#Eclipse season
seafoamreadings · 6 months
big things that are coming
in case you want to mark your calendar.
astrological new year - the sun into aries marks off the equinox, and the start of a sort of new year, as it goes from the beginning of the zodiac back around for another trip.
lunar eclipse - and that new year kicks off with the start of another eclipse season shortly after! so this will be a major period of change and upheaval, broadly speaking focused on relationships vs the self (although of course it always depends on your personal natal astrology.) this one is a full moon eclipse in libra.
mercury retrograde in aries - this retrograde goes from the 27th degree of aries to the 15th and goes from april fool's day (seriously) until april 25th. be very careful around hotheaded people and in situations where accidents may occur. apply your mercury retrograde protocols (review, revise, introspect, etc) to aries themes as much as possible.
solar eclipse - in aries on april 8, whereas the lunar eclipse focused on relationships this one is focused more on the self. it is volatile energy, so it is not necessarily advised to set any intentions you're really attached to, but rather have a willingness to change and be changed.
jupiter-uranus conjunction - this is exact on april 20 but you will likely feel it for a few days on either side, longer the more taurean/jovial/uranian you are natally. it is a sudden and/or major change, socially and/or personally, in a way that taurus is not typically associated with being a sign which is slow and stubborn to move. but jupiter helps ease the transition, and make it a good one rather than traumatic. so go with it! uranus is for the future. it will be pulling us, forcefully if need be, out of the past and into a new sort of mini-age. this happens only every several years and in taurus even less often. the last one in taurus was in 1941. taurus wants natural changes - i hope to see a shift or a major law passed towards something positive to do with sustainability, the climate, or the quality of food we are fed.
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thirteen-31 · 6 months
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@thirteen-31 // film, astrology, inner healing ✨
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natalchartnurtures · 6 months
PAC: A quick and dirty guide to surviving the eclipse season~
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(pile 1 to 3- left to right)
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How is the eclipse affecting you?
I immediately heard 'they don't really care about what others think anymore.' I'm getting that this eclipse really helped you step back into your authenticity in a powerful way. You might've had to revise and purge old wounds that had their roots in childhood. Any addictions of yours (if you have/had any) have been addressed because of this grand 'purging of the old and unwanted.' It's like your defense mechanisms have taken a backseat because of your inner work around the root of your addictions (maybe your addictions were part of your defense mechanisms). You might've had to live with a certain darkness looming in the background, no matter what you did in your life or where you went in life, and it seems like you've really had to look the root of this darkness in the eye. The eclipse didn't really give you an option; you simply had to. Let's talk about this darkness a little, shall we? It seems to me like you had a stark lack of a healthy masculine figure as well as a lack of a healthy feminine figure in your life. You didn't have much support as a result of this, you to felt or still sre felling disempowered in your life as a whole. THIS is what the eclipse helped you to wake up to. Through the chaos that you're experiencing right now, you'll find exactly what you need to nurture yourself (maybe for the first time ever, for some of you). I feel like you guys might end up tending to the health of your root chakra as a result of this inner work.
Your guide to getting through it like a soldier-
-Care for your anxiety. By that, I simply mean don't deny or suppress your anxiety; see where it's coming from, feel into it, and really sit in it because what you feel, you heal.
-Use EFT (emotional freedom techniques) to help yourself really sit in difficult emotions and/or anxiety.
-ALONE TIME is a need!
-Find ways to 'throw up' emotionally. Like, for example, have a hardcore dance session by yourself at 3 am to angry songs if you have been feeling angry lately. OR you could write all your emotions down onto a paper and tear that paper up and then have a big cry session. Whatever allows you to FEEL your emotions, go do it.
-After your heavy 'purge sessions,' seek things that bring you comfort. Indulge in some TLC if and when you can 😊
Some resources to help you get started-
How to Get Rid of Anxiety (A Natural Cure for Anxiety) - Teal Swan
Learn how to experience your emotions fully
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
How To Open Your Root Chakra
Hope this helped! That was your reading, pile 1. Love, light, and support!
PILE 2 :
How is the eclipse affecting you?
As soon as I tapped into your energy, I felt extremely light and airy, as if I turned into a cloud of cotton candy floating away into a bright blue sky. Wow, this tells me one very CLEAR thing - you've done your inner work diligently this eclipse season! You've taken the eclipse energies on actively and worked WITH it, absolutely in sync with the universe. Now all that's left for you is welcoming a brand new energy into your life.
How can you do exactly that?
-Actively schedule in things that bring you joy ✨️
-Every now and then when you feel like heavy emotions are rising to the surface, allow them to pass. Let your emotional intelligence shine, sweetheart.
-After you've felt your emotions, it's time to take care of you! TLC all the way, baby. Think long bubble baths, move slower than usual, enjoy yummy foods, wrap yourself in your favorite blankie. Drink some soul-healing soup. You get the vibe.
-Ground yourself. Listen to grounding frequencies whenever you feel like your thoughts carry you away.
-Mother yourself. By that, I simply mean - feed yourself well, allow yourself a consistent sleep cycle, find ways to make your life easier, support yourself in whatever little ways you can 😊
Some resources to help you get started-
Learn how to experience your emotions fully
How to Stop Expecting The Worst (Catastrophizing) -Teal Swan
That was your reading, dear sweet pile 2!
