all-a-bornk · 1 year
So here is a post introducing the 3 doggies! 
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Nina! She is the beeest little lady who turns 10 this year! She is a Black Labrador/Chow Chow mix that I got from my Uncle. He had gotten her from a friend who was moving and couldn't take her for whatever reason and so she ended up with him. My Uncle brought her by our house, probably hoping we would take her, and we did! I debated for about 2 hours while carrying her around first, but I took her. 
She is fiercely protective and loving of her family, but wary of strangers. Especially if they are on the other side of her fence. She isn't crazy about kids but she absolutely adores kitties. She will protect them, and will come between them and anyone else who says otherwise. She also tries to play with them but they aren't usually too crazy about that. She also babies her toys and will carry them around the house to (not) share with you. Unless she deems you worthy. She has way too many but that's on me. Not that I'm planning on stopping or anything.
She is very intense and straightforward, and takes everything very seriously. But she also loves to play with her little brothers. Most of the time, she lets them know when she is done with them. She also demands that she is the boss bitch among the dogs and they listen to her. We call her a little chinchilla when she rolls around outside and then comes over to you for pets after being covered in dirt. She follows around whatever human is home at the time and gets upset when she doesn't know exactly where you are.
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Angus is Wren's and Bugli's (not very) little man! He is an Anatolian Shepherd/Black Labrador/Great Dane mix, as is his brother. They are from the same litter and will both be 2 in the middle of June! My Dad found them on craigslist and they were the only two left of their litter (of the hopefully last litter). They were more attached to who we ended up naming Angus, but I was drawn to the other, whom we named Henry. But first, Angus. 
He is a very anxious young man, which is partially our fault. We are still working with the two of them, training and what not. We didn't do as much as we should have, unfortunately, but we are working on that. But he loves walks and playing outside. He loves his people and is a very sweet boy, but he is also a sneaky little one. He is the  brains of the two and will wait until no one is looking to do something naughty. Which, thankfully, isn't actually too often. Until he wants to be chased, then he will steal something he shouldn't have and run off. Both him and his brother are very spoiled and have many toys which they abuse and rip apart (mostly Henry). Then if there is a squeaker Angus will take it in his mouth and squeak repeatedly for about 5 minutes straight until he finally becomes bored. And he is usually the first to become bored of something. 
Until it comes to wrestling, much to Henry and Nina's dismay. He loves a good wrestle and we say he is dancing as his play bowing is particularly energetic. Him and his brother don't get into nearly as many arguments as they used to though, most of the time Angus can tell when Henry has really had it and leaves him be. But when it comes to being separated from his brother, he does better. He is visibly upset and notices when he leaves, but is okay at finding other things to do while he waits for him to come home. He is a little momma's boy and loves to be kissed (by certain people). Loves to be loved on, but a little less cuddly than Henry. 
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Henry is my big boy, head empty, heart full. A himbo, if you will. After we came home with Angus I was thinking about him, and how I really felt a connection but didn't want to be the one to say, "oh we should get both!" Since, well, puppies are difficult. But then when we got home Dad said that he would have been willing to take both if we wanted. Which was when I admitted to really wanting the other boy that was there. So we called up the previous owners and asked if he was still available. He was! So we brought him home the next day. I think they were happy he was coming home with us as well, maybe they wanted them to stay together, I'm not sure. And so we had both. 
Henry is the brawn of the two, and more of a trouble maker. He just isn't sneaky about it, at all. He is the more outgoing one, less anxious and more accepting of strangers. Henry loves to cuddle and get kisses, he will also sit in your lap if you sit on the ground, which looks silly. He has even vocalized when I sat on the opposite end of the couch and sought to remedy that by laying on top of me. He loves to slurp as well. If you have bare legs he will just go ham licking them for some reason??? This is still a puzzle for us but we have accepted it at this point. Veeery food motivated, will eat anything you hand to him. Thankfully no toys, that would be very dangerous and very expensive. He has even eaten just a straight pill I was giving him out of my hand once or twice. Both boys love cats, but are a little confused about what to do with them. We are working with them on this. He is very vocal, and has this silly bark/whine thing going on when he is particularly worked up. Like when his brother goes on a walk separately from him and he is left in the yard without him. Then he gets so upset and is only consoled if someone is out there waiting with him. Then he can sit, watch and wait for him at the fence line. Henry also loves chasing diesel trucks/buses, the second he hears them he perks up and chases them down the fence line at full speed as far as he can go.
