#both are equally pathetic but that's why i love them
To Love You (Platonic Yandere!Child x Monster! Reader)
Chapter 2: The men in his life
[part 0, 1, here]
CW: femme bodied GN Reader, vulgar language, mentions of abuse, infidelity, unintentional manipulation
Stepping out of the shower felt no different than stepping into it. The wetness was felt, as the water was absorbed into their skin, but just as they could not feel the cold outside, they could not take comfort in the warmth of a shower.
Their home was.. quaint. (Reader) had to learn the concept of an apartment from their newly adopted son (the disgust they felt when they looked out at the building and believed the family lived in a hotel was visible on their face), and although they had their reservations, it wasn't nearly as pathetic as they assumed it would be. They had lived in poverty before, in a space larger than this, however there was electricity and heating; there was more fresh food than (Reader) knew was possible of storing, there were plants and plenty of clothes. Everything was very advanced, and it seemed as though life was much easier to live than before (even if they needed assistance with activating the shower).
Leaving faint footprints on the fake wooden floor, (Reader) saw family portraits both hung up and in standing frames on random shelving. Avery sleepily teetered over towards the monster, instinctively reaching out to grab their hand.
"I... did a truly terrible job of recreating her."
"I look nothing like your mother."
Avery's hand flexed open for a millisecond before squeezing tighter. His face was scrunched in confusion, like his inability to process his own emotions was upsetting him. "I'm okay with that."
I'm sure you are. (Reader) glanced from Luanne to the man smiling next to her. But will he?
"What is your father's name?"
(Reader) picked up the drowsy child. His hair still smelled like the woods. "Is he a good man?"
The boy sagged, melting into his new "mother's" arms. "I mean, yeah? Mom yells at him a lot though.."
His room was decorated with comic book posters and action figures on every surface. The bed felt luxurious to the monster, and the blanket was expertly made, with intricate characters dyed into the fabric. They would later learn that it was a mass produced comforter, but at that moment it made them wonder who bought such an obviously expensive bed set for a child. If it was the mother, then why? She seemed to despise her son. And if it was the father, then that seemed to be a sign of good luck for (Reader). A kind and loving husband would probably be more welcoming to a previously hostile wife if "she" suddenly became equally as kind and loving.
Avery's tired eyes became unfocused as (Reader) tucked him in.
"Will you still be here when I wake up?"
(Reader) thought of Luanne. Her slightly crinkled skin under her eyes in the photos on the walls. The bright red lipstick on the bathroom counter and the perfume bottle in the medicine cabinet that reeked like her jacket and the skin she owned as (Reader) tore open her body.
"Yes." They were beginning to feel that they were just as confused as Avery.
This family was just a cover. And this family would eventually be nothing more than a meal.
But despite that, they still sat on his bed until the child fell asleep.
(Reader) almost went to investigate their own bed, when the front door opened very softly and slowly. Someone was sneaking in. They calmly changed direction in the hall, silently entering the living room to meet their new husband, who was quietly attempting to remove his shoes.
The monster watched him, his awkward movements as his heart loudly beat in his white collared shirt, and they felt a sense of unease. This was, clearly, Michael. It was the same man from the photographs. So why was he tiptoeing into his own home?
Michael took a shaky breath, calming his anxious heart, when he turned around and saw his wife, nearly experiencing a heart attack.
"Jesus, Luanne! Why're you just standing there?" His tone was accusatory despite the warm smile he had on his face. "I'm sorry I'm late, I got held up by that prick Donnie. Made me stay late to fix some fuck up that the new kid made.."
As he, loudly, approached the monster posing as his wife, they could smell him; and suddenly everything made sense.
He didn't even blink as he stared into his wife's eyes. There was no flicker of discomfort, recognition in his expression.. Michael couldn't tell that there was something off about Luanne.
His shirt smelled like chemicals and fruit and plastic and alcohol.
He leaned in to kiss (Reader).
They were used to kissing humans.
They never once enjoyed it.
But it was something they had to do.
To blend in.
However, when Michael opened his mouth it wasn't just cheap wine (Reader) could smell. It was slightly acidic. And they reared their head away in disgust.
Of course a man like this wouldn't have ever noticed that his wife was abusing his son.
"Your breath smells like another woman's cunt." They still expected Michael to finally notice that they weren't his wife, but even after hearing their voice it didn't seem to phase him.
"..Not this again." He abruptly spun away. "I just got home after a long day, can you not act like a crazy bitch for five fucking minutes?!"
He tossed his keys onto the little table by the front door as aggressively as he could without "throwing" them.
"I work so hard for you and Avery, and all you do is complain. How is that fair to me? You promised you wouldn't bring this up again, and yet here you are-"
"Avery and I were in an accident today." (Reader) cut him off. They didn't really want any sympathy from him, they just didn't want to listen to his pathetic moaning.
Their words seemed to shock him out of his tirade. "What? Is he okay?"
"Yes. However, I have a concussion.. the amb-u-lance doctors said that it was normal to experience some mild memory loss." They hoped their face appeared sincere. "I'm sorry. I thought I smelled something.."
Michael didn't seem to notice that his wife's speech had changed drastically. He reached out in a sympathetic manner, cupping their face with his hand.
"If it's that bad, why didn't they take you to a hospital?"
"They suggested I go if my confusion worsens or if I developed any new symptoms."
He sighed through a grimace. "Well.. I'm glad you're alright."
(Reader) contemplated eating him.
"I see you've already showered.. why don't you go to bed, I'll be there in a second?"
You disgust me.
"I'm going to lay down with Avery. I'm still a little shaken up after the accident."
"How did it-?" Michael sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Fine. We can talk in the morning."
He reached out again to hold (Reader), and it felt like mold growing on their skin when he planted a kiss on their forehead. His grip was tight on their shoulders, as if to prove that he could kiss them whenever he felt like it and they had no choice.
No; Luanne had no choice.
(Reader) flashed him a smile. He only smiled back.
What a prick.
They silently left the cheating bastard and returned to Avery's bedroom, where they could hear from his breathing that he had woken up and was doing his best to pretend to sleep. "May I lay down for a while?"
He didn't respond but scooted over to make room on his twin sized bed. The child was so small that it didn't cause much cramping to lie beside him.
"Avery?" It was plain curiosity. But a curiosity that was not appropriate when taking to a child. "Why didn't your father stop Luanne?"
Avery opened his large baby like eyes, staring up at (Reader's) unblinking ones. "What do you mean?"
"Did he ever ask you about your bruises?"
"Yes." He answered automatically before pausing, trying to recall a time when his dad may have noticed how mean his mom could be, and realizing that there was none. Every argument they ever had was about them. They were never about him. "No."
(Reader) wondered why they were probing their son. Maybe, deep down the know what they were doing: driving a wedge between them so (Reader) could eat the boy's father without regret. Yet, it didn't feel that way. They wanted to know. They were curious.
"I am not a human."
"..I know."
"My sense of smell is much greater than yours. As is my hearing."
They pulled Avery into a hug, whispering "I can hear your father's heart from the kitchen."
Instead of fear, this revelation seemed to excite the boy. "Really?!" He theatrically whispered back.
"I can smell.. a raccoon outside, climbing a tree."
A small gasp before a "You are a hero!" squeaked out of Avery.
"Avery." Their voice turned serious. "I can smell another woman on your father."
His breathing hitched. "What does that mean?"
".. Your mother was a very bad person for what she did to you. And your father.. he should have noticed what was happening."
Silence thickened between the two. The concept that his father failed him settled into Avery's tiny, six year old brain. Everything felt very complicated, and it was wearing him down. He felt more exhaustion than he felt in a very long time. "Will you protect me?"
(Reader's) mouth moved before the thought formed in their mind. "Yes."
After a very loud, one sided argument about the trashed vehicle, the monster was taking their new boy to school via the city bus. They understood that a motorized carriage must have been expensive, but their survival felt more important. On top of the irritation from an unnecessary "conversation" with their "husband", it stressed out Avery, who appeared to be distant with his father.
The city bus stunk of piss. It was disgusting, but Avery seemed impressed.
"Mom, there's my school!" He jabbed the window, pointing at a very large building,
"Is this a private institution?"
"Inst- insti- tush- ...no, it's a regular school?"
His face lit up with pride when his mom complimented his school, "It's impressive."
That is what they said, however, after exiting the bus and entering the school grounds, there was a very stern looking man glaring at (Reader) from the steps. He was about Michael's age, shaved bald sporting thick framed glasses and was smartly dressed. Upon seeing his frightening stare, they gently squeezed Avery's hand to catch his attention. "Do I know that man?"
"Yeah, that's Mr. Knight.." Avery sounded very quiet. "He's the counselor. He came over for a visit a few weeks ago."
"I don't know?" He lied.
The serious man's face completely changed when Avery drew near, cracking into a large, lopsided and toothy smile. "Good morning, Mr. Avery! How ya doin?" His voice was impressively deep, but (Reader) was more impressed by the fact that they had just realized there were children and teachers of all races entering the same building. They allowed themselves to smile widely, feeling a moment that was close to satisfaction: having been so many people, it was like joy and revenge all at once to be in the future.
But their smile fell when they looked back at the counselor, and recognized the emotion plastered on his form.
He saw (Reader's) smile, and he could tell that it was different.
He was not like Michael, who was so blind to his wife that he did not notice the change; this man saw their smile, and felt the fear, disgust, confusion, and discomfort that humans felt when they saw a fake human.
The uncanny valley.
Mr. Knight visibly shuttered before returning to his previous anger. "Good morning, Mrs. Jones." He spat out the name like it was vinegar. "I see you're personally escorting your son today."
(Reader) focused on keeping their face neutral.
Avery responded before the creature could. "We got into an accident. The car is getting fixed, so we took the bus."
Worry filled his dark eyes, returning his attention to Avery. "An accident? Are you okay?"
"Yeah, but Mom hit her head."
The sympathy he expressed was so plainly fake that it felt spiteful. "Well. Hopefully your injury wasn't too severe?"
(Reader) smiled again.
It made perfect sense. This man hated Luanne, Avery's real mother. But that woman was dead.
"I'm feeling much better now, thank you."
He involuntarily shivered at their voice. Even though he had no way of knowing that the mother was actually an ancient boogeyman forgotten by time, he clearly could feel it.
And while they respected that there seemed to be one adult who cared for Avery, they recognized that Mr. Knight would potentially be a headache for them in the near future.
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franpun · 8 months
Pepno and Pomnino
(both have sopping wet cat energy)
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arolesbianism · 21 days
The difference between how I enjoy Olivia and how I enjoy Jackie is that I like to imagine Olivia dying in deep and symbolic ways that leave a deep scar on the people around her that will still manage to die out before her death can reach its climax and I like to imagine Jackie being hit by a car and exploding
#rat rambles#oni posting#and if you know me youd know that both of these are equally affectionate lol#olivia appeals to me by being am extremely interesting character and a complicated person#and jackie appeals to me by being very easy to boo and throw tomatoes at#theyre both sad divorced middle aged women but jackie is easily the worse of the two and the more pathetic of the two#olivia has deep moral and philisphical crisies and jackie throws a hissy fit over her ex wife throwing a party its not a competition lol#like jackie is such a manchild of a woman and thats exactly why I love her#I do also have serious thoughts feelings and hcs abt her too but those are a result of her growing on me and that was a result of her being#a sad wet cat of a woman who is such a shitty person for no good reason#she had reasons but those are mostly just hand waves nowadays#and even back when she did genuinely believe in doing things for good rather than solely progress it still was shaky reasoning#point being she ruined everything for everyone including herself and it was for no good reason and I love that abt her#also I love my design for her so she gets bonus points by leeching off of my artistic talents or whatever#shes sooo silly actually (incorrect)#olivia is also silly I will forever obsess with 'tiny baby!' and her various puns and jokes as the pod#it rly makes you wonder what they were like back before they were doomed toxic yuri and were simply doomed yuri#I have my hcs ofc but yknow#their date nights were probably just them sitting in a mcdonalds for 17 hours straight discussing theories and doing their college homework#and then their study nights were them getting blackout drunk and crying their eyes out and having gay sex or smth#in the modern day they both absolutely refuse to drink unless theyre home alone they can't trust themselves in the slightest#anyways obligatory 1 am post made time to go to bed and keep being offline as hell
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bangtanflirt · 8 months
(Un)natural Instincts (Part 11)
*Series taglist is closed.
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angst, fluff, smut
Pairings: OT7 x Fem Reader, Human CEO Reader, Human Assistant Yoongi, Wolf Hybrids Joon, Jin, Hobi, Jimin, Tae, and Kook.
Basic premise: You and your assistant end up rescuing six wolf hybrids. No part of the process is easy.
Part 1 > Part 2 > Part 3 > Part 4 > Part 5 > Part 6 > Part 7 > Part 8 > Part 9 > Part 10 > Part 11 > Part 12
General Warnings: Hybrid abuse and lab experimentation, hybrids as second-class citizens/owned property (Minors DNI, 18+ content)
Specific Warnings: trauma from past SA (vaguely hinted at this time, not explicit), jealousy, ambiguity around fidelity in hybrid pack dynamics, internalized prejudice (against wolf hybrids), mentions of drugs
Namjoon stills, his breath caught in his throat at the sight of Yoongi’s lips on yours. Discomfort has him wriggling in his skin, but he battles the feeling long enough to discreetly retreat—finding the nearest guest room before the two of you can pick up on his presence. The wolf shuts his eyes, trying to gather his thoughts.
