#azerothian details
maltacus · 3 months
Velonara-tossing tauren's lore
Pirates of the Caribbean AU
Elizabeth Swann: Jaina.
Governor Swann: Daelin.
Will Turner: Sylvanas.
Jack Sparrow: Alleria.
James Norrington: Arthas.
Gibbs: Muradin.
Barbosa: Ner'Zhul
Cursed coins: Frostmourne (in spirirt), maybe silver anchors like Jaina's?
Compass: Mana-activated, meaning Jaina and a few others can use it but not ordinary people?
Davy Jones: Illidan?
Dutchman and Crew: The Naga.
Calypso: Azshara. When she and Illidan fell out it was know as...the sundering :)
East India Company: Burning Legion?
Beckett: Kil'Jaeden? Holds some sway over Illidan like Beckett holds some sway over Davy Jones but the respective minions are not so content.
Kraken: N'zoth?
3 stories would cover movie trilogy, 20k words each but one at a time.
1k chapters? Would be pleasant to write short chapters and be able to post often but perhaps it is too short to be exciting.
Curse of Black Pearl AU.
Follows most of movie script but with Azerothian twists and details? Like the vengeful Alleria (also suits her character) keeps a single arrow instead of bullet for Ner'Zhul.
.1 Prologue with crossing from Quel'thalas. Backstory of them knowing each other in Kul Tiras when growing up. Making excuses to see each other.
.2 Arthas promotion and Jaina faints
.3 Allerias arrival and saving Jaina. Alleria has a single arrow for her bow instead of single bullet.
.4 Alleria duels Sylvanas and is captured. Insults Sylvanas saying she is unable to please a partner, counterpart to eunuch jabs. Lacking stamina is perhaps the reason she trains all the time with her blades instead?
.5 Pirates attack and Jaina is captured by dark rangers acting as Ragetti and Pintel and rest.
.6 Jaina and Nerzhul have dinner and undeath is revealed
.7 Sylvanas springs Alleria out and steal ship
.8 Sail for Tortuga - Booty Bay.
.9 Recruit Muradin and mad crew
.10 Sail for Isla de Muerta - Broken Isles.
.11 Steal back Jaina. She and Sylvanas kiss.
.12 Nerzhul attacks and sinks them
.13 Alleria and Jaina on the rum isle
.14 Arthas arrives and Jaina persuades him get Nerzhul
.15 Alleria negotiate with Nerzhul who then storms Dauntless
.16 Nerzhul turns captured Arthas to undead by chest
.17 Battle Nerzhul
.18 Defeat Nerzhul
.19 Save Alleria in Port Royal
.20 Aftermath. Arthas complements Sylvanas on Frostmournes quality and expect the same care showed for all aspects in her life. Pointedly says the gift went right to his heart, as its an estoc rapier made for piercing.
lright, so in the first part, the Curse of the Black Pearl, we have an established one-sided pining from baby-not-yet-pirate Sylv, and a Jaina that goes from "wtf pirates??? I wanna go home???" to "huh pirates" to proving that she's actually a capable figher -and pirate-; would be neat if she first considers Sylv as merely a friend, then they grow closer but she's still on the fence about it, and while at sea and adventuring and running from Nee'zhul she goes "wait I actually have feelings???"
Perhaps Alleria being stupid in rum isle makes her realize her feelings for Sylvanas? In a "she may have pirate blood but she's honorable and honest and would never hurt me and- oh no, feelings"
And of course that final scene in which Jainabeth goes "surprise I'm not marrying Arthas I'm marrying Sylvanas" while Alleria does her famous disaster exit
VITAL QUESTION #1: What is the female equivalent of the recurring implications that Will Turner is a eunuch???
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starshipeu · 9 months
Embrace the Festive Spirit🎄
Get ready to celebrate the holiday season in true Azerothian style! Join us for a Winter Veil Amirdrassil raid on Thursday, December 28th, at 20:30 Realm Time. This special event promises a perfect blend of merriment, camaraderie, and epic encounters.
🌟 Event Details:
🎁 Christmas Transmogs: Dress to impress! Unleash your creativity with festive transmogs and stand a chance to win a special prize.
🆕 All Are Welcome: Whether you're a seasoned raider, an alt enthusiast, or a newcomer, join us for a jolly good time.
