#border clash marks 2nd
sleepysera · 3 years
1.30.22 Headlines
Yemen: Hundreds of Houthi rebel child soldiers dead in Yemen war (BBC)
“Nearly 1,500 children recruited by Yemen's Houthi rebels died in fighting in 2020, and hundreds more the following year, the UN says. In a report to the Security Council, experts said rebels were still recruiting children, using summer camps and a mosque to spread their ideology. They added that air strikes on the rebels by Saudi-led forces were still inflicting many civilian casualties. More than 10,000 children have been killed in the war that began in 2015. Tens of thousands of adults have also died as a direct result of the fighting, with millions displaced and on the brink of famine.”
Canada: Truckers cause chaos in Ottawa after second day of protests (BBC)
“Protesters against a vaccine mandate for truckers crossing the US-Canada border have brought Canada's capital city to a standstill for a second day. Thousands of demonstrators joined the so-called Freedom Convoy in Ottawa. Police have started investigations after several incidents, including the appearance of swastika flags and footage of a woman dancing on the tomb of the unknown soldier.”
China: Beijing seals off more residential areas, reports 12 cases (AP)
“Beijing officials said Sunday they had sealed off several residential communities north of the city center after two cases of COVID-19 were found. The Chinese capital is on high-alert as it prepares to host the Winter Olympics opening Friday. Another 34 cases were confirmed among athletes and others who have come for the Games, the organizing committee said. In all 211 people have tested positive among more than 8,000 who had arrived by the end of Saturday.”
George Floyd: 2nd Trial centers on clash of duty, code (AP)
“A federal trial against three former Minneapolis police officers seeks to hold them responsible for not stopping George Floyd’s murder — and perhaps strike a blow against long-standing police culture that breeds reluctance to rein in fellow officers. The federal charges require prosecutors to prove the ex-officers willfully deprived Floyd of his constitutional rights — meaning that they knew what they were doing was wrong and still went ahead.”
Ukraine: US pledges to put Russia on the defensive at UN Security Council (AP)
“The U.S. worked Sunday to ramp up diplomatic and financial pressure on Russia over Ukraine, promising to put Moscow on the defensive at the U.N. Security Council as lawmakers on Capitol Hill said they were nearing agreement on “the mother of all sanctions.” The American ambassador to the United Nations said the Security Council will press Russia hard in a Monday session to discuss its massing of troops near Ukraine and fears it is planning an invasion.”
Afghanistan: Biden calls for release of US hostage (AP)
“President Joe Biden on Sunday called for the release of U.S. Navy veteran Mark Frerichs, who was taken hostage in Afghanistan nearly two years ago. Frerichs, a civil engineer and contractor from Lombard, Illinois, was kidnapped in January 2020 from the capital of Kabul. He is believed to be in the custody of the Taliban-linked Haqqani network.”
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katehuntington · 4 years
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Title: Black Dog - part four Word count: 4475± words Episode summary: When  Sam gets an anonymous phone call with information about his father, Dean receives a text message with coordinates to different location. The brothers clash and split up, one following orders, the other trusting his instincts. Meanwhile, in the wilderness of Cascade Range, Washington State, Zoë loses grip on a personal case and is forced to confront her demons. Without back up, this might very well turn out to be her final hunt. Part four summary: Dean closes in on the location that the coordinates lead to, and soon begins to grasp the magnitude of this case. Episode warnings: Dark! NSFW, 18+ only!  Angst, gore, violence, character death. Description of blood, injury   and  medical procedures. Supernatural creatures/entities, mentions of   demon possession. Swearing, smoking, weaponry. Descriptions of  torture and murder. Illegal/criminal practices. Mentions of nightmares and   flashbacks. Descriptions of suicidal thoughts and tendencies,   depression, panic attacks, hallucinations. Author’s note: Beta’d by @winchest09​​​​ & @deanwanddamons​​​​​. Thanks, girls!
Supernatural: The Sullivan Series Masterlist
S1E03 “Black Dog” Masterlist
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     Darrington, Washington      December 2nd, 2005 - Present Day
     Two days later, Dean and his Impala roll down a two-lane highway through Stillaguamish Valley. Mountains rise from the earth as if they are still growing, overshadowing the villages beneath. Rays of sun pierce through the clouds, spotlights of the sky shining down on the land below.  
     It’s not nearly as warm as it was in Texas. In fact, Dean has the heaters on to cast out the cold. The radio started jamming some time ago, not because of the presence of a ghost or some other supernatural force, but simply because the high mountains are interfering with the radio signal. To break the silence, Dean threw in an old Metallica mixtape, one he used to listen to whenever he was on the road alone. Enter Sandman rages through the speakers as Dean taps his thumb on the steering wheel in the rhythm of the drums. 
     He needs his music right now. It’s the only thing that can keep him sane. The evident empty space next to him and the silence that filled the car before the screaming guitars did, had him almost turn around at least half a dozen times. The knot in his stomach hasn’t exactly loosened ever since he left Sam on the side of the road, but with his father’s orders in mind, he kept pushing north. You’re here now, Dean. Might as well solve this case.
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     When he crossed the Texas - Oklahoma state border, he stopped at an internet cafe and traced the location of the coordinates. It turns out that 48°13’11.00”N 121°41’4045”W isn’t an abandoned factory building in the American wastelands or a graveyard which happens to be the final resting place of a not so peaceful spirit. These coordinates are those of a pass on the south side of a mountain range, west of a small town called Darrington, located in Washington State. 
     When he searched for articles on anything out of the ordinary in that area, he stumbled on a bunch of missing person reports and killings in the local newspapers. The growing population of grey wolves and bears, plus the city closing in on nature, are the causes of this unusual animal behavior, according to the wildlife services. Apparently Dean’s father doubts that the animals have anything to do with it. The missing people and casualties are random. Dean couldn’t find a link between any of them, so he went on and eventually got himself on Arlington-Darrington Road, heading for the small village. 
      As far as Dean knows, the last attack took place nine days ago. It happened at the exact location of the coordinates, where a family was hiking. The teenage daughter and the father were killed by God knows what, only the nineteen-year-old son survived. He expects the local police will know more about his state and current whereabouts. Having a word with the poor kid is on the hunter’s to-do list, once he finds him. 
     Dean looks over to the right, where a high peak stands out from the other mountains surrounding him. It seems ominous and beautiful at the same time, intimidating anyone who enters the valley as it reaches for the sky. That’s the place where it went down; Whitehorse Mountain. 
    The hunter carries on and passes a church and a short airstrip, then he enters the town of Darrington. Not quite sure where he’s supposed to go, he follows the main road, and soon spots the police department on his right. The Impala turns to the curb and through his windshield, the driver takes a look around. The benefits of a small town; everything is close by. Across from the police department he finds a diner and a small hotel, no need to drive around to find a place to stay and to eat. First things first, though, he has to figure out what he’s up against. 
     Somewhat carelessly, the hunter rummages through the several false ID’s and badges in the glove compartment, choosing one that his father printed a couple of months back. As he gets out of the car and walks around it, he checks out the ID as he mouths the false name.      “Glenn Frey. Brilliant, Dad,” he chuckles, instantly recognizing the name of one of the founders of the Eagles.
     Confident, Dean steps inside the governmental building.      The deputy, who’s reading a file by a large desk in the corner of the room, looks up from his work. “Can I help you?”      “Yeah, I’m Glenn Frey from Wildlife Services,” Dean flashes his identification as he walks up to the counter.      “Ah, you’re here for the attacks.” The officer stands up and walks over, after which he shakes Dean’s hand. “Deputy Steven Morson.”      “Is the sheriff in?” Dean wonders, getting straight to the point.      “Not at this moment, but he will be later on,” the young deputy replies.
     The hunter purses his lips, letting a sound of discontent slip past his teeth. “I was hoping to gather some more information about the Cleveland family.”      “Your colleague missed something?” deputy Morson assumes.      Oh oh, the real rangers got here first? Quickly, Dean improvises, the slight hesitation barely noticeable. “We just don’t want to miss any details, make sure we know what we’re up against.”      The deputy nods at that. “No problem. I’ll get the documents for you.”
     He moves over to the file cases against the back wall, opens one of the doors with a key, and leafs through the files. As he’s working, Dean takes his time to have a look around  the small police station. Pictures of officers decorate the bleak walls, together with a collection of medals and declarations. The sheriff’s office is separated from the main desk. A bit further in the back, Dean sees the door that leads to the holding cells. It looks pretty much like every small town’s department he’s been in; way too familiar. There have been several occasions that he saw places like this from behind bars.