Hope it helped.
Love, light, and support!
PILE 3 :
How is the eclipse affecting you?
You're going to have a 'real awakening' this eclipse season 😬 So, apparently, you've been going through your life blissfully unaware of your wounds and how they were blocking you from living a far better life. You operated under the impression that your life as it is right now was good just the way it is and honestly… a reflection of your full potential. But you couldn't possibly be further from the truth. It's like this eclipse was a rude awakening for you to realize just how limited of a life you were leading. Must've been a difficult thing to process? Yes? Since your old cycles have been blowing up in your face lately, you've been in a process of empowering yourself and are slowly opening up to new aspects of yourself that you previously weren't aware existed, the parts of you that are deeply emotional and intuitive. Doing this will really boost your strength and resilience in general. But there's some good news I have for you. You're on your way to feeling much more satisfied in your life, sprinkled in with great relationships all around you. It's like you're headed to a more aligned life. It's beautiful to be honest. It's obviously going to come after this intense period of awakening ripples out into a plateau though after a period of internal discomfort.
So, how can you survive this period to get to where you wanna be?
-Slow. Tf. down. Take your breaks and pace yourself. Easier said than done but pacing yourself will really help you through the chaotic energy floating around right now. Walk slower than usual, eat slower than usual, stare up at the sky and daydream when you're on a bus or something. Do romantic stuff (not necessarily with a partner, simply for yourself).
-Take some time on a regular basis to tune into your emotions. Learn how to feel again. It's really important for you right now and also doing this will greatly expedite your journey as well
-Replace some of your social time with alone time. Use it to reflect on yourself (this might feel way out of your comfort zone by the way).
-Do abundance affirmations (or all areas of life) and affirmations for forward movement.
-listen to subliminals that bring you a sense of abundance in all areas of your life.
-Find ways to feel active in your own life. Dabble in main character (MC) energy. See what it means for you.
Some resources to help you get started-
How To Feel (Learn How to Start Feeling) - Teal Swan
Learn how to experience your emotions fully
Abundance subliminal
Subliminals for positive growth and forward movement
That was your reading, dear sweet pile 3!
Hope it helped.
Love, light and support!
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sensualnoiree · 6 months
The April 8 Total Solar Eclipse in Aries brings a potent new beginning, marked by intense energies and a focus on self-awareness and healing. The Sun, Moon, and Chiron at 19° Aries emphasize the need for self-care and addressing insecurities. The Mercury-Eris conjunction at 24° Aries encourages us to have courage in our convictions, supporting long-term themes and the development of new healing methods.
Emotionally, this eclipse may be intense, especially when Luna conjoins Mercury and Eris later in the day. The eclipse marks a time of establishing something new, initiating a new karmic cycle, and addressing past issues related to anger or missed opportunities for taking action. It's a time for personal transformation, akin to the energy of the Fool's card in tarot, where we are called to choose differently and embrace healing and change.
Aries Rising: This eclipse heralds a profound period of self-discovery and personal reinvention for you. You are being called to redefine your identity and how you show up in the world. Embrace your courage and pioneer spirit, as this is a time to boldly step into new beginnings and embrace your authentic self. The eclipse may stir up deep-seated desires and insecurities, but it also offers a powerful opportunity for healing and transformation. Use this time to explore your true passions and set intentions for a future that aligns with your deepest values and aspirations.
Taurus Rising: The eclipse activates your inner world, urging you to delve deep into your subconscious mind and spiritual beliefs. This is a time of profound introspection and healing, where you may confront past traumas or buried emotions that are holding you back. Embrace the opportunity to release old patterns and embrace a new level of spiritual awareness. Pay attention to your dreams and intuition, as they may offer valuable insights into your subconscious mind. Trust the process of inner transformation and allow yourself to surrender to the flow of life.
Gemini Rising: With the eclipse in your 11th house, your focus turns to your social circles, friendships, and long-term goals. This is a time to connect with like-minded individuals who share your vision for the future. Embrace opportunities to expand your network and collaborate with others towards common goals. Your aspirations may undergo a transformation, leading you to reevaluate your long-term plans and make necessary adjustments. Embrace the power of community and collective action, as you work towards creating a more harmonious and inclusive world.
Cancer Rising: The eclipse highlights your career and public image, signaling a period of significant transformation in your professional life. You may feel called to pursue a new career path or take on new responsibilities that align with your true calling. Embrace the opportunity to step into a leadership role and showcase your skills and talents to the world. Trust in your abilities and have faith that the universe is guiding you towards a path of success and fulfillment. This is a time to embrace your ambitions and take bold steps towards achieving your goals.
Leo Rising: This eclipse inspires you to expand your horizons and seek out new experiences that broaden your perspective on life. Embrace the spirit of adventure and embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. You may feel called to explore new philosophies or belief systems that resonate with your soul's purpose. Trust in the wisdom of your intuition and follow your heart's desires, as they will lead you towards a path of greater fulfillment and enlightenment. This is a time to embrace the unknown and welcome the opportunities that come your way with open arms.