🎊 Inclusivity is Key: Our environment is judgment-free. Come for the raid, stay for the laughter and camaraderie.
⚔️ Raid Difficulty: We'll start with normal difficulty and, if time permits, venture into a few heroic encounters.
📝 How to Participate: Sign up on our Discord server by following this link. Don't miss out on the festivities – let's make this Winter Veil raid one to remember!
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diaryofomellas · 2 years
Tag Game: Your Writing Education
Tagged by @late-to-the-fandom and ooh boy here we go.
This is where I SHINE! Research is my absolute favourite thing to do.
I’ve bought a bunch of Warcraft books for the specific purpose of learning as much about the lore as possible. Some I couldn’t find so I printed them myself like Durotan and Paragons. Printed some short stories as well. I also have a literal Warcraft library on my google drive to keep the stuff I couldn’t afford to buy or print, as well as a bunch of the audiobooks. It’s more organized than literally anything else in my entire life ever was. (If anyone wants the link, let me know. I’m happy to share my hoard)
In all my physical books you can find handwritten notes on the margins (both comments to what is being said and theories/headcanons), underlined passages for important stuff (personalities, character quirks, worldbuilding stuff, details I might be able to borrow for my own fics) and a fuckton of sticky notes. I also keep track of relevant questlines and NPCs/NPC lines in a notebook (or three). 
I swear there are always a minimum of five wowpedia pages open on my browser at any given moment. I’m also slowly (very slowly) building a wiki of my own series to keep track of everything in a single place.
So apart from all this lore, I also waste spend a lot of time doing research on other things.
Did research on how fast several animals can walk/run/fly so I could come up with the equivalent speeds for Azerothian creatures. On that same note I also spent an ungodly amount of time trying to figure out how far some important places are from each other and how long it would take for various creatures to go from one place to another using different methods. I don’t math, so it was hell.
I once spent over half an hour reading articles and watching videos on YT about how to steer a horse and make it go faster/slower so I could write one (1) sentence about it. 
I learned where are the perfect places in the torso to get stabbed/shot and not die immediately. Asked an actual doctor about it.
Did research on first aid, how to properly clean and bandage wounds, how to tell old bruises from new ones, how to treat several minor diseases with plant/herb/homemade remedies, etc. On a related note I also did research on using certain types of medication for torture purposes and I can’t even remember what the point of that was now).
Did a disturbing amount of research on the various states of decomposition for corpses.
Due to having an impaired sense of smell I continuously do in-depth research about the smell of different things including, but not limited to, different types of plants, the earth right after it rains, smog, burning human flesh, leather, death and the different schools of magic. (one of those is not like the others, I know, but I do believe magic must have a smell of some kind!)
One time I learned how to make bread in an orange peel in them middle of the woods. Also learned how to desalinate and purify water using common everyday items as well as build a fire without “modern” methods.  Rexxar would be so proud.
Spent SO MUCH TIME doing research on armor, the names of stuff, what people would wear underneath, how to keep warm in cold weather wearing armor.
How to fight and everything to do with combat. Fistfighting, daggers, swords, archery. Parkour and movement. Military vocabulary, strategies, ranks. Jousting tournaments. How long it takes for a grenade to explode. So much archery. Proper stance, vocabulary, types of bows and arrows, how to build your own arrows, how to catch arrows with your hands, my god the research on this never ends!
One time I spent over an hour learning how to skin animals properly. With videos. I did not have fun but my stupid character is a skinner.
Learned how to track different animals and how to tell them apart by the prints of their pawsies.
Wolf and horse sounds and behaviour! I have lists!
Had to do research on what snow sounds like and the different types because it never snows where I live.
... Should I go on? Because I could. xD
Tagging @thereeness​ and @brisaveloz​. What have you learned during your fic research?
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azerothian-details · 4 years
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Felwood || Landscape
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belialhaematemesis · 4 years
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Crystalsong Forest, Northrend
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wildswalk-the-stars · 4 years
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archmagus-jinx-blog · 6 years
I have decided to make a separate blog to stash all my future gifs and screenshots here:
I may be opening up spots for creating gif or gif sets for characters and groups of characters in the near future, stay tuned!