And I think that is all I will say on the matter for now! I could write about my babies all night but it is way past my bedtime and I should sleep. Especially since this is actually my second time writing this post, Tumblr killed it the first time I wrote it.
I can also introduce Daisy as well if you guys would like! She is my sister's dog, (a Pitty/Basset mix) who is staying with my parents and said sister when we move out. A post on the kitties will be coming soon, I will most likely be working on that tomorrow. You guys are welcome to ask us different things, about us or the animals if you would like. We will answer what we can as soon as we are able. 
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Seen above: Bornk.,
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spencerranch · 11 months
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Monster Month Day 17- Nessie
I love the old girl.
You can pick up her sticker on my RedBubble store, if you're feeling froggy :P
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hemocomic · 2 years
how did u come up with ths webcomic? like the premise, plot, characters, also the title "Hemo"? :>
oh boy, this'll be a long one I liked writing, I liked art, some people I looked up to were making one, so I considered it for a while. So the idea of making it was already bink bornking around in my brain. My base premise was EXTREMELY simple. Literally "cotton candy elf" and from that, Candy as a character was born! She was very generically "sweet and pure", to a fault, without much else going on honestly. Then I decided I needed a character to bounce off of and created Elvira from the simple mold of 'anxious character with a secret'. She was also made for my (very edgy, very ugly, very stupid) first test comic. (Random piece of trivia is that Elvira x Candy was actually the original ship I had in mind for the story.) Then I decided they needed something to do. I decided on a simple 'traveling from A to B' plotline. I also created Estella, as part of the mysteries of Elvira's backstory. Shortly after, I created Surina, as a snarky third member of the trio. I decided she was a half dragon, made a joke that she was the result of a bard's hookup with a dragon and.... and that stuck. Now that's cannon. I made that cannon. Then I somehow accidently managed to write a romance between Candy and Surina, realizing I liked that WAY better than Candy x Elvira and decided to make that cannon instead. Refined the characters beyond their broad archetypes, wrote some side characters, created backstories, character arcs, side plots, ect. Generally just worked from those simple inital premises. Estella gained Main Villain™ status. I briefly toyed with other concepts, but eventually settled back on the concept of a simple 'get from A to B, deal with obstacles along the way' plotline. Then I added some mental breakdowns and sparkly auras! Not sure if this was like AT ALL useful or informative, or just reads as nonsensical rambles. I should probably go back and reread and edit this to make it more coherent but I'm too lazy lmao. Oh! and by the way, I picked the name 'Hemo' because it was short, simple, sufficiently edgy, fitted the premise and themes pretty well, and there didn’t seem to be any other webcomics by that name that I could find. It also sorta just 'felt' right.
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evotthigh · 4 months
can somebordy shoot like 400 lasers at my balls and make them grow and expand so big across all the land searching far and wide to catch them is my real plan and when my ass is gianter than a mountain can you just fuck around about it. spank my bornk please i am so fucked for it
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transealz · 11 months
abstract shape nonbinary transgenger: klien bottle and mobius strip bornking it up to make the glornk hip
Post canceled there's a shape called the fucking Boy's Surface.