Virgo Rising: The eclipse brings a period of deep transformation and regeneration, urging you to release old patterns and embrace a new way of being. This is a time of intense introspection and inner healing, where you may confront deep-seated fears or insecurities. Embrace the opportunity to let go of what no longer serves you and embrace a new chapter of growth and renewal. Trust in the process of transformation and have faith that the universe is guiding you towards a path of greater authenticity and empowerment. This is a time to embrace your inner strength and resilience, as you emerge from the shadows into the light of a new beginning.
Libra Rising: With the eclipse in your 7th house of partnerships, relationships take center stage. This is a time of significant growth and evolution in your personal and professional relationships. You may experience changes in your relationship dynamics, leading to greater harmony and balance. Embrace the opportunity to deepen your connections with others and cultivate more meaningful and authentic relationships. Trust in the power of love and partnership, as they will support you on your journey towards greater fulfillment and happiness. This is a time to open your heart to new possibilities and welcome the blessings that come with deep and meaningful connections.
Scorpio Rising: The eclipse signals a time of positive change and transformation in your health and daily routines. You may feel inspired to adopt healthier habits and make positive changes to your work environment. Embrace the opportunity to prioritize self-care and well-being, as this will support you in achieving your goals and living a more fulfilling life. Trust in your ability to create positive change in your life and take practical steps towards improving your health and well-being. This is a time to listen to your body's wisdom and honor its needs, as you work towards creating a life of balance and vitality.
Sagittarius Rising: This eclipse sparks creativity, passion, and self-expression, urging you to embrace your inner child and indulge your creative instincts. This is a time of inspiration and innovation, where you may feel called to start a new creative project or pursue a new hobby that brings you joy. Embrace the opportunity to express yourself authentically and share your gifts with the world. Trust in your creative vision and allow yourself to explore new avenues of self-expression. This is a time to cultivate a sense of playfulness and spontaneity in your life, as you rediscover the joy of living in the moment.
Capricorn Rising: The eclipse falls in your 4th house of home and family, signaling a time of transformation and renewal in these areas of your life. You may feel called to create a more nurturing and supportive home environment for yourself and your loved ones. Embrace the opportunity to connect with your roots and cultivate a sense of emotional security and stability. Trust in the process of change and have faith that the universe is guiding you towards a path of greater fulfillment and happiness. This is a time to honor your emotional needs and create a home that nourishes your soul.
Aquarius Rising: With the eclipse in your 3rd house of communication and learning, you are being called to expand your mind and embrace new ways of thinking and communicating. This is a time of intellectual growth and curiosity, where you may feel inspired to start a new course of study or engage in stimulating conversations with others. Embrace the opportunity to share your ideas and opinions with the world, as your unique perspective has the power to inspire and enlighten others. Trust in your ability to communicate effectively and express yourself authentically. This is a time to embrace the power of words and ideas, as you explore new avenues of self-expression and personal growth.
Pisces Rising: The eclipse falls in your 2nd house of finances and values, signaling a time of reassessment and realignment in these areas of your life. You may feel called to reevaluate your priorities and make changes that align with your true values and beliefs. Embrace the opportunity to cultivate a deeper sense of self-worth and financial security. Trust in your ability to create abundance and prosperity in your life, as you align with the flow of universal abundance. This is a time to honor your values and invest in yourself and your future, as you create a life of abundance and fulfillment.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on yt @quenysefields or instagram sensualnoiree
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punkpandapatrixk · 6 months
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Full Worm Moon in Libra ♦︎ Moon Magick Pick A Card
Heey~ Yesterday/today is the first Full Moon of the astrological year!🍹Starting off this March, when the Sun is in Aries and the Full Moon is in Libra, the Human world is balancing good and evil⚖️Balancing Positive and Negative. Masculine and Feminine. Electric and Magnetic. Light and Dark. Yang and Yin☯️
With Libra’s aenergy, there are themes of JUSTICE taking place, and spiritually attuned peeps are going to see themselves flip🙃In a positive and empowered way, of course! In this event, take a look at your 7th House of relationships with others, which, ultimately is a reflection of your relationship with the unconscious part of yourself. 7th House is aspects/qualities/elements of ourselves we aren’t very conscious of unless we ‘make the effort to make the unconscious conscious’, says Carl Jung.
This Full Worm Moon in Libra, you will notice that your 7th House gets activated in such an empowered way that you will be rid of all shame and regret pertaining to all your 7th House-y-actions… Let’s make this make sense:
If whatever is in your 1st House makes you soft, polite, kind and gentle, to a point where you’ve often turned into a doormat, accommodating other people’s whimsical ego, you’ll now begin to see yourself embracing more of your SASS and general bitchiness that are already reflected by whatever is in your 7th House😾
If on the other hand, whatever is in your 1st House makes you unkind, argumentative, abrasive, competitive and generally conflicty, to a point where you’ve always been the mean girl or boy or whatever, you’ll see yourself mellow out significantly and suddenly able to reflect on the importance of being considerate, based on whatever sweetness is already in your 7th House🍬
This year, is a year we become whole by embracing ALL aspects of ourselves and turn it all into authentic personal power🪁
‘There is one thing stronger than all the armies of the world, and that is an idea whose time has come.’ – Victor Hugo
[Moon PAC Masterlist] [Patreon] [Paid Readings]
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Pile 1 – You’ve Taken Care of Everybody’s Opinions
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L i g h t – Page of Pentacles
No matter your age, you feel like you’re still a student of Life, especially in terms of understanding Human relations. The reason for that, is that your heart is too pure for this world. Irrespective of age, you feel like you’re still grappling with understanding how some Humans can be so… bad. And you’ve wondered if maybe you’re the really bad person. You’ve been gaslit into questioning your own Soul. Your Soul is good, so good that you trust too easily because you see the positive in all situations. You’re an effervescent optimist! It’s taken you such a long time to realise it’s time you stopped considering other people too much.