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jacob-holt · 6 years
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titanforgeme-blog · 6 years
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Ulfar’s Den - Drustvar
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blight-of-my-life · 2 years
On today’s episode of “Thinking Too Much About the Blightrunner Moments in the Sylvanas Novel,” we have examples of Nathanos being a caring, supporting boyfriend while Sylvanas is reeling from the unexpected, violent death of her parents.
When she first told him about what happened he “instinctively moved to embrace her, but Sylvanas stepped back” (chapter 9, pg.122) because she knew she’d break down and she wanted to focus on tracking down their killers.  She was like, “We need to go investigate, and since this happened in your territory you should come along.”  He got it immediately, and was like, “Okay, let’s go!”  He picked up on her unspoken signals right away and knew exactly what she needed from him.
Later, as she was inspecting her mother’s body for clues about the attack, “Nathanos had stepped up beside her, silent, but present and steady” (pg. 125)  Not making a scene, but letting her know he was there to support her.
Then he has a hunch where to look for clues, and they go off together (pg 126-127):
They shared a single dragonhawk so their words would not be lost in the wind. Sylvanas clutched the saddle, unwilling to touch Nathanos for fear she might break down. “Where are we going?”
“In a happier time, my family’s farmstead. It’s south of here.”
“I see...and what would we do there?” she said, a ghost of her old impish self peeking out, desperately seeking lightness in the darkness of the day’s revelations.
“Why, I would introduce you to my little cousin, Stephon,” Nathanos said in a deadpan voice. She smiled a little. He always knew what she needed.
“But today...we’re scouting. I respect the Farstriders, but I do not think they looked past the immediate area for clues.”
So basically she was hinting they should go back to his place for the Azerothian equivalent of Netflix and chill, and he respectfully played dumb by talking about having her meet his relatives, and she was like, “Yeah, you’re right, in my mental state I really shouldn’t be jumping into bed with anyone right now.”  Props to him for not taking advantage of her in a vulnerable moment.
They discuss their suspicions about the Horde being responsible for the attack that killed her parents.
Nathanos was silent, then he said in a soft voice that few other than Sylvanas had ever heard, “You would not have saved them.”
She closed her eyes in pain. “We will never know.  I could have tried.”
“I am glad you did not.”
Awwww!  And that detail about his voice...we know exactly what tone that is, as it’s the same one he had when he said, “Safe journey, my love.”
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mekandawn · 3 years
Caythaes Mekandawn
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the basics ––– –
NAME: Caythaes Mekandawn
CLASS: Sun Priest
AGE: 293 (roughly mid-twenties)
BIRTHDAY: August 28
RACE: Sin’dorei (Mostly)
GENDER: Non-Binary (They/them)
SEXUALITY: Pansexual
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Party Single (Polyamorous; Not looking to date)
physical appearance ––– –
Face Claim: Danila Polyakov / Klemens Hannigan
Voice Claim: Tobias Forge
HAIR:  Shoulder length red hair with an undercut kept neatly shaved on the left
EYES: Yellow
HEIGHT: 5′8′’
BUILD: Rectangle with a booty
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Orange runic tattoos up their torso and down their forearms.  A watercolor style sunset tattoo on their right shoulder. A burn scar around their right eye. Freckles. A robotic implant in their right eye socket. Their left arm is mechanical from mid-bicep down, and strongly resembles the style of the Titans. 
COMMON ACCESSORIES: Two pairs of spiderbite piercings decorate their lower lip, and their ears are decorated with two bronze earcuffs with illuminated panels in each. In addition to a few plain rings, they wear a dangling earring shaped like a lit bomb on their left earlobe, and a stud in the shape of an explosion in their right. A gold nose ring, and a red, downward pointing spike in the center of their lower lip. Goggles. A toolbelt.
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personal ––– –
PROFESSION: Priest of Belore // Engineer // Bartender // Succulent Tart
INCOME SOURCE: Mekandawn Mechanics
HOBBIES: Historical research/Archaeology, Music, Mischief, Learning, Tinkering, Fashion
LANGUAGES: Thalassian, Orcish, Common, Azerothian Sign Language
PETS: Molotov the Venomhide Raptor, Nitroglycerin the Void Cat, Phosphorus the Fel Cat; Jelly Baby the Slime Cat, Squishy, Gooey, and Drooly the Void Remnants
FEARS: Not being Good Enough, ostracization, loss
mentality ––– –
Social‌ ‌Level:‌‌ Outgoing Introvert. Loves parties and being around large groups of people, but often needs to spend an equal or greater amount of time on their own to recharge. Often willing to approach wallflowers to engage them in conversation.
