eventcharts · 1 year
I warned you about AI – Terminator director
Canadian film director James Cameron has said his 1984 sci-fi blockbuster ‘The Terminator’ should have served as a warning about the dangers of AI, and that the “weaponization” of the emerging tech could have disastrous consequences.
Amycus (questioning, insightful, doubtful, skeptical) quincunx Asbolus (common sense, intuitive forces, abstract logic (the Hollywood filmmaker has warned of a “nuclear arms race” in artificial intelligence)) sextile Borasisi (declarations (issued a statement calling to mitigate “the risk of extinction from AI”).
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Speaking to CTV News for an interview on Tuesday, the award-winning director was asked whether he believes artificial intelligence could someday bring “the extinction of humanity,” a fear raised even by some industry leaders.
“I absolutely share their concern. I warned you guys in 1984 and you didn't listen,” he said, referring to his film ‘The Terminator,’ which revolves around a cybernetic assassin created by an intelligent supercomputer known as Skynet.   
Cameron went on to warn that “the weaponization of AI is the biggest danger,” adding “I think that we will get into the equivalent of a nuclear arms race with AI. And if we don't build it, the other guys are for sure going to build it, and so then it'll escalate.”
In the event artificial intelligence is deployed on the battlefield, computers may move so quickly that “humans can no longer intercede,” the director said, arguing such technology would leave no time for peace talks or an armistice.
“When you’re dealing with a potential of it escalating to nuclear warfare, deescalation is the name of the game. Having that pause, that time out – but will they do that? The AIs will not,” Cameron continued.
The famed filmmaker has issued similar warnings in the past, saying that while AI “can be pretty great,” it could also “literally be the end of the world.” He even went as far as to say that “an AI could have taken over the world and already be manipulating it but we just don't know,” speculating that sentient computers “would have total control over all the media and everything.”
Though the tech has yet to achieve world domination, some leading experts have also sounded alarms about artificial intelligence. Earlier this year, AI giants including OpenAI and Google’s DeepMind joined academics, lawmakers and entrepreneurs to issue a statement calling to mitigate “the risk of extinction from AI,” saying it should be “a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war.”
A similar open letter published last March urged for a six-month pause on the training of powerful AI systems, saying they “should be developed only once we are confident that their effects will be positive and their risks will be manageable.” Signed by more than 1,000 experts and executives – including Elon Musk and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak – the statement warned that AI could pose “profound risks to society and humanity.”
Minor planet keywords developed by Philip Sedgwick, used with permission http://philipsedgwick.com/
Centaur, TNO & Asteroid Aspectarian http://serennu.com/astrology/aspectarians.php
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Only Tsingtao
Patrick Shiroishi - “Hidemi” - 2021
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dustedmagazine · 4 years
Listed: Patrick Shiroishi
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Patrick Shiroishi is a Japanese-American musician who lives and works in Los Angeles. He plays woodwinds, effects and keyboards, and his work has spanned ultra-complex prog rock with Upsilon Acrilux, cutting-edge jazz with musicians such as Alex Cline and Vinny Golia, and harder-to-situate improvisational efforts, which include a pair of cassettes by different trios on Astral Spirits. Early in 2020 Thin Wrist records released Descension, a harrowing contemplation of America’s heritage of ethnically antagonistic incarceration. Bill Meyer wrote of that effort, “it wants you to know something, and think about what you know.” Accordingly, Shiroishi’s list promulgates both musical and broader cultural knowledge.
Here are 10 books that are important/stayed with me over the years: 5 on music and 5 fiction.
Free Jazz in Japan: A Personal History by Teruto Soejima
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I thought I had a pretty good understanding of the free jazz scene in Japan, but boy did this book open my eyes. Tons of great information in detail and I discovered a lot of albums I had no idea about. Highly recommended.
Steve Lacy: Conversations by Jason Weiss
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35 interviews taking place from 1959-2004 presented in chronological order, I admired Steve before reading this and gained a whole new level of respect for him after. A true trailblazer.
A Wailing of a Town by Craig Ibarra
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San Pedro birthed two of the most important punk bands ever (The Minutemen and Saccharine Trust). Reading about the scene in the late 70s and early 80s, the tours that both bands went on, to shows with Black Flag and Descendents, this book is just fuckin fun.
Confronting Silence by Toru Takemitsu
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I absolutely love Takemitsu’s work but had no idea this book existed until Alex Cline told me about it. Collected are his writings on nature, music, art & composing... a brief but insightful look into Takemitsu’s mind.
Songs of the Unsung by Horace Tapscott
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Horace is a legend and to me, still does not get all the love that he deserves. Not only did he write the Dark Tree and formed the Pan-Afrikan Peoples Arkestra, but he did so much for the city of Los Angeles. An inspiration and hero.
Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami
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My favorite book by my favorite author. Murakami has a way of pulling you into his world within the first couple of pages whether it be the dystopia of 1Q84 or the cyberpunk Hardboiled Wonderland. This one just had some sort of charm that has stuck with me even to this day (one of my duos is named after one of the protagonists). KFC’s Colonel Sanders even makes an appearance, what more could you ask for?
Learning by Andrew Choate
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A beautiful piece of work written by a dear friend, I practically read the entire thing in one sitting. Alternating between narratives of events leading up to and following his father’s death and original poetry, I felt for Andrew, laughed out loud and reflected on my own life. Seek this out!
Battle Royale by Koushun Takami
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This was (sadly) one of the few books outside of reading assignments I read during my high school career...it was during a summer where my family went fishing in the mountains. My mom couldn’t believe I was reading instead of playing on my Gameboy. I know there’s films and a manga with the same story, but I implore you to start here.
Cat’s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut
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Vonnegut is truly hilarious and someone I wish I could have hung out with even for a day. His recurring themes such as free will & man’s relation to technology appear here in addition to the threat of nuclear destruction which I’m sure was on everyone’s minds in 1963 when he was writing this. I also took inspiration from this book and named a group after the Bokonoist term for sun, “Borasisi.”
Saga of the Swamp Thing by Alan Moore
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I’ve been into Swamp Thing ever since the cartoon was on TV when I was in elementary school. This is the story line written by Moore and he brings out the best of the characters in every way possible. One of my favorite comics hands down.
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hereticaloracles · 5 years
Lunar Eclipse in Cancer: Day of Destiny
“Do not be dismayed by the brokenness of the world. All things break. And all things can be mended. Not with time, as they say, but with intention. So go. Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally. The broken world waits in darkness for the light that is you.” ―L.R. Knost
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Helios’ Astrological Angle on the Lunar Eclipse in Cancer– Here we are, Heretics- on the brink of chaos, an eclipse to rival any other, in a year where fate hangs heavy around our necks like an anchor. What else is new, right? The world still turns, regardless of who is in power, and whether or not we are here to mark its turnings. We lived through the Cardinal Crisis and Mutable Meltdown, and all that came after… all of that feels like so long ago. Things felt more important and desperate then, so much bigger. Now everyone I talk to is just tired. So tired. And that is fair- you’re allowed to be exhausted right now. Eclipses have this way of sucking everything out of you. What you are going through is valid.
And this isn’t just any eclipse, no ma’am- we’re also under the first act of the triple conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto. This part is just Pluto and Saturn, Jupiter will come in later in the year, but that’s the big headline. This is the time we’ve been preparing for. This is it. You already know it, deep in you- this is what you’ve been struggling for, this is the reason. More than that you know that this is your time; Time to step up and own who you are, and show us all what you’ve got.
Are you ready? Cause you’re up, Heretics. Let’s see what you can do!
The Sun and Moon, Mercury, and Saturn– Yes, it feels like the world is ending and everything that you have built is falling down around you. Accept that- but it does no good wailing and moaning about it, wringing your hands in consternation. Your choice with this Astro is to fully stand in your own personal power and accept the burden of changing the world to suit your vision or to own your impotence and accept that you cannot stop the worst of what can come; so you must, therefore, shrink your focus to what is under your purview and within your control. Both come with downsides, and neither can be chosen for you. Whichever story you tell yourself right now will be true, whether it is one where you are weak or powerful.
Not only are the stories we tell ourselves important right now but so are the secrets we keep. Eclipses have a way of revealing truths that you might prefer to stay hidden. These will be your Achilles heel right now. My advice would be to disclose what you can and make it so that what you can’t disclose will never ever come to light by any means. This will be uncomfortable for a lot of you, and is not an easy thing to ask- but this is not easy Astro, and it’s more of a demand by the cosmos than them asking nicely. You were given time to come to this of your own volition, but you didn’t, and now your time is up. The goal here is liberation so that you are not held back by anyone or anything. You think that hiding your secrets makes you safe but all it does is make you a slave to them. This is your chance to disclose them before you are exposed.
Minor Planets used: Ceres, Juno, Eris, Arawn, Deucalion, Borasisi, Rhiphonos, Hebe, Arachne, Sphinx
Venus and Pluto– Okay so here’s the thing: You need to choose. You’ve been torn between two very different paths in your life. You are drawn to both of them and both have merit- but here’s the thing, your heart cannot serve two masters. Your choice must be made from the heart, and the hard part is that you are emotionally invested in both paths- but you must choose. You will need to make your choice never knowing if the choice you made was the right one, and you will have to make it knowing that you are actively choosing not to pursue an entire life. There will be an entire version of yourself you are saying no to. This has its consequences, but it may come as a relief to some. In choosing, you will be free of an entire life, its trappings and consequences. Let your choice release you, and boldly go into your new life, unfettered and unafraid.