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esotericfresh · 4 years
Cerebrate EP now available on all platforms Feat @nike__rich78 & @joeygallo With production from @djmentos and more Mastered by @michaelmillions #rva #hiphop #soulsamples #cerebrate #bornkings #purplerepublic #agm #chargedup #independentartist (at Richmond, Virginia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAqo1e7Hj2u/?igshid=a215fm6cigl9
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icebergbeats · 4 years
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GRAND RISING KINGS red t-shirt, ZIP up hoodie and facemask. Follow us 👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿 @royaltymindset_fashion #👑 #😎 #👕 #😷 #tshirtssale #zipuphoodie #facemasksforsale #facemasksavelives #mensfashion #kidsfashion #kingforever #kings #kingsriseup #kingsrising #kingsrise #builtdifferent #differentbreed #differentbydesign #bornking #bornkings #shirts #🌟 #shinning https://www.instagram.com/p/CLf1_1sLlLg/?igshid=ozb10n6ed36c
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superstardavedar · 5 years
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#bornkings #earthpeople https://www.instagram.com/p/B4LfRFkAZwF/?igshid=m7k5dgdszrrw
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tag-that-oc · 4 years
i have an oc x canon ship (i know j . please) thats just called bonk and it makes me happy . also the Endgame Polyam Relationship's name is bornk :D
oc x canon ships are great though! I have one of my own too ;w;
bonk........ That makes me happy too bonk is a fun ship name uwu
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all-a-bornk · 1 year
So, I was in the middle of writing the other post for the kitties, part 2, but something came up.
There has been this kitty I have been trying to find and catch since December 2022 and news from the lady I had been working with, who actually lives near her, finally popped up again. Wren and I were out shopping for the new house and we barely got to the store when I got a phone call. I almost didn't answer it, but I saw that it was a local area code and it could have been someone from the local social security office calling so I answered. It was someone with the kitty rescue I work with calling to say there was a lady trying to get a hold of me for a Momma cat and some babies but had lost my number. I immediately knew who it was and called her.
Once I got a hold of her she said someone had seen the Mom and she had 4 babies in tow. It was kinda up in the air whether or not she had them as we had never seen them, it was just suspected. So this was the first confirmation that she really had them. We talked for a little about what to do, and we ended up deciding to get more food for her as she didn't have any. So, I grabbed some food and headed over there. I didn't have a carrier with me at the time, and unfortunately didn't go back to my house to get one as 1, I was already halfway there and 2, I thought I was just dropping off food. This turned out to be a mistake.
So after we got the food and headed over to the apartment complex, I saw the woman I had been working with walking around with some kids. I quickly parked and she said these kids had seen them just a minute ago! So we followed them, but then they said they had run off and we couldn't find them. I gave all 3 kids my phone number so they could contact me if they saw them. We ended up talking to a guy that had been feeding them, apparently Mom had actually had the, originally 5, kittens on his patio. He hadn't seen them for 2 days but we got his number and he said he would call if he sees anything. I gave the food we had bought to the woman, which turned out to be a mistake as well, and she went to put it in her apartment. After she came back out she said she had some stuff to do and would see us another day and call her with any news.
Right as I was saying goodbye to the man who had been feeding them, he said he could no longer afford it so he stopped, I got a phone call. It was one of the kids saying they found all of the kitties on someone's porch! So, of course, it was on the other side of the apartment complex but once we got nearby the kids ushered us over. After months I finally got to see Momma cat, and confirm that there were babies as well. We attempted to catch them, but like I said earlier, we didn't have a carrier. We were able to wrangle 2 babies and Momma, but the other two got away. So we put them in the vehicle, went to PetSmart and got a carrier, and came back to catch the rest. We saw them, and had a couple close calls but didn't end up catching them. I got the numbers of the ladies who lived there, an older mother and daughter pair. They apparently had been feeding them as well and the daughter is really attached to them. They had tried to keep Mom when she had no babies with her, but have two cats of their own and it didn't work out. It was getting dark and they are dark colored cats, all of them, so we headed out and promised to come back for the other 2. This was on Tuesday. The last two days we have gone back to try and catch them as well. Wednesday we hadn't seen them, so we decided to not come up unless we got a call. Well, Thursday after work I got a call from one of the kids saying they saw the other 2 kittens! We rushed over there, with a carrier and some canned food this time, and we almost got them. The daughter had been out there for 2 hours before we did and we were there for at least an hour and a half. We planned to come back on Saturday, since we were both off, with Mom and try to catch them then. I left the carrier with them with some food and a blanket that smells like Momma. We weren't going to let Mom out, just try to lure them in with her smell and sound, she is very vocal. We had been playing Marco Polo with the babies on Thursday, they were crying and then we would mew back and they would answer. So that gave us the idea to bring Mom.