One‌ Positive ‌Personality Trait: Patient and understanding, always preferring to choose kindness over hostility.
‌One‌ ‌Negative‌ ‌Personality‌ ‌Trait:‌‌ ‌Emotional. Easily frustrated and often hot tempered.
One‌ ‌Personality‌ ‌Warning: Meddlesome. They have a strong tendency to fuss over those they care about, and while they try not to be overbearing about it… they are sometimes overbearing about it.
‌Random‌ ‌Quirk:‌ Blushes easily, but isn’t greatly bothered by it.
‌Habits:‌‌ Caythaes’s ears tend to be a greater indicator of their emotional state than their expression. They wiggle them frequently when they’re happy, bored, annoyed, or just thinking very hard, and they droop a lot when they are sad or petulant. They also fidget a lot, chewing on their lips or fussing with loose parts of their clothing. 
CAYTHAES IS AUTISTIC. I’m just slapping this down where everyone can see it because it’s important to me as an Autistic person. Caythaes is not the quiet kind of Autistic, they are the loud, emotional kind that’s a little overly friendly and may express themself childishly at times. They speak with a stutter, not because they’re particularly nervous (although it’s worse when they are!), but because they struggle with articulating their thoughts (think Jeff Goldblum).
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sex & romance ––– –
PREFERED EMOTIONAL ROLE: submissive | dominant | switch | unsure
PREFERED SEXUAL ROLE: submissive | dominant | switch | sex repulsed | unsure
TURN ONS: strength, confidence, being really heckin tall, roughhousing, attention, praise
TURN OFFS: callousness, self-righteousness, cruelty for cruelty’s sake
LOVE LANGUAGE: Acts of service, Antagonism, Physical Contact, Attention to Detail, Biting
RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES: Frequently the victim of crushes, Caythaes tends to fall hard and fast, even though they know they shouldn’t. They love often and readily, flirt casually, and generally tease those they are the most comfortable with. They long for stability while still wanting the freedom to play, making them a rather fickle contradiction when it comes to romance. In all relationships, platonic or otherwise, they do their best to be mindful of people’s boundaries and they enjoy being helpful in whatever way possible.
traits ––– –
extroverted / introverted / in between
disorganized / organized / in between
close-minded / open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / in between
reckless / cautious / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
empathetic / uncaring / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / in between
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
SMOKING: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
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RP Hooks ––– –
You may know Caythaes if:
You lived in Goldenmist Village. Caythaes had a little repair shop near the blacksmith’s forge area called Mekandawn Mechanics. They mostly fixed clockwork or arcane magi-tech devices, but they were always ready and eager to work on any kind of engineering device or motor vehicles. Caythaes would also be known for setting off an outrageous amount of fireworks every few years at the end of August, riding an extremely loud motorcycle around town, and occasionally getting into fights with the village guards over the amount of noise/public disturbances they caused.
You were a part of the Sunfury. Caythaes was a low level maintenance engineer working at Mana Forge Ultis before it melted down.
You were a part of the Scryers. When Mana Forge Ultis began its meltdown, Caythaes hid their Sunfury Signet and escaped with a few others posing as “pilgrims.” Due to the frequency of unprepared pilgrims getting picked up after having a run-in with the wildlife, no one thought to question the ragtag, terrified cluster of elves. Upon the conclusion of the Outland campaign, they returned to Silvermoon and re-opened Mekandawn Mechanics in the bazaar.
You were a part of the Northrend forces located in the Borean Tundra. In between archaeological expeditions to the elven ruins near Bor’gorok Outpost, they repaired siege engines and provided support as a healer. They disappeared in the later half of the campaign, last seen semi-conscious and with their head in bandages.
You were a Champion of Azeroth. They spent most of the Fourth War bouncing between Titan sites, providing magical and mechanical support.