Up until the time you find this reading, you’ve been hard at work in growing yourself, developing a stronger character by fully knowing what makes you, you. That way, you won’t be as easily swayed by other people’s opinions that seem to paint you in a bad light when you’ve literally been nothing but kind, understanding, and earnestly cooperative. Because you’ve been surrounded by people who earnestly want to dim your Light, because these people want to corrupt your Soul and take away your optimism, some of the noises of their opinions have become a permanent noise in the background of your mind.
D a r k – 3 of Swords
Sometimes, you find yourself gossiping about your ineptitude in your own mind. And you’re left brokenhearted wondering why you’re so lacking as a person. But, you do realise these aren’t your actual voice, right? Those are the opinions of those who have been exceedingly critical of you. They’re jealous more than anything; and because you’re so kind and take everybody seriously, you’ve taken even these shit opinions too seriously, all because you are by nature empathetic and considerate. But now, it’s perfectly safe for you to stop considering other people’s negative opinions of you.
If I’m being honest, you should fight back. Give ‘em a taste of their own medicine. And if that’s not your style, IGNORE ‘em. Completely ignore ‘em and remove them from your Reality and sooner than later, one way or another, you’ll hear from someone else how they’re doing pathetically now that you’re no longer part of their miserable life. And that, would serve them right. They didn’t treat you right when a person as kind and helpful as you were in their life; now let ‘em deal with their own karma~ Why should you care? Ungrateful bitches will never see anything good in Life anyway.
b a l a n c e – 10 of Cups Rx
For many of you resonating with this Pile, I sense the people who’ve given you so much of this particular brand of pain is family. Or perhaps, people you’ve considered to be best friends or your ‘tribe’ even. Of course, the pain of betrayal and abandonment coming from such people can be quite devastating. But, Imma share this thing I saw on Pinterest that goes something like,
‘My therapist told me that the reason family and closest friends can’t seem to support you is that they can’t stand the idea of you becoming something more than they could ever envision themselves to be. They can’t bear the idea that you’ve come from the same place, yet they’re still in the same place.’
WHOA. I think that applies to your situation with this reading.
This Full Worm Moon in Libra is validating your hard work at developing yourself to become a much greater version of what you were in the past. Those who aren’t happy with your progress, those who won’t support your dreams and goals, are you sure you still need them? Love yourself enough to know you deserve better company. ‘Family’ isn’t defined by blood—that’s literally only karmic bond—rather, it is a feeling of warmth and acceptance coming from those who make you feel that you do truly belong~
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
Green Historian (Herodotus) & Priestess of Luck
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🌸
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Pile 2 – Someone Like You Doesn’t Happen Every Day
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L i g h t – King of Wands
Are you aware that you’re gifted with this rare ability to absorb other people’s pain and transmute whatever bullshit causes them pain back to Light? Yeah I know, that doesn’t sound at all like a ‘gift’. But although having a gift such as this can be traumatising when you’re young, all of the spiritual work you’re doing will in time be rewarded 3000-fold! At the time you’re finding this reading, good karma is about to hit you back in the head LOL
I’d suggest you connect with your Higher Self and team of Spirit Guides and then try to find other PACs either on Tumblr or YouTube with keywords like ‘what’s your good karma returning to you?’ or something like that. The year 2024 is going to be very energetic for you. You’ve done A FUCKTON of spiritual work for other people and yourself, it is now time you’re taken care of by forces beyond the corporeal.
I sense very strongly Mother Earth herself and the fairy, sea, and animal kingdoms wanting to give back to you for all the aenergetic healing you’ve done for them as well. Bihh? Who are you?? XDD
D a r k – IX The Hermit Rx
You’re somebody who possesses a unique duality within. You’re like the sea itself. Beautiful, calming, deep, mesmerising, nurturing and soothing; but treat you wrong and you’re raging waves that can swallow and kill anything in your way. Actually, if everything were up to you, you’d want always to be on your good side and hope everybody views only this side of you. You’re so kind and charitable, more than people give you credit for. Alas…people are stoopid and ungrateful.