Minor Planets used: Pallas Athene, Sedna, Hygiea, Hidalgo, Narcissus
Mars, Jupiter, Chiron, and Uranus– With all of this heavy fatalistic Astro in the air, what can you actually DO about any of it? Quite a lot, actually. This is a time for you to show what you are made of, and you can’t do that by bitching and moaning, talking about how much better things would be if they were different. Things are NOT different, they are what they are. Start there and go forward, taking action that gets you from where you are now to where you want to be. Define your goals, and take action to get there. This is major Astro that can help you overcome just about any obstacle in your path, but it has to start with you. Heaven helps those who help themselves, after all- and the more you do on that front, the more that you will find this Astro a ready and willing ally. You are not alone, but you have to walk your path. The only one who can live your life is you. Nothing is set in stone or decided yet, you are still able to change the narrative- but your window to do so is closing. Act now.
Minor Planets used: Varuna, Quaoar, Rhadamanthus, Pholus, Nessus, Aphidas, Klotho, Ophelia, Niobe, Tantalus, Astraea, Magdalena, Siva, Sisyphus, Orpheus, Asclepius
Neptune– The malaise is thick and heavy, and it’s coming from him, y’all. Neptune is the backdrop of the eclipse and he is dragging it all DOWN, yet simultaneously making it bearable. That is the tradeoff with him. So on top of EVERYTHING ELSE, you are going to feel super sluggish and lackadaisical. That, and you’re going to be confronted with serious questions of worth and fulfillment- mostly of if what you’re doing right now is providing you with a sense of fulfillment and self-worth. Are you living your path right now? Are you aligned to your truth? Are you willing to let go of what isn’t aligned, even if it hurts you or others to do so? How far are you willing to go to find your path if you’ve lost your way?
More importantly, in getting lost, have you been able to find others that were similarly off their path? Have you been able to help them find their way as well? The true point of this astro is to bring us home to ourselves, in our truest selves. No one gets left behind- least of all you, Heretics.
Minor Planets used: Mors-Somnus, Dziewanna, Iris, Burney
Lunar Eclipse in Cancer: Day of Destiny was originally published on Heretical Oracles
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asianamsmakingmusic · 5 years
PATRICK SHIROISHI - saxophones VINNY GOLIA - saxophones DYLAN FUJIOKA - drums ALEX CLINE - drums & percussion Recorded on the 7th of October, 2018 by Samur Khouja at Seahorse Sound Studios, Los Angeles, CA Mixed and Mastered by Felix Salazar
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100percentdirtball · 3 years
i think i’ve written more abt pabu and borasisi than kurt vonnegut lmao i’ve just always loved that story so very much idk why,
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nj-stone · 4 years
Bairavee Balasubramaniam - Volatile Alignments (September 17-21): New Moon in Virgo & Grand Fire Trine w. Thereus, Borasisi etc... https://youtu.be/npSi3uoKcOM via @YouTube
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penyezperev · 7 years
Bokonon’a göre evrenin yaradılışını öğrendim: Borasisi, yani Güneş, Pabu’yu yani Ay’ı kollarına alır ve kendisine ateşten bir çocuk vermesini diler. Fakat zavallı Pabu soğuk çocuklar doğurur; alev alev yanmıyordur hiçbiri. Borasisi de tiksinerek onları fırlatır atar. İşte bunlar gezegenlerdir ve öfkeli babalarının çevresinde, güvenli bir mesafeyi koruyarak döner dururlar. Sonra zavallı Pabu’nun kendisi de sepetlenir ve en sevdiği çocuğu olan Dünya ile yaşamaya gider. Dünya onun en sevdiği çocuğudur, çünkü üstünde insanlar yaşar.
Kedi Beşiği, Kurt Vonnegut
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Centaur, TNO & Asteroid Aspectarian
Centaur, TNO & Asteroid Aspectarian Wednesday 22 August 2018
05:56:00 UT - Pallas (22 le 59'22") quincunx Borasisi (22 pi 59'22" Rx) 08:48:47 UT - Waxing Gibbous Moon - Sun (29 le 13'28") sesquiquadrate Moon (14 cp 13'28") 12:25:29 UT - Mercury (12 le 13'43") square Lempo (12 ta 13'43" Rx) 21:09:28 UT - Venus (15 li 30'33") quincunx Neptune (15 pi 30'33" Rx)
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sleeppaw · 7 years
Finishing off Solar System Objects Stamps
So far:
To Do:
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eventcharts · 1 year
First-ever political rally in Minecraft draws 12,000, then crashes
The Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (which is often described as neither liberal, democratic or a party) held a campaign rally in Minecraft, one so successful it crashed the server. More than 12,000 people apparently turned up (in Minecraft), where they enjoyed setting off fireworks, looking at an enormous, blocky bust of late party founder Vladimir Zhirinovsky, and reading error messages as the server collapsed. Despite this, the world’s first political rally was considered a rousing success.
