kyuusei-shadowleaf · 4 years
✈ - an eye-opening memory
“The experiences of each druid are as varied as nature itself. Most learn at the side of a Shan’do, while others find the Dream or commune with the wild. But there are those few, touched by the spirits themselves...”
— Navas Sageheart, Druid of the Branch.
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200 Years Ago
It started as a presence on the fringe of Kyuusei’s senses, a pricking at the back of her neck as she patrolled the woodlands of Ashenvale. Something beyond the trails, hidden in the moonlit shadows cast by the Elune’s light, lingering only for a moment before receding.
At first, she thought nothing of it. Wisps were common in these forests, drifting between the massive boughs even this far from Ameth’aran. And none of her sisters had reported disturbances in their patrols, the Sentinels speaking only of calm in the Long Vigil.
But for Kyuusei, it didn’t pass; the presence grew more frequent, bolder, as Mother Moon waxed brighter each passing night. The young kaldorei, not even 700 years old, grew ever more sure. Something was stalking her.
Elune was radiant and full, joined by the Blue Child in the night sky as Kyuusei made her wary patrol among the ancient trees. There. Her long ears twitched, skin raising at the back of her neck, but this time there was a glimpse, something at the edge of her vision. Waiting beyond the trees, taunting her.
Kyuusei turned to leap from the trail, rushing into the trees and after the apparition without hesitation. The chase was on.
She wasn’t sure how long the pursuit went; all her attention focused on the shape that moved ahead of her, flowing between the trees and moving from shadow to shadow even in the brilliant moonlight. Always just beyond her reach, but never escaping her. But at some point, the forest around her changed. Elune’s harsh brightness grew softer, the branches and leaves gained their own faint luminance.
No longer in the Ashenvale she knew, the night elf pushed through the underbrush and stumbled to a halt in a small clearing.
The grasses were soft beneath her feet, a shallow moonwell filling the clearing with its gentle light. Slender trees ringed its edges, their supple branches decorated with pale green leaves and delicate white blooms. Kyuu only had a moment to take in the quiet beauty before a shadow beyond the moonwell drew her gaze.
A great cat, a nightsaber that dwarfed even the ones her sister Sentinels rode, stalked into the moonwell’s light. Her sleek shape limned in glowing starlight, the feline watched the night elf with a lambent predator’s gaze. But rather than fear, Kyuusei only felt a strange calm that bordered on quiet elation.
“There you are,” she muttered. “I found you.”
The enormous feline rumbled in response.
No. I have found you.
The nightsaber leaped at Kyuusei with a speed that seemed impossible for her size. She threw up her arms in a vain attempt to shield herself, turning her head and closing her eyes as she waited for claws to rend her flesh, for teeth to close around her neck. Waited for an end that didn’t come.
She felt rather than heard the same rumbled voice, this time tinged with amusement.
Look about you, child of starlight.
Slowly, Kyuusei opened her eyes. She was lower, close to the ground. The shadows beyond the moonwell were no longer shadowed to her sight, the earlier silence of the clearing now filled with quiet rustlings of leaves and small creatures unseen. Creatures she could smell, their scent causing her claws to twitch at the thought of prey in the grass. Grass that was soft and cool beneath her paws.
You gave chase well. But now? Let me teach you to hunt.
Kyuu tried to smile but only succeeded in baring her fangs. A soft breeze came through the clearing to ruffle her fur, the gentle sensation nudging her into motion. Awkwardly at first, and then with growing confidence, a single feline shape padded from the clearing, moving into the gentle shadows beyond...
(Thank you for the ask, @theparkhurstalchemists )
[artwork by Jade Merien]
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incorrectraposa · 7 years
Jowee: If I had to describe myself in one word, it would be ‘doesn’t understand directions’.
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nancy-laura-spungen · 4 years
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If you're not following Megan Koester (@bornferal on Twitter and Instagram) or aren't listening to the podcast Grifthorse, you're making a mistake.