This is ridiculous. I shouldn’t be jealous. She doesn’t owe me anything.
But all the rationale in the world can’t shake off the of jealousy. It’s not a strong, world-shattering type of feeling—but it’s there and it irks him nonetheless. He can’t help but feel like an absolute idiot for mistaking your offering of friendship as anything more. Was he the only one feeling a pull?
Of course she doesn’t feel anything for me. She wouldn’t think of a hybrid in that way.
As much as you talk of equality, Namjoon isn’t dumb. It’s one thing to support hybrid equality, but it’s an entirely different matter to see him equal enough to be a romantic option.
How could she ever think that way about someone she has to put a fucking leash on to be seen outside with? It’s impossible.
He doesn’t know why he let himself feel this way in the first place. He’s only known you for a couple of days—not to mention he already has a loving pack. Guilt stiffens his features, not wanting to think of what his pack would say at his pathetic little crush. Would they feel betrayed?
Relationships aren’t exactly as black-and-white as “open” or “closed” in hybrid packs. On one hand, a pack is always “open” to accept new packmates to form strong bonds with; however, their pack hasn’t had a new member in years…so were they “closed” now?
He doesn’t know why he’s thinking so deeply about it—you’re not even a hybrid. There’s no wolf in you for them to form a pack-bond with.
You should be with a human, someone who can actually build a future with you. Someone like Yoongi.
You should be happy with a human like Yoongi, and he should be happy with his amazing pack. It should be this simple. So why isn’t it?
His heart beats hard against his ribcage, drumming loud in his ears. He waits patiently as you gather your thoughts, but every millisecond feels like a year. Some part of him hopes you’ll pull him back in for a second kiss, but it’s clear that’s not where your head is. He doesn’t realize he’s holding his breath until you start talking again.
“Was that…was that because I was teasing you?” Your voice is soft, almost a whisper, but the closeness between your bodies guarantees he hears every word.
Shaking his head, his mouth answers before his mind has any time to think.
“I’ve wanted to do that for a while.”
He doesn’t realize what he’s done until the words spill out.
There’s no going back now.
There’s a moment of regret. You literally gave him an out on a silver platter—just brushing the whole thing off as an answer to your teasing, fueled by wine. But he doesn’t think his response through, and now the entire friendship he’s built with you could easily go down the drain. His heart—which he’s kept guarded for so long—is fully on his sleeve, vulnerable to whatever you decide to do to it.
The confession lingers heavy in the air, sobering any slight buzz out of both of you.
“I’ve liked you for a while. I don’t know when it started…maybe a few months after I was hired? I don’t remember. I just—I like you. A lot. And I know it might be really stupid to say this and ruin what we have,” his voice barely holds it together to get the rest of the sentence out, “but if you tell me you don’t have any feelings for me then I’ll never act on it again, I promise. That’s all I need to know.”
The strain in his voice prompts you to find your own quickly.
“I…I have feelings for you too.”
Yoongi’s shoulders finally fall down, a mix of relief and elation washing over the second your words soak in.
“Thank fucking God” is all he can manage to get out before pulling you into a tight, cathartic hug.
Bacon sizzles on the stovetop, edges turning crisp as Jimin watches over. The fresh aroma of Yoongi’s favorite dark roast fills the kitchen, luring the man in as he’s getting ready to go to work. Jimin signals for him to sit, singing an unfamiliar song as he’s plating the bacon next to a stack of pancakes. The surprise on Yoongi’s face is evident, as Jimin hasn’t cooked him breakfast since the morning of the incident. He'll never say it out loud, but the site does endear him.
“You look happier than usual.” The wolf remarks, noticing the smile Yoongi can’t seem to suppress. It’s hard not to smile when all that’s going through his head are your words from yesterday.
“So do you.”
Jimin puffs out his chest in pride, “Because I just finished baking these” he gestures proudly to a tray of freshly baked muffins. They look mouthwatering, and Yoongi’s hand is reaching out before he even realizes it. But the wandering hand is quickly swatted away.
“Hands off. These are exclusively for Taehyung.”
“Not even one?”
Jimin almost gives in at seeing the pout creep on the man’s lips, but regardless, he stays firm, “Nope. This is step one in fixing our relationship. I need every muffin here if I’m going to make it up to him.”
Curiosity takes over Yoongi’s features, wondering what exactly a guy as sweet as Jimin could do to land himself in such hot water.
“You must’ve messed up really bad.”
Jimin shakes his head, sliding over a fixed plate and coffee. “Funnily enough, I still don’t think I did. It’s the drugs that messed up both of our minds.”
“Why are you making it up to him if you don’t think it was your fault?”
“Because love isn’t always about who’s right and who’s wrong. Sometimes you just have to do what you can to make things work.”
The man raises a brow, taken aback at the wise words coming from such a naïve face, which Jimin notices and starts laughing at immediately.
“I sounded so smart, didn’t I?” His eyes shut into happy crescents, “Namjoon hyung says that to us a lot. It sounds a lot cooler coming from him.”
Yoongi shakes his head in amusement, small chuckle leaving from his lips as he digs into the neatly decorated plate in front of him. Not even the mention of Namjoon could throw off his good mood this morning.
As much as you want to celebrate your recent developments with Yoongi, the current mood in the car has you (and everyone else) stiff with unease. The cause of said unease is looking out the window, paying no mind as he stares blankly at all the cars passing. It’s not lost on anyone how distant Jungkook is becoming towards you, refusing to acknowledge any of your attempts at conversation.
That isn’t the only cold front you’re experiencing.
The wolf in your passenger seat is also visibly off. Normally, he’d be the one trying to get Jungkook to get along with you, but it’s clear that Namjoon is lost in his own world at that moment. You steal glances throughout the drive, trying to decipher his expression: it doesn’t look like he’s mad…but it also doesn’t look like he’s comfortable? His responses are short and the smile he flashes is contrived at best, but you hold off on asking him why.
Hoseok’s also lost in his own thoughts, fidgeting with the sleeve of his shirt and trying to keep the bad memories away. His anxiety’s been spiking up as the synthetic hormone levels decrease, mind now unable to create a haze to block all the bad. There are moments, like right now, when he wants to scratch off his skin until he breaks flesh—grasping for any way to reclaim his body. His claws almost peek out, tempted to follow through with his intrusive thoughts, but he’s pulled out of it when he feels Jimin’s fingers interlock with his own.
The younger one leans in, car radio loud enough to allow them their own moment, “Is it the memories?”
Hoseok nods, eyes down on the interlocking hands, trying to focus on the welcomed touch instead of thinking about all the unwelcomed ones.
“Try tuning into your hybrid hearing when it gets really bad. Maybe that can help block them.”
Hoseok’s willing to try anything at this point, so he zones out on the back of the driver’s seat and lets his ears do their thing. It’s been far too long since he’s tuned into his heightened senses, and it feels disorienting at first, as if he’s no longer in the same place as his body. But natural instincts kick in and have him adjusting quickly, letting him filter through various conversations and noises until he’s focused on one moment. It’s a child begging his mother for ice cream, a sweet exchange. He follows their journey throughout the ice cream aisle, listening in as the mother finally gives in and the two discuss what flavor. Surprisingly, Hoseok doesn’t realize arriving at the doctor’s until Jimin’s unbuckling his belt for him.
Hoseok smiles, “That actually helped.”
Jimin simply responds with a peck on the cheek.
Dr. Gong notices Jungkook’s changed demeanor instantly, as he’s not acknowledging her either. The youngest simply sticks behind his pack, hands holding onto the bottom of Jin’s sweatshirt. She looks back and forth between Jungkook and you, and you don’t know what else to do but sigh.
“Good to see you all again. I hope all is well.”
You bow before ushering three of the hybrids to take the empty seats while you and the others huddle around her desk.
“We’re getting there” you say, half-heartedly smiling.
She nods, “I assume you all are familiar with the process of heat shots. We’ll do the rut suppressant first. Namjoon, please follow the nurse into that room.”
The rest follow one by one, coming out with band aids on their arm. Dr. Gong pulls out a pile of lollipops onto her desk for their return, scattering various flavors on the desk. Taehyung looks at them with curiosity, eyes telling Jimin he’ll take one if he does as well. Jungkook shoves a strawberry one into his jacket, not bothering to thank the doctor the way his hyungs do.
“I was actually with the authorities yesterday, going over the hybrids’ medical results for them. They’re collecting evidence for Kang’s trial. I expect they'll call me to act as a witness soon.”
Just the mention of Kang’s name has every hybrid in the room flinch.
You nod, "I’m waiting for that call as well. Even a life sentence seems too kind for him though.”
“Plans to distribute fevocaine should land him at least thirty years. But realistically, with his status, I won't be surprised if it's fifteen max.”
A low growl comes from Jungkook, startling everyone in the room.
“All the shit he did to us and he’s only tried for the drugs? You must be fucking kidding me.” The only thing that keeps his rage from boiling over is Jin’s firm tone telling him to settle. The raise in voice has Dr. Gong pulling back, fear creeping in at seeing a fired-up wolf.
“He won’t hurt you” Jin assures, snaking a hand around the youngest’s waist to keep him still.
The doctor gives an unconvincing smile, trying to regain composure.
You give an apologetic look, bowing on his behalf. “Sorry Doc.”
“It’s understandable. I also agree with Jungkook. The laws are ridiculous. The only real good news I can give you is that the synthetic hormones seem to lose most of their effectiveness without the fevocaine. There’s no chance of the collars entering the market anytime soon—hopefully ever.”
The information, although positive, has you baffled, “I knew it was a dangerous drug, but such small amounts really made that much of a difference?”
“It’s the base needed for everything else to work. Only fevocaine can subdue a hybrid’s nervous system enough for the other hormones to instill specific behavioral changes. Simply put, without getting the hybrids in a hazy enough headspace, the rest of the hormones just don’t work.”
You suppose it makes sense, as the Kang you know wouldn’t risk involving fevocaine into his plans unless it was absolutely necessary.
“You’re all set for this month. The receptionist out front can set you up for next month’s appointment. I remember you were hesitant about continuing them on the suppressants, though.”
You nod, “We don’t need further appointments. I’m sure they’ve had enough of synthetic drugs messing up their hormones to last a lifetime. Right guys?”
Namjoon’s eyes go wide, “Are you sure? It’s not safe for you to be around us in heat. We don’t mind getting the shots.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes, “I mind.” Jin’s grasp on him becomes tighter, an unspoken command to behave.
“It’s alright Joon, Yoongi said I could crash at his whenever you’re in your heats—or rut for you.”
Namjoon’s jaw ticks slightly at the mention of Yoongi, before he reminds himself that this is how things should be. Humans with humans and hybrids with hybrids. He reluctantly nods at your plan, thinking for the greater good of his pack.
“If that’s alright with you then yes, we would prefer not to be on them. Except for Hoseok.”
Your eyes go wide at the realization, of course Hoseok wouldn’t want to go through his heat. You curse under your breath for not catching that.
Hoseok, on the other hand, looks relieved that it was brought up before he had to bring it up himself. He thanks the heavens he has a good Alpha during situations like this.
“You’re back early” you muse, quirking an eyebrow at the figure standing at the door of your home office. Yoongi smiles, making his way to your desk before bending down to kiss your cheek.
“I told Minhyun I had to leave early for an urgent appointment.”
“So you lied to get out of work early? I could fire you for that, you know.” He tilts your head up, kissing the teasing grin off of your face.
“I didn’t lie. I had to come here and kiss you urgently.”
Another kiss.
“Well, this is a side of you I’ve never seen. Can’t say I don’t like it.”
“I have to make up for all the lost time. Besides, this is one step closer to my househusband dream, so I can’t afford to mess it up.”
You roll your eyes, “Am I just a means to an end?”
“Yeah, pretty much.”
You pinch his arm and he fakes a hurt face, causing both of you to laugh.
Yoongi traps you in your chair, one hand on each arm rest as he bends to eye level, taking in every second of the moment.
“It feels surreal. Getting to kiss you like this. It’s not something I ever thought would be possible.”
You snake your hands around his neck, pulling his face even closer. “I’ve liked you for a while too. I was just scared…the idea of losing what we already have by trying to be more is terrifying,”
You’ve been scared about the same things as him. This whole time.
“but nothing’s ever felt more right than that kiss. Made me realize that high risk and high return isn’t just for the next business deal.”
“Only you can figure out a way to make this into a business analogy” he chuckles.
“Well my gut instincts have gotten me this far with investments, so no use trying to fight them for everything else in my life.” You’re the one who leans in for the kiss this time, hands cupping his face as you chase after his lips.
“This is going to be the best investment of your life.”
“Those are big claims, Assistant Min.”
“I’m very confident, Miss Shin.”