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asharinhun · 3 years
Pride/The Maw
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Daily Writing Challenge 2021
Day 13 - Pride / The Maw
Kiela inspected herself in the mirror and couldn't help a nod. She was clad in a garb similar to the one the members of the venthyr covenant wore, but hers was custom-made to fit her smaller frame and her preferences, especially the boots.
"It looks good on you. I was skeptical at first, but it really fits you well." A voice came from behind her.
"Ah, Ancalime. Thank you. I'm glad too, for falling and breaking my ankle after a few steps would have been painful and embarassing." Kiela chuckled, lifting her boots that were completely flat, unlike the normal high-heeled version the venthyr woman wore.
"Certainly. It would also leave a stain on my lord's pride in his reputation about caring about his guests." The venthyr added with a chuckle, flashing her fangs. "Why the look of a duelist, though? I was under the impression you are a spellcaster, not a melee fighter."
"True, fire magic is my specialty, but billowing robes or gowns can be cumbersome to move in, hardly the fitting choice for a dangerous place like the Maw. I don't have your grace, but I have better chances of dodging attacks in this. A pity my old outfit was destroyed by that bastard..."
"I would have loved to see it to compare to some of the... peciluar armors you Azerothians wear." Ancalime mused, thinking of some of the warriors with -in her opinion- too revealing outfits or those with enormous shoulderplates.
"You shouldn't judge a book by its cover, you know... or you might end up underestimating someone like my father." Kiela retorted, a touch annoyed because the venthyr did have a point on her old equipment, even if it was enchanted and far less vulnerable than one would think.
"My apologies. That is a mistake I don't want to commit, ever." Ancalime looked uneasy for a moment, recalling Asharin's might in his fight against Kiela's captor. An enormous armored bear with spikes, his paws covered by lighting, charging with the rage of a wild god... she had no confidence in escaping with her life, let alone putting up a fight.
Kiela smiled, but her expression became serious again. "I take it you aren't here to just chat, no matter how pleasant that would be. Are the preparations complete?"
"You are correct. The others are receiving their instructions right now, and will join us before departing to the heart of the covenant. Once there, Prince Renathal hismelf will fill us in on the details of the assault on the Maw. "The venthyr woman's change of mood mirrored the pyromancer's.
"You're coming too? That's... a pleasant surprise. I thought it would be unpleasant until I can meet up with Elyena during the assault, since she's with the night fae." Kiela allowed a small smile. "How come Lord Argo allowed it?"
"You forget that I serve not only as Lord Argo's right hand, but also as his blade. Capable fighters are a must if we are truly serious about gaining a foothold in that realm." That she was also his consort was a secret known only to a few, though Kiela had her suspicions.
"Okay, okay, I get it." Kiela lifted her hands placatingly, her mind focused once more on their imminent task. Assauting the Maw was a daring and dangerous plan, and she'd have avoided her participation if she could, but her conscience wouldn't allow going back to Azeroth before paying back everything she owed to Lord Argo N'aar and Ancalime for saving her life and their aid in her recovery. Once she was done with this final task, it will be over.
"Let's go before I get cold feet."
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katieskarlette · 4 years
After watching Afterlives: Bastion a few more times on fullscreen I have more thoughts (some silly, some serious).
1.  Uther has tears shining in his eyes at several points.  :(
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2.  Notice how when Devos tells him he will be “serving to ferry the souls of the dead” his vehement response is “I serve the Light.”  He instinctively knows that the Kyrians are not beings of the Light.
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3.  Uther’s soul splits in two:  the gold half goes to the Shadowlands, and the blue part gets sucked into Frostmourne.  We must assume the blue part is what speaks to us in the Halls of Reflection and appears alongside the other NPCs at the entrance of Icecrown after the raid is cleared.  But what is half a soul?  I’m reminded of the ancient Egyptian belief that the soul is comprised of many parts.  Are Azerothian souls similar?  Was the blue half of Arthas’ soul sucked into Frostmourne when he first picked it up?  Is the color of the soul halves in any way related to the Kyrians’ blue skin?
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4.  Devos says, “If he had purged his life, we never would have known of this calamity.”  This is awfully vague.  What does “purging a life” mean?  Who is doing the purging and who is being purged?  Is it “if Arthas had purged Uther’s life?”  If Arthas had purged his own life?  If Uther had purged Arthas’ life?  If the Jailer purged someone?  Ner’zhul?  Without knowing who she’s talking about, or what “purging” even means in this context, this raises a lot of questions.