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tedllasso · 3 years
the DISRESPECT twitter*com/bornferal/status/1495243427604140032?t=UHQfVsbB5MhSUlHZTpqLkA&s=19
ohhhh yeah. I replied to her. She's getting massacred on twitter. 😂
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thebusinesslashow · 6 years
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Our own favorite host @bornferal’s debut album is out today on AST Records. In a shocking display of self promotion the link is in Meg’s bio. Get it or get bent. (at Little Joy) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsydAviHfHE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=nqpb4qdti9vl
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thatsfunnydaily · 5 years
heyLA @TheBusinessLA 9pm tonight @ItsJakKnight @robertistheMan @corietjohnson @BadGalTuhRiri @lizzycooperman @_chrisgarcia @touchingcheeses @seankeane @bucky_sinister @bornferal
heyLA @TheBusinessLA 9pm tonight @ItsJakKnight @robertistheMan @corietjohnson @BadGalTuhRiri @lizzycooperman @_chrisgarcia @touchingcheeses @seankeane @bucky_sinister @bornferal
— thatsfunny (@thatsfunny) September 30, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/thatsfunny September 30, 2019 at 10:20AM via IFTTT
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ronnychieng · 6 years
RT @bornferal: Kavanaugh’s been on benders that were longer than his FBI investigation
Kavanaugh’s been on benders that were longer than his FBI investigation
— Megan Beth Koester (@bornferal) October 4, 2018
via Twitter https://twitter.com/ronnychieng October 05, 2018 at 03:39PM
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joronomo · 7 years
#79 Megan Koester
[ad_1] Eddie’s album In Ruins is now on iTunes http://bit.ly/17c5PC7 Follow Eddie & Megan on Twitter https://twitter.com/eddiepepitone https://twitter.com/bornferal __________________________ http://www.eddiepepitone.com http://allthingscomedy.com/channels/34/pep-talks ————————— [ad_2] Source by Pep Talks w/ The Bitter Buddha
View On WordPress
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kyuusei-shadowleaf · 6 years
Memories: Lost
@inkedwolf-compendium writes: Share a memory, big or small, that has shaped your muse’s fears, trust, or mindset into what they are today.
It was an old dream.
She was lost.
She knew this forest, knew it by sight and smell and sound and touch from when she was a child. But not from these eyes, not by these smells. Not this form. This form was sleek and powerful, even as she was afraid and lost.
The shape of her wished to prowl, death-in-darkness, through the undergrowth. Yet she stumbled through brambles, night-birds and rabbits scattering before the all-too-obvious noise of her passing. The spirit she shared scented prey, stalked it with deadly purpose. She pounced, more clumsy than any cub, with nothing in her claws but leaves.
Hunger gnawed at her.
This had been a gift. But the gift fought with her even as she fought with it, neither fully accepting the other, neither willing to release its grip.
There. A scent. Many. The smoke of dry wood burning. Meat, dripping fat. Two legs, old. Four legs, guarding pack.
The spirit snarled. But she padded forward.
Four legs, barking alert. Her shape yearned to leap forward, to silence the alarm before pack came forward. But two legs was the only pack that four legs guarded.
Two legs sat at the fire, tending three skinned rabbits on a spit.
Our rabbits, her shape chastised. But she ignored that voice and crept into the flicking edges of the firelight. A turn of rabbit on the spit, and two legs turned his head to sight her unerringly, his eyes gleaming in the reddish light of the fire. One hand waved towards four legs, and created silence.
“Ishnu-alah, young one. Well, aren’t you a sight?”
A snarl, both in surprising unison.
“No need to be like that. You’re fighting you, not me. Come.”
She took a tentative step forward, and the shape snarled again before she could quiet it.
“See? Fighting yourself. Come. The fire’s warm, there’s rabbit to share, Tag won’t bother you. Come.” Two legs patted the ground, then turned back to tend the rabbits.
They crept forward. They bared her teeth to four legs, but four legs remained silent and only watched, true to two legs’ will.
Wordlessly, two legs took a rabbit from the spit and tossed it to the ground before her. The meat was hot, but not charred. Still red. They sniffed, pawed once, then settled to feed.
Two legs nodded approval before tossing a second rabbit to four legs. The third, he returned to the spit.
The rabbit was bones for gnawing by the time two legs took his own from the spit. Hunger sated, she was content. She groomed her fur, smoothing the tangles of her earlier clumsiness. The fire was warm. Four legs guarded. 
She curled up to doze in the warmth.
“Easier when you’re not fighting, isn’t it, girl?” The old Kaldorei took a blanket from his pack and spread it over her. Tag, on the other side of the fire, whined once before returning to worrying his bones. She reached with one hand to tug the blanket over her bare shoulder.
