, brash, goofy girl that she usually is. I love Nick and Hazel, I feel like it would make Nick more confident, and I adore the support they would have for the other’s ambitions. Luis, my Marauder’s era boy and his tragic romance with Valentina is also one of my favourites for the fact that they knew they loved each other but never quite got there.
But overall, what I really look for in a ship? Satisfaction, plain and simple. Whether they become life partners, strike out on their own or if the romance ends with a hint of tragedy, as long as it was a satisfying journey and conclusion, I’m okay with how any ship turns out.
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that-scouse-wizard · 3 years
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Amelia basically: SAVE THE WIFEY!
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that-scouse-wizard · 3 years
💀 🎭 💝 for Willowsnyde, Boothbosca and Reubeila please!
💀 - What would they dress up as for Halloween? 
These two are dressed as zombies together, likely as a bride and groom too.
Anything but werewolves, maybe vampires.
Cowboys... the sheriff and the outlaw.
🎭 - Who is the dramatic one?
Merula without a doubt, girl has a flair for the dramatic.
Amelia, especially when she’s showing off her gymnastics for Chiara.
I’d say Reuben if it comes to talking about dragons, though Leila loves listening to his ramblings.
 💝 - What do they love about each other the most?
David loves Merula’s eyes and her willingness to see things through. Merula loves the feeling of being wrapped up in David’s arms and the banter they have even long into their married life.
Chiara loves watching Amelia as she perfectly lands a gymnastics manoeuvre in admiration of the precision and concentration it takes to pull it off. Amelia loves Chiara’s strength and compassion when she honestly has every right to be cynical from her affliction.
The two of them admire the other for how they got out of their poor family situation and later on forging a new one in each other. The fact that they chose each other is what they love.
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that-scouse-wizard · 3 years
1, 6, 12 & 18 mix and match any ships you want
Thanks for the ask! I’ll go for Willopeia, WillowsRath, and Boothbosca.
1) What, specifically, was the catalyst for their physical attraction (if applicable) to the other character? In other words, what in particular had them like “Oh, they’re…hot…”
6) How do they react to the realization that they like the other character? Is it an “oh my god I’m never going to think about this again” thing, or are they pretty comfortable with it?
12) How much independence do they prefer in a relationship—do they want to share their lives as much as possible with their partner, or do they prefer to mostly do their own thing and let their partner do their own thing?
18) They’re going through something incredibly difficult—perhaps they’re very sick, have lost a loved one, or have gone through a traumatic event. Do they ask for or accept support and care from their partner, or try to isolate themselves?
1) For David, it would have been after Sprout put them together for an assignment during one of KC’s catch-up lessons. For KC it would have been seeing David whacking bludgers for Quidditch practice.
6) Neither of them are complaining when they realise they like the other. KC is very comfortable with the idea of liking a tall, sporty guy with good hair. And let's face it, KC is a gorgeous girl who can kick David's arse, that's right up his alley.
12) David and KC are definitely a mix. On one hand they both deeply value their independence. On the other, they would also run the Quidditch camp together and be together as much as they can.
18) KC might try to be strong and try to distract herself somehow though she would accept David's help and support. David is more likely to actively seek KC out for support and she would gladly provide him with whatever comfort he needs.
1) David has had a crush on Erika since he got to know her in second year, while it went away after she let him down gently, it came back with a vengeance after Erika kissed him at the end of his fifth year. Erika realised she was attracted to David at the beginning of her fifth year after realising he would be one of the people she would miss the most.
6) David was admittedly nervous when his crush didn’t truly go away after Erika let him down. Erika was more anxious about liking him since she didn’t want to make it seem like she was trying to mess with him.
12) These two are more independent from each other, preferring to let the other do their own thing but will always be willing to make time for each other.
18) Erika would still remain stoic but she would really be hurting and want David at her side. If it’s the other way around, David would seek Erika out and while she might not offer comforting words, she’d hold him close as an assurance that she’s here for him.
1) For Amelia, she had a crush on Chiara throughout her Hogwarts years starting from her fourth year but with everything that happened, she didn’t really get the chance to act on it. Chiara realised it after being concerned with Amelia’s safety during the war when the Order learns her apothecary was destroyed.