Namjoon’s fork hits the table, slipping out of his hand and forgotten the moment Yoongi announces your relationship at dinner.
“We want to try and see where things go” you say, bringing your free hand to rest on top of Yoongi’s for everyone to see.
“You don’t have to make a big deal out of it. We don’t care.”
“Jungkook.” Jin admonishes, but the youngest pushes back this time.
“What? It’s true. Whatever they do has nothing to do with us. Unless you want us gone so you can be all lovey dovey. I’m sure he” Jungkook glares in Yoongi’s direction, “wouldn’t want his precious girlfriend sharing a space with us. I mean, we’re wolves after all.”
Yoongi cringes at the mention of his ignorant remark.
“Once again, I’m sorry for saying that. I wish I could take it back.”
You squeeze his hand, “Yoongi’s not like that Jungkook. Nothing about this changes the fact that you all have a permanent home here.”
Yoongi nods.
“I’m happy for you guys” Jimin beams, breaking the tension and making you extremely grateful.
“Me too!” Taehyung follows.
You look over at Namjoon, who sends a tight-lipped smile, “You two look good together.”
 “Thank you Joon,” his stand-offish demeanor still isn’t lost on you.
Hoseok barely reacts, only half present at the dining table. Jimin assures everyone to just let him be, explaining that turning up his hearing is helping him. He doesn’t need to elaborate, as everyone is highly aware of what goes on in Hoseok’s mind most of the time now. You’re just glad something’s helping.
It’s the sound of a record this time, playing maybe two houses down. A nice, soft melody that makes him want to hum along.
Namjoon volunteers to do the dishes this time, until Jin assigns the task to Taehyung and pulls the Alpha to the side, “What’s going on with you?”
“You’ve been in your head all day. I could use a little help reigning Jungkook in, you know. It feels like I’ve been keeping him in check all alone since morning.”
Namjoon looks at the eldest with remorse, “I’m sorry hyung. My thoughts have just been all over the place lately. I should be paying more attention.”
“What is it that’s bothering you? Anything I can help with?”
He shakes his head, “No don’t worry about it. I have it under control.”
“You’re sure?”
The Alpha hangs by Yoongi’s door awkwardly, clearing his throat to make his presence known to both of you. You sit up from your cuddling position upon seeing him.
“Hey Joon, you need to talk to Yoongi about something?”
The wolf nods, “I can come by later if it’s not a good time.”
You shake your head and get out of the covers, much to Yoongi’s reluctance.
“I need to go look over some documents anyways. You guys talk.”
It’s when you’re right in front of him do you ask what’s on your mind, “Hey, are you okay? You don’t seem like yourself lately…unless this is another instance of the hormones wearing off?”
“No, this isn’t that. I’ve just been feeling a little under the weather today. It’s nothing serious.”
Your hand is on his forehead in an instant, “It’s not a fever, thankfully. You sure you’re good? Need any cold meds?”
“No it’s fine, really. I’ll let you know if I need anything.”
The wolf waits a second after you leave, making sure you’re far away from the door before speaking. Yoongi watches carefully, not in the mood for whatever “Alpha claim” he’s about to stake on you.
But Namjoon isn’t that kind of Alpha.
“I wanted to talk about y/n.”
“Go on.”
“Now that you two are…together” the word is bitter on his tongue, “we should get along. For her sake.”
Yoongi can’t say he’s not caught off-guard. He always thought a jealous Alpha would be one throwing temper tantrums and bearing teeth. Namjoon’s words don’t help make him any less wary, though.
“That’s hard to do when I see the way you look at her. I’ve wanted this for so long, and I’m not going to let a stranger walk into our lives and take it away.”
The word “stranger” has an unsettling feeling rise up in Namjoon’s chest, wanting to protest and that he and you are not strangers. That he understands you in ways Yoongi never will. But he stops himself. Because none of it matters if he can’t be the one thing you need: human.
That’s something Yoongi will always have over him.
“It’s just a crush, nothing serious. I’ll get over it without her ever knowing.”
“How can I believe that? How do I know this crush won’t turn into something serious in the future?”
“Because it can’t. She likes you. Not me. I’m not stupid enough to make a move and risk her kicking out the entire pack. I know you don’t trust me, but you can trust that I won’t risk the future of my pack over this.”
It’s the one statement that does placate Yoongi, because he’s right. The one thing he—and anyone who’s known Namjoon for longer than two seconds—knows is that his every decision revolves around his packmates’ wellbeing.
“Okay. I can believe that.”
A/N: Took a bit longer to get out this week, but I'm always grateful that you guys stick around and interact. Have a great day!
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privitivium · 3 months
would you do a pathetic loser character x yandere jock reader?
fuck yeah bro. ts got me all excited KEKEKRK.. this is one of my favorites. thanks anon.
pathetic loser darling x yandere jock reader
both amab, cw;; creepy, perverted reader - dubcon, stalking, disturbing reader
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dude... you just couldnt help yourself. youre serious! you had no control of your thoughts. it was so awful at first... forming a little crush on some guy you have no business having a crush on-? as a jock type, youre automatically to fall for some girlㅡsome cheerleader, or even some loser - but not some loser ass introvert... yet there you were... jerking off to polaroids of him in the comfort of your huge bed - moaning n groaning out his name and imagining his smaller hands wrapped around your dick instead of your ownㅡhe's so cute, so pretty, so lovely -
you cant wait to see him tomorrow... following from afar from his home that was so conveniently close to yours... you wonder why you havent made your move yet - but it takes time, alright ?!!! you want him to be comfortable around you first... brushing against him in the halls and offering small apologies - grinning wildly as he squeaks n runs off blushing with an apology of his own... so cute. so fucking cute... you,,,youjust cant stop imagining those lips wrapped around your cock... hes soprettyy... soon, you'll be friends... then best friends... then l-loversㅡ
thinking about this fucking nerd in all sorts of disgusting ways - merely passing him in the halls and never communicating or anything! it hurt so bad... it was just so painful to be away from this little freak... this fucking outcast. one of those loser nerd types, fitting right into the teen movie archetype of a nerd with those fucking glasses ( of course ) and nose length hair tucked behind his ears - he was just so pretty... so dainty, almost. those lips - thick and full and just great makeout material... sucking on them til they were dark n bruised and even bloodied-!! fuck he'd look so good with blood dribbling down his chin... there you were, there you would be, lapping it up and peppering kisses around his mouth all teasingly - dont-! don't. get distracted. dont... fucking get hard... think... gross things...
b-but... your cock argues with your thought process, prick bulging from your jeans and you feel so embarrassed... this always happens ! you get distracted while observing your little freak in his equally little place of comfort - back of the campus, where a forest resided, you were watching him from afar; as always... observing is allㅡyou were his secret protector. shoving away the notorious little groups of friends known for fucking with those weaker - making sure to beat the piss out of them and tell them sternly to keep away from your little crush... you didnt want someone to harm him - but it was okay if that someone was you. fantasizing and jerking your cock to the thought of restraining him and verbally destroying his smart lil mind - but obviously, making sure to cheer him right up afterwards. you were big on aftercare in your daydreams...
oh, god... and finally having him in your grasp,,, making him vulnerable and him having to rely on you as you keep him in your huge place... it was out of no where and you clearly couldnt stick to the plan of friends, best friends, and lovers - that theres your boyfriend and you were sick of him not acknowledging that-! "hey, hey, it's okay..." you coo gently, snickering to yourself at the mess your boyfriend makes of himself - sobbing in your thick burly arms and squirming so much that you involuntarily get hard - "you're alright, silly... i have you."
ㅡbut yes, that was the problem... you had him. he couldnt think on whether or not to be actually scared out of his wits or nuzzle into the warmth your chest emanated, he did have a crush on you but he thinks youre taking this t-too farㅡ "it's huge, isn't it? you'll be okay, i promise..." nuzzling into the side of his head after guiding his hand to your weeping cock, the euphoric feeling of his hand shakily wrapping around the base - he was still sniffling... whispering to him, "you be okay, hnn? don't grab too hard, i'll have to do something to you..." not elaborating on your last sentence... the thought of having to hurt him just because he hurt you first made your heart clench,,,
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Hello! I'm so happy I found your blog! I like your story, the way you write it! And it’s so easy for me to imagine my OC with your story, because our OCs are a little similar, only my character is something like a god/demon of death, a little more cold and his pets are snakes))
Sooooo... Sorry for taking a lot of time with my character 😅 the request for headcanons is haulian x reader and how will Xie Lian and Hua Cheng react if the reader feels like the third wheel in their trio and become a little bit distant because want to give them some space? (I have the idea in my head that the reader is basically like your OC, i like him soooooo much)
Sorry if it's not clear, English is not my native language. And if you don't like the idea, just ignore it))
Closing The Distance
Hua Cheng x M!Reader x Xie Liam
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I'm so happy you like my writing and I love to hear about your OC so don't worry. I'm happy our OC's are so similar 🥰🖤
I like writing stories with my headcanons soooo bare with me, bear with me???
You've been distant. Well you've never reached out to people before this either, but you're more distant than usual.
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng noticed immediately.
How you start declining things, how you just sit to the side, you don't talk much, You let them sleep alone, eat dinner alone.
You stop being near them. The kisses you give dwindle down to nothing and the words "I love you" have been reserved.
They haven't a clue why. Xie Lian and Hua Cheng have tried to think of every reasonable possibility but don't know why
Why would you want to be alone when it's supposed to be the three of you together?
It gets to the point where they have to visit you instead of the other way around. Paradise Manor, and Puqi shrine is all of your homes but you don't show up to either one anymore.
You're hiding away at your own place and they just don't know what to do
It really breaks Xie Lian's heart because you've been by his side all these years why do you want to leave now?
Hua Cheng is equally devastated. He would do anything for you and Xie Lian but you're pulling away.
The two can only think that maybe you just don't love them anymore, maybe you're tired of them?
You would never do that though
Xie Lian doesn't like it and neither does Hua Cheng. They intend to get to the bottom of it because they love you.
They would try to give you space but when it seems to only make it worse they don't stop bothering you
That's what it seems like you need, to be bothered.
Xie Lian keeps asking, and caring for you
Hua Cheng gets insecure. He knows he's good that Xie Lian loves him but do you? You aren't disgusted by him are you? Contrary to popular belief ghost kings get insecure too
You are pathetic, at least you feel like you are. Hiding away like a bug under a rock. You don't know when it started and you couldn't control it when it got out of hand. It's nothing against Xie Lian and Hua Cheng, you love them dearly. But the problem you have feels like a problem you can't even bring up. You don't want to hurt them.
Would you hurt them more by bringing it up or staying hidden?
So you've been... Lying here. Bed rotting. If you can even call it that. You're actually just lying under a rock. Very literally. You're hanging out in a small cave. It's nothing you aren't used to you used to do it with Xie Lian all the time.
You could've gone to the heavens and hidden up there but you don't have friends. You have Feng Xin, and Mu Qing but you know they would snitch on you if it came to Xie Lian. So here you are under a rock. Overthinking.
You always overthink, it's why you left in the first place. You also felt selfish. It's hard to see Xie Lian and Hua Cheng together. You love them both, honest! But what do they even need you for? They look perfect without you, like they were made to just have each other. You felt like you were getting in the way, or like a third wheel.
You know they love you too but... It feels so difficult to be included. When Hua Cheng first showed up he immediately was able to take Xie Lian's side and help him with missions. Which was fine you guys needed the extra help anyways but then you learned their pasts. They're just so intertwined with each other
Hua Cheng built temples for Xie Lian, released 3,000 lanterns, built statues, fought in war, challenged 33 gods, cut out his eye, and died 3 times for him, and broke his shackles! What could you possibly add to the relationship. No one could care for Xie Lian better than Hua Cheng.
Xie Lian saved Hua Cheng when he was a child, and stayed with Wu Ming. Gave him a coral pearl, and red string. What have you done?
All the heavens talk about is Xie Lian and Hua Cheng. The ghost realm is the same. You were never a prominent figure so people forget you're even there. They don't even know you're their lover too.
So yes it's hard, and maybe it's selfish that you want to feel more included when they already spoil you when anything you could ask for. Which is why you're hiding in a small, dumb cave. You eventually fall asleep to the pitter, patter of rain.
When you wake up you aren't under a rock anymore. You're in bed. In red sheets, in a red room, red, red, red. You're at paradise manor. You wouldn't mind that if you weren't actively avoiding your lovers. You sit straight up in bed and before you can tumble out Xie Lian is at your bedside. He's frowning and has this worried look in his eyes that makes you feel guilty.
"Where have you been, y/n?" You look away and shrug. "In the cave you found me in" your lips wobble a little. You don't know what to say. What excuse could you use this time? You pick at a loose piece of thread on the blanket and notice that Hua Cheng isn't in the room with you two. ". . . Where's San Lang?"
"A-Lang" Xie Lian interrupts you and his hand finds yours "You've always called him A-Lang"
You want to crinkle under his piercing gaze. "Where's A-Lang?" You whisper glancing back at the blanket.
"Standing outside the room. Baobei why have you been avoiding us?" Xie Lian turns your gaze back to him.
