#botgd1 moment
furibotgd · 4 years
Sneaky little Soul Secret (Wait he can do that?) (Oneshot)
(Takes place during It simply cannot be, Tunnel hunt, and A Small Sapling)
“What about…the entrances? If they were blocked off…that might force his hand? Maybe trap him?”
Indigo was pondering what Dixie was saying to him. He was somewhat eager to help, but he knew this would spell doom for either Dixie and his men, or all the dragons, or both. He had to be careful.
He was aware of Tael behind him and the Fury's train of thought.
Indigo brought his hands together, thinking. “That could perhaps work, if you blocked them off enough. It’s possible they could make their way out anyway. With that being said…” He poked about a half dozen spots on the map, a few very far apart. “These are the exits to the caves that you have on this map. There’s a couple more, but if you can block them all off enough a Fury can’t get through, they’ll be trapped… and they’ll all die eventually.” His fists tightened for a heartbeat as the thought of them all suffocating or starving struck him in the heart, but he managed to keep calm. “That would end it.”
He watched as Dixie regarded the marks, and then snatched the map back up and rolled it into his bag. “Then there isn’t a moment to lose.” He took a few paces away, and then paused. “I’ll tie up loose ends there as best I can.” His head turned ever so slightly back towards Indigo. “And then I’ll finish my business here…”
Indigo had a hunch exactly what Dixie meant by that, but he decided not to address that.
Phantom tilted his head to the side slightly and seemed to give Dixie an odd look. “Dixie, if I may make a request. I know you hold a lot against me, and would do anything to see me dead. However, if any of the furies surrender, may I ask that you won’t treat them with the same wrath you aim at me? Give them a chance to redeem themselves too. I got a chance I didn’t at all deserve, and I feel it’d be wrong to not give them a chance if they change their ways.”
He had a hunch Dixie would not take these words seriously, but he had a hope. A thin hope that a few dragons could still be saved and turned around. He also glanced at Tael behind him, and they shared a look. I already know what I'm going to do, Tael. Be prepared for it. I'm not going to trust Dixie to do this alone.
“Also, if you need someone to help you, Tael could be trusted to help you, and would go with you if I asked him to help.”
Dixie stood in quiet contemplation for a moment, his eyes flickered, a clear sense of conflict suddenly within him. “I…” He said cautiously. “Do hold dragons in a high regard…Their errors are not like mans…”
Indigo was having a hard time buying these words. He could sense intention Dixie was trying to hide. The hesitation... not putting it into direct words. There was no promise there. Empty words.
He had to hide his distrust in his face, staring at Dixie and trying to give nothing away.
Dixie hummed once, and then nodded his head. “The help would be…welcome.”
Without another word, he walked back over to retrieve his cane, and then set off towards the carting station. 
Indigo had been pondering it starting the moment Dixie suggested trapping the Furies. Now he was certain. He could not trust this man to give the dragons mercy if they switched sides. Though, he would only step in if needed.
Indigo let out a small sigh, rubbing a hand across his face as the three furies walked over to his side. Indigo turned to Tael and gently patted the dragon. He was ready for the swap.
A meaningful look passed between them, and then the Phantom nodded. Tael understood immediately.
I am coming with you. I do not trust Dixie whatsoever. Go with him. Be safe, and stop Scarface. I trust your judgment with anything that may come up. Please, do not make rash decisions. If I need to, I will take over. We end this together.
Tael gently nudged him with his nose and then turned to follow Dixie.
After a short chat with Scoot and Song, giving them vital instructions, Indigo returned to the prison and sat on his bed, going very still.
He hadn't done this in a while, but fortunately the Warden wouldn't be around. And even if he didn't get away with it, he felt he had to do this. For their sake. He knew Scarface was the only one who truly believed in that murderous cause, and if he died, the others would abandon it. He had to make sure those who gave up the genocide got a chance like he did.
They were his family.
He focused all his magic and mind and soul out... and left his body in its silent state. He hadn't done it in years and he immediately felt a chill, but as soon as he found Tael it would be safer.
He zipped as fast as he could to Tael and went into into the dragon's body. He felt the Night Fury shudder slightly, and he stared through Tael's eyes as they went on their way to stop Scarface.
He was there for the battle. For the whispering death. For the storm. He watched Scarface slain, but still took no action.
It was afterwards that made him interject.
He had to hold back, but it was hard. Especially after he'd seen Zipshot switch sides. And Dixie adamantly insisting to take some of the bodies. And after losing so many friends. He almost slipped a few times.
But no one noticed.
After a painful, horrid few days after the battle, Indigo returned home to find his body just where he'd left it. A small relief after all of that.
No one had discovered that he'd left Haligan, technically escaping prison for a short time.
As he transferred back and Tael quickly made an exit, he began his emotional outbreak, slashing the walls and crying and trying not to scream.
He wanted to punch Dixie so bad. But he couldn't.
Hours and hours later, Indigo began pondering if be would be honest and tell Grey about his... outing. She had put a lot of trust into him, and under most definitions, he had violated it. She deserved to know, for certain.
But it would mean several steps back in the fragile trust he'd earned. He knew that, he wasn't stupid.
Throw himself at her mercy again? Or keep it hidden and hope? With any luck, no one would ever know of this ability of his. There was a reason he kept it close to his chest, it was useful.
Indigo decided to stay quiet. He had to hope he wouldn't regret it.
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