The problem that you often have with people is that they’re not decent enough. They don’t use enough common sense. They’re lacking in politeness. They don’t observe social conundrum. This kind of thing bothers the living shit out of you. You’ve a strong sense of rules. After being let down quite a bit, you’re now realising interacting with Humans is exhausting.
b a l a n c e – Knight of Cups Rx
In many ways, you’ve tried to minimise human interactions and that’s all fine. The Full Moon is just reminding you that you still have many good friends in the incorporeal realms. Although they can’t really be there for you in the physical, they can always be there for you aenergetically. You know most of them are telepathic, right? Try to connect more often to get healing energies from them~
Also, perhaps this isn’t immediate for all of you choosing this Pile, but there’s a strong feeling that you need to adopt a pet. There’s a pet animal somewhere in this world who’s your soulmate and they’re finding their way into your Life. If you already have a pet, be prepared to have a new family member~
If getting a pet isn’t resonating, there’s a sense that you could meet a Human soulmate when being in the presence of an animal. Be alert! Kyaaah~
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
Silver Astronomer (Galileo Galilei) & Priestess of Energy
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🌸
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Pile 3 – You Fear Your Own Superhuman Manifestation Power? Bitch??
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L i g h t – Knight of Pentacles
See, you’re a bit of a wild child—that’s how you’ve always been. But you’re not one without a plan! You’re a kid with visions most others couldn’t understand. Your inspirations and daydreams come from a much higher plane of consciousness. Because you’re daring, a lot of people you know probably think you’re reckless at best, crazy at worst. Or maybe it’s the other way around XD
Nevertheless, you’re the kid who realises ALL your dreams when you grow up because you really put in ALL the work necessary to make your dreams come true. In spite of oppositions, in spite of setbacks, in spite of heartbreaks, even after thoughts of giving up, there’s always something there deep within you that keeps recalibrating you to your original Divine Game Plan!
Why do you think that is? Because whatever you dream for yourself, it’s meant to happen. Life’s greatest joy is bearing witness to all of your hard work getting paid in kind. Most of all, paid in your spiritual satisfaction over all you’ve done with your Life~
D a r k – I The Magician Rx
Well, for many of you stumbling upon this Pile, you were probably attracted to another Pile which would likely be your main pile. If that is the case, this Pile is just serving to dig a bit deeper into some strange fears you have about your manifestation abilities. By nature, you are a master manifestor already. You can easily create Realities with just a thought. The occurrence of synchronicities with you is a lot, a loot higher than most people. At the time of stumbling upon this Pile, you’re probably already experiencing synchronicities by the hour!
You’re almost already ONE with your God Consciousness. This is a Creator Consciousness that only some VERY high-vibrational beings can have access to, let alone understand. If there is any semblance of fear in you regarding a VERY big manifestation you’re working on (or know you’re getting pretty soon) it’s probably related to how others are going to perceive you if you have all of these blessings, right? Hmm…?
b a l a n c e – 10 of Wands Rx
You fear that others are going to be envious of you. You fear losing connections with those whose hearts are not big enough to be happy with you when you have more. You fear even, to some extent, that you’re going to be seen as a villain because you seem to have it all so easily. When in reality, it’s not like you didn’t put in all the work—both the seen and the unseen! Nevertheless, you’re still bothered by this idea, fact even, that most people love a company in misery.
In that sense, there could be something in you that’s withholding this manifestation out of fear. It’s like…this manifestation can’t come to be until you give your permission for it to manifest in your physical. That said, this reading is just pointing out this unique mechanism in your manifestation in regards to your surrounding/environment hahah
There’s really not much else to say but that your Divine Timing is now decided by…You. God Creator. Are you ready…?
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
Red Physician (Galen of Pergamon) & Priestess of Illumination
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🌸
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[Moon PAC Masterlist] [Patreon] [Paid Readings]
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cosmousee · 9 days
What Is Lunar Eclipse Bringing In For You!!🌜🌟
Hello everybody!!!
I'm back with another pick a pile🥰
I know I'm literally posting it on the DAY of the eclipse, but I got to writing it yesterday only, and with the last pile my laptop literally fell apart.
I completed writing it in class, because...who listens to lectures anyway🤪
ANYWHO! Enough chit chat!
Choose whatever pile resonates with you, whatever does not, remember to just pass it on🥰
Pile 1>>2>>3
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Enjoy! (Posting it from phone, apologies if the formatting is bad😭)
Pile 1
Hey there loves! I hope lunar eclipse has treated you well!
For you I saw more of a building your own self sort of a thing. I saw an animation of you know sort of a stick figure thingy, and it was entirely made up of small paper bits, and you were rebuilding yourself again and again by replacing those bits with other bits. I think you guys are constantly figuring out which self is your most authentic self and the one where you are happiest being yourself. Ofcourse, this doesn’t come easy, which is why you are in a constant process.
For your oracle cards, we have
St. John’s Wort and Marigold: Against your will, there will not be; no entrance, no welcoming. Be Gone.
Witch’s Rosary: Craft your skills with intentions repeated, a practice of magick powered by purpose.
I’ll add your tarot cards here only, because I think they make more sense if I read them all together.
Your tarot cards are,
4 of Cups, 3 of Wands, The Fool and The Empress
For all of you, I believe you guys are free to choose, free to welcome whatever you want this lunar eclipse. It is your own decision, whatever path you want to choose, whether it may be your love life, your career, you focusing on your own self, focusing on forming a community for yourself.