     “Here you go.” The deputy interrupts his thoughts as he hands the file to Dean.      With a grateful nod, so-called Glenn Frey from Wildlife Services lays out the documents on the desk. Attentive, he scans the pages as he flips through them, but there isn’t much there.      Puzzled, Dean faces the policeman. “This is it? No imaging, death reports?”      “The remains haven’t been brought down the mountain yet. Three hunters went up to track them down, bring the bodies back and shoot the animals if they get the chance, but it snowed for quite a while a few days back, so I think they got delayed,” the deputy explains.      Dean hums at that, but doesn’t say anything. And I think they got killed, he ponders quietly.      “So all you have is an eyewitness report of ...?” Dean concludes, leaving the line open for the deputy to fill in.      “David, the oldest son. Poor guy,” he sighs.      “Got hurt bad?” Dean presumes.      “No, not at all. He didn’t have a scratch on him. But what he saw… Well, read for yourself,” The policeman nods at the page on the counter, and gives the ranger some space.
     Dean scans the eyewitness report intently, taking out the details that matter to him most. Tear wounds, bite marks, limbs shredded off, major blood loss. By the looks of it, the two victims were torn in pieces. The description of the suspected killer is rather poor, though. Apparently Deputy Morson notices the change in Dean’s facial expression, because he comments on it right away.
     “The kid lost his entire family, so I can imagine it was all a blur, but he said the animal was ‘invisible’. He also claimed he heard a wolf-like howl right before the incidents happened, but nothing like any grey he has ever heard, apparently. It seems unlikely, doesn’t it? One lone wolf attacking people? I think he kind of lost it, if I may speak honestly,” he says with a little chuckle. 
     Dean, however, doesn’t find it funny at all and keeps a straight face. “Why don’t we both stick to our fields of expertise, shall we? Is he still in town?”      The deputy clears his throat awkwardly. “He is, Sir. He refuses to go back home until his family is recovered from the mountain.” 
     The hunter nods, able to get behind that reasoning. Foolish, but understandable. Either way, for his investigation on this case it’s quite convenient that David is still here. The report doesn’t give him a lot to go on, and he really needs to know more before he sets foot onto the creature’s hunting grounds.      He straightens his back and looks the deputy in the eye before he exits the police department. “Tell me, where can I find David?”      “He has a room at the Inn, but I’ve seen him in church a lot,” the young officer says.      “Thank you, I’ll see if I can find him.” Dean knocks on the wooden counter before he turns away.
     When he exits the building, he halts on the doorstep, narrowing his eyes to shield them from the bright surroundings outside. Snowy mountain tops reflect the sun, a chilly wind rolling through the valley. The hunter adjusts the collar of his leather coat to protect himself from the cool breeze.
     “You’re a ranger, aren’t you?”      He glances aside, finding an older man on a bench by the grass. The grey-haired local glances at the badge in Dean’s hand, before he makes eye-contact.      “I am,” Dean confirms, despite it being a lie.      The elder nods at that, averting his gaze to the peak on their west. The deep wrinkles become more evident while he folds his boney hands around the handle of his cane. “That missing family? You won’t find them.”      Frowning at that, Dean watches him, curious if he knows more. “What makes you say that?”
     “Three of this town’s best hunters have gone up there, they should’ve been back by now,” the senior says with a voice raw from age. “If you’d ask me, I’d say they befell the same fate.”      Dean tilts his head slightly in agreement, beholding the menacing scenery as well. The wise man seems to know that there is more going on than meets the eye at the treacherous slopes.      “Have you seen anything up there?” he wonders.      The old local shakes his head, his stare turning to the icy pavement. “No one has seen anything. It moves too fast. I’ve heard it, though.”
      Intrigued, Dean turns his head to face the man on the bench again. There is a fear in his eyes that seems out of character for the old soul who has without a doubt seen so much in his long life.      “I’ve lived here for seventy years. Have protected my cattle from quite a few predators during that time. Grizzlies, mountain lions, coyotes, wolves. But what I’ve been hearing lately is unlike any animal I’ve ever heard,” he tells.
     Plenty might think the local has gone mad, but Dean has a growing respect for the senior. If he ever had any doubt that this was his kind of deal, it is taken away now.      “Well, whatever is up there, I’ll take care of it,” he claims, sure to succeed.      “You’re not the first one to say that, and yet no one has returned, but that boy,” The old farmer nods in the direction of the church. “If I were you, I would leave the mountain be.”      “Can’t do that,” Dean shakes his head. “More people will disappear.”      “So will you if you go to find that beast.” 
     The elder’s blue eyes surprise Dean when they meet his green ones. They are so piercing and weary, that it startles him, but he manages not to flinch. Instead, he tries to read the man of age, who has one last message for him.      “There is something evil in those woods.”
     The much younger hunter can’t stop himself from swallowing thickly at the intense stare that comes his way. The local is desperate to change the ranger’s opinion, pleading with him to reconsider. Dean won’t, however, although he takes the warning seriously. The hunter might not know what he will be up against once he heads up, but it’s beginning to dawn on him it’s something unlike he has ever faced before.
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     On the corner of Commercial Avenue and Riddle Street, Dean halts in front of a small church. The sign in front of the house of God, which is called St. John Mary Vianney Catholic, has his stomach reacting in a way he didn’t expect it to. The fact that both his parents’ names stare back at him, gives this place a whole other meaning. A strange feeling comes to him as a chill runs down his spine. It bothers him, because he’s not one of those new-agey kids who believes in destiny. Of course, this is just an odd coincidence, but somehow it feels like he was meant to be here. 
     Cautiously, he steps up the porch and enters the building. The church seems deserted, even the priest is nowhere to be seen. Light from outside falls through the stained glass and brings color to the house of the Holy. Candles are lit by the altar and have been burning for a while, given the way the wax has dripped down the silver candleholders. Several smaller flames flicker at the sidewall, worshipping the statue of the Virgin Mary. 
     As Dean enters the small church and walks through the central aisle between the rows of wooden benches, he spots a figure on the front row. Although the hunter’s footsteps echo through the old building, the guy apparently doesn’t hear him coming in. He absently stares at the statue of Jesus, nailed to a cross. And so Dean halts at the end of the aisle, trying to judge the situation and how to approach. Either the young man on the bench is ignoring him, or he’s so trapped in his thoughts that he has shut himself out from the world around him. Dean decides to say something to break through to him.      “Are you David?”
     Slowly, the young man glances aside, but doesn’t look Dean in the eye. His gaze is empty and beholds immense devastation. As if he has cried so much over the last couple of days, that he’s unable to express himself any longer.      “Who are you?” he asks with a raspy voice.      For a moment there, the hunter considers taking out his ID, but then he changes his mind. Sam is always far better in these situations, so he tries to imagine how his little brother would approach David. He decides to be upfront.      “I’m Dean,” he answers.
     The introduction doesn’t trigger a response, though; the only living member of the Clevelands continues to stare into the nothingness absently. Dean exhales, pondering. How the fuck is he going to get through to this kid? It’s clear as day David doesn’t want company, and right about now, he could use Sam’s people’s skills. His little brother can work miracles with a few kind words and a pleading gaze.      A bit ill-at-ease, Dean looks down at his feet. “I heard about your family. I’m sorry.”      The silence that follows is even more evident under these high ceilings. The acoustics should allow every sound to be amplified, yet it remains eerily quiet.      “I know how you feel,” he continues carefully.      David scoffs. “No, you don’t.”
     His firm answer catches the hunter off guard. The young man is right, he doesn’t know how he feels, not entirely. Dean didn’t see his entire family die, but the sound of his mother’s horrifying scream still rips through his mind every now and then. 
     For a moment he goes back in time. He doesn’t remember much of his early childhood, just bits and pieces, stills taken from a movie. But what went down on November 2nd 1983, the one day he wishes he could erase from his memory, he can recall in detail. 
     He remembers how he was comfortably sitting in his mother's arms. She held him close, she always did. She carried him into Sam’s room and they wished his little brother goodnight. Dad was there too, it was the last time he remembers him truly smiling. He remembers being tucked in by both of them. ‘Angels are watching over you,’ Mom said, right before he drifted off. Then he was awoken by the chilling cry that would continue to haunt him until this day. He remembers rushing out of bed and into the hallway, where he froze to the ground. From Sam’s nursery, a rage of flames heated up the entire house. Then his father appeared from the fire, holding little Sam in his arms, handing him over.