Sun (entertainment, exuberance (enjoyed setting off fireworks)) conjunct Mercury (mental, expressive (reading error messages as the server collapsed)) trine Thereus (status object (enormous, blocky bust of late party founder Vladimir Zhirinovsky)) conjunct Albion (initiatives, first oriented (the world’s first political rally was considered a rousing success)). Pallas (political activism) trine Borasisi (lobbying (held a campaign rally in Minecraft)).  
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‘The LDPR’s digital rally has become the most massive demonstration held today in the country. More than 12,000 supporters from all over the world applied to participate in the event!’ the party said in a statement. It’s not clear how many actually turned up at once though.
Minor planet keywords developed by Philip Sedgwick, used with permission http://philipsedgwick.com/
Centaur, TNO & Asteroid Aspectarian http://serennu.com/astrology/aspectarians.php
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Interview: Hugh Cornwell – It’s Amazing What We Got Away With!
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eventcharts · 4 months
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eventcharts · 4 months
North Korea to suspend trash balloon campaign (VIDEO)
However, Kim warned that if South Korean activists send propaganda leaflets via balloons again, North Korea would resume airborne trash deliveries, carrying “hundreds of times” the amount of the South Korean leaflets. North Korea has said it will stop sending so-called trash-balloons to the South, claiming on Sunday that the campaign had achieved its goals.
Mercury (messages (anti-Pyongyang loudspeaker propaganda messages) sextile Borasisi (propaganda (Pyongyang has flown tons of waste into South Korea in response to propaganda leaflets sent north by activists)).  Sun (leadership (North Korea’s deputy defense minister)) semi-sextile Hades (garbage, sewage, “messy” situations (floated hundreds of balloons carrying bags containing trash)). Hades (12 cn 38′34") square Mean Node (12 ar 43'57" Rx).
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South Korea’s military said on the same day that North Korea had floated hundreds more balloons carrying bags containing trash ranging from cigarette butts to pieces of cardboard and plastic, and threatened to retaliate.
Hours later, North Korea’s deputy defense minister, Kim Kang Il, said his country would “temporarily halt dropping trash over the border.” Pyongyang earlier described its “sincere gifts” as retaliation for South Korean activists’ years-long practice of floating balloons across the border to drop anti-Pyongyang leaflets.
A few days earlier, North Korea sent over more than 150 balloons carrying trash, manure and used toilet paper.
“We made the ROK [Republic of Korea] clans get enough experience of how much unpleasant they feel and how much effort is needed” to clean up the rubbish, Kim said.
He claimed Pyongyang had scattered 15 tons of wastepaper with more than 3,500 balloons of various sorts between May 28 and June 2.
However, Kim warned that if South Korean activists send propaganda leaflets via balloons again, North Korea would resume airborne trash deliveries, carrying “hundreds of times” the amount of the South Korean leaflets.
South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said the balloons were found in the capital Seoul, and various other parts of the country. Some were spotted in the southeast province of South Gyeongsang, more than 280 km (180 miles) from the North.
Seoul warned it would take strong countermeasures in response to the balloon campaign and the continued jamming of GPS signals by the North last week.
South Korea’s National Security Council (NSC) said on Sunday it would not rule out a resumption of anti-Pyongyang loudspeaker propaganda messages along the border.
For years, anti-North Korea groups have used balloons to send leaflets, food, medicine, small amounts of cash, and mini radios into North Korea.
On Monday, the NSC decided to suspend the 2018 inter-Korean reduction pact – which stated that the countries would “completely cease all hostile acts against each other” – until mutual trust is restored.
This measure will enable military training near the Military Demarcation Line, which has been restricted by the agreement, the NSC said.
Minor planet keywords developed by Philip Sedgwick, used with permission http://philipsedgwick.com/
Centaur, TNO & Asteroid Aspectarian http://serennu.com/astrology/aspectarians.php  
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eventcharts · 2 years
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eventcharts · 2 years
Ukrainian Info-war | 'Movable' frontier post & paintball 'fighters'
Trust but verify: Western media eagerly shares old footage of Ukrainian forces posing on the Ukraine-Russia 'border' and paintball training photo in war report
01:48:55 UT - Chaos (28 ge 23'18") trine Haumea (28 li 23'18" Rx) 09:03:22 UT - Sun (28 ta 23'0") quincunx Haumea (28 li 23'0" Rx) 09:41:01 UT - Waning Gibbous Moon - Sun (28 ta 24'30") sesquiquadrate Moon (13 cp 24'30") 12:10:41 UT - Sun (28 ta 30'31") trine Pluto (28 cp 30'31" Rx) 15:05:42 UT - Sun (28 ta 37'32") sextile Borasisi (28 pi 37'32")
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