I mean the list feels endless. Lunar eclipse is a fated time for things, and for you I feel like whatever you want this time, you’ll get it. Like it is up to you to focus on whatever and receive what you are focusing on. I have also heard that you shouldn’t manifest during lunar eclipse, or eclipses in general, but honestly, if you are feeling called to do so, you should listen to that calling.
The oracle cards are also saying that it you who is going to decide, nothing will happen if you don’t want that to happen. Everything is your will. And when you want something, be really really intentional and determined about it. Affirm about the things, sit and visualize those things, journal about them. Like keep that thing in your prayers and your thoughts sort of a thing.
Sit and reflect on what you think is the thing you need and want right now. Be determined but also be open about it like The Fool, open to the possibilities of it happening, especially if it feels like its something impossible. Be really fkn assured that whatever youre choosing to want is for your greatest good and you cannot, and will not fuck it up. Its such a fun energy to be in, because I am honestly extremely scared of eclipses, and I just spend the whole season crying my eyes out. I hope y’all are feeling well, because it seems to me that lunar eclipse isn’t forcing you to focus on one thing and deal with it. It letting you take the wheel and nudging you to take the steps this time, and the eclipse will help you achieve that thing and get that thing.
You might be confused as well, you know, that usually eclipses have a greater impact, but nothing is happening right now kinda thing. If you have something in mind that you wanna focus on, you can also ask for a hint, or even take this reading as a confirmation!
Okay! This is all I have for you today! Thanks for reading <3
Pile 2
Hey there loves! I hope lunar eclipse has treated you well!
For you, I saw a very barn type place, or like a farm-y place. It was very bright, sunny (not the kind where you’re all sweaty ugh), and there was a rainbow! I saw you being very very jolly, like literally sprinting and jumping with excitement and all the people you love, your friends and family were cheering you on from a distance.
Now, for your oracle cards, we have,
Harvest Witch: What sacrifices have you made for the greater vision of what is to be?
Adding your tarot cards here itself, because they give a better picture together,
The High Priestess, 10 of Pentacles, The World, 10 of Cups, 3 of Pentacles and The King of Pentacles
Now, the oracle card is talking about the chances you have taken to get out of your comfort zone, to get out of the habits of the current you, or the old you, in order to reach new heights. How much have you consciously put in the effort to grow and reach the highest of the heights you are supposed to achieve in this lifetime.
That’s the thing I saw when you were in that barn, that is such a happy version of you, and with the excitement that I saw, it really felt like either you were dreaming about it for a long time, or you just thought that this life was never possible for you.
Even with the tarot cards, they are telling you to follow your intuition, listen to it very closely. I think with the eclipse its calls would be getting louder by the minute, especially if you are missing the signs or outright ignoring the signs.
You are on a path to great success, you are yet to see the World and everything else that it offers, everything that you didn’t think it will offer.
I’m sure many of you might be content with where you are right now as well. But with this opportunity, you will feel content like never before. You know if you’ve got rose gold glasses on right now, pursuing this new path will give you ultra 4k HD rose gold glasses. There is a fulfilment you haven’t felt before, and it’s gonna come like fresh air to you, like you’ve breathed for the first time, like your lungs have felt the cleanest of the air in a long while.
Spirit might be showing you a collaboration or a partnership which is your ticket for this new world. You might be sitting frustrated about everything, and this opportunity will just drop in. Listen to your intuition, if its telling you to go for it, you better go for it. Don’t double guess it, listen to yourself and let your intuition get a breather because I think it’s been trying to get your attention for a while now!
Also, I think you might have to travel for this, like actually go some place far, which is why I saw your friends and family at a distance. But don’t worry, they are very happy for you and they are cheering you on, and obviously, you can always come back home for them!!
So get out there and you better enjoy the heck out of life!
Okay! This is all I have for you today! Thanks for reading <3
Pile 3
Hey there loves! I hope lunar eclipse has treated you well!
I saw you making snow angels!! Very happy, healing your inner child sort of a thing (I’ve never made a snow angel and I really really wanna). It also makes me think of leaving an impression, or a lasting imprint. Like you say something to someone and it really sticks with them, or you’ve done something that people always remember, even years down the line, they are like “Oh you remember [Name] did this amazing thing that time?” and you are fondly remembered.
It can be a really small act of kindness also that people remember, or you’ve helped someone and that memory is you know forever in their hearts kind of a thing.
Okay, so for your oracle cards we have,
Falling Leaves: Let go of the things that weigh heavily on you; you deserve to take up space.
Crow: Pay close attention to the winds; there’s a message making its way.
The first card again tells you to take up space, which is what you do essentially when you are making snow angels! (11:11 pm make a wish~) You take up space, you do your thing, and that is where you create your mark, your identity. It shows that you were there, you existed, you took up your space, you’ve marked it as your own.
I also think, because of the snow, that the winter season might be important for you.
Also, with the crow card, you might get an idea, an epiphany sort of a thing from someone else. You know when you are walking and you hear someone else say something and it just clicks for you, that yes! That message was definitely for me. You know literally wind coming up to you with a message, because..sound…carries through air.
Oh and crows are also related to ancestors, so it might be that they are contacting you, or telling you something important. Maybe they have some ideas for you to create an impact on this world.