     Take your brother outside as fast as you can, don’t look back! Now, Dean! Go!
     Even though the heat was unbearable, as was the toxic smoke that filled every room of the house, he ran downstairs as his father told him to and eventually found himself in the front yard, looking up at his burning home. Then Dad came out, snatched both his sons from the grass, and carried them away from the house, after which moments later the second floor exploded. As he looked over his Dad’s shoulder at the burning remains of their house, he knew: he would never see his mother again. 
     Dean swallows with difficulty, coming back to the present. “Believe me. I know.”      A bit surprised by that statement, David looks up into Dean’s eyes, holding his gaze for a few long seconds. “You’ve lost your family too?”      “My mother,” he replies. “She was murdered.”
     Dean looks away for a brief moment. His Mom’s death was hard on him then, it still is now. It might have happened twenty-two years ago, yet avenging her is what motivates him to keep going. She is the reason his father is willing to go to the edge of the earth and beyond to catch the son of a bitch that killed her. That defining moment kickstarted the hunt that would turn out to be his life’s work. That night, he lost so much more than just his mom. 
     Dad never recovered from her death, condemning his boys to a career of hunting. They are soldiers now, fighting a war of which they can’t grasp the magnitude. A crusade against the monster that tore the family apart. Ironically and sadly, that same crusade seems to have driven the Winchesters apart even further than Mary’s killer ever did. 
     Look at him; he has no idea where his father is and he got into a huge fight with Sam. He is truly on his own right now, unsure if his remaining family will return. What if right now, Sam walks into a trap? What if Dad gets killed by the same thing that killed Mom? 
     Suddenly it strikes him. David is what Dean is afraid to become; he’s alone.
     “What happened on that mountain?” Dean asks, trying to focus on the case again before his mind spirals out of control, but the only survivor cuts him off immediately.      “I don’t wanna talk about it.”      “I think you do, but you’ve given it up because no one believes what you are saying,” Dean replies, seeing right through it.
     Perplexed, David looks aside, eying the stranger who is still standing in the aisle, in the middle of the church.      “Like I said, I know how you feel,” Dean repeats, reading the question from his face. “Why don’t you tell me what happened?”      The young guy shakes his head, defeated. “You wouldn’t believe me anyway.”      “Try me,” Dean encourages.
     With a sigh, David looks down at his feet while the hunter observes him. His dark hair is a mess and he has a stubble growing. Blood and dirt has embedded in the prints of his fingers and around his nails, the blood of his family that seems impossible to wash off.
     “Dad, Ruth and I were hiking on the north side of Whitehorse Mountain. We started out early in the morning and everything went smoothly. We had about an hour of light left, when me and my sister reached the location where we planned to set up camp first. Then it started…” he tells as he folds his shaking hands together. “Ruth and I heard a cry of some sort of animal. For a moment we thought it was a grey wolf, but I’ve heard them before, this… this was different. It took Dad ages to get over the Lone Tree Pass, I thought he might have some equipment trouble or something, so I went back.”
     His jaw clenches and he takes a breath, now he has come to the hard part. Tears fill  his eyes, but he is able to hold them back.      “I found him, against a tree. There was blood everywhere, his chest was… he was torn into pieces. He - he had bite wounds and nail scratches all over him, so deep that I - I could see the bone, his - his intestines. His arm was s - severed,” David stammers.      “And your sister?” Dean asks sympathetically.
     A short pause and he can see in David’s eyes that he relives the haunting memory every time he talks about it.      “Same thing... I heard her scream, but by the time I got there, it - it was too late. There was barely anything left. She was only sixteen,” he reveals with a trembling voice.      David rubs his face and wipes away the tears, but he stays strong.      “Then I heard it, this deep growl. It felt like it was right behind me. When I turned around I didn’t see it, but I heard the call again. Then everything returned to normal,” he remembers.      “What do you mean, back to normal?” Dean questions, curious about his choice of words.
     The young guy looks up at him again from the bench. He hesitates, as if what he’s about to say will just confirm that he’s completely losing his mind. “The mountain came back to life. Birds started singing again, the wind blew through the trees. Right after the first cry, everything went dead. You could hear a penny drop in that forest,” David tells him. “I don’t know how to describe it. It… It was surreal.”      Intently, Dean listens to him and doesn’t give any sign of disbelief what so ever. “Then what happened?” he asks, intrigued.
     “I ran. I knew I needed help and the only place where I could find it was down in the valley. So I ran.” David drops his gaze again, ashamed. “I’m such a coward. I should’ve called it in with the satellite phone. I should’ve stayed by their side.”      “There’s nothing you could have done for your family. You would’ve ended up dead if you had stayed,” Dean says, trying to relieve him from his guilt.      Carelessly, the lone survivor shrugs. “Maybe that would have been better.”
     Dean keeps quiet, because he understands where he’s coming from. If your entire family ends up dead, what is there to live for? He wouldn’t want to stay behind either.
     “You - you know what the worst part is?” David stammers. “I have absolutely no idea how to explain what happened. It wasn’t an animal, I know that much. But if it wasn’t, what the hell was it? There’s just no explanation.”      “There is,” the hunter states.      “What? That it was bigfoot?” David scoffs sarcastically.      “There’s no such thing as bigfoot… I think,” Dean answers, doubting his own words the moment he says them.      “Then what killed my family?” the young Cleveland wants to know.      “I’m not sure yet, but I can tell you, it ain’t no wolf. It’s not from our world,” Dean states.      “I don’t care from what world it is. I want it dead,” David makes clear.
     “I’ll track it and get rid of it,” the man next to him promises.      Determined, the mourning teenager gets up from the bench. “Good. When are we heading out?”      But Dean holds out his hand in front of him, stopping him. “Whoa, dude. I don’t think it’s wise for you to come along.”      “Do you know anything about that mountain? Do you know anything about the trails? About hiking?” David questions.      “I’ll manage, that’s beside the point. This is gonna get ugly, David. You don’t want to be a part of this,” Dean makes clear, trying to discourage him.
     “Trust me, that mountain is one big monster by itself. If you don’t know her paths, you’ll get lost and die. I know these woods like the back of my hand. Together we’ll have a chance. I’m not gonna sit here while you go up there and get killed just like those three hunters,” he argues, his voice gaining strength.      Dean huffs. Smart kid. He’s got spunk, alright.      “Whatever it is, it killed my family. So don’t tell me I can’t be part of this,” the young guy insists firmly. “If you had the chance to face who killed your mother, wouldn’t you take it?”
     Dean doesn’t have an answer ready for that one, he wasn’t expecting a curveball. David is right. If he had even the smallest opportunity to have a share in the fight against the monster that killed Mom, he wouldn’t even have to think about it.      “Alright,” the hunter sighs. “But if anything happens to you--”      David doesn’t even let him finish and walks past him towards the exit. As he does, he looks over his shoulder. “What? Like I have anything to lose?”
     Dean watches him leave, the corner of his mouth pulling into a small smile. He recognizes himself in the kid; hands on, not cowering in the face of danger, willing to do everything for his family. He won’t be able to stop the only remaining Cleveland, and so he follows.
     As he descends down the steps of the church, he finds David standing on the sidewalk, staring up at the sky. Before them, Whitehorse Mountain stands tall, looking down on them like a dark, looming thunderstorm. That’s what they need to overcome, that’s their challenger. 
     It is going to be a difficult climb, but fighting a vicious creature along the way makes things a little more complicated. Dean wishes he had Sam to back him up on this one, because he’s sure his smart brother would have an idea what they are up against. Even though he’s not fond of having a civilian to worry about on a hunt, David does know this terrain. Dean has to face reality here; he’s going to need a guide. He only hopes that he can bring the kid back down, safe and sound. Enough people have died on that mountain already.
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Story fact: the church mentioned in this chapter was the actual name of a church in Darrington in 2005. Came across in during research, and just had to use it!