"I-I just was dealing with my own issues" Your hands fist in the blankets and your eyes get watery just thinking about how selfish you've been.
Xie Lian's hand caresses your cheek, "Our issues. We can help you if you tell us."
You bite your lips and bring your hand up trying to wipe your tears before they get the chance to stream down your face. "It's selfish" you spit, venom covers your tongue. "It was a pathetic reason, really. I just was overthinking and I felt like. . . A third wheel. It's not a big deal though" You glare at the blanket. Your anger of course isn't directed at them but at yourself. Xie Lian knows this too.
"A third wheel, how come?" He runs his fingers through your hair. Him and Hua Cheng have tried everything to include you so how could one feel left out?
"It's my own fault, I just don't feel like I have anything to add. I've nothing to offer. I've done nothing compared to you two" You're completely useless like always.
Xie Lian's questioning is interrupted when the door slams open. You both jump when Hua Cheng storms in and grabs a hold of your face. He would never hurt you, you all know this. "Nothing to offer? Just who are you talking about right now?" He frowns at you with furrowed brows. "I don't think we're seeing the same person." He doesn't let you divert your gaze keeping you there.
Hua Cheng knows what you're feeling, your insecurities stemming all from feeling useless. He knows how it is. "You have everything to offer and even if you didn't we would love you anyways. You don't have to add anything y/n, you can just be" he frowns and sits on the bed.
"I think you're going blind in your other eye. I really don't have anything" you blink away tears. "This one offers so much and he doesn't even know, he's done so much for the two of us and doesn't remember. Right gege?" Hua Cheng looks at his other husband for approval and Xie Lian nods.
"This one is a heavenly official. You have to work hard to become a god in the upper court" Xie Lian adds. You scoff though. "That's not what I'm talking about, I-I haven't done anything for the two of you"
Hua Cheng wants to shake you in a jar. "You have though!" Now he's yelling and Hua Cheng doesn't yell only when it comes to the two of you. "Who's rayed by Xie Lian all these years protecting him when I was lost? You did! Who took care of Hong er when Gege's other servants wouldn't dare touch him? You did. Who gave a mongrel child their family heirloom because he had sympathy and was kind? You did!" Hua Cheng holds your face in his hands still.
"You work so hard, and have gone through so much just like the rest of us and yet you still worry about others still!"
"every night this one takes care of us and helps Gege make dinner. Every day this one protects us, every day this one thinks of us and gives his best for us!"
Hua Cheng gives endless reasons small to large. You're crying in his hands and Hua Cheng wipes them away for you.
"No one is allowed to insult my lovers, even if they're doing it themselves" Hua Cheng finishes and kisses your forehead. Xie Lian is smiling and he kisses your forehead too.
"Don't run from us anymore, you can tell us what you're thinking anytime. Me and San Lang have no problem giving you the reassurance you need" he hums and joins you two in bed. All three of you cuddle for the rest of the night and the two practically suffocate you, not allowing you to leave bed. But you love them and would gladly lie here tangled in their limbs.
I hope y'all like it! Also ignore my grammar mistakes guys I always have some. 🖤
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writella · 9 months
hi! s10 is so fun so enjoy it when you start it! can i request a daryl smut of any kind?
Before We Leave
Synopsis: Here’s one about you sitting all sweet on Daryl’s lap because I have not stopped thinking about him holding you in his arms and giving you all the kisses after reading this headcanon! ♡
Details: Daryl Dixon x fem!reader, set during the period between seasons 8-9, kissing, smut—grinding, thigh riding, fingering, making a mess when you have places to go (such sillies). Mostly proofread. Feel free to give feedback!
A/N: It’s been a minute, guys, I know :( and to ava, so sorry for the wait ♡ I hope you like this and I can’t wait to get to season 10 too!! And know that I definitely still have your initial request in mind for later on!!
First, you noticed his hair: ever so endearingly disheveled, the waves falling so effortlessly as they did in their shaggy way; and then you noticed his skin— it shined. Normally, this would have been because of work and sweat from the late spring heat, but he was clean, he had showered today. He even changed his clothes, and surprisingly, his light beard was trimmed, his face was washed too– it illuminated with his small lazy smile that appeared as you came through the door. He looked so nice and ready to go. Your handsome man. He was waiting for you.
He wore a dark blue long-sleeve, the buttons at the start undone, exposing the top of his chest as he always preferred. And his sleeves, only just big enough to be slightly loose around his arms; they were rolled up at the forearms. It looked good. Though the better fit was his equally loose vest that was layered on top. Seeing it reminded you of how much you missed it. It took him so long to get it back from Dwight. It’s only now that you’re realizing how it fits again, how well it suits him. It’s not that he needed it of course, but you did love how it completed every outfit he wore, making it just so him.
In fact, everything about him was so, so—
“Hey,” he calls to you, his voice itself a finger snap to your attention, “you alright there?”
“Yeah,” you respond, meeting his eyes as you pathetically try to joke, “Just can’t think of the last time I actually saw you sit. We’re always… fighting or doing something aren’t we?”
“Mmhm.” He smiles inwardly. Your staring was nothing short of obvious, and you both know it: You were leaning against the door frame, eyes wide and lingering, trailing over him as he sat on your desk chair. But to him it was sweet, honestly. Almost humorous to see. It was nice to see you smile over nothing other than looking at dumb old him, or at least that's what he assumes of himself. He should know better by now than to think like that, but it's still just his way sometimes. You were in love with him though, and he loved you; and you liked looking at his dumb old face, and he knew that. That's why he doesn’t mind your gazing. That’s why he says, “C’mon,” patting his lap, knowing you wanted to come closer; his eyes catching how much yours went lower and lower, changing from innocent peerings to just a little something else, something more.
You’re hesitant at his invitation, but smiling like a kid. It's true you couldn’t help how good his thighs looked and how good the fingers that splayed over them were— rough and thick— their feeling on your skin taking you back to the past— but his noticing… Well, it just makes you blush. It makes you take slow footsteps, one in front of the other as you come closer to him, bashful and snickering. Once you’re near enough he holds you by the hips and you skip to meet his movements towards him. He turns your backside to him on the right side of the chair and sits you down, horizontal from his forward figure.
“Silly,” he calls you, flicking your nose as he taunts. It’s gentle and harmless even in his typical, slightly grumbled tone.
You wrap your arms around his shoulders, your wrists and hands curling at his neck, your side pressed into him. He feels bigger when you’re in his arms like this. As if he can comfort you or sheild you from anyone or anything— and you know he could. So safe is what you feel with him; the sigh you let out proves it. The fighting may have finished almost a year ago now, but moments like this are truly what feels like peace. And with that, your mind drifts backwards again. Realizing how you don’t remember the last time you’ve sat like this. With him. Just holding you.
One of his hands holds your thigh while the other grounds you by the lower waist, nearing your hip. You turn your face to his, raising a hand, parting some of the hair in front of his forehead, holding his jaw and you kiss him. You put your tongue between his lips. It’s quick but tender. There is a tiny trail of spit between you two as you let go. Tilting your head, you look at him with an already happy and dazed little smile. You don’t remember the last time you got a good look at him either. And you’re not talking about any of the times you’ve looked at him while simply talking or standing by him, that was almost all the time; but for so long standing next to each other was to cover one another in a fight, kill a walker, but this— this was simply because you wanted to, because he was yours, and you loved him, and you could.
He goes in to meet your lips first this time, holding you by the neck and jaw with one hand, and the other is at your back making you lean in closer. You give in to him, let him take the lead. Your feet curl under the chair and you smile into his indefinite kisses. It makes you accidentally nip at his lower lip which turns into him intentionally biting your lip thereafter. It’s just a bit harder, but he might have done it a tad more sharply than he intended.
“Ow,” you hiss, hushed and soft between breaths, but he’s already soothing the area at the corner there, giving you a lick and little pecks before returning to what he was doing before: kissing you and kissing you.
“You’re fine,” he tells you dryly in between.
Your hands lowers to his chest, feeling his collarbones, then down to his heart. Your fingers rest on the exposed skin there, then trailing lower, ghosting over the closed buttons. You want to, but maybe you shouldn’t. It wasn’t exactly the time.
Originally, you had come home to shower and change: Everyone was having dinner together at Rick and Michonne’s tonight, the first time in a long time. In fact, it was Judith who requested it; she said specifically how much she wanted all of her friends to be there. And you couldn’t disappoint the sweet girl who gave you a construction paper and crayon written invitation, asking you to promise Uncle Daryl would come. The ticket was for both of you, a little picture of you two holding hands at the bottom. ‘Pretty smile you,’ and ‘grumpy pants him,’ she explained.
It was hilariously perfect and it made your heart leap. You and Micchone laughed for a whole minute about it and you hugged Judith immediately after.
Though you couldn’t believe that she could possibly think Daryl wouldn’t come. Of course he’d do anything for her, and you would too, so just as much, ‘Of course,’ you told her, ‘We’ll even be there 10 minutes early so we can pick seats next to you,’ you had said.
But now you’re here, in such a cliche you’d roll your eyes at if you weren’t so in the moment, with Daryl touching up your leg and you allowing it. For once, you’re the one all dirty in your work clothes. And the longer you kiss him, and the longer he holds you on his lap, the more you feel it; the want, the need. You’re getting restless and you’re struggling to weigh the options in your mind.
You lived in Alexandria, helping Rick, Micchone, Rosita… And Daryl, he was sent off to head reconstruction at the Sanctuary: you two don't get to see each other as often as you’d like.
And the Sanctuary wasn’t a place you particularly liked visiting anyways, especially not at first, and he didn’t blame you. But you had still talked to him about trying it, staying there. Maybe a week, maybe longer, maybe seeing if someone else can take over your Alexandria responsibilities, but honestly, he didn’t want you there either. He didn’t even want to be there. Every week that went by was another step closer to talking to Rick about leaving.
Still, moments like this are when you wonder about asking again, if you should be the one to finally move instead… The thought fades as Daryl now groans slightly into your mouth, you had pushed yourself down on his groin which elicited the dark sound, and you moan into him in response. Your hand gripping tightly to his bicep and his digs into your side, holding you tight— you’re losing the ability to think.
His tongue is twisting with yours, and his hand goes lower on your hip, the other deeper into your hair. You’re starting to have a heat pool at your center and you're squeezing your thighs together.
Daryl can sense it and feel all of it: the indecision, the squirming– your feet shuffling and curling against each other, your legs slowly swinging up and under the chair as you do so, as your continue to melt into his lips.
And he does feel it too, though he’s better at not showing it, but you do start to feel him shifting underneath you. An erection starts to harden as your hand goes lower on his chest and the little sounds of you humming into his mouth become more sexy, more desiring, than simply sweet as you continue.
He lets go, slipping his fingers between your knees, “We don’t gotta do too much.”
This makes you laugh. You’re still looking at him all dopey eyed, and more than slightly needy despite your words terribly trying to fight it, “What’s just enough then?”
His hand moves up along your inner thighs as an answer. His fingers trail up until they reach the center, and press into you at the inseam of your jeans. You start to buck up to his movements just as they begin. You even put your own hand over his, pressing into yourself more, your head tilting back. You bite your lip, whining lightly.
“Like that?” He asks, your neediness surprising the both of you.
“Last time I saw you was last week— for a day,” you’re speaking between light, out of breath pants, “outside- scavenging- no time.” Leaning forward into his touch, pretty sounds trail out, “-uh, mmm.”
You continue to grind against his hand harder, adding your other hand on top of his for more pressure until he says, “Get up.”
You stand, starting to undo your jeans and Daryl pushes the back of your chair further against your desk and starts to unbuckle his belt, but right before he finishes, you stop him. You grab his hands, “Wait,” you tell him, slipping off your shoes, and discarding your pants until you sit down again, straddling his lap.
There was something about the way you could see the outline of his bulge by how his pants laid on him, and the nice friction you knew the jeans would cause underneath you that felt so enticing. And more importantly, his bulge looked huge, fat even, you wanted to sit yourself perfectly right on top of it, making sure you could feel it all squish deliciously into your pussy lips with only your thin underwear covering you.
You begin to rock, pushing down against him. Your tiptoes reach the ground, helping you dig in and your hands go to grab onto his shoulders. Daryl holds your hips, thumbs pressing into your back, helping to roll your body into his.
His legs shift beneath you and it makes you think about his thighs again. How yummy they would feel just like his bulge…You have a little bit of time, right? Never mind- you’ll do it fast.
You get up once more, now placing yourself on his left thigh and you start rocking against him again.
Daryl quietly lets you, his hands go under your shirt and you let him take it off, leaving you in only your underwear while he’s fully clothed. He doesn’t mind letting you do what you want right now, he’s enjoying it. Grunting lowly, loving how he can watch you in your blissed out state: your open mouth, your sloppy humping and riding, how you're whining and panting as he touches up your stomach, how you’re so needy that you take one of his hands higher to caress your breast. He licks his teeth, “Need it bad, huh?” He tenses his quad, applying pressure so perfectly, just as you’d been thinking about for days. “Huh, sweetheart?”