Saturday came and we ended up bringing Mom and the babies just in case, Mom in one and the two boys in the other. It only took us about 10-15 minutes to catch them both. One we caught as he was hopping out of the patio with a towel. The other got away to some steps up to another apartment but we blocked him with a sheet and we're able to snatch him up as well. We brought them straight to the vet after that.
There is a lot more that has happened with this than I am capturing in this post, so if you guys are interested in hearing more of what happened just let me know I can write more! I would be happy to!
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Piglet is the black kitten on the right, Eeyore is the gray with the white pendant on the left.
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Roo is the gray on the right, and Winnie is the gray with the white bib on the left
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scubatheartist · 5 years
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My new business cards came in 🙏🏾 invest in yourself! #scubatheartist #bornking #bornkingstudio #bornkingradio #scuba . . . . . . #entrepreneur #independentartist #visuals #videographer #videography #mc #hiphop #StayDifferent https://www.instagram.com/p/BxCfNU4hGFx/?igshid=xb6e7poomu96
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spencerranch · 9 months
It's Corgmas time again
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Hope you have a merry one, friend
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deviantart · 6 years
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“His eyes were illuminated on his shadowy face. A great power, something he inherited from his bloodline.” 
“Born King” by 3hil.
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icebergbeats · 4 years
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Follow us 👉🏿@royaltymindset_fashion 👈🏿 Follow us 👉🏿@royaltymindset_fashion 👈🏿 Follow us 👉🏿@royaltymindset_fashion 👈🏿 Turn on post notifications to all latest updates #menhoodies #womenhoodies #kidhoodies #babyhoodie #babyhoodies #babyhoody #blackentrepreneur #blackbusiness #blackownedclothing #blackownedbusiness #blackwealthmatters #kings #bossmoves #bornking #bornkings #kingsinthemaking #queens #bornqueen #bornqueens #queensinthemaking #supportmysmallbusiness https://www.instagram.com/p/CGs5DeerDSp/?igshid=goforxxlbjx9
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all-a-bornk · 1 year
So here is a post introducing the kitties, Part 1
So most of our cats are rescues or we took them from someone who couldn't continue to care for them. These three ladies are ones we got from our cousins. When their parents passed, they asked us to take them if they could no longer keep them. My parents agreed, but we heard nothing more for a while after that. Until it came time for us to move down south, our cousins ended up having to move right around the same time. They asked again if we could take them. My Mom had told them, if you can find a way to get them down there. We already had to move 8 cats and 2 dogs at the time on top of everything else. And they said yes, much to my Mother's surprise. So they moved in with us about a month after we had gotten here. All kitties have a theme to their names, but were from completely different litters. Foods that started with the letter 'P'. First up is Peaches!
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Peaches is an orange tabby, a little over 10 years old now! She is in great health and is a very vocal little lady. She is the Momma of the three, she ended up with the kids in the divorce from her ex-hubby Pixy Stix, who is still with my cousins. She loves her girls. Although she will get mad at them from time to time. But she will cuddle and groom them, especially Pumpkin who loves being groomed and babied. She will 'catch' certain toys and cry until someone comes over to her and tells her good job. She has a favorite mouse and little sushi toy, little ones she can hold in her mouth and carry around. She loves to be held close and carried around, she is very affectionate. When I come home from work and haven't taken my shower yet she will rub up on me. We think she is trying to groom me as she will nibble on my fingers and lick me as well, she gets really passionate and worked up about this. She is a very anxious little lady and is used to routine. She doesn't like it when there are new people, or also if she feels people are missing. She usually hangs out in Wren and Bugli's room, as she is their cat, and she kind of just fans out from there. But that is her main comfort zone. 
When it is food time she will be very vocal, pace, and smack any other cat or animal that gets in her way. All while dancing around in between your legs if you are holding her food. She won't eat unless she is in her room though, but apparently she has gotten better as she used to give my cousins more trouble at feeding time. She is scared of the dogs, but doesn't usually mind Nina. Most of the kitties are fine with Nina though, like I said we are still working with the boys. She is alright for nail trims, but she doesn't like them.