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5.  The glow from Frostmourne fades as the camera pans closer to Arthas’ body.  Just a cool detail.
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6.  Arthas has stubble.  I assume he had that when his body became undead, not that he had a shaving regimen as the Lich King.  It’d be kind of hard to take off the Helm of Domination and shave every morning, leaving the Scourge to run rampant for a few minutes and then retaking control.  Am I overthinking this?  Hell yes.  Do I care?  Hell no.
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7.  I’m going to chalk this one up to effective artistic licence rather than lore importance, but I couldn’t help noticing the parallels between the Arthas’ eye/Maw imagery and the N’Zoth/Azshara imagery from her Warbringers short.  I highly doubt N’Zoth has anything to do with the Maw.
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8.  Uther seems to regain consciousness quite soon after entering the Shadowlands, but Arthas does not.  Is this significant?  Or did more time pass for Uther than we saw?  Did Uther’s clothes magically change to that Greek toga-looking thing?  If so, is there a reason Arthas’ soul remained in his saronite armor?
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9.  Arthas having dark eyebrows with that white hair makes him look like a Targaryen.  
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10.  Lastly, I couldn’t resist adding a comic book sound effect:
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In a modern AU Uther would be terrible at sorting recycling.  “No, Uther, plastic doesn’t go into the container for glass!  The cardboard doesn’t go in with the aluminum!  And Arthas doesn’t go in the Maw!”
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arcane-artisan · 3 years
Higher Definition
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Pinching the highly energized arcane crystal between her index finger and her thumb, Kiersa’s always-gentle touch rested the tiny battery into place. Standing to her feet, a deliberate (and accurate) kick slammed the panel shut. Immediately the arcane hologram flickered on. Various creatures appeared and disappeared until the hologram settled on an Observer, the back end of it directly in front of Kiersa’s face. Ew.
She quickly turned away from horrid sight, pushing her goggles off of her face and around her neck. Ruffling any remaining hair to free it from the strap, her eyes settled onto the Ethereal behind her. A’zhaan was preoccupied with his own artificing issue. In front of another emitter, he waved a panel of colorful metal embedded with crystals. He then observed to see it anything happened. Nothing did. A petty backhand toss threw the device to the side; if it had enough momentum it would have hit Kiersa instead of landing a meter in front of her. Staring at the object resting at her feet, she noticed it was a remote of sorts. She picked it up .   A’zhaan continued his rambling and his frustration moved onto the arcane emitter itself. “How in the gaping nether did Yxexil sync them?” He placed his hands on the side of the device. Had he the strength, he would have thrown it too.
“My assumption,” Kiersa said in as equally calm of a tone, “Is that, despite the similar energy of the crystals, the issue could be time. How old is this remote versus the emitter?” She showcased the remote to A’zhaan.
A’zhaan paused. “Several millennia, perhaps three, if we’re measuring purely on the consistency of Azerothian time. I put that at the bottom of the list of potential issues.” 
“I wouldn’t. Yxexil might pride himself in the complexity of his work, but the lack of adaptability makes it borderline worthless. Time is still a factor.” Kiersa shook her head in mocking sorrow. “What a tragedy.”
“Even if we were to get the convenience of a remote working...” A’zhaan glided towards Kiersa’s emitter, not even bothering to take actual steps. He leaned in towards the image and gestured at it with a knifehand. “The detail of his holograms are noticeably of higher quality than ours, too. Look how on this one, you can barely see the pores on the skin of this creature. The eyelash details. Blurs. Even more! On the back side, it’s plain. Observe down to the edges on the sphinc--”
Nope. None of that. Kiersa focused her hearing towards the birds in the trees. Out of politeness, she did not outright cover her ears. Only until A’zhaan stopped speaking and motioning at the rear of the creature did she allow her mind to process words again.
“We will work on it! It’s a simple fix!” She exclaimed. The perfect chance to change the conversation topic back to artificing. “Finding crystals that can sync is easy! But for the image: a crystal with as much flawlessness needed to project that high of quality-- good luck finding that on Azeroth.” A’zhaan stood up straight into a more dignified posture. “You should give your world more credit. There are reasons why it’s becoming among my favorites-- many of those reasons we can find in Northrend.”