“Think about you everyday, Daryl.” You sound just a bit too pathetic, but he eats it up, a small wicked grin coming to his face just looking at how much you wanted him. Not only thinking about his cock stuffed in you, but even how you wanted his thighs too? Just him in general? His poor girl, so deprived of him. He hated being apart, but fuck did he love how desperate it made you when he visited, desperate for him, desperate for him to give it to you or let you have it in any way. It gave him ideas of what he would do to you after you got back from dinner.
Your knee is centered in the middle of his thighs, pushing against his groin with each roll of your pelvis and the rock of Daryl’s hands as he pushes your hips forward, both helping you reach that point of pure bliss, going hard and deep, while giving him just a bit a release from the tension he feels because of you.
You close your eyes, head tilting up to the side lightly, mouth agape. “Ah, mm-” Your frustrated sounds then turn into you sighing so light, so sweetly, “I missed you.”
His hand reaches the side of your face briefly, rolling over your hair and cheek, “Missed you too.”
You knew your underwear was more than damp at this point, but you hoped the dark denim of his pants would mean it wouldn’t be that bad. You were lying to yourself honestly, but you did have wipes anyway, and… Was it bad to say you wanted to soak his jeans? For him to see the mess you made? Remember how big of a spot you created for later? There was no mistake, he had to spend the night. Having dinner in Alexandria made it so that it was too late for him to go back to the Sancutary afterwards. You wondered what he’d do to you later, what you’d let him do. He did miss you, he said it himself after all. And you feel his stare on your lower stomach as you continue to roll yourself on him, as he watches your clothed pussy make a mess of his jeans. And he sees the way his unintentional grunts and slight growls to the sight of you make your head tilt back, mouth opened so wide like you were already preparing to suck him off.
Your eyes are closed, your open mouth allowing a string of “ahs,” to come out as you continue to rub yourself against his muscle, wiggling a little, back and forth, going in a circle for a second to get more attention onto your clit, feeling yourself get wetter and wetter from your boyfriend’s big, and thick thigh. Your knee digs into him harder and he uses one hand to push it against him more.
After he lets go, one of his hands slips into your underwear, placing his middle finger over your clit, rubbing fast circles into it as much as he can as you continue to rock down on both thigh and fingers now. The extra friction feels so good. You’re whining, your panting, holding onto his shoulder with one hand, the other hand grabbing onto your desk, trying to stabilize yourself as you attempt to go faster, your movements becoming more erratic. “Daryl, please,” you whine, “help me.”
He places his free hand on your ass, kneading it forward and his other hand tries its best to circle into your pussy as much as it can.
As his middle finger continues to circle your clit, his two other fingers push into either side of your labia. “Go on,” he encourages, “Already made a mess. Make it bigger.” He moves his hand to your hip again, pushing you down. “You got it.”
Then he starts bouncing his leg, you bounce along with him, trying to rock as hard as you can. You start moaning louder, it’s continuous, you’re getting closer, you see yellow white light behind your eyes as a release takes over you, it’s hot and you can barely breathe, you almost wail as you coat his hands, ruining your panties, soaking his jeans. It felt amazing.
You huff out heavily now, finally opening your eyes to see Daryl take his hand from beneath you, licking his fingers clean. Wet popping sounds come out after he sucks each one, looking you directly in the eye. “Mmm.”
You blush gingerly at him. Getting up you see the large wer spot on his pant leg. It wasn’t a circle, it was ovular, taking up half the area of his thigh. Your teeth clench, you thought it would be big, but… you didn’t know it would be that big. This wasn’t something you could quickly clean off. “I guess it’s a good thing you keep your extra clothes here?”
He keeps his face straight, he figured as much would happen, but it was fun to see you squirm. “These were my extra clothes.”
You should have let him take his pants off.
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mysacredmuse · 4 months
crying and begging for sub Aven hcs (gn!reader with unspecified anatomy please 🙏🏻)
no need to cry and beg no more, sub! aventurine hcs are here for you, my dear gender neutral friend 🫡 I see aventurine as a heavy switch, so exploring his submissive side more was fun !! eheh :) this is more oriented towards his kinks, I hope that's okay ! :)
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reader: gender neutral in all departments
cw/tw: nsfw - mdni!, sub! aventurine, slightly brat! aventurine, dom! reader, mentions of wax play & sensory play in general, spanking, tying up, marking, aventurine sending videos of him masturbating & riding dildo, body worship, collars, edging, denial, shoe humping, toys, overstimulation, cock cage
dividers by @/cafekitsune :)
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• Aventurine • As a submissive •
Aventurine is a heavy switch and he loves being dominant and submissive equally. It all simply depends on you, he doesn't mind you using him as you please, even as a dom, he tends to still show his submissive tendencies <3
but alas, when he is being submissive, he loves collars. He loves when you choose a collar for him, the way you wrap it around his neck and praise how good he looks with it. Bonus points if you also use the leash as you let him kneel in front of you, pushing him away with your foot, yet pulling him by the leash as you make him wait until you decide he is allowed to touch you <3
anytime you do something like that, he turns into a little pleading mess, eyes becoming desperate and soft as his body twitches with eagerness, pathetically begging you to let him do something to you or the very least - you do something to him <3
when you let him to just hump your foot like a dumb little toy he is, he turns into a pathetic man, thanking you for letting him give his aching cock some not even remotely satisfactory relief as he slides his cock and balls over your foot or a shoe
he loves toys and encourages them ! He finds it quite thrilling to have a vibrator in his ass or around the tip of his cock - maybe even both if you feel up to it, especially if he has some business to do or gamble at the casino while you play with him from home or any other business you may be attending to in the meantime
sometimes, you tell him that for every round he loses - he will get edged or denied, requiring frequent reports. Sometimes, he lies that he lost, eager for you to play with him. To his misfortune, his lies are quite evident, so you decide to make him cum in his pants while at the table, overstimulating him purposefully <3
more to add, sometimes he loses on purpose just to get edged and denied by you until he gets home, if not longer. Additionally, it's even more exciting to him if you are with him at the casino, especially if that's the time when you make him cum in his pants. Simply because that usually means that you will excuse yourselves to the bathroom in order to clean him up, while degrading his pitiful and quite pathetic state <3
he adores sensory play, being tied up and spanking with different tools :3 Aventurine especially loves wax play when he is tied up, the feeling of the candle melting on his chest almost always makes him cum very easily. He loves when you drip wax on the back of his thighs, his ass, tummy and back as well. If you decide to add some ice play as well as feather play - he is cumming constantly. Adores different sensations getting mixed together on his body and admires the marks that are left afterwards <3
additionally, his favorite spot to do sensory play on are his nipples as they are quite sensitive. Either in the ways mentioned, you sucking on them or simply sliding your thumbs over them is all going to bring him a quick and intense orgasm <3 so often, he will beg for you to do that to him, eheh
as for tying up - he loves handcuffs and all sorts of shibari! Anything that may leave him with marks afterwards is his favorite which is also why he loves when you do it with your own teeth - biting and sucking on his skin until he is covered in countless hickeys all over his body <3
when you punish him for one reason or the other by telling him that he isn't allowed to cum for certain amount of time - he will be good and obedient. For a day, if not less. As soon as that passes, he is sending you videos of stroking his cock, bouncing on a dildo while he moans and whimpers like a pathetic slut, whining your name out each time he cums. He knows that he will get a punishment for that, but that's exactly what he wants <3
as for spanking mentioned - he loves to lay over your lap with his ass at display, twitching underneath the heavy slaps of your hand until his skin burns and bruises. He even tries to slightly hump your thighs or somehow slide his cock between them, only to be spanked with a tool of your choice, bruising his ass even more <3 Aventurine is also not opposed to being tied up in shibari while getting spanked, it's very fun to him, especially because all the twitching and quivering makes his body all marked up by the ropes <3
adores praise and degrading, especially if you mix them up! Call him your pretty little fucktoy, cute yet dumb slut, desperate bitch and follow up that you will turn him into a good boy - he is happy, gaze lovingly looking at you <3
he isn't bratty often, besides previously mentioned. Usually he is quite soft, worshiping you in every way he can, begging you to use him as your personal sex toy. Begging you to punish him, begging you to let him touch you (and when he does, he immediately starts worshiping every inch of your skin), begging you to call him a filthy or a sweet name. He doesn't care, he needs you in such a primal way and he isn't afraid to show it <3
sometimes, he asks you to put a cock cage on him for as long as you want to while you slide the feather over his caged cock, edging him with such a light sensation. He also loves when you guide him what to do or how to touch himself. Whether it's you guiding him for how long to stroke his cock, at what pace, speed and so on or guiding him how to ride a dildo like a good little boy - he will do it all for you, only for you <3
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abigolemess · 11 months
um I'm high and inspired also this is not proofread AT ALL. AND TERRIBLE SPEECH FOR HOBIE AS ALWAYS! anyways enjoy :)
tags/warnings: fem!reader, degradation + praise, a lil rough (slapping and pinching), begging, both reader and hobie have voice kinks, drug use, edging, biting, squirting
word count: 🤷🏾‍♀️
"hobie... please..." your voice was deep, raspy, and sultry. hobie thought he would cum on the spot just listening to it. you and hobie had gotten very deliciously high. he responded with a simple "hm?" without stopping his fingers from curling that sweet spot on the inside of your pussy. "please wha'?" his voice was as equally deep, raspy, and sultry. you already know how much hobie is in love with your voice when you get like this. it's part of the reason why he invites you to smoke with him so often. you both smoked however many blunts and shared silence. but once hobie asked one little question, your fate was sealed. hobie already gets horny from smoking, but your voice what always pushes him over the edge. he feels that you should be punished for it. how dare your voice sound so sexy around him? which led to the current fingering session where you were being edged for way too long in your opinion.
"please hobs, please let me cum." you sounded oh-so desperate. hobie wanted to tease you for longer but the sound of your sexy, pathetic whines made him fold. he crawled over you on the bed, his fingers never leaving you. his palm was now pressed firmly against your throbbing clit. hobie got closer to you as you gasped, feeling his very hard cock on your thigh. you felt hobie's warm breath on your skin as his words vibrated into your neck. "fuck babes, i hafta let you cum if ya gonna should like tha," hobie began to thrust his fingers up into you, his palm giving attention to where you wanted it the most. "u sound like a whore. you're my good whore, aren't you?" his words caused you to clench around his slender fingers.
"yes, baby, please." you begged for release as you felt it building up inside your core.
"fuck, say it. say 'I'm hobie's good little whore' fa me" hobie increased the speed of his fingers.
"I'm hobie's good little whore," you moaned, the filthy exchange words pushing you even closer to cumming. hobie's dick twitched against your thigh.
"good fuckin girl. go ahead 'n cum, luv" hobie began sucking on your neck, sure to leave a mark, as you peaked, moaning. you covered hobie's hand in juices. hobie removed his fingers from your pussy before bringing them to his lips. he sucked each one clean with a "pop" before clashing his lips with yours. the sloppy kiss ended with a string of saliva connecting the two of you. you were dazed and fucked out, but you still wanted more. you decide to take matters into your own hands. you reached down and grabbed hobie's dick. he slapped your boob and pinched your nipple, causing you to moan.
"tsk, fucked out an' you still wan' more? ask nicely."
"please put your cock in me hobie. i need it so bad, please baby." hobie groaned in response. he granted your wish almost immediately.
" fuck, you sound so fuckin' good beggin' like tha'. i need ta get you high like this more of'en" hobie lined up at your dripping entrance.
"since you begged so well, fa' me, I'll give ya what you want."
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buff-muffin · 5 months
ASL thoughts and head canons.
1. Sabo’s missing tooth he had as a kid didn’t actually fall out. He chipped it back when he was still living with his family. And his parents thinking that made him look disgusting and rowdy had the rest of the tooth removed before his adult tooth was even remotely ready to move in. Thus there was a gap in his teeth for ages. It started growing in when Sabo set sail.
2. Luffy loved using Ace’s freckles as a dot to dot. Both brothers heavily think he doesn’t have a fucking clue what animals he’s trying to conjure and Ace is getting sick of having to fight him tooth and nail every time Luffy finds a marker
3. In his early days of friendship with Ace. Sabo refused to believe that he could eat an entire bear by himself. He thought Ace was exaggerating like when someone says “I’m so hungry I could eat a horse” yet when he saw it with his own eyes he was horrified. Ace was also confused why Sabo didn’t want a bear to himself. But didn’t complain. Hunting one bear for the both of them and fighting over it was pretty fun. And scavenging berries for a desert never bothered them.
4. Sabo grew his hair out while he was a run away. He hated how it looked buzzed. And while he probably didn’t let it get any longer then his brother’s he loved the freedom. His mother cut his hair the second he was taken back home
5. Ace and Sabo hadn’t thought twice about bugs. Ace saw them as pests like the moths that would huddle around the candle light and Sabo was taught that they were gross. Luffy on the other hand adored them. He showed them bug fighting and showed them all sorts of cool and pretty bugs. He would also put beetles in his brothers’ shoes for fun but in the end they had come out of it for a new respect for bugs and a little bit more love-hate for Luffy.