Thank you so much for reading. I appreciate  every single one of you, but if you  do want to give me some extra love,  you are free to reblog my work or  buy me coffee (Link in bio at the  top of the page)
Read part 5 here
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tjadakaa · 4 years
what’s a king to a god, what’s a god to a nonbeliever
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(I couldn’t help myself with the gif, I love him ;;;____;;;) In the absence of writing or more accurately writing for the *one* thing. I’ve been contending a lot with questions on dynamic. How I want Erik and T’Challa to come together, how they might function in the early, middle or late stages of a relationship. Here are some of my ideas:
Acknowledging T’Challa: His background, his heritage his personality, his character his *destiny* you might say is to be king. Prince then king. Canonly Erik disrupts this trajectory and then the world ‘rights’ itself.
In my stories, musings, porn etc the world rarely ‘rights’ itself because my heart’s thesis tells me it were never ‘right’ in the first place. Wakanda as it is represented by T’Challa is complicated. It’s politics, it’s decisions, it’s existence. For their right to remain unbothered, untouched, safe from the factors that plague everyone else is not right. So returning to that state (how ever nominally) isn’t appealing to me. tldr: King T’Challa <<<<<<
The easiest way to appease my heart’s thesis is to simply diverge with canon’s introduction of king Erik. Other possibilities include Queen Shuri, Queen Nakia, King M’Baku. In the end it follows that the world is not ‘righted’ and huge changes come about in a manner that is unlike the canon the movie gives us. 
Back to the ship dynamic. In a world that doesn’t quite ‘right’ itself, where does that leave our two characters? I crave exploration of a T’Challa who is confronting this new reality in a position of less power and or authority, experiencing the world or Wakanda differently than he had before. Similarly we have Erik in the role of leader, antagonist or something else dealing with Wakanda, his extended family and all the things he probably repressed or put off for later. Later is now. 
> Pre-relationship there’s a lot that could happen. A lot to deal with, the air is not clear. The movie leaves several things unresolved and many uncomfortable conversations unsaid. T’Chaka’s actions, and what he did in the aftermath all those years. The ramifications of N’Jobu’s actions (on the Border Tribe alone there must be a mark, let alone the rest of Wakanda) and finally the implications of Erik’s existence. (Where there's one secret child born outside of Wakanda, surely there are others) Wondering how Wakanda has explained its isolation/distance/public policy, how it’s managed to protect itself, the function of the war dogs, and the way its society runs itself in this special bubble. It’s a lot of culture clash and discussion and uncomfortable topics. 
How can these two come together? Maybe due to a common goal, a common enemy, an understanding of frenemies? Plot devices (arranged marriage???) anyway explanations abound. I’ve always been struck by T’Challa’s reaction to Erik (once the dust cleared) in his 2nd dream sequence where he confronts his dad. Honor and T’Challa are best bros. Heck maybe one-sided or mutual sexual attraction would be enough. There’s a lot of angles. Depending on how you characterize Erik or T’Challa their needs, their wants and their mental state, a relationship can form. 
Currently I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the effects of losing both parents at the age Erik did and how that might have affected what he seeks out in a partner (when he eventually seeks one/cultivates a relationship) it gets kinky and a little pseudo-sciency. Overall it’s nod to acknowledging trauma the movie conveys somewhat in Erik’s dream sequence and in his interactions with women that we see in the movie. 
T’Challa in contrast is more mundane. MCU Canon (the only one I acknowledge usually) leads us to believe he’s been chasing Nakia for years, so based on who Nakia is and who we assume T’Challa to be, assumptions can be made on what makes him tick... what attracts him. (*coughs* Nakia and Erik are amusingly similar and I could write 5000 words of analysis for that @unlace join me)
The issue isn’t them coming together, (one unforgettable night leading to more-- who knows) With these two I think the issue is *staying together.*
end of part one
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hermanwatts · 4 years
“I Wish to the Devil the Country was Prepared”
In early January 1932, Robert E. Howard in a letter to H. P. Lovecraft had this to say:
“I love peace, yet I wouldnt [sic] mind a war right now such a hell of a lot, if the country was prepared; but it isnt [sic]. Japan knows it; that’s why she thinks she can kick the flag around, beat up American officials, and get away with it. I wish to the devil the country was prepared.”
This comment was in relation to Japan’s recent seizure of Manchuria in late 1931. Historians often view this as the first shot that would lead to World War 2.
I recently read Cry Havoc: The Arms Race and the Second World War 1931-1941 by Joe Maiolo. It fits in with After the Trenches by William O. Odom, Linn’s Guardians of Empire, and Geoffrey Perrett’s There’s a War to be Won.
Maiolo makes the case that Stalin’s First Five Year Plan set off the 1930s arms race that led to WW2. The Japanese made a gamble to grab Manchuria before the Red Army was modernized and too powerful.
Robert E. Howard was correct. The U.S was not in a good condition to fight a war. But then again, that is the condition it generally goes into war. In 1932, the U.S. Army had 133, 200 men. The National Defense Act of 1920 called for 17,000 officers and 280,000 enlisted men. The National Guard was to be at 435,000 men.
The U.S Army had received no new equipment after WW1. In the 1930s, it was still using the British Mark VIII “Liberty” tank and had 950 French Renault FT-17 made under license. The Renault FT-17 was used up through the 1930s so in terms of quality, not at a disadvantage.
Renault FT-17 Tank
There were designs on the books for new artillery such as the 105 mm howitzer but in 1932, the Army was still using 75 mm and 155 mm cannons of WW1 vintage. Mortars were 3 inch trench mortars with often faulty ammunition due improper storage.
What the U.S. Army had plenty of were around 2 million M1917 Enfield rifles in Cosmoline. During WW1, Winchester, Remington, and Eddystone could produce Enfields in far greater numbers than Springfield Armory with the Springfield ’03 rifle. Corporal (later Sergeant) Alvin York used the M1917 Enfield on that October day in 1918 where he picked off one German after another. Most U.S. Army units in WW1 carried Enfields.
The Enfield was accurate but long (46.25 inches). It does have that short and smooth action the Enfield series of rifles is known for. Some had been sold to the civilian market, but the supply seemed inexhaustible. They were used in basic training during WW2. In the late 1930s, the Army sold around 40,000 a year to the Philippine Commonwealth for the army that Gen. Douglas MacArthur was supposed to create. Enfields were also sold to the Free French, Nationalist Chinese, Irish Free State, and the Royal Netherlands Indies Army. I have seen pictures of stacks of Enfields handed out to Philippine guerrillas in WW2. Some were sent to Britain after Dunkirk. Rear echelon troops such as Signal Corps in the Pacific had Enfields late in WW2. All the M-1 carbines were being sent to Europe. The M1917 is still in use by the Sirius Dog Sled Patrol in Greenland. The Patrol is an elite unit of the Danish Navy. The M1917 works in extreme cold conditions.
M1917 Enfield
The official rifle of the U.S. Army in 1932 was the Springfield ’03. The Army had somewhere around 800,000 of those left over from WW1. It is an accurate rifle owing its action to the Mauser.
The U.S. Army had 102,174 Browning Automatic Rifles from WW1. Ever talk to WW2 vets, they liked the BAR. It was heavy, weighing around 19 lbs. It was originally designed for suppressing fire crossing no-man’s land. Bonnie and Clyde used BARs and did Frank Hamer who took out Bonnie and Clyde. Foreign especially British writers hate the BAR calling it a poor light machine gun. It was used sort of as an LMG but gave a rifle squad a little more fire power. The Marines had two BARS per rifles squad in WW2.
Browning Automatic Rifle
The M1919 Browning machine gun began service right after WW1 and used up through Vietnam. John Moses Browning was a firearms genius.
Browning M1919 Machine Gun
The Thompson submachine gun was not adopted until 1938 by the U.S. Army but in use by the Navy and Marines. So, overall, the U.S. was in similar condition to all other great powers following WW1 with small arms.
The biggest problem is the U.S. Army had no large-scale training exercises during most of the 1930s due to lack of funding. Gen. Douglas MacArthur fought tooth and nail to keep the Army from being further by Roosevelt but money was not present for training.
A bright spot is the Army Air Corps. The Air Corps took 20% of expenditures in 1933. The U.S. at least kept up with new designs of aircraft and some purchases. The Curtis P6-E Hawk would have been the standard “pursuit” plane in those last years of bi-wing airplanes.
Out of 133,200 men, 25% of the U.S. Army was overseas. The old thinking of garrisons strewn across colonial empires ready to deal with any local emergencies.  U. S. Army strength overseas:
Philippines: 11,744 (5207 Army, 6537 Philippine Scouts). Three infantry regiments, four coast artillery, one cavalry regiments, two field artillery regiments.