Lost no longer.
Kyuusei slept.
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my-mushroom-farm · 9 years
Idk how long I've been working with this little kitten, Olive, but I'm quite happy that I can keep her in my arms. Right now she's swatting at my thumb as I type this XD #cat #feralcat #bornferal #kitten #feralkitten
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thatsfunnydaily · 5 years
heyLA @HollywoodImprov 9pm tonight @DeRayDavis @NikkiGlaser @JayPhillipsLive 9pm @TheBusinessLA @raesanni @Fieldingedlow @BrendanScannell @zainabjohnson @FelFatale @seankeane @_chrisgarcia @bucky_sinister @bornferal @touchingcheeses
heyLA @HollywoodImprov 9pm tonight @DeRayDavis @NikkiGlaser @JayPhillipsLive 9pm @TheBusinessLA @raesanni @Fieldingedlow @BrendanScannell @zainabjohnson @FelFatale @seankeane @_chrisgarcia @bucky_sinister @bornferal @touchingcheeses
— thatsfunny (@thatsfunny) September 9, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/thatsfunny September 09, 2019 at 10:00AM via IFTTT
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thatsfunnydaily · 5 years
heyLA @TheBusinessLA 9pm tonight @RheaButcher @asilnoux @RemainChampagne @salinas_pedro @feraljokes @bucky_sinister @seankeane @bornferal @_chrisgarcia
heyLA @TheBusinessLA 9pm tonight @RheaButcher @asilnoux @RemainChampagne @salinas_pedro @feraljokes @bucky_sinister @seankeane @bornferal @_chrisgarcia
— thatsfunny (@thatsfunny) September 2, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/thatsfunny September 02, 2019 at 09:59AM via IFTTT
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thatsfunnydaily · 5 years
heyLA @ucbtla Sunset 8:30pm tonight @BrandonEsWolf @turnerbarrowman @AtsukoComedy @bornferal @shengwangtime @KyleMarlett
heyLA @ucbtla Sunset 8:30pm tonight @BrandonEsWolf @turnerbarrowman @AtsukoComedy @bornferal @shengwangtime @KyleMarlett
— thatsfunny (@thatsfunny) August 20, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/thatsfunny August 20, 2019 at 10:05AM via IFTTT
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thatsfunnydaily · 5 years
heyLA @TheBusinessLA 9pm tonight @shanetorres @ADookie @NicksTurners @katrinasivad @shitfromkiran @seankeane @_chrisgarcia @bornferal @touchingcheeses @bucky_sinister
heyLA @TheBusinessLA 9pm tonight @shanetorres @ADookie @NicksTurners @katrinasivad @shitfromkiran @seankeane @_chrisgarcia @bornferal @touchingcheeses @bucky_sinister
— thatsfunny (@thatsfunny) July 15, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/thatsfunny July 15, 2019 at 10:02AM via IFTTT
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thatsfunnydaily · 5 years
heyLA @PeppermintClub_ 8pm tonight @DaveChappelle 9pm @TheBusinessLA @annadrezen @chrissymeds @GiuliaRozzi @seankeane @_chrisgarcia @bucky_sinister @touchingcheeses @bornferal
heyLA @PeppermintClub_ 8pm tonight @DaveChappelle 9pm @TheBusinessLA @annadrezen @chrissymeds @GiuliaRozzi @seankeane @_chrisgarcia @bucky_sinister @touchingcheeses @bornferal
— thatsfunny (@thatsfunny) July 1, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/thatsfunny July 01, 2019 at 10:16AM via IFTTT
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thatsfunnydaily · 5 years
heyLA @TheBusinessLA 9pm tonight @astonoha @ahamedweinberg @_sophia_cleary @AndreaAllan_ @ChrisLaker @_chrisgarcia @touchingcheeses @bucky_sinister @seankeane @bornferal
heyLA @TheBusinessLA 9pm tonight @astonoha @ahamedweinberg @_sophia_cleary @AndreaAllan_ @ChrisLaker @_chrisgarcia @touchingcheeses @bucky_sinister @seankeane @bornferal
— thatsfunny (@thatsfunny) June 17, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/thatsfunny June 17, 2019 at 10:10AM via IFTTT
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