6. Sabo tried to tell his adopted brother about his real brothers but he refused to believe Sabo was telling the truth. I mean beating up a giant tiger in the woods? Being made of rubber? Being able to eat 5 times their body weight in a matter of minutes? He thought Sabo was loony.
7. When taken back to his parents, Sabo refused to eat with his brother. Sharing a meal with someone made you friends and sharing a cup of sake made you brothers. And he wanted nothing to do with him.
8. Sabo was Dadans favourite. At first. Originally Sabo was… as well behaved as he was going to be around his brothers because that need to respect authority was so engrained in him. Though as he grew more comfortable with Dadan and trusting she really wasn’t going to kick him out other dumb things. He started joining in on the bullying Dadan band wagon. And she hated them all equally again.
9. Luffy and Ace find it absolutely hilarious how bad Sabo would get sun burnt in the summer. They would chase him around trying to slap him for hours. Dadan taught him how to make a remedy and over the years he gained a tan and freckles that he knew would have his bio dad blow a fuse.
10. Luffy always wants to be in fights of strength with his brothers to prove he’s strong. You know, arm wrestling. That weird thing were you put your feet together and push with all you’re might. And of course rough housing. But in the super early years of being a rubber man that was impossible cause his body would just. Bend. Arm wrestling? Womp womp no elbow for you. Foot wrestle? His legs fold like a piece of paper. He was humiliated and his face was bright red every time Ace and Sabo would laugh.
11. One of the best training methods the brothers had found for Luffy was actually made as a joke. Still completely pathetic at landing a damn punch Sabo jokingly said he should train by trying to catch bugs by stretching your arms. And after a lot of frustrated afternoons his aim did improve an alarming amount. Luffy to this day continues to train that way and he always thinks of Sabo when he does.
12. They never finished that bottle of sake they stole from Dadan. At the time they all thought the drink was absolutely putrid though drank their cups if it meant they were brothers. The bottle is still in the treehouse. Even after everything. It’s completely oxidised but the smell keeps animal from making their treehouse a nest so Ace and Luffy never minded all that much.
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katyspersonal · 1 month
Guys oh my gosh hgbghgg I am a GENIUS! I've finally figured an explanation for, at the first glance, unreasonable vitriol towards Godrick in the fandom! I should have became a psychology professor for this one but don't let me get ahead of myself ok so:
Like.. This can't be the fact that Godrick literally steals peoples limbs to attach to himself, right? Rykard does a similar thing - consumes people and makes them a part of his body, as all those arms sticking out of him are those of his victims. Also both of these characters appear hard to take seriously upon introduction; "i cOmAnD tHeE KNEEL" and "tOGETHAAAA" are equally silly xd But Rykard is really loved, right?
The difference between the two might happen because Rykard is that cool badass rebel against oppressive system, whereas Godrick willingly perpetuates it. But that can't be this piece, and this also can't be Tarnished-hunting. Because another character who simps for the Golden Order and is racist Tarnished-hunts is Morgott, who is also very loved. Adored, even!
I thought maybe Godrick hit the 'disrespecting women' nerve upon insulting Malenia, which is already a sore topic in the fandom? 🤔 But this is likely not true. Not only he himself is definitely not an incel, since Grafted Scions (his children) exist, but also it is all likely an insecurity. Godrick had that line where he called Malenia and Miquella "rank and malformed" when Godrick himself could be considered a disgrace ( 🥁 ) for the Golden Bloodline with his frail, weak build. He has large insecurities that he takes out on other discriminated people, so that certainly wasn't her gender. Again, many other loved characters also disrespect us for who we are, he isn't outstanding. Nor it is him being "pathetic" for escaping the battle he could not win in disguise or kissing Malenia's feet in apology: the 'pathetic old man' is ABSOLUTELY one of the favorite men types on Tumblr and Twitter! The girls (gender neutral) LOVE the 'pathetic old man', that vibe could not have provoked the hate.
Finally, it can't be the authors intention. Miyazaki confirmed Godrick to be a sympathetic character. So, you should feel bad for his situation of continuing the glory of that imposing bloodline that he is not fit for, and NPCs that dislike him are either within their own right to do so, or straight up hypocritical (like Kenneth). Subtexts, media literacy and so on can't be used as an arguement for why Godrick would be intended as repulsive character.
So... Yeah, it seems like there is no real reason for why Godrick should always be singled out, only brought up as a laughing stock, always brought in negative and mocking context in polls and headcanons compilation and bring his fans being seen as weirdos by an effect, right? Whatever reasoning might be the first responce is very easy to debunk! I think I've finally found an actual reasonable and sympathetic explanation as to why fandom dislikes and bullies him so much more than any other character that explains EVERYTHING! I am going to go under cut as this is the result of long, meticulous thinking and this post is already getting long, so here it is:
💫🌺 S K I L L!!! I S S U E!!! 💕🔥💫
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datura-tea · 2 months
okey dokey! i just finished the fallout show! some Thoughts under the read more
tl:dr, the (bethesda) fallout vibes were definitely there. i liked it as a show on its own merits but as a part of the series canon... i'm mad, and that anger is kind of overriding the little i liked about it. overall maybe 2.5/5 stars and im being generous
things i liked:
visually, it's stunning - i could see scenes already being made into gifsets - the color grading is pretty good; even in dark scenes i could see and understand what was happening
the sets are soooo good!! costume design was alright too
title cards were fun and cute
they did some interesting stuff with the cultures of both vault 33 and the brotherhood of steel
they used the sound effects from the games :)
i liked the wastelanders!!! big npc and random encounter energy. i kind of want a whole show of just them. for example i love the marketplace and settlement in filly; it feels very lived in
the background characters weren't just young thin able-bodied conventionally attractive white people :) there's so many elders, which i loved!! ma june and barv were cool. i love gruff old lesbians
lucy!!! she was already kind of weird and a little off-putting even in vault 33 ("what's your sperm count" as an opener to the husband she was just arranged married to is WILD) and i like that. she's sweet and bullheaded and surprisingly competent :)
maximus is kind of an ass, but is also a pathetic nerd and brotherhood dickrider who actually doesn't really know anything. kind of a girlfailure
the ghoul was pretty cool too!! i liked him, though more for his prewar story than the one he has post-apocalypse
lucy's brother norman kinda grew on me. "i lack enthusiasm for every job that i do here" so relateable. also short king <3
THE DENTIST THAT BUYS TEETH. never thought that would be a Thing but now that i think about it, it makes sense
the monsters that we have were cool!! wish there had been more of them
MATT BERRY IS IN THIS!! i just really like him so i got excited :))
maximus and lucy's "wanna have sex?" talk LMAO
vault 4's various mutations!!
those giant unwieldy fuckass duffel bags that brotherhood squires lug around hahahhahahaaha
vault 4 and its genetic experiments because its main conceit is that it was ruled by scientists who hybridized humans. it's exactly the right amount of fucked up i want in a vault
i like that the protagonists regularly get captured and eat shit
haha hacking minigame :) also chatting via terminals (and im assuming pipboys?) is canon now
they're growing crops in the wasteland + bustling trade + livestock + pets yay
robobrain was cute
things i was just ok with:
dane, the they/them brotherhood of steel aspirant who was fucked over so maximus can get their spot as a squire LMAO what a waste of a potentially cool character
IT'S SO FUNNY that there's yodelling whenever the ghoul comes into the scene ????? WHY
fight scenes.... pretty good but someone definitely had the bloody mess perk (i don't do well with gore so ew yucky). also lots of [VATS NOISE]
pipboy was not used as much as i thought it would be
cousin stuff... i get it, i guess in a vault you'd have a lot of cousins and not a lot of choice, so some incest would probably happen
the ghoul being vault boy's inspiration?? not sure what to feel about that tbh
the casual dismemberments... and equally casual attaching of limbs... not even prosthetic limbs.....
the vaulties eating good healthy well-balanced meals. giving out caviar in the welcome basket. kinda 50/50 on it
the vault 31 - 32 - 33 subplot couldve been more fucked up
have brotherhood knights always been celibate or did i miss the memo
there are regular chickens and... deer? for some reason?
the ghoul's design. it's fine in action but mostly it's meh
the vault 4 cult for moldaver
vault 4 as a refuge for shady sands survivors. im mad about it but like. i get it
that guys "elixir" (some altered jet??) fixing everything about thaddeus' foot instantenously AND GIVING HIM HEALING POWERS???
things i did not like:
lucy's plot premise is very much fallout 3 redux
lucy and maximus as a ship is very meh and kind of forced and not compelling. go give us nothing!!!
wilzig's head as a macguffin that everyone is after... ehh kind of just okay as a plot device
also the ghoul randomly eating that other ghoul???
the squire who bullied maximus calls himself fat but he isn't fat?? not even chubby??? hello????? just got a soft face
water chip being fucked feels very fallout 3 also but they kind of dropped it?
they definitely named cooper howard after todd. as tribute probably, which he doesn't deserve
fiend = cannibal now?????
maximus recognizing vault 4 as a cult but not recognizing the brotherhood as one lol
vault tec evil capitalism vs hollywood communists storyline was kind of basic. and bland. and weak
the enclave could've been established + explored better
no geckos or any other west coast-specific monsters
showing me ncr ranger armor when the ncr is gone
ghouls have healing powers?? WITHOUT RADIATION??
things i hated hated hated:
the ghoul needing drugs to combat the Disease That Turns Ghouls Feral
feral ghouls being basically zombies :/
the brotherhood being the main faction of the west coast now. booo!! booo!!!!
the fucking last shot of new vegas being a burnt out husk. probably foreshadowing that hank is going to house's body but. UGH I HATE IT
to summarize: it came out strong! and stumbled hard falling face fucking first at the finish line. i would have liked it a lot more if it did not shit on the west coast as much as it did. because what the FUCK. if it was set literally anywhere else and left the ncr alone i would have liked it more, because on its own, as a self-contained story, divorced from the rest of the fallout series canon, it's not bad!!! it's fun, there's some good bits, it has the ~vibes~ but - and this is a big but - i don't know what it's trying to say. it's all very surface level and the very vague themes i picked up on are not really reiterated in the plot
it's like... the bits that make it fallout are there. vaults. the brotherhood. ghouls. a dog named dogmeat. but there's something lacking. it's like your usual sci-fi post-apocalypse show with a fallout veneer. idk. i like it for what it is but also i hate it for what it's emblematic of. that's all
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creedslove · 2 months
"he was my first and i was just another girl"
Is perfect scenario for Pedro boys and reader 🥰
Javier Peña x f!reader
A/N: omg I thought of so many scenarios for this one, but there was only one answer: Javi and we know it 🚬
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• Laredo was a small city and everyone knew each other there, even if you didn't know the person per se, you had heard of them, and of course things wouldn't be different when it came to the infamous Javier Peña, the local hero and also hot gossip of the place
• you'd heard too much about him, his adventures in Colombia, the Escobar hunting and of course the most famous story about Javier Peña of all times: his runaway wedding. It was just so amusing as it didn't seem real at all but rather the tales of a fictional character and especially when you saw Javier for the first time, because you certainly didn't expect him to be so handsome
• you sort of expected him to be kind of pathetic, you were not sure why, but perhaps because you'd heard he used to wear tight jeans, colorful shirts, aviators and stuff like that, the image painted in your mind couldn't be further from the truth: yes, he did dress up in that corny way, but he was painfully handsome like you were not expecting
• and flirty too, you didn't expect him to be that flirty, but he was and against all of your judgments, you accepted a drink from him, what was the worst that could happen? He was a sight for sore eyes, his smile was to die for and the way he called you cariño for the first time you felt you were melting
• so a drink at a bar became two, and then it became dinner and then it turned to a salsa dancing date which surprised you because you never knew Javier Peña could dance, but he was quite good at it and it was so tempting and intense when he grabbed you by the hips and clung your bodies closer as you swayed them together
• and after that, it didn't take long for the two of you to crawl into bed together, and not only the bed, but his car, his ranch, the barn, the lake and many other places around the city you were sure that weren't really allowed to be used for that purpose, but it didn't matter
• you couldn't get enough of Javi, he was perfect, too good to be real, and it was too good because he made sure to tell you he didn't do romances or relationships and you were just on board with him, as you also didn't do romances or relationships... You had nothing against it, but it wasn't just your thing
• however, whenever you were around Javi, it sort of seemed that maybe, and just maybe, things could lead somewhere, because it was just so good, it came to a point you did everything with Javi: you went out together, you had ice cream by the main square, you both went to the movies, rode horses, you even helped him out at the ranch here and there
• he liked you, you were pretty, sweet, funny and he enjoyed your company, he just worried that maybe you both were just too connected somehow and when he realized you were starting to become more and more attached to him, he thought it was time to stop things for a while; he didn't want to make you think things were actually something else when they clearly weren't
• so as much as it hurt him, he decided to break things up, it would be better that way, then you could do your own things and move on with your life and he would do the same, no strings attached and no worries about it at all
• you didn't take it very well, you didn't see it coming, always thinking that you two were enjoying the relationship equally, but turns out it wasn't as you expected. However, you accepted it, there was nothing you could do but to accept it and set Javi free, deep down, you knew he wasn't meant to be trapped with only one person, he belonged to everyone
• as you watched him take another girl out exactly the same way he has taken you out several times before, you still felt a pang in your chest, sighing at the realization that was bitter as the truth: he'd been the first one you loved, but to him, you were just another girl
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yorsgirl · 2 months
So Do I
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Levi Ackerman x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Third and Final year of college and your eyes are set on the student council president seat. Life is great until you have got the most infuriating, stuck-up, arrogant jerk setting eyes on that same spot.