Hawaii: 14,223. The Hawaiian Division (“The Pineapple Army”) and coast artillery.
Alaska: two understrength companies at Juneau.
Panama: 2 infantry regiments, 2 coast artillery regiments, 1 battalion field artillery
Tientsin, China: 15th Infantry Regiment at 2 battalions
Puerto Rico: 65th Infantry Regiment.
Another 20% of the U.S. Army was on the Mexican border. The 2nd Infantry Division was kept at full strength at Ft. Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas. The 1st Cavalry Division at Ft. Bliss, Texas at 9,595 men; the 24th Infantry Regiment, one of the Army’s two black infantry regiments was at Ft. Huachuca in Arizona on the border.
The Washington Treaty of 1922 restricted the U.S. Navy. The Navy had 11 battleships, 3 fleet carriers, 19 cruisers, 102 destroyers, 55 submarines for two oceans. The Navy had 93,384 personnel.
The U.S. Marines stood at 16,561. The Marines were scattered from Shanghai in China to Cuba in small detachments. The 4th Marine Regiment had been in Shanghai with two battalions. The North China Marines fluctuated between 200-300 men at this time.
North China Marines
REH to HPL, 1932: “Along the Border there is a definite undercurrent of expectation, or at least apprehension, of Mexican invasion in case of war. There has been a persistent rumor, every [sic] since the last war, of the mysterious presence and vaguely sinister activities of a hundred thousand Japanese in the interior of Mexico.”
The Mexican Revolution from 1910-1920 gets most historical press. Mexico continued to have turmoil through the 1920s and 30s. Some were regional military commander led revolts against downsizing. The Yaqui Indians in northern Mexico fought the Mexican government 1926-27. There was the Cristero Rebellion 1927-29 and Cedillo Rebellion 1938-39.
Closer to home for Robert E. Howard was the San Diego Plan of 1915. Named after the small town of San Diego in southern Texas, the manifesto stated:
“On the 20th day of February, 1915, at two o’clock in the morning, we will arise in arms against the Government and Country of the United States of North America, ONE AS ALL AND AS ONE, proclaiming the liberty of individuals of the black race and its independence of Yankee tyranny which has held us in iniquitous slavery since remote times.”
In the summer of 1915, Mexican rebels and bandits (Sedicionistas) launched 30 raids against targets carried from across the Rio Grande River. The Seditionistas killed almost two-dozen U.S. citizens including kidnapping, torturing, and decapitating a U.S. soldier displaying his head on a pole in the border. The Anglo-Texan response was with extreme prejudice including extra-judicial executions in retaliation. Robert E. Howard would have been nine years old during these events.
The 2nd Infantry Division and 1st Cavalry were kept at full strength through the 1920s and 30s ready to deal with Mexico.
Could war have happened in 1932? The U.S. was so weak militarily that Japan contemptuously went about its aggression with little fear. The U.S. simply could not intimidate Japan. There was a chance of a clash with the North China Marines at Peking and the 15th Infantry Regiment at Tientsin sparking a wider war. The Japanese could have taken out scattered, isolated U.S. detachments in China, Philippines, and even Hawaii.
The plan was for the U.S. Navy to rush to relieve the Philippines in War Plan Orange while the Philippine garrison retreated to the Bataan peninsula and Corregidor island. It was thought it would take the Japanese six months just to cut through the jungle to get to American lines.
A daring attack by the Japanese on Panama could have put the canal out of use. Opportunistic politicians or generals in Mexico under Japanese encouragement could have attacked along the U.S.–Mexico border in the hope of regaining the South West. The Japanese could have trainers and advisors with the Mexican Army. They even could have a regiment of infantry to stiffen up their allies.
The U.S. could find itself with almost 25% of its army gone and another 20% desperately holding the border with no new tanks, no new artillery. It would take around eight months before you get the skeletal army and National Guard divisions filled out and trained. The Army at least had lots of rifles in storage. There were over 2 million WW1 veterans. A fair number would have been still young enough and in acceptable physical shape to provide a trained reserve to draw upon.
American industry would be able to supply plenty of trucks and other vehicles but things like tanks and cannons would take time.
Curtis P-6 Hawk
The Army Air Corps first monoplane P-26 fighter was a year away from first deliveries and the B-10 bomber two years. The Curtis P-6 Hawk, the last biplane used by the Army Air Corp would have been the plane used along the Mexican border and patrolling the West Coast.
Perhaps some sort of new tank would have been produced. An imaginary tank linking the WW1 leftovers and the M-2 tank of the late 1930s could have been produced.
The Japanese Navy could sail at will along the California coast shelling Los Angeles and San Francisco. There would not be much the U.S. could do about it for a while. In the long run, the U.S. would pummel Mexico into submission. A young Robert E. Howard joins up in the Texas National Guard (36th Infantry Division) or the Army to give the Mexicans and Japanese hell.
If there were an opportune time for the Japanese to attack, it would have been around 1936-1937. The U.S. Army would have another four years of deteriorating equipment and financial starvation. Franklin Roosevelt had taken officers out of active duty for one of his New Deal programs. They ran Civilian Conservation Corps camps. The U.S. was lucky in that a generation of young men were in a quasi-military environment providing pre-basic training. Roosevelt admired Mussolini and Stalin’s central controlled economies and emulated them. Hitler had very similar camps for German youth at the same time.
The U.S. was lucky in that when war came, a new generation of planes, tanks, rifles, vehicles were coming off the assembly lines. The Japanese and Italians were off by 10 years. Both had up modern armies for the early 1930s.  Involvement in wars during the 30s delayed modernization giving the Allies the upper hand.
A war in 1932 would have looked a lot like something at the end of WW1 with bolt action rifles, bi-planes, primitive tanks. The 1st Cavalry Division would have been on horseback on the border with some old armored cars confined to the probably few functioning roads in northern Mexico. The Marines might have made a landing at Veracruz with a thrust to Mexico City to put an end of that part of the war.  The expanding army would have made its mistakes and growing pains in Mexico. The .30-06 cartridge used in the ’03 Springfield, M1917 Enfield, and Browning Automatic Rifle was perfect for fighting in the open territory of the border. If Mexico did not join with Japan, there would have been a period of just some naval clashes for up to two years. The Japanese might have invaded Alaska making for a scenario of warfare in polar conditions.
The fleet would begin the hard fight across the Pacific as laid out in various versions of War Plan Orange would get underway ending with a blockade of Japan. By the 1930s, Navy admirals had a realistic view of a Pacific War with an island-hopping campaign through the Japanese Mandate islands including the Marshall and Caroline Islands. The Army said it could hold out in the Philippines for 6 months, the Navy estimated a two-year campaign across the Pacific to get the Philippines. So, the Army commander of the Philippine Department would be surrendering before help arrived. It was a command that few relished.
The U.S. could have trained Chinese troops to tie down the Japanese Army. Who knows, the Soviets might have joined in taking Manchuria from Japan once the war turned.
A war in 1932 with Japan and Mexico is an interesting topic. Gen. Douglas MacArthur was Chief of Staff of the U.S Army so there would be drama to the conflict. Who knows, maybe Grandpa Theobald would have volunteered as an ambulance driver like he tried to do in WW1.
“I Wish to the Devil the Country was Prepared” published first on https://sixchexus.weebly.com/
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mystlnewsonline · 6 years
TIJUANA, Mexico | Border clash marks 2nd use of tear gas in just over a month
TIJUANA, Mexico | Border clash marks 2nd use of tear gas in just over a month
TIJUANA, Mexico  —Jan 02, 2019 — Just after people raised their glasses to ring in the New Year, about 150 migrants gathered at a section of border wall in Tijuana to try to cross into the United States, many of them asylum seekers fed up with the long wait to have their claims processed.