Now for your tarot cards,
Death, 9 of Cups, Ace of Swords, 3 of Pentacles, King of Pentacles and 8 of Pentacles
With all of this pentacle energy, I feel like whatever the eclipse is bringing you right now, its gonna be long term, or its gonna unfold over a long period of time.
There's something you have to let go of, or remove from your life in order to have greater emotional fulfillment. In reference to the snow angel as well, you're healing your inner child by taking up space in the snow, so it's sort of like you have to let go of that part of yourself which inhibits you from pursuing those things, you know that part of you which thinks “no ew its cringey” because you feel like you'll he judged, but in reality if you go and do that thing, it's gonna literally feel like you're enjoying it from deep within your soul.
The Ace of Swords also tells you that you are going to get a new idea, some sort of epiphany, which can help you in your career and generate alot of wealth for you as well.
You may come up with this idea on your own, and then partner up with someone (King of Pentacles) who already has some expertise in the area, or they have the resources to take your idea to the next level. At this time you might be getting constant downloads of ideas, or you'll be getting opportunities or signs about collaborations or partnerships.
Grab these opportunities with full force, you're gonna have a lot of fun!!!
Okay! This is all I have for you today! Thanks for reading <3
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elminx · 6 months
This is just your local astrologer stopping by to remind you that the two weeks between Monday 3/25 (our lunar eclipse) and Monday 4/8 (our solar eclipse) will likely be the most difficult transits of the entire year....
So if you feel like it's too much right now, it is (unfortunately) right on time.
Take your meds. Hydrate. Practice good sleep hygiene. Log off and go read a book. Go for a good walk. Eat foods that make your body feel good. Do what you can to ground and center yourself.
Take care of yourself in whatever way meets your needs best.
It'll be okay (it almost always is, right?) but it might not feel okay right now.
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dianeandrews · 11 months
Anyone else feeling that thick AF energy in the air?? These eclipses ain't playin'!!
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scally-wiggles716 · 8 months
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turningwheeltarot · 6 months
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Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Libra ♎️⚖️ (Mar. 25, 2024)
There is a huge releasing, letting go, and moving on theme with this full moon lunar eclipse, especially in our relationships: we’re being pushed to leave behind codependency, unhealthy relationship patterns, and possibly even some relationships altogether.
Even though it’s occurring in the sign of Libra, Pisces energy pretty much rules this eclipse (as the rulers of both the Moon and the Sun are in the sign of Pisces). This amplifies the themes of release, endings, and surrender even more.
The good news is there are plenty of lovely, helpful aspects that are supporting us in this letting go process. This energy probably isn’t anything new for most of us, but it’s reaching a culmination of some kind. We have learned a lot leading up to this eclipse. We have clarity about what from our past needs to be left behind.
And while there is a strong need to move away from certain relationships/dynamics, at the same time there are positive new relationship-related developments that we’re meant to move towards. This makes the letting go easier because there is the feeling that we are moving towards something better.
There is healing and growth taking place not only in our relationships with others, but in our relationship with ourselves and our sense of self-worth. Everything is pushing us to develop a healthy and strong sense of self, from which we can relate to others.
There is a gentle and creative energy to this eclipse as well. It may be time to just take a break and relax.
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growwithmeastrology · 6 months
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Monday, April 8th 2024 Sun in Aries♈️🔥Moon in Aries♈️🔥
As we approach the biggest astrological event of the year today, I am reminded of the fact that sometimes us astrologers forget that not all have a full understanding of the energies involved. We’ve talked about chapters of the old self ending and new experiences, relationships, living situations, family and careers forming. But maybe it’s not understood that this is all a song and dance about the Aries warrior trying to calm his flame and the Libra lover whose symmetry strives to create balance and beauty. Aries reinforces Libra’s desire of harmony by meeting his counterpart in the middle, being the sign of new beginnings, passion and forward motion. Together, they pioneer a new era rooted in lavish urges to take instinctive action towards engrained desires without limitation or delay. The tension we’re feeling as a collective has us in an emotional tug and pull between putting ourselves first while balancing how we view our relationship to everything and everyone else around us.
We add a third party player to this romantic comedy of errors with the wounded healer asteroid, Chiron who’s enabling us to begin healing our hearts and separation mindset, individually and collectively. Together, they are all trying to show us how to work through frustrations in a healthier way.
There may be a general feeling today that someone or something is deterring you from fulfilling your desires. Most of us are feeling misunderstood thanks to Mercury in retrograde, also in Aries. Allow yourself to feel all of this but understand that if you decide to ignore your emotions instead of processing them, you’ll just end up in a “stuck in the mud” situation. These energies feel heavy because they’re asking you to slow down, enter a contemplative state and get to the bottom of your grievances so you can clear away all the overgrowth blocking your path.
Use the energies of today by growing compassion for yourself while extending compassion towards others. We’re all in it, riding this wave together so we can reach a more balanced tomorrow. 💚💫
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Learn more about your personal energies and how the daily forecast affects you! Comment below⬇️ or DM me for a consultation.