A battle of intellects? Sure, there's no way both of you can get the same aggregate. Right..?
Tropes: Academic rivals to lovers, slow burn, College AU, 18+
Warnings: Mentions of knife and blood, minor assault, nothing serious, profanity, usage of nicknames, no mentions of y/n.
Word Count: 3k
A/N: Throw in all the cliches of forced proximity, slow burn, mutual pinning, fluff and a generous amount of spice. Ta da! You've made this. Bits and pieces inspired from the anime and manga, Kaguya Sama: Love is war.
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𝟏 - 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬
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"Same marks."
"Excuse me?" You say and at the same time hear Levi's - "What?"
Principal Zackly fixes his glasses, taking once over at the reports in his hand. Sighing he turns back to the both of you. "Just what you heard, kids. Both of you have an overall aggregate of 95.7 percent." He tilts his head to the side, "It's impressive, honestly."
"It isn't," You grumble, folding your hand over your chest. You shoot a glare at Levi from your periphery and he returns it with equal fervour.
"I can't get the same marks as her." The word rolls down his lips with distaste, his face scrunching up.
You scoff, "Oh please, I can't get the same marks as you." You hiss. You turn to Zackly, "It's ridiculous. There has to be some mistake. Can't you double check it, sir?"
"I did, so did your professors. Twice," He affirms, turning the report over to both of you and pushes it forward, "Take a look yourself."
Sheets on the desk and you scan your eyes on the grades till the last row where GRAND AVERAGE - 95.7, is printed. You take a peek over at his report and the same words with digits are printed.
You want to laugh. This must be some funny joke. But it isn't.
This grade will decide who'll ascend the seat to the student council president after the farewell party of your seniors, this coming April. You had your eyes on that spot since the first day of your first year, one of the other reasons you toiled so hard in your all of your classes, never scoring lesser than a ninety(except that one time in first year when you procrastinated an assignment until very late and ended up with a eighty-five) and completing all your projects, whether major or minor, on time.
All this and still you always earned the second place.
The first? It's obvious. The most arrogant jerk of the whole campus - Levi Ackerman.
What hits the nerve more is his nonchalance like all of it doesn't matter except it does cause he was able to beat you always with the least minimum effort as it seems. He is damn talented, you'd give him that but at times its infuriating. Not to mention, he's a stuck up bastard.
Once in your second year mid-term, your professor had made him your lab partner for the day. And this jerk stepped up to you, gave you an once over look while clicking his tongue and said, "Don't get in my way." The sheer audacity had you fuming. So much so, you crossed out your own observatory datas and did them all over again even if that meant you had to stay back an extra hour.
Bottom line: Levi Ackerman is a arrogant bastard.
Toxicity is a good motivation cause you poured out all of your anger in this final exams. You were sure, you'd beat him but you only received a tie. A fucking tie.
You sent a glare his way, gritting your teeth before turning back to Zackly. "You have it wrong, sir. I have a 99 in biochemistry, he only has 96."
"Did you miss the solid 100 beside human anatomy? Must be the reason why you're so damn weak in this." He is quick to shoot back, rolling his eyes. "94… pathetic."
You audibly gasp, slamming your report down on the table. You compose your state before speaking up, "Don't you go about talking about eyesight when you've only got a 15 in physiology practical."
"Why don't you enlighten me on why you've got an A minus in viva?" He hisses, crossing his legs one over the other. "While we are on that, why don't you classify the families in arthropods."
Oh, so that was is now? He is stepping on your lessons to downplay you. Well, well, he can be your guest. "Gladly, I will." You scoff. "Before that why don't you list out the optimum-"
"That's enough," Zackly hits the desk twice, diverting both of your attention to him. "Remember that, this is a College."
You straighten up in your seat, seemingly a bit embarrassed about losing your composure before your principal. You can swear Levi brings out the worst in you. But he is sitting beside you and he seems fine and it just annoys you more. All you want to do is to remove that expression (which is neutral) off his face.
A silence prevails for a minute until Zackly breaks it. "Now we have that settled, let's move on to who'll be the council pres-"
"It's going to be me." You and Levi say in unison. The stress and fire matches in that statement. You glance at him and he glances back at you. The next second, the look changes into a scowl.
Levi turns to Zackly, "This is stupid. I am more eligible to be the president."
"Oh yeah? On what basis?" You sneered back, scrunching your eyebrows. You continue, "As far as I know, the council needs no egoistical jerk like you."
He shoots you a nasty look, raising his eyebrow. He speaks, "You seem to know a lot of council requisites, don't you Miss reckless?"
"The hell-"
"Here, stop it," Zackly announces, his hand meeting his desk louder than the last time. "Maintain the protocol."
You curse under your breath for letting your anger get the better of you. Nope, no more. You aren't letting him affect you anymore. You wouldn't speak to him for the rest of the time you're in the principal's office. No look, no glares, nothing.
Levi seems to think the same as he rolls his eyes and settles his gaze on the principal.
The man sighs then begins, "As I was saying, after talking with our senior professors and the current president-" He pauses, clearing his throat. "We've decided that both of you can co-preside over the student body."
"We can what?" The words leave your mouth before you can get the chance to stop them. "Co-preside? Is that even a thing?"
"Honestly, it is." The corners of his lips turn up into a slight smile. "Some like seven years ago, we had a similar case where two of our students were elected co-presidents."
"And?" Levi questions. "Which one of them died?"
His eyes flicker to the man beside you, tints of amusement evident. "Not so, they'd been the best of friends before being elected, even after that we didn't witness any animosity in them." He takes a pause, "I might say, working together made them bond stronger."
Well yeah, sounds convenient. But not to you. Sharing the top spot with anyone doesn't excite you the slightest even if it was your friend. There is no chance in hell you want to co-preside with anyone. And absolutely not with Levi out of all people.
"Isn't there no other way?" You groan, "Just take another test or something. I swear to beat him this time." You jerk your thumb towards Levi.
"You mean, you swear to lose this time-" He bites back, before adding, "-again."
You're almost tempted to shoot another quip at him but luckily you are able to restrain yourself. Thank God, for your self-control.
Zackly starts again, perching his elbow on top of the table. "We've already discussed that matter with your professors and the answer is - No." He notices that both of you are going to argue again, so he raises his hand to stop any more speech. He heaves out a breath and starts explaining himself. "Your final year is starting from next week, most of  our teaching staff wouldn't return until a day before and the ones who have stayed back are already occupied with the exams of your seniors. The situation's tight, conducting another examination for y'all isn't feasible."
No word is uttered after his reasoning. Momentarily, both of your thoughts are inclined in the same direction (that's what you think). On top of that preparing for another exam in just a week's time doesn't sound so great. Even if you put your mind and heart into it, you aren't sure if you can truly beat Levi; who can apparently just wing it without picking up a damn book.
You swear this guy had some super powers.
The older man continues, noticing the thick silence engulfing the room. "This is just what I suggest, but being co-presidents isn't completely a bad idea."
I am not working with this asshole. You're about to say but Zackly's next words stop you.
"However, if anyone of you have a problem then you're free to back out and the other one can be the President." He tilts his head to the side, grinning softly. "The other can go for VP or another role in the council, let's say- secretary?"
Out of question. Be it Vice President or even the treasurer, you aren't settling for anything lower than President, whatsoever happens.
Your eyes flicker to Levi, he does the same immediately. And the look he gives you is a clear indication of what he wants to say - I am not backing out.
How lovely. You aren't backing out either.
"The God's hate me." You announce as soon as you enter your friend's dormitory, slumping back on her bed.
"No, they don't." Nanaba, who was on her phone until you arrived, pivots around to you. Her lip curling up into a little smile.
You would've returned the gesture, but you were too burnt out from this whole ordeal. "They do." You whined, "What did I even do to deserve their wrath?" You flip over on the bed, pulling a pillow and burying your face in it. Grumbling a string of curses to yourself.
She stands up from her chair, walking over and sitting down beside you. Rubbing your back in a soothing way, she asks "Girl, what happened?"
You groan, sitting back up and facing her. You scantily run her through the entire mess you've got yourself stuck in. She nods and hums in between, letting you know she's listening.
"…and now, I have to co-preside with him." Your face scrunches up in disgust. Stark contrast to how you envisioned yourself to be while being handed this position. Now, you were the president- sorry, co-president now, still you couldn't get any joy out of it. (Duh! Like you got a stuck up, egoistical jerk as your partner.)
"Doesn't sound that bad, you know?" Nanaba says, after you are done with your tale.
"Right," You confirm, a bitter taste filling your mouth. "It isn't just bad, its fucking nasty."
"Now, you're just letting your anger speak." Her lips twist up, "C'mon, how bad can it be?"
"The worst." Your lips stretch into a sarcastic grin. "After I end up slitting his throat."
"You’re contemplating murder?"
"I would contemplate torture too but I am too much of a nice person." You shrug, marking the weirded out expression on her face until its replaced by a snort.
"If you need any help while hiding his body, call me." She winks and this time you genuinely smile at her. God, only Nanaba could lift your mood like this.
You shared a room with her in your first year, creating a bond over time. It explains itself, she's outgoing, funny, confident and smart. She was your first friend here and thanks to her you've made other few friends around the campus. Otherwise, you wonder you'd have ended up like a lonely college student, owing to your introvert nature and hesitance in meeting new people.
After being promoted to second year, single rooms were allowed. Though you loved having your own space, you missed being her roommate. Adding to your studies and the increased pressure, your meetings weren't as much as previous so whenever you'd have time, you'll just come over to her room or she'll visit yours. Needless, to say. The bond was still strong.
"Honestly though," Nanaba starts, leaning back on the bedframe. "You shouldn't be slumping like this. Like c'mon you're now the president-"
"Co-president," You correct her.
"Yeah that, co-president. Still isn't it better? He didn't win, this time."
"He didn't," You confirm, pursuing your lips. "But I didn't either, it’s a draw. A fucking draw." You groan. "I would've preferred losing."
"Thought so," She raises an eyebrow and smiles. "See? It's still better." 
You hum, pinching your lips together and look out the window. Maybe it isn't as bad. Still, you'd choose a win over tie any day.
"We should celebrate." She declares, picking up her phone from the table.
You crane your neck towards her quickly, eyebrows shooting up with confusion. "Celebrate? Celebrate what?"
"Yep!" She chirps, "We are celebrating you finally becoming our president."
You don't bother correcting her rather roll your eyes. "I can't," You dismiss, waving your hand. "I have to study."
A frown forms on her face, "What are you even going to study? We haven't even started our classes."
That's true. But you can at least read the chapters before starting the semester, You had checked the syllabus online plus your books didn't say much except that the syllabus is huge.
"A stitch in time saves nine." You answer with a shrug.
"Awe c'mon," She whines, placing a hand on her hips. "Don't be a kill joy now."
"I'm not a- you know, I don't like to going out for no reason."
"This isn't for no reason, it's for you. Besides, a little bit of fresh air would help you ease up." She reasons, though you weren't convinced enough. Sounds fun, but you'd choose to stay in rather than going out for some celebration. Nanaba notes the reluctance, conjuring the most puppy eyes she pleas, "Aww, c'mon Ivy. Please. Just one celebration."
That adorableness could've worked, if you weren't so damn tired. You're about to deny her again until you hear a loud crash from downstairs. Both of you instantly stiffen up, but before your former roommate can react, you're out of her room. Rushing down the stairs to the common room.
"What's happening in…" Your question dies down but your eyes widen.
It’s the first years.
An ash-brown haired boy, Jean has his peer, Eren in a headlock. The latter's face is pale due to lack of oxygen while he threw sullen punches over the boy's arm. A second later, Eren is pulling Jean down by his collar when his grip loosens, pushing the guy down on the floor, he throws a punch at his face.
"What the fuck?" You shout, trying to step in between them but you are stopped by a bald boy - Connie.
"Miss. Sea, I- I don't think you should intervene," He utters nervously, glancing back at the fight to you again.
"Why in the fucking world are they wrestling?" Connie is about to answer you but no, it isn't the time for reasons. It's time for action before the fight before you causes a backward reaction and a student ends up being expelled, other in a hospital.
You walk up to them, carefully stepping aside the fumbled, almost broken furniture. "Eren- Jean- stop it. Hey no, you- Eren let him go." You are shrieking their names in a higher tone of voice than usual still they don't seem to even hear you. Narrowly missing colliding with Eren when he is pushed back by Jean. Stepping between them would do no good except that you might end up in a hospital.
Cursing under your breath, you resort to the last method.
Five seconds later, its pin drop silence and there's a chopping knife piercing the wall, just an inch aside Jean's head.
"For the last damn time, stop this."
"Miss Sea, did you really have to throw a knife at us?"