On the other side, U.S. Border Patrol agents wearing camouflage and night-vision goggles and carrying…
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brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
Baku: The fighting between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces continued over the separatist territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, with Azerbaijan accusing Armenia of targeting the country's cities that are far beyond the conflict zone. Hikmet Hajiyev, aide to Azerbaijani President Ilkham Aliyev, said on Sunday that Armenia targeted large cities Ganja and Mingachevir with missile strikes. Ganja, home to several hundred thousand residents and the country's second-largest city, is located roughly 100 kilometres (about 60 miles) away from Stepanakert, Nagorno-Karabakh's capital, and so is Mingachevir. The clashes erupted on 27 September and have killed dozens, marking the biggest escalation in the decades-old conflict over the region, which lies within Azerbaijan but is controlled by local ethnic Armenian forces backed by Armenia. Hajiyev on Sunday tweeted a video depicting damaged buildings, and called it the result of Armenia's massive missile attacks against dense residential areas in Ganja. It wasn't immediately possible to verify the authenticity of the video. Missile attacks by Armenia against Azerbaijani civilians and civil infrastructure: 1. Ganja:4+Smerch missiles with cluster ammunition. 2nd biggest city. 2. Khizi&Absheron region: Two 300 km mid range missile. 3. Mingachevir: 2 missiles. Water reservoir and Electricity plant pic.twitter.com/m4vFz5zrKw — Hikmet Hajiyev (@HikmetHajiyev) October 4, 2020 // // ]]> Hajiyev said in another tweet on Sunday evening that Armenian forces also hit Mingachevir, which hosts a water reservoir and key electricity plant, with a missile strike. Armenia's Defense Ministry vehemently denied the claims. The ministry's spokeswoman Shushan Stepanian wrote on Facebook that no fire was opened from Armenia in the direction of Azerbaijan and called the accusations desperate convulsions of the Azerbaijani side. Nagorno-Karabakh's leader, Arayik Harutyunyan, said on Facebook that he ordered rocket attacks to neutralize military objects in Ganja, but later told his forces to stop firing to avoid civilian casualties. His spokesman Vahram Poghosyan told Armenian media on Sunday evening there was no reason for Nagorno-Karabakh forces to target Mingachevir. Azerbaijani officials denied that any military objects had been hit in Ganja, but said the attack caused damage to civilian infrastructure. One civilian has been killed, and 32 others sustained injuries, authorities said. Opening fire on the territory of Azerbaijan from the territory of Armenia is clearly provocative and expands the zone of hostilities, Azerbaijani Defence Minister Zakir Hasanov said in a statement on Sunday. According to Hajiyev, no serious damage was inflicted on the infrastructure in Mingachevir, but civilians (have been) wounded. As the fighting resumed Sunday morning, Armenian officials accused Azerbaijan of carrying out strikes on Stepanakert and targeting the civilian population there. Nagorno-Karabakh's leader Harutyunyan said that in response, his forces would target military facilities permanently located in major cities of Azerbaijan. In a statement issued later on Sunday, Azerbaijan's Defense Ministry rejected accusations of targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure. Aliyev, the Azerbaijani president, tweeted Sunday that the country's troops liberated from occupation the city of Jabrayil and several surrounding villages. Nagorno-Karabakh's officials rejected the claim as untrue, saying the territory's army is controlling the situation in all directions. Nagorno-Karabakh officials have said nearly 200 servicemen on their side have died in the clashes so far. Eighteen civilians have been killed and more than 90 others wounded. Azerbaijani authorities haven't given details on their military casualties, but said 24 civilians were killed and 111 others were wounded on their side. Nagorno-Karabakh was a designated autonomous region within Azerbaijan during the Soviet era. It claimed independence from Azerbaijan in 1991, about three months before the Soviet Union's collapse. A full-scale war that broke out in 1992 killed an estimated 30,000 people. By the time the war ended in 1994, Armenian forces not only held Nagorno-Karabakh itself but substantial areas outside the territory's formal borders, including Jabrayil, the town Azerbaijan claimed to have taken on Sunday. This week's fighting has prompted calls for a cease-fire from around the world. On Thursday, leaders of Russia, France and the United States co-chairs of the so-called Minsk Group, which was set up by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe in 1992 to resolve the conflict issued a joint statement calling for an immediate cease-fire and resuming substantive negotiations ... under the auspices of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs. Azerbaijani President Aliyev repeatedly said that Armenia's withdrawal from Nagorno-Karabakh is the sole condition to end the fighting. Armenian officials allege that Turkey is involved in the conflict and is sending fighters from Syria to the region. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian said earlier this week that a cease-fire can be established only if Turkey is removed from the South Caucasus. Spokesman of Nagorno-Karabakh's leader Vahram Poghosyan said on Facebook Sunday evening that since Azerbaijan has involved terrorist mercenaries" in the region, this means that the current situation gives us a legitimate right to move our operations to the entire territory of Azerbaijan to clear it of terrorist groups. Ankara has denied sending arms or foreign fighters, while publicly siding with Azerbaijan in the dispute. On Sunday, Turkey's Foreign Ministry condemned the attack on Ganja, saying it was proof of Armenia's disregard for the law. Ankara accused Armenia of attacking civilian residential areas and claimed that Armenia could commit crimes against humanity.
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giancarlonicoli · 4 years
Via The Epoch Times,
Following the sudden death of a beloved political reformer, Hu Yaobang, 200,000 students gathered at Tiananmen Square on April 22, 1989, to await the hearse carrying Hu’s body - but it never arrived. The mass of students were angered, and their burning desire for freedom could be contained no more.
For the next few weeks, Tiananmen Square was occupied by these student protesters, who aimed at making reality their dream of ridding the country of communist tyranny and bringing democratic reform to China. Their non-violent demonstration perhaps brought a glimmer of hope … until the army moved in. Although martial law was declared on May 20 that year, what caused the army to suddenly go on a killing rampage on June 4?
L: Thousands of Chinese gather on June 2, 1989, in Tiananmen Square around “The Goodness of Democracy,” demanding democracy despite martial law in Beijing. (CATHERINE HENRIETTE/AFP via Getty Images). R: “The Goddess of Democracy,” a 10-meter replica of the Statue of Liberty created by students from an art institute to promote the pro-democracy protest against the Chinese government. (TOSHIO SAKAI/AFP via Getty Images)
1. Mass-Murdered by the Chinese Regime
At least 10,454 people were mass-murdered by the Chinese communist regime on Tiananmen Square, according to an unnamed source from the Chinese State Council. The figure is far greater than the “official” fatality count of 200.
On June 4, 1989, students were gunned down in droves and “mown down” by tanks. “APCs (Armored personnel carriers) then ran over bodies time and time again to make ‘pie’ and remains collected by bulldozer. Remains incinerated and then hosed down drains,” reads part of a declassified statement, which was obtained by Alan Donald, Britain’s ambassador to China in 1989.
It’s still unconfirmed how many more were massacred during and after the students’ unarmed protest.
Waving banners, high school students march in Beijing streets near Tiananmen Square on May 25, 1989, during a rally to support the pro-democracy protest against the Chinese regime. (CATHERINE HENRIETTE/AFP via Getty Images)
2. The Ringleader Is Still Alive
In addition to rolling over the students with tanks, the army fired high-explosive shells that expand on impact, also known as dum-dum bullets, (forbidden by the Geneva Convention) to kill the students in the most harm-inflicting way possible.
The question remains—what kind of a human being would order such a brutal mass murder of freedom-seeking civilians?
Former leader of the Chinese Communist Party Jiang Zemin (Feng Li/Getty Images)
Former paramount leader of the party Deng Xiaoping was impressed with Jiang Zemin’s iron-fisted proposition to use the army to crack down on the students, and promoted him from Party Chief of Shanghai to General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party days before the massacre, giving him free rein to do as he liked.
Jiang Zemin, the mastermind behind the massacre, ordered the army to carry out his bloody strategy on June 4. The “gate of heavenly peace” was suddenly turned into hell on Earth.
Taken care of by others, an unidentified foreign journalist (2nd-R) is carried out from the clash site between the army and students on June 4, 1989, near Tiananmen Square. (TOMMY CHENG/AFP via Getty Images)
3. Ruthless Abuse of Power
The Tiananmen Square Massacre was just the start of Jiang’s ruthless abuse of power. He went on to commit the most heinous crimes that couldn’t bear the light of day. In the bloody wake of the massacre, Jiang became Deng’s ideal heir for the next Party Chief, a position Jiang secured in 1993.
Jiang, a Marxist hardliner and ex-senior spy for the KGB’s Far-East Bureau, had only begun to show his true colors with how he dealt with the protesting students and went on to orchestrate even bloodier campaigns. In 1999, Jiang sought to “eradicate” Falun Gong—a popular spiritual practice—after the number of people practicing it rose some 100 million, outnumbering the then 70 million Party members, according to state-run reports at the time.