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seafoamreadings · 9 days
full moon lunar eclipse at 25 pisces. conjunct neptune.
the eclipse is not exact yet but you can feel it from now, especially if you are a piscean, virgoan, or neptunian, or a leo or cancer. the effects are an aftermath lasting well into the ingress of the moon into aries. my best advice at this time is to go to great lengths not to deceive or to be deceived and if this is difficult, abstain from any cloudy or questionable dealings as long as possible so the effects of this eclipse can pass and begin to settle. meanwhile, an introspective, calm, restful, and magical couple of evenings are advised. then upon waking, carefully record any dreams you can remember, even if you only can retain shards of them. these will contain messages that may be deeply personal, prophetic, or that come from people you used to know who seem to be long gone.
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goodvibesatpeace · 6 months
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sensualnoiree · 6 months
astro notes- libra full moon & eclipse 🌕
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MARCH 25TH- The Libra full moon shines a light on our relationships, urging us to release doubt and uncertainty. As we transition from the Equinox into Aries season, a new cycle begins, marked by the fast-approaching total eclipse on the Aries new moon. This eclipse season acts as a powerful catalyst for change, offering us the opportunity to realign and detoxify our energy.
The Aries-Libra axis highlights the dynamic interplay between individuality and partnership, self-expression and cooperation. These opposing forces challenge us to find balance within ourselves and in our connections with others. It's a time for deep introspection and transformation, as we navigate the delicate dance between independence and interdependence.
Eclipses are not to be feared but embraced as gateways to resolution and new beginnings. They offer us a chance to shed past karma and step into our higher purpose. As Carl Jung teaches, life emerges from the spark of opposites, and the Lunar Eclipse in Libra reminds us to harmonize polarities to experience a more vibrant existence.
During this eclipse cycle, observe your experiences and reflections, noting any shifts or realizations that occur. Embrace change and complexity, turning problems into powers and paradoxes into pathways to growth. As we navigate these cosmic currents, may we find balance, harmony, and a deeper understanding of our interconnectedness.
Aries Rising (Libra 7th House - Aries 1st House): This eclipse highlights the need to find balance in your relationships (7th house) while asserting your individuality (1st house). You may experience shifts in your partnerships that encourage you to take a more assertive stance in expressing your needs and desires.
Taurus Rising (Libra 6th House - Aries 12th House): The eclipse brings attention to your health and daily routines (6th house) as well as your spiritual and subconscious realms (12th house). You may feel a need to prioritize self-care and introspection, letting go of old habits that no longer serve you.
Gemini Rising (Libra 5th House - Aries 11th House): This eclipse highlights creativity, romance, and self-expression (5th house) as well as your social circles and aspirations (11th house). You may feel inspired to pursue creative projects or reassess your social connections to align them with your true desires.
Cancer Rising (Libra 4th House - Aries 10th House): Home, family, and emotional security (4th house) come into focus, along with your career and public image (10th house). You may experience changes in your professional life that require you to find a balance between your personal and public responsibilities.
Leo Rising (Libra 3rd House - Aries 9th House): Communication, learning, and short trips (3rd house) are emphasized, along with higher education and philosophical pursuits (9th house). You may feel a strong urge to expand your knowledge or share your ideas with others, leading to new opportunities for growth.
Virgo Rising (Libra 2nd House - Aries 8th House): Finances, values, and self-worth (2nd house) come into focus, along with shared resources and deep transformations (8th house). You may need to reassess your financial situation and how you share resources with others, leading to a more profound understanding of your own worth.
Libra Rising (Libra 1st House - Aries 7th House): This eclipse highlights your identity and self-expression (1st house) as well as your partnerships and relationships (7th house). You may experience a shift in how you perceive yourself in relation to others, leading to a greater sense of balance and harmony in your relationships.
Scorpio Rising (Aries 6th House - Libra 12th House): Health, work, and service to others (6th house) are emphasized, along with spirituality and subconscious patterns (12th house). You may feel a need to take better care of your physical and mental well-being, leading to a deeper understanding of your own inner workings.
Sagittarius Rising (Aries 5th House - Libra 11th House): The eclipse highlights creativity, romance, and children (5th house) as well as friendships and social connections (11th house). You may feel inspired to pursue creative projects or connect with like-minded individuals who share your aspirations.
Capricorn Rising (Aries 4th House - Libra 10th House): Home, family, and emotional foundations (4th house) come into focus, along with your career and public image (10th house). You may experience changes in your professional life that require you to find a balance between your personal and public responsibilities, leading to a greater sense of fulfillment in both areas.
Aquarius Rising (Aries 3rd House - Libra 9th House): Communication, learning, and short trips (3rd house) are emphasized, along with higher education and philosophical pursuits (9th house). You may feel a strong urge to expand your knowledge or share your ideas with others, leading to new opportunities for growth and understanding.
Pisces Rising (Aries 2nd House - Libra 8th House): Finances, values, and self-worth (2nd house) come into focus, along with shared resources and deep transformations (8th house). You may need to reassess your financial situation and how you share resources with others, leading to a deeper understanding of your own worth and values.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on yt @quenysefields or instagram sensualnoiree
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These are, of course, the worst pics ever but seeing the solar eclipse in person today was a truly electric and beautiful experience ☀️🌖
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polymorphkin · 6 months
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Happy Eclipse Season!!
Here's the tarot spread I am using to connect with my Draconic guides this season. Hope you enjoy!!
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