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Next up is Popcorn! She is a little over 8 years old and in great health! Although she is a little plump. She is a very good jumper, often getting great air when she does. She is the older of the two girls, Pumpkin being the baby. She is also the reigning queen after Mittens passed, although one of the other ladies, Sabrina, could take the crown if she so desired. Poppop is scared of her, but so is every other cat in the household. Pop is a bit of a bitch, slapping other cats at the slightest provocation, or none at all. Usually how it goes is Popcorn is sniffing their butt or trying to groom them. They turn to face her cause, what is going on, and then she gets mad at them and darts off. Girl, you started it! But anyway. 
She loves her fishies, bigger (for a cat anyway) kicker toys and will cuddle with them as well. She is also very vocal and will chirp a lot, she can hold a conversation pretty well. She loves being the center of attention and will jump on you when you aren't ready. If you didn't notice her watching for a second and getting ready to leap, that's on you buddy. She doesn't like to be held and will complain the whole time. She is bad for nail trims, she was starting to get a little aggressive when we did one the other day. At food time she will also dance around you and jump up on the counter and get into everyone's bowls while you are trying to pour the food. She is shy when it comes to new people, but warms up pretty quickly. Like I mentioned earlier, she will groom the other cats that she likes. 
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Last but not least of the three P's is Pumpkin! She is 6 years old and is a little plumpkin. She has IBD, and has some diarrhea and vomiting, but we have been working with the vets on this and she has been doing very well! She was diagnosed this January and was doing well on just Pred, but just a week ago we had to change her diet as well. She has improved since then. 
She is the baby of the three and definitely acts like it, she is a spoiled little girl. She isn't very vocal like the other two, but loves affection. She also has Pika and will eat the broom strings, among other things. She perks up when she knows you are talking to her and will act all cute rubbing on your legs, even if you just caught her being naughty. She is very affectionate, but will give little bites when she is irritated. Especially when one of her Mom's, Wren, 'pinches her butt'. All she has to say is 'little butt' and Pumpkin will enter attack mode. She does alright during nail trims, but doesn't really care to be held. She loves to be groomed by the other two P's and Diego. She will make this happy little closed eye face when she is being groomed, and if she is laying next to another cat on the bed she will slowly scoot closer so they can lick her head. Most of the cats are wondering why she does this and are weirded out. 
She will wrestle with Popcorn sometimes, but they only wrestle with each other. She also loves to swat little toys around and play with dangly string toys. She knows where to go at meal times but will run away and out of the room like a little stinker butt. But she is loving her new vet diet and eats really well. All three P's still have their front claws. She is scared of new people and takes some time to warm up.
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Diego is one of our boys that we brought down with us from NY. Unfortunately our parents insisted on declawing all of our cats at the time so he is one of them, but he holds his own pretty well. Still mad about it regardless. He was rescued from a horse stable that Bugli used to work at. They just so happened to have another black tuxedo cat with kittens at the time he got dropped off. But he was clearly a different age than the other kittens and the Momma cat did not approve and would smack him around if he got too close. So he hung out on his own and wasn't the brightest boy, still isn't really. He would hang out around the horse's hooves and near the cars coming in and out, trying to get attention from the people coming and going. And one time my sibling was waiting for our Mom to pick them up. No one else was there at the time, they left for a local parade, I think. It was near Halloween at the time. And when Mom pulled in there was Bugli sitting on a step with a visibly bulged, zipped up hoodie. Mom knew something was going on and asked them, and they showed her the little guy in their jacket. It was cold, and the poor boy was covered in horse urine and ticks. Mom asked about the kitten's situation and after hearing it decided to, at least temporarily, take the kitten home so he would be safe from getting trampled on. After getting a hold of the owner a couple days later, he said we could keep the little guy as he didn't want him getting hurt either, and figured he was a drop off. We bathed him and got a few ticks off of him, but he was still a stinky boy for a little while. He almost always smells very fresh now, a very neat and clean boy. 