Falun Gong practitioners doing the group exercise in Guangzhou, China, in 1998. (Minghui)
Under Jiang’s rule, an adroit misinformation campaign inundated China, turning public opinion against Falun Gong by subjecting the spiritual practice to extreme vilification—including the infamous Tiananmen Square “self-immolation” hoax, which successfully deceived the nation—paving the way for Jiang’s next phase: to forcibly “transform” or “eliminate” the meditators who refused to give up the practice.
In response to Jiang’s genocidal policy, believed to have caused a widespread yet unascertainable amount of state-approved killings, including forced organ harvesting, over 209,000 lawsuits have since been filed against Jiang, making him the most sued dictator in history.
Falun Gong practitioners at a rally in front of the Chinese embassy in New York City on July 3, 2015, to support the global effort to sue Jiang Zemin. (Larry Dye/The Epoch Times)
4. Horrifying Accounts Kept Secret
A Blacklock’s Reporter obtained secret telex messages concerning horrifying accounts of what really happened on Tiananmen Square that day via access-to-information laws.
“An old woman knelt in front of soldiers pleading for students; soldiers killed her,” the Canadian embassy in Beijing reported at the time.
Blacklock’s writes: “A boy was seen trying to escape holding a woman with a 2-year old child in a stroller, and was run over by a tank”; “The tank turned around and mashed them up”; “Soldiers fired machine guns until the ammo ran out.”
An unbelievable amount of bullets were fired on civilians at Tiananmen that “they ricocheted inside nearby houses, killing many residents.”
“The embassy described the killings as ‘savage,’” according to Blacklock’s Reporter.
“They are now entering a period of vicious repression during which denunciations and fear of persecution will terrorize the population,” reads another cable obtained.
Chinese onlookers run away as a soldier threatens them with a gun on June 5, 1989, as tanks took position at Beijing’s key intersections next to the diplomatic compound. (CATHERINE HENRIETTE/AFP via Getty Images)
Diplomats added that some 1,000 executions took place following the massacre, but an exact figure is unconfirmed. “It was probably thought that the massacre of a few hundreds or thousands would convince the population not to pursue their protests. It seems to be working,” reads a statement by the diplomats.
The secret British cable, obtained by news website HK01, reveals more detail about the crimes of the 27 Army of Shanxi Province on the day.
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“27 Army ordered to spare no one and shot wounded SMR soldiers. Four wounded girl students begged for their lives but were bayoneted. A 3-year-old girl was injured but her mother was shot as she went to her aid as were six others who tried.”
“A thousand survivors were told they could escape via Zhengyi Lu but were then mown down by specially prepared M/G (machine gun) positions.”
Ailing student hunger strikers from Beijing University receive first aid treatment under a makeshift tent set up on May 17, 1989, at Tiananmen Square as students enter the 5th day of a marathon hunger strike as part of a mass pro-democracy protest against the Chinese government. (CATHERINE HENRIETTE/AFP via Getty Images)
5. “June 4”: A Highly Taboo Subject in China Today
Despite Hong Kong lighting up every evening on June 4 in an annual candlelight vigil to commemorate the victims of the massacre, Chinese mainlanders across the border are without such freedom of speech. Talking about the Tiananmen Square Massacre, or even mentioning “June 4,” or “6.4,” could have one disappear.
In 2007, Zhang Zhongshun, a lecturer from Yantai University, showed his class a video of the massacre he obtained from an overseas website. He was subsequently jailed for three years by Laishan City Court on Feb. 28, 2008.
Tens of thousands of people hold candles during a vigil in Hong Kong on June 4, 2018, to mark the 29th anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen crackdown in Beijing. (ANTHONY WALLACE/AFP via Getty Images)
“I imagined that the worst case would just be that the university president would criticize me in front of my colleagues in a meeting. I would not have thought that the communist regime would imprison me,” Zhang told The Epoch Times in an interview after his release from the detention.
“Is it illegal even if I include a historical event into my lecture?” he asked.
A student displays a banner with one of the slogans chanted by the crowd of some 200,000 pouring into Tiananmen Square on April 22, 1989, in Beijing in an attempt to participate in the funeral ceremony of former Chinese Communist Party leader and liberal reformer Hu Yaobang. His death in April triggered an unprecedented wave of pro-democracy demonstrations. The April-June 1989 movement was crushed by Chinese troops in June when army tanks rolled into Tiananmen Square June 4, 1989. (CATHERINE HENRIETTE/AFP via Getty Images)
Who’d dare raise this for discussion in China knowing the consequences? This year marks the 31st anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre. Will the current Chinese leaders redress the issue and bring Jiang Zemin to justice for his litany of crimes? Only time will tell.
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dccomicsnews · 7 years
DC Comics News has compiled a list of DC Comics titles and collectibles shipping to comic shops for October 11, 2017.
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DC Comics Pull Box For 10-11-17 (New Comics and Merchandise) DC Comics News has compiled a list of DC Comics titles and collectibles shipping to comic shops for October 11, 2017.
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km-french-house · 7 years
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Hauts-de-France is a region of France created by the territorial reform of the Regions in 2014, from a merger of Nord-Pas-de-Calais and Picardy. The new region came into existence on 1 January 2016.
The major dates that marked the Hauts-de-France region.
The oldest vestiges known in our region, a few bifaces and flint kidneys alongside elephant and hippopotamus bones, date back to - 700,000 years in Wimereux.
Around 3000 BC, populations from the south populated the region.
The 3rd and 2nd centuries with JC mark the arrival of the Belgians. The reputation of prosperity of the territories of the North fuels the lust of the Romans and the battles are frequent and murderous. The flow of invaders will then come mainly from the east. The region is particularly enriched by these different cultures. In 57 BC, Julius Caesar subjected the people of Gaul to Belgium, including the Ambiani or Ambiens (Amiénois) and the Bellovaci or Bellovaques (Beauvaisiens).
From the Romans to the francs (from 0 to 500 AD)
The pax romana
In the Gallo-Roman times, the region is encompassed in a vast ensemble called Belgium, and divided into cities. Life, however, remains essentially rural, centered on two resources: wheat and wool. Prosperity translates into significant demographic development.
A bilingual region
From the third century, Franks and Alamans invaded and plundered the territory. The devastations were so important that the region had to be recolonized and that the Romans, overwhelmed by the size of the frontiers of the Empire, left the Franks to settle, preferring to make allies. Thus, along the Lys, a linguistic frontier separates the Germanic dialect spoken by the Franks (who will become Flemish) and the Latin language from which French will be born.
The new invaders
At the beginning of the 5th century, a succession of invaders swept Romanism and Christianity ... One of them, Clovis, sprang from Tournai to achieve the almost total conquest of Gaul, while the Roman Empire of the West completed To collapse. The Francs Saliens settled in 486 on the Somme. Clovis expands his kingdom by the battle of Soissons during which he defies the troops of the Gallo-Roman leader Syagrius. He then made Soissons his capital before moving his residence to Paris in 493.
The country Franc (from 500 to 1000)
The slow emergence
The territory is bilingual, Romanesque and Germanic. Christianity is slow even though the seventh century represents the golden age for missionary monasteries. It is in these sanctuaries that art and culture develop. Towards the VIIIth and IXth centuries, the low Flemish countries awoke in their turn and shopping centers appeared.
The Great Score
In 843, the division of the empire of Charlemagne made the Scheldt the frontier between France and the Holy German Empire. This division will have far-reaching consequences for the region since the fate of Hainaut and Cambrésis will be very different from that of Artois and Flanders for centuries.
Medieval architecture
The transport of goods often borrowed from the watercourses, the slightest difference in level is a place of bursting of charges which then becomes an agglomeration to be defended by military structures. This is the case of Lille, whose first mention is made in 1066. Other cities such as Valenciennes, Saint-Omer and Arras are growing and the population is growing. Of the land to be cultivated to nourish it. The authority of a lineage of counts of Flanders was then organized, making the territory a quasi-autonomous principality from 884.
At the death of the last Carolingian, Louis V said the Fainéant, Hugues Capet, great-grandson of Heribert I de Vermandois, was crowned king at Noyon in 987.
The territorial principalities (from 1000 to 1369)
The Power of Cities
The demographic dynamism of the region is commensurate with its economic and political success. Arras is thus an economic and cultural center of the highest importance in the Christian world. The powerful cities then opposed the counts to obtain communal privileges, which the King of France will profit by intervening in the affairs of his powerful vassal.