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azerothian-details · 4 years
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Felwood || Landscape
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the-fortyseventh · 3 years
After Action Report - Operation Fallen Eagle
23 April 628 
All intelligence having been coordinated with the Ebon Blade, the time of their attempted infiltration of Torghast in order to rescue AEF VIP’s was coordinated with the Council of Harvester’s assault on Castle Nathria. 
Elements of the AEF joined the Council’s assault with the specific job of either securing or destroying the enemy’s anima stores in their entirety.  Given the disruption to their supply chain caused by both the AEF raid on the Halls of Atonement and the AEF occupation of Darkhaven, the loss of their stored anima was judged to be an optimal target. 
It should be noted that planning for this operation was made possible by PVT Davenport, who managed to secure the anima-storage details regarding our AOP during our initial seizure of OP Darkhaven. 
The AEF entered Castle Nathria and, after eliminating a small guard force, proceeded to the anima storage area. 
Outside the entrance to the anima storage area, SGM Brightmaul halted the column and searched the doorway.  This proved to be fruitful, as he discovered that the doorway had been rigged with a quick-release mechanism to deploy the portcullis.  He also discovered that the enemy had copied KNT Farnal’s warding design, presumably as a method of blocking Azerothian-style portals in addition to anima-based ones. MSG Goldmane disabled the booby trap on the door, and I altered the wards in order to seize control of them, effectively operating the enemy’s efforts against them.  The AEF then proceeded into the anima storage area, at which point they were confronted by enemy forces in the form of three venthyr who appear to have used local anima reserves as a force-multiplier. 
Those venthyr attempted to mirror-teleport an unknown force in to assist their assault.  However, due to SGM Brightmaul’s planning, they were unable to do so, and their failure to do so combined with Goldmane’s securing of our exit left the enemy venthyr without reinforcement, effectively counter-ambushing their ambush. 
During the combat, it was discovered that Puckmuck, our liaison from the Council, was in fact a spy as he’d claimed.  However, more specifically, he was a spy for Denathrian forces, which explains many of the recent occurrences and security lapses, as well as the ambush into which we would almost surely have walked but for SGM Brightmaul’s keen eyes. 
CDR Felmourne ensured that Puckmuck would cease to represent a security threat using direct methods that hardly need be belabored.[1:47 PM]AEF Forces prevailed easily in their counter-ambush, securing the anima storage area.  Explosives were affixed to all anima storage devices by CDR Felmourne, taking advantage of his ability to do so aerially.  At this point, a decision had to be made. 
All available intel at the moment indicated that Denathrian forces had, in fact, been prepared to ambush our assault.  Given Puckmuck’s status, I assumed that Denathrian forces had been alerted not simply to our goals, but also to the Council’s assault as a whole.  Given the attempt to portal, I also assumed that a significant Denathrian force was on its way via more conventional means to challenge us, leaving us with a minimal-time window.
The Council of Harvesters had previously expressed to the AEF its desire to seize the anima storage containers intact.  It may be that this was possible—I am unsure.  However, it is also possible, given the information available to me, that a massive counterassault was imminent and that Council reinforcements would not be forthcoming, having been ambushed similarly to the one planned for us. 
As a result, on my own authority, I determined to destroy the anima reserves rather than attempt to preserve them, and to evacuate the AEF to Oribos rather than face the counterattack.  This action fulfilled all AEF mission goals completely—but may have left the Council of Harvesters less than enthusiastic about further cooperation with the AEF.  On the other hand, risking AEF lives for the purpose of possibly improving diplomatic relations with the Council on the off-chance that they prevailed against their ambush seemed, in the calculus of death, to be inadvisable.  Responsibility for this decision is entirely mine, and I am prepared to answer for it. I will reach out to the Council in the coming week to attempt to repair at least some of the diplomatic damage, though I do not know how successful I will be.  Revendreth, like Maldraxxus, should NOT be considered a safe zone for AEF troops off-duty.  Off-duty troops seeking leisure shall restrict themselves to Bastion or Ardenweald, which has previously been secured by Horde AEF members. 
We await reports from the Ebon Blade as to the success or failure of our primary mission. 
KNT Tobias Farnal Platoon Leader, 1A1 47th Infantry Regiment
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