Eren is quick to shut his mouth, miming to lock his lips and throwing away the key once you glare down at him. Aside him sits Jean, glancing at his lap. Both of them have dried blood near their mouth, few cuts here and there in the arms and forehead but luckily nothing serious.
The knife which you threw at them, previously, was in your hand. You ran your thumb over the flat side of the blade.
"Jesus Christ," You groan, pinching the area between your eyebrows. "Do y'all even learn? It's the fourth time– I don't want to heat it." You declare the last part, when you see their mouths opening in protest. Fortunately, they don't speak.
Eren, Jean and Connie were the first years and your juniors. There were a couple of other students too which you were familiar with. You assume the others were out, running some errands or just in their room, not bothering to step out even after hearing the ruckus. You don't blame them, Jean and Eren had been at each other's throats since the first day they arrived. Constantly, picking fights with one another.
You sigh, "See I don't want to write you up to the head warden and get you into trouble before your first day itself." You pause, your eyebrows scrunching up, "But the way, both of you are getting into fights so frequently– someone other than me would. And I am sure, none of you want that?"
Their silence answers in itself but you hear murmurs of - No, from both. You weren't entirely sure if they could keep their word, considering they had said the same before too. Yet, you were ready to give them another chance. It's never too late to change. Besides, they were good kids. A pleased smile forms on your lips and you put the knife down on the table.
"Good, now better clean up this mess–" You point to the common room where the chairs are upside down, the table pushed to the side and the cushions of the couch no where to be seen. "Then go clean yourselves up."
Sighs of relief are heard from the boys before you and the one beside you. "Damn, that was suffocating," Connie mutters to himself, wiping his forehead.
"I though I might die." Jean murmurs, standing up from the floor. You raise an eyebrow at the boy as Eren follows suit.
"You know I wouldn't have aimed that knife at any of your vital points."
"Vital points, right." Eren confirms, rolling his eyes. He heaves out a deep breath, "Has anyone told you that you're scary, Miss Sea?"
Your eyebrow twitches, a smirk curling up in your lips. An answer for itself. "You want numbers?"
"Nevermind." Eren rolls his eyes, strolling back while picking up a chair and placing it where it belonged.
Just then, you hear footsteps and there she is – Nanaba. Walking down the stairs after this ordeal is over.
"You are here now?" You ask exasparately.
"I knew you could take care of whatever it was," She says and tilts her head to the side, motioning to the pair of boys cleaning up the room. "And I was right, you settled it. So what did it take this time around?"
"A knife."
"Glare was more effective though," Connie chimes in. "Miss Sea–"
"I have a name Connie."
"I know your name," He interrupts you. "But I prefer Miss Sea, better than Miss Substitute Educational Assistant."
"You can just call me–"
"Miss Sea, it is." The boys says, leaving no room for discussion.
You give up, there's no point arguing with first years who has their mind set on something. Besides, you don't really hate that nickname. Seas are nice.
"Easy on the nickname," Nanaba speaks, locking her hands behind her back. "You might give her a new one, Miss President sounds nice or just Prez."
But the announcement is loud enough for the boys to hear. Putting the dots together, they crane their necks towards you, eyes widening with surprise.
"No way," Jean says, surprise evident on his face. "You're our president?"
You want to correct him but no, that would lead to more questions then you'll have to give answers and nah– you're too tired for that. You just nod your head.
A flurry of 'wows' and 'congratulations' flows out of the boys plus the factor of endearing words which you accept with a smile and a meek - thank you. A heat rushes up your cheek, chest swelling with pride, whatever the case maybe, compliments have you weak.
Breathing out, you tug on Nanaba's shirt. She looks at you and you smile. "You know, I take up your offer. Let's go out."
Yes, maybe you can use a bit of celebration. A breath of fresh air accompanied by your friends before stepping into the dreadful third year.
Yeah, you need it.
And this outing, may just be right for you.
You could have only been so wrong.
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A/N: Wrote this in a day, don't know how it turned out except that I am super excited in continuing this. If anyone wants to be tagged, let me know. Thanks for reading! Likes and comments are appreciated.
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cruciomee · 4 months
Why do you like the Greens so much. You seem very kind and it’s weird to me you like the clear villains/usurpers of the story (especially because they die out).
Honestly, I would normally be upset at this kind of question simply because I hate discourse. I am a people pleaser & in my heart I want everyone to be happy in the fandom. So normally, I would ignore this but not gonna lie. This question was kind of funny.
First & foremost, I was really neutral before I joined Twitter. I did not care about the silly who has more right to rule nonsense. I read fire and blood before the show came & the only thing I was looking forward to was “The Battle Above the Gods Eye” & Sunfyre coming back (because that dragon comes back!) Characters on both sides were equally interesting, but also equally boring for me. It was a specific part of the fandom on twitter to turn me so team green
On a sheer engagement level I have found that anything I draw with team black does not get very much interaction. You would think that ifRhaenyra is the most popular character in the show, if you draw something of her you will get some from of engagement but that is most definitely not the case. so sometimes I wonder if she actually has fans or is this fandom just full of people looking for a fight & use her as their excuse. Either way, I like drawing team black characters but what’s the point if no one wants to actually see it.
Now onto my personal opinions, I like my favorite characters to suffer. I hate cookie cutter happy go lucky stuff. The better a character is made to seem the more I don’t care about them. They become extremely boring to me. Im someone who likes a messy character. The more toxic the person the better. just because I like that kind of character doesn’t mean it has any effect on me as an actual person. fiction is not the same as reality! I don’t like discord in reality, but I love it in fiction! I hate toxicity in reality, but I love it in fiction! Aegon ii is a pathetic trashcan & I love to see him suffer. I can’t wait to see him burnt & broken! I also can’t wait to see him force himself off of Milk of the poppy & for his dragon to come back to him against all odds. I’m so ready to see his death, he needs to be alone & miserable. The fact I’m a kind person who honestly loves drawing kids & family interactions more than anything has nothing to do with what I want to see/read. I read some crazy toxic fanfic & the character I like the most is always the one getting emotionally destroyed in them. Everyone has their thing that they are into & I would never judge them so why should you judge me for liking a bunch of miserable losers who wear green in a show about dragons fighting for no good reason other than on who has more privilege to sit on a metal chair made of swords.
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anonymous-dentist · 9 months
In my head, the Evil Dead au would go a little something like:
When Roier finally pulls himself out of the shower, the cabin is silent save for the faint scratching of the record player from the other room. The record itself must have run out while he was distracted, whoops. He hopes Cellbit isn't too annoyed at him.
So Roier is quick to dress, and he's up to his shirt when he realizes, oh no! It's Cellbit's shirt! Just a bit small on him, small enough to make Roier's muscles really pop out. Just the way Cellbit likes.
He winks at himself in the mirror before unlocking the bathroom door and opening it. He shivers at the sudden cold- Cellbit must've finally found the air conditioning panel. Fucking finally, it was hot in the bedroom earlier.
"Gatinhoooo!" Roier moans, throwing his head back dramatically. "Dónde estás?"
He walks into the cabin's main room, and-
"May the blood of the plenty fuel the forsaken souls of us few," the record abruptly says.
Roier jumps and swears, pressing his hand to his chest. He stares at the record- now silent again.
Slowly, he relaxes, shoulders slumping as he looks about the room.
"Cellbit?" he calls.
He frowns. It's a one-room cabin, what the fuck? Where did he go? Back to the car?
The record skips. "When the oceans ran red with blood, the world was full of what we now call the living dead."
Roier shivers. Ugh, creepy much? Maybe it's a good thing he missed out on the whole 'listen to the supposedly-cursed audiobook of the damned' thing. He loves his boyfriend, but this is a bit much.
Suddenly much less happy than he was a second ago, Roier huffs and turns the record player off.
"Cellbit," he says, "this isn't funny. Where are you?"
The room is still empty. There's no other room in the cabin- it's just this one big huge room and the crummy bathroom, and that's it. And with the car stuck in the mud down the road, there's nowhere Cellbit could be besides that creepy-ass basement or the toolshed out in the woods. And Roier does not want to go out there, not this late at night.
It's as he's sulking his way to their bed that he notices the curtains fluttering over one of the windows, the one closest to the record player and the chair Cellbit was sitting on when Roier had gone in to shower. But the windows were all boarded up when they arrived. For the weather.
Confusedly, Roier makes his way to the curtain. He pulls it back and sees... nothing. Just the woods outside.
And a big, splintered hole in the center of the window, bloody glass shards sticking out from behind the equally-bloody remains of the wooden boards.
Roier yelps and drops the curtain, skittering backwards and slipping on-
"And when the dead shall return, they will go for the wicked first, for they shall be the easiest to convert to their cause."
Roier's head snaps towards the record player as he tries to catch his balance. Its static is loud, almost as loud as the beating of his own heart. What the fuck?
Swallowing a growing lump in his throat, Roier looks down to see what he had slipped on, and he sees...
"Oh," he weakly say.
He crouches and picks up Cellbit's glasses. He holds them in both hands, biting his lip nervously as he takes in the cracks in the glass and the... and the blood across one of the lenses.
"The second to go shall be the mortal, for they shall be the easiest to kill. The dead's ranks will swell like the rising tide, and it shall be glorious."
And then he hears it from outside, a quiet whisper. A whimper, even, pained and pitiful and all too unpleasantly familiar.
Roier's eyes snap to the window. The curtain has been blown aside by the wind, and there he is. Cellbit. Right in the window with his hair plastered to his head pathetically like a cat stuck in the rain.
But it isn't raining.
But this is Cellbit.
So Roier carefully approaches, clearly hesitant, and that's fine, okay?
"I think I want to go home," Roier says.
Cellbit pouts. "What? Why? We just got here!"
Oh, why does he have to be so cute?
This is. Weird. Bad. Weird.
The record skips. And then it says, "The end of days will not come in a storm. It will come as gently as a lover through the window..."
Cellbit glares at the record player. "Shut up!"
The record stops.
With a cheesy grin, Cellbit slumps against the window, his arm propped up on the sharpened edges without a care. He leans his cheek against his arm, pleasantly ignoring the fresh blood dripping down his arm.
Roier, frankly, stares. His grip on Cellbit's glasses tightens, and he backs up a step.
"Ignore them." Cellbit rolls his eyes. "Come here, guapito, they don't know what they're talking about."
"I don't knooow, it sounded pretty sure..." Roier awkwardly says. He laughs, unsure, and he stops completely when Cellbit laughs with him in a voice that probably isn't his. Probably?
He glances at the record player, and then back to Cellbit, and then back to the room when he hears a sudden crashing noise from the bathroom.
"Will you marry me?" Cellbit asks.
"What?" Roier faces him incredulously. "Now?"
Cellbit shrugs. "Why not?"
"I mean, yeah, but-"
Cellbit's eyes light up... literally. Bright blue, and in a way that's probably beautiful to, like, a moth, but not a Roier because what the fuck what the fuck what the fu-
Roier can't help the little scream that escapes him as Cellbit pulls himself up and drags himself through the window, bringing him into the light for the first time since- since he-
"What's wrong?" Cellbit asks, head cocked at a dangerous angle. It's hanging off of his head, barely hanging on by a literal thread. His legs are mangled- his jeans shredded and his skin red and slick and wet and his bones and his-
Roier covers his mouth with a hand to keep himself from vomiting. Because one of Cellbit's arms is turned backwards, and that arm has a hand turned the right way around, and that hand is holding a little white ring, and that ring is the same color as the bone sticking out of Cellbit's knee awkwardly.
He skitters backwards, tripping over the rug and falling right onto his ass. Fuck.
"Guapito?" Cellbit frowns. "What's wrong?"
Only he doesn't speak it. His mouth doesn't move.
The record player skips and repeats the question, this time in a much less concerned tone of voice.
"Ooooh," Cellbit gasps, this time with his mouth. He raises both hands and sets his head on straight, wiggling it slightly for grip.
Seemingly happy with himself, he grins- sharp teeth stained black with his own blood. "That better?"
"What the fuck, Cellbit?" Roier chokes out. He likes to think of himself as a badass, but this?
Cellbit shambles closer, and then he crouches next to Roier and takes his hand gently in both of his.
"I promise it won't hurt," he promises, and Roier only has half a second to wonder what the fuck that's supposed to mean before Cellbit laughs with a dozen voices in one and he grabs Roier by the throat and he squeezes.
Roier drops Cellbit's glasses to the floor in his panic, his hands scrambling to try and push his dead boyfriend away but he can't see and he can't breathe and there are lips on his and there are teeth and they're biting and-
"No!" he screeches, and he manages to grab Cellbit's head by the hair and he fucking rips it off.
Cellbit's body goes limp, collapsing over Roier oozing blood onto his- Cellbit's shirt.
Roier looks up at Cellbit's head, out of breath and wide-eyed and crying sobbing panicking confused-
Cellbit frowns. "What the fuck, man?"
Roier screams and throws his boyfriend's head across the cabin. He cringes as he hears Cellbit swear in Portuguese. He watches Cellbit's body push itself up off of him and crawl its way blindly to its head.
He stands, and he slams the cabin door open, and he fucking runs.
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