6) Chiara was initially freaked out because while she had still made friends she wasn’t sure about being in a committed relationship, knowing that her partner would have to deal with her transformations. Admittedly, Amelia was apprehensive about Chiara’s lycanthropy but reasoned she could help brew wolfsbane potions.
12) These two definitely want to share a lot, especially since it helps the two of them relax from their stressful jobs as a healer and magizoologist respectively. 
18) Both of them will actively seek out comfort from the other. Chiara was one of the first people Amelia sought comfort in after Alder’s death.
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that-scouse-wizard · 3 years
💋 for Chiara x Amelia?
This happened during a bird watching trip Amy took Chiara on. They hadn't seen anything in a while so they resorted to talking about life, holding hands and then Chiara made her move and kissed Amy.
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that-scouse-wizard · 3 years
I just realised I have the trifecta of romances now.
Willowsnyde: Enemies to lovers
Pherika: Rivals to lovers
Boothbosca: Friends to lovers.
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that-scouse-wizard · 3 years
10 and 16 for your boys David and Reuben, and 17 for your badass girl, Amelia 💛
10) If they have a partner, what pet names do they use for each other?
David has called Merula the following: Mer, Dear, Babe and Little Blackbird.
Merula calls him the following: Dear, Love and My Shepherd.
16) What names did they give their children? Or what names will/would they give their children?
David and Merula have two kids, Robin and Nicholas. Robin keeping in Merula's family tradition of naming children after birds. Nicholas means "Victory of the People.", essentially named after the fact that David and Merula survived in spite of everything thrown at them.
10) Reuben tends to refer to Leila as "Lei" or "Dear"
Leila only uses pet names for Reuben, eventually referring to him as "My love." most often.
16) There is indeed a Reubeila kid now, his name is Connor. Not sure about any more on the horizon for the moment.
17) What is their opinion on nicknames?
Amelia doesn't mind them, actually she quite likes being called Amy and Chiara has referred to Amelia as her Keeper.
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that-scouse-wizard · 3 years
💘 Boothbosca?
Chiara Lobosca, a nurse working in Lancaster. Tending to patients is what she does, making sure their needs are met. Many express gratitude for her attentive kindness. She didn't however expect a patient arriving with a concussion to flirt with her.
Amelia Booth, a gymnast who suffered a nasty spill and wound up with a head injury. She blacked out though didn't expect to be greeted to the sight of a silver-haired angel tending to her.
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that-scouse-wizard · 3 years
10, 12 and 15 for Boothbosca? Thanks! -hphmmatthewluther
Thanks for the ask @hphmmatthewluther
10) Who is more likely to make puns with stuff they see when they go out?
Definitely Amelia, in fact it was with a pun that she proposed to Chiara. She took her on a bird watching trip and the moment they saw a bird, Amelia took out the ring and said, “I guess you could say my heart really soars for you.” 
12) Do they have a secret handshake? If so, what is it?
Honestly kind of see it being something like this knowing these two:
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15) Who is more likely to build a pillow fort?
Amelia has come home to find Chiara huddled up in a pillow fort, naturally she joined her.
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that-scouse-wizard · 3 years
16 and 18 for Amelia and Chiara?
16) What do other characters think about this relationship?
Pretty much everyone who knew them were thrilled when they got together. David even shouted "It's about damn time, Amy!"
18) Describe or write a really angsty scene!
It would have to be the moment when Amelia sees Chiara transform for the first time. Amelia, feeling completely helpless at seeing the painful transformation. Most of Chiara's angst would come before and after the event, largely from worrying that Amelia will see her as a monster.
Of course Amy is scared but she steels her nerves, knowing that Chiara took Wolfsbane in the appropriate time frame. Chiara does remember what happens with Amelia staying at her side.
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that-scouse-wizard · 3 years
Directors cut on the blind date prompt, please!!!!
For this I wanted to effectively show a little scene involving Boothbosca reuniting properly. Given Amy's interest in magical creatures, I thought it would make sense for a first date in a zoo.
Also, I really wanted David to just be a little shit about Amy's love life so... naturally he sets the two of them up on a blind date.
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