The fragility of a border
The thirteenth century saw the advent of cities, which acquired considerable privileges, and in which the belfries flourished. The nobles become impoverished while the bourgeois, jealous of their independence, tighten their corporate and family ties. In 1280, as a result of serious social unrest, the war resumed between the King of France and the Flemings. Philip the Fair annihilated all resistance, annexed almost all French-speaking Flanders, and named a reliable ally at the head of the county.
From deadly battles to severe shortages, the economic consequences are terrible: Flanders loses its supremacy in the textile industry, and Artois in turn abandons its economic role. It was in this context that the Hundred Years War began in 1337. This will be a disaster for the region, which is the scene of many military operations. The siege of Calais, which became English for two centuries, took its toll on the development of the other towns of Artois. The Black Plague, which spread in 1348, will also wreak havoc in the region for more than a century, while at the same time horrendous weather conditions are falling, causing murderous famine. Social revolts multiply amidst misery and widespread economic slump.
1066: Guillaume de Normandie embarks in Saint-Valery-sur-Somme for the conquest of England.
1218: Bishop of Amiens, Evrard de Fouilloy, decides to raise a new church to replace the Roman building destroyed by a fire. He entrusted the plans of the cathedral of Amiens to Robert de Luzarches who, with the help of Thomas and Renaud de Cormont, completed the construction of the masterpiece in 1254, a record of rapidity. In 1247, the site of the cathedral of Beauvais was opened.
Towards 1225: At the University of Paris, students from the North of France constitute the Picardy nation.
1346: King Plantagenet Edward III of England, who claims to succeed to the throne of France by his mother, lands in Normandy and confronts King Philip VI of Valois to Crécy. After the victory of its troops, the English administration controlled a region called "Picardy" from 1347 to 1558.
The land of great debates (1369-1555)
The Burgundian epoch
Philippe le Hardi, son-in-law of Charles V, inherited in 1384 from Flanders and Artois. The northern territories, which became the jewel of the House of Burgundy, knew the age of the Burgundian power even though threats of war, natural disasters and economic and demographic crisis were still very present.
The battle of Azincourt against the English troops in 1415 was a disaster for the French nobility, which did not prevent Burgundy from extending further to Boulogne-sur-Mer and then to Hainaut. The end of the Hundred Years War was signed in 1475.
The empire
With the alliance of the heiress of Burgundy and the future Emperor Maximilian of Austria, the region was then excluded from the French domain for two centuries. Becoming a mere pawn on the European chessboard, it will be the scene of devastating war episodes until 1713.
In 1520, the region welcomed near Calais the Camp of the Drap d'Or which will see the failure of the wishes of Francis I to ally with England to oppose the ambitions of Charles V.
The latter continues his conquests. In 1548 he baptized all his properties in the north "the circle of Burgundy". In fact, the former Netherlands extend to Hainaut and Artois.
In 1555, Charles V abdicated in favor of his son Philip II who will reign over the Netherlands, Spain and Franche-Comté for forty years. In 1558, Calais was taken over by the French.
1529: Calvin flees from Noyon to Strasbourg and Geneva.
1539: By the edict of Villers-Cotterêts, French becomes the national legal language in place of Latin.
From Spain to France (1555-1713)
Secession of the Netherlands
1568: The Protestants confronted Philip II and became masters of Holland and Zeeland.
1579: Catholics and Protestants clash. This was the beginning of an 80-year-old war that led to the split of the Netherlands in 1648.
1594: Amiens, Laon, Soissons, bastion towns of the League and Princes Ligueurs (Condé and Guise), resist, among the last, the new king Henri IV. The latter put an end to the wars of religion and took in 1598 the Edict of Nantes, assuring the freedom of cult to the Protestants.
The Spanish Netherlands
1598-1633: Offered as a dowry to the Spanish archdukes, the region will experience an era of prosperity and peace thanks to the generosity of a government with little presence.
The French annexation
1635: After this brief respite for the region, the reigns of Louis XIII and Louis XIV will be a new era of almost 90 years of hard fights, sieges, looting, diplomatic break-ups and misery.
1665: Louis XIV granted the privilege of making cloths, way of Holland and Spain, to the Zeeland industrialist Josse van Robais, who settles down in Abbeville.
1688-1713: The regional population underwent repeated assaults by the Dutch, anxious to regain their lands, until 1713, which saw the conclusion of the Treaty of Utrecht concerning the delimitation of the frontiers. The Nord-Pas de Calais is then drawn along a complex boundary unfavorable to its economic interests.
The North of France (1713-1815)
1713-1788: Regional industries, deprived of their natural outlets, are going through a difficult period. Agriculture, for its part, is experiencing spectacular progress thanks to the introduction of new techniques, while the mining area begins its fantastic adventure, ensuring the parallel development of metallurgy. Lille is home to Europe's largest ceramics factory.
1788: The economic prosperity regained concerns the regional population only by far. The indigence remains great, especially as population growth is important. The scarcity that shakes the kingdom in this pre-revolutionary year is very hardly felt in Nord-Pas de Calais.
1789: The Revolution, which has concentrated mainly on the symbols of the Church, will have little effect on the regional territory. On the other hand, the creation of the two departments, their division as the choice of prefectures, aroused serious quarrels.
1790: The province of Picardie is separated from the Boulonnais and breaks out into three departments (the Aisne, the Somme and the Oise).
1792-1794: The region is invaded twice by the Austrian army. The siege of Lille will end in sealing an enthusiastic patriotic feeling.
1799: Bonaparte is welcomed by the region sick of the errors of the Terror and eager for peace. The notables occupy very quickly the most important posts of the departmental administration.
1810: The development of the cotton industry, of mining research, and the new sugar beet cultivation ensure the economic take-off of the Nord-Pas de Calais.
The first factory in the country (1815-1914)
1815-1848: The region became the "first factory in France". The overall economic success has been strengthened by measures of cus- toms protectionism, the import of advanced technologies from England and labor from overcrowded Belgium, a dynamic bourgeoisie and mineral wealth. Many industries such as glass and paper mills are flourishing while communication routes are improving considerably. In 1846 the Paris-Lille railway line was inaugurated. The rural world is not left behind; The region is indeed also the first "farm of France".
1845: The first northern railway is built, financed by the Rotschild Company. Paris-Amiens, inaugurated in 1846, takes 4 hours and 40 minutes.
1850: Exploitation of the Pas-de-Calais coalfield, which will take on the face that is still its own today, while other cities in the region are taking off thanks to the expansion of the textile industry.
1871: At the end of the battle of the North against the Prussians, lost by Faidherbe, the department of the Somme is placed in the occupied zone.
At the dawn of the 20th century, the region is at the height of its power.
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hughessherryma · 6 years
Border clash marks 2nd use of tear gas in just over a month
Border clash marks 2nd use of tear gas in just over a month
Border clash marks 2nd use of tear gas in just over a month Clash between Border Patrol, migrants brings 2nd use of tear gas in just over a month https://abcn.ws/2F1Za1W
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graymarandaas · 6 years
Border clash marks 2nd use of tear gas in just over a month
Border clash marks 2nd use of tear gas in just over a month
Border clash marks 2nd use of tear gas in just over a month Clash between Border Patrol, migrants brings 2nd use of tear gas in just over a month https://abcn.ws/2F1Za1W
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jenbettypd · 6 years
Border clash marks 2nd use of tear gas in just over a month
Border clash marks 2nd use of tear gas in just over a month
Border clash marks 2nd use of tear gas in just over a month Clash between Border Patrol, migrants brings 2nd use of tear gas in just over a month https://abcn.ws/2F1Za1W
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melaniekeithve · 6 years
Border clash marks 2nd use of tear gas in just over a month
Border clash marks 2nd use of tear gas in just over a month
Border clash marks 2nd use of tear gas in just over a month Clash between Border Patrol, migrants brings 2nd use of tear gas in just over a month https://abcn.ws/2F1Za1W
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brooksrebeccama · 6 years
Border clash marks 2nd use of tear gas in just over a month
Border clash marks 2nd use of tear gas in just over a month
Border clash marks 2nd use of tear gas in just over a month Clash between Border Patrol, migrants brings 2nd use of tear gas in just over a month https://abcn.ws/2F1Za1W
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jefferyrobertpg · 6 years
Border clash marks 2nd use of tear gas in just over a month
Border clash marks 2nd use of tear gas in just over a month
Border clash marks 2nd use of tear gas in just over a month Clash between Border Patrol, migrants brings 2nd use of tear gas in just over a month https://abcn.ws/2F1Za1W
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