Diego is about Pumpkin's age, around 6 or 7. He is in very good health! He does have a couple patches of white fur that he didn't have originally that are confusing though. They are slowly spreading, but the vet didn't seem to know what they were either. He is a pretty relaxed guy and gets along with most of the other kitties, whether they like him or not is a different story. Except for the two new boys, he is really intimidated by them, I think. He got divorced from Raven, who is a little older than he is. I will get to her in Part 2! They used to get along really well, but Raven decided a husband and child was a little much for her and now ignores them most of the time. But Diego is fine with that, he took to the role of father really well and loves his baby bornk. And he has a girlfriend now, Pumpkin!
Diego is a very affectionate boy, gives lots of head bumps and will lean into pets a lot. So much so he falls over half the time when you pull your hand away. He is very playful, he and Keaten will wrestle and chase each other around the house. He'll get the zoomies and chirp as he's running around. He doesn't really have a full meow, it's just mostly chirpy noises. He is pretty vocal as well, so you get to hear his little squeaks a lot. He doesn't mind being held most of the time but will definitely let you know when he is done, he does alright for nail trims, very wiggly though. He is a good boy for meal times, goes right to his spot to eat and even lets his baby steal his food if she wants. Him and Keaten will snuggle and groom each other, they are bonded together and it is very sweet. He has also been accepted by the P's and gets along really well with them. Him and Stuart get along but when Stu plays he can be a little rough so Diego doesn't really like to wrestle with him. He likes feather toys, and little things he can carry around. He is scared of new people, but will come out eventually. 
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Last for part 1 is Keaten! She is a force of nature and we aren't even sure if she is really a cat or not. Maybe a god of chaos, an eldritch being who had chosen us for one reason or another. Something like that. Our Uncle's (the same one who we got Nina from) girlfriend found her as a teeny tiny baby behind a dumpster at Walmart. So we joke and say she is a little raccoon creature. He texted me out of the blue one day and told us about her and asked if we wanted her for our little cat family. We ended up saying yes, obviously, and we have had her for about 5 years now. 
She was raised by Diego, which is probably why she is just barely fit for cat society. 
She warms up to people pretty quickly, although she will hide at first. She loooves food and is part of why she was nicknamed chornk. She is also very stocky and sturdy, thudding really loudly when she hits the floor. She will gladly steal everyone's food at mealtimes and is one of the reasons we have to supervise meals. Keaten is also very strong, and will use it to her advantage, also has a very intense personality. She hates being held and will push and wriggle out of your grasp, she isn't very good for nail trims. She was another one that got declawed, unfortunately, but I think she would be unstoppable if she still had them. Good for her, honestly. She'd be scaling the curtains and climbing up people still. Although she had almost gotten past the climbing people by the time she lost her front claws. Our house in NY was still in the process of being renovated, we were doing a bunch of work on it. So in the living room there weren't really any walls or ceilings so she would scale the studs and walk through the walls and in the ceilings, just having a good ol' time. 
She loves chaos and will be right in the thick of things when moving furniture around and what not, while the rest are hiding. She dances around and chirps excitedly at you, does little tail shakies. She would rather be pet rough and pat like bongos rather than soft little strokes. You can talk loudly to her and she gets excited. 
She just all around has great vibes, and is very affectionate and cuddly as well. She will jump on you to get somewhere higher if she needs to with no warning. She likes to sleep under the blankets and cuddle with her people or her Dad. She is in good health besides her allergies. She sneezes from time to time but is on allergy meds. 
She loves little toys she can carry in her mouth. Once she found one of those (not too) little craft poofs and was non stop playing with it for days on end. She was literally hyperfocusing on the toy, she didn't even want to sleep when she first got it. She would be exhausted just falling asleep sitting up with it in front of her. So that is usually her toy of choice, we got a bunch for her and we find them all over the house when cleaning now. 
And I think that is all for Part 1 of the kitties! Five down, five to go! We have one more bonded pair and then the other three just kinda chill by themselves. Like I said before, if you guys have questions or anything you want to see from us let us know! We are very happy to gush about our pets for hours on end, it's fine really. 
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